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My problem with Miles having all these powers is that there's no coherent theme. It's fine for Storm to have so many powers because her theme is "bad weather", but why does a Spider-Man has electrokinesis and invisibility?
ask Bendis
Miguel O'Hara continues to be the best Latino alt-powered Spider-Man and nothing they do to Miles can change that.
>there's no coherent theme
the theme is mary sue, he has the power of having all the powers.
You say that now but wait until you see how cool he is when he gets 3 or 4 more random powers. The more superpowers you have, the better a character you are.
That's cause his powers are different from Peter's, he don't got Spidey sense, but has fangs, claws, and naturally occuring spinnerets and venom. He also similar but different to Peter by specializing in genetics. Miles has everything Peter has, plus electonigga powers, so he comes off a sueish
Because its cool
Because Step #2 of pushing a new flavor of the month is ensuring that he is more powerful than YOUR favorite hero.
No one cared when Wally West did it
Miles should become the new Prowler, all these extra powers are barely spider related anyway.
No. Aaron should fuck off and Hobie should go back to being the Prowler
You forgot that he has
>X-ray vision
>Vampire powers now
He's as much as Spiderman as Deadpool
Actually no, Deadpool is closer than fucking Mile
Yes it's shitty.
Miles got so many additional powers that writers can't even know what he owns and what he doesn't own.

It shows how insecure Marvel is whith this character, he was created to be so popular and powerful that they can't stop give him additional gimmicks.
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I think the Sword would have made more sense if it was an evolution of the Venom Webs he made for like 2 issues before Bendis peaced out

And if he focused more on using the webbing than the sword
>because her theme is "bad weather", but why does a Spider-Man has electrokinesis and invisibility?
Because they think more is more. I remember an interview from the guy that wrote the sword that he wanted to make a shonen Spider-man. However, since when he think "Shonen", he probably thinks "DBZ", you get a Spider-man that has a super sayan mode.
Barry was dead when Wally West did it.

Only disingenuous non-fan culture war retards cared when Bendis made Miles, the Ultimate Universe had been garbage since Ultimatum. People care now because Miles is in the main universe and constantly being compared to Peter Parker.
So like Superman?
It's because he's the protagonist, he's always going to win. Twice a year Peter gets a new suit that allows him to defeat the villains of the story, that's how they power him up by making him a poor man's Iron Man, with Miles they've chosen genetics and 60 years of X-Men have already told us genetics can do anything
It's like asking why Superman can freeze things with his breath
I'll tell you why. I was playing SM on PS with my son and he says, I want to be the new SM, he's got better powers. Fuck my life.
I must have missed the issue where Wally made a sword out of water or something else completely unrelated to his theme
My man is leveling up.
This is how a comic protagonist should be. More like a shonēn protagonist.

I’m sick of old style boomer superheroes never increasing their power.
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because they're desperately throwing shit at the wall, praying that one of the powerups will make miles "cool"
Exactly like Superman. Why are modern writers acting like hacks from 70 years ago?
>virgin new powers on plot demand vs chad new applications of existing powers
Miguel's so cool that writers give some of his attributes to Peter because it just works better.
Funny how Jess officially lost her bio electricity shtick to Miles and only known as Spider pregnant now
Miles sucks though.
In complete seriousness the whole Vampire thing is an unironic step in the right direction if only because it's a sizable overhaul with a new costume and an actual fucking name of his own as "Bloodspider" or whatever they called it.

I'd be onboard with "Spider-guy but a vampire" so long as that's just where he fucking stays if only because the further we diverge Miles from being straight up Peter but shit and wanked, the better.
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>>Bigger Batman
Bigger dick
Better looking
More popular
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Superman's theme is "better than you" so, like Storm, it's fine for him to have so many powers.
You dumb fuckers complain when Miles is just like Peter. Now you complain when he’s different than Peter.
You all have problems.
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>issue where Wally made a sword
Swords are Barry thing actually
It's lame
I agree with this 100 percent. One of the best things manga have over comics is that the protagonists get permanent power upgrades.
How many comic hero actually get to develop their powers or learn a new technique, or get a new gadget that stays part of repertoire?
Imagine if Goku never learned anything past kaioken.
Just give up on calling him "Spider-Man", rename him Blacula 2: Electric Boogaloo" and the problem's solved.
For you
Everybody clowned on this.
I haven't met a single person who didn't think this was retarded
He should become a speedster next.
I miss the days of watching people dunk on Eric Wallace's Flash.
There are a lot of shitty shows, but none are as fun to watch getting torn to shreds.
he has spider powers because he's a spiderman knockoff. He has electric powers because he's black. it's actually that simple.
Because in the lab there was more than one genetic spider, I got hit with a different type than Peter's
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I've thought about this, but electric powers have more room for growth.
The application of electricity generation, projection and manipulation is endless.
They tried giving Peter new powers but "Spider" powers are too specific to stick.
He's grown extra limbs, fangs, and stingers (spiders don't have stingers).
The only evolution that works is organic webs and they removed that ability.
The powers are a bit wanky but they're not really the problem. The problem is how parasitic the relationship between between Miles and the other Spider-people and Peter is. Peter is constantly brought low to prop up all these characters who would be nowhere without him and STILL don't have stories as good as he has had. That plus the fact that Marvel editorial is just doubling down on making Peter a manchild means that attitudes are unlikely to change.
>The only evolution that works is organic webs and they removed that ability.
Electricity and venom have as much relation to spider as spider sense and spider bite implanting how to make webbing.

Then there are the what ifs like Peter can predict the future if he trains his sense enough
Hey, I like web shooters more cool but organic webs make sense as an upgrade.
Though narratively/mechanically it wouldn't change much in a story/game.
Bruh, most cape characters get hit with power creep over time
You know? That's fair, anon!
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I would have cared more about Miles if they had stuck to something like him fighting early versions of the first few foes Spider-Man fought, like Kangaaroo
Miles should be Electro or Shocker's kid. Then it would be fine.
The Stagnation and manchilding of Peter is from the editors ever since Quesada’s reign.
Stop blaming Miles.
MY Batman
I hope Miles ends up being the Spider-God or some retarded shit
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Considering penny got basically zero powers from her spider bite other than super limited telepathy with a spider, it's a rng or dependant on the base person
Anon you're being fooled by a carrot on a stick, what's the point of "permanent power upgrades" when every single new fight is always settled by starting out with a fist fight that escalates into a new powerup (hair recolor), how many times can you fall for the same trick? It's like level scaling in video games, you supposedly "level up" but so does everyone else and you never feel like you actually progressed from where you began.
>Miles has everything Peter has, plus electonigga powers
What is it with blacks and electro powers?
In comics it's the reverse: established protags get hit with nerfs to make new slop characters look good.
But what does electric powers have to do with spiders?
Miles is unironically more privileged than Peter.
This is why organic webs are better as it's an actual spider power. Plus, the spider sense can be traded for a 360-sense similar to Toph and Daredevil's ability but stronger.
What a disingenuous homosexual you are, there's no point of comparison. Even the sloppiest shonen fights and even Dragon Ball at its lowest had combat with choreography, strategy, improvisation and high-stakes risk-taking. Western comic slop has two guys throwing punches in static photoshoot poses with not even a couple lines to indicate movement let alone a feel of weight or impact and it goes on and on until one falls down.
Fooled by a carrot on a stick yet again, action on its own is pointless and boring, action's only worthwhile purpose is conveying the strategy, plans, and the outsmarting of the characters in a visual way.

You have to be literally 12 years old to find two guys exchanging blows for 10 episodes with no consequences interesting, when you watch a real fight or play a fighting game you do it with the knowledge that every successful blow means victory is closer to one of the fighters, in shonen it's empty filler since a character can take ten thousand punches and still be as vigorous as ever, victory only comes when the writer decides to give the winning character their asspull powerup, that could've easily happened right at the start of the fight and resolved it instantly.

Both good comics and good manga are about strategy rather than action, something like HxH spends more time outlining the characters' thoughts in the fight rather than showing action, and fights are resolved in a way that makes logical sense given the established rules. Miles is a boring character because his fights are resolved when the writer decides to give him his latest asspull, rather than being satisfying and obvious outcomes of the physical conflicts presented as puzzles.
I've resigned to the fact that maybe the ultimate spiders that bit Miles and Peter were supercharged. Peter revived from the dead. I'm sure if he was around he'd probably get gimmicks like Miles too.
He does have spider sense. He even mediated for two days after a panic attack and can sense out entire rooms and spirits by this point.
I do like Miles's villain cast though
that analogy completely fails
batmans is a singular character, astartes are just a generation of anonymous super soldiers made with available technology. If better technology makes a new generation of them with higher specs, it's just the war machine working as intended.
All poached from Peter lel
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Miles is the GOAT
the Spider was genetically modified to have them.
Why does a scientist do anything? To see if he can.
It's a comic book you just going to have accept the premise on face value
Uncle Aaron
616 Miles
Assessor and Quantum
Agent Gao
Bumbler and Vespa
Frost Pharaoh

Yeah he leans a lot on Peter villains, but he's starting to build up his own little respectable group

Better than most heroes introduced in the last 20 years
Spider-Man has the perfect power set. It needs no adjustment
You say respectable but none of them are good and three of those are comic relief villains
Aaron is Ultimate Prowler. Still counts as Peter's hand me downs.
Miles Morales is literally the Kyle Rayner of Marvel
>Replacement for a character gets shilled and wanked to be special after the original is gone or dead
But after they bringed his mentor or predecessor back they had no reason to be special anymore so tried to fill the emptyness of their characters with special powerups like "He can now manipulate elements with the strenght of mind" that doesn't stick or makes them more plot deviced power of the day than anything worthy of time.
Like Kyle going from Ion, to White Lantern to Omega to fill the void of Hal getting the life he was supposed to have.
In Miles case they have Peter telling him how he is a better Spider-man who matters for real and he gets a shit load of super powers of the day like electric constructs and some forgottable arcs like his own Clone Saga and a Multiverse Miles corps.
Spider-Woman had the electric bite as well, Miles is more like a bastardized legacy of Peter and Jessica Drew
You hate black people, we get it. Sheesh
Thanks for the assist, anon
Keep moving that post
But original Prowler technically wasn't a villain
What post? I just said that none of his villains are any good.
Miles has villains now, yes. That's a good first step, albeit one that should have been achieved 10 years ago.
Step two is to make good stories with them, something Miles has yet to do
>I just said that none of his villains are any good.
So you weren't the post earlier that said they were all poached from Peter? Because that other anon was kind enough to provide a list of original bad guys Miles now has on his roster. And really there's nothing wrong with them. The modern Miles crusade now just feels like /co/ is still pretending we're living in the Bendis era.
>That's a good first step, albeit one that should have been achieved 10 years ago.
>Step two is to make good stories with them, something Miles has yet to do
Honestly he's still doing a lot better than his cohort
Kamala and Sam and Riri and Viv and Nadia all have less villains and the few they do are even worse than Miles
>So you weren't the post earlier that said they were all poached from Peter
>And really there's nothing wrong with them
None of them are memorable or interesting, and none have starred in any good stories. Few are outright bad which is something I guess
>616 Miles
Spider-Men II was garbage, and the only interesting part of his second story was the faint hope that Miles might get shipped back to 1610
He feels like a plot device more than a character. He tortured Miles for an issue so people would have a point of suffering to point to and say "see! he doesn't have an easy life stop saying that he does!!!" even though said events have been completely forgotten about
Awful. Nonsensical motivation that just leads to her acting retarded non-stop
>Agent Gao
Corrupt retard cop. Nothing special, but nothing bad. Has the same issue as Rabble in that her motivation and methods are retarded.
Again nothing special, but not particularly bad. She exists.
>Bumbler and Vespa
>Frost Pharaoh
These are joke villains. They are used to fill in time before the real story happens. This puts them below even the likes of White Rabbit and The Grizzly, because even they got dedicated story arcs AND they were funnier.
>The modern Miles crusade now just feels like /co/ is still pretending we're living in the Bendis era.
Other than him having villains now what has actually changed? He does still crib Peter's villains though, we just got through Scorpion and Hobgoblin stuff, both of whom felt wildly out of character.
The powers thing is worse now than it ever was under Bendis.
They literally just had Miles shit on Peter for absolutely no reason other than to make Miles look good.
They still write it so that almost everyone he meets loves him
He still hasn't had any good stories.
>None of them are memorable or interesting
That's a matter of opinion though. I don't agree with the extra powers, but that's a different discussion entirely. Point is, things HAVE gotten better, whether you're willing to admit that or not.

I don't have anything personal against you, but you really do come off like a stuck in the mud autist.
>I don't agree with the extra powers
How? Ziglar is worse about it than Bendis ever was. Electric sword, X-Ray vision, and Super Saiyan form are worse than anything Bendis ever did with Miles powers-wise.
>things HAVE gotten better
Not the point where things have become good though. Take dialog for example. Not being written by Bendis means the book doesn't suffer from Bendsspeak anymore, that's good. However, Ahmed and Ziglar don't know how to write teenagers and it really really shows. The dialog feels very "fellow kids" in a lot of places
>How? Ziglar is worse about it than Bendis ever was. Electric sword, X-Ray vision, and Super Saiyan form are worse than anything Bendis ever did with Miles powers-wise.
I think you misunderstand. I was agreeing with you. I don't agree with the extra powers Miles has been getting lately. Feels tacked on, and further straying from the spider thing.

See? I'm not blindly liking everything.
Miles isn't the source of the problem but he is a part of the problem; Peter is brought low to prop Miles up.
I thought it was Luke Cage and Jessica Drew because Bendis has his fetish.
Fair enough, I misunderstood your post and that's on me
>Miles isn't the source of the problem but he is a part of the problem
Wrong, he is. His very creation had the empirically obvious objective of tearing down Peter to prop up some random nigger and replace him.
The point is that Peter has been getting torn down for a while now even before Miles was created. The creation of Miles and how he is handled is just another problem added on top of an existing problem.
There's already a Blood Spider, although he's an incredibly minor villain.
So what are Miles' powers now?
>All of Peter's base abilities, including Spider Sense
>Electric sword
>Light tendrils

Am I missing anything?
>OMD mean to keep Peter's status quo/reset Peter to pre-Marriage
>Create and push Mile, as Peter replacement, ultimately push to change status quo
>Light tendrils
He doesn't use this one anymore

And you forgot the big Venom Explosion power he has that works on people the Venom Blast doesn't
Look it wouldn't be Miles if he wasn't stealing *something* okay.
He has detective vision now
And he can go super saiyan
Are they just hoping that if they give him enough powers, he'll surpass Peter in popularity?
he can also fly long distances using his electric blasts if that counts as a power
it's really funny if you go to the wiki and compare the "powers" category between peter and miles since they over explain every single one of peters spider powers, which makes it look like he has a lot more than miles.
Tbf Wally’s powers were still speedster oriented like speed stealing and being more of a natural using the speedforce but he’s still an asspull character like all replacement characters, he really shouldn’t be better then Barry honestly
I know this might be rich seeing as Peter barely has any real "spider" powers himself, but is Miles even a "Spider"-Man anymore?
I mean Thor has Rune King, Sentry has void, Hulk has world breaker, heroes or other characters do get power creeps/transformations but with street characters like spider man I just feel like it’s too over the top for the setting, Miles glowing yellow like a fucking super saiyan doesn’t sound right to me
>Imagine if the Miles Morales character was introduced in the exact same manner that he originally was, but instead of being a half-black half-latino kid, he was a white kid named Mike Morris

>In Ultimate, the original Peter Parker is killed in battle, and shortly thereafter, we're introduced to Mike Morris, a teenager who is bitten by the exact same spider that Peter was, and gains the exact same powers as Peter, except he also has the extra special powers of invisibility and "Venom Strike" electricity. Mike gets a costume for himself that clearly looks like Spider-Man, and he calls himself the new Spider-Man. Not Spider-Boy, or The Arachnid, but "Spider-Man". Mike then meets Aunt May and Peter's other supporting cast, and Aunt May even gives Mike Peter's webshooters. In the years to come, Mike will be ported to the main 616 continuity, where he fights alongside Peter, and the two share the mantle of "Spider-Man". Mike fights many classic Spidey villains, takes a version of The Prowler from Peter to be his arch-nemesis, the writers constantly beat readers over the head with how important and valid Mike is as Spider-Man, and Mike is thereby shoved into every possible Spider-Man adaptation (comics,cartoons,video games,etc.),where Peter has to share the spotlight with Mike Morris, the new Spider-Man

>Mike has stolen Peter's title, powers, origin story, supporting cast, villains, arch-enemy, costume, and spotlight, and we're all constantly reminded how great of a character he is by the writers

>Doesn't this whole idea sound so laughably bad? It would go down as a mere footnote in Spider-Man mythology, and Mike Morris would barely be remembered by comic nerds as, "Hey, remember that one time the writers tried to replace Peter Parker with that new kid? That was dumb

>But no, because Miles is a black minority kid, anyone who points out how poorly conceived this whole thing is will just be accused of being "racist." We're stuck with him forever
I want Peter to have the fangs and wrist-claws back.
And since the spider that bit him was a Beyonder, then they could give him at least some ability to summon interdimentional spider minions.
But all of those would require some crazy narrative and justification to stick.
In the future, we'll have Miles Morales, Spider-GOD
He'll even have a power up form where he has 12 arms each with a different spider-electric weapon as well as an invisible "Shadow Spider" that acts as the physical manifestation of his fighting spirit. He'll also have his own symbiote named「HAZARD」who'll be like Venom but cooler
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sword is cool. legacy characters can only get more powerful.
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>But all of those would require some crazy narrative and justification to stick
Or a movie where those abilities become relevant.
To the people that apparently like Miles: why? Why do you think he's a worthwhile character? And why do you go to bat for him over the other various Spider-Man legacy characters?
This. And they should stick permanently. No return to status quo. This should be the new status quo.
Nobody likes him. Anyone who defends Miles is a corporate shill, a leftist shit-for-brains trying to 'stick it to le chuds', or a troll baiting a hook.
Because some spiders have them
I wish that were true, but thanks to the games and movies, some people like him. I'm hoping it's for more than the games/movies just making him likable.
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The most important lover of Miles is missing
>the spider that bit him was a Beyonder
The what?
That happens because writers are lazy and copy each other constantly.
The only abilities one should have after becoming Spider-Man are those of a spider, he is a man with the powers of a spider, that's why he's called that.
>Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can
Spiders don't zap things with electricity or see into the future, that's the kind of shit I'd expect out of one of Spidey's villains like Electro or Mysterio.
616 Pete doesn't have actual spider powers though. Miguel's more Spider-Man than he is due to the fact that he's legit half-spider.
You guys ever think they give black people electricity powers because an afro could generate static electricity?
And that’s why you don’t fuck horses
It's literally internalized racism putting a stereotype on black people. They have to have electricity powers because they are black
>616 Pete doesn't have actual spider powers
The JMS run explained he does but in different ways, his spider-sense are invisible spider eyes
>It's literally internalized racism putting a stereotype on black people. They have to have electricity powers because they are black
Ok but what you're saying is that my reasoning is probably not wrong.
Fuckin hell, and I laughed when CW game Flash a lighting sword... WTF is this garbage?
>I know this might be rich seeing as Peter barely has any real "spider" powers himself, but is Miles even a "Spider"-Man anymore?
Pete's powers are at least spider themed. Miles's are just plain weird.
energy swords are so unrealistic in the world where spider bites give you powers. ooooh spooky
>Pete's powers are at least spider themed
Not really.
>his spider-sense are invisible spider eyes
That doesn't work though. It's not that he see everything around him, but it's that he has limited clairvoyance.
Don't all spider man's use electromagnetism to climb walls? Miles just has a better control of that, he can shoot it out and refract light waves
Was in the 60s and 2000s
Because his invisible spider eyes are on his back
>Was in the 60s
>Because his invisible spider eyes are on his back
That doesn't disprove what I said.
The super strength come from the fact that the average spider's can lift 170 times their own weight, some even more depending on their species. The leaping ability come from jumping spiders.
Stan Lee said that the spider-sense was meant to be the equivalent of the spider's secondary eyes, albeit it somehow picked up radio signal, so it might be the classic silver age power of "do whatever the plot needs to".
Pete's abilities are pretty much analogous rather than straightfoward.
There are a fuckton of different kinds of spiders that can do all sorts of really cool things.
There is no such thing as a spider that can do all of those things at once or a spider that can create giant blades made out of electricity.

The fantastical element comes from the radioactive spider that gives Spider-Man its abilities by biting him and altering his DNA, the spider itself does nothing else and isn't typically relevant past the bite.
70s then
>That doesn't disprove what I said.
You sure?
>There is no such thing as a spider that can do all of those things at once
Unless if it's genetically modified like in Raimi, TASM and Ultimate. A designer spider.
>The fantastical element comes from the radioactive spider that gives Spider-Man its abilities by biting him and altering his DNA
Did they ever explain what kind of radiation it was? Was it gamma?
Was magic, think at the spider totem.
The radiocativity only made the spider go crazy and bite someone and give him it's power
Jesus Christ, why even?
>spider totem
Genuinely as bad as symbiote gods.
It's what happens when weebs become comic book writers. Ziglar has admitted that the sword was inspired by a manga character (I think it was someone from Dragon Ball) and that he likes to call Miles "Shonen-Man" behind the scenes. At this point, I honestly think I'd be more accepting of Miles if they dropped the powers he currently shares with Peter, went all in on his venom shit and gave him a superhero identity unrelated to spiders.
I don't understand the "Miles doesn't have his own villains". First off, yes he does.
Second, its basically a marvel trademark to have heroes fighting outside "their rosters". For example, Spider-man fought Doom and Sandman joined the Frightful Four to fight the FF.
I do agree his support cast is lacking though.
>First off, yes he does.
So true! Like his Miles Morales clone or white Miles Morales!
OK, sorry. That's my mistake.
Originally it was some spider demon, then a manifestation of a spider god.
Currently due to Marvel's Voices the spider got rezzed and became an inversion of Spider-Man. The spider got human-sized, got human intellect and some other mumbo jumbo because it became a gamma mutate. The radioactivity did something to it and cloned it. The spider that bit Peter was the one that gave him his powers while the clone was eaten by Carl King who would mutate later into The Thousand.
Then she (the spider is female...yeah) became a superhero with the ability to change her sizes.

Yeah. It's some complex BS.
So no interdimensional spider minions. Scratch that.
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>manga character (I think it was someone from Dragon Ball)
So you're that kid in school that never watched YuYu Hakusho
You're right. Never have, probably never will.
It would be cooler if Miles had a different powerset. Like instead of being Peter + more abilities, he transform into a fuzzy man spider.
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That would steal Kaine and Ben powerset
I saw Miles as keeping the Spider-Man in high school aspect and let Peter grow, instead was not
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>hunter x hunter good
Bro what the fuck are you on about, that shit is tell don't show the comic book (Japan). The narration boxes will not stop yapping to let the art breathe.
its cool when it comes out of a character who's already cool
miles has never done anything to win over his audience
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People kept hyping up Rabble and I almost got into her as an antagonist then
>her villain backstory is she didn't into the prep high school but Miles did
It be like if the Green Goblin was some guy Peter Parker brushed pass and accidentally smushed a hot dog onto his shirt that stained it with mustard. Like what a fucking stupid origin story. She's supposed to be his best villain right? I fucking shudder to imagine his worst.
name them, then, lyinganon.
>It be like if the Green Goblin was some guy Peter Parker brushed pass and accidentally smushed a hot dog onto his shirt that stained it with mustard.
No wait you wrote this as a BAD villain origins joke?
This shit is absolutely fucking kino and exactly how enemies are made in real life.
DC's Black Manta most kino origin is him being a kid that saw Aquaman having fun and he decided he hated him. This is how a lot of bullies are made.
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I thought Black Manta hated Arthur cuz his dad was killed so he wanted revenge and it consumed his life
That's the post flashpoint origins
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Okay, Im more familar with that I always prefer like a rational reason to hate somebody spiraling into complete mania as it utterly absorbs their every waking moment. Spider-Man humiliating the Goblin by stopping his plans to take over the underworld leads to them becoming mortal enemies. Reverse Flash wanting to be like his idol leads to him becoming Flash's greatest foe.
I don't like that either
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You niggas want Miles to be Deku? Y'all some lame ass motherfuckers.
I don't want any Miles!
It's called contrast. Take an art class and learn something
What's to constrast? Black skin and blue or yellow electricity?
It's because the first black superhero to have his own series(Black Lightning) had electric powers. Because of licensing issues DC couldn't use him so they started making knock-off black superheroes with electric powers until it became an well-established cliche.
Botan, my beloved.

The smell of cut off genitals is strong in this one, he probably puts rick and morty on a pedestal as SU.
I kind of like Spider-Verse Miles.
Didn't she get base buff like strength and durability, she got hit a few times in the comics
I think he's pretty boring easily mogged by every other Spider-Man.
Was Jess Drew ever a thing?
>top secret project
>barely makes ends meet as a hotel receptionist
>jobbed to Skrull Queen
>worked for SWORD
>jobbed to Mandrill
>insults her partners during team-ups
>2010s feminism
>artificial insemination despite having the highest quality men on Earth at her fingertips
>her newborn son is kidnapped, artificially matured to adulthood, and brainwashed to fight her (she jobs)
Spider-Woman insists upon herself.
No it aint
The bully is the one who given up as soon as the victim put up first, or at least when they got beaten over and over
I said kind of, I don't think he's as boring thanks to AtSV, so I have my hopes for BtSV.
AtSV is a complete turd
She was written by Claremont.
I disagree, what do you like?
She's only a thing now because Bendis brought her back and it shows

She can't really support her own book and the only thing people like about her are the costume and her relationship with Carol

She's not even popular enough to rate a permanent spot on the Avengers because there are a dozen classic Avengers who deserve the spot more and even more minority hires who will push her out
And Peter's from the cartoon.
Her origin was intended for Wolverine, but they wanted to trademark Spider-Woman before someone else did so they gave it to her.
They make Peter like Deku too. Shit's lame as fuck and makes me hate Spider-Man.
Movies with an ounce of coherency in their plot for a start.
Such as?
There is a kind of person for whom more power=better character. You see them around here a lot. They like Thor, Cable, Sentry, Hal Jordan and sometimes Barry, and sometimes more than one of them. They like Vegeta, but not Goku or Superman, because they want the power to dictate or bully, so it's not fun on actually good guys.

Miles, at least his comic iteration, is missing so much of what makes the Spider-Man formula work that this is basically the only thing left for him.
You can't have a dramatic story about a guy who isn't allowed to experience loss for social, editorial reasons.
Like Reservoir Dogs or 98% of every movie ever made!
Never heard of it
>look it up
>it's made by that guy who's really into feet
>it's not /co/
>Never heard of it
Well yeah. Anyone who likes Across the Spiderverse must have watched very few movies in their lifes and/or is underage.
Why are you mean?
Just saying some simple facts here. Miles Morales is Miles Morales.
And OMD is real, right?
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he's fun in the movies? i haven't read the comics or played the games though so i take your word for it if he sucks there.
OMD is real and like AtSV complete and utter garbage!
they gotta mary sue the black spider man to keep the attention of brainmelted zoomers that are glued to their phones
>thanks to the games and movies, some people like him
Which goes back around to the earlier point that nobody actually likes him. He gets exposure in mainstream circles and appears in media more mainstream than comics, which causes NPCs to lie to themselves that they like this Diet Coke of a character.
Do you like Spider-Man?
there's tons of characters with objectively no appeal that people like, i don't see how miles is so much different
Yes sure I like Peter Parker and your favourite little stories like OMD, Sins Past or Across the Spider-Verse treat him like shit.
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Miles Morales
Black Thor
Black Lightning


Whats the problem are you racist????
I don't like OMD or Sins Past and I don't see how getting married and actually having Mayday is treating him like shit.
>like Deku
What the fuck does this even mean?
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>I don't like OMD or Sins Past
What? Do you hate Miles Morales or something? Without these stories you love so much your favourite character Miles would never have turned out the way he did!
>how getting married and actually having Mayday is treating him like shit.
You mean how he becomes part of a cult telling a teenager that his parents should die while bringing his own infant daughter in danger constantly? That Peter who is constantly cucked and undermined by everyone around him in this film, who can't read a room and constantly holds a baby toward the person who lost his universe and child? That guy? You seem like a big fan of Well's run.
interesting. i thought it had something to do with modernity.
I don't really bother with comics, more of a cartoon guy.
That's a paper tiger, a real bully goes lenghts
>and even more minority hires who will push her out
Wait until a mandate makes Jessica into a black woman like the Spider-verse version
>more of a cartoon guy
>TV Tropes
Go tapdance in the middle of a busy highway please.
>He didn't saw BNHA
Good idea to take away the power that always needs an explanation as to why it doesn't work.

Like Superman's X-ray vision, Flash's ability to move through walls, the transporter in Star Trek, etcetera
Of course, I'm not a homosexual. Now explain what you meant.
Miguel is arguably the best Spider-Man that isn't Peter.
Kaine is pretty close.
No love for me boi Ben
Alright guys, time to predict what Miles' new power will be. Dubs makes it canon.
Lightning spider legs
He just becomes the new Electro lmao
Bigger dick
Can hulk out in a Man-Spider that shoots electric beams from the mouth like an Oozaru from dragon ball
Good credit.
turned into a girl and shoots bedazzling lightning webs
what this guy said >>144313441

Bitches love Black Spider-Man
anon just because you're triggered by a website doesn't change the fact that black characters with lightning powers is a stereotype
grandchild of magneto with electromagnetism powers. long lost son of polaris
Just a gun
magic negrocity
Making single mothers
Litterallly just queer coded spider themed rip off of static(shock).
That's it.
Also american comics has a boner for giving black people electric powers.

In DC it was kind of canon that all of the black people with electric powers are descended from zeus...

This shit right here?
This lame wierdo bullshit you're saying?
This is fucking why comics are dying.

>What? Do you hate Miles Morales or something? Without these stories you love so much your favourite character Miles would never have turned out the way he did!

I'm sorry, what are you saying?
Are you attempting to erect le evil strawnegro to be the sacrificial lamb for marvels terrible handling of the spiderman IP?
>I'm sorry, what are you saying?
Read the discussion before asking and inserting yourself in there, retard.
I mean Geoff Johns did bring back Barry and made him responsible for Flashpoint...
>queer coded
That's not a thing. It's a buzzword for "He ain't gay or a troon but I wish he was" simply meaning headcanon.
That's my point.
Barry is fundamentally a more powerful, overly glazed morally evil rip off of Wally now.

This makes me realize that people who get into comics are oft objectively not nice or heroic people and depend on the...costume of a good person for their ideals to be considered not fucked up or evil.

I wonder how many of the writers and creatives in comics coudl actually make an objectively morally good hero and an objectively morally evil villain without resorting to using the white had and blackhat of comic books?

So you are doing that.
And yeah, sony peter parker is a total nebbish new york jew stereotype that was tired three days after the movie "Manhattan" was released generations ago
Coded mean they have all of the stereotypical tells of being part of this group without saying it.

Most people actually understand what that means. It's just that people who RELY on this to push certain messages or peoples don't want this to be a commonly understood thing because it undermines their social engineering efforts.
Or you're fucking retarded.
One or the other.
Malicious or a fucking moron who is worse then malicious.
>Coded mean they have all of the stereotypical tells of being part of this group without saying it.
Queer coded means retards like you see a guy wearing a pink shirt assuming they're a troon or a fag like you or a guy smiles at another guy and that means they really wanna have gay sex. It's not a real thing.
>Most people actually understand what that means.
No they don't. That's you asserting. Like the term "woke" it's a buzzword that changes the meaning from person to person who unironically uses these.
falling into obscurity
You two are retard coded
Multiverse dimension hopping.
The theme is theft. They're stolen.
>we zeus now
TLDR: started as weird copyright shenanigans and now is just a meta trend
I wish Spider Verse 2 was different then what we got. A standalone Miguel story, a story about Miles without the Dimensional police force junk, a story where Liv becomes the main antagonist.
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Shots little miles from his hands
>Retard tries to draw a parallel between an actual person being replaced with a bigger and better clone with the idea of... technical advancements
He was a JoJo Stand so he can summon a Man-Spider that hits like the Hulk
I thought Black Manta hated Aquaman cuz B.M. had autism that made him evil
No that’s what Ziglar wants because he’s an unoriginal hack who doesn’t know how to make Miles interesting (Hint: you can’t)
getting buck broken
stealing bikes
Exploding knees
>I thought Black Manta hated Aquaman cuz B.M. had autism that made him evil
That's in the same canon.
Manta hated Aquaman because he was happy and he wasn't, then the autism was that Manta hated water in general and seeing Arthur being happy in the water made him hate Aquaman .
It's all connected.
Name 3 miles villains that are not hand me down peter villains. Nigga doesn't even have his own personality.
>not a single guess has proven right
/co/ is pathetic.
Rabble (Taskmaster ripoff so not a Peter's villain)
Frost Pharaoh (a white man larping as a pharaoh, so more like a Batman's villain like Tut than a Spider-Man one.
Hightail (evil annoying speedster and it's more Zoom than anything)
Controls spiders
Two electric swords
We'll be able to shoot out electricity from his hands to pick up people and objects
Venom saber/electricity wings
I'm shocked I made it but can see it as well
It may not be straight up wings (although it very well could be), but I can definitely see his next power giving him flight to some degree
LOL oh yes, definitely flying

The second Spider-Man game was the gateway for it. I can see it now.
>missing the point
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The point is that while it goes in depth it doesn't really let you digest it by yourself and instead spoon feeds you every fucking action. It's a visual medium. You can have a fight scene that speaks for itself.
They should make it so that the more powers Miles uses, the more likely he is to shit himself.
do gringos really?
Glad to see some niggas out here fighting for Ben and Kaine.
Electric Wings
His tears can cure all illnesses.
they've already said.
When Blood Hunt ends, Miles keeps a special vamp power that mixes with his spider pheromones.
When he bites a girl, he can control her to do anything he wants as well as giving her orgasms with the venom from his bite. Causing them to go into "lust fits."
I wish they'd gone the other way and focused on Miles having stealth powers rather than increasingly bullshit levels of energy projection.
>Miguel O'HARA

I fucking hate Spider-Verse so much.
Miguel isn't Irish though, his dad was a cuck
He WAS half-latino though
Tyler Stone's a WASP right?
Tyler was a square-jaw all-american man.
Ah yes his name is MIGUEL and he was always saying shit like "arriba" or "te quiero". Right.
>Miles' new power will involve biting people
sheeeit, is he even ripping off Spider-boy's powers now?
Can Bailey control people after he bites them?
What the fuck are you talking about
I think anon is saying that while his name was Miguel, being of some Mexican meant nothing because he never spoke Spanish and just looked like any other white guy
He's not wrong in that sense, and Spider-Verse did get him wrong in every possible way. But the fact remains that he is objectively half-latino and not half-irish.
And also to be fair his costume is a day of the dead outfit he had lying around so it's not completely irrelevant. They actually used his heritage well instead of making him spout some spanish every couple of sentences to remind the reader where he's from
What's the other half?
White of some sort, American
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>sheeeit, is he even ripping off Spider-boy's powers now?
Spider-Boy ripped that shit off from Miguel. fuck that little shit.
He's a bigger freak than Miguel though (who also has a shitty deal)
>multiple eyes
>freaky fangs
>No one remembers who he is
>Turned into a freak of nature
>His mother doesn't know who he is and protects an even bigger freak of nature clone of him
>Has a picture showing him and his mother that could prove he's right
>The evidence is erased by some asshole who doesn't really know who he is either
Dude, being Bailey fucking sucks.
the white writers didn't care enough
The power to conjure fried chicken by focusing really hard, which he learned from Ganke during a hike in the woods or something. but he can only make it happen when he says "pollo" because he's spanish.
>More like a shonēn protagonist.
They usually work within the confines of a defined powerset that has rules that are applicable to nearly everyone in their setting. Even then, they don't suddenly develop new powers that are antithetical to their themeing.
>all-american man
So a spic.
He was made in the 90s, the idea that latinx needed to speak spanglish was in coma, and even justified since he is from 2099 where english is the one world language
>he likes to call Miles "Shonen-Man" behind the scenes
Miles is nothing like a battle manga mc lol
My problem with Miles is that they never show him on panel banging any of his love interests.
Show him giving Kamala the mating press you cowards!
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His power will be to make it rain on Kamala.
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the innate desire to go ZAP
Kaine and Ben can henshin into fuzzy spiders?
I was thinking something like
>Elongate arms and legs up to three times their sizes
>having motion sensors eyes on the head
>Spider webs shot from the hips
>Being able to split the arms and legs in two.
You completely ignored his point about well drawn vs poorly drawn fight scenes to say “WELL IM VERY SMART AND MEDIA LITERATE ACTION NEEDS GOOD STAKES OR PLOT NOTHING ELSE MATTERS” without engaging in his point. Regardless if there’s stakes or not theres well drawn and poorly drawn action. You’re not smart for pointing out action figures beating each other up isn’t interesting, but at least one is prettier to look at than the other
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Kaine usually, also when Kaine became Tarantula
Just because something is realistic doesn’t make it good.
Man you had me for shitting on Barry revival and Geoff Johns but you’re autistic and make us Wally bros look bad.
I don't see how
>appearing for 40 seconds in the movie total
>never wearing the mask
>never being called Spider-Man
>being a bad friend
>not being able to get it up without thinking of Miles
>letting everyone talk down to him
>not standing up for Gwen
>letting people die because Miguel told him so
>trying to stop Miles from saving his dad
>implying he'd let Mayday die for a canon event
>repeatedly bringing Mayday into deadly dangerous situations
>lying to MJ about it
is anything but treating him like absolute shit, not even OMD was THIS bad
>>repeatedly bringing Mayday into deadly dangerous situations
Because she had already inherited his powers and leaving her at home for MJ to deal with that by herself would be a dick move, not to mention it would risk his secret identity in his home universe. He has plenty of experience with the spider powers so Mayday is safest wherever he is.
>Because she had already inherited his powers and leaving her at home for MJ to deal with that by herself would be a dick move
That’s totally disingenuous. It’s never stated that MJ can’t handle Mayday. In fact it is stated that MJ SPECIFICALLY asked Peter to not endanger their infant daughter in some stupid multiverse adventure and he disobeys her. It’s terrible parenting.
Eat ass, honky.
>Latinx hands typed this
>In fact it is stated that MJ SPECIFICALLY asked Peter to not endanger their infant daughter in some stupid multiverse adventure
Did it?
When Peter talked about it
MJ was there
Thats what I like about the current Spider-man run. It's actually trying to make Miles his own thing with his own villians and shit
Peter Parker fucking Rio Morales.
Rabble is very obviously inspired by the Insomniac version of Tinkerer.
>Source: headcanon that somebody actually likes Insomniac Spider-Man beyond bots
The only thing missing is him getting his own identity. Which kind of waste the entire thing by making him cosplay Spider-Man.

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