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>8 negative emotions
>1 positive emotions
Is there something we're missing there?
Yes, Pixar films that aren't sequels.
Lust but it's debatable if it would be considered "positive"
If you can satiate it then it's positive, but if you can't then it's frustrating
All your emotions are important. You can't be a hedonistic gooner all the time.
Joy is the best
>3 (THREE) variants of fear
How does this work in-universe because I remember the parents having only 4 emotions in their heads?
Is ennui a thing, or a lack of a thing?
who the fuck is ennui texting???? its just some conceptual blob in her head??
It's a sequel, don't expect a rational explanation.
i like disgust cause she is green
green is not a creative color
What is this Green Lantern? Boredom isn't an emotion.
Watch the movie
I liked the second movie, but let's be honest, the four new emotions are all superfluous additions that are already covered by other emotions, Anxiety and Embarrassment are both different flavors of Fear, one focused on future events and the other focused on social perception, Envy really isn't Envy but more like Greed/Desire meanwhile Ennui shouldn't be an emotion at all but more like a lack of emotional stimulus.
All in all, it would've been better if rather than introducing new emotions, the original emotions themselves evolved, with Fear starting to not only fear what is directly concrete but also future possibilities and so on, you get the gist.
Don't care, post Joy.
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You got me.
So how would a yandere Joy be like?
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eh, they just kinda skim over it.

i think she's clicking the same 3-4 apps over and over out of habit despite nothing new being on the feed. or doomscrolling.
>first shitty movie barely focuses on anyone that isn't joy and sadness
>adds 4 more emotions
>second shitty movie barely focuses on anyone that isn't joy, sadness and Literally Me
It's completely accurate, Riley is female
what does it say about it.
That it's just a retread of the first? Not surprising in the least.
Adolescence is a chaotic hell of different emotions. Ideally, you go back to having the core five run things once you reach adulthood and the other emotions pop in as needed
but anon, more men suicide than women
That's because men are often told to bottle their emotions, it's no wonder they kill themselves more than women.
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How would one even go about dating a manifestation of an emotion?
this is true. probably why there are so many threads on here complaining some modern films have anxiety attacks in them. some kneejerk defensiveness about being emotional and helpless in public.
i guess date riley and your emotions date hers.
Well yeah, getting to the root of your problems requires talking about your feelings, and trying to emasculate men to the point of not doing such a thing is obviously a terrible idea.
Bottle your emotions? You mean CONTROL your emotions like real men do. No wonder the military is so WOKE now.
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So, you see, we need to be stoic pillars of strength for the whole community to look up to, so we can ever show even the slightest hint of weakness or else the lions will eat us all and/or commies win.

Also give me more money than others and have sex with me on demand.
Alright, how do you suppose you control your emotions? If someone you know dies, how are you going to express that grief?
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I can fix her
Something similar to how she was in the early versions of the first movie...

Joy is pure!
Why is disgust a core emotion? If anything it's an offshoot of either anger or fear since you repel negative or things you don't like
>It means the boredom
So why not just say boredom?
it was either disgust or surprise
Solemn silence.
what if she causes you to become schizophrenic somehow only so that she can talk to you?
Sure, but there's still at least 5 more stages of grief you have to go through.
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I'm not a psychologist and I know emotions are subjective and shit but I don't really get when people act like anger, disgust, sadness etc. are wholy negative emotions...I mean pretty much all negative emotion can be really enjoyable to some degree. Being angry and pissed of can feel really satisfying and cringe farming, gore and rekt content is literally just done to digust oneself... and sadness, people make playlists of sad songs and they watch movies which are sad and call them a "good cry". To me it seems like negative emotions except like straight up pain are all enjoyable to some degree or another.
No but why does only riley get more then the main 4
something something puberty something something mental development
That's pretty much what the movies espoused: every emotion has good and bad aspects that can help or hinder you. The trick is finding a balance within yourself to both allow the emotions to do the job they're designed to handle, but at the same time don't let them overwhelm you as it's very easy for things to get out of hand very quickly.
So what happens to extra emotions? Do they fuse?
I'm thinking it's much worse, like fading out of existence.
This Sesame Street reject can ruin your whole life if you let her, and basically you're fucking stupid.
They're still around, they only pop in when the need arises. Credit scene shows both of Reily's parents' Anxieties show up from some back room in thier respective control centers. I like to think that once you get more mature and settled in yourself, the other emotions go off into thier own little corners of the mind while the main five run the day-to-day stuff
Is Love even a real emotion? It always seemed like a nebulous term society invented to describe a mix of lust and friendship
Solemn silence it, you don't have to "go through" anything. Jeeeez (or jizz for you mate) why do you have to act so whiny?
So they become part timers basically, neat
What do you mean? Crying is the manliest thing anybody can do.
Getting into splitting hairs territory but it's more or less considered a blend of different emotions working in tandem, depending on which shrink you ask. Everyone's brain is different so trying to establish set rules for everything is kind of moot
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I'd say they're more like the work-from-home employees you only see at the monthly meetings, if that
actually it's 4
Maybe you should educate yourselves
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It should've been about college
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She was going to be teal at some point
Whoever told you that life is about being happy? Your emotions were designed by evolution to keep you from being eaten by large animals. Be afraid and run away!
Inside Out 2 begs to differ.
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Joy isn't a survival emotion
You're wrong, humans are more than animals
Joy is meant to help destress so you can look forward to tomorrow.
>he doesn't know how dopamine is used to help animals survive
Sub-rodent behavior to be quite honest
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We really needed him in the movie
She only exists to fool you into reproducing.
>Hey, this place where there's no leopards to eat us seems pretty chill. Let's let our guard down and not stew in stress hormones for like five fucking seconds
>Hey that monkey-lady over there seems nice, maybe I should head over and grunt at her for a bit
>OMG this new baby of mine makes me SO happy, I will quite literally die to ensure it's survival at all costs
Every voice inside your head is there because at someone it helped one of your distant ancestors keep the genetic blueprints exchange hands with the next generation
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>humans are more than animals
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And she's doing a good job at it!
Is hunger a thing, or a lack of a thing?
Then what is it?
Ennui is when you're stuck doing some monotonous task over and over and your brain just clocks out on autopilot.
Is that THE grapefruit? From famous gun panel?
i always wondered why joy is the only emotion that glows, at first i thought it was just an artistic design meant to highlight her positive nature but perhaps there is a deeper reason?
You never heard the phrase "lights up the room"?
Hunger is discomfort, caused by a lack but hunger itself is a thing. So is ennui a form of discomfort? Forgive the little voices in my head for not working so good.
What is the animated movie for the person who hates inside out, wants a movie without any emotion, and wants a movie where feelings have no value in the plot?
Boredom is mental hunger caused by a lack of stimulation.
she's a mental illness who assimilated the real Joy and is trying to take full control of Riley's life like a schizophrenic
Walking with Dinosaurs
Joy is the tard wrangler meant to keep you a functional human being instead of a ball of suffering
yeah it's definitely the odd one out among the other emotions we have developed, nature is absolutely ruthless and focus on survival of the fittest, not survival of the happiest
Bliss derived from sensual pleasure is still Joy.
So no, Joy already covers Lust and other similar feelings.
Maybe it's a joke at teenagers? Like overdramatizing what they're going through and trying to call it something else?
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She's supposed to be what washes away the darkness of joylessness
>All of mom's emotions are female
>All of dad's emotions are male
>When Riley is afraid, embarrassed, or angry, she is controlled by men
What did they mean by this?
No. Crying is for pussies. You bawl your eyes out, snot comes out of your nose and your speech is impeded. And no, a big dildo up your ass rumbling is not manly either.

A single, lone tear is the manly thing to do.
Lust. Like not even joking Lust should eventually exist here.
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Enjoy your brain tumor, boomer
Seems pretty accurate to me. Just look at 4chin.
I'd say they could add reason but girls dont have that.
all the positive emotions I can think of, with the exception of Love, are just variations of happiness.
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Elemental was the faggiest way of showing emotion. Not only was it faggy for men, but for women. Everyone should express emotions, but to do so in a stupid way like the “crying game” is stupid.
Inside Out is decent, but panic attacks rarely happen to the majority of people. Most people do not have an anxiety disorder, not even a mild case.
Men and women are different. Men have different expectations for men than for women. And women have different expectations for women than for men.
Yes, men are regarded as pillars of strength and people DO give less time for men’s emotions. You sarcastically saying so does not mean it isn’t the reality. Even the USSR portray men in this way.
Women are pillars in their own way and they too have been given shit, but it is not when they express emotions as men are ridiculed.
If you want to “help” men be emotional, I don’t think making fun of them is a good way to do so and you probably just like to shit on others instead of actually care about the issue.
Instead, have manly models to emulate or reflect on. Brothers-in-arms, being bros, father and son bonding, emotional control and expression.
Not /co/ but Arthur Morgan from the RDR2 videogame I think is a good example. Arthur is tough, sarcastic, and is an outlaw who steals, robs, and kills for his gang. He does try to do the right thing, but he knows he isn’t a 100% good person due to all his actions. He finds companionship among his father figure and friend Dutch. His gang is is family and friends with only a few members he tolerates. But he almost never confides his feelings with any of the men. Only the women and he’s not bawling his eyes out. He even talks to a nun to speak about his feelings on his death from an illness. This is appropriate. This isn’t to say he doesn’t talk about his feelings with the other men, but he does so sparingly compared to the women.
Enjoy your dildo zoomer.
>Crying is the manliest thing anybody can do.
Reality says otherwise for everyone. Are you a nigger or what? You can say crying is healthy without trying to twist the definition to be "manly". That's like saying eating 2 slices of cake is "healthy" when you can say that it's fine to indulge once in a while.
Nice trips
Sadness got way less focus than in the first movie, what the fuck are you talking about
Ennui is LITERALLY me
Your brain is designed to keep you alive. It is not designed to make you happy.
No. That why the explain Nostalgia being locked out until her 20s
First movie stated there are 27 emontions but we have only seen 10
>Crying is the manliest thing anybody can do.
Crying and not caring about how other see you is based
That would be the intent, yes.

There's presumably other emotions downstairs with Nostalgia; it might be some of them.
Theyre also statistically more likely to die doing stupid shit.

Men normalize death/pain/suffering compared to females, and its also why their sense of humor is often darker and crude. Women won't be able to understand because they don’t experience the trials that come with being a man.
That show is *pure* joy.
the explanation is they don’t actually exist anyways and are just visual metaphors for the audience
>Literally Me
But lust isn't in the movie.
>every other emotion offers actual survival and behavioral skills
>Joy just coddles Riley and doesn't know what to do in a crisis.
The parents do have the other emotions. Riley's parents just don't have them at the control panel as often. But we do only see them for a few seconds in total, so we may as well be seeing the few times Anxiety isn't there.
I think I want to have sex with Anxiety.
Why couldn’t anxiety be a cute girl
Joy exist to hinder you from committing suicide, so she's still a survival emotion.
She is?
Subtle push of gender dysphoria and natural emotins of women and their expression being masculanized because to show women's natural reaction to those emotions strips narrative power from the professional victims and brainwashers.

And ennui exists as a way to normalize the phone addiction and actions of boredom as normal.
When people go from being exhuasted tired and feeling down to feeling and displaying immense joy
That's when you panic.
You're wrong.
The tiredness exhaustion introspection and anxiety is a survival mechanism. A way to shut us down after traumatic events and keep us low energy so we don't do stupid shit.
Like how you are exhausted and sleep when you're wounded or healing from a sickness.
>You're wrong.
I'm not though, if Joy didn't exist to keep you in check, you would have a much easier time killing yourself.
I'll admit that Sadness also helps in emotional relief, but being able to feel happiness afterwards is what put you back on your feet.
It's disillusionment, close to being world weary.
She's using a console app, not texting. Watch the movie.
Joy eventually dies as you get older. It is just the natural stat of the realities of life in adulthood.
The other side of and freedom from depression isn't joy.
It's just feeling okay.
Not sad, not happy not bored.
Just content.

That's more fulfilling then the necessarily fleeting feeling of joy.
Joy and happiness are fleeting childish things necessary but overly important as they are used as the carrot on the stick by people outside of yourself to manipulate you.
Paranoid schizophrenia in a nutshell?
There are no negative emotions only an excess and you being unable to handle them correctly
Not really, if you can still feel slight moments of satisfaction or contentment, then Joy is still there, you could argue that she just plays a less prominent role in the control room.
Which is literally a form of Joy, if not cooled down.
The way you speak about Joy makes me think that you see it as overblown mania or something, that's not what Joy is at all, any "positive" state of mind or feeling is Joy in one shape or form, it doesn't have to be intense.
listen to your heart, listen to the rain, listen to the voices in your brain
>retire and live out the rest of your life going on vacations and spoiling your grandkids
How miserable.
Contentment is not joy or happiness or any of that.

You are just content. That's it. All positive emotions do not spring from joy.

And I speak about joy as if it's happiness. You are describing happiness and joy as if it's this eternal long state that people just enter into and stay there.
That's not how any of this works.
That's insane.
That's called mania.
>Contentment is not joy or happiness or any of that.
I don't get your logic, contentment is literally a cooled down Joy, you feel a good emotion and feeling, therefore it's Joy.
>All positive emotions do not spring from joy.
Tell me how they don't.
Sexual pleasure is a form of Joy derived from bodily arousal.
Love is a form of Joy derived from caring about someone else.
I could go on and on.
>You are describing happiness and joy as if it's this eternal long state that people just enter into and stay there.
That's my line, you talk about Joy as if it's literally this and can't possibly have any subtle expression.
Oh...so all positive emotions are just joy. And joy is the fucking magical root of all...

No, stupid.
Contentment is not any type of joy.
It's just contentment.

I want you to do something.
Find me a single page of any written story on the human condition or document anywhere that states that contentment is just a weak form of joy.
>No, stupid.
>Contentment is not any type of joy.
>It's just contentment.
Insults and just saying "because I said so" is not an argument.
>I want you to do something.
Rather I'd want you to try using your braincells before telling me to do something first.
Guys! Don't let Anger take charge of your headquarters!
Too late for me.
Disgust is one of the 6 "core" emotions that every mammal has, it serves a different purpose from anger.
Anger drives aggression while Disgust drives aversion (I guess must have developped to prevent animals from eating stuff that's bad for them)

On OP's point, the emptions other than Joy might have negative conotations but are all necessary for your survival (not getting in the 4 new ones because those are much more complex).
Joy encourages you to do things that prolong your survival
No way Jose, Joy is down in there somewhere, it's just extremely rare.
>in a small kid
Could an Inside Out 3 work?
Aren't personification of emotions are Chaos gods from Warhammer?
Nah Joy is a Hope, it never dies.
Hope is.
>1 positive emotions
Joy is negative. Drugs, prostitution, unpunishable evil deeds, illusion. Joy is the most evil of them.
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This is perfect
it's all about what the opposite of joy is.
sadness or anger?
The feeling of hunger is actually a thing. When your stomach is empty it produces the hormone ghrelin, which signals the brain to eat. It’s not the physical discomfort of an empty stomach.
Wow, you're supertitious
Why would happy need more then 1 emotion? There’s only one type of happy
Yeah, Joy doesn't fit.
For average people they're more like neets who get out of the house when they need to touch grass
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>she is
This Muppet looking creepy nigga isn't cute.
yeah that's the point of the first movie dumbass
Ranking potential cup sizes of the female emotions, biggest to smallest:
Sadness(fat fuck), Disgust, Ennui, Joy, Anxiety, Envy
Pretty accurate representation of a woman's psyche tbfrank with you pham.
What other positive emotions could they include that wouldn’t be a retread of joy
The fact we dont see these other emotions in other people's brains is proof they are all neuroses or at the very least temporary inhabitants the result of puburty.
Of course the real answer is pixar is full of hacks who want to sell new merch
Actually more women suicide, it’s just they fail more than men because men usually choose more violent methods that are quick like guns and women usually choose methods that can take more time like overdosing
Ennui a cute, CUTE
I’m what??
Where's pride?
She is. Shame she probably won't catch on as well as Disgust.
Yeah. As I kind of expected, everyone latched onto the annoying as fuck anxious one instead.
this scene stood out the most to me, it was a really incredible portrayal of ideas that didn't have to spell it out for the audience
great visual and sound design too
maybe? although the whole point is that it shows what's going on as riley is developing as a person, there's nothing much more you can really expand on that apart from going adult with lust and loneliness, which could work conceptually, but i highly doubt pixar would do anything adult
she's literally anxiety, why would she look conventionally attractive
>portrayal of ideas that didn't have to spell it out for
what idea
Pixar's first R-rated movie, imagine it...
As much as I'd pay to hear an offical big eyed CG Pixar character utter the word "fuck", I doubt they'd jump strait into that particular deep end. Be looking at PG-13 at most
See that was something I hadn't expected myself. I had thought since commercials were hinting that the initial core emotions were going to be closer to here in this one I thought Disgust would still be the stand out character and would see a resurgence of attention. Did not expect Anxious to take it.
Watch those videos, they're classics (and also a good representation of what schizophrenia would be like, kinda)
Trips of truth
Jeez, that lobotomy scene is horrific
>story about Riley dealing with adulthood
>all anon can think about is saying fuck
Gotta be over 18 to post here. And being over 12 would at least help
Hope, content, lust
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>while Disgust drives aversion
but so does fear, if you are afraid of something you reject it
Late answer, but I'd put an actual villain in that one. Like an evil Bing Bong that wants to take over the emotion HQ.
Probably as a reflection of a manipulative guy that Riley is in love. That would be closer to a PG-13 Lifetime movie that Pixar can make.
Full circle
How is boredom translated to pretending to be cool?
>implaying thats a bad thing
Alright /co/. What's a good character that could make a villain? A Mental Illness?
It's just a french stereotype.
Why Ennui, it's such a gay word. Just call it Boredom
blame califonia
Disgust overlaps with anger. Embarrassment overlaps with fear and sadness. So many worthless characters.
Boredom isn't funny unless it's snooty too.
>>144270372 i think it represents how every emotion have its bad side and its good side, joy being joy is already good, anger some times help with stuff, like, in the hockey part of the movie, sadness is good because cry is sometimes good for us, fear protects us from things, disgust too, ennui is good because some times we have to be just "ok", "alright", "yeah", embarrassment is good because sometimes we have to regret something to learn that thing, envy is good because you will always want to be better, and anxiety, is a little bad but it have a very good part, that she wants to protect you, from the future things.
That's the point and why it looked like a creepy androgynous thing.
Objectively false and she's adorable, but alright.
More emotions are around, they're just not all in headquarters. Nostalgia comes when Anxiety, Ennui, Envy, and Embarrassment come but Anxiety says she was too early to be there and shoos her away. The implication is that the other emotions are only there when they are needed to be there and when theyre not theyre off chilling somewhere. This is actually Anxiety's plan in the movie by sending away the original 5 saying Riley doesn't need them right now.
For me, that'd be a believe going rogue. As stuff that you believe it's beyond of your control when it really is not. Not necessarily a mental illness but a risk of OCD or depression. That's why I imagined him as an evil Bing Bong in human form, that would destroy Rileys mind rather than being forgotten. In the end, he would be just a memory ball that should be disposed very carefully

Positive ?

Let's say I'm a fat fuck who can't say no to a donut....

Is joy the culprit here?

>Pushing Disgust away to eat chocolate at 4 a.m.
> Turning into the strongest DBZ character the moment you do cocaine
> Forcing everyone to watch TikTok for short dopamine hits
> Masturbating away Anxiety until orgasm, then simply taking a vacay
> Makes you write terrible texts to your ex to get sex or confort
>Destroying your attention span by daydreaming about something more pleasant than reality
> GACHA ROLL your money away
>Sends your money to Onlyfan
> Adrenaline junkie, will force you to bet your own pants for that sweet release.

etc etc
Joy is a bitch
Curiosity not being an emotion yet is weird, curiosity is one of the most defining emotions of humans.
Lust is usually excess, isn't it? There's hungry then there's gluttony, lusts feels like it's more closer to the latter in terms of intensity. Maybe horny is a better word.
Joy is simple pleasures and dopamine, yes.
The entire point of the first movie was that no emotion is inherently negative. It's pretty embarrasing seeing /co/ miss this simple message that even literal children can understand
I refuse to believe that you're a 4chan poster but you don't think being angry is enjoyable.
Riley shouldn't have to rely on short-term dopamine loops.
emotions aren't good or bad, they have their appropriate goals. they can become bad when they are excessive.

you're supposed to feel it during new situations were you have to focus on how to behave
nietzsche talked about this, envy shows you what you truly want
by avoiding things that emberass you, you build up integrity and self respect
when something is boring, it's a signal that you should do something else
avoids unhygienic and poisionous stuff
helps you keep away from dangerous stuff
somethings are unfair, an attack on you, and anger is an appropriate response
if you're sad, it shows that you're doing something wrong with your life
if you feel joy then you are doing something right with your life
Anxiety and embarrasment are just fear
They feel completely different.
There's a bigger difference between love, lust and joy than fear, anxiety and embarrassment. What part of joy is sacrificing yourself for a loved one?
Took my little nephew and we both had no idea what was going on
The only emotion you should only be feeling all the time is Joy. If you're experiencing anything else, something fucked up has happened.
fuck you all I thought the scene were the emotions hugged Riley's self-perception going haywire was kino
Because we have an emotion all women lack courage
Shut up, Joy, you're not taking control.
Calling suicide courage is pathetic. It’s just searching for an excuse to not feel bad about offing yourself. It takes courage to live despite pain.
>t. woman cannot comprehend courage
Anon, we call that having a manic episode
Ask the folks halfway down from thier jaunt off a bridge how courageous they feel at that moment
Every living creature makes its top priority surviving. In fact in moments of extreme danger your body basically pulls out all the stops to make sure you get a shot at living through it regardless of the consequences. Wounded, maimed, comatose? No problem at least you're alive.

Overcoming your most basic instinct to keep living takes guts.
Keep telling yourself that, and maybe you’ll one day believe it.
>It’s just searching for an excuse to not feel bad about offing yourself.
You won't feel shit about offing yourself after you do it. It's fix-all solution that more suffering people would opt for if they weren't cowards.
>It takes courage to live despite pain
Kek that sounds nice and all but it's a lie. Strength maybe, but I don't see the courage in doing what you're already doing to no end.
Pure fear. Which is why taking the leap is courageous.
Wanna bet that that courage sticks around once you’re falling?
The courage is jumping straight into the fear anon, what is there not to get. If it's just some blissful act it wouldn't take any courage to do it.
But the situation you’re fleeing from would take far more courage to face. If it didn’t, then the fear of jumping wouldn’t be worth it. You’re taking the easy way out
This line is so fucking funny because "male rage" totally contradicts the notion
Just like how women cause more car crashes than men but with men it's usually more lethal because men usually go ten over and women usually go ten under in the fucking left lane
Nothing easy about it, which is why it takes courage. Simply continuing to live as you are despite hating it is pure cowardice and makes you bitchmade. All your problems would be solved permanently but you're too pussy to take the leap.
But if everyone who wanted to kill themselves did who would populate 4chan?
If even 10% of the userbase had that amount of courage in the first place this site would be infinitely better.
Anxiety and embarrassment should both go under fear.
>joy isnt a survival mechanism
Its arguably one of the strongest. Joy and happiness is literally the best counter emotion to suicide or just quitting.
>its survival of the fittest
How fit is the monkey that jumps off a cliff because its sad? What is the evolutionary benefit of suck starting a shotgun?
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>Simply continuing to live as you are despite hating it is pure cowardice and makes you bitchmade.
Or you can have the courage to keep at it and work to change the things you don't like about your life, instead of bitching out like a coward. It's all a matter of perspective, anon.
>All your problems would be solved permanently
All your benefits are taken away as well. Any possible sliver of a chance of a happy moment for you is swept from the board, wholesale. It's hard to bear the sadness between, believe me, i know, but also trust me when i say sticking it out is worth it in the end. You can't have the good without the bad, it's all a package deal, this thing we call life. Finding your place in all of it is half the battle
This. Embarrassment adds nothing to your life.
embarassment is there so that you don't go out for a walk with your dick hanging out
I hate how Joy is treated as the villain in both movies.
>3 sexy emotions
Joy is just... ahh my wife
Get schizophrenia so that you can meet your own Joy who im sure would be ecstatic to talk to you
>t. Joy
But... I don't want my own Joy, I want Pixar's Joy.
(((Disney))) normalizing and celebrating the dysfunction and misery they impose on the young of their host populace
>kids can’t get bored
>work to change the things you don't like about your life,
How is that courage? Again, more like strength if anything.
>Any possible sliver of a chance of a happy moment for you is swept from the board
Tell me how good that sliver sounds when you've lost all hope. Nothing but pain to no end is brutal and calling it courage to walk with that for the rest of your life is deceitful. Suicide is the open door that people want to believe isn't an option but it is. The reality is it takes a tremendous amount of courage to actually walk through it.
I like it. Major Woody vibes which makes her character endearing. Kids are even more flawed than the parents that will even appreciate that kind of stuff so having characters that act like that hit home in a way that's less obvious. In the first film you don't even realize she's the villain until the end.
Id fuck the dogshit outta sadness
In which way? She's extremely flawed, sure but of all the characters she's the one who shows the most grow and her intentions are genuinenly benevolent.
Joy only exist to disappoint you, remember to stay depressed so that you're safe from her

Wait for the 3rd or 4th one they can't be moving too fast otherwise the inevitable POV change from Riley to her son/daughter won't be emotional enough to keep people watching into the 5th and beyond
Even if a lot of the plot beats were a retread of the first movie I do like the inversion of how in that one Joy kept trying to suppress Sadness away even though she had a job to do and they both ended up suppressed, in this one Anxiety was allowed to consume Riley by doing her job too much and causing the suppression of other emotions
It's not a good message to kids to always seek joy and pleasure because that's how you get hedonists who have contributed to the moral decay of this fucking earth for the past few generations
Ok Joy
W*man detected
who wins if these niggas all fight to the death?
Nostalgia is kinda positive.
But anyway conflict creates interesting scenarios.
Guilt was also apparently a dropped emotion.

Oh yeah like some people need more reasons to cry about everything being grooming.
I’m genuinely question how people can’t fathom joy being bad considering it’s an emotion that can easily be associated with unhealthy addictions
Like I wouldn’t risk my own well-being just to keep getting some dopamine rush, that sounds like a quick way to end up dying like a fag in my room
I mean, wasn't that kind of the point of the first movie?
Joy not understanding the importance of sadness and being overly controlling and pushy with her own emotional profile.
Joy and anger are the only ones who’d really try. Embarrassment has tard strength and disgust and envy could be serious threats if pushed far enough. Anxiety, Sadness, and Ennui are the first to die and Fear just fucking bolts
Tried my best lol
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Where’s disgust?
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Joy put a piece of broccoli on the console- she won't go within 5 feet of it
pls be in london
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They were lazy with the other characters.
Man, Joy is the best
It’s not a mystery as to why anger feels more masculine and sadness more feminine. Testosterone vs estrogen.

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