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Now that it's over, what went wrong?
>First arc is a rehash of the original Spider-Verse event
>It is nowhere near as popular as the original event because everyone knows it was made to be movie synergy material
>Only notable thing that came out of it was Spider-Boy (who is a rehash of Alpha i.e. Spider-Man's sidekick) no one ever talks about how the deaths of the original Spider-Verse were undone or how it set up another Spider-Woman ongoing
>Second arc is a rehash of No One Dies (but now with added Spider-Boy)
>Series gets canceled because no one cares about the comic
>But before it got canceled, SpOck was announced to return
>A few months later, the new SpOck miniseries is released (Yes, the solicits never mentioned this, but it was an 8-issue miniseries all along)
>The series actually doesn't feature SpOck at all, it just has Peter cosplay as him while Otto finds out that Peter is Spider-Man again because Slott decided to stick with a "no time travel or clones" rule
>Because of this and that the entire mini takes place before Gang War, people forgot about this comic as well
>And just like Adjectiveless, Slott once again rehashes more of his original run, this time the original SpOck series and Spider-Island
>Series still ends rushed, all with the secondary antagonist of the comic literally leaving the planet, Otto having forgotten everything about being SpOck (so like the last SpOck comic but even worse), and Peter thinking that Otto must have forgotten also about him being Spider-Man while still possessing evidence of it
I don’t know if the adjectiveless series was canned or if it just pivoted into superior. Beyond that the whole thing was a slog. Slott used to know how to write single issues, but the whole thing was bogged down by giant arcs that went no where. I wonder what next shitty idea they’re gonna drag out for a side peter book, you’d think at SOME point marvel would have a Peter book focus on his long ignored supporting cast and try to do something with the soap opera that made Peter into an icon
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>and Peter thinking that Otto must have forgotten also about him being Spider-Man while still possessing evidence of it
Yeah I also noticed that as well, really stupid that they left such a glaring error there
Stuff happened that will never amount to anything outside of whatever Slott writes. It's all a rehash. Spider-Boy is fine at least but I'm waiting for that to also amount to nothing when it ends.
>I don’t know if the adjectiveless series was canned or if it just pivoted into superior.

I feel like it was quietly canned and converted into Superior and Spider-Boy
>what went wrong
Slott was writing anon.
>Now that it's over, what went wrong?
Everything, it was a filler that existed because Slott had nothing after Fantastic Four and Lowe is in love with him.
I hate that we’ll never get a good non Slott Superior run.
Why the fuck does Bagley still draw Spidey like he's a teenager? His head is way too big, those proportions look like they belong to a young teen, not a grown man
instatrash already, but still
That's what 10 years of working on the same thing does to a man
>good non Slott Superior run
Read manga
>every story has to have a little boy or a little girl
good job
He used to be better at drawing 616 Peter before he got shipped off to do Ultimate. 90s Bagley is peak
Goddamn, I keep forgetting to keep up with this even though I enjoy it.
I swear Slott is being intentionally sabotaged by editors since he left ASM
How bout a proper Spider-Manga? Fake Red doesn't count.
There is a proper Spider-man manga and it's pure suffering.
they should make a crossover with that, Fake Red, and the Mangaverse Spider-Man
Mangaverse Spider-man isn't manga Spider-man.
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>Now that it's over, what went wrong?

You said it in one word. Slott.
From the sound of it Marvel wanted a celebration for superiors tenth and didn’t want Slott writing two books so just bundled this run into that. I honestly assumed they gave him the run because it was closest to an actual big number to justify a 7 dollar comic for, but the run didn’t last long enough.

At this point I’d say web of is next on the docket to have as a second Peter book it end in a year but they burnt that name for that preview book.
He's been sabotaging himself. He can't keep up with deadlines and gets on everyone's nerves.
wasn't adjetiveless canceled?
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>Otto having forgotten everything about being SpOck (so like the last SpOck comic but even worse)
Pretty insane how the ending of this was much worse for Otto since now he remembers nothing about being Spider-Man but it still had less replies and seething than the ending of Gage's run
People actually liked Gage's run.
Not to mention the OMD parallels being drawn in that ending
They changed artists on his FF run a dozen times and his big event was sidelined for Zdarsky's DD shit, Iron Man had shitty Peter Gross art and the all the tie-ins for the event were SJW DEI writers. Adjectiveless cancelled when its selling well to split its audience. Superior wasn't Superior. Basically only Spider-Boy feels like unfiltered Slott comics where he gets to do what he actually wants fully, even if he was forced to shoehorn Miles in already. I think Brevoort is resentful that Slott wasn't loyal enough to take the X-gig and Lowe is butthurt that all of his non-Slott edited comics have vocal critics hating them, then all the female woke editors hating him because he responded to some trannys on twitter attacking him in badfaith, he's seen as the last of the old school writers Marvel employs to do modern continuity and they detest him for loving old comics.
I wonder if Slott will get another Peter “ongoing” (stealth miniseries), or is that it.
Avenging Spider-Man #15.1-22 and Superior Spider-Man Team-Up by Chris Yost is the best run Spock ever had.
Slott's just hates Otto at this point. He forgot what he himself wrote for Otto in Go Down Swinging, along with ignoring what Gage and Thompson wrote for SpOck and Superior Four, to write Otto as an oaf that only sacrificed his well-being or saved anyone when he killed himself at the end of SpOck 1. That he totally did nothing since, and that even his time in Peter's body was wrought with being a fraud even in his own field of expertise.
In all fairness, Gage's end looked like it was forced by editorial, and Wells has already reset to status quo by now. To be mad at Slott would require people to have continued following Marvel enough to know that Otto stayed nuanced, and was even going to fight Mephisto over potential tampering with their deal, and I can understand people not knowing that. Without that knowledge, it's just looks like sweeping up the scattered remains by a guy everyone expected to be a hack.
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>Gage's end looked like it was forced by editorial
Gage himself said he did it because he wanted to and wasn't forced to do it. I thought he was told to do it but someone posted a quote he made on it.
Gage is also a company man, he wouldn't throw editorial under the bus even if they did screw over his book
The problem is that it looked like it. Regardless of whether it was or not, it was the image people had. Personally, I never minded it, since it would've and should've been a good launching off point for Otto to find a new path that was wholly his own, becoming a better Doc Ock (whether anti-hero or anti-villain) instead of ripping off Peter. My disappoint will forever lie with the writers since then, and that Otto was allowed to regress as a character.

Like I would've eaten 14 babies in front of their mothers if the end of Gage's run could've begotten crime boss Otto, now trying to hijack the world of crime for the greater good as he secretly sulks about how he's ultimately better at evil, getting into fights with Black Cat's gang, hiring back the Spiderlings to be mooks, and somehow getting Aunt May as his confidant and moral compass, since good lord they had chemistry in 80.BEY
Sometimes writers want to put their stuff back and move on.
It's all before Gang War? Where the fuck does it place relative to Spider-Gobble part 1?
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After the wedding, before Spider-Goblin Part 1.
Atleast he isn't Bendis.
That's also another problem with these comics, Slott for some reason decided to write everything happening as a giant arc
>End of the Spider-Verse happens before Dark Web
>Maxed Out is meant to pick up where that left off and lead directly into Spider-Boy #1, but it requires you to have read the Wedding issue because of the Spider-Boy prologue story in that issue
>And then Superior Spider-Man takes place after Wedding issue + the anniversary one-shot, but before Gang War

And as a bonus:
>Bailey's story is meant to go Adjectiveless #7 > Edge of Spider-Verse #3 > Adjectiveless #8-11 > Amazing #31 > Spider-Boy #1-3 > Superior #1-8 > Gang War (+ Spider-Woman #5) > Spider-Boy #4-8

I reread that book again lately and I totally forgot it was Checetto on art. Awesome covers too by Rivera
>what went wrong
Dan Slott.
I hate that the SpOck return was such a bullshit lie. Depending on who you believe, it may not even be Slott's fault.
It was Slott's fault, he was the one who came up with the "no clones, no time travel and no AUs" rule
Was that before or after Marvel approached him about it? From what I can remember reading, Marvel wanted him to write a 10 year anniversary story and he said he had nothing left to write. Then money? I mean, either way, it's all bull shit.
>Adjectiveless cancelled when its selling well to split its audience.

I don't really believe it was selling that well if it got canceled too soon to split into two books.
The art ruined the run for me, that fucking chibi-like was just too cartoony for my taste couldnt take seriously the story so Im glad its over
Either that anon is a Slott simp, shitposter, or Slott himself. And even if it was Slott, it'd be hard to believe him.

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