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You know what? Let's post some dumb comic panels. Be it the art, the story, gory shock pics, whatever.
Post comics cringe.
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This is my go-to.
Shame this is what most remember Reign for, love this comic outside of this.
Most who mock Reign didn’t even read the story or give it a chance.
When I first read it, i didn’t even think of radioactive semen.
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This character was so fucking awful. I loved her.
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Yeah, that's a bad one.
>Deathstroke and Doctor Light
The Diddling Duo.
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Most of Legacy is cringe-inducing.
Everything about this page infuriates me
>Bendis very lazily trying to ape RDJ’s take on the character but completely missing what made it work and his sense of humor, just making Tony “lulsorandomxD”
>it’s the entire page, six fucking copy/pasted panels, meaning Bendis got paid three, most likely four figures to type “holds the pose for six panels”
>going back to that Marquez was paid I’m guessing four figures to hit “ctrl c, ctrl v” five times
>if you actually paid for this you spent $4 and tax. It was 20 pages of actual story so each page is twenty cents so you paid Bendis 20 cents to take a day off
>no background
>the joke is fucking retarded. “Oh my god other people have facial hair?! Zomg so hilarious!!”
There more but I’m hungry and getting dinner. But I really can’t put into words how much I hate this page. It single handedly stopped me from buying comics after thirty years. Iron Man’s always been my favorite and this was just too much.
still shits on disney canon, only worthwhile comic in the new canon is cullen bunn's darth maul
And yet it could get so much worse.
is that from that newer old man logan shit? why does wolverine look like liev schreiber?
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A classic
The tangent going on with Light’s left arm and Slade’s right is unforgivable
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Just need the Batman-Catwoman Flash beatdown page while we're at it.
That's..pretty in character honestly.
And reign is still better than every mainline spider-man comic since 2008.

Honestly people do actually take this slightly out of context its just what old sad peter thinks, it could just be his cope especially since right after mj gives him a go get 'em speech when he challenges that view.
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KEK what the fuck is this
>But Disney
Legacy is still abhorent shit.
Crapstain Amuricuh
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Captain America & The Falcon #4 by Christopher Priest
True, and I remember having similar complaints that it essentially rendered the OT pointless because it tore everything down again. But there was some interesting stuff.

Disney stuff is just sad and cheap.
This is kino actually
Nah legacy is a fun comic, cade can be a bit annoying at times, but he actually makes sense as a character, his uncle kicks ass tho.
There is a difference between it taking a hundred years for another empire to rise (and in not quite as good a position) and in their lifetime.

Also you could argue the sith and empire stuff predates it since star wars material has been having more post rotj since rotj ended (lumiya by the next year), and the novels had a whole buncha dark jedi (before they knew what sith were)
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If you think that's lazy...
It's genuinely a shame that this is what Reign gets remembered for. Especially when it's taken out of context by listicle sites and top ten videos for normies to eat up.
It's not a perfect comic (far too much of a ripoff of TDKR to be anywhere close), but it's much better than this one page suggests and there's several other fantastic moments that more than make up for this misstep
>But there was some interesting stuff.
A bit. It's just hacky:
>Bizarre or grating character drama
I don't even really care for the art, though I like some of Duursema's previous work just fine. The whole thing rubs me the wrong way.
Bad 90s comics have NOTHING on average 2010s-2020s comics.
How? Alien stromtroopers are cool, not very developed but its fine
>skywalker wank
I mean..that's just tied half the stuff anyways, seems silly to signal out legacy for it lol
>bizarre or grating character drama
Outside of cade's friend being jedi racist most of it makes sense? That's the only one that is just there randomly.

Fair on the art.

(Being fair I like legacy so I think its interesting to talk about it)
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No shit
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Story's good. Art's kinda jank. I'm a sucker for the black Cap outfit. Like, not Sam Cap, but the one the knock off patch using Cap imposter pictured is wearing.
fuck you i liked it
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Is Cap, erm, naked from the waist down?
I like how in the second panel it looks he's starting to sing his theme song. "Is he strong? Listen bud. He's got radioactive blood"
I don't hate this in concept, a hero being predictable because of their over reliance on their overwhelming power, but with the Flash it much harder to justify because of his extreme reaction speed.
It's a trick that I could absolutely see working on young, dumb, Kid Flash.
Wally hasn't been Kid Flash for fucking years; so it's shit.
This comic is underrated kino
There was a more recent one too.

men with low testosterone should never, ever write men with high testosterone

they always, always fuck it up. they don't understand manhood or heroism or combat or anything. they fuck it up with silly quirky bullshit, or, even worse, with wokeness.
this shit reminds me of people that have never been in a self-defense situation ruling on or talking about situations like self-defense shootings, home invasions, etc.

people say that only women should draft abortion legislature but they don't apply the same standard to laws regarding life-or-death situations or people who kill home intruders

but i digress. this is about comic books
>mfs getting head like
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90s comics were at least funny in how ridiculous they are

funny-ridiculous is significantly better than "what the fuck" ridiculous
I'm not sure what point anyone is trying to make here.
When you nut and she keeps suckin
2013??? I thought this was a 90d comic
this one is at least funny
maryshittyfags are deranged
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Rent free.
I've been out of the loop for a good while. Is Paul still curbstomping Petey like nobody's business?
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Fuck [current day] agendas
Always. If you want a vision of the future, imagine Paul fucking Mary Jane while Peter is sitting outside the door jerking off and crying. Forever.
>We need to shake things up to increase sales
>I know!
>Let's cuck our flagship character forever!


DC's not doing much better either. they turned robin gay for what is probably a 1% increase in profits for 2 quarters at best
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Metabarons. I like the whole world but god it's so edgy

Basically a toddler's head gets blown but that doesn't mean he's dead, he becomes the next metabaron. How? He just gets a new, robotic head
Literaly me
This isn't cringe.
Should have said every time they kissed, he was poisoning her more or something. Radioactive spider-cum would still be there, but it wouldn't be the first thing someone might consider.
Denny O'Neil and Neil Adams would be the type of people who would kiss random black people's shoes.
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This isn't cringe but I've been reading Warlord lately and thought it was funny.

The actual main story's cool but the backups are ass. A who's who of DC creators creating the dullest ass fantasy and sci-fi you will ever read.
It's the 'Audibly shitting yourself as your mother yells at you while playing Mafia 3' of comics.
I'm not sure I understand the comparison.
>half the stuff anyways, seems silly to signal out legacy for it lol
I don't care for it in the prequels or the other post-ROTJ EU either, but it felt like a missed opportuniy for a period that was untouched territory to have it revolve around yet another super special Skywalker.
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I dunno I kinda liked shitposter Sinister. The level of "Not taking anything seriously because he thinks consequences aren't real/he's already won and nobody knows it" was one of the few things in the Krakoa era that was at least somewhat entertaining.
IIRC, shit went down and Daredevil basically said straight up "Hell's Kitchen is fucking *mine*, full stop. If you start shit, you are not *maybe* gonna get your ass beat, you are *definitely* going to get your ass beat and this time I'm not playing the fuck around."

Everyone got the ever loving fuck out of Hell's kitchen and his advice to all the other major New York Heroes who primarily work in New York 70% of the time [more if we're honest in Luke's case] was to publically do the same thing. The arguments they were providing "but you're a target now though, people are bothering us about you now, people will spread rumors, and the criminals will just go somewhere else then!" like this wasn't Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Strange, and fucking Spider-Man, universally giant targets who regularly endure scrutiny, distrust, smear campaigns, and end up being asked about what the fuck is going on constantly anyway.

This is vastly oversimplifying of course.
Someone should make that edit.
Holy fuck since when was Damian based.
This is kinda dumb but I'm okay with it because that's the kinda shit both the Kree and Fantomex would do no matter how stupid. And it's clearly supposed to be the two of them being dumb for a joke because Thor fucking exists regardless of what your silly spacefaggot math says.
That's dumb.
He is from the middle east afterall
No no, I understand the reference. I just don't see how Reign is anything like
> the 'Audibly shitting yourself as your mother yells at you while playing Mafia 3' of comics.
Those opinions on Israel that they portrayed as terrible then would now be the thing to show that he's not really a bad guy.
Lack of sincerity is a predominant trait among the insecure
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Note that it says they're unsolicited, not that they're wrong. :^)
why did Wolverine age and Sabretooth didn't?
If he'd used the bombs to herd him to a spot he'd sprayed with some superscience slippery spray then it would have worked. It's the fact that he lazily runs straight into a sword that he should be seeing for ages that makes it so dumb.
I only own two HC Spider-man comics. One that collects his first iconic issues and then Reign. I regret nothing.
I can't find the original page so have the edit. I don't think it's dumb because of Israel or Bigby being a fan of them(I think that fits), like so many seemed to think when it happened, but because it's so fucking dumb to have him say all this shit to the one guy who obviously doesn't know anything about the Mundy world. Just rambling about a country because the author was thinking about it that day. If Bigby had made the same speech to an evil Fable that had been living in the Mundy world it would have worked.
That it's complete bullshit also undermines whatever point he's trying to make.
Sometimes it's just the price you pay for writing something truly stupid. The rest of the comic can be good or okay, but that one REALLY MEMORABLY BAD part is what has the sticking power.
I tried reading the series and it's just boring teen drama
They'll retcon it away when his straight girl fans riot.
The IRA did this with potatoes.
Priest's Cap and Falcon was early 00s, it was cancelled when Bendis did Disassembled. Captain America was dating Scarlet Witch.
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It's a black suit
Retard take. O'Neil's run was based.
Who are you kidding, it was a terrible run and a terrible influence on Green Lantern comics.
From Bigby's point of view Israel most definitely does have a vast array of powers arrayed against it, all the Arab countries surrounding them, just like Fabletown has in the form of the Empire. He just doesn't count the US backing them the same way he doesn't count Fabletown getting backed by the Arabian Nights Fable world. I think Bigby's point works perfectly for the character, dude even got involved with WWII so he probably has some personal ties to Israel and started seeing it like a Mundy Fabletown right from the start, it's sentimental for him. It's just retarded that he's voicing this opinion to the one guy in all of the comics that wouldn't know anything about the Mundy world nor care. He might as well be explaining the intricate workings of a garbage truck works just to tell the guy he's the garbage.
Which is why so-called "Spud Guns" were marketed to children in the US, with all the money made from sales being routed into Irish Liberation causes. They were very popular in Irish-American neighbourhoods, only being outcompeted by the Easy-Infernal Machine Factory by Eirebro.
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What sucks the most is that the art is so good. Adams could have been working on something really good at the time instead of this.
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I will always be Garth Ennis' staunchest defender because his books are just if Quentin Tarantino wrote Captain Underpants
And forever buck broke Arrow for many years until CW chad made him Batman ripoff he always was designed as.

Batman being gunphobic retard cretin allowing Joker get away after multiple mass murders, Superman that never sleeps, Wonder Woman kung fu libtard activist hippie.
About fucking time some truth to shine in the dark.
>Garth Ennis' staunchest defender doesn't read Garth Ennis
Oh, I remember uncensored version
>no, I mean you fuckin ni
Sam Raimi era!
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I will never forgive Jeph Loeb for ruining the Ultimate Universe
I know. I think you replied to me by mistake.
*for staying true to the spirit of Ultimate Universe as well as to Actually make Event that honestly factors in power scaling
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The entire comic looks fantastic. Sadly I forgot which one it is.
Doom calls Xavier a fascist for making the mutants think they are special.
Shouldn't anon consider it based? It's the kind of shit anon thinks happens in reality.
Every panel starting with a time description is the cherry on top.
The manliest character left in DC leaves the panel.
Men with high test levels dont bother with shit like comicbooks.
>New York, NY

Issue 1 of Captain Obvious.
Was that shit written by a woman?
I'm on Twitter and I have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
He could have shot them in the leg is the best example that the persons a retard.
>leg has like 8 major veins and arteries because bipedalism means you need alot of blood
>shooting them there means they will bleed to death
>but for the 1 minute the attacker is left alive they can still shoot your dumbass
Its literally the worse advice because no one wins.
I dont get the cringe for this one.
That Doombot misspelled "pretense."
I know your asperger's prevent you from understanding comedy but barking memes and /pol/troon shit at random isn't it.
Nah, for burning it to the fucking ground with his stupid shit.
It isn't funny, it is righteous to show shaniqua her place if she shows up her 'tude
Female cop on its own a bad news!
And DC superheroes comics were honest on the women subject since day one, Action Comics literally starts with Superman carrying female - murderer, back when women were either love interest or bitch mothers.
Race grafters need to know their place
Same for bio delusionals.

At least in fiction, if real world is rigged in favor for baal.
It's like a chain of comments on some stupid tumblr/reddit post trying to be lame-funny for upvotes or something.
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This scene is great, I don't care quit being childish.
this was justice league of america, after morrison's run
ironically i started working out after i got really into comic books
sometimes i wonder if i 'grandfathered in' certain hobbies in my brain that aren't compatible with how i feel anymore

i can't stand high school slice-of-life anime anymore but i used to watch a fair amount of it. but now i really like anime with a lot of action and heroic shit. i have to find more and more manly versions of dorky shit and it's a weird spot to be in mentally
I fucking hate Bendis.
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I agree, it can be genuinely inspiring
I liked that story as a non-canon "What If"
it's really only stupid writing if you're immature
it's obvious Peter just meant any moment of intimacy with MJ ultimately lead to her death, it didn't have to be fucking it could've just been kissing or even just being next to each other
>a pedo did a better John Stewart than Denny O'Neil and Neil Adams
>all that build-up for The Blob abandoning Magneto for the sake of his kid and ex-wife
>thrown away to make him a deranged cannibal out of nowhere
it still hurts
Do you think other people see it as canon? Why specify that you liked it as it was intended to be liked?
And they say manga writers/artists are fucked in the head...
That's by Tom King.
Like how much radiation was in that spider for it to transfer so much of it into Peter's blood to the point where it would make his jizz radioactive and give his wife cancer?
Listen bub, it's not like he was handling a bar of uranium and got injected with radiation, the spider just gave him the superpower of radioactive blood.
How dumb was it though?
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I got few awful ones
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Oh comics
Worst one.
ngl, it was pretty galling to post this during last year's SoP weekend and have evreyone go "Say, this is pretty good"
They hate you because you tell the truth
This is a bad page and deserves every bit of ridicule it has ever received.

But not for the reason everyone thinks.

The idea that simply being Spider-Man would cost Peter and the people he loves is actually extremely on theme. Him being actual poison, in a story where he's in conflict with Venom, works. It's solid.

The thing that is stupid is that he is yelling, to a corpse, exposition that the corpse almost certainly would have already known. Mary Jane was no genius, but she would have known, and Pete would have blamed himself almost immediately for it while she was still alive.

This is a story beat that someone thought of and never considered what it was actually saying beyond enjoying the idea of radioactive spider-sperm.
I'm not one of those Jim Shooter stans, but this is exactly the sort of thing he would have coat hangered in the womb.
This is a great page?
Theres a New York in Texas and Missouri, also in Jamaica and Singapore
I've tried to read this dialogue multiple times but it all turns into word puree before my eyes the longer I read.
wonder woman - a comic that went from an amazon warrior who can fight like hardened men
>a comic that went from an amazon warrior who can fight like hardened men
Don't lie. It was just bondage porn.
okay, correction -

a comic that went from bondage porn
to an amazon warrior who can fight like hardened men
to this

(also there was that weird de-powered spy phase back in the 80s)
Wonder Woman was never really a significant presence. She's always been the token woman shoehorned in place to keep the team away from sausage party status.
Wonder Woman was and rightfully is (creator's intent >>>>>> ) what fake fans want Superman to be. She was next step in superhero concept , she was not only soft on villains but successfully seduced them to a good side because she is a woman doing things the woman way while having strength of Hercules to not fear getting physically challenged and easily stopped.

Maybe Superman would eventually evolve into that, if Siegel decided direction for the character and continuously wrote him and coordinated his ghost writers like Kantor.

However Wonder Woman was like that Instantly!
Also above everything else it was The Size Difference Scene
Trans shit on modern comic is very common, stupid and easier to shitpost.
No one had the page about a dumb writer telling us harley quinn is on the level of the big 3 while having batman as a hostage, beating superman and wonder woman? gosh, my blood boil just remembering that page.
mouse gaslighter, kys rn
that's fucking stupid even Eternity can be -it's a stretch but anyway - considered a proper deity. And that's not even talking about the higher beings.
americans and their jewish lords will one day be judged and found guilty of what have they done to humanity.
Legacy is shit and always has been.
when and where does he call him a fascist?
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Reminds of the Tick episode where he fought Barry.
Well at least the team managed to make it funny in a different way
I will always defend this if only because I have made that exact same retarded face when telling someone the worst joke I could possibly tell in a situation with the explicit intention of doing everything I could to make them as angry as possible.
Is that one dumb cunt wearing a literal Viewfinder as a fashion piece? The fuck?

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