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Why does my cock go wild for frumpy, plain girls like this and Eileen from regular show
Who give a crap t(-_-t)
You're so used to tits and ass and lips that these plain girls are exotic

It's the same reason why I like thin bony girls (I grew up in America)
Because four eyed red headed nerds in one piece swimsuits are HOT!
They're attainable.
She needs to be fatter.
Did I miss it or do we not even know her name yet?
Probably because you're a fucking moron who watches dopey lets play channels.
She's attainable to you.
Officially, we don't know her name, but the Spanish and Portuguese dubs credit her as "Zoey".
You obviously since you replied, you pedantic faggot.
okay.............? (O_o)
>someone worried she could be the eileen of the show if she ever become relevant enough to have consistent dialogue
>some anon is assblasted enough about that to constantly make threads and posts comparing the two as a positive thing just to annoy the other
this whole board is like watching a very small group of people be passive aggressive on an old forum
I don't know if Zoey fits the frumpy description quite like Eileen, she's still got some curves to her. It takes more than just not being a generic bombshell like Glep's gf to be classified as frumpy in my opinion
I know what you are =w=
I genuinely wouldn't mind them making Zoey more of a main stay as long as its executed better than Eileen.
Because you think they'll love you back and be loyal to you.
What was wrong with Eileen? I didn't keep up with Regular Show.
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whats not to love about frumpy girls named zoey?
Because they're normal people and not either fap bait, ham planets, broken women, or alternate women.

Just. Normal.
I think the fact that she and Rigby were basically a perfect couple who never had any issues just to serve as a foil to Mordecai's issues with women probably annoyed some people.
It was kind of hamfisted but people like that do exist
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She's too friggin cute, I can't stand it
Woah man. Her boyfriend is RIGHT there, have some respect
I think of the little wrinkles under the eyes that elevate it
Source? On that picture, not the character.
I refuse to acknowledge critters as equals.
She's Zoey, Charlie's girlfriend from Smiling Friends, she goes to the beach in the season 2 finale.
Very nice, very nice indeed. I will see this "smiling friends show" you speak of
What >>144279718 said, plus didn't Rigby become a more mature character in part because of her influence? I don't remember them being Mary stu perfect. They had that spat where Rigby tried getting her to be brutally honest with her feelings and briefly dumped him. It's been ages so I might be remembering things incorrect
The VA also wrote for the show so she had high school jocks call Eileen a "megababe" and dumb shit like that
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They literally broke up in an episode because Rigby wouldn't listen to her plus Mordecai caused all of his own problems
I wonder what her musical tastes are; maybe stuff like the Replacements or Big Star
>watch episode for the first time late at night
>visions of her literally swirl in my head all night
Have you tried meeting any frumpy plain girls in real life?
I don't think she looks frumpy, I think she just looks cute.
>tfw you'll never pull game like a big nosed lumpy yellow critter
Frumpy tends to get misused as any girl who doesn't look dolled up like Gleps gf. Zoey has more curve than an average frumpy girl
Yeah people treat frumpy nowadays as like, anything less than a 10. Word's losing its meaning. She's a pretty classic cute girl with a shapely body.
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Because they are both based on realism (with imperfect qualities in animation) yet they have positive qualities that make them obviously desirable IRL (i.e not fat).
This type of duality is very practical and plausible, thus desirable.
pic related: exhibit A
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Found the fujo
>Why does my cock go wild for frumpy, plain girl
shut the fuck up you stupid fuckin incel
literally a normal fucking girl faggot
get the fuck out of your cave
you're a sad fuck
>They're attainable.
not if you dont talk to them they are not
Tranny porn
replace frumpy with hag and you just came up with current tiktok lingo
Sorry, my daily goon sesh will prevent me from doing so. Maybe tomorrow
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Just watch as it turns out she doesn't have eyes under her glasses. And not as a stylistic thing like it is with the Muppets who don't have eyes under their glasses.
You really speak to me on a spiritual level, I know this girl named Zoey and I wanna fuck her until she's desperately moaning how she needs more, stroking her cute cock.
Honestly if given the opportunity I'd fill her up.. I don't think she's frumpy though.. I bet she'll be nice and chubby soon.
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Anon, no! Think of the poor wittle advertisers!

hot. Moar
So is she wearing a furry costume with a bikini on top or is it like fishnets?
Post it when you have it
It was cute that when Rotten sent his tidal wave to kill them that Charlie first was waving down Zoey to run before he ran.
she looks just like a human puppet wich is a bonus
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Charlie really has shit taste in women. Bitch looks ugly as sin. She deserves to be cucked harder.

Basically Jerry in a wig
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I think it's like full-body fishnets of some kind, with the bikini on top.
>She deserves to be cucked harder.

Funny since Charlie nearly gave in to the flirting of the female Mustard packet and the male demon Mip.
She's actually very ugly. You probably have bad taste.
Well, you're ugly
Its October. Its probably grey sweatpants and a grey sweater with a bikini over it to keep warm.
Some flaws are endearing, like we don't really care about what downsides they bring but recognize society at large doesn't like them or on principal they are a general negative. But flaws and imperfections are human, and it humanizes them. I don't mind sleepy eye bags like she has (they arent that pronounced, if they were bigger then it would be different), I think it's kind of cute. I also struggle with
>going to bed at a good hour
>getting enough sleep
>sleeping at good times of night and not during the day
Seeing someone who may also struggle with that is endearing.
Who is Jefe and Pïm?
Jefe is Spanish for Boss
No idea about Pïm
>I can make her a slut
>Jokes extend to the credits
I love this kind of shit
Goes to show you that this show does not have a problem showing us with the cuckening shit going on.
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Nice. I can see this chick being an obscure waifu
Fujos should be shot and killed.
How did she and Charlie meet
Summer but with glasses and is actually hot.
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Can't forget Glep's girl too
Her name is Marge Simpson, show some respect.
You have low self esteem and insecurity, so respectively you've reached a point where even in your fantasies you're seeking something "attainable" by some arbitrary standard and you're subconsciously desiring to be possessive over a waifu you hope on some unaware level hasn't already been "claimed" by someone else because you're brain can't help but think of that as competition you suspect you would "lose" despite the bitch in question not even being real.
I'm hearing any evidence to the contrary, hole.
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She's just a sexy mouse, duh!
Damn, can't believe we got a hot older Pepper Ann
Real nice show you have here you cucks, just blatant critter male x human female fetish shit
It’s disgusting that (((they’re))) pushing this so hard, the fucking freaks, and you are too if you watch this horsecrap
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Genuine Retard
Jannies don't give a fuck about this thread lmao
>wards off fujos
>wards off jannies
I fucking kneel
Because you're not a man, you're a woman on the internet pretending to be a man.
The girl in OP pic has clear curves, are you a LARPing-as-straight closeted faggot?
Women actually hate Zoey, she gets in the way of things and doesn't have enough screen time for them to self insert in, she's great, she knows her place as a woman is to exist minimally and only for male eyes.
Worse, it's a woman.
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>doesn't have enough screen time for them to self insert in, she's great, she knows her place as a woman is to exist minimally and only for male eyes.
I mean, that is pretty based.

Seeing these "frumpy, plain girls are so hot" posts reek of the same bullshit as trying to normalize lusting after old hags.
Mordecai was a retard that caused his own issues with women, while Rigby actually grew as a person and was happier in the longrun due to Eileen's influence and the issues that they did have. That fact is exactly why people took issue with it.
I got the number of a girl like this yesterday but she's so unbelievably boring I think I made a mistake.
I don't think anyone denies Mordecai was a fuck up, it didn't even show him overcoming whatever his issues were until the end-of-series timelapse with some random no-name chick since nobody in his past would have anything to do with him. He's basically an icon among zoomers of how not to act in regards to relationships with the opposite sex.
>perfectly normal 6/10 girl
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Get away from me, retard.
>he doesn't know
You gotta try and make it work anon, I'm sure there's something about her
The something was before I spoke to her and found out she had zero hobbies or social skills. I carried that conversation like Atlas carried the sky, I honestly wish she'd said no to giving me her number because I feel bad for wasting my time for it.
I interpret this as Marge Simpson just unaware her skinship to Zoey is slightly inappropriate. Marge thinking I wish I had Zoey but, while absent mindlessly grabbing it.

Or B. They're doing sexy stuff when not on screen
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I think it's just the art style, I think Eileen would probably be decently attractive. If Close Enough is anything to go by, Eileen would probably be closer looking to Emily. Not bad looking but not as conventionally "hot" as Bridgette.
When has she ever talked?
Zoey? She spoke once in the first Halloween episode at the beginning, when she says that Charlie wasn't going to dress-up for Halloween.
>Oh Glep my sweet, you know hoe much I love it when you wear the Joshua Tomar hat
Glep is Tomar so Marge is Jaxxy confirmed
I forgot about that.
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Jokes on you, I browse critter female x human male all the time, I'm just not species-ist like you
It's funny you say that since these are simple designed cartoons, which hide many flaws that would be existant irl. Meg Griffin is considered comicslly ugly and deformed in a few below-surface level ways, yet her character model looks pretty attractive by conventional beauty standards if you consider things like how her weight or face looks compared to other larger women in the series. Yes people being rude to her is an ongoing joke that may just be overemphasized but things like her lopsided breasts are objective, yet aren't shown. I want to hope Eileen would be cute but probanly have a few metaphoric, if not literal, blemishes not shown.
Are Spamtopians all critters, like the fun twins? Does that make Doug and Daniel half critter? Doug may be deformed but he looks more humanlike akin to the Boss and Daniel just passes for 100% human.
I mean, I guess it depends on your definition of a "critter". If just being a weird cartoon-looking guy is a critter then most of the cast is critters but if it's only reserved for small deformed little guys then critters are a minority
Ebin. What a brave anon.
I don't know what the criteria is but there is an objective line in the sand drawn by Michael and Zach, I just don't know.
Also, not just the Fun Twins but I'm seeing examples of Spamish all through the series now if fast paced gibberish is to be considered Spamish.
>Bliblee after stabbing Alan
>the air force base personnel that engaged DJ Spit's helicopter
>the initial aliens that abducted Pim Charlie and Bill
It's been there in plain sight the whole time just like the Meep name.
>still up after 24 hours
Based jannies.
Reminder Alan killed her and no one cared when she died.
Who is she anyway?
your just a stupid hater t(ò_ó)
Nugget ceos assistant.
You know, you can't force love so good on you for being self aware but don't be a dick just let her down gently. After that I suppose good luck to you in future endeavors but understand that you may regret this decision.
>I honestly wish she'd said no to giving me her number because I feel bad for wasting my time for it.
Now you know how most women feel when they don't want to be hit on. Even if the guy isn't an autist it's often a waste of time and they aren't interested.
Dont perpetuate the system you probably have been on the bad side of before, just tell her you aren't interested kindly and move on. The earlier you learn you don't like her and the sooner you let her know. The better so neither of you will be wasting your time.
Good tips. She was very work focused so I can get away with never texting her again, I'm sure she won't care anyway.
anything with generally human traits is a human. Humans can look different in shape, size, animation style, etc just like critters can but they always have human skin colors, hair, wrinkles, and they wear clothes
>anything with generally human traits is a human.
Not to be pedantic but you realize how vague that is?
>that dude has a nose, two eyes and a mouth on his head
>that guy has teo lungs in his chest
>that guy stands on two legs and has two arm-like appendages
The party aliens, satan, Jacob the Goblin, Mip, the bliblees, the forest demon, Brittany, Shrimp, and every Smiling Friend all are bipedal and have humanshaped torsos and appendages. If Mr Frog's head was above his torso he would be too
it's vague because there's no specific ruleset. you just have to trust your gut. like, desmond is human, and simon s. salty is human, and mr. boss is human, yeah? those are all fairly obvious but there's not really any uniting ruleset among the three
So then can a spamtopian, like say the waitress who has humanlike anatomy but is 2 dimensional, still count as human?
I assume that any animated human is at least partially critter, and someone like the waitress is a Spamtopian who's partially human.
But is she actually human or just a human-looking critter?
>any animated human
Again, not to be pedantic, but everyone in this show bar Salty, Tyler and Jimble are animated. But also, Jared Fogel (the costume) and Bill Nye were cartoon people, so I'm less confident in agreeing with that.
The show has a different world history.
It wouldn't be weird for someone like Nye to have critter ancestry somewhere in his family tree.
Mental illness? Loneliness? Autism? All 3?
Yeah these
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>All 3
Oh baby, we got a winner
Jimble or Frog for president?
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Jimble. Mr. Frog is out of his mind and fucking crazy. He fucking scares me when he does shit like this.
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Kinda related, I always found Daniel's lack of ears odd and it kinda makes me believe he's half-critter at least
Most human characters tend ot have ears, even the more strange characters like Desmond's mom or the Mr. Frog fan that Frog chokes out have ears
The only other human character that I can think of that doesn't have ears is the rotoscoped party guy. I think ears are typically a trait that seperates humans from critters considering most critters seem to not have ears
Squiggly Miggly.
He's the only one who's speaking any sense in this damned race.
Jimble is an allegory for the Biden administration.
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>he doesn't know
I was just referencing the funny boys' Green Goblin jokes.
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Smiling Friends girls are unironically hotter than any R&M character
Bro I've never gotten the appeal of this bitch meanwhile Zoey I've unironically fapped to for the tenth time in the past few days I've known about her
Uhhhh... somehow I don't think "her" name is actually Zoey...
Not in this age of social media.
My autistic take is that all the animated humans are animated because they have a tiny degree of critter admixture, only live action humans like Jimble and Tyler are pureblood humans
That's dumb, live-action humans are just a wacky stylistic choice, like claymation or Gwimbly's retro look.
That's how you get peppersprayed lol.
I imagine most of us here are pretty hideous. So much so that even a 2 or 3 is leagues out of reach for us...
Such is life!
Long ass rectangle face. Ugly in real life and in cartoons

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