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Chapter 94: Page 29


and that's badong!
You'd think as someone that has been suffering from a similar condition her whole life omega would be a bit more sympathetic to zimmy's situation.
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The only way to end the distortion will be killing both Zimmy and Coyote, won't it.
Annie is finished. DONE.
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Drew this while Imaa was doing his comic

Just Coyote.
The distortion made Omega's chair blue!
Omega has always had a weird, psychotically pragmatic view of things. She deliberately had herself turned into a machine. In her eyes all her suffering was for some greater good. She doesn't really value herself as an individual, so it's hard to see her valuing anyone else as one.
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Yeah lol
Alright, Annie's new mom is kinda based. Zimmy would be in torment anyway. Everything is better now.
>Become an obsessive fangirl of some teenager and her dad
>make them hate you within an hour of meeting them
whats her game plan?
her view on her own life was that suffering was temporary. only she already knew when it would end, so she had something to look forward to.
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PFFFFFFFFFFFT!!! Oh this is rich. Meg can see the future, but can't foresee hands about to be thrown not two feet in front of her. And again, claims to be Annie's biggest fan, but somehow fails to grasp that she will not let this bullshit stand. Girl. Come ON now.
>a utopia that's perpetually sustained by the torture of a single child
>everyone is okay with it except the protagonist
Tom is literally just ripping off the plot of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas here...
>No Tony reaction yet
I bet this will get messy
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Annie read that book once. When she finished, she instantly disintegrated her copy because FUCK THAT.
Tony is panicked about finding people lost in the distortion and stopped being a believer in the Court's goals, I don't think he's gonna side with Omega. Though it'd be brave for Tom to memoryhole the dude for 3 years just so he could come back and advocate for Annie's friend getting Omelased
Didn't she say Annie was a big blind spot for her abilities? I guess when you're used to just reading the minds and fates of other people, you never learn how to read the mood socially
Nah. Tom's desperate to make Tony likeable, so there's no way he'll straight have him go "No. Let her suffer.".
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That was only in regards to her predictive abilities. She's otherwise been directly observing Annie her entire life. Omega should've known that Annie is anti-distortion based on her established character. Bitch couldn't tell this was gonna happen based o what she's seen with her own two (figurative)eyes? And you lot keep calling Annie dumb.
He'll straight up have him go "No. Let her suffer." and then Annie will give a speech directly to the readers about how his autism made him do it so it's fine.
She knows Annie won't like it but also won't do shit.
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Current situation in comics, picrelated.
What are the chances this arc ends with everyone unfairly ganging up on Annie again
Current situation itt too, i see.
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>Antimony Carver
>won't do shit
... Okay, clearly both you and Omega have been reading an entirely different comic, cause this one, Gunnerkrigg Court, is entirely based around Annie doing shit.

Medium to high. Because the other thing this comic is about is people giving Annie a hard time for refusing to sit on her ass and let bad things happen. ... Red was a mistake.
I wonder what loup is up to?
Written out like the annie twins
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Died on his way back to his home planet.
She can't read minds very well, remember?
I give it a hopeful 70%
Friendly reminder that Zimmy did this to herself and planned to do this to herself.
FUCK Omega. She needs to die.
Your majesty, Loup and his minions have seized the island of Koridai
It would not last even just a 100 years so what the point, it dies with Zimmy. Also it relies on Zimmy that like building a palace out of shit, it might looks nice from the outside but inside all you would want is burn it down once you notice the smell.
>It would not last even just a 100 years so what the point, it dies with Zimmy.
It is mixed with Coyote, which means it can exist indefinitely long.
Great stuff!!
I lost the plot again. Figuratively and literally.
Again? Where did you leave it this time, anon?
>Big booba
Holy based
Man, I'm kinda starting to love Omega. It looks like she has a faint smirk in the last panel. Wonder what her strat will be when Annie starts firing retard lazer beams, though.
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>Annie's face when
To the other anon who guessed how psycho omega was you got it!
Omega will be forgiven. Then she'll turn into a bug.
How kafkaesque.
Please don't remind me of GoT, what happened to that show starting in season 5 is even worse than Tom killing the two Annies
Zimmy is already in constant torment before, and I don't even know why they think she's in torment now.
God remember when tom was a good writer
>omega doesn't care that zimmy is going through torture like she did, because she just doesn't ok.
Omega never minded her state?
It's pretty explicit how she was part of masterminding it.
Obviously she'd be nonchalant about Zimmy's predicament as well.

If anything take issue with the flat, uninteresting dialogue.
I think Tom kinda gave up after his big 'Tony wasn't actually bad' reveal was outright rejected by the fans.
Omega just said it looks like it would last indefinitely and she's kind of an expert.
Omega is too comfortable there and it isn't even her chair!
>omega doesn't care that zimmy is going through torture like she did, because she just doesn't ok.
Anon, have you ever spoken to an old person?
>and it isn't even her chair!
It is now.
wow! better than imaa!
Oh sweet I hadn't read that one, I love le guin
>what happened to that show starting in season 5
the fact you managed to eat the shit that was the previous 5 seasons means you aren't entitled to an opinion in the first place, wretch
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>God remember when tom was a good writer
Not really!
It pretty clear the comic was supposed to stop after they deal with the river ghost. It been one thing after another but zero clear goal or even reason to do something for everybody since then.
Tom outlined it all a long time ago. The norn chapter was going to happen.
I said season 5 was where it started to suck shit you retard, and fuck you the first 4 seasons were fine if way overhyped.
And? it is still clear that everything after dealing with the ghost was added later in a haphazard way.

Pre ghost their was a clear goal and endpoint for the story. The story had a natural flow and progress of events that all lead up to the final events. It even has the tone of a final chapter, with triumphs and consequences.

Nothing since has properly flowed together, or naturally leads to the next event.
>and fuck you the first 4 seasons were fine if way overhyped.
the entire thing was shit from start to finish and the books were abject garbage
you aren't worthy of fucking me
>you aren't worthy of fucking me
Aw, can I fuck you anon? Pretty please?
I still don’t understand why the Norns exist when we could’ve had Kat do the time travel herself as a part of her ascent to godhood. It would’ve flowed so much better and actually given her some personal responsibility for everything that’s happening.
you may have my feet pics
>it is still clear that everything after dealing with the ghost was added later in a haphazard way.
It's not clear because he directly refutes it.
There were a ton of things that weren't explained. There's no way that was ever considered a final chapter. It wasn't a story about exorcising a ghost.
What the fuck, how did you know I wanted to fuck you so bad anon? Can I at least get a little sloppy toppy?
Wait a minute this is just final fantasy tactics
Because then you need to explain how she did the time travel in the Annie dies timeline, where Kat isn't a god. And then if you just give Kat a different route to becoming a god you have to a) explain how that happened and b) deal with fans constantly asking "why don't they just fix this with Kat's time travel?"
annie bullying goat
uoooo annie bullying
The whole time travel thing is a paradox in the first place. There’s literally no avoiding that.
Kat's the type of person to be broken by an unexpected death. If anything I buy Annie dies timeline Kat as being more powerful and capable. She would not be a Kat held back by morality or doubt.

Their is no paradox, their never was. Annie dies Kat goes mad, invents time travel, and probably, goes with the Court take the new Omega and uses it to, plot out events in such a way she can bootstrap new timeline Kat in such a way Kat always will find the method of timetravel, and use it endlessly.

Annie dies timeline Kat goes on probably having doomed the court people that left the world because she used up their resources enact her plan. And dies when the she is discovered. New timeline is created where Annie lives, with a perfectly arranged setup, to ensure it endless happens.
>If anything I buy Annie dies timeline Kat as being more powerful and capable.
yeah but her actual godhood comes from her relationship with the robots/nupeople, and she's not interested in them until Annie introduces her to Robot after getting rescued. I guess she could hunt down Robot after Annie's death and become a vengeful Old Testament god to them.
I fail to see Tony giving even an iota of a fuck. You have jumped the gun, anon

You are a poorly read retard.

Omega actively chose torture retard. Her simp desperately tried to talk her out of it and she was like, "lmao but science". Omega is more Court than the Court. Naturally she'd dismiss Zimzam suffering. Billions of people are suffering as we speak and I don't see you meddling with the fabric of reality.
Both parties are holding to some very common moral paradigms (priestly and knightly morality) with their responses. No one is being outrageous or breaking the mold.
And Kat's supposed godhood has shown zero indication of being related to the robots worshiping her.

Her super powers of Technology are her innate Ether powers. Dieago had the same gift, Kat has.
No it can't be. I'm distinctly getting Boss Baby vibes.
t. anon who has only ever seen Boss Baby
Why would Annie bully a poor goat? Is she that petty?
Who's gunnerkrigg's throat goat?
I'm thinking Parley or Shell.
Or perhaps even Janet.
The throat of a goat? I'd go with Coyote, since she can shapeshift.
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Remember when Loop first showed up and everyone in the /co/ threads was saying we were in the endgame?

Good times.
Coyote could give amazing head, true! Hadn't even thought of that! Not really a fair competition at that point, though...
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Ah, the good times. Plot direction, stakes, and a giant sparkledog
Specially the sparkle dog!
I thought the ticktocks were paradox inventions, aka they sprung into existance due to people worshipping kat in the future. Like how jones had existed long before humans did because she was retroactive. So things helping kat become a god happening before kat actually does it is consistent with precious lore. No need for time travel at all.
Lana showing up was when my interest in the story actually went up since two annies were deleted. Still waiting for her to take the knot and make half god dog robot babies.
I'm eagerly waiting for Lana's return! I'm curious to how would sye and Omega interact!
The two best characters of the comic.
>ann gree nayards
lord forgive if people try to ask for some shred of continuity in a story
Coyote aside, probably Jones given how long she's been around. Utterly deadpan eye-contact head, but man would it be good head.
I kind of imagine her to be... I don't know... dry?
Yeah, she'd be dry.
She seems to have fairly normal bodily functions and we know she has sex, so I don't see why her mouth would be dry. She'd just give you a totally vacant stare the entire time.
That doesn't make sense though.
where does the saliva come from?
Is it also indestructible?
Don't worry about it too much
Can Jones lube be used industrially?
Lubrication that never dries out, never evaporates, never suffuses, doesn't stain, etc etc etc
Think of the applications!!!
Maybe she draws the moisture out of the air? I dunno I never really thought about it before, wasn't' she seen drinking tea at some point? I vaguely remember that but could just be imagining it.
She gets the moisture from all the shota cum she consumes.
Literally Final Fantasy Tactics Advance all over again.
>Tom's desperate to make Tony likeable
Tony has been likeable since the beginning. The only issue is that we've also had countless narrators since the beginning whose individual views on things were mostly right in a lot of ways, so we trusted them on the whole, but they were also consistently just-off when it came to Tony. Only his best friend and wife ever got anything close to a proper understanding of what's going on with him, and one of those is dead.

Man's turbo-autism is basically a superpower to either get along with a single person really, really well, or get along with groups really, really poorly, thus contributing to no one new ever wanting to be alone with him and making it so nobody gets the matched-wavelength version.

If he was left alone with Omega for like five minutes, he'd probably match wavelengths with her for a bit too long and come over to her side. If he's forced to be around Annie while he's around her, he might not have that opportunity to match wavelengths and might take Annie's side.
The whole thing with the Ether in Gunnerkrigg is that it retcons. But retcons is not the same as time travel, because to say that time could be 'traveled' is inherently false. We are not 'constantly moving forward in time', we were 'constantly changing' and time as we imagine it is a construct designed to predict and/or create repeating patterns in those changes.

Imagine 'time' as being not a set of tracks that you run forward and back on -- you cannot 'time travel', that's not a thing. But that does not mean that it is not possible to adjust the past by proxy.

Instead imagine time as being an artist's canvas, where every action undertaken is a stroke of a brush on that paper. In most cases, the paint used will go over top the original paint if it overlaps. In some cases, however, using the right type of 'action' or 'paint', you can alter the lower layers with the brush stroke of an upper layer.

The brush stroke still happened upon the upper layer, no matter what, but what the lower layer is, is changed.

Omega's ability is to see the entirety of the canvas simultaneously, and to predict where the brush is going to stroke next, but her weakness is that she's only seeing the brush stroke from the front, she can't see what's changing underneath, so when the brush strokes start diverging from what she expected due to the ones undertaking the action being able to perceive the result of the changed underlayers, Omega becomes less and less capable.

Norns just changed the paint, and created an imprint on a lower layer that resulted in those being capable of perceiving that change, in turn, changing themselves in a cascade reaction. The paint was a single drop of chemical that subtly changed the hue and blending of all strokes of paint that followed, all the way to the upper layer.
I very much dount that this is how it works.
If only two people like you then you're not likeable. You're probably not a complete asshole either, but that's a low bar.
That's a flawed understanding of the situation and you know it. The reasoning that you're using is that it comes down to personal taste, when everything we know of Tony's case suggests that it comes down to situation.

Surma did not like Tony, until the situation changed, then she liked Tony.

That does not mean that Tony is unlikeable. It means that this situation is not one which is conducive to liking him.

A truly unlikeable person is one that is unlikeable no matter the situation, in which case that usually DOES come down to personal taste, but that's not Tony.
And Kat flipped from hating him to loving him.
Tony is based, when he's not around more than one person, as retarded as that is.
>That's a flawed understanding of the situation and you know it.
The situation is retarded though. "Tony is really actually niceys, but only to one person at a time, and Annie counts as two people" isn't a real problem people have, that's Tom trying to quickly make Tony likeable without actually changing Tony's behavior.
To be fair, it might be etheric in nature.
The mind cage might be an actual effect.
Kat flip flopping on him like that is still fucking retarded
The "Tony is only mean to Annie because of a wizard's curse" chapter is probably inside a glass case that Tom will only break if we're in the last 5 chapters and everyone still hates Tony. This probably won't be needed because Tom basically put him away after the mind cage chapter, but he might be trying his luck again.
Being mean to annie isn't really the issue. He could be just as harsh as he's been and be a great father if he also showed he loved her. The problem is that he can't seem to do so.
ok, the "Tony can't show love and affection to Annie because of a wizard's curse" chapter is inside a glass case. My mistake.
What was the mind cage if not the "Tony is only mean to Annie because of a wizard's curse" chapter?
the "Tony can't show love and affection to Annie because of a poorly defined neurological disorder" chapter. Which didn't end up absolving Tony as much as Tom hoped it would.
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There was no "because"
I think having done a reread recently the thing that bugs me the most about it is how the comic feels like it's blaming Annie for the problems Tony's neglect caused her and treats it like it would be a character fault if she or the readers treated him with anything other than pure acceptance.
I think in general, the comic has done a weird shift into vilifying Annie for nearly everything (which is why this thread calls her stupid all the time). It's hard to notice because the comic DID do an interesting thing where it subverted YA tropes by showing that Annie was wrong to never trust the adults around her. the chapter where Red bitches her out was where the comic started to shit on her all the time. Like, I don't even know if we're supposed to follow up on Jack and his tradwife accusing Annie of trying to betray Zimmy.
Tom has always bullied Annie.
Annie was always shat on in the threads too.
The red chapter was so bizarre I think a lot of us were accepting that it was secretly a court plot or something but I guess we're just meant to take it at face value that Annie is an awful piece of shit?
>Tom has always bullied Annie.
nah, for the first half of the comic she's definitely making some bad choices, but we can also see why she's making them, and we know she has good intentions. And we get those admonishments from cool characters like Jones, not Red or Eglamore's elf cumdump. and its extra frustrating because the introduction of Tony meant that she never got to truly develop out of those habits, she's just submitted entirely to her shitty autistic dad.
No, Red was being unfair. Everyone knew the risks.
Speaking of bullying, new page of Alpha, Beta and Omega is up.
Never going there again. The people there are exceptionally rude.
It's some Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas shit. Omega sees first hand all the suffering going on all the time that makes what's good in life possible, so she's super utilitarian about it. Zimmy suffering so that other people can be happy is a net plus to her.
Oh man, I love the nipples
it might have changed
... Why Alpha, Beta and Omega, though?
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The Red chapter was followed by Kat calling Red a cunt. That was the perspective of an annoying brat, not some omniscient judge.
Annie is the alpha, Kat is the beta and ... Omega is there also.
Probably. Zimmy knows Kat is going to kill her and Coyote wants to die. Kat'll probably take Coyote's tooth and stab the both of them.
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Omega factored into Zimmy's prediction and Omega wants things to stay as they are.
I honestly think the tooth will become lost and Kat will accept her divinity and use it to supplant Coyote (while killing Zimmy in the process of replacing the distortion with her own version of "logical" reality).
All the Omega haters will be proven wrong once more, just like with Tony.
Omega/Zimmy/Gamma recombination maybe? Omega gets internalised zimmyworld to block her predictions, Zimmy gets control over her etheric fuckery, Gamma gets to never leave Zimmy and all three of them technically die
Annie is a terrible influence on Kat.
Remember when Kat was that sweet, altruistic, empathetic girl who was inquisitive and smart.
Now Kat has become almost psychotic in her pursuit of technological advancement, she ignored her girlfriend because she was worried about Annie, she doesn't think before she does anything anymore, almost killing herself just to be slightly more efficient, she's completely impulsive and often even unreasonable nowadays, she just did whatever the norns told her to do without question and all of her insanity stems from Annie, it all originates in a mistake Annie made where she broke school rules multiple times in a row and almost ended up dead because of it.
>Continuity BAD
If I were VanHeist I wouldn't proudly play that card
>She's a loner from eastern Europe who caught a plague
>No wait she's just a buff brown girl of no known nationality
>No no she's a cuddly Kaiju
>Actually she's half [redacted]
30mg Adderall XR once daily
Kat's parents have always been pretty sketchy though. All her mad scientist traits are just her following in her mother's footsteps. Annie's probably keeping her grounded rather than going full maniac
True, her parents are also sometimes a bit weird.
I still wonder if Kat's life was planned out in advance by Omega and Kat's parents are in on it, though I think the likelihood of that it rather small.
>The unplanned organism is a question asked by nature and answered by death. You are another kind of question with another kind of answer.
Morpheus, Deus Ex
My guess? Kat will use her super hacker powers to override Omega and use her to kill Zimmy.
Kat's life is so entwined with Annie's that there's no way Omega could've planned it out beyond possibly setting up Donald and Anja
It's only after the bridge that causes problems. Kat met Annie before then.
Annie is a terrible influence on anyone, to be fair.
Unless you're Reynard who goes from a soulstealing monstrosity to cute little doggy after exposure to her
That's true. Somehow Annie's influence and relationships are different when it comes to dogs. I wonder why.
He was never a monster. He was betrayed by Coyote and took a guy's life on accident, then took another when he needed to defend himself and tried to take another to escape his prison. He was desperate and I'm sure he didn't like it.
I remember the accident and the breakout, who was the second (self-defense) one?
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Because you want to fuck dogs and you're projecting onto the funny cartoon girl?

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