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>adopts a kid because he regrets dumping the last kid he had

Bruce is a psycho
Denny O'Neil really thought this was a good look for Batman.
Empty nest syndrome.
Oh, here we go again!
>Bruce is a psycho
Need more proof than that.
He adopted/fostered an orphaned child and turned him into a soldier on his war on crime.
Why was DC always so intent on sticking Batman with a sidekick anyway?
>that hair
More like, why were edgelords so keep on removing Robin when the entire premise of Batman is silly?
Robin is why Batman became a successful comic. He's an integral part of the comic. Like Captain America to the Avengers.
Because silly Batman's lame and kiddy. Serious Batman is cool and badass.
>Robin is why Batman became a successful comic
Fuck no. Nobody likes the annoying kid character.
>Fuck no. Nobody likes the annoying kid character.
Is that why people phoned in to kill Jason in the hopes Dick would return as Robin?
Pretty sure most people thought Robin was still Dick.
No, it's literally the truth. Detective Comics featuring Batman, while initially popular, saw sales start to slip after the first few issues. Batman would have been a footnote in history if Finger didn't come up with Robin, who served a double purpose of giving Batman someone to talk to and giving children someone to identify with. Robin was a runaway success and Batman was almost immediately given a stand-alone comic series.
Hot take: Jim Starlin is one of the worst things to happen to Batman, and the aftershocks of his terrible characterization can still be felt today.
>b-but Miller
Miller could make Batman feel bigger than life and elevate him to mythical proportions, all Jim Starlin managed was to make the character feel like a petty asshole.
>Hot take: Jim Starlin is one of the worst things to happen to Batman, and the aftershocks of his terrible characterization can still be felt today.
Jim Starlin wouldn't have gotten so far in the first place had it not been for Denny O'Neil. He loathed how campy Batman was because of the TV show and saw Robin as a symptom of that camp, despite literally being an essential part of the comic since the early runs. So he pushed for the phone stunt knowing well Jason would get killed, and Jim Starlin would be the face of it.
Yeah no, Robin was introduced because Tec’s sales were slipping and they correctly assumed Batman needed somebody to talk to and went with a child for young readers to self insert onto
Comics loved sticking a teen sidekick with heroes to give readers a self insert character to relate to. DC was pretty big into this concept. This is also why Jimmy Olson was a popular character, he was the self insert friend of Superman.
People who /didn't/ vote and just read the article in the news thought that it was all the same Robin.
The kill Robin camp was largely
>bring Dick back as Robin
>get rid of Robin in general from the Batbooks
And honestly- it wasn't mutually exclusive. The whole point of Jason was to bring back a kid Robin to the batbooks since, at that point, Dick's presence in the main two batman books was minimal for 15 years. Whole generations had grown with Batman and Robin being a retro throwback that occasionally got a tip of the hat in comics.
Jason's angle, even post-crisis when he's retconned as a street kid, was a nostalgia/retro one.It's why he's drawn with the two curls Dick used to have that stopped being a thing after the early 60's. He's retro by design. He's a not a realistic streetkid, he's a golden hearted street urchin swept up from poverty(before Starlin gets to him, at least)
Ultimately Denny still has good contributions to Batman and oversaw an otherwise prosperous time in the Batbooks. He learned from this fiasco and it changed his perspective.
Starlin basically peaks with the Cult, and stuff like KG Beast is painfully stupid and corny.
See, had they kept the original Nightwing origin (Dick deciding he is too old to be Robin and moving on to grow up) then yes it would be empty nest syndrome (as Bruce canonically had it when Dick went to college) and it would be kinda sweet. Weird, but sweet.

The updated Nightwing origin was Bruce firing Dick because he got scared Dick got shot. Him adopting and making another kid Robin after that is psycho behavior.
>and stuff like KG Beast is painfully stupid and corny.
Anon, who you think signed off on that? Who do you think sighed off on Ambassador Joker as well? Starlin is an edgelord yes, but he’s powerless without the editor. It’s not even out of the picture to say he was the pawn in Denny’s scheme to make Batman a solo title.
>Ultimately Denny still has good contributions to Batman and oversaw an otherwise prosperous time in the Batbooks
Too bad he was a race-baiting hippie.
>The updated Nightwing origin was Bruce firing Dick because he got scared Dick got shot. Him adopting and making another kid Robin after that is psycho behavior.
It came about in the 00s where editorial decided to make Batman an all around asshole just because. They even made him racist against aliens.
This is why the movie's better. Pretty sure even the comics pretend that version's canon over the original comic.
you don't understand batman threw the batarang at the exact point in his neck to disarm him but not give him a tracheotomy or have him bleed out

>i dunno anon that seems like a lot of blood
that's just fake blood batman carries around
batman isn't a killer
No, the story Anon described was published in the 80s.
>and stuff like KG Beast is painfully stupid and corny.
KGBeast is a prototype for Bane.
And Knightfall is probably the most significant part of Denny's editorial legacy.
The one that came about the 00s is worse, with Bruce firing Dick because he spent too much time with saving people with the Titans than with him in Gotham. And then, in a scene that probably inspired the issue of Dick getting trapped in the batcave in ASBAR, proceeds to tie Jason to a chair in the batcave because why not.
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But again, he learned. I'm not going to hold that against him when there's more positive than negative contributions. Even as writers I'm more fond of O'Neil's Batman than Starlin's.
A few people, Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan in particular, have mentioned that Dennis has a tense relationship with the GL/GA stuff because Neal Adams was largely leading the writing with O'Neil being there to finish the scripts- but the ideas and heavy handedness came more from Adams wanting to do a big social justice book than O'Neil.
And reading Neal Adam's own solo writing from the era, I believe it. He was not subtle.
>it would be kinda sweet.
It wouldn't, but it be less psychotic because the problem isn't the post-crisis Nightwing origins. If pre-crisis Batman could emote and be functional, post-crisis Batman has every mental illness you can name.
ok but Knightfall/Bane is better.
could not be more opposite.
Silver Age and Adam West Batman are the peak and should be the standard for the character.
man babies continue to get filtered by Robin. You hate to see it!
>And Knightfall is probably the most significant part of Denny's editorial legacy
Igts funny because he’s a addressing a phenomenon he helped created.
>Pretty sure even the comics pretend
They don't care about any versions. Utrh only amount to two things when DC references it; 1) Bruce defeated Jason after he came back as a villain, 2) (optional) severed heads in a the duffel bag, because for some reason that the thing that chocked the readership the most in that edgefest.
Also the minigun he used to blow through a whole warehouse of criminals.
What else was there to remember from that arc? Batman and Nightwing taking down an Amazo unit?
Knightfall/Bane told a story over a year on multiple titles, with several different writers and artists. Starlin and Aparo had 4 issues.
Partially brand concerns. After Jason got killed off, the marketing department of DC and WB were furious because they needed a Robin to keep selling merchandise. That's also why the Robin costume didn't change for so long until the Neal Adams '89 concept design and Tim.
Some of them, some people who called in upset to comic stores or DC had to be assured "no, it was a replacement that died"
>B-but muh Nolan didn't need him! Batman On Film is my gospel! Bale said Robin bad! Obey Bat-God!
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He raped the joker.
What do you think the Bat books would've been like had the pitch of Tim Drake not won and Alan Grant had gotten to make Anarky the new Robin?
It's funny how most people agree with Jason and think Batman is a schizo for letting Joker get away with everything.
There have been like 10 movies.
nahhhh blud think he playboicarti lookin ahhhh *skull**skull**skull*
In Joker's dreams, maybe.
Jason can try all he wants to win the Bat's affection and respect, but BatJoke will always prevail
If you take away the angst he is 110% right about people like Joker.
Be honest guys, if you asked a Gothamite whose method of stopping violent would work better, Batman or Red Hood, which would they choose?
Aparo's Batman was my mental image of the character for years, thanks to knightfall. But admittedly his hair for Bruce unmasked always looked off. Way too curly.
Gotham's a shithole for everybody, so Red Hood wins by a landslide.
Under the Red Hood, dumbass.
The movie gets a whole lot of praise, even from casuals. It's literally the best version IE the GOOD version of that story.
No nigga.
Robin's only cool when he's grown. Batman Forever and BTAS had it right.
>Batman Forever and BTAS had it right.
BTAS is a prime example of letting guys who hate the concept of Robin cook.
OK? I still like Knightfall better
This isn't even me shitting on Starlin as a writer in general(even thought I'm not super fond of him, I don't dislike him), I just didn't like his Batman in particular and find Batman in a very late 80's cold war setting really egregious and strange.
I don't want to say dated, though it's tempting to do so- because even other bat books from the time, while obstinately in the contemporary year they were made, tried to avoid placing specific year or being tied down like that.
A good number of Batman stories is him going solo. Having a Robin is good every once in a while and has been a staple for decades.
I feel like Robin was only in like seven episodes. Most of the memorable ones don't have him.
What are the essential BTAS episodes? And don't say all of them because that's horeshit.
All of them except the really bad ones. Obviously.
The second season was retooled to have Robin in every episode, it's where the Adventures of Batman and Robin opening change and title comes from. Then the TNBA/Kids WB season reverts back to the Season 1 opening.
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Because Robin has been a thing since the 6th Batman comic. Robin is older than the Joker.
But Chris O'Donnell was so cringe that it ruined the Robin image further for Batbros, we haven't gotten a decent movie Robin or Nightwing since
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Who the hell is Robin?
He deserved this and it was literally resulting in one of the options he was asking for
He's only cringe if you're autistic. If you're normal, he's fine.
>He deserved this
Fuck no, are you nuts?
How did he not deserve it? He was literally asking for it
What was with the scales anyways. Seemed random
It's meant to be some scaly textured leotard but some artists draw the bottom part separate from the sleeves
it's vaguely medieval looking and the character's initial design is loosely influenced from Robin Hood. A suit of mail under the tunic. The bottoms were just more detailed than the sleeves
Why would Bart and Lisa not who Robin is? I was roughly Bart's age when this episode debuted and I was wondering why Robin wasn't in '89. Did the writers forget Robin was a prominent mainstay in all Bat media leading up the film?
Can't believe this design lasted as long as it did.
They would've known him from reruns of the 60s show and Superfriends.
DC's marketing department would cockblock anybody who tried to suggest an updated design. Neal Adams had tried before until he finally won them over, and Don Newton's initial costume for Jason Todd was meant to be an updated Robin one but was rejected.
>I am tired of your bullshit; this is psycho killer that keeps getting away with it, he literally murdered me in painful way and I am just alive by some magical bullshit. Either you accept this is ridiculous and let me kill him, or you kill me yourself, the person you adopted and then left die for said psycho
>Throws batarang to his neck

Yeah, no, he totally had it coming, trying to kill beloved serial killer the joker.
garbage take
Based take.
It's exaggeration for the sake of a joke.
reddit take
Outdated 40s and 50 fad.
Adam West Batman is ok from a stylistic standpoint but Burton Batman is when they really struck gold.
Jason's just a suicidal masochist who secretly wanted the batarang
Fine, Batman is a psycho, but that doesn’t stop him from being a hero.
Why would Jason want to be apart of the batfamily after this
That would make him based
Isn’t he also a serial killer and also disowned at that point? He had a death wish otherwise he would have moved in time. He was a lost cause.
Why you Jason fans are obsessed with this page especially considering who wrote it? There's another story in tec during that time where Bruce explained why he took Jason and it had nothing to do with Dick.
Bruce missing having someone on his side isn't a "psycho" thing or unrealistic, but framing it as the sole or main reason why he took Jason has some unfortunate implication. Dick left/was fired as an adult and he replaced him with a kid who was 7/10 younger than him? I mean, what?
>Isn’t he also a serial killer
This always happens whenever they try to paint Jason in a bad light. It results in making Bruce looks like a psycho because Jason was a kid who didn't seek to become Robin in the first place.
Fine cold blooded mass murderer who decapitates people who are no worse than he is
He is, technically. Mass murder and serial murder, all in that Under the Hood arc.
Then more serial murder in that Nightwing arc.
Then more serial murder in Batman & Robin.
This. It's comics and Jason has his fair share of terrible unforgivable moments too. So, I don't understand why his fans always focus on the bad and ignore all the good moments.

And this exactly why you shouldn't take this page seriously. It basically makes no sense and it's just a consolation prize to Dick after he got screwed with PC.
No? Bruce never disowned him.
He's killing dudes who sold drugs to kids. He's better than them by default.
Why are you superhero fans always the lamest motherfuckers on the planet? Y'all have a child's understanding of the world and the people in it.
>"the crime alley. Where I lost my parents"
>"Where I gained a son"
Batman have the most interesting relationship with Jason out of all Robins. I dislike when people (both fans and writers) try downplay his relationship with him.
You act like he killed innocent people. Batman actually have innocents blood on his hands.
>Batman actually have innocents blood on his hands.
Like Jason's thrice.
To be fair, his "terrible unforgivable moments" were basically character assassination. I mean, they literally turned him into some kind of monster.
I'm not sure what you trying to say here. If you are saying that Jason has more, that's not true at all. Batman literally caused Gotham destruction (and the world) in Metal where many innocent people died.
Jason's blood is on his hands too. Joker wouldn't have cared about Jason if Bruce didn't make him Robin in the first place.
>Jason is a mass murdering serial killer, by definition
>You act like he killed innocents you know Batman is the real villain here don't insult my special boy
cursed trips for the cringe copelord
>Jason is a mass murdering serial killer, by definition
He goes after bad guys. Legit evil motherfuckers. Why is this a bad thing? Because he's not a squeaky clean boyscout in tights?
The uncomfortable truth that some people don’t want to admit is that the entire reason he took in that homeless kid was so that he could be robin. He looked almost exactly like the last one as a boy and it’s mentioned a couple of times. Literally the moment he’s taken in he’s called robin and not Jason or son or anything. The purpose of being adopted is made obvious and that’s why it pissed dick off so much and why he hated the kid. Bruce never saw him as a son as he said as much himself but as a replacement for something he wanted back and when he became reckless and aggressive and could no longer fill in that role it wasn’t a huge deal to memorialize him as nothing more than a disobedient fallen solider and accept someone else who was gunning to take his place. Jason’s fault was in deluding himself into thinking he was his father and therefore thinking he was owed something when he wasn’t. All he was to Bruce was a painful lesson to learn and one he will sadly have to keep dealing with due to impulsively adopting a homeless child for nothing more than nostalgic feelings when he wasn’t equipped for a kid like that.
The only one coping here is you, fanboy. Batman did so many atrocities that would have put him behind the bars for life if you wanted talk about "realism" and "technicalities".
Cringe pasta.
He is probably the same guy who said Bruce and Jason were just "roommates". He doesn't realize that he makes Bruce looks like a predator kek.
He’s insane and his morals constantly shift to his benefit. Imagine if that crazy schizo gunned you down on a whim simply because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing he does is realistic and in the real world letting an unstable high school dropout with brain damage and mental illnesses ten times over have the authority to execute people on site without evidence is a fucking horrible idea.
>Nothing he does is realistic
Oh no, someone just realized comics aren't realistic.
True. More often than not all that Jason was was an example of consequences to teach a lesson to the others. Unlike his real son he never bothered trying to bring him back or anything and was perfectly fine with covering up his murder and lying to social workers and police so he would never get justice.
Read what I was replying to retardbro. I agree that it’s unrealistic and I was explaining that with the way the world works realistically having a guy like him would be even more of an unjustifiable insane concept than it already is in a comic
And do you think it's realistic for Batman to use kids on his crusade? That no one put a bullet on the Joker's head? Or do you think it's "realistic" for people to come back to life everytime they killed off? Newsflash, comics aren't realistic and in hindsight, Jason's bad sheet barely scratch the surface of all the bad things Batman have done, let alone the rest of superheroes.
Realistically Jason should be in a psych ward
Realistically so should Bruce
Honestly when you put it that way most if not all of the Batfamily should be in Blackgate Prison or in Arkham if all the fucked up shit they've done became public knowledge.
Realistically, Batman would have been already dead because he is just human. He also would be in "psych ward" because no sane adult would walk around with bat costume. See how this works?
Especially since he's legit crazy as all hell.
whataboutism? in my /co/?
This is a really good quote. Batman finding Jason exactly in the place where his parents were killed is quite symbolic and special. I will always say that Jason is actually his favorite and it's makes prefect narrative sense for it to be this way.
No i mean in the comics he should be in a psych ward. It literally makes no sense that he gets to walk free with literally no consequences for what he’s done. He’s tried to kill the people he’s allied with and they are just chill with having a literal psycho on their side. What if he loses it again and starts trying to shoot them up? Makes no sense.
He did say that Jason is one of his few precious people. Not to mention that Jason's happiness is his ultimate wish.
Dick didn't hate Jason, he didn't know Jason. They met once. Dick gives Jason his number, a hand shake, and an old Robin costume. Do you just make shit up in your head? It's literally the issue OP's image is from.
You could maybe argue that he held a special place in his heart deep down when he was dead out of misplaced regret and guilt but that really is it. He is without a doubt the most hated of them alive though. Especially when more than one instance of shit like this >>144297945 exist. Anything he does for him now is out of regret and an attempt to fix the problem he has created. He has more love and a better relationship with the rest. Literally none of them especially like or want him around.
I mean, it's really not obvious to you that his whole post is just trolling to bait people?
>"Jason knew how much I loved him"
>"The love I had for him..."
>"You can't stop me because you loves me too much".
>"Jason, I love you"
Sure, buddy.
I mean he definitely didn’t like and resented him then or in their interactions added retroactively after he died. I could see him hating him honestly he was a bit of a shit kid.
>Literally none of them especially like or want him around
Dick literally told him he loves him and Tim told him that he will there for him whenever he needs him. He also close to Babs and Steph. Plus what this >>144309152 anon said
Did you honestly expect him to not love the dead child he gave a home to? That was before however. He loves all of them doesn’t make him the favorite just because he died and is now a maniac he has to beat the murder out of.
Nolan films were never good. You can stop pretending they were now.
You gotta admit that it’s hilarious how he tries to kill them and then he ends up being treated that way. Maybe they think if they’re nice to him he will cut the shit out for once. Funny guy.
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Citations needed.
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Jason isn't the only one he lost. He lost all of them at some point and yet Jason's death is still haunting him to this day because losing him in particular hurt him the most. We also literally have story where it was revealed that Jason's happiness is his ultimate happiness and wish. If that's not enough proof to you, then you are basically just trolling.
Yeah, Bruce loves Jason so much that, after his death, he replaced him with a stalker and kept his murderer alive. Batman is unironically a worse father than Deathstroke.
If I'm not mistaken, Jason is the only brother Dick said I love you to. He also cried pretty hard over when he died compared to his reaction over Damian's and Tim's deaths.
Loved him so much he protects his murderer daily and was convinced into accepting a replacement for him in one day and the only thing he kept around was a shrine calling him a soldier kek. Not to mention the times he almost killed him after he disobeyed him. Was it justified? Maybe? But claiming he’s the favorite is just stupid.
They’re ok
Batman wants to kill Joker for what he did to Jason and for his sake, but he can't do it for some made up stupid reasons by his writers. Tim pretty much forced himself on him and he was left with no choice or the stupid kid would probably get himself killed. It's not because he didn't love him enough or didn't care, quite the opposite. We also were told that he vouched for Jason and forbidden others for coming after him. I can even list more and more examples that prove that Jason in particular carry a special place in his heart.
>his biggest fear was losing him
>his biggest wish is his happiness
>"noooo he isn't special to him at all!!"
Lmao, come on now.
Let’s be real if he died again he wouldn’t do that shit again kek.
He died again and Bruce quickly brought him back.
Batman also made a promise that he won't lose Jason again
From this >>144297945 ? When did that happen?
What about it?
I think he means that Batman killed him here which isn't true. It's really just some stupid theory that has no ground.
Do they really think Jason would die from this? He literally had worse.
Not this but the whole being crushed under the blown up building thing after this
Like half of Bruces colleagues on the Justice League. How do you jusitfy that?
He literally aimed for his head.
So how Batman and Joker still alive? They were right there too.
We literally had this conversation few days and multiple people already told and proved to you this isn't true. Being in denial about it won't make it true.
Winick seems to have had a thing for dramatic cliffhangers like that. He did it in Green Arrow too, with Mia being near death and the other Arrows caught in an explosion.
Perhaps what they need to do is kancho him
I'm surprised that there's no bonding between Jason and Damian despite there are so much fan arts of them together.
What reason would Jason have to be his favorite? The others have pretty clear reasons why in theory but what is the reasoning behind this?
Proved what? I don’t remember anyone proving me wrong. The last thing I remember is that someone said it doesn’t make sense without giving any explanation.
Damian has no bond with anyone. Even with Dick where their relationship has become all about "remember the good old days?" and he basically lost Jon.
He said that Jason was easy to like kid and the two had a very tight relationship before things south between them at the end.
It’s just hard to understand how such a short time such a long time ago would make him his favorite when he’s had much longer experiences with the other kids. Especially when Jason is like the complete opposite of what he was like as a little kid now.
Why wouldn't he? Jason was a good kid who literally spent the nights where he didn't go patrolling waiting for Bruce to come back well and safe. He stood up for him multiple times and helped him save Damian even after the bs he put him through. He basically died for him recently. You people act like Jason done nothing for Bruce at all.

Also, sometimes. There's no need for a reason. There are people you just end up being fond of them which Bruce admitted it himself that he is fond of Jason.
>had much longer experiences with the other kid
That's haf-true. Jason spent all his time as Robin on Bruce's side while the rest all went on their own creating their own teams.
The only scenes where he doesn't like Jason are in Nightwing Year One, every other scene before that is Dick being mad at BRUCE and leaving Jason out of it. And Dixon had spent most of his time in the batbooks making Jason look like shit to prop up Tim or excuse Bruce for taking on another sidekick after one dying.
Tim was better than him when he was with him though. So was Dick before he got older and more independent. Makes more sense that one of them would be the favorite. In fact I’m pretty sure Dick already is.
This. People seems to confuse actual comics timeline with publishing timeline. Bruce spent a lot of time with Jason and the kid did help him and his family many times when he comes back.
That just your bias and favoritism talking. What makes Tim better? I mean, Jason literally saved Superman and Wonder Woman lives whe he was Robin. He also saved and helped Batman many times who himself said that Jason made him quite proud.
Are you for real? You think love makes sense? A person has no control of their heart and there people in your life you just end up loving regardless if it makes sense or not and it's not like Todd is unlovable or unworthy of his love as others pointed out.
Yeah, Damian is actually quite disconnected with his family. It's not exactly surprising to be honest tho because he still treats like a trash most of the time.
When did Jason get so popular that people would claim he’s anyone’s favorite. I only remember him being very rude and unlikable even as robin.
That's why you get some people insisting Tim is the OG Jason hater who knew he was a bad seed.
Some will say Arkham game or the UTRH film. But even before Red Hood, you can't exactly say he was "popular" but he was the contrarian's choice for some ladies of Livejournal who wrote bizarre nsfw fanfiction.
Having been living under a rock or are you trolling? Jason has been very popular for over a decade now.

That's a lie. He's got a great relationship with Dick, Tim doesn't hate him anymore, I suppose he doesn't have much of one with Jason but we saw how it could have been with Wingman and Redbird. He still has one with Jon despite him being a volcano groomed aged up homo.
>Some will say Arkham game or the UTRH film
It was before them. Didio said that they got so many letters demanding that he get his own series in one of the bts stuff in UTRH DVD.
The Jason haters who want their phone poll money back will say that's all swamp gas and propaganda.
His interactions with Dick pretty much sums up as "hey, remember how we used to?". They have zero development since Morrison's BR. He also has zero relationship with Jason and Tim. Jon is closer to Dick nowadays.
True to be fair though in the things that gave him his popularity he was a massive homicidal bitch. Thinking he’s lovable or Bruce’s favorite is dumb when that’s not what they are going for when they use him.
What's it's dumb is the way you seem so triggered about it that you connected two posts that quite irrelevant to each others.
They should kill him again for good for the sake of the phone poll people who lost money. Think of the guy who sold his car for votes.
Wonder how much the costs will be with inflation now. They could have a reader name picking lottery for someone to win the Kill Jason jackpot.
They should host another kill Jason poll and see if people still want him to die again
Robins fans are quite sensitive about this topic.
Considering that Dick and Tim are self-interest characters, it's pretty understandable why they feel strongly about it.
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my nigga did nothing wrong
You say this like Jason isn’t the epitome of edgy revenge fantasy on the shit dad character. Dick and Tim don’t act like school shooters so I guess they aren’t as cool?
Both Jason and Batman are my favorite characters actually. I don't like him for being a "revenge fantasy against dad".
That's not actually true. His life sucks so bad there's no way anyone want to be him or fantasy to become him. People likes him because he has interesting story and background.
>revenge fantasy on the shit dad character
It's ironic to say this when Dick and Damian complain about Bruce and fought him far more than he did.
This is why he died and why he suffers now that he’s alive. He was a sperg who couldn’t and wouldn’t listen.
Jason is the only one who pisses him off so much and won’t stop stepping on toes in his ongoing conflict with him that it gets the shit beat out of him on multiple near lethal occasions because he’s just too much of a violent bitch to stop. All of his suffering is something he brought onto himself.
Here’s the thing tho: Jason IS right. We DO have to kill that clown. We will save more lives by doing it.
He is wrong. He came back to life who’s to say it won’t be the same shit with the clown? By his logic why doesn’t he kill himself a mass murderer to prevent more death
No, considering the context of what people he goes after.
What happens when he kills the wrong person? Should he just get away with it?
Why you love talking about hypothetical situations with Jason? That literally can be a said about any hero. What if they someday they went too far on beating someone that they end up killing the.? We can spend the entire day doing this and you won't make your argument look less ridiculous.
True. If anything, Damian in particular is basically the definition of this.
>revenge fantasy
He never got any revenge for what happened to him.
Yeah but he also beat up pedophiles so who cares
I do think it's funny how he is trying to justify his hatred for Jason with silly arguments and random rants.

Dude, he is a fictional character. It's ok to say you just hate him without making silly excuses. Just don't be obsessed about it because as I already said, he isn't real.
Jason is a fucking retard psycho who shouldn’t have any say on who should live and who should die. He is just as bad as the people he kills so by his logic someone should kill him.
most sane batman glazer
Would you be celebrating if Jason raped the Joker and contributed more sexual violence to the world?
Ok. Just take a deep breath and remember. Jason isn't real and he can't hurt you.
>Noooo don’t tell me my favorite psychopathic mass murderer is a bad person with hypocritical ideals!!
blvd talking abt batman
Jasonfags are unfortunately very real however and will continue to whine about and blame every other character for things that are entirely Jason’s fault. Just like Jason does
oil up lil bro im coming over
>>"the crime alley. Where I lost my parents"
>>"Where I gained a son"
This is probably the most wholesome line I have ever heard from Batman.
Anon how is your relationship with your father
im literally 45
Let’s be honest; letting a bougie nigga like Bruce decide the fate of the underclass over actual street nigga like Jason is fucked
I don’t think he was formally adopted post crisis. He was just housing the boy.
Didn’t Jason get shot three times in his short run? Did he just not care about him?
Bruce preferred to have a smaller boy meat shield
Jason brings both the best and worst from Batman. This is why I agree with anons who says he is quite special to Batman.
And you dickride Jason??
He is Batdad with a secret Jason body pillow
Jason = Guts

Bat Editorial = Godhand
>"You are alive, Jason. You are alive and I intend to keep it this way".
I think this line was pretty sweet too.
Can’t understand his logic. A bigger boy meat shield will block more bullets than a skinny street boy meat shield. It’s a miracle he didn’t die right then and there.
Who is Casca, Griffith, and puck in this instance
Looks at the mirror sometimes, dude. You spent the entire thread whining and crying about Jason for hypothetical and ridiculous made up reasons.
>my grown man sidekick getting shot has made me realize this job is too dangerous for him
>how about you give it a try 11 year old homeless boy?
He wanted that boy to die.
Bruce was looking for the opportunity for more manpain, and to wonder how he could pin the failure on the annoying young boy than think he could have made a mistake. It is the children that are wrong after all.
In a thread complaining about Bruce giving Jason a home like he’s somehow at fault for this. He could’ve called the cops on that little fucker but he didn’t.
>"I want this for you because I love you, son"
Brucie can be a good father when he tries.
He could have found him another family
You were whining that Jason means nothing to Bruce and that he just stupid random kid who deserved getting killed. So, why are triggered over them calling out Bruce for something yourself believe? You even got triggered because someone said that he loves Jason. How about you become more honest with yourself and admit that the true reason why you are angry?
How about how Jason beat and threatened a sex worker with HIV and never faced karmic retaliation from the Arrow Family? His debauchery and crimes affect many.
Nobody would’ve wanted to adopt a homeless thief with a criminal history who’s the son of a criminal and an addict. He ended up becoming violent and cruel even with an outlet for his anger so imagine how he would’ve been without that. He would’ve been passed around forever in foster home limbo until he turned 18 where he’d then end up back on the streets. Not his fault Jason was a shithead he tried at least.
>Jason beat and threatened a sex worker with HIV
Disease spreaders should be punished.
Yeah, and? I'm supposed to care about this random who DC themselves spent two decades completely forgotten their existence? Or do you want me to believe that you do? Plus, this was during the period where DC was pushing Jason as villain which completely failed.
Anon he let that dude into his home with an open mind and the kid left it with a stolen credit card and a plane ticket. He was a stupid random kid who got himself killed.
He could’ve been a cool villain had they not been completely retarded with it.
But Titans Tower
This. He is supposedly angry about his fans complaining about Bruce, but he also angry when they say that he loves him? Makes up your mind, fella.
Anon, he is a fictional character and you aren't Bruce Wayne. Stop acting like he wronged you personally and get over yourself. Batman himself wasn't even upset about this.
>fanfiction justifying bruce being an irresponsible adult
Jason deserved a stable home life after his Mom died of an overdose
Pre-death Jason
Denny O’Neil
>the Arrow Family
who gives a fuck about those suckers?
Bruce gave everything that Dick had to that ungrateful little loser. His costume and codename, his room at the manor. He was hoping for an upgrade but got nothing.
And I think this line was pretty good too.
>My son, I've hurt you so much over the years. It breaks my heart to fight you again
Dumbass manchild.
Stop acting like Bruce screwed him over when he gave him more than he ever had in his entire life. All he had to do was listen. Notice how successful and long Tim lasted? Because he was competent and the exact opposite of Jason
What a timing!
He is homo who still failed to move on from being Robin. He also lost his father because of the gig.
Indeed. What an appropriate timing. Batman himself admitted that he wronged Jason.
He is younger than Dick when he finally stopped kek. He earned the damn title. The homo thing is a fad. The only one who stopped being robin as a child was Jason because he got himself killed and Steph because she acted like Jason. Interesting pattern.
Discussions like this make me wonder if Marvel and DC aren't justified in merely using comics as an IP farm and tossing them in the garbage otherwise.
Sometimes I think cape comics are really stupid, other times you actually find some surprising depth in them. These lines are seriously good that you don't even need context to understand them.
That's exactly the problem he picked up a kid off the street who came from nothing and died early because of him (not to mention in other continuities he becomes priest without batman) Tim came from an affluent family and Batman had Alfred when he lost his parents
He called himself Red Robin (a mantle btw, he took from Jason's trash. Literally) after Robin was taken from Just to come back the mantle once again. You just keeping digging yourself in a bigger hole unnecessarily. It's really not that deep.
They are indeed. It's the reason why you can't change my mind that he is his favorite.
He died because he made a mistake and thus his life ended and was ruined afterwards. Nobodies fault but his own.
It his fault that his mother betrayed him? It his fault that the Joker targeted him to get to Batman?
You have to give it to Starling. Despite hating him, he still give him a heroic death. He protected his mother even after what she did.
yes because Jason was hated by readers and failed and was a pretender and sucked, get with the program
That's old news. DC changed their tone ("You didn't fail Jason, Batman failed you, your mother failed you").
Took them several decades to get to this point, but good on DC for finally admitting it.
Couldn't you brought this earlier to end this annoying and pointless argument, anon?
What kind of mental gymnastics is this?
>he made the choice it's his fault
>actually the readers didn't like him still his fault
Glad to see it happen while Denny was still alive.
Sheila Haywood was not competent at anything even alluded to in her life.
> had to flee the US to a place without extradition because she was botching surgeries (the writers are probably implying that they were abortions) and killing patients
>was embezzling from a famine relief fund so obviously that Batman and Robin uncover it at a glance while on a time crunch focusing on tracking down a cruise missile
> couldn’t even leverage her relationship with Robin OR her giving Robin to Joker into anything that would benefit her
>was she even injured when Jason drug his poor broken body across the warehouse to try and save her? Pretty sure she was tied up but he was in wayyyyy worse condition and managed to almost save her
Awful person and also a giant moron but DC's not ready for that sort of conversation.
That just not good writing to be honest. There's no reason to makes her this terrible for no good reason. Reminds me when Lobdell made Wills abusive. Jason's life is already tragic and there's no need to make it this bad.
>Jason's life is already tragic and there's no need to make it this bad.
wasn't it also implied in one of the comics that he was diddled as a kid?
Lobdell at least rectoned that part by giving Wills a character and a lore that proved that he loved Jason. I wish someone would one day do another take on Sheila or Catherine.
Have some respect for the woman who took down robin! She got away with it too and they never knew it was her seeing as she was buried next to him.
That just Winick being weird. I think only Danial acknowledged it before it was dropped completely as it should be.
That’s why they couldn’t make him the gay one
Jason has so much lore that are begging to be explored. His family history is so interesting and complicated.
Someone in a Bat thread ages ago claimed Winick wanted to make Jason a child prostitute with HIV sold out by his parents but didn't offer a source. If anything I'd guess that was what he was trying to relate to Mia over, but Arrow stans get mad that a schlub like him could be anything like her.
The mystery of his return and the All-Caste too.
>Jason a child prostitute with HIV sold out by his parents
>schlub like him could be anything like her
Is this supposed to be an insult? Who the heck wants their favorite to be a literal who like her?
Johnathan Taylor Thomas should have been Robin. Give him Tim Drake's outfit and you suddenly have a teen heartthrob as the most famous child superhero. They you could have had a cool moment in Batman & Robin where, when he goes solo, he puts on the Nightwing suit instead of him just being in it the whole movie for no reason.
Arrow stans take their women very seriously, whether they're relevant to canon or not.
>The mystery of his return
It seemed that Lobdell was planning to do this before his story was derailed by that stupid villain event.
I liked the implication in ditf from the portrait he cried over where he was little and they were all dressed nicely and seemed happy implying that there was a time that their lives weren’t completely awful and they were somewhat okay before everything went to shit. Implied that the kid watched his impoverished family fall apart at a young age.
Someone should tell them that GA and his family are nothing but a second rate compared to Batman and his family.
They could’ve brought him dying of AIDS back but they didn’t.
Sometimes, I really do miss the Outlaws. It was a fun series.
Starlin claimed he wanted AIDS for Jason but DC wanted Jimmy Olsen to be the face of the eventually-scrapped AIDS awareness special instead.
I doubt that it was true. Winick has some serious weird takes that made me glad that he didn't get the chance to write a run with Jason, but I don't think he would go this far.

The Outlaws had a big reunion in the latest WFA episode. Kory was even there!
Winick loves HIV and gay people and loves shoving them into stories (like in his GL run). Had he had it his way, Jason would have been a bisexual former-child prostitute who was HIV positive.
Is that the one locked behind a paywall?
We meet again Winick-troll
I read it. It was pretty sweet to see all of them gathered and loved the outlaws cheer ("Outlaws Forever!").
weimar type shit
Thank god Tim took the gay bullet for the family
If WFA has Rose too, I would consider it the superior series.
>Titans Together, but Outlaws Forever
Why rose?
Because I think she is the best waifu for Jason. I would like her to make an appearance.
I didn’t know they got together
Why else would he adopt the kid?
I dunno but Jason would definitely be the type of kid who hates fags and junkies because of their association with HIV.
I do think so which is why I think it's hilarious that some of his fangirls would think he would a big pride supporter. Dude lived in the streets. He knows well enough how bad can they be.
He definitely calls Tim a faggot
He adopt a kid because of the other adult kid he didn't actually bother adopting? Is this what you trying to imply?
When you put it this way, it does sound stupid
Wasn't even Dick jealous of Jason because of it?
Yes, Post-Crisis established the dysfunctional Batman-Nightwing-Robin dynamic quite well
Yup. Batman actually put it up when Jason died to throw it at Dick's face.
I said before that Damian is the odd man out among the Robins. The oldest three are quite tight who actually have been there for each others. I don't think I remember Damian doing anything for any of them.
He was pretty happy when found iut that literal who clone was his brother. It proves that he doesn't see the Robins as his brothers.
We need a sequel to UTRH where Jason dies of AIDs from being whore'd out by his parents as a kid while also coming to accept xis gender identity
Probably because he is quite possessive of his father while he doesn't care much about his mother so he doesn't mind sharing her with another kid. There was actually a story where he was pretty jealous of Jason because of his relationship with Bruce.
>it turns out Jason is intersex and was also a pariah of the streets for the deformed peepee
This honestly funny that they both are jealous of him. Jason probably wouldn't have believed it.
It more likely to happen to Dick. He literally slept with animal.
>He literally slept with animal
Wut? What did I miss?
Behold Dick actually slept with an actual Gorilla
Bruce raising well adjusted individuals
Lmao, and his fans dare to act all smug and entitled.
He is really such manwhore.
You mean an actual one or Babs is confirmed for jungle bush?
What if the joker raped jason?? Potential story?
An actual one.
That’s really fucked up male or female
Real question: why are Jason haters so cringe and bisexual?
Seriously, what's wrong with this guy?
The lore potential
Dick has always been very sexualized character. This is why I do find it strange for any straight guy to like him.
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>this was a thing
Unironically, I do think it's one of the few interesting things to ever happen to him. Definitely an improvement over his current incompetent self.
which one is this
Dude is so embarrassingly incompetent that his team needed everyone to help them in their first major conflict.
Don't disagree, but I do think it should be questioned why a kid character was seriously sexualized? What was the point?
Ric Grayson
Damian has big head syndrome.
Frank Miller supposedly wanted that but had to be talked down in writing TDKR. The very story that gave Starlin the inspo for the "let's leave Robin beat to a pulp and his fate up to the fans" arc.
Wait seriously
I remember reading Wertham's book and he brought up some interesting points.
>"Robin is a handsome ephebic boy, usually shown in his uniform with bare legs. He is buoyant with energy and devoted to nothing on earth or in interplanetary space as much as to Bruce Wayne. He often stands with his legs spread, the genital region discreetly evident"
>We have inquired about Batman from overt homosexuals treated at the Readjustment Center, to find out what they thought the influence of these Batman stories was on children and adolescents. A number of them knew these stories very well and spoke of them as their favorite reading. The reply of one intelligent, educated young homosexual was typical: “I don’t think that they would do any harm sexually. But they probably would ruin their morals.”
What about Batman in particular that makes them feel this way?
> the GOOD version is cross-media
Whatever float your boat. I'm just saying DC only care about Utrh in broad strokes and isn't afraid to retcons whatever in it since it's not a bible for them.

The episode with the clayface girl?
>In these stories there are practically no decent, attractive, successful women. A typical female character is the Catwoman, who is vicious and uses a whip. The atmosphere is homosexual and anti-feminine. If the girl is good-looking she is undoubtedly the villainess
>In these stories there are practically no decent, attractive, successful women. A typical female character is the Catwoman, who is vicious and uses a whip.
Wertham was a fag
Stimulating the brain in thinking sexually by putting Robin in some compromised positions. Making Batman the charming guy who would do anything to save you and removing any feminine influence by not having a mother or a wife.
>"One young homosexual during psychotherapy brought us a copy of Detective Comics, with a Batman story. He pointed out a picture of “The Home of Bruce and Dick” a house beautifully landscaped, warmly lighted and showing the devoted pair side by side, looking out a picture window. When he was eight this boy had realized from fantasies about comic-book pictures that he was aroused by men. At the age of ten or eleven, “I found my liking, my sexual desires, in comic books. I think I put myself in the position of Robin. I did want to have relations with Batman. The only suggestion of homosexuality may be that they seem to be so close to each other. I remember the first time I came across the page mentioning the ‘secret bat cave.’ The thought of Batman and Robin living together and possibly having sex relations came to my mind. You can almost connect yourself with the people. I was put in the position of the rescued rather than the rescuer. I felt I’d like to be loved by someone like Batman or Superman.”
> he was owed something when he wasn’t
Even if we pretend he isn't a child soldier Bruce brought into his war, Jason is entitled to get justice as an individual. Something Bruce completely prevents, twice. Once, to save his own ass, and second, because it ironically doesn't align with his morals/ethics. Jason's mistake was to think Bruce was a honorable guy and not someone who would cover a murder and create a mess of an injustice just to keep flexing in his spandex.
It's weird for an adult and a child who isn't related to him to live together in a big manor when you think about it. I don't think their relationship was even probably defined.
I think this is the problem. They were referred as partners and treated as equals when they shouldn't be. Why not make a story about a father and his son?
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>The thought of Batman and Robin living together and possibly having sex relations came to my mind. You can almost connect yourself with the people. I was put in the position of the rescued rather than the rescuer. I felt I’d like to be loved by someone like Batman or Superman
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Do people itt not removed Bruce intended to kill Joker after Joker killed Jason. Joker got diplomatic immunity and he was still willing to start an international crisis to average Jason. He only stopped when Joker crashed into the ocean
They might thought it would be easier for kids to see themselves as Robin if he wasn't actually related to Batman. I'm not sure why they thought his costume was appropriate tho and why they spent several decades before they changed it.
The more thought that goes into it, the more one realizes how utterly selfish and overdramatic Batman is.
>If I kill, I don’t know if I’ll stop
A random crook isn’t the same as a mass murder and rapist.
But Joker returned and got away with child murder.
Batman does come off as creep when you think about it. The way he keeps collecting young kids who looks like him and dress them in costume with bright compared to him.
Because of Robin and there's some serious weird stuff in his books. In one story, they made the Joker looks aroused while talking about Jason.
Robin was mostly sexualized in Titans, but I do see your point.
With that in mind how sure can we be that getting beat to shit was all he did to him in that warehouse?
Yeah DC really fucked up by not doing more Dick and Damian.
Am I the only one who wants to see an inverse World's Finest book that's Dick working with Damian and Jon? They can do a bunch of homages to the 50s books and even bring in Jimmy Olsen like the old days.
>Am I the only one who wants to see an inverse World's Finest book
Kind of? I'm personally sick of seeing Dick everywhere these days and it's not like they are doing anything interesting with him to justify it.
>His family history is so interesting and complicated
For real, how did Wills even know Shiva? What kind of guy was he to be in contact with her?
>That just not good writing to be honest.
That's just DitF for you.Jason discovers he has another mother by accident, manages to get in an international airflight alone at 15 yo, and Joker becomes an Iranian embassador. Like everything in DitF, Sheila is convoluted. The only reason people cling to her is because otherwise DC write Jason as that kid who went out of his way to deserve his death. But Jason didn't need a last minute reveal mother to get an heroic death. That was just Starlin being more retarded than usual.
Tell me again how you never read a Shiva appearance before she got Bat-Wanked to death.
After that Absolution storytime a while back, the no-kill rule feels more retarded than ever.
How did Jason look Chinese enough to have her as a major contender for being his bio mom in the first place?
Not Winick, but Starlin went on record saying he intended to kill Robin by giving him HIV because it was a big thing then. Miller wanted to imply the reason why Bruce quit being Batman in TDK is not only that Joker killed Jason but also raped him. Editorial said no to both but since both writer were open about it, it was something the edgy writers from the 90s-00s knew. It's what the post-mortem message Bruce leave to Jason in BotC tries to allude. The only thing I can say about Winick is that he wrote Jason as gay for Bruce.
>in BotC tries to allude
Why the hell would they bring that back
If I remember correctly, Jason thought she was possibly his mother because her name start was S and she was in his father's contact, not because he looks like her. Bruce even made a comment that Sheila was obviously his mother because he has her eyes.
That because retards like you or DC focus on "killing Joker or not" when the real moral problem here is Bruce covering up a murder to avoid facing Justice.
I agree with you that DiTF is such convoluted and terrible story, but I didn't have a problem with Shelia's existence. I do have a problem with her background and how she was written, tho.
No need to call that when we literally have a guy who claims that Bruce didn't care at all about Jason when it isn't true. He cared enough to make a plan to kill the Joker regardless of consequences.
Shelia could have been really interesting if she was written well.
From what I understand, that story was the GK of it's time and is on another level of retardation. Like, Babs kills Damian's girlfrend when she eject her from the batmobile and nobody cares about it... Not even DC touch it.
Mid to late 00s was really such period for Batman. So, many stories that didn't make any sense or were even good (yes, this includes Morrison's run).
You can be both retards.
I'm not the guy who wrote either of these comments, but you are still quite fool of yourself.
>Bruce covering up a murder to avoid facing Justice
Joker and all Gotham Rouges have been avoiding Justice their entire lives. Why would you think the Justice would suddenly work against Bruce? Just like that guy who keep making hypothetical situations to prove how bad Jason is, you seem to forget that you are reading comics.
I personally do have a problem with Sheila because she is convoluted, meaning she is unecessary because she is badly writen. I only prefer her to the "he deserved to die" narrative, but I could do without both. Giving Jason an heroic/tragic death wouldn't be hard.
And you're not?
>Joker and all Gotham Rouges
And? This is about Batman.
>Why would you think the Justice would suddenly work against Bruce?
Well, Bruce must have. Otherwise he wouldn't bother covering up that murder.
>Giving Jason an heroic/tragic death wouldn't be hard
I don't think anything could top getting betrayed by your mother and still end up sacrificing your life to save her. This is the ultimate tragedy and heroic death one could get. It's still pointless though because DC doesn't make a use of it at all. Not even a reference except for the two times that happenedin the last couple of years. Only two references since Jason died.
He did it to cover up his identity, not because he is "afraid" of facing Justice. He didn't want to be exposed as Batman, not yet whe he had plan to kill the Joker.
It's implied that he raped Babs in Killing Joke, so he could have molested Jason just to piss Batman off or because he thought it'd be funny.
Maybe he thought he was like Brandon Lee.
We literally saw the whole thing. We know for sure that he didn't.
>This is the ultimate tragedy and heroic death one could get.
Maybe but I find it unecessary and over the top. That anon was complaining about how jason's life was already tragic enough to not add last minute retcons about his family. I think it's also true for his death.
Just read Last Crusade and pretend that's what happened.
>He did it to cover up his identity, not because he is "afraid" of facing Justice.
Same thing.
All we saw was him paralyzing her and undressing her. We only got a glimpse of what happened after with the pictures.
It's not and you know it. Just give it up.
I'm talking about Jason. We know for sure that the Joker didn't touch him sexually because we saw the whole thing.
Why do you think Bruce is hiding his identity?
Because it would make it harder for him to continue on as Batman when people know who he is, not because he is afraid of justice. Batman exist in the first place because the justice system doesn't work.
Last Crusade is basically Miller writing a better DitF than Starlin. Which is funny when you think how Starlin was inspired about TDK and probably wished to be the next Miller with his Batman's run.
So why does he bother covering up a murder?
Because no one would do anything about it. Just like countless other murders because the system doesn't work. He was ready to do something about it himself which ironically you think of yourself as smarter that people who think that it matter that he does.
It's only slightly an improvement just because it's less convoluted. I still prefer the way he died in DITF and Joker should be thr one who kills him, not his goons.
>Because no one would do anything about it.
Then he could just not bother covering a crime scene and doing Jason a disservice while he is at it. By your logic, and maybe DC's, no one in Gotham could or would do anything if they knew about his identity or that he grooms child soldiers.
>This is why the movie's better.
What is even the difference? Batkek does the same thing in both.
>Then he could just not bother covering a crime scene
Did you actually bother to read my posts at all? Batman "covered" the crime by simply removing Jason's costume so his identity wouldn't be exposed and so he can able to go after the Joker with no problems.
>By your logic, and maybe DC's, no one in Gotham could or would do anything if they knew about his identity or that he grooms child soldiers.
Because they couldn't do anything to most criminals in Gotham. Why do you think guys like Joker and Penguin are running around despite Batman putting them in jail over and over again? And that's not "my logic", that cape comics logic.
Not really. In the comic, Batman lost his cool and accidentally end up hurting Jason badly. In the movie, he simply disarmed him and successfully targeted the gun.

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