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>Skinny Fit
>completely white skin
>that hairstyle
>quirky makeup
>Emo eyeliner
>Collar choker?
>Open button shirt?

This Joker looks like one og those twinks women want to fuck.
no shit, it's based on the first ss movie that had a ton of women wishing they were harley get their back's blown out by leto joker
Joker already is a Twink
>the twinkler
Nah "general template" Joker is obviously an Auntie.
ur jelly bc ull never be a woman
He looks like he needs to be raped.
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I like Harley's design
Joker and Batfag have always been gay.
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sorry meant to >>144285845
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She cute
This feels more like a sequel to Supercrooks than Suicide Squad.
I understand using harley but i wish they had other villains on the team
Clayface is the best one
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They do reference the Joaquin Phoenix movie
Is the guy in the suit supposed to be Captain Boomerang?
They always kill off a member of the team as a gimmick you just know Rick Flag is the one dying, the rest of the team hates him and was ready to let him die, they wont kill Harley or Deadshot since they're pretty much mainstays, they killed King Shark in the past but since DC is pushing him so hard nowadays they obviously won't dare, Peacemarker wont die since they said one of the main reasons of this show being a thing was the live action Peacemaker series doing well in Japan and Clayface is basically inmortal and always cheats death in both comics and cartoons, that just leaves Rick Flag to bite the dust
I wish they picked some other obscure member so it won't be as obvious
No, that's Rick Flag
Peacemaker also got the most famous out of all the Japanese VAs in the show
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>you just know Rick Flag is the one dying
>they wont kill Harley or Deadshot since they're pretty much mainstays
Rick Flag is more of a mainstay than Deadshot, who wasn't in the second movie. I don't think they've done literally anything without Flag.
>completely white skin
Just like most Jokers then
Peacemaker killed Rick Flag on the second movie tho and he wasn't on the direct to video animated Suicide Squad movies since those pretty much gave his role to Deadshot
Harley Quinn fans are so mad about this btw.
>Harley is in a relationship with a moid
>she is turned into an underage girl

of course they are this show is made for incels and pedophiles you retard.

Why ?
If the boot fits.
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She doesn't look like a little girl, she's just shorter than usual and her boobs and ass are smaller
That's a whole ass child

Man dick pedo apologists
Canonically in love with Joker in every single universe, cope.
If anything the loli is Katana
The only true canon show is the Harley Quinn show. Cope lesbophobe.

Also, joker is a socialist dad.
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cry harder about it baiting larper, reddit is two blocks down.
Why does /co/ hate petite women?
I haven’t seen a single legitimate Harley/Ivy shipper (not the trolls here) mad about this desu, Harley’s thing with the Joker is obviously always very well-established everywhere.
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I like short women, this Harley looks great IMO, she's so tiny compared to everyone else but Katana, it looks cute
Good bait
The Gooker
Harly was insufferable before, maker her anime compounds it.
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I find funny how Harley Quinn gets more media than Wonder Woman nowadays
Cute indeed
>This Joker looks like one og those twinks women want to fuck.

Yes. That's the whole point. Anime is made for boomers of all kinds.. Fujos are totally down for this bishi joke man.Theyll but figures and merch. DC finally gets a win.
And that's why it's great.
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I saw the way she was staring at her. The princess is totally lusting after Harley.
I can't ever remember a time where Wonder Woman was taken seriously and not as a sex object
no it's cuz she's gonna do a prince and the pauper thing with Harley.
honestly, i think Clayface will die. yes, technically he is basically unkillable, but i feel like he's the one that's most likely to die just based on social context (note how the other characters are given a pass because of some outside influence, while the only reason for Clayface is he's "practically immortal"). he'll probably have the sacrifice death like El Diablo in the 2016 movie. do agree with most of the rest though, should've thrown in more picks to really keep tensions high
that or as "the one that killed that one guy a while ago" getting exaggerated to "she kills every villain she comes across"
They could have used the golden age version of Clayface were he was just a former horror movie actor turned serial killer without any super powers like that shitty looking upcoming Batman cartoon is doing, I'd say Clayface is WAY more well known and popular than Rick Flag since he's been on so much Batman related shit including the 90s cartoon and the Arkham games, it would make sense for him to die tho, he could just take it as his "final act"
Cute butt
Deathstroke when just do he can list over little kids?
This design is no different than every other Suicide Squad or Harley thing for the last decade
Deadshot terrorizing thinker without realizing was easily the funniest joke of the show.
thats literally just that girl with a knife from My Hero Academia
I like the fact she was dicking around with Harley since she easily deflected a bullet that was about to kill Rat Catcher
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Did someone say rape?
>If a woman doesn´t have giant breasts and ass, she's underage
That sexist, sir.
Since Killer Croc is one of the leaders they're going to fight I would be kinda pissed if they have Harley kill him since in "Batman the animated series" (where she originated from) she was against Joker droping a nuke on Gotham since that would kill her friends "Ivy, Killer Croc, Mad Hatter and Ventriloquist"
I like the painted on smile
Still way better than the Harley Quinn cartoon even if that's not saying much
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Can anyone make a webm of that scene where Katana punches the air out of Harley's lungs, Charlie from Smiling Friends style?
Ngl it gave me a hard boner.
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I wanna FUCK this version of Amanda
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Cute Harley
Better than MAWS without a doubt
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Cute boy
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He actually looks like Peter Capaldi.
Looks better than the Rick & Morty anime
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I 'member when Marvel did anime series for X-Men, Iron Man, Wolverine and Blade, too bad only the X-Men anime was any good, the worst one was Wolverine's
Since the people in charge of DC/WB straight up said they want to produce more anime series If this one does well, I hope they're better than Marvel's
I really like these designs.
Wasn't it Ratcatcher?
Literally me
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Joel Haver tier rotoscoping
First the mass stabbing incident in the Tokyo subway and now this shit. Why the FUCK did the Joaker movie had such cultural impact in Japan?
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Forgot pic
Landmine girl.
She's so cool...
>tumblr sexyman joker
>no batman in sight
Are you having a stroke?
They really liked the Joker's design
Its great value brand blue chick from cyberpunk 2077.

With how cancerous work and hirachery is there, a popular Joker like movie being straw that broke the back isn't that surprising.
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Ratcatcher and The Ventriloquist are some of the few late 80s Batman villains that they still use to this day, Cornelius Stirk, Corrosive Man and Mortimer Kadaver are basically memory holed, Kadaver was cool even if he was "we have Joker at home" basically
Anything looks better than that
Harley sex
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One thing I notice since the first ep. Was it really necessary to make all those pop culture references? More specifically, make only references towards Warner IPs? Seems like it was mandatory or something
>in Japan?
It was big everywhere in the world. Don't ignore the noise spics make about it.
Nice ass
Still better than the references in the Harley Quinn cartoon, there's less here if anything
It's different, like take HQ and it's obviously western writers including references to seem funny as they usually do. It's not something that happens often in japan but the way they namedrop everything makes it seem less like the writers intention and more like a company mandate since it doesn't reference anything outside what Warner owns.
The queen has some real huge tits
This feels like it's trying too hard with walker.
We need porn of her and her daughter having some family bonding while her kingdom is getting killled by orcs in the background
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>give the property to a japanese studio and tell them they can do anything with it
why can't we do that?
Western Animation is in shambles in terms of product & production
The animation is so fucking bad.
This is the most generic anime art style possible I fucking hate it
At least Joker 2 will enforce Joker x Harley onto the public consciousness. Gonna hear a lot of bitching from the freaks who like Ivy x Harley.
She's just Asian, dude. Bunch of them are womanlets.
Congratulations, you're autistic.
So you want Joker to be ruined even further?
I swear, shills for this trash baffle me.
It was.
Imagine her beating your brains out.
Harley was always fapbait so it's faithful to her og purpose.
Man, rotoscoping never stops looking weird.
the what now?
Peacesackhead was better looking/more interesting than his actual design. Why?
From the thumbnail I thought that it was Harley presenting her panties
West (except France) killed off their 2d animation studios. Replaced with terrible 3d.
Japan still had 2d animation and is willing to do stories for all age and sex demographics as well as genre.
So despite going through their own cost cutting, it's still better than anything from the west.
What did she mean by this?
Nah, the Harley Quinn cartoon is shit, I remember that that in the DVD audio commentary to Batman the animated series "Harlequinade" Bruce Timm ad Paul Dini said "Harley needs the Joker to work, if you have her on her own then you'll need to do something stupid like giving her a wacky family or making everyone around her incompetent so she looks better" and I find that funny because that's exactly what the HQ cartoon did
>So you want Joker to be ruined even further?
How? Joker x Harley is classic.
If you're a retarded cartoontard, sure.
Keep that worthless cunt away from Joker, he's better off without her.
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Tiny Harley
>Only one of these characters is not a Batman character
Total BatCHAD cultural victory.
I turned myself into an anime morty!!!!
Pls someone make an edit
Goddam that Storm.
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So are we getting ANY characters besides Clayface that weren't in the live action movies?
I'll say I do like how they did Clayface. It makes sense an aspiring actor who can change their appearance would try to look like a preening prettyboy.
I do wish his VA would lean into the ham just a little more. Not quite full whatever-they-did-with-him-in-the-Harley-Quinn-cartoon but just a touch more.
Harley is based, cry harder chudcel.
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Since we're posting Cuteanas she must've gone through a lot of revisions between this art and the premiere
We have Pam Isley at home...
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The character designer said she was inspired by the Heath Ledger design, not the Leto one
Technically the Ratcatcher they used in the second movie was an OC (a daughter of his) since the comic Ratcatcher is male, older, fatter and has pointy ears and rat teeth, the one on this show looks more like a regular human but he's male like in the comics
Katana's got one of the best looking smug faces i've seen in a while right here
>capeshit is infecting anime now
Well not anything, they have to shill shows you can watch on Max™ like Game of Thrones
Why are you bitching? Suicide Squad's one of the least capeshit-like IPs. It's like Punisher or the Guardians getting an anime.
>Why are you bitching?
Because I fucking HATE capeshit, and don't want to fucking see it. Why is everything conspiring to shove this feces in my ace at all times? Why is this the only kind of story allowed to be fucking told anymore? FUCK OFF ALREADY.
Because the Joker is like Sheogorath, an entity that lives in your brain until you snap and start hearing his voice.
The only difference is that Himiko is dead by the worse girl in the show
>the mass stabbing incident in the Tokyo subway
He wasn't dressed as Joker. He was dressed as a JoJo character. Western news media sucks balls at fact checking.
reminds me of junko enoshima
Back when Madhouse was still a proper studio
Explains why it's such a shit design.
>It's like Punisher
Lol no it isn’t
Harley literally came from the cartoon first.
That makes you a secondary.
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Dumbfuck autist, I meant that he's one of many capeshit characters that are barely capeshit themselves. Learn to read.
If you're gonna be this much of a wacko, then you should take some meds to stabilize your crazy ass.
Guess what my point was, you dumbass illiterate chucklefuck?
Fucking retard, a shitty character from a shitty overrated cartoon that was a part of your childhood is not "classic" anything. None of the great comic Joker stories feature this worthless cunt which is PRECISELY what my point is.
Maybe next time learn to read before you act smug, you cuntrag disposed in the trashcan by your whore mother.
>None of the great comic Joker stories feature this worthless cunt which is PRECISELY what my point is.
Yeah the great stories like the Killing Joke and .....
Maybe rise of the red hood but he's not really the highlight of that story.
Or maybe you are really into stupid shit like Emperor Joker.

Stop seething that you can't relate to this clown character because he gets some pussy now and then.
>Joker looks like Levi
>Peacemaker is voiced by Takehito Koyasu
>hating the wolverine one
>not even liking the blade one

Man this board got shit taste
>The Man Who Laughs
>A Serious House On The Serious Earth (Joker is a genuine highlight)
>Devil's Advocate (inb4 actually being filtered by this one)
A shill is a casual, who would've guessed.
Just kill yourself, you retarded cunt.
Fuck you and your worthless self-inserting coomer shit, shill.
I wonder if the costume designer for Suicide Squad gets royalties every time someone uses this costume in media, and if not if they're not kicking themselves for not putting that in their contract.
Clayface is hilarious in this iteration
Good to know that Takasugi is still a edgelord who drinks Yakult.
He says while going out of his way to come to /co/ what a fucking little retard you are
Joker has always been a huge fag
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why did the west concede to anime?
Thes west had its face ground into the dirt and completely lost.
Anime website, cry about it.
They'll probably kill off Clayface because they'll always have an out to bring him back
Way to utterly miss the point you absolute retard
It's very much a left over of DC's and Warner's idea of pushing for somethign to be the next big thing, before even knowing it people even want it. Granted, it Harley is the one case that seemingly payed off, even if now the oversatturation is starting to hit. With that said, inside that oversatturation this may be my favorite portrayal of her, in years, maybe a decade.
As obvious as that plotline is (you can tell from the trailers alone) I'm still not sure what's the endgoal there. It makes me think the Harley screaming in pain and magic circle on the Opening is actually the princess, in any case.
Unlikely, as the production on the anime started short after the first movie, with a team whose primarly directive was to "introduce the Suicide Squad to Japan", so they would work with what they knew was already well known in mainstream, plus whatever Warner told them was their plans for the future (Peacemaker, Ratcatcher and The Thinker in this case) Clayface is really the surprise here, but that may have come from either the Harley show or a list of "which metahumans do fit these lineup and are we allowed to use?"
>here are no comics that aren't capeshit
dumbass newfag casual
Reminds me of Sturgill Simpson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qX02AW48bM
There aren't. Other genres functionally aren't allowed to exist in this medium.
Production of this anime must have started when they still thought Jared Leto was gonna come back as Joker.
Deadshot actually said it. The subs just stick around long enough for the next shit which is her.
>2 days
>nowhere close to hitting bump limit
Isekai squad flopped...
Lesboids seething that anime Harley in strong heterosexual romance with the Joker. I drink your salty tears.
They're ashamed to admit their attraction to pedophilia. Like a closeted fag.
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Got you covered bro
Agreed, Harley is cancer and I wish she had never been created. Joker already has enough problems nowadays without adding her to it
Gaz Digsy?
>that low-rise jeans+vagina bones combo
Im about to go feral
>Not a single clown or harlequin motif
That's such an interesting design given her OG/standard look. I wonder how Japanese artists felt like when they first saw her I'm pretty sure at least one person working on the anime rolled their eyes or maybe i'm being too negative and they thought it was flattering/cute
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>Not a single clown or harlequin motif
It's in the hoody
I dunno, it may be ages ago, but I remember back when Capcom made Children of the Atom, they run to the chance to add Silver Samurai in the game, even though he only had a single apperances in the cartoon and isn't that popular to begin with... Because he was a freaking Samurai. As for Katana, she seems fairly conservative in regards tropes, even a little "generic" if you were to put her besides a full lineup on ninjas in pop culture. So if anything, at worst case they may had only think "there is room for improvement". And considering how the turn Clayface into Michael Jackson I would gather they didn't thought she needed that many improvements.
>This Joker looks like one og those twinks women want to fuck.
Doesn't that just make Harley falling for him more believable?

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