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What's your experience with cons?
it's fun to take pictures with people dressed as waifus and husbandos. On the other hand, the merch is expensive and you have to wait for particular event you want to visit there
0 comicbook news
infinte other stuff that aren't comicbook news
Mentioned this in the last thread, I went to a small one that was like 30 minutes away from my town earlier this month and let me tell ya it was fucking shit. They had a few vendors that sold mostly Funko Pops and weeb memorabilia, I just ended up playing the N64s they set up all day.
Furries running around
A corner with Church of Satan and witchcraft shit
Overpriced autographs
people getting in a fight once.
Lot of fun, but depends very much on the con. The vaguer their focus is, the worse they tend to be.
They rarely ever have what I want, and the cost of admission is too damn high.
Comic con Tampere was oversold and the Don Rosa line was insane. The online map sucked ass and there weren't any water spots (or barely). Too many animu vendors and not enough comics. There were also barely any guide signs.

I was only there for Don but still, they should've handled it better. Also no English signs despite international guests???
Comic con Finland interested me because of the guests but I didn’t bother with it given you had to buy tickets on top of train tickets but I might attend it next year since it will be in Helsinki. I went to Tampere Kuplii for the first time this year. The venue was nice but too many cosplayers and geeky stuff. I prefer Helsinki Comics Festival, which focuses even more on comics and has the same vendors and even more, plus comic creators both local and international
Met one of my favorite authors and got to chat with him a bit. Met another small author just getting started, talked with him a while and bought his books. Came back to another one a few years later, saw him again and he remembered me

Honestly more /lit/ than /co/
>be thirdie
>cons are expensive bootleg flea markets with a literal cosplay prostitute designated area
>only go there for the meager artist alley and the occasional american celeb
i'm also painfully reminded that i am over 30 years old and on the downard side of the peak now
The last Con I went too was Twitch so vidya related
But the biggest thing to happen to me there was considering playing in that section where you and another person try to push each other off and into a pile of soft cubes. I didn't do that and found out a day or 2 later that a streamer broke her spine falling on them and became crippled
I've only ever been to one, and I don't think it even counted as a con. Wizard World in Philly.
Has next years comic con been officially confirmed?
wait why am I bothering to ask when I can just look it up

I shjould just go sleep
The extremely big ones like Comic Con and AX are a slog mainly due to the size of the crowds. I find that special events like guest speaker talks or concerts within a con are needed to make the trip worthwhile because otherwise you're paying high ticket prices to go shopping in a convention hall. Artist alleys have a higher chance of interesting stuff that isn't just walls of funko pops or plushies or basic stuff you can already find regularly in most shops. This is also why I generally like smaller comic/zine conventions. I'm also antisocial which limits my interest in more social things like cosplay though.
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NYCC this past year:
-Got into an extremely awkward encounter, or a couple actually, with Felix of Felix Comic Art who reps a lot of great artists. He essentially accused me of being racist and it was just thoroughly uncomfortable. I've since read he's been a dick to other people as well.
-His artist, Cliff Chiang, of whom I'm a big fan and from whom I wanted to buy stuff never seemed to show up. I was told he'd be there at 1:30-2 but I guess I missed him even though I kept circling back.
-That was a *huge* theme throughout the day. Artists simple weren't at their tables. It was some assistant from whom you were expected to buy stuff. No quick friendly chats w/ the creators, signatures, doodles, etc. Just, "Yeah he might be here later idk." womp womp, especially for the price you paid to be there.
-On that note I bought an awesome sketchbook from Jerome Opená's assistant or whatever, that I was really stoked for, which he signed in advance which was sweet I guess.
-Got Jae Lee to sign the Pax Americana variant
-Met Andew McLean and bought his kaiju book which I liked a lot
-Yanick Paquette gave my buddy's kid a 10 minute lesson on drawing which was very kind. What a nice guy.
-Jorge Jimenez is stupid handsome in person, just dumb. Along with his model wife or gf or whatever they were like beautiful gods with a line of misshapen peasants waiting to witness their glow.
-Bro'd down with Mark Russell for a while, he's a very chill guy and was telling me about the Allred family parties and how their home is an unbelievable museum to 60s and 70s pop culture
fun and spending
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-Saw a panel on Marvel covers that was essentially the JRJR and Frank Miller show, and it was a real treat. Miller, who I expected to be this hard boiled, gruff old mad man was actually a delightful, jovial, laudatory presence, reflecting on his old covers and praising JRJR and the other talent, interjecting to make little jokes. Really just a lovely guy, not what I imagined. JRJR also such a warm dude, like your favorite Italian uncle, or Carmine Jr from the Sopranos.
-The crowds were unbearable though, just crushing. It was Saturday, so yeah peak time, but still. It was just too much. Like music festival up close toward the stage everyone pushing and having an awful time packed. For that reason I declined to go back this year.
Why didn't it count?
Decent place to meet and fuck strangers and I guess buy some funko

"Con" wasn't in the name.
Oh, I think that still counts? I was curious bc I live here and never been, thought you might have been hinting that it was lame or something.

Then I've been to one. It was nice.

I met Steve Blum.
>I didn't do that and found out a day or 2 later that a streamer broke her spine falling on them and became crippled
>check this story
>find her twitter page
>first image I see of her is her getting her ass fucked while her legs are in the air
I guess it wasn't so bad after all.
Also it looks like the reason she broke her back so bad was because she straight up jumped into the shallow pit and didn't just fall into it.
>He essentially accused me of being racist and it was just thoroughly uncomfortable. I've since read he's been a dick to other people as well.
what's the story behind that?
So as soon as the con opened I ran to the Felix Comic Art table bc I really wanted to get stuff from Chiang, Dragotta, and see what the rest of 'em had. At Chiang's table was a man setting stuff up. An Asian man. He was putting the books out, sharpies, etc. I had never seen Cliff Chiang, so I wasn't sure if it was him or somebody else. He clearly saw me standing there, but didn't make eye contact and just looked extremely serious and severe, so I thought let me give him a few mins to get set up. Few mins goes by, i'm standing there smiling politely, nothing. I don't think it's him, but it's his table, so I guess I went, "I'm sorry...Cliff? You're not...Cliff are you?" Just in a sort of polite way to break the ice and say hey, hi, i'm standing here, at your table. He goes. "Uhhh NO. No, i'm NOT Cliff." Super loud and agitated. To the point that Dragotta sitting beside him and another artist looked over to see if everything was ok and eyeing me up.
"Oh, Ok, yeah I wasn't sure because--"
"Yeah, No. I'm NOT Cliff, OK?"
"Yeah, ok, I just-- do you expect him soon or...?"
So that was weird enough, and just made me feel really deflated, 15 mins into the con, after i'd woken up at 5am to take a bus, wait in line, rush to the table.
So throughout the day I kept circling back. No Cliff. I had a couple comics for him to sign, heard he was selling sketches. Damn, let me give it one more try as we were leaving shortly. So I go back to the table and that guy's still there.
"Hey, I just wanted to check back in, is Cliff around or...?"
"Uh No. You missed him."
"Ah shit, really?"
"Alright, thanks man."
"But it's a good thing you didn't call me Cliff, right?"
"I'm sorry?"
"It's a good thing you didn't call me Cliff, because that'd be super awkward, right?"
"I didn't call you Cliff."
"Oh you DIDN'T?"
At this point Dragotta and the other artists and some fans are staring fucking bullets at me. I'm somehow in a heated confrontation that I want no parts of.
"No, I didn't. I said "Sorry, you're *not* Cliff are you?"
"Yeah, I don't know man, I said "I'm sorry, you're not Cliff, are you."
"OH is that what you said? Because it would have been pretty awkward if you called me Cliff, HUH? THAT'D BE PRETTY AWKARD HUH"
At this point I was genuinely freaked out by the whole ordeal and just exhausted from the day, and go "Look I don't know what this is man, I really don't. I'm gonna just go."
And he kept talking shit as I backed away, before making my way through the crowd and catching my bus home, bewildered.
Upskirting footage.
>I met Steve Blum.
This, it adds up quick
Baltimore is pretty good. They have actual creators and such to meet/sign. AwesomeCon is kinda a hassle because its celebrities, where you can wait 2 hours to meet ONE person
Heard good things about Baltimore. And it seems like Pittsburgh has a good scene I need to get up there.
>cosplay prostitute designated area
Come again?
>What's your experience with cons?
Used to split a table with some friends selling stuff (including independent stuff).

Big cons:
>Too expensive.
>Far too much autism.
>Extreme orgy stuff at the hotel, mostly cosplayers (from a Power Ranger orgy to the My Little Pony diarrhea incident).
>Dealing with the worst people.
>D-list everything, from tv stars to videogames, practically none of your first choice people or things.
>Would learn the meaning of the phrase "don't meet your heroes".
>Barely break even.
>Would meet a handful amazing people/creators.

Small cons:
>Small profit.
>Met decent people.
>Could actually talk with people.
>Decent prices.
>Best memories of having a drink with some absolute legends.
Too expensive anymore for what they offer, which is the opportunity to spend more money and not much else
Know it sounds like a joke but every so often there's groups that hire whores to wear revealing costumes and to save money they usually just hire prostitutes who aren't above making some extra side hustle. Been doing cons for 9(?) Years now and seen it twice
you think small cons dont have d list people lol
I didn't say that. Of course small cons do. But it isn't a full range of absolute meh or trash. Small cons often need a better balance to sustain themselves when they are being more specific of focused.
Wdym about the autism
I’ve been to San Diego Comic Con three times and will be going again this year.

It’s a well-run con. Artist Alley is huge and has almost everything you could hope to find and more.

There are often so many events that interest me that I have to use their scheduler to put them all in, figure out where the time conflicts are, and decide which events to go to. And the scheduler is pretty decent as a tool.

Some events are awesome, energizing and inspiring. Others looked interesting but turned out to be huge letdowns. Some events seem uninteresting but turn out to be unexpected 10/10s.

The online maps are solid.

I have a disability— hearing impairment— and their accommodations are pretty fair.

I have advantages others may not have. For example, I don’t pay for a hotel: have family I stay with that lives 15 min away and can drop me and my brother off for the day.

I always pack food in a tote bag to bring with me. Don’t eat comic con food— it’s overpriced and kinda greasy.
You ever deal with a shit load of people in a customer service role? You deal with the most extreme forms of people who have no self awareness at all.
>People unironically running around spewing dated memes desperately trying to be funny.
>Inability to properly communicate.
>Extreme passive aggression or aggression.
>The worst humour.
>People who want to talk to you about every single little thing to do with them.
I don't just mean autism but meme autism too I guess. Then all the general stereotypes about people who don't wash etc. I may seem really harsh and you might think I'm being mean but generally most of these people are kind of nasty and impose themselves on you a lot. It is exhausting. You generally get more of them at bigger cons, statistically. I feel like bigger cons almost allow that kind of behaviour more. You don't get someone screaming in a small hall with less people.
Ah yeah I get you
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Been going to NYCC for at least a decade simply because I live in NYC. Honestly it kind of sucks and every year it's more of a slurry of pop culture slop. It long ago lost its comic focus and is now kind of an anime con plus some comic stuff. I only go every year because I go with some friends and every year we say we probably won't go back but every year we buy tickets again because it's not that expensive and is something to do on a weekend. Oh well.

I did get to meet Stan Lee shortly before he died. I had printed out a cleaned-up version of pic related but when I got to the front of the line his handlers refused to allow it. Luckily I had planned for that and had a backup comic for him to sign. Glad I got to see and speak to him before he went.
went to new york comic con one year by myself. i just went to artist alley and got shit signed by some artists/writers. thats it.
Once me and some friends had gone into the main auditorium at NYCC for some panel. We were kind of late and all the seats were taken except we saw this one row with just one guy and a bunch of empty seats next to him. When we went over he was cosplaying as some anime character in some armor and had a giant like 10-foot spear he had placed across all those empty seats. I asked him if he was saving the seats for somebody and he said no. We just stared at each other for a few seconds until I asked him if he could move the spear so we could sit down. He gave me a nasty look but moved it. It was extremely strange.


Barely remember anything else though.
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>Be me, at a urinal having a piss.
>Guy comes to the urinal next to me.
>Pulls his own trousers down to his knees, starts pissing (pic related).
>Suddenly starts talking to me, like streams of consciousness about his favourite anime.
>Begins to get creepy with this guy staring straight at me.
>Washing my hands, guy comes to wash his hands, stream of consciousness still going.
>Starts to go on about wanting to fuck one of the characters.
>Left toilets and began to walk at pace, friend asks why, guy comes out the toilet and looks around as if he wanted to continue the conversation.
> He gave me a nasty look but moved it. It was extremely strange.

That’s NYC in a nutshell. I’d expect NYCC to be one of the weirder conventions because the city itself is a hotbed of insanity.
>Artist Alley is huge and has almost everything

I wish. They shrank the artist alley by half to accomodate shitty funko town
Nice! Any memorable experiences with any comic writers or artists?
Never been to one. Really wanted to tho
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Saw this old dude before he passed at Dragoncon. Lotta polite bums in Georgia
How many did you fuck
Honestly the best thing about my teenaged years. I didnt have a great homelife but cons and connecting with people over similar interests was a relief from all that.
Kinda sad, but that was more a personal issue.
>met Stan Lee in one of his last appearances
>handlers were extremely rude
>Lee looked really confused
>he was struggling to drink some water out of a straw
Small cons: Pretty good. You've got a bunch of people who are just interested in stuff, you can wander around and visit panels and play games. Actually kind of fun.

Large cons: Only good for buying merchandise. Everything gets monetized so you can't do anything but wander hallways without spending money to get in.

I was kind of sad when the local convention I went to started getting a lot bigger. I mean, good for them, but it's just not something I want to interact with. I'd like to just sit down and play games with random people all weekend if I want to, not constantly kicked out for "events" all the time.
I've not attended anything like Comic-con, but I've been to a large one for board games. That's pretty much my opinion: You spend money getting in, then have to spend money of any sort of panel or activity, most of which will just be boring and not fun. So unless you're there to buy stuff, there's not much point in going.
jorge is not handsome, I seen more handsome guys in my fucking 3rd world nowhere town lol
even my ex looks better than him, kinda like temothee chamlet or what ever
Nice. I tried talking to a girl with an ahegao shirt but panicked and fled three sentences in.
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AICon back in 2016 and 2017 was fun. TasPop South (it's rebrand after a hiatus) this year was filled with trannies and was smaller than AICon was.
Poor fucker.
superb art anon, I love Opeña.
Have you experience it, /co/?
Hot girls
>vendors that aren't cheaper than buying online or in a store
Nigger I already paid to go in here.
They’re awful. I genuinely can’t imagine how anyone but a painfully autistic person can enjoy them.

>hundreds of smelly people
>cheap, shitty cosplay all over
>pay 100s of dollars to talk to z-list celebrities!
>there’s that car from that 80s movie…. Wowwww
>oh wow look some long boxes and they’re all filled with overpriced trash nobody wants because who in their right mind is transporting boxes of worthwhile comics to a place with so many caulks
>panels? Totally full of nobodies, “women in comics” and z-listers! Just like I like them
>food and beverage? Why would I charge less than three times what they’re worth anywhere else in the world.
>there’s that comic creator who ruined three characters in as many years! Better not tell them I hate their comic, wouldn’t want to get kicked out for being anything less than positive
>parking? That’ll be 40-50 dollars, thank you.
I honestly don’t understand why people subject themselves to this shit. I’ve been to like two and they’re atrocious.

I forgot to complain about the mountain of funkos and the people scouring those sections as if they’re actually going to make money on them one day.
At comic con? You must have extremely low standards.
You’re not missing anything these days but you missed out if you had a chance to go before like 2009 or so.
>They have actual creators and such to meet/sign
This is probably why I don’t find cons worthwhile. I just don’t see buying a sketch as worthwhile and yet I only care about comics not all that live action and nerd culture shit. All the power to you though.
I’d have just called him a bitch anon he deserved that much at least.
They're fun. I'm sick of dickheads on here acting like they're too cool for school and wouldn't be caught dead at them. Just have fun, ya fuckin cunts.
>people have opinion different than yours
>they’re automatically dickheads
You sound about as “fun” as testicular cancer
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watched the Wakfu OVAs at AX
I’ve only been to local ones but they’ve been fun, have a little bit of everything. It’s cool to see the same artists/vendors at multiple ones and build like a rapport with them. Gotten a few commissions from locals artists.
I can’t imagine going to a massive one like SDCC though. Probably about the biggest I’d be willing to go is C2E2.
>organizers try to push capes as the entire convention is fincanced by movie marketing money
>all booths not managed by the organizers are about animu, mango... and k-pop
>cosplays are jap or chink characters, and the odd Darh Vaders
>organizers put in a great effort to find the one guy cosplaying as Deadpool and have him be the poster boy
Human petting zoo
Oh cool, I met Steve Blum as well. Which con was it? For me, it was Megacon 2022.
You're not actually supposed to touch anyone, it's frowned upon
I've been mulling over whether to go to dragon con for a few years now.
It's very close by for me but each year I take a look at the itinerary and shit and it looks pretty boring/uninteresting for the most part. And last year was fucked by the strike IIRC. Not sure if it'd be any fun.
Still might go with my brother this year just for something to do. I'm sure we can find something entertaining.
Went to a con last year and few people got caught doing it in one of the bathroom stalls. Hotel staff were furious. Also they made the bathrooms for the event gender netural for said event.
The best part is all the local comic shops come in with their backstock (often with lowered prices) and you can go through catalogue after catalogue collecting back issues from your list.
source: trust me bro
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I made an ass out of myself in front of Marv Wolfman. It was a local con and I wasn't aware he was even there, I was so shocked that one of the most legendary comic book creators ever was only a few feet away from me that I let out an audible "holy shit". I still feel embarrassed.
i dont think thats embarrassing, a comic fan geeking out at a con isnt that unusual
>Just be happy and CONSOOM porduct
No, fuck off shill.
I was in high school and was into the walking dead so i went with my cousins to NYCC. Picked up some of the figures for Ezekiel and Jesus which were exclusive to cons at the time or hard to find in stores. Good times looking back
So he was definitely a victim of elder abuse before he died right?
Is a dumb thing to say on a website where you’ll be told to kill yourself 7 times before lunch any given day
I like cons that have a good number of panels addressing actual thought provoking subjects. After that, stuff like dealers rooms, artists’ alleys, performances, and cosplay are like fun bonuses.

I get really bored at cons where the organizers’ main focus was just dumping a bunch of celebrities into a spot so that you can wait in line to get their autograph. Or when the only events there are to attend are announcements that are gonna be up on the internet a couple hours later anyway.
where do you think you are?

Man people like stan should have just been chilling in a mansion instead of being wheeled out to cons. Same with the Lt Uhura actress from star trek before she passed away

werent they also drawing Stan lee’s blood to sell without his consent?
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>”am i fitting in now g-guys?”
Nah he's right, you're just a fag who can't take a difference in opinion. Nothing he said was even edgy just that "Nah it's not really fun."
I'm so excited for a con I'm going to, Ray Park is going to show up and so I drew a poster of Darth Maul I want to get signed
I've always wanted to go go San Diego Comic Con, but I'm too poor to do so. Is it worth it even if I were filthy rich?
Lots of butts to look at
That rocks.
Boobs everywhere
That rocks.
Place smelled
Costume that prominently showed off my body and the bulge was not a good idea
Fucked a girl dressed up like alucard, who was apparently married and there with her wife.
Got head from what I assume was a legal adult woman dressed like a power puff girl
Try to go at least once.

Remember that there are better cons to find comics, cosplay, celebrity meetups, comic creators, gaming etc
Hit dogs always want to holler
>He yelped
Dragon*Con has a very large panel and varied panel track so there is a lot you can do if you. It's also a party con so there are lots of dances/raves and concerts and booze everywhere. The gaming venue is decent but the vendor hall is a nightmare to get into unless you're willing to arrive 3 hours early on the first day it opens or have a disability pass. If you're only doing one day skip Saturday, it's too crowded.
I'm a butt guy
Had something similar happen to me at a con as well.
>Go restroom at con
>See one punch man cosplayer in one of those one piece foam suit costumes with undies as well all on the floor
>Man is effectively naked in the middle of a crowded restroom
>walk to restroom on the second floor instead
Didn't expect much from a big city con but I've seen too much of other men's penis for one lifetime. Why can't I ever see a boob from a qt girl instead.
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Some are shit, some are good. Just like everything in life.
>Small artist driven con near me.
>Absolutely fantastic, cheap to attend, signatures tend to be free just entry, art and comics.
>Local businesses near by so food and drink is as cheap or expensive as you like.
>Great panels.
>Tends to stay the same size year after year.

>Someone decided to make another con near by, on the same weekend and to try and get the artist driven con to advertise for their one too (the organisers of the former told the latter to fuck off).
>Someone I knew went.
>Expensive entry.
>Few people dressing up and cosplay contest.
>This con had no guests (or like one random TV guest), a vehicle (forget if it was a Batmobile or Ghostbusters' car), random Tardis prop, tables selling shitty overpriced merchandise, a super expensive food van with rip off prices for chips and a burger.
>Somehow this absolute shit heap of a con keeps doing well year after year.
>People sing its praises on social media each year.
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Has anything been more detrimental to conventions than Funko Pops? They're at least half the merchandise regardless of the "theme". They're horribly, ugly little turds and yet they take up half of the booth space. I want neat stuff I can ONLY find at cons like specialty posters and rare vidya, not the dumb PVC toys every store in the nation sells.
I guess coin conventions are safe, but those aren't "fun" like the others. I went to one at the age of 27 and was by far the youngest person there not dragged by their parent. Hell, my older brother who's 44 would've been the youngest if not for me going (I actually dragged him along)
What's worse is that Funko Pops form their own little self-reinforcing bubble. People buy them just to sell to other people so it's just this endless recirculating cancer that grows and grows. That's why Funko Pops consume so much con space, everyone is desperately trying to unload their worthless inventory and hoping they can eke out a few pennies from whatever sucker buys them.
>Why can't I ever see a boob from a qt girl instead.

Just claim your a trans faggot and walk into the women's restroom.
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People are afraid to have opinions as everything they do is tied to them in an uncomfortable way.
So they go as ironic as they can, so everything can be laughed off as a joke. And funkos are irony to the max.
What are the chances of finding a gf at a comic convention who's weird and autistic and is into American comics and Western cartoons?
>"It's a good thing you didn't call me Cliff, because that'd be super awkward, right?"
>"Not really, no."
When someone tries to get emotional leverage over you like that, don't play by the rules and argue semantics with them when you can just shut it down
Slightly better than anywhere else but still pretty close to zero. Though if you can get into any of the afterparties there's a better chance a drunk sperg chick might fuck you.
Weird and autistic - pretty good.
American comics - longest of shots.
Doesn't really work with a public accusation of racism like that. It's a classic "any move you make you lose" situation. Only thing to do is leave immediately before it gets worse.
How does one make it to an afterparty?
Not a comic con but an anime con
>lots of fun as a teen
> a great time as a early 20s person
>loses a lot of its value through your mid to late 20s.
I started going with my then long term partner as a teen and had a blast. I decided to keep going after we split and ran into an old friend that had moved states. I was drunk and she was dealing, we both ran into each other doing our thing and trying to meet people. Started a fling not pong after, a few years after that I married her. Our last con was supposed to be 2020 a few months before we had our official wedding, obviously that didn't work out.

My recommendation with cons is that you're missing our if you aren't loading it up with people and partying hard in the hotel room at night. If your event has a rave thing or djs bring some molly
>get complimented on my costumes
>get to chat with cute girls
>get to hang out with college kids
>get high as fuck and wander around a modern day masquerade
>don't care about panels or events
>get absolutely trashed, go to karaoke and have a ball
>spend 90$ for three days of fun
>chat to important international businessmen in the hotels and laugh as they struggle to comprehend the spergs

Not bad all told
I went to an anime con one time and it was pretty shitty, surprisingly racist too.
>friend who watches anime invites me
>accept invite
>get the cheapest cos play my broke student ass could come up with
>decide to dress up as an akatsuki member from Naruto
>something like picrel
>shoes + headband + dressthingy + purple nail paint
>whole thing cost like 70 euro or something
>get to the con
>it fucking stinks
>hordes of unkempt weirdos trying to take pics with the cossluts
>am literally the only black guy there for some reason
>stick out like a sore thumb because I’m lanky as fuck
>some thots try to charge me money to take pics with them
>tell them to fuck off
>get to the organized game room
>spend the entire con playing smash bros against randoms
>one guy repeatedly loses against me and calls me a monkey
All in all, 4/10 pretty boring experience.

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