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They knew what they were doing here
Making a game?
Not like he's married anymore. Mary Jane had Paul.
Fuck it, just make this canon.
This is Peter's path to redemption.
Show up at Paul's house with Morrigan on your arm.
Mog Tranny Jane so hard she shits herself and dies.
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We know. It's not exactly a secret. Capcom has been shipping them since before you were born, zoomer.
>He has nothing to do with magic demons.

Yeah, about that.
Based, and I feel the same. I don't care if it's cringe or makes me a weirdo. I hate that fucking bullshit so much.
is that line Morrigan-specific?
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>Raimi Trilogy
>Peter Gets the girl, other girls like him too
>Amazing Movies
>Gwen dies but loves him and Felicia was being set up
>Peter has a girl who likes him, captain marvel wants to have pedosex with him, and leaks suggest Gwen will be the love interest in his new movie and Zendaya is coming back too
>Married with children
>Ultimate Hickman
>Married with Children and MJ gets horny over his spider-costume
>Video Games
>MJ and Felicia both want him
>Morrigan is a popular crack ship that now is clearly being used as bait in official art
>current 616
>Felicia and MJ won’t date him for no real reason, Peter is shown going on dates with other random women and they all seam to dislike him heavily
What is the PURPOSE? Even under Slott Peter would still shag civilians like his hot roommate, Carlie cooper, Mockingbird, Silk, etc.
What the fuck is going on? Are they seriously waiting for issue 1,000 to do something or are we permacucked?
>You see, Spidey-fans, Peter is actually a cucked virgin LOSER that nobody likes! Miles is the REAL Spider-Man now! Look, he's fucking girl characters you like! With the swagger of a black teen, no less. As for MJ? We're really tired of her too! So we're going to pair her with some other loser as a way to embarrass Peter more, making everyone hate both of them! Then you'll just HAVE to accept Miles since he's never been cucked! Did we mention he has a cool sword made of electricity????
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dont let marvel writers put their filthy hands on it
>Felicia and MJ won’t date him for no real reason,

Peter and Felicia never last. Even when he's not with MJ, Felicia is just a bandaid and they eventually break things off.

Pretty sure they're trying to make Felicia a full-on lesbian in the long run anyway.
>He has nothing to do with magic demons
Except all those times he hung out with Doctor Strange because they were created by the same guy.
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>Japanese video game artists
It's marvel characters seethe
Bitches love Spider Man.
Kill yourselves.
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That they do.
Built for ss

I hate that picture.
No u
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It's Zeb Wells. He's married to an unfaithful SNL writer, and she had a kid that's obviously not his. It's not known who the actual dad is, but Wells definitely knows.
So Zeb decided to cuck Peter with his Marvel OC, Paul, that nobody gives a shit about. All in a vain attempt to cope with his broken home life.
This was a real gut punch after the really fun Nick Spencer run. Who was so good at making Peter and MJ fun again, Marvel editorial had to get MJ to film a movie across the country to keep Spencer from renewing their marriage. Albeit, MJ making a movie with Mysterio was fun as hell and I want to see it happen more.
Why does Capcom want Roll to fuck her brother?
>It's Zeb Wells. He's married to an unfaithful SNL writer, and she had a kid that's obviously not his. It's not known who the actual dad is, but Wells definitely knows.
Why doesn't he just fucking leave her? Why are all these nerds always so fucking weak?

Se doesn't. Stop that.
I like that pic. It's fun and composed nicely as a whole. Wish there was a Marvel equivalent.
Why? Is it because of your waifu being sly and tantalizing? I don't think that means she is going for Mega Man in that pic. She's just having fun being sexy, doesn't mean she's a whore. Morrigan likes excitement and teasing him makes sense for her character.
They're robots so her being his brother isn't 100% the same degeneracy/deviancy as a biological brother and sister fucking. Plus she's a kid so it's not really even fucking she just gets possessive and that's some light comedy for a light series that is the original Mega Man. Sure I think that artist is a lolicon but in all the official art there isn't any explicit lolicon stuff anyway. That's just Japan (specifically otaku who are the main guys who make this stuff) for you. Mega Man and Roll is kinda like Metal Men where Platinum is going after the Doc which I think would be seen as weird by you if you still disagree with my thoughts. I would say that one is weirder. Either way, anons are just baiting relationship status things and cuck stuff which gets tiring. Who cares, just keep it all light and fun as a crossover series should be.
I think she divorced him.
Even though Leah williams wrote some kinda OOC stuff during that series at least is was fun and light. Mysterio and MJ were great. Still pissed it was cancelled by COVID.
Well, two out of three versions of Roll are into Megaman, and sure, one isn't related to him and all, and the other is just his adoptive sister, but the trend is suspicious to said the least. Also, I THINK there was a joke about it on the Megaman ramake for the PSP.

What waifu? And I hate it because it implies Roll and Rock are incestuous. They were programmed to view themselves as siblings, don't be disgusting.


The other two, yeah, whatever. But not Classic. And Powered Up probably isn't even canon (she calls him "Mega" for fuck's sake).
No, she just don't want him to get snatched by some harlot. Protective sibling is a classic trope.
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Anon is a bit off. He was married to snl cast member Heidi Gardner. She has no children with or without him. But she probably cucked him real good though
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>Heidi Gardner.

Heh, the one who cracked up at Beavis and Butthead.
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Boco what the fuck are you thinking that pic automatically means that it's incestuous? Could just be Roll not wanting Mega Man to fall for Morrigan because she sees her as a risque woman and is protective of him. Same thing as a mother covering a little kids eyes when a movie scene with a scantily clad woman shows up. Don't call me disgusting when you might end up seeing things that aren't there or assume the worst as if you're looking for things to be mad about.
>What waifu?
I don't mean that Morrigan is literally a wife but that she's your waifu since every goddamn thread with her on /v/ or /co/ you show up. I'm not criticizing. Just noticing a pattern.

I much prefer her being overly protective, yes. That cuter and less nasty.

And Morrigan hasn't been my waifu for, like, a year.
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Spider jizz!
Spider jizz!
Radioactive spider jizz!
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Wish it had MJ in it
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There is one with MJ in it, I'll need to look for it.
no, but its funny
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In English please?
Why is this trending?
A new game was announced thats acknowledging a meme from something that happened decades ago.
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If I remember the translation I saw basically Spider-Man says he's gonna break her in two

She's into that

And Spidy says he misspoke while she doesn't believe he did
whatever happened to the spidercina fag
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You don't anymore, Spidey.
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Nice get

Anyway the poster art has her making eyes at him
Still around posting horrible porn.
Canonically Peter has makeup sex with everyone he fights, cuz he's a true hero.
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Spidy gets it
>Poison x Miles
>that drill Jill doujin

It's true!
Thats the one. Probably the funniest thing about that skit
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MJ should be looking too
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>Not like he's married anymore. Mary Jane had Paul.
she still does.
>That time Mephisto took your marriage ? IT WAS ME PETER, IT WAS ME
Because everyone likes spiderman and wants him to be happy
There were some comics too.

Not GOOD, but...
>And Powered Up probably isn't even canon (she calls him "Mega" for fuck's sake).
She calls him Mega in MM11, too.
It's literally the same shit as Spider-Man being referred to as Spidey, and Batman being referred to as Bats. It's a nickname, nothing more.

Man, I need to play that again...
He’s not telling her he’s reminding himself
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Miles Morrales is an actual character, everbody loves Miles Morrales.

Why Blade Runner?
I'd guess either the artist just likes it

Or some connection exist between the two like a reference or voice actor

That's typically the reason for anything
Their offspring would be op as fuck desu
Cripes, how much of this stuff was already existing versus made in the last two weeks?
Some I believe but I'd have to start looking up dates

This is months old
This was made this month before the announcement
Reminder that Spidey also had a thing for Sakura.
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I wonder what Ryu will do when he learns the Boyscout became a god or some shit and then terrorist or some shit and then a cucked martyr or some shit in the time he was gone
I feel like this is a huge part of why this ship gained so much traction with SFW artists. Gwen is paired with Miles, everyone knows MJ is with Paul, and poor Pete is left alone.
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MJ doesn't exist, she's just a Donald Blake style pseudonym for Morrigan while she explores the Human World. Morrigan got a little too lost in the sauce and wound up married to Spider-Man. Most Parker Luck shit is the Makai being incredibly butthurt that some random fuckboy superhero stole their future queen.

>One More Day is actually a team-up between Mephisto and Demetri Maximoff.
>Spider Marriage would eventually result in a child which can destroy Mephisto for real. He can't have that.
>Demetri says he's there to prevent that because the Makai is getting very nervous about Morrigan AND Dante having stakes in the human world, which would stonewall any future invasions.
>He's really there because Morrigan really enjoys hanging with the Parkers and he's being a petty fuck.
>Morrigan and Peter are not romantically involved, MJ was simply there first. They're essentially gender reversed Dante and Lady, if Lady was married.
>Spider Marriage is destroyed according to plan, huzzah.
>What that actually does is remove MJ from the equation, leaving Pete single.
>Future child spontaneously gets S-rank demon powers.
She likes him being ruthless
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The same thing he does with everybody: fight them.
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The way better /co/ /v/ ship for spidey since there's a basis for it
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Astral Vision open version
Someone at marvel reads /co/ threads
Basically, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. They accidentally orchestrated the means of their destruction. Woops.
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Not like this Spidy-Bros
Ugh, that shit's rough. Do better, dude.
>Sometimes we have to embrace are darker sides and accept them, I'd welcome the challenge.
Are we giving her sister to Miles then?
Miles is busy getting drilled by Poison.
I want a whole show with the black suit. Not the symbiote, but a regular fabric suit. Shit's badass.
>MJ doesn't exist, she's just a Donald Blake style pseudonym for Morrigan while she explores the Human World
That'd be great for a Marvel+Capcom universe. A world where characters from both companies co-exist.
Modern Spider-Man is portrayed as a beta so I can't see this pairing happening
Call it Spider-Man: BLACK. Or maybe just Spider-Man: MAX since that's what it'd basically be.
What about 80s/90s Spider-Man? Including the ones from the cartoon and PS1 games.
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That'd be Earth-30847. /co/ has had a few threads in the past about it, but it never got the same traction as Marvel/DC coexisting threads.
He's not white tho
>They knew what they were doing here
Shame they didn't know how to make a good game
MvC has always been slop
But dat nigga looks ZESTY enough for Poison.
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These are 90's games anon
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MJ and Paul aren't even a couple. In fact the ambiguity and confusion surrounding it is one of the many problems with this last run
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Venom in a Darkstalkers game needs to happen.
Where can I learn more about Morrigan?

A wiki?
Bitches love Spiderman
What if Marvel introduced a Morrigan parody/homage that is Spider-Man's number one fan? Her and Rek-Rap can later assist Parker against Mephisto in a OMD thing
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This pairing's better. Size difference.
>"You're over 20 and still work at McDonalds?"
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They both have a grudge with Jedah.
Hell yeah, great color combo as well
Wouldn't have happened had he not been a fucking nerd at the beginning. Because of that, the nerds writing him self-inserted and made him into a lame ass just like them.
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Venom either chills with Felica or Lilith, he can do whatever he wants.
>You're over 30 and you're buying MvC2 for the 4th time?
>Correct, Madam.
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Play Darkstalkers and watch the anime, as well as read Maleficarum; I'd say read the Udon comics but those are a mixed bag at best.
This pairing is still somehow less toxic than him banging MJ
i mean that ship is far better than whatever bullshit the writers have recently done with mary jane. i figure it's welcomed by a lot of people
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It's even more ironic that Peter Parker's alter ego is supposed to be alpha but now they just write halves of him as beta

He wants to learn about Morrigan and you suggest Udon?
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Its Saturday.
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How do you like her now?
It's Sunday.
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The early issues aren't bad and has basic knowledge of Morrgan.

>inb4 she kills humans in it
Remember we have no real idea in her universe what she would do to men, and we do know she can suck them dry by stealing their dreams based on her ending with Pryon.

>Remember we have no real idea in her universe what she would do to men,

Not kill them for starters.
Who cares? Why does everything need to have a no-kill rule?

Its just baffling how it gets almost everything else right but botches the lore of the most well known character.
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Again, there is no information as to what she would do in her own world, and Darktalkers has no problem killing humans; even the "Hero" of the series falls into darkness and feast on human women in his Night Warriors ending.
Peter would dominate her with his spidercock stamina. Remember when he went 72 hours with Silk?
She can tag out at any time
I'd just bring Zangief home. How can MJ compare to the Red Cyclone?

There are guide books that state how it works in this world, the stimulation thing.
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Her lore in game has her killing Pyron with a kiss, so I don't get the hang up over thinking she has a no kill rule.
She wants her brother to have some fucking standards, he has to settle down and marry a nice robot girl.
Yes, and those books are thought out after the games were made and had her as the "cute one" with Felicha as the "sexy one" iirc.
That ending isn't canon, so her ability might not be either.
Roll is for playdates with Franklin Richards and Valeria while Megaman and Mr. Fantastic go against a tag team of Doctors Wily and Doom.
If we want to go, there then the "getting enjoy from fighting" might as well not be canon. The point is there isn't enough story as to what Morrigan is like outside of her being the daughter of the king of the demon world and wants nothing more than to have fun in the human world.
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>small Johnny Test screencap
That's how the artist uploaded it.
Weird ass watermark
Marvel has their own succubi to promote. Hell one already probably had Morrigan influence to begin with.
The one Deadpool married? I don't see any Morrigan in her.
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Thot status: patrolled
Not a show, but read Spider's Shadow
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Not really a succubus but I can see the similarity.
To be brutally honest, the dynamic of Morrigan x Spiderman isn't all that different from the one with Felicia. The key difference, is that going by the Game canon (not the one from the Udon Comics), it would be a more healthy and guilt free deal for Peter, as Morrigan in the games doesn't hunt men souls, nor does anything out of malice. She enjoys fighting, as she feeds of that emotion like any other Succubi does from sex, but at the same time, she seems to preffer going not only for those who can give her a fight, but also mostly evil doers, like Pyro, Jedah and Dimitri. Meaning, Morrigan in the Marvel universe would had no issues playing the hero, contrary to Felicia who every so often regress to her thieving ways.
When has Felicia ever been a thief?
Well Felicia isn't a literal demon so there's that
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Took me a second to realize where the confusion came from. You are thinking of the wrong cat, the Nun one. I meant the Black one
Oh, that...that was unfortunate. Kinda funny though.
Im honestly kind of shocked nobody ever called Darkstalkers out on also having a sexy cat themed woman named Felicia

Like I get her and Black Cat look nothing alike but it had to be intentional
Spider-Man references it in MVC3. It is a pretty "cat" name, but given the names initially came from Capcom USA might be an intentional reference.
Yes we need more Black Suit Peter. Symbiote or otherwise. Also my favorite thing about the black suit is that the webs come out of those white patches and I wish more modern adaptations of the symbiote story kept that. Also I like that for the fabric version I’ve always thought it was adorable that Felicia made it for Peter
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I agree anon, quite based!
Bitches only love Spider-man when the writer writes him that way, bitches don't give a shit about Spider-man in real life
Not that art.
da fug she got that joker chin
The most obvious issue with Peter/Morrigan is that Pete is a moralfag, all about responsibility because of the one time he wasn't. Morrigan is a bored, thrill seeking princess who easily has the power to stop 99% of Spidey's rogues gallery in an instant, but literally lives for the drama. It's what attracts her in the first place, the fact that Pete's life is a super hero soap opera she can live in. There will almost certainly be a point where something happens that Pete can't solve, but Morrigan could and she fumbles it.
honestly it really should be spread around for the sole purpose of ridiculing it
Sick suit. Hopefully Insomniac doesn’t get their hands on it
God I hate Rust I have no idea how that talentless faggot has such a big following
At least he'll be a jobless loser forever, getting jerked off by twitter doesn't pay the bills
How many tieflings will they make on their honeymoon anons
If you guy hate current ASM, why not read Octopus Girl?
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>think anon is baiting with some literally who image
>check the @
>post has 27k likes
>everything else this guy posts only gets 200-300 likes tops
there's no way this shit isn't botted what a fucking loser lmao
Mary Jane should be in the cuck corner while Morrigan and Peter chastely kiss
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What? Akuma's not a threat to him. He'd take one look at Peter and go "Nah".
Got banned from DeviantArt from his main and fucked off to pixiv. That’s where the flood is coming from.
Memes aside I would be legitimately interested in a Morrigan x Spiderman what if comic or team up thing. Seems fun. No downsides.
Martial art BS would mean Akuma probably could tell that Peter isn't a regular human

Not to mention in a capcom vs game world they've probably fought at some point
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no it's just darkstalkerfags trying to escape irrelevancy as always
Morrigan already achieved that by outliving her native series. Even in a popularity contest of every single Capcom character as an option in 2024, she got 18th place.
I'm not a freak so no.
>I'm not a freak so no.
... How?
figures. though spidey as a comics character has been so fucked up some would latch on that MvC line
Wish it got faster updates.
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Every Capcom girl has a crush on the Web Head
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Even Roll?
Nobody fucks Peter except MJ and life in general.
Felicia just wants Spider-Man. Peter, she finds unfuckable. She deserved to get her grill wrecked in Superior.
Girls wanting to fuck their oblivious brothers is funny. Besides, they're not biologically related, so it's not creepy!
Pepe eyes.
>No Marvel Team Up Style book of the Heroes for Hire in Metro City
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Peter is for ordinary, non superheroic[/spoilers] girls.
It also has Red Earth.
Is this relationship consider a threesome since Eddy is there?
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I think they were trying for dark stalkers 1 look where she looked tired
Can he continue the redfield bloodline?
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I can't find any pictures of them

So I'd say no
Are there any good fics of this pair?
Doesn't seem like it
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"'Stormin' Norman', thank you for the $500.00. 'It's too late Spider-Man, I've already paid for the foot-cam stream'. Wot?"
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>Norman tries to bridge Morrigan after being banned
>His husk is found days later
this guys art is so ass
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Lucky man
>urusei yatsura reference
By far my favorite, but I need it more anatomically well drawn.
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Pete's gonna flip!
This is my crack ship and I'm so glad there's a thread about it.

Anyone have any ideas? I feel like with some creativity you could bring Mephisto and the Darkstalkers Makai into the fold.
MvC is a multi verse story right?

That seems like the easiest answer. Morrigan got dropped off after the latest event and wants to have some fun before she looks into going back.

And a single Peter Parker looks like fun.
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Is this move in the game?
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>Sell his wife to the devil
>Gets a succubus girlfriend
And you know Morrigan would interested in having both
I remember an anon saying he should at least get a crack at Emma Frost before they undo OMD 20 years to the month after it started, and I've wanted that to happen ever since
Based based
Can I have Lilith?
There's a great Marvel Adventures Spider-Man (the ones with Chat, great line) where Emma Frost meets Spider-man and is so instantly in love with him after reading his mind that she tries to mind-wipe him from his GF and friend's memories so he'll be with her

Lilith has made her choice
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Bros is this inner purity attainable natty?
MJ cucked by MA and made MIA.
Yes but becoming a Buddhist Monk means giving up pussy
I mean do you even need Spider-Sense look at him!
>MJ and Paul aren't even a couple. In fact the ambiguity and confusion surrounding it is one of the many problems with this last run
Let me guess you missed the part where MJ called paul her boyfriend? that firmly established them as a couple. Here it is by the way.
what are MJ’s chances of fighting morrigan in a marvel/darkstalkers fight story?
Calling what Morrigan could do to her a "fight" is being very generous
Then what would you call it besides her death?
Frankly anything that leaves her alive is probably mercy
You wouldn't get it

Yet satisfying to see her being beat up while also breaking her mentally that she gave up Peter and calling out on Paul’s bullshit.
>Raimi Trilogy
>Peter Gets the girl, other girls like him too
They really had no reason to. Dude was a doormat. A total niceguy.
IE she fell for him because he was NICE. That's some wish fulfillment nerd shit right there.
Nerds are losers, and nice guys always finish last. Get over it.
>IE she fell for him because he was NICE
well yes, but actually no
she fell for him because marvel adventures spider-man is an ur-good-guy on the level of jesus
Emma spends all day walking around hearing people's dirty selfish evil spontaneous thoughts and he rocks up with his brain full of sacred glowing light
This bump is for you then
> Morrigan takes Peter as her boyfriend, and makes MJ into her sex toy.
Poor Lilith is gonna have to share
Every relation with Venom is a threesome.
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>tfw a succubus is calling out your abusive relationship
and she is 100% right.
She's pretty great
Thank god it wasn't Rami's Peter talking about his MJ.
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God help Raimi MJ if Morrigan finds out how she treats her Peter
Every relationship with Morrigan or Lilith is one as well. So does that mean them with Venom is a fourway?
According to this >>144318021 Yes
>marvel adventures spider-man is an ur-good-guy on the level of jesus
Comic books are for children.
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Wow she's so wise bros

>>144314435 here. I started a little fic, may get lewd later, I dunno. But enjoy some OC, Anons.

>“Hold that pose, Morrigan. The whole world’s going to hear about this one! “Morrigan and Spider-Man join forces to defeat Onslaught!” What a great headline!”

>Morrigan smiled to herself as she looked at the old photograph of her and Spider-Man. He was proudly giving a thumbs up to the camera and Lilith could also be seen with her arm around her.

>“Aww, I looked so cute back then!”

>Morrigan chuckled as she heard the voice of the younger succubus speak from inside her. It was strange. This had been from such a different place - such a different time - but the memories came flooding back so crystalline as if she were standing there again. Morrigan could smell the crisp, night air and felt the palpitations in her heart as she stood near the costumed hero celebrating their newfound victory. He was exhilarating - a soul and experience well worth remembering.

>She sighed wistfully.

>She remembered Lilith being nearly unmanageable at that time as well. Taking in that fragment of her soul had certainly come with a cost of its own. The younger succubus refused to properly integrate with her and as such was prone to separating from her and doing as she pleased, flying off into the night seeking her own adventures and thrills - much to the chagrin of their two servants Lucien and Mudo.

>Morrigan had eventually settled on allowing Lilith to recover energy and rest while inside her and then go split off when doing so tickled her fancy. After all, who was she to restrict the girl anyway? She hated taking orders from anyone and she wasn’t about to tell Lilith what to do - especially since she’s literally a part of her.
>“Do you remember this one, Lilith?”

>Morrigan pulled out another photo.

>It was a picture of her sitting on a large ship cannon and Spider-Man standing next to her, giving a thumbs up just like the other picture. As she recalled, she had offered to sit on his lap before he took the photo but he had shyly rebuked her advances.

>“Oh yeah! That was when we helped that pirate lady beat up that ancient monster! Hey, didn’t he take a picture with that Japanese schoolgirl too?”

>Morrigan grimaced. Why DID he take that picture with the Japanese schoolgirl anyway? That girl certainly wasn’t nearly as lovely as her, or Lilith for that matter, nor was she anyone famous. She could understand a Japanese hero wanting a photo with a schoolgirl because Morrigan had long been accustomed to seeing that fantasy in the lurid dreams of Japanese men she visited during her night travels but wasn’t Spider-Man an American?

>“Are you SURE he’s American?” the younger succubus asked.

>Lilith was so nosy sometimes. Morrigan still couldn’t completely hide her thoughts from her.

>“Well, he lives in New York City, doesn’t he?”

>“I mean, yeah, but we don’t really know anything else about him.”

>“He’s very charming. I know that much. And he’s a gentleman who made me laugh.“

>“Made us laugh.”

>“Yes. Well, you weren’t there on the ship though. Not physically anyway.”

>As Morrigan recalled her adventures with various Earth superheroes, somehow the ones involving Spider-Man had been the most wholesome - the most pure. She recalled a dalliance with the rich playboy Tony Stark (he especially enjoyed the fact that she could duplicate herself), a fun tryst with the mutant and X-Men member named Wolverine, and even a foray into Hell where her and Lilith had all kinds of fun with denizens unlike any encountered in the Makai.
>And yet…

>Ever since she had become whole again, she felt a longing unlike any she had experienced before. It made her want to do so many things previously thought terrestrial or dull. She wanted to go shopping. She wanted to lounge on the beach. She suddenly cared about seeing movies or catching the latest episode of her favorite television show. Playing Puzzle Fighter with Ryu was something she never would have entertained before merging with Lilith and that was years ago.

>It hadn’t hit her until looking at these photos and talking with Lilith just now that she had no idea who Spider-Man really was underneath his mask. Sure, she had an impression of him but he concealed his identity so well that Spider-Man just came off as a person in his own right. But Morrigan knew he had secrets. Many secrets. Secrets she was becoming all too eager to uncover.

>She pondered what Spider-Man desired. What he was ashamed of. What embarrassed him. Was he happy? Does anyone keep him satisfied? Is he lonely? Restless? Tired? Bored? Insatiable? Overworked? Under-appreciated?

>Maybe all of the above.


>“Lilith. Let’s go to New York City tonight. I’m in need of some adventure…”
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nice. hope you continue it, anon
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Venom when?
Peter just wants to fuck megaman too
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>Remember when he went 72 hours with Silk?
No? What? That's a thing that happened?
I love the dumb meme images of Spidey not completing the heart but doing a thumbs-up.
His heart isn't in it.
I always hated how Rust drew MJ, making her as curvaceous as he possibly can. She should really have a classic Hollywood figure.
Don't get me wrong, this parody is fun
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Good stuff, anon!
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>this whole fucking thread
Super fucking forced that its disgusting and cringe
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Spider-Man's a pedophile...
Cute distant MJ on the left
Eat shit, rabbi.
Still salty over Fake Red's cancellation
Correct. That buck is being broken in.
Especially Roll
It’s still weird to me that Marvels Spiderman show let him get with MJ at the end.
Basado, mi amigo
Its Bi-Weekly
It is as fast as it could, without turning author into slave-like, like WSJ
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Roll is made for everyone
I miss Capcom so much.
Boco must be seething.
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>short hair MJ
I hate this. Some women are just meant for long hair.
This is almost as bad as what Hailee Steinfeld's done to her hair recently
Please stop posting this ugly art
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Then you post but until then am posting what I find
Well beggars can't be choosers.
I wonder how would Morrigan react to Peter if he went the route that resulted in Mayday being a thing along with the whole Parker family.
The idea of Lilith and Venom being in a relationship with Lilith being the Boss because Venom thinks she is too cute to disobey is amusing to me.
Who's the Gwen equivalent? Who's gotta die for Morrigan to change? Or is it still Gwen?
What's the appeal other than pedoshit?
A good chunk of them, sure. The rest are for teens and adults.
I thought I heard someone say that Morrigan was actual wholesome and not a super slut? Is it true?
Very cute man. I hope you continue this, maybe even post it somewhere like AO3 if that interests you
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They lied

Yes. In game canon she prefers fighting to sex.

Stop that.
Who says she can't be both?
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Yeah, they usually pair spider with morrigan or sometime Sakura like they did in mvc2. Morrigan it's sometimes paired up with Chris,Dante, Iron man or Ghost Rider, and three of those aren't even in the classic arcade games so spider is the only good option.
That said, it's a cute couple.
Yeah, but marvel adventures is explicitly for children.
So she's down for either?
Does Vulture have a set of Japanese grandkids running around?
She is more wholesome than some my expect, but still fairly slutty. As in, she will literally sneak out of her palace, behind her guardians' back just ot save the world for her own amusement (the story of the first two games, against Pyron) and come back to bed, pretending nothing happened. She also fights, isntead of having sex to feed, as it's more the emotion and excitement what feeds her, and she finds fighting just as good. She still does so, with a lot of inuendous, and her dialogue does indeed implies that the act of fight does indeed feels like sex for her, and she enjoys it as such. On the other hand, arcade ladders aside, she not only seems to look just only for those able to give her a fight (not weaklings), but again, mostly evil doers like Demitri, Jedah or Pyron. She also has her merciful side, as without fully understanding what was her connection with Lilith, she still let her fuse with her, not to regain her full power, but because she understood that doing so, was the only way to save Lilith's life. She would still tount Pyron in death over his defeat, but she is still from a demonic world, and Pyron had it coming, so it doesn't seem entirely out of malice. The Crossovers games, canon or not, also portray her on a friendly and playfull manner outside of battle.
Sorry about the divorce
Though she also goes by FunsexyDB.

>Sorry I’ve got a bit of a headache so I’m not really feeling up for the full celebratory heart thing
Thwip thwip
Yeah, but that doesn't mean Spidey has to be this perfect paragon. That's Gary Stu level shit.
so this is treating One More Day as not canon huh
why don't writers just...
get a therapist
and then write good shit
rather than fucking up the medium with their personal bullshit
The game's from 1998.
>get a therapist
That doesn't do anything. Talking about your problems isn't gonna solve your shit, but make it worse. It'll just keep you feeling like a sad sack of shit, when the thing to do is to actually do something. Words are cheap, actions are everything. You need to do things to change your situation. To take control of your fucking life instead of being passive all the time. Assert your place in society and go from there.

His name is Rock, and no, they are not brothers.
Damn I love Half-Life
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>they are not brothers
Yeah, we know. She's his sister.
>co says they hate cucking
>Is completely fine with Spider-Man cucking MJ and Gwen.
They're not the MC, Spidey is.
There's a difference between cuckoldry and cuckqueaning. It's all down to gender.
Too bad Sakura is Ryusexual.
cuckqueaning is hot.
You'd want your siblings to fuck the dimensional bicycle?
My understanding is that for a Succubus she's not that lewd. Not only does she prefer fighting over sex but her usual Succubus energy drain still isn't confirmed to even involve sex of any kind, not even an implication. Honestly why I don't find Morrigan that appealing, it feels like they had to backpedal on her for 1994 modern audiences
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At last.
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More like localization as Rock is Rockman and Mega is Megaman, you going to complain about Balrog not being named Mike Bison and M.Bison not being named Vega?
>Paul and Norman get to have a turn
>But when Spider-Man gets to have succubusy he is now the villain?
They didn’t actually know what a succubus was. The devs were thinking of her as a vampire girl until a Capcom USA liaison they were in contact with suggested a succubus
>noooo, muh status quo! Peter is the one who needs to be cucked 24/7
Cry more
Based Capcoomer USA employee
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Hi I'm here to complain
Let me rephrase, the Nes era called him Rock but changed it to Mega to fit the Megaman part that was used for Rockman. Both are right but modern games just use Mega rather than Rock.
God I can’t wait to see my friends so I can play with them

ONE game used Mega. And another thats questionable canon.
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MvC is such a fun game to play with groups, glad it's getting the spotlight again

Both games came out post ps1 era with one that was meant to be a remake to classic while the other was years later when Megaman being called Rock was long since forgotten by causals.
Yeah I’m not a big video game guy but I love playing fighting games since that means I get to play with other people. Video games are more of a group activity to me if that makes sense
Please continue, I'm curious where this goes.
"Easy there Playboy Batty, I'm the one who throws up bunny ears in this relationship".
Think Scott learned the hadoken, or just the shoryuken? Because he absolutely has a twisting uppercut.
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We all know Peter Parker be a cuck is canon
more power to you, anon, the art is too dogshit for me to like it drawing Morrigan like that is a crime
it's a little more pathetic than that because he bases that body type off a girl he dated and got broken up with and the way he draws unmasked Peter looks just like how he draws his self-insert shit
source: his friend had a falling out with him on his old discord and told people about it before Rust nuked it to make a new one
It's all fun and games until you get stuck in an infinite combo loop with Zero and Dante beating you to a pulp Miguel.
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That's pathetic. Funnily enough, something similar happened with Ditko. Betty, Peter's GF during Ditko's run, was based on Stan's secretary, Flo. Dude had a crush on her so he put her in the book and had her date Peter, his self-insert. Eventually, Ditko asked Flo out and she rejected him. Afterwards, he wanted to kill Betty off but Stan told him no. So she was put on the bus instead, and replaced with Gwen.
She's not a vampire?
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>When you are teamed with Spider-Man
>To fight some karate guy and a sex demon
>Spider-Man keeps yelling at you to tag in because the demon keeps bad touching him
>But you still hold a grudge and accidently wing man for the demon.
>Shit was still funny.
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blessed post. thank you, anon.
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Morrigansisters, we lost...

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