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>What's the Roster?
>Who's your mains?
>What's the scenarios?
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Definitely Mai Shiranui
Dad would never show the type of fan service that the Fatal Fury anime had with Mai.
I'll keep it simple.

Black canary
Mary marvel
Is he gay?
So this going by KOF rules with a team of three?
I would main the hell out of Nameless and Red Hood
If you could actually give them good movesets id agree, but as injustice 1 & 2 have shown us it dosent work. Even Shazam and green lantern had better movesets. Even aquaman
Meant to say DC not dad.
Damn spellcheck
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This but with Power-girl and Mai or:

>Blue Mary v. Black Canary
>Leona Heidern v. Rose Wilson
>Catwoman v. Whip
>Harley Quinn v. Shermie
Team to OP
Did you make this thread just to post shitty art?
No. I wanted to get a crossover thread going. Similar to the last MvC thread a few days ago. If the art isn't to your liking then you can contribute.
Post more Mai!
If I have to make a roster:

>Erik the viking
>King Leo
>Mid boss: Iori Rit of Blood or Wild Leona
>Final boss: Anti-Life Rugal

>Martian Manhunter
>Captain Atom
>GL Hal Jordan
>Harley Quinn
>Poison Ivy
>Lex Luthor
>Black Adam
>Manchester Black
>Green Arrow
>Plastic Man
>Mid boss: some evil speedster
>Final boss: Orochi Darkseid
no, DC is for Mortal Kombat and Warner shit.
SNK is for fighting their biggest rival bankruptcy
Warner biggest rival is that too
star labs works with NESTS and makes hybrid clones of supes, wondy and bats and mixes them with kyo, athena, and leona and plans on unleashing them in major cities like they planned with the kyos. they make a hyper clone rugal for the final boss that has all the powers of those above, but is highly unstable and can only use one powerset at a time without burning up, the overall ending involves geese and lex working together on a new plan to be rid of all of their enemies, meanwhile waller takes control of the star/NESTS alliance
Aren't they doing pretty good since that Saudi prince bought them?
They are even getting action figures and mode kits and shit.
They also said they want to get into multimedia pursuits (i.e. their own cinematic universe and/or TV shows). SNK is on the road to recovery, but you won’t see a lot of media outlets acknowledging this because “Saudi BAD so SNK bad too!”
I think it's MK, Primal Rage, and Pit Fighter characters since WB owns them all.
DC team:
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America used to be like this sometime
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>What's the scenarios?

>Benimaru styles his hair with his electricity, Livewire mocks him by doing the same thing
>Geese expands his operations to Gotham, bringing Batman to Southtown
>Mars People interacting with Martian Manhunter, Wondy interacting with (actual) Athena

I'm interested in what the DC characters'' themes would sound like (hopefully avoiding what MvCI did, giving the Marvel side generic-sounding orchestral "hero" music)

>Power Girl and Mai
Nah, it should be Peej and Angel
What a beautiful Mexican woman.
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How the fuck does KOF canon work? I recently learned that most of my favorite games are non-canon dream matches, but that includes characters who only appear in those games, like the American team in KOF 98. And apparently the events of Final Fight and Garou aren't canon even though a few Garou characters appear pretty much unaltered in KOF. Apparently that applies to Metal Slug too? And in both directions?

>Orochi Darkseid

Kinda of a downgrade for him.
There are two main timelines:

Art Of Fighting series->Fatal Fury


In the KOF timeline, everything that happened in the first timeline happened with two major differences: Geese Howard is alive instead of dead, the AOF cast is contemporaneous to the FF cast instead of being like two decades older. Dream Matches are games with no story that only serve to have all the characters from a story arc fighting each other regardless if they are alive or not.
You can fuck off
Better than Dark Khan.
The funny thing is that XV made canon a multiverse for SNK so they can easily crossover with anything now
>Anons throwing a fit for Rugal when Goenitz exists
If you want to make SNK vs MK then:

>The robot who is compared with Maxima
>Erik the viking
>King Leo
>Final boss: Orochi Shao Khan

>Lui Kang
>Johnny Cage
>Kung Lao
>Ninja Smoke
>Some rep from Primal Rage
>Some rep from Pit Fighter
>Some rep from DC
>Shao Kan
>Final boss: Titan Orochi
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>clones your superheroes
>learn their weaknesses and strengths
>drains their powers
I wonder if Sub-Zero would like Kula?
Over Frost? Sure.
You fucking missed Shan Tsung.

I mean Some other Villains could have benefited from Orochi like Mongul or Braniac. Darksied is nothing he would need since the Anti-Life Equation is Something more absolutely Powerful the Orochi.
Nah it should be SNK vs something anime, like Shonen Jump. Marvel and Capcom is for the black nerds, DC vs MK is for the white ones, so you need something to match SNK's Mexican energy. That means Goku.
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I think the trick would be making the roster diverse enough. For example, don't put too many justice league characters because otherwise, it wouldn't be dc vs snk but JL vs SNK.
What I liked about the snk vs capcom roster is that, they didn't just filled capcom side with street fighter characters but also took some wacky choices
I don't like the idea of putting the whole trinity in there but there's absolutely no way dc would ever make a game without putting them there
I want DC vs Jump
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Rock and Superboy as rivals/friends? They're both jacket-wearing sons of villains (Geese and Lex) who are mentored and raised by their arch-enemies (Terry and Clark)

>it's the Goku vs Superman debate again, but instead of feats, it's tiers
Hed be confused and annoyed at her, but would like her for her dumb innocence.
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plastic man
Je would loatje K' however
We got a better chance of Marvel VS Capcom VS SNK, before we get a DC VS SNK.
I feel like Dick should be shaking Terry's hand not Sups. Like Cyclops is the one shaking Ryu's hand not Spider-Man.
Everyone here is missing a big factor, that being that the MvC didn't start as MvC, it started as X-Men vs Street Fighter. So the question isn't what would DCvSNK would look like, it's what would Teen Titans vs Fatal Fury would look like, here's my guestimation:
Teen Titans
>Beast Boy
Fatal Fury
>Terry Bogard
>Andy Bogard
>Joe Higash
>Mai Shiranui i
>Ryuji Yamazaki
>Big Bear
>Blue Mary
>Wolfgang Krauser
>Geese Howard
Might change Wildebeest cause that was just a random pull cause I couldn't think of a good replacement for Juggernaut that existed prior to 1996 and just picked a random Fetal Five member.
I'm impressed that SNK gave the world Goeniko, Serious Mr. Karate and Psycho Ken
Akuma was a secret character in Children of the Atom before XMvSF, so a proper start would be a DC fighting game with a secret SNK character in it-question is, who?
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I was literally thinking about a 2D DC fighting game the past couple days but with the artstyle of DBFZ and Guilty Gear Strive and not realism shit and also going balls to the walls insane and just letting the heroes go loose with powerlevel shit, mainly because it's a fighting game so you can do that with no repercussions
sub zero is the protagonist
If you confined the game to street-level heroes and villains, then it would make a ton of sense to have Rugal facing off Batman, Deathstroke, Bane or Wildcat. Fucker likes to turn strong martial artists into statues, and he's monstrous enough to dwarf Bane or Deathstroke.
How about Geese?

Set up a cutscene with Lex monologing and within that speech, the cold and selfish hand of Geese Howard viciously grabs him and throws Lex Luthor over the ledge.
>when your waifu becomes your hand
theyre sadly never gonna make this with warner owning netherrealm
Man it sucks that KOFAS never managed to get that MK collab
Kof Allstars. The free to play app game.
I mean hectically it would be a Teen Titans game first then a DC game.
But what >>144292365 said, probably Geese.
oh i didnt even know about that
Make it JL vs KoF
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You missed on some cool stuff and the game was surprisingly deep for a gacha
wow they really did collab with everyone but mk
And that is only what they did with fighting games, they also collabed with anime, another gacha and pic related
they should collab with the walking dead since they already did tekken
snk is so fucking cringe.
My roster
>boss: female Chang

>power girl
>poison ivy
>boss: granny goodness
How about some dlc:

>Duck King

SNK sucks (except for Metal Slug, which is based)
Midway gigamogs

Excuse me, I meant to type 'Jonah Hex'
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Sylvie Paula and Harley Quinn shopping at the mall
Characters that SNK might pick of weirdness could be Gorilla Grodd, Bizarro, or Razer
Why nips never do collabs with MK or Midway/NRS?
It's because MK is pretty niche in Japan and CERO works to reduce gore and extreme violence in Japanese video games.
which is shutting down in October, by the way.
>"So you made it this far. I'll finish you off mysel-"
"Silence, worm."
>Gestures at the player

DC x SNK Heroines: Clash of Waifus
...no Black Canary?
Messed up, meant
>Terry and Superman
In an alternative world where DC and SNK happen I'd imagine it'd start in the same way Marvel and Capcom first crossed over.
the first Marvel game Capcom did was with the X-men
Teen Titans is more analogous to the X-Men from the comics
but Batman was the big show in the 90s, analogous to X-Men's cartoon in the 90s

In any case I would say it should be Dick Grayson and Terry being the ones who have the handshake, not Superman and Terry
MK vs Samurai Showdown makes more sense because of the blood and gore
Who's SNK Supes equivalent?
>I don't like the idea of putting the whole trinity in there but there's absolutely no way dc would ever make a game without putting them there
I hate that, if dc ever makes a dc fighting game crossover, you just KNOW that joker and harley quinn are going to waste a slot
if they ever made it i hope they add the echo fighter system from smash for characters whose moveset would be too similar
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Who would be the Violent Ken of DC? Or would Rugal steal some higher force from the DC Universe?
I dunno, Red Lantern Guy?
Guy Gardner Forma Guerrero and Guy Gardner Forma de Lintera Roja.
It’d be nice if you post an actual picture of her then
Wait if Cyber-Akuma was the main boss of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter would that mean a Trigon Amped Devil Geese would be the final boss of DC Super Heroes vs. Fatal Fury.
Different anon here.
WTF are you talking about?
That is Mai.
>WTF are you talking about?
>That is Ma
no, it's shit ai slop pf "mai" with deformed fingers
snk is to small to do a dc it would be more likely to collab with image, idw, or skybound, or darkhorse
and Marvel was too small to collab with Capcom. so that means nothing
DC is set in stone for the foreseeable future with Netherrealm studios, both under the WB umbrella.
SNK might get Image or something.
>Vs. King: Not a martini guy but it would be nice to have another bartender at Warriors.
>Vs. Ash: There's already 2 who do the Green Flame bit. And way better than you pretty boy.
>Vs. King of Dinosaurs: And that's for cheating against Big Bear! Lost $500 bucks because of that chairshot!
>Vs. Ralf: Your punches aren't nothing to scoff at but I've been hit WAY harder.
>Andy: My man, ninja babe! Right there! GO FOR IT!
>Cathy: Not bad, lady. The Corps could use a Top Hunter.
>Neo-Dio: Sorry but this Hero is on whole nother level.
fair enough
If we go by DC equivalent to CotA, then it would be a Batman fighter.
My guess would be that Bane would be the final boss. The Akuma equivalent would be someone out of Ryo/Terry/Kyo, Geese or Iori.
1. Batman
2. Robin
3. Batgirl
4. Katana (analogous to Psylocke, a character not actually in the 90s show but is related and is Japanese rep)
5. Phantasm
6. Harley
7. Poison Ivy
8. Killer Croc
9. Mr Freeze
10. Clayface
11. Joker (Boss)
12. Bane (Boss)
13. Geese as the secret crossover character
I guess Bane vs Allen O'Neil from Metal Slug.
>Evo would disintegrate its attendance record if there was any fighting game where you can pit Goku vs Superman
Fuck it, just call BNE and have Arcsys or 8ing develop it.
arina is from sunsoft
even midway has dignitity compared to snk.
The roster would basically be the best parts Injustice games without the forced shadow cross-promotion and the best parts of KOFXV and the SNK side of CvS2

>Green Lantern
>Solomon Grundy
>J'onn J'onzz

>Joe Higashi
>Terry Bogard
>Mai Shiranui
>Hibiki Takane
>Geese Howard
>Yamazaki Ryuji
>Rock Howard
>Hinako Shijo
>Kain Heinlein
>Nii-san Maxima

Any other big names that didn't make it will be obvious post-launch DLC bait further down the road.
Rock and Nightwing as friendly rivals is a layup, come on now.
Mine was
6.Poison Ivy
7.Killer Croc
10.Joker (would have Harley appear as an assist special for him)
11.Clayface (Sub-Boss)
12.Bane (Boss)
>The Battle of rich Japanophiles:

>Geese Howard vs Batman

Seriously, If Bruce double-downed on his art and mastered energy based moves. How different of a person would he be?
Is Bruce a Japanophile?
Like yeah, he's basically a ninja, but I don't think he usually thinks of himself as such.
I'm just exaggerating. Bruce could have some oriental paraphernalia in honor of his masters. But not as full blown weebaoo central like Geese.
The Trinity
Green Lantern
J'onn J'onz
Plastic Man
Swamp Thing
Beast Boy
Dr. Fate
Captain Cold
Red Hood
Mr. Terrific
Manchester Black
B'wana Beast
Shining Knight
Tommy Monaghan
Green Arrow
Blue Beetle
Black Manta

Terry Bogard
Kyo Kusanagi
Iori Yagami
Kula Diamond
Ash Crimson
Rock Howard
Andy Bogard
Joe Higashi
Mai Shiranui
May Lee
Billy Kane
Geese Howard
Eiji Kisaragi
Ralf Jones
Clark Still
Kim Kaphwan
Choi and Chang
B. Jenet
Mars People
TIzoc/King of Dinosaurs
Jun Kigami
Miu Kurosaki
If this is playing like marvel
Superman, Batman, Kyo (for dp assist)

If SvC
Iori, Kyo, Batman.
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DC already belongs to Mortal Kombat. I'd rather have SNK vs SEGA desu.
Honestly, DC vs SNK would be kind of a neat foil to Marvel vs Capcom. I'd actually like to see that.
If this happens, I want to see a live action trailer like this.

He better say, "See you in Hell" after his ass gets kicked.
seems to "safe"
MvC2 didn't have characters like Thor or Hawkeye
instead they opted out for Marrow and Blackheart
characters still obscure today but are carried by their unique design and powers
having the DC roster being composed of 5 Supermen seems redundant and boring even if you really try stretch out their distinctions
What i'm saying it'd be far more interesting to a Negative Man or Platinum as a character
Capcom vs SNK was basically SF vs KOF feat. Morrigan
I considered going wackier and weirder for DC picks, but then I realized SNK's output isn't quite as diverse as Capcom's, since they're mostly a fighting game company. And if SNK can make distinct and varied movesets with the "martial artist" template, I don't see why they couldn't get similarly creative with the flying bricks. That said, I do see where you're coming from.
Also almost all of SNK most important franchises have some KoF rep.
No formal Metal Slug rep. in Kof yet.
And no, Ikari Warriors don't count.
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The World Heroes of course
Injustass and the DCEU were the biggest 1-2 punch shitfest of the last decade.
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>copies you and your powers
Nothing personnel, kid

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