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>Luanne isn't family, she's company!
>literally his wife's niece
>says to his wife that she's not family
what the hell was Hank's problem?
As someone with an incredibly shitty father, he understands what a "toxic family member" is and that they're disposable.
The American view of "family" is very small. They don't give a shit about nieces or nephews, and cousins are practically strangers. It's very weird.
He's not blood related to Peggy
sounds like something cotton would say
hank should punch himself in the balls for saying that
But Luanne is a good girl, just naive, hell, half the time she's smarter than Peggy
If he says she's family, then he'll lose his mind because he wants to bend her over and fuck that sexy ass and bust inside. Saying she's not family is a cope for Hank.
He should be more like Bobby, who doesn't care that she's his cousin and would happily just fuck her anyway.
Jews destroyed the concept of the extended family for their host culture via media manipulation, but they themselves absolutely utilize the extended family to get ahead.
Hank was just upset he had to take care of her for so long just for some redneck to take her instead of literally anyone else.
Hank is sexually attracted to Luanne and to cope with it he doesn't want to see her as family because if he did he will feel even more disgusted with himself.
He should have fucked her.
In earlier seasons they allowed Hank to be an asshole who had to change. He only considers direct relatives to be family and only wants to help himself and his direct family as most conservatives do. Later he realizes he was being kind of a piece of shit and allowed Luan to stay although he never fully accepted her as family, like in the Thanksgiving episode where he didn't buy her a plane ticket. And how he was completely okay with Luan dating Lucky while Peggy was concerned. Hank would have cared if Bobby was dating white trash because Bobby is family. Luan is a burden he sort of cares about and is willing to help as long as she is either paying rent or going to college. As far as Hank is concerned Luan might as well just be a family friend who fell on hard times and not a true member of the family.
If you have to string two familial terms together to describe your relationship they aren't family.
>Wife's niece
>Brother-in-law's cousin
>Father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roommate
but she's still Peggy's niece and Bobby's cousin
He's not using these words to denote literal blood relationship, but their obligations towards her. He was signalling his unwillingness to house her permanently.
Post 1950s Nuclear family mindset. Only the immediate members of the household are actually "Family" and deserve to live within the house.

Cousins, nieces, nephews, etc are extended and therefore belong in their own homes.
That's not my problem.
It's post World War worker expansion shit by the government. They wanted Americans to get into the mindset of not having an ancestral family land, and move to where work is needed. Like out in new company communities in the midwest, or government facilities in Nevada. They wanted to program the thought process into the American citizen mind that family is just the people within one's own household, so they would have no problem moving to the other side of the continent to go be good loyal company employees, or abroad in the army as good loyal soldiers.

People with a strong family mindset are not going to want to move too far away from their roots. So they took a popular modern buzzword of the day with Nuclear, and wrapped a whole new cultural identity and philosophy around it so that Americans could more easily move to suburban planned communities for companies in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc.

It's the government and corporation think, has nothing to do with the same old dumbass The Jews stupid shit and you are fucking retarded for constantly deflecting everything to your made up boogeyman shit all over again.
oh yeah? well who runs the government and major corporations?
>They wanted Americans to get into the mindset of not having an ancestral family land
I mean this was never white people's land in the first place so y'know.
>The jew is mad...
Pre-WWII you still basically had family enclaves in a lot of states. Even in major cities you had neighborhoods of family groups who settled there. People never moved too far away from their family land. The 1950s really saw an end to that type of thing. The Great Depression really ended a lot of it but the Suburban flight is what finished it.
Americans move states almost every generation. Family breaks apart easily when you're all hundreds of miles apart.
The secondary effect of this was that they created the
>Kick the kids out at 18
Generation in the boomers. They managed to mostly kill the idea of the family or looking out for each other concept in the minds of middle Americans. And then when they got old and had their fun, they started wondering why the younger generations don't give a shit about settling down and starting families, or want to call or be a part of the family, they only kicked them out and killed any ideal of holding family as something special in their youth. They don't understand why that is biting them in the ass today. Must be some conspiracy.
Is it different for mexicans? My family is a blend of mexicans and white people but I remember being fairly close with my cousins and my aunt often "mothered" me in a way she did with her own kids
I remember reading posts from a colombian talking about how alien the american "Youre on your own as soon as youre 18" trend is to him
Why the hell even have kids then? We're not on a farm, we're not going through some horrific plague that wipes out most kids, why do american families have busloads of kids if they enforce this shitty rule?
They don't. White people have at the most 2 kids, throw them out at 18 and that's that. If they have kids at all, which is the current situation now. Current 20s and 30 somethings are not having kids at all, they were taught to be insanely individualistic and not ever care to look out for or be looked out by family and they are not interested in starting one either.
I'm sorry you had such a messed up family anon. As an American with a strongly connected family who keeps in touch with and sees his cousins, nephews and nieces I hope things get better for you.
I never had shit to do with any of my cousins growing up either. My parents moved across the continent before I was born and I only ever saw family members at funerals. For overwhelming majority of them I have no idea what they are like when they are not grieving and crying.
Based Hank.
>they were taught to be insanely individualistic
But I thought they were brainwashed into collectivist marxist globalism?
> collectivist marxist globalism
you are the brainwashed one
brainwashed by jordan peterson
...boomers? Are you retarded or did you just land on Earth this afternoon?
I don't remember. Do Dale and Nancy ever fuck or is John Redcorn getting all the action?
Fake news.
But Hank DOES have an incredibly shitty and abusive father and he still considers him family.
This mentality hasn't been true since the end of the 90's. Now it's about forcing your kid to go to college and be up to their eyeballs in debt because they still believe the college degree holds just as much value as it did when they (the parents) were younger. Then their kids end up being over 25 and still living at home with a horrible resume as they all try to become streamers or content creators to get some form of passive income.
She wanted him in the early seasons.
True. We should return the land back to the dinosaurs where it rightfully belongs!
Yes, Mexicans are much closer too extended family. You meet most of your cousins regularly at birthday and other parties, someone in the family will almost always take in their elderly too live with them and kids live with their parents until they have a stable marriage. It's a culture encouraged by the fact we're all poorfags clinging too lower middle class or poorer.

To use me as an example. As a kid we had my paternal grandpa's brother live with us until he died. I had 2 cousins from Mexico live with us to attend High School in the USA, first one was when I was still in elementary and the second lived with us when I was going to HS too. Finally I'm 32 and as a kissless, hugless virgin I've lived with my mom without any fuss. Of course I keep my mom afloat on bills by paying my share of $2100 in home expenses and mortage.
Get a real job hippie
>Bobby, who doesn't care that she's his cousin
He literally used the "she's my cousin" excuse when he saw her naked and Joseph kept trying to pressure him into helping him see her naked.
>be completely anchored to anyone even tangentially blood related to you
This is why lesser societies never advance. They're so busy constantly cleaning up after each other (especially the failures in their family) that they can never focus on anything else.
This used to be true back when you could get a job at the hardware store half a mile away and in 20 years be the owner of it and making the modern equivalent of 250k a year all while houses and cars were super cheap to the point where you'd be charged like 25% in financing because the average minimum wagie could buy a house outright in 3 years
>and cousins are practically strangers
That is done on purpose, so you could have sex with them without it feeling weird.
>shitty father


There's absolutely nothing wrong with his father.
I'm a white Catholic and our extended family was always close. I think tiny family size is more of a US protestant thing than a "white" thing... the way Italy or Ireland handle community is a bit different from Sweden or the UK
Literally the exact opposite, all archaeological evidence shows communal living and caretaking in large groups is what allowed humanity to advance beyond hunter/gatherer lifestyles.
Asians and Indians are doing better in the US because of family investment and nepotism
Arab countries tend to have close knit extended families and they also have the highest rates of cousin marriage iirc
Joseph could’ve ask or even trick her into showing him her tits.

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