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I always found Terra cute and preferred her over Starfire or Raven. Maybe it was the Teenage angst which resonated with me.
Maybe it’s because she has lower standards in regards to men, she was attracted to Beast Boy for crying out loud. You probably prefer her over the other two girls because you think you would actually have a chance with her if she was real.
Not that there's anything wrong with that
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my beloved
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I prefer Mandy over the main 3.
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Brit's cheerful tone and her evolution throughout the show just makes her adorable. Daria the show tried showing that despite her airheadedness even the shallow idiots in the world could be right about some stuff. She seems to be the most fun girl in the cast with only maybe stacey coming in second if she got over her insecurity.

I always found her interesting in that she is essentially the girl loser trope but doesnt suffer from the modern pitfall of accpeting her station. Very much like Jesse from pokemon. A rare instance of the early version of the trope heading in a different direction from today's version.

Also we would never have a chance with her. She thinks too highly of herself. The main 3 (maybe not clover but she's a toss up) would more likely accept us on a date.
She cute
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I was more of a Jinx guy
man, terra looks hot as fuck in that pic
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>Oh, MJ is way better than Gwen, she's got more chemistry blah blah
Man, this Anna Maria Marconi was 100x the Spider-girlfriend than either of them and was only booted out cause normies and comic writers can't handle their heroes dating someone who looks less than normal
good taste
I can't believe you're right in saying it's a hot take to pick Terra. She's a perfectly good pick I'm surprised doesn't get talked about more.
The best thing about Terra is that you'll never be too old for her.
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It's as much an obscure pick as it is a contrarian one, but Kenzie Martin from Ward is peak waifubait. I imagine she'd be pretty popular if the series was better-known here, but as is, most Ward fans are normies who'd find the idea horrifying for all the same reasons that she's perfect.
>normies who'd find the idea horrifying for all the same reasons that she's perfect.
>lower standards in regards to men
he was the only one that understood how she felt and didn't gave up on her. There are things more important in life than fucking the rich kid, surface-whore.
Precocious child from a broken home, obsessed with being loved by any means possible. A danger to herself and others because of her endless eagerness to please. Got rejected by her first foster family (gay couple) because she was so desperate to get closer that she attempted to have sex with them in their sleep, unaware of the significance of this due to naivete and inexperience. In her setting, people get powers based on traumatic events in their life and their psychological dysfunctions; her propensity for stalking and ignoring boundaries led her to become a surveillance-state-themed mad scientist, supertech cameras everywhere, recording everything for her from every angle. She's absolutely terrified of disapproval and yearns to be wanted, needed, and praised as such, by anyone; she's one of the less psychologically stable capes in a setting defined by its capes being psychologically unstable, and she's an acknowledged high-risk grooming hazard. When she was just getting started, she kept getting shuffled between superhero teams because she was so aggressively affectionate towards her superiors, one way or another, that it kept looking like they were taking advantage of her. She wears her vulnerabilities on her sleeve, and they're very, very exploitable.
She's the one redeeming factor from a deeply shitty sequel to peak capekino. The whole franchise is loaded with high-tier waifus (I'd also rate Vista and Bonesaw highly) but she's easily the top of the bunch.
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Should've worn the leotard
Not to mention she let Slade fuck her.

And don't think that was her virginity she was giving up.
With what tits?
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That accent
She makes up for them with enthusiasm.
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4chuds hate her, but I am more enlightened
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I like Steph more than Cass
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Trying to pass these off as contrarian feels like I'm pissing on you and telling you it's raining. But still: I'm well-aware that they're hated and I don't care. Actually, I think they're just based. Mabel did nothing wrong and it was actually incredibly cool when Star killed septillions of life forms. They're based. Based waifus. Star is my #3-ranked waifu, which puts her pretty high up in the overall pecking order.
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I've preferred her over Frankie these last few years.
Who wouldn't? Frankie is popular because she's a core cast member, but knowingly preferring her to Goo requires shit taste. (The ages help too.)
This is just good taste. Cass is astrotrufed to hell and back by DC staffers
I know, she's the most embarrassing waifu I have.
>Who wouldn't
Racists and non-pedos
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Cuter than Ruby or Garnet.
anon sounds upset
did you settle? kek
How European was she?
BB is the group's mascot, he doesn't count as a man, god, he doesn't even have human DNA.
>Also we would never have a chance with her. She thinks too highly of herself. The main 3 (maybe not clover but she's a toss up) would more likely accept us on a date.
Of those I think Sam might be the most likely to accept the "average" 4chan user. Mandy would as you say reject 99.99~% of us.

Brit a cute btw, like yourself, I'd choose her over the "main" 2 .
Sapphire's not really contrarian, she's one of the more pretty members of the cast and gets more art than Ruby at least. If anything the truly contrarian SU pick is that caterpillar orgy gem.
Personally I use both of these characters as a test to see how dumb someone is based on their level of hatred for them. Mabel gets over hated to the point that people forget that Dipper was just as bad as her. Star's "genocide" get overblown to the point that im certain that if someone bring that shit up first, then they haven't actually watched the show and just parrot everything.
Nephrite? There's plenty of fans for her. Also i just googled her name and realised that the fan base hasn't been calling her chaapy this entire time. No wonder no one understood who I was talking about.
BB's cute tho.
Pam from Archer is best girl
Neither does Starfire.
For me it's because she looked.like a 90210 type of girl but a tomboy

Made kid me feel an awakening ir some shit, I mean for real nigga look at that flowing hair she's hot I can't resist
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I just meant contrarian for /co/. I never see Sapphyfags here anymore.
They probably mean the grandma worm from the Off Colors.
at this point the true contrarian waifu pick on /co/ would be having no waifu at all.

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