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* Initially seems like just a "funny animals hanging with humans" parody of a genre
* Becomes quite serious while retaining comedic elements
* Eventually gets bogged down with weird reality-warping "End of the World" stuff
* Loses steam
* "And the central romantic couple? Yeah, they don't work out."

If I had a nickel for every time this happened, I'd have three nickels, etc.

Is there a name for this kind of comic?
What's the bottom one?
Fone Bone realizing off-panel after a timeskip that he wasn't in love with Thorn any more was the weirdest shit possible and a huge letdown.
Cerebus and Bone are extremely different.
Their the only two comics that I like and I can't understand why other than "generic cartoon Character gets put in hyper violent scenarios"
Cerebus is a schizo's comic with no real plot. It is not comparable to Bone. I have no clue what that third comic is.
Is that the last strawhat
Cerebus had a plot for about 2/3rds of the comic.
Also Endtown is never "funny animals hanging with humans" and neither is Bone. Even during the very first Al and Gustine storyline the state of the world is grim and shit's weird. Not that I don't think Aaron drops the ball later on. And the menace of the Hooded One and rat creatures is present basically from the start of Bone
I like Bone but the story fucking sucks after the 5-6th book
I too like(d) Holly, but man, you need to let your waifu go.
For lack of a better term I'd call them Cerebus Syndrom comics.
(The term WAS in use before tvtropes latched onto it)

Man, I haven't thought about that one in ages. They still on Namek? By which I mean: did they ever get back to that Town? The End one?

I can see OPs point though, they're definitely spiritual siblings. Something about trying to tell a serious story while using at least a main character that looks derived from Disney/Funny animal stuff. Designs like that make it easier to latch onto the character. I'm not sure I'd like Cerebus half as much if he looked like Conan.
But in some regards very similar.
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>No real plot
I may not LIKE the big picture plot, but it's there.
Tell that to the writer/artist. She's on half of the merch still being sold.

A lot of that has to do with the fact that Smith basically redid a big chunk of the series multiple times as Thorn with the earlier versions always eventually writing themselves into a corner and/or petering out before restarting again.

So the first half is really refined while the latter wasn't. Plus he really excels at the kind of light fantasy/humor at the start rather than the more serious stuff.
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>* "And the central romantic couple? Yeah, they don't work out."
>make a bunch of art of her and Wally together
>have her be the one to get Wally to settle down and accept who he is now
>town goes to shit
>have her start breaking down
>have Wally fall for an idiot out of nowhere
>force her to relive when her life started falling apart
>chunk her into a bubble
>only mention her when it comes to her slapstick counterpart
He especially dropped the ball with the ending, having the Bones just... leave.
And I get that he was trying to be "realistic" with how Fone Bone didn't get the girl, but if you're trying to do a bit about how a funny-looking short guy can't get a supermodel girlfriend, maybe don't make him a cute superstrong soulful type with a long list of heroic save the day accomplishments...
I'm willing to forgive a LOT considering the ending gave me one of my favorite pages of all time.
Crazy ol coot did the best "I'm causing the apocalypse and you can't stop me, neener neener neener" shit.
The worst part to me is that none of the bones go through any major character arcs. They're essentially the exact same person they were at the beggining of the story, unless you count Smiley Bone now being a surrogate father
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>Writer establishes that she's metaphorically a fly wrapped up in spider-webbing, getting high off of the enzymes very-very-VERY-slowly digesting her
>"It's a bittersweet ending."
Don't forget that he's also literally her soulmate! Yeah, they have a magic mind-bond!
"Welp, that sure happened. But I'd better go home. Smell you later, lady!
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I'm still wondering WHY though? Why make all this pre/post-comic art of the two of them together, only to break her down and throw her into the bin? I've heard talk it was because she was based on the creator's wife and then they had a nasty divorce, but I've never seen evidence of that.
Cerebus was a series of stories, some of them entertaining, and then near the end Sim tried to hammer it all into something that resembled a larger narrative. But don't kid yourself that it ever resembled something like Bone, where the author tried to work out an overall framework in advance, and had in mind at least key elements of a beginning, middle, and ending.
Eiichiro Oda is clearly making shit up as he goes along and once in a while thinks of a way to link a current story to an older one. Does that mean One Piece is "A schizo's comic with no real plot"?
My theory is that he became really enamored with the idea that she was suicidal from past traumas in a way that could never be overcome in the crapsack world he was making even darker, and then he became convinced that shoving her in a VR slowly eating her brain was a clever way to give her a happy ending while still keeping the overall tone dark.
Don't forget that he made a ton of merchandise about her being a strong character, but then one day - around the time he introduced Kirby (aforementioned idiot) - deleted all of it and started drastically changing her character to fit his new tastes while pretending it was planned all along.
I will always fondly remember issues like the Great Cow Race and Moby Dick but I read the whole thing for the first time some time last decade and I honestly don't remember how it ends. I just remember when it was a hot indie book with a lot of reprints and now it is a beloved graphic novel for children.
Never read this comic? How dark does it get?
>How does it end
>Fans seeing the fates of very likable "cartoon animal" characters living in a very broken post-apocalyptic city
>deleted all of it and started drastically changing her character to fit his new tastes while pretending it was planned all along.
Alright, I might start believing what I said here >>144291815, how the fuck are you gonna make art, merch and ALL that, and then drop the character? Like no, no one is that stupid.
barely even that lol
Without giving away spoilers, part of the charm was the way it actually managed to pretty seamlessly pivot from cute comedy to atrocities of war, to Cronenberg body horror, to "kill a suffering kid to put it out of its misery" morality, to the banal evils of what people in a post-apocalyptic society might do for a taste of their old lives, and right back to the cute comedy.
And then the main characters left the setting in the title and it kinda went to shit.
Well, they WERE kinda the main macguffin in the end. With Briar LMAOing her way down the road to unleash pure insanity-made-solid into the world.
I think what’s more insulting was dangling a fake version of her in the most recent arc when there was absolutely no reason to outside of riling up the people who miss the character. There wasn’t any payoff to her inclusion, he copped out and both froze the world she inhabited and even then only showed in-universe photographs of her set up on an obsessive killboard than her frozen in place during the cartoon skit she and CC were doing at the time.
I wouldn't read that much into it. Aaron is the sort of guy that keeps coming up with intricate long-term plans only to abandon them when he thinks he's come up with something better. Flask was meant to survive the rocket mission and walk away with that recently-transformed Koala girl becoming her Jiminy Cricket (with Flask in turn dealing some harsh realities to the newbie), but instead he went "wait what if I end her story right here, and then have her soul explain her backstory to Marx?"
The comic is full of little scenes that were probably setups for stories that never went anywhere. We went from "there's no food nearby, we cleaned out all the stores!" to "oh wait, there's a 16-year stockpile, but it was kept a secret because the last person in charge was paranoid as fuck."

Just be glad he never went full Morbi and shut the whole thing down while getting angry at fans who enjoyed it and throwing out spoilers left and right so he could never return to it, like the Poppy O'Possum fandom had to deal with.
See, the way I looked at it, this was 75% Cracked-Cat 25% Wally looking at Cracked Cat's obsession with Trixie and going "Oof, CC was never going to catch the mouse. These cartoons were basic as fuck. Stuff where the unexpected might happen is better."
I'm not sure it's meant to be deeper than that or have any more payoff.
"The big bad is an evil mirror image of the hero, trying to FORCE the world to fit her idea of what 'good' looks like" really shouldn't have been such a boring ending.
Give me Groucho Marx giving funny political advice to a grumpy barbarian-turned-emperor that's in over his head any day.
wait this is what the trope was named for?
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Lord Julius was the book's peak.

"Cerebus Syndrome" is when your silly Conan parody with a funny animal starts tackling politics and dealing with heavy stuff like suicide, having an abortion because the kid would probably starve, sexual predation, Church vs. State, etc. It's happened to a few works, but it was especially striking in Cerebus, so people were saying "like with Cerebus" and then "Cerebus Syndrome."
As dark as you can get without descending into edgelord school shooter fantasy comics.
>Just be glad he never went full Morbi and shut the whole thing down while getting angry at fans who enjoyed it and throwing out spoilers left and right so he could never return to it, like the Poppy O'Possum fandom had to deal with.
Is that what actually happened to Poppy O'Possum? All I really knew was that he suddenly stopped making more comic pages in favor of text dumps, like he thought he was writing a book.
That was stage 1.
Stage 2 was him stopping entirely and saying "I actually hate my comic, I never meant for this to keep going so long, never ask about it again."
And when people tried to cheer him up by saying they thought it was good, were sorry to hear he felt that way, hoped one day he'd continue, etc. he responded by going "I'm going to salt the Earth and make it impossible for me to ever continue it by posting every major spoiler about what would have happened later in the story."
A very depressing breakdown.
And they all suck
A chronic depressive moved to fucking SEATTLE
You know any other Cerebussy?
Isn't Cerebussy what Cirin has?
Non-American here.
Explain "Seattle" in this context. I know it as... a city. In America.
Kinda, yeah
It's a city where it rains all the time and has winter half the year
>is One Piece a schizo comic
Do you even hear yourself? One Piece is a fucking mess.
Anyone know where i can read OPs comics?
One Piece's comics? It's /a/.
Endtown is on Gocomics for free: https://www.gocomics.com/endtown
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Imagine hating your own work to such a degree. Like fuck, I wish my original creation got as big as Poppy. Last I heard of them they wee working on a story with that selkie girl and her scrimblo boyfriend, but I wouldn't be surprised if she dropped them to.
Gone feral gave us holly 2.0 at least
Araki would be a better example
I'm going to be honest I never care for most of the human characters.
Are there any long running webcomics that manage to not die/go to shit?
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We need more serial-numbers-filed-off waifus.
Why do that?
>Cerebus is a schizo's comic
Dude was a schizo because of all the drugs he took gave him permanent brain damage. That and his wife fucked him over.
>And I get that he was trying to be "realistic" with how Fone Bone didn't get the girl
Writers need to stop with this subversive shit. It ain't cool anymore. It's been done to death and it gets more and more lame each time.
i don't like bone it really is a boring story that /co/ tricks people into reading it
>did they ever get back to that Town? The End one?
Well it was considered for all of one or two pages now that their latest home went to shit but they decided it's not viable to caravan a group of people through a large ass desert with no supplies so instead they opted to go in the opposite direction.
OOPs is probably the gold standard for "furry" webcomics now. While Unsounded is the definitive GOAT as far as I'm concerned.
God damn, wasn't that big on /co/ at... some point?
It got sent to /trash/, didn't it?
It got sent to /trash/ and went to shit
The main reason this happens is because people aren’t connected to God anymore, who does the “No, I will make it BETTER than that!”
We don't talk about the Cerebussy, anon
Cerebus has a plot up until he ends up at the bar and then then the story is over. The last 100 issues is just an epilogue
Hope we get some lewds of her by him as well.
I was very happy to see it updating regularly again
I'm glad he's posting it to Comicfury now, instead of random art galleries. It's a lot easier to read on a comic focused website.
The thing is, if Cerebus wasn't just full of Sim's meanderings and instead was a straightforward political satire, it wouldn't have been Cerebus. It may have been better, but it wouldn't be talked about today in the same way it is now. I think everything after about issue 150 is basically unreadable, but the unreadable-ness of the book is part of what makes it unique. If it had just been like Bone where, whatever problems you have with it, it was just one long straightforward story, it would no longer be one of a kind. Again, Cerebus as a whole is not really good, but it's still the only thing like it that exists. I can't think of a single thing that comes close to what Cerebus is.
Honestly having recently marathoned both, /co/ makes waaaaaaaaaay too much out of the similarities.
Endtown kicks off 7 years after World War III, which itself started in a pretty dystopian future with flying cars and a population so paranoid about "the enemy" that upper-middle-class people went around with "happy AI robot grenades" in their purses and briefcases. It's firmly set in The Future, and starts off after people have spent years coming to terms with what had happened and trying to build a New Normal.
Gone Feral is set in "whatever year it is right now," and the disaster is ongoing. The plague is just getting started, and there's signs that someone is manipulating it.
Holly is a kindhearted woman trying to make a new life for herself that keeps helping others, and in time we learned that she'd been a housewife that wanted a family she tragically never got.
Abby's a doctor and a mom whose only priority right now is looking after her son.
You can see similarities, but it's like Macross and Battlestar Galactica. Both are "a normal city got slapped onto a space battleship and now normies are in space rubbing shoulders with fighter pilots" but beyond that things are wildly different.
Sure, plenty.
Kill Six Billion Demons.
Cassiopeia Quinn.
...Kevin and Kell, the OG.
It was especially bad with Bone though, because the characters both went "honestly I'm not that into you" off-panel. That would have been a hugely important scene, and it wasn't shown.
Beyond that, Fone Bone is "funny looking" but in a cute way, not a dumpy fatso, and he'd proven himself a true hero a dozen times over, and had literally been given a mystic mind-connection to Thorn. Him just getting over Thorn makes even less sense. The story showed him going from being infatuated with the cute nice girl he met to seeing she WAS every bit as awesome as his fantasies.
I'm not saying the story NEEDED them as a couple at the end, but it needed to resolve Fone's love better than just going "And they all lived happily ever after, but not that happily, really just muddling along, and they didn't live together because the guys went home and that was fine, The End."
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>go in the opposite direction.
...It's like hearing Goku decided to rent an apartment on Namek.
They're definitely different, but "woman is turned into blonde mouse furry during apocalyptic event where people also turn into mindless monsters" is too similar to be a coincidence.
>OOPs is probably the gold standard for "furry" webcomics now.
>Genderswap comic
>"gold standard" for anything
>Eventually gets bogged down with weird reality-warping "End of the World" stuff
That was integral to the whole premise of Endtown though
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Sometime around the middle of the pig arc, Endtown's trash threads had been going before the ship arc even ended. People on /co/ pretty much stopped giving a shit during the wolf riots part.

Anyway read Topside Tales
Endtown started off "a virus or possibly something with radiation caused a societal collapse and now people are trying to build a society again."
For the last 6 years it's been multiverse shenanigans with a god-entity trying to break through and drive everyone insane, meanwhile 99.99% of the cast people cared about have been left behind while ONE member of the OG crew hops realities and talks to science people dropping exposition.
If Wally is only alive because his bodyless soul merged with an AU cartoon counterpart does he really count as surviving?
Yeah they're off to look for the Great Green, probably a forest of some sort.
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Yes, by a pretty large margin too from what I've seen.
/co/ threads peaked when the racoon went insane from being cucked and burnt everything to the ground.
unironically yes
Nobody that's not a high-tier freak will ever give time of day to a comic that kicks off with "I woke up and was suddenly a woman."
That's not even what happened. The tf stuff is just one part of the story. If it's existence offends you so much you can't even consider reading it then that sounds like a you problem.
>infrasonic giggling
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What do I have a feeling a few bits from this list is what made Adventure Time?
>That's not even what happened.
I'm not going to apologize for hyperbole. As I recall from when /co/ storytimed, there was a macguffin that did the changing pretty much in the first few pages, after a quick bit establishing what sort of human the MC had been.

>it's existence offends you
Well, yes. Stories fantasizing about magically becoming a woman one day are pretty fundamentally cringe.
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It's less a fantasy and more an exploration on how it would completely fuck up a dudes life
>he doesn't fantasize about having his life completely fucked up
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The real funny one is Usagi because despite the reputation of being attached to TMNT it's rather bleak from the first issue
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I want to be crushed underneath Gustine's plump rhino buttocks
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You're not going to convince everyone to like every comic, anon.
I'd be pretty hesitant to call it a "furry webcomic" though. If the Yinglets were all or virtually all of the cast that might cancel out the fact that they're not based on any real animal. But they're not, so it's a "furry webcomic" with a pretty huge asterisk.
I forgot, when did Endtown pull the reveal that it wasn't an animal mutagen plague but literally Chris Chan's dimensional merge with the cartoon animal dimension? Before or after it got banished to /trash/?
Saotome switches back and forth every five minutes. That's a very different thing from "just stuck this way, oh noes."
I have no idea what the talk of /trash/ is about (I can guess, no need to explain). The reveal happened in Eden, a little after Ravenwhatshisname showed up with the Cardoodles comic. I think it was the Topsider dimension-hopping-scientist chick that confirmed that's what happened.
Before she turned into toothbrushes... man Eden was a weird arc.
Gender bending antics are still a huge part of the story
Way after, Endtown threads stopped showing up in /co/ during the pig arc while /trash/ threads kept persisting. Those threads dwindled down to once a month now since the updates are so thin for Endtown and there isn't much of anything to talk about.
There's overlap, certainly, but Saotome genuinely does spend most of the story as a guy and is written as a guy that has to deal with an annoying problem. He pretty much continues leading his established life, occasionally going "excuse me I have to get some hot water."
In terms of tone that's pretty different from stories where the main character is permanently turned into a girl and has to learn to live with the new life.
It should be noted that "all the time" isn't how someone might think of place in the UK raining all the time: Seattle doesn't often deal with torrential rain or storms, but there's some level of drizzle about half the year and it's cloudy two thirds of the year.
>constant transformations and the "wacky" "antics" that go along with them are ok
>an event that happens once and opens the door to fantasy worldbuilding and exploration of how non-human societies might function isn't
Well the same goes for Ireland. Morbi would be fine in Ireland. It ain't the rain that makes people in Seattle snap.
Stuff like Ranma 1/2 and Birdy the Mighty may have paved the way for the recent "I've been reincarnated as a moeblob loli!" dogshit but they're very different animals. Ranma didn't relinquish one inch of his masculinity.
Except for when he could mooch free food or something as a woman. Dude was poor and needed ramen money.
That was my point though it's a case by case thing transformation can make for an interesting story and it can make for cringe bullshit.
Well yes. Ranma 1/2 has people that sometimes turn into animals, but it's a humiliating inconvenience to them, not something that makes them lead an entirely different life, because they can turn back and forth with just some water. It's handled very differently from Endtown where the change is a permanent life-changing event.
Ok, I'm gonna say this: I hate Namek being considered a bad thing or side plot. It was a dragon ball quest (you know, the thing the series is named after) and the supposed final battle with Frieza, Super Saiyan introduction and basically justice for Saiyans. And it was supposed to be &
*the* ending. It's pretty much the entire point of DBZ and introducing Saiyans.
It's everything *after* Namek that's shit. Yes, even Android/Cell saga. It was the begining of zombie Dragon Ball.
People hate namek because it was INCREDIBLY FUCKING BORING from a design standpoint and the anime made it feel like an eternity
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Going to push back on this. It went on forever and was essentially the death-knell for a lot of the OG Dragon Ball elements and characters. That's not to say that nothing good from Namek, but if you were a fan of the left-behind characters like Launch and wanted to see them again, Namek was a slog, and then it turned out that post-Namek the characters that'd been left behind may as well have died for how often they showed up going forward.
>And then the main characters left the setting in the title and it kinda went to shit.
Let's not pretend like /co/ cared for Endtown before The Cuckening.
Too bad that it turns to absolute shit right after the Unity arc, but basically every time Marx shows up you know you're in for a bad time.
>>an event that happens once and opens the door to fantasy worldbuilding and exploration of how non-human societies might function isn't
Anon, be real. Every single time a guy turns into a girl against his will in a webcomic, he STAYS that way, forever, and it's just a vehicle for the author's fetish.
The ranking is

I am completely serious.
At least the romantic part wasn't broken as it didn't really start due to Tomoe's lack of game.
I dunno, I liked his first appearance as a trickster Mxyzptlk type, and the part with him learning Flash's past has a special place in my heart. I was even okay with him suddenly reappearing as Jackrabbit's "secret backer," going "I've seen you in many realities, I know what sort of person you are, I despise you, you're a piece of shit, but you're the piece of shit this place needs in charge for what's on the horizon." Outside of that he's tiresome though and introduced the worst elements of the comic.
Cell/Android was bad from the get-go, you just liked it because Trunks and Cell looked cool and there was a tiny link to the Red Ribbon saga.
But the fact that the epic climax of Namek (the Super Saiyan transformation) has been turned into a fucking joke immediately should have been a red flag.
Usagi, Blacksad, and the like are a different kettle of fish from stuff like Cerebus or Endtown. Normal period pieces where the artist just drew the characters as animal-folk.
Cell/Android was top-tier because Android 18 was Best Girl, and because Cell eating/absorbing her with his tail was so kinky it spawned a whole new internet fetish.
Twofold: a lot of rain and cloudy weather when lack of sunlight is known to exacerbate depression, and also it being a left leaning city. Kind of a killer combo of being too online but also living in an area that is like a physical manifestation of twitter, which didn't help his attitude towards his readers
Blacksad has always been up in the air with the decision to make them being animal people part of the story
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I want to read with Pekkit so fucking hard
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People are way too harsh on OOP simply for one aspect of the premise. I know that because I was exactly that kind of person
And as someone who hates fetishy GTF content to an irrational degree, I say the story and world stand on their own with numerous other merits
We'll just have to wait and see if Val avoids burning that trust someday. As bad as it sounds, I do hold on to more than a little dread that it could all go wrong
Even then it's a very small factor like the albinos. The Bones and Aardvarks in Bone and Cerebus are clearly a different species from the "standard humans" of the rest of the casts, and as for Endtown, hooooo boy.
>People are way too harsh on OOP simply for one aspect of the premise.
Then the Artist probably shouldn't have had something so cringe as a key part of his story. Doesn't matter how many great ingredients you put on your pizza if you used rotten dough for the base.
Not everyone sees it that way which is why it managed to get popular.
Involuntary female TF is one of the most crucial pillars of webcomics.
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As I said, I GET it
It just works. It's less rotten dough and more an ingredient you generally don't like being incorporated into a dish in a way that de-emphasizes the qualities that make you dislike it to start with and blends it with factors that are good and can further improve the suspect element
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Yes it's popular for a webcomic.
>We need more serial-numbers-filed-off waifus.
Literally everybody should do this.
Any other examples?
All I can think of is the direct parody/hijacking of the GVH cast by Snoot Game
Homestuck was popular "for a webcomic."
That's usually how it is, where the premise or aesthetic traits of the original character get ported over to a totally different setting with its own context. The only thing the author wanted from the other story was just that character specifically.
That still rubs me the wrong way. Goodbye Volcano High wasn't my cup of tea, but damn, I can't imagine putting that much time and energy into being a petty bitch.
>just that character specifically
But even then, the characters have virtually nothing in common except "blonde mouse-lady," and their designs are very different. Devoted mother and medical doctor looking out for her son vs. grieving war-widow waitress trying to build a new life.
It's less being a petty bitch and more raging against the dying of the light.
And oops is also a popular webcomic
My dude, don't try to dress up that they didn't like a trailer and kept memeing their distaste until they'd made a whole dating sim about it.
>Even TRYING to compare oops to Homestuck
Yeah. That's what raging against the dying of the light means. With the barbarians at the gates, you defiantly preserve the culture they despise.
>and their designs are very different
For obvious legal reasons.
The fact there’s so much obvious care and quality put into it is inspiring, but I’m not surprised a /co/goer doesn’t like it on the grounds of its existence being ‘petty’.
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Petty might have been the start but you can't pretend it was just some capricious whim that carried them through everything. Not when they retooled their entire view on the storyline when someone said their initial plot trajectory was cringe and shallow. Not when they finished the game, patched it, added bonus content, or carried the momentum into a spiritual successor
What I can't understand is someone who looks at Cavemanon and sees JUST "le trolls"
I'm not? You do understand that something dosen't have to be as popular as fucking homestuck to still be popular right? You aren't that retarded are you?
>Coke is the number 1 softdrink in the world
>therefore no other popular soda brands exist
Traditional Webcomics have been so thoroughly eclipsed by "Webtoons" that there's no serious efforts to measure which ones are popular any more, and not much point either, with the exception of major breakout hits like Homestuck or the ones that have animation deals (which might go nowhere but are still deals). Is oops popular on the same level as stuff like Sunstone, Unsounded, or Kill Six Billion Demons? I'm pretty damn skeptical. And if it's not that popular (which still isn't Breakout Hit popular) then the nicest thing you should be saying is that it has a fervent fanbase.
If your only measuring stick is homestuck then even Unsounded and K6BD wouldn't rate anon. I haven't read oops but I still regularly see it mentioned here and elsewhere and I know its making the artist a good amount of money which is significantly more attention then most webcomics get. So while I doubt it's as big as the heavy hitters it's definitely more popular than the vast majority of webcomics out there.
dude what, did this really happen lmao? i dont even remember this
Unsounded is the webcomic that most clearly broke its way out of the webcomic ghetto and could be considered "popular" these days, along with, maybe, a few things that got newspaper and/or "animated series" deals, and possibly some of the higher quality long-running works like Unsounded. Beyond that there's not much point to throwing around the term.
I assume it's from one of the peripheral stories, not the mainline Bone
The final chapter was the Bones packing up "a year later" and leaving to go back to Boneville. Someone (I forget who) asked Fone Bone about him and Thorn and he says something to the effect of "we talked, we're fine, I don't feel That Way about her any more."
Someone that read it more recently might remember the details better but I'm pretty sure I'm remembering the gist right because I've seen other people having similar "THAT'S IT?!?!?" reactions.
Sorry, meant HOMESTUCK is the one that most clearly broke out of the webcomic ghetto. Didn't get much sleep last night and made unwise decisions for how to chemically compensate. Whee, I'm technically awake.
Re-read Bone recently and immediately forgot any plot past the town getting assfucked. 10/10 rat creatures, main plot is kind of ass
Again there are degrees to popularity, it's not an all or nothing thing
And going "it's popular by modern furry webcomic standards!" is like winning the award for "most handsome guy in the horrible disfigurement ward." May as well not mention it at that point.

This isn't a productive area for conversation though. Let's agree to disagree and stop.
>seething homosuck fag absolutely boiling over the light of his life being compared to another comic
hate to see it
>You like homestuck right
Stopped reading pretty early on, waaaay before the trolls showed up.
You don't need to be a fan to recognize that it's the most popular webcomic of the last ~20 years. Just need to not be living under a rock.
If you can live off your webcomic it's popular. That's always been the main criteria.
Never thought any part of Dragon Ball was all that great, but it was better before Namek.
I wish Bone gets a TV series one day, they tried for years and it was the first more adult medium I was able to read in school outside thrillers.
they had a telltale games series planned, did the first "episode"/book. it got scrapped tho
Namek feeling long was way worse if you were watching on American TV because they kept looping back from the start of the series after adding some new episodes. I think that still colors perceptions to some extent, even after all these years.

Saiyan > Namek > Buu >= Cell (I go back and forth on last two), but they're all good
Namek was still good though.
it's a lie, he didn't delete anything.

endtown fandom at it's peak became absolutely obsessed with the mouse and they never recovered

do i think it was dumb and the comic became an aimless mess? yeah. but these niggers are outright lying.
nah oops is niche. it's posters are overrepresented here because the creator specically built his fandom out of imageboard culture
>Genderswap comic
it trascended genderswap and it's straight became science fiction about xenobiology.
define long running

a thousand+ pages? plenty webcomics finished ok.
10+ years and counting? a precious few

and the answer is always unsounded
my war bioforms can't be this cute!
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This. I'm not a total hater and I get the appeal, but I much preferred the earlier stuff which was less about prolonged fights and power levels and more about weird shit happening, with a good slice of humor. We've never topped "Bulma is stuck in a playboy bunny suit because that was the only clean outfit Oolong had when her stuff was wrecked, and because she was wearing it people in a village besieged by rabbit-themed mobsters assumed she was with the gang."
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>it's a lie
I believe Anon is talking about how there used to be more merch available, and because Holly was the most popular character a lot of it had her. Aaron has scaled back the ability to by merch a lot, so in that sense there was Holly stuff "deleted."
Personally I think it's funny that a good chunk of the merch still for sale has her front and center. I support his artistic right to decide what happens with his own characters, even if I think the result was shit, but I still think it's funny that he basically killed off what was likely his biggest cash-earner.
it was a serioes of things
in the end it became apparent that Aaron was clearly a furry in the fandom definition and had all the givings of suffering from the furry curse. Part of the hate was over realizing this wasn't some charming old america aficionado, we has just a deadbeat.
Did you SERIOUSLY think he was going to fuck her?
lol, do people even read cerebus or just know about that rant issue?
There’s a difference between them actually hooking up and Fone brushing off his feelings the way he does lol
Not him, but there's a difference between saying "he should have gotten the girl" and "Smith resolved Fone Bone's feelings for Thorn in the shittiest way possible."
Fone Bone getting the girl would have looked odd, but hell, he's a funny-looking Big Damn Hero that saved her life a couple times and had a mind-link with her. It could've made for an acceptable ending.
And a heartfelt scene with Fone Bone accepting that she would never go for him and working through his feelings would also have worked.
What doesn't work at all is just going "and then we skip ahead a year, to when Fone Bone has already resolved his feelings."
That's what we call "a cop-out."
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Bone is vaguely called a classic, but rarely discussed except when people list classics, and even then people tend to agree it started a LOT more strongly than it ended.
If he'd fucked her it'd be even more beloved, referenced, and talked about, and that's a fact.
What ongoing story it had was contradictory, meandering, and often jarring as fuck.
"Sorry Cerebus, you lost because someone found a statue somewhere. It's all over, time for a new arc."
>It could've made for an acceptable ending.

No, it couldn't have.
>If he'd fucked her it'd be even more beloved, referenced, and talked about, and that's a fact.

No, it wouldn't have and no it isn't.
When you get down to it Smith just did a shitty job of handling the big picture stuff. I mean the entire final arc is literally just a bargin bin LotR. The scale of things is all over the place (seriously the map is absolutely fucked), and nothing much is really going on. Conceptually it's fine and you can see what he's going for but it's all just kinda "meh" outside of one or two big moments. I would still say Bone is a classic but it mainly gets by on its art and general "vibes".
Oh and just to drive the point home the Rose prequel makes zero sense and as far as I can tell only exists to explain why Barbs corpse looks like an old woman.
Are these MtG slivers?
One problem with bone is that Jeff literally made the last page first and stuck to that to the very end. Even if it didn’t work well with how the story progressed. Having the whole Bone and Rose thing just end was almost as bad as having every major villain be a jobber.
Honestly we should’ve gotten another volumes worth of filler. The great cow race was great but then things veer hard into dark fantasy.
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Anyone else annoyed that Jeff went out of his way to kill the only real continuation of Bone that we’ve ever gotten because he didn’t like that a sequel to bone was a sequel to bone. I didn’t even like the quest for sparks books that much but still he milks bone dry but won’t do anything more interesting with the setting.
Seethe all you want at the notion of a "not traditionally handsome" dude getting the girl. Danny DeVito's got a wife of 40+ years with three kids. And he was a hell of a lot less cute than Bone when he got hitched.
I wonder if it was some sort of mental illness about possible pedophilia allegations.
Well at least he's going to muslim hell.
Briar was just a disappointing villain.
God every villain in bone was disappointing.
How old are they anyway?
I have literally never heard anything about this series. I remember when it first came out and people were excited for more bone only to hear absolutely nothing ever since. I tried to read one once and it just seemed like a genetic kids book.
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Or shutting down your comic when you're half a dozen updates from the ending because tumblr convinced you your comic is "problematic", like what happened with Follow The Leader
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The most interesting part of Bone is the rat creature skirmishes and the slice of life-y valley shenanigans. Anything at a greater scale than that was a massive snoozefest that felt convoluted, obvious, and wholly uninteresting.
Of course Thorn was the princess of some kingdom, of course we get the same goddamn flashback to the dragons and the cave once a goddamn volume, of course nothing truly consequential ever happens because it's all resolved with Thorn's sudden loop de loop flying powers.
Roque Ja arch was entertaining but literally who the hell is this guy and why is he involved in this. Everyone's motivation is either so starkly set in one camp it's eyeroll worthy or entirely nebulous and incomprehensible.
The villains manage to simultaneously be an insurmountable and insignificant threat. The pacing is a mess. The whole story is a mess. I'm floored that it's so highly regarded. If nothing else, it has provided us with a Bartleby plushie, and for that, I am thankful.
>OOPs is probably the gold standard for "furry" webcomics now.
Literally nothing happens. Any time there's a hint of a plot it devolves into more shit about the minutae of one species or another. He did fine with the furry chicken things. He could have created a decent story with those and the humans. It was unnecessary to bring in other species.

Top top it off his art has barely improved in 10 years.

So yeah, you're right. Sounds exactly like the gold standard for furries.
What? Like 60?
They were somewhere around 30-40 when they finished up bone.
What a faggot.
Thorns kingdom and all that ended up being both incredibly genetic and pretty under developed at the end of the day even after dedicating almost an entire volume to it. The valley we see in early bone is great but all the factions we get after V3 are weirdly cool but kinda hollow.
Learn english you fucking retard
I THINK he was asking about the bones themselves, not Smith
And they're definitely young adults at least, what with Phoney running for mayor shit and being rich, and Smiley being a smoker
It's highly regarded because of what it is, not because it's flawless. A comic creator going the distance with their passion project without completely shitting the bed at any point is a rarity in the west. Bone is especially notable because scholastic helped it get way more popular then it otherwise would have.
They’re generic as shit but at least they expanded the lore and setting past the graphic novels.
Stop letting Twitter and /pol/ take up 80% of your brain space
He is a pronoun. They is a plural. FAGGOT.
>Too top it off his art has barely improved in 10 years.
Are you blind?
Ay ay ay la pronouncia mi onions
Shut up spic.
Scholastics influence really shouldn’t be undersold they put Bone on the map and got smith enough cash to cost on for the rest of his life. Shame he barely puts out any work these days
The bones are short and "childish". It's not a stretch that after a few letters from pearlclutchers he himself got worried.
>because scholastic helped it get way more popular then it otherwise would have.
That is a good point. I remember learning of its existence because it was pushed pretty hard in my school library when I was 8 or so. Disappointing re-read as an adult. Thankfully at the time I did discover some actual gems like American Born Chinese.
His inability to draw backgrounds and human faces is unchanged from the start. It's probably why he chose to make a furry comic in the first place, because humans too hard.

Compare to Two Kinds. The art in that was far worse than OOO when it started, but it improved a lot, especially in the last few years. The story is still shit and goes nowhere, but at least his art improved.
Behold, the product of the american education system.
>they is not a plural pronoun anymore
You faggots have become so contrarians, that you would stop breathing if it meant pwning some rando on the internet
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Counterargument: She's a delightfully bitchy scamp when she wants to
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Anon come on now. Literally everything has improved, even his humans. Even if he does do the occasional off looking face he has consistently improved as times gone on.
If he is then he has an excuse for his webcomic being so ugly.
everything about bone sucks
it's hard to explain to simps and people who want a good story but don't realize that involves more than adventure with a lemon squeezer of never fulfilled romance. The point is, what is the point? Fun? That's valid (see Skottie Young's I hate Fairyland or Usagai Yojimbo) but even if that were the case Bone betrays it constantly. So it's not fun. What's the message? Nothing really, perhaps just pretty pictures and vague characterizations that make the author feel kind of clever but in no even minimal attempt to entertain beyond a half formed idea or tell a story about characters who give a damn about anything relatable. Is it supposed to be funny? Serious? For kids? For adults? WHO WAS THIS MADE FOR?
The eternal oroborus of suck: no answer for who was the intended audience. Not even self aware enough to be fun for the author himself to re-read. Idle thoughts incoherently slapped together that feel good to 'get out there' but mean fuck all and contradict the tone every other fucking panel.
This comic is bad.
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>two kinds
Anon, Tom can't even be asked to put effort into his fucking furry characters.
I really, REALLY hope this is pasta
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Why is anon kinda right desu
It's the truth. Look at what this >>144307458 numpty posted as a rebuttal. It actually proves my point.

I guess it's no surprise furries are blind.
Different anon here. I totally agree, Twokinds is shit, and he can't put effort into his furry characters.
And yet it's still more visually appealing than OOPs.
So bait then?
Yes, anon. It is truly awful when someone baits you with the truth.
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Here's a nude mouse mom don't tell the mods.
It was obviously bait the second he brought up twokinds of all things.
Goddamn OOPs fans are defensive as fuck.
I have no dog in this race but bringing up two kinds in a discussion about art is not something anyone serious would ever do.
>wokinds of all things
I distinctly remember saying Twokinds was still shit. It was simply a comparison about improvement in art over time between two poor to mid furry webcomics, and it's true no matter how weirdly defensive you get.
His point was that twokinds had a more appreciable improvement in art quality than OOPs, and I'm inclined to agree while wanting as little as possible to do with either of them. This is a thread with three pretty damn good artists in the OP, dammit, no need to bring up people that could've only have gotten "published" via webcomics.
Your insistence that an element is inherently tainted is problem with your own differentiation capabilities.
Schizo Thread
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This never happened. He just made up his mind to return to Boneville. He never randomly proclaimed he wasn't in love with Thorn.
I am still depressed at how Dave Sim's misogynistic insanity specifically expressed itself at him trying to start a fight with Smith and ranting about how Smith's wife was making him a weak lesser man. They were friends, at the tip of the new wave of indie creators, and then Sim lost his goddamn mind and became thoroughly unpleasant to be around.
Please read the comic before you go full retard over it.
>but I hate X to the point that I refuse to read anything involving it
that's your problem, the comic handles said 'problematic' issue quite well.
Dont recall this ever happening
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>despite the reputation of being attached to TMNT it's rather bleak from the first issue
You must not be familiar with the original TMNT, it wasn't always the child-friendly franchise it is now
See >>144309291
His love for Thorn is resolved with him going "I've made up my mind, I'm leaving with my brothers, I'll never forget you Thorn."
And that's about it.
Meanwhile neither of the brothers grows in personality even an iota.
It's pretty unsatisfying.
Improving from 'garbage' to 'serviceable' is not better then just being better than serviceable in the first place which OOP is. Not hating on Twokinds because I actually read it but acting like it's somehow earned a 'win' over OOP regarding art is absolutely 100% retarded regardless of which side you fall on.
>I don't like the premise so the entire thing is obviously shit
If you don't like it than fair enough but don't act like your personal taste is an objective indicator of a webcomic's quality. Don't act like the whole thing is bad solely because you dislike the initial idea without actually checking to see if the comic itself is good or not my friend. The only reason OOP isn't on /co/ is the autistic mod who hates it with a passion while allowing fucking BCB to stick around.
What does OOP stand for?
Out-of-Placers. A webcomic involving a a human having to deal with being turned into an inferior species as well as being genderswapped. There's a lot more to it than that though and it's not /pol/ bait bullshit, it's actually worth reading.
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I did not care for Unsounded
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>it wasn't an animal mutagen plague but literally Chris Chan's dimensional merge with the cartoon animal dimension
I dropped off around the time the mouse girl gave birth to a fish and lost her mind, goddamn this went to weird places.
It didn't need to be resolved beyond that. It was an initial crush that morphed into a platonic friendship. It was never a major plot thread outside of comedy in the first place.
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Cerebus didn't implode as hard as VG Cats did.
>scary mouse milf
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Mostly because the creator was unironically have that One Bad Day (well, over days and/or years). She may not have been a full character, but I miss April.
Okay you two annoying fucks finally got me to read this thing. There is an obvious improvement in the art so I really don't understand how this argument even got started. Everyone looks like they're dying of AIDS and proportions are all over the place in the first few pages and fine details seemed to be an issue as well. Basically all of that appears to have been fixed and his people actually look like people now and not stage 4 cancer patients.
Never forget.
What happened?
>Literally nothing happens. Any time there's a hint of a plot it devolves into more shit about the minutae of one species or another. He did fine with the furry chicken things. He could have created a decent story with those and the humans. It was unnecessary to bring in other species.
that is true, the pacing is glacial. it's there, every arc except this one has involved the enclave politics in one way or another. but at the rate it moves it's undeaniable it's gonna touch the finish line
Why did Sim go insane anyways? Mental illness or was it something else?
I hope Abigail and her son are reunited again. It’s an interesting dynamic we don’t need a time skip before seeing them again.
I don't think he did any drugs afaik
The following killed /endtown/, take your pick:
- the raccoon going insane
- the mouse going insane so she could be written out
- the continued existence of Aaron Marx
- the noncontinued existence of King-Cheetah
he didn't go insane. His wife divorced him and he Hwent on a mysoginistic binge. Tried to conceal the tantrum as some deep intellectual argument about the feminist movement.

A few years in it and he just couldn't walk away anymore, so he choose to double down and even brought in other people to write pieces.

The "he's a schizophrenic" argument started to come around because he's a fucking TERRIBLE stream of conciousness writer and came up with the dumbest shit like pets being evil because women like them
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>the mouse going insane so she could be written out
Decimated the fanbase, wiped out a huge chunk of good will, and basically ruined discussion for years
>the continued existence of Aaron Marx
Ran off pretty much all but the most dedicated readers.
I really doubt they'll be separated for long
good will began to go down with Aaron pretending he wasn't a furry and playing dumb all the time, people started doing deep dives into his personal life and previous works to find out he used to advertise stuff on furry communities. Lying is probably the worst thing you can do in the eyes of 4channers.

Side arcs also drove the obsessed fags into a frenzy. Kinda like an inverse dumbing of age situation where instead of having every character wonder where the MC is if he's not on panel, readers would start demanding to see the MC if they spent more than two updates without mouse pictures.

But what triggered everyone in tandem was the unexpected change of setting - not leaving endtown, but endtown not being a sci fi comic but a marvelous cartoon strip. It completely demolished the gravitas and build up before any sort of climax. This is the point when good will started freefalling desu. Aaron Marx was singled out for this.

Things were already fucked well before he wrote off Holly. desu fans killed Holly by being so toxic about her Aaron couldn't stand the character anymore.
Most of us walked into reading Endtown without knowing Neathery's previous webcomics so it wasn't immediately apparent the setting was a hellish afterlife for the main characters of those strips (now only semi-aware of their previous existence) which makes it a LOT grimmer in context.
He's talented but he needed to cook this with a specific endgame in mind and stick to it instead of ET becoming his personal waking nightmare. AND he needed to avoid putting his personal life into it because when that goes South you get what we got with Holly. What sucks is that Neathery's not a first-timer and he should have known better.
"Actually all of this was a dimensional merge" after numerous tragic flashbacks to Sparkplug unknowingly creating the plague and stories of it destroying the lives of those unlucky enough to survive is the kind of thing an editor would veto.
Marx, like most dei ex machina, is a symptom of a writer unable to solve a story problem and even the good ones know to save that for last. Giving him an obnoxious Tvtropes personality and the author's given name only makes it worse.
Didn’t he have a huge break up with the woman who the character is based off?
I remember people were willing to keep going after Holly got Shipped but the pig arc really pissed off a majority of people who stuck around hoping for the story to pick back up and leave Wally in the lurch. Instead one likable character was killed, the other’s character was abruptly destroyed in a way that didn’t make sense with how she normally was presented prior to the arc, the positioned bad guy from the resolution of the previous arc was retconned into having no idea his vile ideology would progress to a natural endstate of animal superiority nonsense so any implied peril of other previously audience-invested characters fates were left unknown (Al or Linda) despite the tension Milk Trial left on, and the end of the arc left not only with people being upset at how much was ruined but the finality of how the real main problem of the cannibal participants weren’t rounded up and quietly executed despite having a list and all the reason to remove malcontents from the town. Hell that last bit was the reasoning Foxworthy and the clueless wolf population had to die but everyone else just gets a pass.

I personally liked the comic’s run and even the darker elements up until the combo of Holly and Walt being fucked over, this arc we’re on currently obliterated any reason to care for any character because of multiverse bullshit.
It was indeed pretty popular for a while.
The threads eventually went to shit because probably started shit posting about which waifu was better between Kirby (Iizard gal) and Holly(mouse).
Mods basically banished the comic during this time.
The main problem with Endtown was it didn't do much that everyone hadn't seen before. It humanized realistic trauma in a fantasy world in a way that left a chill but other than that it was extremely generic. Like X Men generic but X Men is sometimes very hopeful and futuristic. Endtown, as a rule, never was. It was sour, dystopic, ugly, sorry for itself, quaking with pity and yet another story of "Oh, the poor pitiful mutants. Why will nobody take care of the poor pitiful mutants? How miserable and intolerant of the mean humans." There isn't much hope in Endtown, nor much humanity. And let's not forget the incongruent troupe of Furries and Puns. The lying writers have been pushing that since at least Minerva Mink and it STILL DOESN'T WORK. Because furries have zero to do with cracking bad jokes. Puns are as out of place in furry stories as barbecuing outside the holodeck is on the starship Enterprise. What does a good furry story look like? And I'm surprised there is even one. Blacksad. It's animal detective noir and where Disney should have gone, except that they don't much care for noir over at Disney.
the pig arc started great with that one guy pretty much predicting the antag's politics were going to bite him in the ass under the weight of the practicalities of segregation.
obligatory reminder that furry is a fandom and subculture and you need specific tells for something to be furry
Humans wearing costumes of animals and having kinky parties is Furry. Puns inserted to such a scene is like banging the square peg into the round hole with a hammer, it's so out of place. It sounds like something some showrunners cooked up because they needed a gimmick at all costs and never cared to touch again.

Now, if your furry story had a bunch of book worm, total square furries who were deep into various language studies, puns would be great for that group. People who read and study languages love cracking such jokes. But when your characters are everything from former soldiers to construction workers and at very random times they start cracking puns, one begins to wonder who the Hell came up with that retarded idea? That's the gimmick? Or the signal to people out of costume?
People have their own definition of what "furry" means.
Its basically just a blanket stated for anything anthro related.
not even furries today would agree with you desu
I don’t care
I remember when this got storytimed and I didn't see any subsequent storytimes.
it went on hiatus for a few months when the author changed jobs. Also webcomics storytimes tend not to do well on /co/
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Old school furries really really like puns/dad jokes. Pic very related.
I might agree with you if the boys had shown any real growth aside from that. Smiley at the start is Smiley at the end, Phoney doesn't grow a whit, so Bone's love for Thorn was pretty much it for any chance to show them learning and growing. And I'm going to push back on it being just an initial crush, because while it did clearly start that way, as he got to know her she turned out to be just as wonderful as he'd hoped, so he kept on loving her. "And then he decided he cared about his brothers more and went back home with them" was a deeply unsatisfying ending in part because the rest of the ending was such a "meh."

Bad divorce. He very stupidly included some of his rants about women in the comic, and when people pushed back he doubled down until out of sheer spite he ended up making it a major part of his personality and picking fights with friends like Smith.

People over-hate Marx. Yes he can be in some bad handwave solutions, but the big problems with EndTown have been (1) the main cast just NOT being in EndTown any more, (2) the long-ass annoying multiverse excursion (most of which he hasn't been in), and (3) the extremely unsatisfying resolution to one of the main character's deals. If you cut Marx himself and still did that stuff, I doubt people's feelings toward EndTown would change.
And he gave Flask the bittersweet "you've got a lot to make up for, here's a chance to do it" ending she deserved after all her years of torture and trauma, so I can't hate him entirely.
>the positioned bad guy from the resolution of the previous arc was retconned into having no idea his vile ideology would progress to a natural endstate of animal superiority nonsense

Oh fuck off.
I will defend the writing of Jacob Jackrabbit to the end. He's a "the ends justify the means" bastard who is very willing to kill people he disagrees with and manipulate the population because he thinks his way is the best way for civilization to continue. He wants people to accept their mutations to avoid the even-more-severe-than-in-the-real-world mental breakdown that happens when they can't accept it, so he tries to do things to help them accept it ("call yourself a horse! Change your name! Stop being terrified of those eggs you lay, they're just a sign you've adapted to this new world!") and he despises the citizens that make it harder for him to get people to accept his mutations, like the unchanged humans and the weird fucks that don't look like any animal.

There's nothing wrong with him going "Jesus fucking Christ, I told people to accept their mutations to decrease the odds of schizoid syndrome breakdowns. I tried to turn the population against the 'Traditional Values' party that wants to hide our mutations. Where the FUCK did I say they should start killing and eating one another? Or that we should divide up by animal type and start species supremacist movements?"

So far the only thing that doesn't work is Marx's line about how his pragmatic bastard leadership would be vital.
Obligatory laughter at the guy that thinks he can define rules for how people use the term.
>tfw this dude designed a part on the A-10
That's up in the air, we'll never know.
Based and rest in peace.
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>This broke the fans
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I stopped reading endtown after the mouse left in such a dissapointing way. I even canceled my patreon subscription. Fuck how can an author shot himself on the foot so hard?
>"look at this detailed world and situation i created. Im so smart"
>"now I will ruin then remove everyone's favorite character"
>This broke the fans
/co/ is the last place I would have expected that to flop. I mean think about Holly's story.
She walks up to Wally and goes "you can't just hide from other people, you need to interact. You need to touch whatever it is we have down here instead of grass. Socialize." Then she reveals that she's so committed to helping him with this in part because there was a period when she was traumatized and just hid from the world, looking out at it from a tower that made her feel sort of like she could see what was going on, but she wasn't a part of it really.

And then she found out that people fundamentally suck and she went "fuck this shit I'm out" and locked herself in a fantasy machine, giving up on the man that loved her and the kid she'd been looking after, not giving a fuck that her fantasy machine was slowly killing her. That's gotta be the most channer outcome possible!
Thorn really wasn't a great protagonist so I lost interest the more it focused on her.
Fone Bone isn't an animal
This one still pisses me off.
Oh, well you said "no," case closed.
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I mean, you basically just explained exactly why nobody likes that arc.
>Thankfully at the time I did discover some actual gems like American Born Chinese.
Based, love that comic too.
>"And then he decided he cared about his brothers more and went back home with them" was a deeply unsatisfying ending in part because the rest of the ending was such a "meh."
To this day I don't get why they wanted to go back to Boneville so badly. Sure, it was "home," but the entire town had driven them out of... well, town... with murderous intent. That's not the kind of thing people just get over. Not to mention, as chaotic as they may have been, the Bones had more or less begun new lives in the Valley. Fone and Smiley liked it there well enough, and while Phoney didn't, he'd proven capable of manipulating the people there pretty much whenever he wanted. And now, whether he loved her or not, Fone's best friend just became fucking royalty. Why were they so adverse to the concept of MOVING? Yes, I know, Jeff made the last page first; In the meanwhile, it makes no fucking sense.
>And then she found out that people fundamentally suck
Which she should have know already because
>1, she works in food service, which even before the end of the world has rude ass people
>2, she's been in Endtown just as long as Doc
>and 3, she just had a whole pages helping Wally see his new self and connect, just like you said
Anon, he's making a joke that she ultimately behaved like a stereotypical 4channer.
The reason they wanted to go back is because it was home, for better or worse. Yes they started to have new lives in the valley but everything they did was so they could survive the trip back. Them getting roped into the prophecy and all that entailed wasn't part of the plan.

Think of it like Frodo or Bilbo wanting to go back to the shire. Yes they accomplished their adventure, yes they could live comfortably with the people they helped, but in the end that wouldn't be home. Of course it could end in a similar way, with the bones realizing the shit they've been through has changed them too much to live in boneville anymore, but that can only be found out if they return and try.

Also there's something to be said for not living in a place full of Rat creatures that'd eat you if given the chance.
I've worked in food service and also a check-in long-term drug testing clinic where I got to deal with not just the usual food service bullshit, but gems like a guy waiting outside patiently with a gun to "Greet" one of our drug study guests upon checkout, a dude going to convoluted lengths to try and keep up his workout routine despite the fact that he wasn't meant to (destroying the plumbing in his efforts to hide evidence like his tuna packets... "Gotta have that protein!"), cleaning up after people crapped themselves, and that time I was sent out to check on the dude that hadn't showed up for his blood draws and it turned out it was because he'd killed himself in his room. Oh and the dude whose grandmother died, prompting him to leave in a hurry, right as his assigned roommate was going "someone stole my credit card info and spent a ton of money."

I'd like to think it'd still come as a serious blow if my neighbors and coworkers turned into a lynch mob and hung a dude that hadn't even supported violence.
>Also there's something to be said for not living in a place full of Rat creatures that'd eat you if given the chance.
Bonesville is a pseudo-New York.
And considering how they were run out of town it was very much set up as a "for worse" not "for better." Anon's right, we got that ending because Smith drew the last page first, plain and simple.
Yeah, but that's all referring to Bonesville as a beloved home filled with friends and family, not a furious mob that wants them all dead. Why would they want to go back to THAT? Frodo and Bilbo had a comfy Shire to go home to. The other Hobbits didn't want to kill them.
Frodo and Bilbo had some disagreeable relatives.
The Bones fled town in an outright panic after Phoney destroyed public property and poisoned the entire town with spoiled seafood. There was a comedy element, but yeesh.
After years of the "mutations" being the result of some mix of horrifying sci-fi WMDs we were told it was actually Spideyverse shit and the "mutants" had been merged with alternate reality versions of themselves from a cartoon universe. It was a major change in sci-fi logic and not a popular one, especially since it resulted in MORE multiverse shenanigans taking the story further away from the setting that actually interested people.
I've wanted to do something like that with my characters, have some twist reveal at the end, but then it wouldn't be a twist if everyone did it already.
It's not a "twist reveal at the end" it's just a twist out of nowhere, after something like 6 years of story, with fans tapping their feet and looking at their watches waiting for the story to go back to the setting in the title, so they can maybe move closer to an ending.
Topside Tales is overrated fanfic. Recommend something better.
I just hope Charles is okay.
This is just a theory but whatever this is could have something to do with body mass. Like if you're too small for whatever your body wants to do you get fucked up. So even if he is infected now there's a chance he's big enough to not explode into a bloodborne boss
both cerberus and endtown also suffer from the author self-inserting as an omnipotent being. Weird how that happens.
Marx isn't a self-insert, which know is counterintuitive but hear me out. Marx comes from a much earlier strip Aaron had done, where he was basically a wacky reality-hopping neighbor of more sane characters, one or two of which seemed to be more likely to have been self-insert normies. He's also a serial-numbers-filed-off version of The Second Doctor, from Doctor Who (once you see it it's very hard to unsee it). I'm not a fan of the way he gets used for "a wizard did it" solutions to problems, but calling him a self insert is unfair.
the fuck are those proportions?
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Those are the proportions of a chad hero. A man like Bridge Largemeat, Buff Hardback, or Dirk Hardpec. A real man, a Man's Man.
>If nothing else, it has provided us with a Bartleby plushie, and for that, I am thankful

Agreed. I love my plushie so much.
>Anything at a greater scale than that was a massive snoozefest that felt convoluted, obvious, and wholly uninteresting.
Bone should have ended in the showdown that revealed Phoney's campaign balloon. Rework things a bit so Fone, Thorn, and the Red Dragon are involved more and that Briar is defeated permanently, and that's really the best place to end the story. Everything beyond that really feels like "Why is this still going?" Then just wrap things up with a nice little epilogue that makes fucking sense.

>The valley we see in early bone is great but all the factions we get after V3 are weirdly cool but kinda hollow.
It doesn't even feel like the same place. Early Valley is "Talking animals! Giant bugs! Monstrous creatures! The weather falls in magical sheets!" Later Valley is "Regular people doing regular things. But they race cows, so I guess that's weird?"
Flask deserved to burn in hell.
One of the very few Toplanders to see through the propaganda and brainwashing and realize what they were doing was fucked up. Initially planned on just ditching their shit and surviving in the wasteland on her own, but wanted to do some small thing to try and make amends, and freed a prisoner on her way out... and fell in love with him after she got to know him.
And after she worked up the courage to permanently change herself to be with him more truly, he was snatched up behind her back, and she was captured and subjected to the most intense sanity-breaking torture the Toplanders could think of, until she finally got loose and swore to defend Endtown at all costs. And THEN she found out that Petey had sacrificed himself in a failed attempt to save her, was butchered, and had his brain wiped clean shoved into a car to be its new GPS.
There's room to sympathize with the woman she could've been if she'd just been able to get away that first night when she made a beak for it.
>Topside Tales is overrated fanfic. Recommend something better.

You know what? This.
I've enjoyed Gone Feral, but it's slow to update and there isn't much there.
I've... respected the recommendation of OOPs. It's not for me, but thanks for the rec.

Any other "mix of humans and more cartoony characters in a story that mixes comedy and serious elements" comics?
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And two of them have a Marx in them.
I think Unsounded might be the only serious one to truly go on and on AND ON without turning to shit.

Honestly I think (if you don't mind the podcast ref) stuff like The Adventure Zone has the right idea for online media. You can tell a story, end it, but keep all your infrastructure in place as you launch into an entirely new story, with maybe the occasional bit of fanservice taking a look back into "finished" stories for enjoyable side-stories and "Epilogue +" stuff.
>Is there a name for this kind of comic?

Pretty sure Bone wasn't a webcomic.
I was surprised at how fanservicey Bone got with Thorn at times. It's too bad there was no full on Daenerys-style "clothes burnt away" sequence with her.
No, he'd bone her
This might be the first time I've seen people on /co/ actually criticize Bone.

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