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A Storytime Thread for the 2008-2011 webcomic IntraGalactic.

Feel free to reply to posts in the thread with quips and comments, point out references, joke and discuss. It keeps the thread bumped and keeps me delightfully sane.
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Unlike previous years(where I got it off the Wayback Archive), this time I'm using a high quality copy stored on Internet Archive downloaded at high res from the sites raw data. A few pages here and there are in the older size though.

This also means I can't get the descriptions behind each page from the wayback, So I'll be citing the last years for ease when i can.
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>I'll generally talk in greenetext to avoid confusion. These aren't the original filenames, I have them, maybe I'll rename the HQ stock to match at some point
Chapter 01 - Outset
001 – Pan In On

Please excuse the temporarily unfinished look of this page, there’s still a lot of mucking about with templates going on. Comics will be going up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at least for now. Shouldn’t have any delays for a while as there are currently 39 pages finished and waiting to go. Hope you enjoy!
Posted on October 6, 2008 at 12:00 am in Comic as part of Chapter 01 - Outset
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002 – The Captain

Introducing Captain Benjamin Glee – and someone else.

That semitransparent blue membrane in the background is a force barrier, protecting the nearby buildings from the noise of launches, and the spewed-out-flaming-debris of almost-launches.
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003 – Duckspeaking

I actually drew these first pages quite a while ago, and the character designs have changed slightly, so that going back and looking at these gives me a weird feeling. But then, I’m the one who’s spent several hours looking at every page, so it’s probably going to be less noticeable to other people.

>For context, the authors other two webcomics of the era, Muertitos had ended a couple months prior and GPCB was halfway through it's finale arc at this point in October 2008. I've storytimed the latter already this year and will do the former later this month, it's just very long.
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004 – Travel Advice
You can get away with this kind of thing when you’re the captain, especially when you’re known as a loose cannon who does things her own way and doesn’t take any bullguff from anyone. However, Benjamin has encountered some problems applying this philosophy to her bucolic between-missions suburban existance. An attempt to start a daily jogging routine was quashed when some busybody police officers kept tackling her and wrestling the blasters out of her hands, and her disastrous participation in a “10K Fun Strafe” still haunts the nurses in the energy discharge ward. Please don’t run at top speed, shooting indiscriminately at everything around you, unless you know what you’re doing.

>Just an aside, can any people who know their art well tell me a bit about the shading style used here and palette and stuff? Some people are trying to colorize the authors prior webcomic.
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005 – Pink-Skinned Space Bish

We’ve all been annoyed by the ontological paradox at times, but without it, we never would have made such important scientific discoveries as transparent aluminum, or that windmill-destroying song that turned the tide in the war with Holland. To learn more about the ontological paradox, consult your local library, then go back in time and turn out to be the author of the book your younger self just read.

>I'm pretty sure the author works at a Library these days...hmmm
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006 – Fabulous Prizes

Benjamin makes love like a game show host. Lots of good fun for everybody, the occasional obstacle course, and contestants who know what they’re doing and hit the buzzer at the right time during the first few rounds might get their choice of Door No. 1 or Door No. 2 later on.

There are, however, certain game-show-related items that are absolutely forbidden in her bedroom, including green slime, falling ducks, and Ben Stein.

>I must say, considering I was storytiming late 90s comics scanned off paper a few weeks ago this high quality colored late 2000s stuff looks like gold. Amazing what just one decade can do to art quality, I have stuff from the author going back to 1998 and it's uh...aged
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007 – Extensive Vetting

I wasn’t really happy with the way the hands came out here… in case it’s unclear, he’s mean to be fastening his pants, rather than punching himself in the crotch or posing like Stronglad Gorillaman.
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008 – Cludd! Vwoosh!

Who is this mysterious shadowy silhoette? You’ll just have to wonder about their true appearance and nature, because they certainly aren’t clearly depicted in the title image.
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009 – The Bridge

Due to increased user-friendliness and the development of simpler interfaces, the ships of the future no longer need vast banks of blinking control panels. However, as they were a spacefaring tradition by that point, most large ships simply have blank panels and assign a few ensigns to move their hands about as if they were doing something.
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010 – The Bridge Crew

I’m kinda straining to come up with relevant commentary for each of these, so from now on, unless I’ve got something more to say about the day’s goings-on, I’ll just use this space for irrelevant side musings that you can feel free to skip.

So I saw Igor today at the cheap theater, and it was a hoot. It did drag a little here and there, but the gorgeously weird character and set design meant it was always a joy to look at. It was also nice to see a children’s CGI movie that wasn’t build on a foundation of poo-bricks cemented together with farts, belches and vomit. Thumbs up!

Also go see City of Ember.

>So, you guys still want the descriptions or nah?
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011 – Parallel Timestrips

Check it out! A rudimentary cast page has been added to the upper navbar, and the sidebar has been garnished with some new links – two older comics, and some pages belonging to personal friends of the site!

And some ads. Not that they’ll make more than a nanopittance at current traffic levels, but it’s best to get them up early, so the selling out won’t be a big surprise to anyone later.
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012 – Pontification? Check!

For those of you who read Muertitos, there’s a new costume cosplay bit there today: Happy Halloween 2008!
>Oh yeah, it ended in Summer 2008, but it got the yearly Halloween art in 2008 and 2009. Muertitos is fun
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013 – User-Friendly Interface
I considered doing a little PSA here for the benefit of the large majority of my readers who live in the US, about the importance of voting. But frankly if you’ve made it to November 3rd and something else hasn’t convinced you to vote already, I doubt you’re going to change your mind because a webcomic told you to. So instead, for those of you out there who are voting, a reminder to try and do a little research and find out what all the propositions and measures and things actually mean, because you don’t want to be trying to figure it out in the voting booth. Speaking from experience here.

And please don’t rely on what commercials SAY they mean, because they’re generally a complete load, except of course for all the ones I agree with. Those are pretty on the ball.

Addendum: the mention of voting seems to have attracted some pretty unpleasant ads, so I’ll just take those down for the next couple days so I don’t have to micromanage. Maybe I should talk more about science fiction, comedy, and webcomic-related topics in these text bits, so the box will learn to be relevant.
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014 – Launchtime
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015 – School Days

Axl’s species is fully amphibious, so they can live either under water or out of water indefinitely. They evolved to live in deep, narrow gullies that were flooded part of the year, and thus have both gills and lungs. The tadpole stage occurs just as the floodwaters are receding, and needs to spend a few months in brackish leftover pools before growing legs. The species as a whole tends to have a rather hippie-ish culture from an Earth perspective, with an “easy come, easy go” view of possessions – torrential flooding is likely to wash away anything you own, and new things from upriver replace them. Of course, few members of the species actually live in the ancestral gullies now, but there are plenty of psychological remnants of their predecessors still in their mental landscapes.
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016 – Into the Cactus Patch
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017 – Keyboard …or KILLboard?

Check out the brand-new fanart gallery for this comic’s first reader-submitted art, from the talented C.J. Burgundy. Thanks, C.J.!
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018 – Well, That’s Over With

Finally we can put all this bird nonsense behind us and move on to some people getting killed in a horrible space conflict nonsense
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019 – Melissa’s Sting

So I picked up Bender’s Game last week. (You’d never have guessed I liked Futurama, would you?) Verdict: fun, beautiful, excellent. Ranking the three movies so far, I’d probably give the other two the edge, but much more because of their strengths than any weakness in this one.

>Steph was doing Futurama parodies when the show was less than two years old, back in the FSR days. A full comic with that as a basis is just the logical next step. Well, after the Project A-Ko meets Ranma parody...and the Sailor Moon meets Dragon Ball parody...and...whatever Muertitos was
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020 – Space Turkey in the Nano-Straw

Not that a good number of you haven’t figured it out already, but yay, finally we know what they’re actually doing out here in space, beyond general space stuff like flying around and violating directives.
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021 – Magic 2D Space Map

It wouldn’t seem like you could chart space on a two-dimensional screen like this. Until you remember that at large distances space functions as a flat surface due to the exponentially increasing effects of gravity as we near the Planck time. Subspace anomaly nanoprobes wormhole.

>I'm keeping my eyes peeled for callbacks to alien species from the prior works. FSR, Dystopia, Creamy Beamy...all of em. Especially the first two since I checked for Sucrans last year
I gotta say, the Giggle Toboggan was kind of a step down from the Chuckle Sled.
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022 – You BITCH!

Just got another wonderful piece of guest art, but you’ll have to wait a few weeks until there’s a break in the action to see it, along with some other supplementary material.
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023 – Engine Trouble

Since doing this one, I’ve become pretty sure that this joke with the wacky disappearing engine has been done before – darn if I can remember where though. Oh well.

Since I don’t like turkey or… any of the traditional foods really, tomorrow is officially Parade Day! When three hours of television boils down to about twenty minutes of quality viewing. This year I’m thankful for TiVo. Sure, the occasional visit with Masi Oka or an Avenue Q puppet is nice, but the real stars of the parade are the balloons. And seeing the hosts try to react to cartoon characters they’ve never heard of. A couple years ago it was “those two glam rockers, Hi Puffy and Ami Yumi!” This year it’ll be… I don’t know, what’s cool right now? Angular CGI Yoda? Sonic the Werewolf?
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024 – The Bad Fairy

Try to guess what the “T.” stands for.
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025 – Bagpipe Onomatopoeia

Check out the fan art page for another great guest drawing of Piper, this
one by Edgeling.
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026 – StrawBURIED!

Where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire fleet single ship was eaten by a small dog big dog who liked ice cream (possibly Marmaduke).
>and...whatever Muertitos was
[Weird sitcom] meets [thing with dead kids].
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027 – Impulse Power

Impulse power is slow. So slow it will take them two weeks to get anywhere! Time for some bonus art.

End of Chapter 01 - Outset

>I'm going to take a 5 minute break to sort out my archives a bit, like I said this is a higher quality scan than the Wayback ones i used last year. Also, just a question, do you guys want the Miscellany(that's what they're called) pages to be included. Guest Art, Side Art by the author, little one comic minis. They add about 70-80 pages
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Chapter 02 - Miscellany 1

The Capty Awards!
Each year, the starship captains of the Intragalactic Iced Treats Distribution Concern gather at the San Tarantino Civic Glitzatorium for the Capty Awards, honoring the greatest feats of captaining in the past year. Categories include -

Best Captain (overall)
Best Feat of Daring
Best Violation of the Primary Ordinance
Best Seduction of Non-Earthling Babe/Hunk (changed from “Alien Babe/Hunk” last year for clarity purposes so captains of non-earthling descent couldn’t claim eligibility for seductions of humans since “from our perspective, they’re the aliens”.)
Best Ensign Death
Most Ensign Deaths
Funniest Ensign Death
Most Exceptional Crew Member (non-televised, awarded across town in cafeteria of Alan Keyes Middle School.)

And the technical awards:

Most Anomalies On Viewscreen (cumulative)
Most Anomalies On Viewscreen (at one time)
Best Support Garment (merging last year’s Best Girdle and Best Truss categories).
Best Animation in a Holo-Simulation
Nuclearest Wessels
Most Ice Cream Given Out Which Is Actually Supposed To Be The Whole Point Of This Thing We’re Doing Anyway

Among currently active captains, Benjamin has the second-largest haul of Capties.
aw I miss this comic.
I hate how comics just disappear and nothing gets preserved anymore.
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Science! – The Proof: Part 1

It’s time for a look at the AMAZING FUTURE SCIENCE that made the world of Intragalactic what it is today. Stay tuned for further developments in Part 2!
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Science! – The Proof: Part 2

It’s old news now, but back when this was drawn there was a big to-do about the Large Hadron Collider, which a lot of people were worried would create a black hole that would destroy the Earth. If you’re interested in finding out how that turned out, check hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com for the up-to-the-minute scoop. Meanwhile, a consortium of Swedish scientists has already started work on the next generation in research equipment, the Absolutely Huge Kerflooey Vortex.
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A special guest comic courtesy of Agouti-Rex of Witchprickers.
Piper is really popular. Pipular.

>Still is. Also the prior twopage comic finally confirmed this is part of the Greater Stephverse. The guy running the dinosaur god experiments is Dr. Gokiburi's fucking grandson(The original Gokiburi was in FSR and showed up in one page of GPCB). I KNEW there'd be something from there if I looked
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CVS 002 Bridge Crew

A fresh-faced eighteen-year-old right out of Intragalactic Co. Academy, young Benjamin got her start taking care of the flow of ensigns under the calm leadership of Captain Trevelle. It seems like only yesterday she was entering that hallowed institution with a head and bra stuffed full of dreams and tissues respectively – and now, four years later, here she stands, a titan of ensign-herding, with her sights set firmly on even greater things.

>So this is the 7900s..I think Dystopia was late 2000s early 3000s? Any references will either be in flashbacks or in the form of alien species so keep your eyes open
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Previously, On Intragalactic…

She’s not always sitting on her ass in that recliner. This was the thrilling climax of Benjamin’s last adventure. Truly an amazing tour de force full of action and intrigue!
Our story resumes on Monday, when we’ll begin about two months of diddling around in a crappy mall. In space!

End of Miscellany 1
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Chapter 03 - Darth Mall
028 – Darth Mall

A wonderful new piece of guest art to share today: Intragalactic by Guardian-Draca. I was looking through her gallery and the need to commission her to draw my characters struck like a bolt of demanding lightning. The result was a very lively picture of Benjamin and Axl in a dynamic pose and oozing space adventurer sex appeal!
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029 – MANN*E

Fresh of the heels of the last guest art, we’ve got another one: Benjamin, by a live-action friend of mine. Very nice! This one might be pretty big if you don’t have an auto-resize.
>Most Exceptional Crew Member (non-televised, awarded across town in cafeteria of Alan Keyes Middle School.)
Still more respect than the non-televised awards these days.
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030 – Et Tu, Aqualiculus?

Whee, I finally have a Wii!
Wii will enjoy the Wii.
Also, Wii had to take the cat to the vet today because he snorfed down pork twine and Wii had to have the pukes induced so he wouldn’t clog.

>Now I can't even remember if FSR and GPCB are modern day or near future..my timeline dar is all wacked
The twist is the bomb isn't the booby-trap. His species just uses them in place of ice.
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031 – Vermicious Kids

I like to listen to podcasts while I draw, and some of my favorites are the ones that replay ancient radio shows from the 1930s-1950s. When they first aired, going out over the airwaves to crackle out of old-timey wooden radios, I wonder if the makers had any idea that people would be able to listen to their shows at will over half a century later?

Look for Old Time Radio on iTunes and you’ll find a treasure trove. Did you know that Blondie used to have a terrible radio show to go with its terrible comic? There were good shows too – check out Our Miss Brooks or You Bet Your Life. I also enjoy Fibber McGee and Molly, which emulated the variety shows in that it was charmingly frank about its product placement, boasting a character whose only role was to show up and gas on about the linoleum company that sponsored the show. The practice of inserting the commercials into the plot so honestly seems almost refreshing in our modern era of Sylar carving subliminal Nissan and Sprint ads into people’s faces.

Wednesday in this space, I’ll tell you about a modern production that keeps the spirit of old-timey radio alive, with all the thrills and action of the sepia age and none of the racism and shameless huckstering for soap and Jell-O.

>If I just said the words 'SCRAM' and 'wong number' out of context would anyone here get the reference?
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032 – Translator Macrobe

In its heyday, radio played host to mystery, comedy, and variety shows. Now the major stations are mostly music and blather pumped out of the Clear Channel Central Omni-Core, and there’s nary an audio drama to be found. Fortunately podcasting came along and reawakened the napping giant, and today original productions are easier to find than ever before.

One of my favorites is Decoder Ring Theatre, an authentic recreation of old-time pulp superheroes in the form of The Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel, a pair of Toronto-based gadget-masters with a twist of hypnosis. They’re a lot of fun and really capture the feeling of the original old-time shows, right down to the sometimes excessive violence that took place before Batman and his ilk developed their code against beating the ever-loving crap out of people. It’s a little jarring if you’re used to the more talk-things-through heroes of the modern age – but I once heard an old Flash Gordon where Flash killed a guy for his house, so you can’t say it’s not authentic.

They also produce a noir detective series which is less my thing, but very true to the genre, so if you’re a fan I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. If you’re looking for something to listen to, I suggest you check the place out.

>Scratchi is like, the only character in the entire verse with a canon voice. It's the russian chick from Rocky and Bullwinkle with a chipmunk filter. I'm sure either I or someone else will provide a sample. Ah fuck I'll do it give me 5...

You've got the style of humor 90% down, either throw in a sex joke, old anime ref, or old newspaper comic ref.
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033 – Griftink

For her voice, take this base and add this template. Oh, and her name will be revealed (not like it’s a big mystery or anything though) next week. Happy 2009, everybody. Only six years left to invent hoverboards! DAMMIT, SCIENCE, GET CRACKING

>I'm working on it Stephanie I'm working on it I'll get the anons the sample. Chipettes filter I guess my bad
>either throw in a sex joke, old anime ref, or old newspaper comic ref.
>"I would think an Earthling would understand a good drink leading to a good bang!"
NOW you're thinking with portals! That's the best Steph humor imitation since that one greenetext with Cheesecake and The Munchies
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034 – Cosmic Rays

The other days at Toys (Untypeable Symbol) Us, I noticed there was a whole wall of Bakugan stuff, amazingly not on clearance the way most of the rest of the store was. Usually I try to stay hip with what the young folks are doing these days, but I’m kind of flabbergasted at its popularity. It’s just so … generic. Little plastic bits, cards, and a cartoon with some spiky kid. How long did it take them to come up with that?

Now Pokemon, that was a collectible-monster-related wad-of-consumables-and-media for the ages! One that’s still going a decade after being largely dismissed by the so-called “experts” in the field of hotology-or-not as a transient fad, I might point out. Will Bakugan last as long as its venerable precursor, lodging itself tenaciously in the public consciousness like a plastic dinosaur-marble-thing in a child’s throat? Or will it quickly expire, like said child? Only time will tell.

But at least Bratz will march ahead of it, wielding a glittering machete, and clearing its path to hell.
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035 – That’s Not A Moon

Games I got for my new Wii, part 1: One Piece Unlimited Adventure. Like all games based on a license from some other media, there are glaring flaws which would probably turn off anyone who wasn’t a fan of One Piece. Fortunately, I am a super hardcore One Piece fanatic who squees just being able to run around as the Straw-Hats, so I don’t care.

Licensed games always have problems, but they’re much less of a rip than they used to be. In the early days of gaming, a license just meant that the blob of squares of the screen were described in the manual as E.T. or Spiderman. Later on, when videogames discovered the concept of “looking like stuff”, you actually got to control a vague approximation of (to pull an example from an actually good licensed game) Scrooge McDuck, using his cane as a pogostick to kill gorillas just like he did on the show, but it was still just a few characters you know inserted into a platformer.

The modern age has now dawned and licensed games, while still largely middle-of-the-road in quality, offer must more for the dedicated fan. The recent Simpsons games give the player the chance to explore a world made almost entirely out of landmarks from the show’s history and provide massive amounts of new material from the writers. Ever animated movie has its related game, to the point where it’s expected that if you’re doing voicework for one, there will be that one day on the set where everyone reads lines like “Very good, Po/Bolt/Wall*E/Marjane! Now, lock on with Z and push the A button to punch!”
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036 – Dry Wit

On the same day I bought One Piece: Unlimited Adventure I also got Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleased – there was a buy-one, get-one-half-off sale which meant they were only fifteen dollars each. The most recent entry in the DAH series (or rather, co-current with another one for another system) seems to have been pretty roundly panned as a big step back for the series, but I’m enjoying it. It’s not Mario-quality or anything, but it was a good deal for three fins. The controls, using the Wii-mote and nunchuk, take some getting used to but are easy to use once you get them down, and the ability to aim directly is wonderful.

I’ve only passed the first zone so far and already the ‘Big Willy’ jokes are getting painfully stale. “As stale as the crusty buns wrapped around my Big Willy”, as not-even-thinly-disguised Invader Zim expy Pox might say. Other than that, it’s pretty funny and has that GTA thing where the characters will sometimes chatter during missions. If you’re looking for sandboxy games for the Wii where you get to explore around and be a jerk to people… well, get Bully first, because it’s better than this on every level, but if you already have it and want another one, you can get this from the cheapo bin, because it flopped big time. LIKE POX’S BIG WILLY.
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037 – Beast Peels

Beast Peels – the hippest, freshest, newest new way to buy fur, with all the classy elegance you’d expect from the mall. If you’re unable to grow soft, lustrous, thick hair on your body in very specific patterns that looks like clothes, then you really only have one option for all your fur-wearing needs! And every fur from Beast Peels is coated with high-tech Spiterol, the miracle seal that not only repels red paint, it converts it into turtle-choking six-pack holders!

Style, sophistication, and suavity for the 70th century, that’s Beast Peels! Level 281, just west of the food court, next to the Infrared Julius stand.

>A rough exproximation of Scratchi's voice: https://vocaroo.com/1iikO9jJOweZ . She's meant to sound like a Babushka Chipmunk. Now you have that voice in your head as a reading enhancer!
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038 – K-I-O-S-K Spells Quality

On Monday night Krepta and I were having a little constitutional and we came across a couple of wandering monsters, er, drunks, looking for a club that was in the area. They were off by about five blocks, but I knew where it was because I’d been to a poetry reading there. You see how I slip that in so you know what a hip and cultured person I am. So we had to guide them there and it was the BEST ESCORT QUEST EVER.

One of them kept yelling “let’s go get drunk!” even though she was already more booze than human, and kept wandering off in various directions heedless of whether there was traffic there. She reminded me a lot of this little fellow. The other one kept yelling at us like we were minions every time her friend wandered off, and whacked me with her purse because I didn’t give her a good enough hug on request.

Eventually we managed to steer them into a bar that was open and tip off the bartender that they needed a ride home, so hopefully they got into a taxi or something. They didn’t seem to have a car, so that wasn’t a problem. Though I do wonder in retrospect how they came to be weaving around stinking drunk in a neighborhood with no bars and no visible means of transport.

I wonder what their Tuesday morning was like, or if they remember us at all? Oh well, ships that stagger past you in the night.
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039 – Salesoids

Actual product may differ.

>I can finally read that tiny text with this HQ copy! Oh boy I'm excited
>If you freeze-frame on newspapers in Buffy, the text is from the Onion
Is that really true?
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040 – Sales Pressure: 1000 Atmospheres!

In kind-of-important news, I’m in the middle of a rather large (128 pages) project which you will see sometime or other (quite possibly in actual print, but with the precarious state of everything in general and the comics industry specifically nowadays, nothing is certain). Unfortunately that means Intragalactic production has slowed dramatically, and I’m going to run out of prepared strips before I finish. So five weeks from now, Intragalactic will be stopping for a while – there are actually more strips than that, but rather that get down to the wire I’ll break at a natural point in the story and work on building a buffer on the other side. This is also the reason there have been hardly any Creamy Beamy strips, for those of you who read that – I’d like to start putting more of those out too, post-project.

>Note to self, get time machine, warn Steph of the coming burnout apocalypse and the fact they'll want a second novel, save Creamy Beamy
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041 – A Metal Slime Draws Near

Another new fanart today, and the first one so far to feature Scatchi! This one comes courtesy of Daniel Willingham of Head Doctor Productions!

>Steph says it so it's probably true, that sort of thing is her specialty
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042 – Charm Offensive

Some sort of clever Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy joke goes here.

>Sigh...this is the first Steph Storytime since she retired...well, the first to start anyway, she retired 12 hours into the 24 hour Creamy Beamy thread. DA was there when I started, gone when I was done. Been a good 26 years, maybe 29? I don't know the exact date she started is vague mid 90s shit is all gone
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043 – S.Y.P.D.

She’s a two-fisted 19-year-old police force veteran who goes by the book.

He’s a hotshot 17-year-old rookie who goes by a slightly updated edition of the book with some revisions and an expanded afterword.

The two of them teamed up to kick ass and lose their virginity… and they’re all out of virginity.

They’re Spears and Samu, officers of the S.Y.P.D.!

Much as the barbers of old used to also be surgeons, the passing of time has combined the occupations of policework and modeling. Though it’s difficult to remain in S.Y.P.D. much past age 21, there are more general police agencies like G.L.P.D. (Good-Looking Police Force) and others.
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044 – You’re Fired

Last night’s movie was Dragon Wars, aka D-War aka Sauron Does L.A., a fun little Korean movie that combined a confusing plot and cardboard characters with some geniunely, non-ironically quality action scenes. After suffering through Michael Bay spending millions of dollars to accomplish elusive qualities such as “wait, what’s going on?” and “the jerky camera is making me sick”, it was nice to see well-shot and clear footage of an army of Dodongos marching through Los Angeles, crushing cars and firing their back-cannons.

>Remember the days when you could get like a dozen 30-60 minute free trials of games on various websites? Ahh...I got half way through Insaniquarium just by chaining those. Good times...actually that would have been around the time this page came out
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045 – Meet The Pest

It doesn’t really come across, but snaffets are fairly well known at this time, so this is more or less the equivalent of a customs inspector lecturing people on what an orange is.
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046 – Miranda


–then put your little hand in mine
There ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb.

(dwa da, dwa da, dwa da)
I got you babe
(dwa da, dwa da, dwa da)
I got you babe
>Groundhog Day
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047 – Piso Mojado

Random thoughts while watching Sleepy Hollow:

Ha ha, that guy looks like Mr. Dursley!

Wait a minute, I think that IS Mr. Dursley.

Pow, there goes Mr. Dursley’s head, no presents for Dudderkins this year.

>minor issue
I like the humor of these comics.
The fat and fattening fetishes are a bit too much, but I enjoy the jokes.
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048 – Bravobo

It’s like “Brava!” or “Bravo!”, but for robots.
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049 – Everybody Meets Everybody

I’m pretty sure this is the first page to include all six members of the primary crew.

Fantastic new fanart today of Rusty and Scatchi! Thanks Edgeling!
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050 – The Aviary

Movie recommendation – rush right out and see Coraline at once. If you can swing it, get tickets to the 3-D showing, then show up and find out that it’s been cancelled in favor of My Bloody Valentine 3-D, so they change your ticket to the regular showing but you get two extra movie passes for free to make up for it. That’s what I did!
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051 – Adorabitchy

Yesterday, we celebrated the man who discovered how those individuals who excelled at both survival and reproduction would give rise to the next generation, eventually leading to the formation of completely new species.

Today, we give rememberance to the man who taught us that you can either survive or reproduce, but not both. At least if you’re a sexy teen at a summer camp. Or, eventually, in outer space. Or the ‘hood.
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052 – The Winning Team

With the new official additions, it’s getting to be time to update the cast page. That’s definitely on the list of additions to make during the break period. And it’s almost upon us! This is the last week of Intragalactic pages for a little while, due to work on a graphic novel. (Do check back next Monday however, for a peek at some of what you’ll see when it returns.)

Another new fanart today, from Mild Concussion. Thanks a bunch!
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053 – Dream and Friends

Of course, the frontier they refer to is the Old Timey Space West, where people swear in Chinese and/or are secretly 200-year-old tree monsters.

End of Chapter 03 - Darth Mall

>You think these first two arcs were originally one? They continue directly into eachother and the full cast isn't introduced until the end of Darthmall.
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Chapter 04 - Miscellany 2
Monster Peninsula

Monster Peninsula is actually an island.

>sorry kept getting connection errors
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Non-Sneak Preview

Two new fanarts today – a reflective Piper by Olle of Ironborn, and Benjamin Glee, another great picture by Edgeling!

I actually have the project mostly done (assuming the art gets accepted), having used up my giant backlog of Intragalactic strips while I worked on that – but I’ll probably still take a while off, so I can build up a buffer again. There may be some standalone pieces or extra short strips at some time in the meantime, so check back once in a while!

>first one I had to find myself, not in the Archive HQ. Sorry if it looks worse
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Inside Scatchi

Today’s guest strip courtesy of Agouti-Rex. There are also two new pictures by the prolific Edgeling in the guest art gallery. Here’s a big thank you to my readers for helping the site stay fresh while I am so busy watching every episode of Kim Possible working ever so hard on the book project.
The Chameleon Suit

Sometimes, discretion is necessary even for a pathologically overconfident space adventurer. For those occasions, Benjamin shops at Incognito A La Mode, the premier supplier for fashionable stealth gear aimed at those who want to go unseen and look good doing it. Pictured is the classically elegant Chameleon Suit by Ninja Brothers of New York – a simple but effective body-concealing fabric system which uses cutting edge hyper-Hypercolor technology to render the wearer as transparent as this excuse to show Benjamin is a skin-tight bodysuit. Forget the Anole Poncho, the Octopus Sari and the Ermine Muumuu – when you want inconspicuousness, one brand stands out from all the rest. The Chameleon suit (sizes XS-XXL, MSRP 3999H99h).

The characters page has been upgraded with new entries for Scatchi and Poid – more to follow as soon as anyone else become important enough to get one.

>another lq one, sorry
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Sexy Pinups 1 – Piper

Part 1 of 6.

Piper had to get pretty hammered before she had to courage to have this taken.
The regular comic should resume at the end of April. Thank you for your patience, everyone.
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Sexy Pinups 2 – Poid

Rowr, so hot.
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Sexy Pinups 3 – Scatchi

This would be Scatchi’s style if snaffets weren’t so ill-treated by the rest of the universe – she’d probably be a high-powered attorney or businesswoman due to her talent for cunning and manipulation.

>I swear my relationship with this comic is cursed. Despite being the shortest of the 'big 3' I've been doing for years, shorter than FSR, and fitting in one thread, it always FEELs like it takes the longest. Like, I've been going 3 hours. Ideally I'd be at 180 images, but more realisitcally for breaks and slightly delays more like 140. I'm at 66.
On the one hand, she is sexy and has a lovely personality. On the other, she's technically a parasite-controlled corpse.
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Sexy Pinups 4 – Axl

Spicy spicy salmon roll at the tasty seafood buffet.

>can't make up time by doubling either, file size would make that a loss overall
Eh, we've fapped to worse. I'm assuming.
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Sexy Pinups 5 – Rusty

Why, good evenin’ there, little lady. Y’all sure do look like you could use the services of a burly, willin’ ranchhand.

Like most old people, Rusty wasn’t always old. And there was a time during the late 2500s when he was known as “The Midnight Alloy” because of his habit of dressing up Texas-style and selling his sexual services to furries (the legend of cowboys having gotten a bit garbled in the intervening centuries). Let’s enjoy this steamy pic that I’m sure will be on everybody’s wall.
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Sexy Pinups 6 – Benjamin

Wrapping up the parade of sometimes-questionable sexiness is Benjamin as Ice Scream, the superheroine with the power to really fill out a leotard. Also to kill you with absolute-zero deadly frost bolts.

New REAL strips coming in one week! It’s not a dream, not an imaginary story, not a May Fool’s Day prank! Set your calendars for May 1st, and while you’re at it, set them for ADVENTURE!

End of Chapter 04 - Miscellany 2
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054 – Welcome Back, Frotteur

Ever wonder why the doors on the holodeck lock, even though it results in people getting stuck in there and almost killed approximately always percent of the time? Because they’re at hanky-panky factor 8.4 in there.

And on the subject, what was with the one episode where Wesley has ski practice on the holodeck and whacks Picard with a snowball in the hall? How did he bring the snowball out of the holodeck? Was it using real water and just decorating fake mountains with it? That was really weird.

(Update: Wil Wheaton actually read this, and he doesn’t know how it got out there either.)

>Good taste Will.
>Also, just comparing to the other comic ongoing at this time(which had stalled out to the '1 page a monthish' stage), this was coming out right as the final fight with Banana was starting
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(BTW this is Chapter 05 - Scratchi's Checkup. Probably my second favourite of the batch..maybe 3rd?)

055 – Ringyacht

That ship is so big – how big is it? It’s got more bows than an introduction factory. It’s got more sterns than a phone book for the shock-jock clone farm in the Baba Boort Cloud. It’s got more poop decks than a destitute team of poker-playing archaeologists forced by hard luck and a crippling card shortage to use carved dinosaur coprolites as a substitute. And it goes without saying that it’s somewhat difficult to actually sail the thing in a body of water.
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056 – Little Bittle Pink Potato

Happy Seis de Mayo, or “Mexican Boxing Day”, everyone! Today we’ve got a SUPER fanart from Richard Karandosh – Bathtime. It’s all sexy and naked.
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057 – Cassandroid

I’m not especially wild about this week’s strips, or next week’s – just didn’t seem to click, for whatever reason. We’ve got some killer stuff coming up though, including prurient interest, beach parties and more messing around with the Fauxolodeck.

>She kind of looks like a mix of the Mummy Mommy and the chick who does the sense recording from that Patreon comic. Got that distinct Steph nose
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058 – The Jolly, Candy-Like Button

Press the green button, ship goes forward, time’s up, let’s play again.


>Also, Ben, mad with power? Bah, unimaginable.That will never happen.
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059 – Dumbitude

Heard back about the book – it’s slated for early 2010, with the editing process happening sometime this fall. Apparently it’s quite a long pipeline when you’re a first-timer and there’s an economic crisis going on (although given all that, I’m delighted that it’s happening at all). Hopefully I will be able to give sneak peaks of some of the characters during the lead-up to publication! And of course, as soon as it’s actually out the relentless hawking will begin.
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060 – Space Fraud

The weird thing about moving to a new city is getting used to the different slate of newspaper comics. The usual coelocanths are in evidence, of course, but there are a whole bunch of odd ones which DON’T have the names of the creator’s fifty-year-old heirs written in as co-authors. My impressions, based on sort-of-reading a couple week’s worth of strips from each:

Frazz: Seems to have a pretty huge ensemble since it’s almost always different characters every day, although they all look an awful lot like Calvin with different heights and hairstyles. Looks like it’s mostly about a school? I don’t know who or what the titular Frazz is yet, but the jokes have been decent.

Retail: It’s Between Failures for the daily paper. The main character (Marla, upon looking it up) is kind of cute. That’s all I can think of to write about it which is not a terribly good sign, but it’s early yet! Impress me, Retail! I’ll give you a chance and keep reading! Not like I wouldn’t anyway. It’s impossible to lose me, I read them all. I read the fucking Wizard of Id. So actually, feel free to doze off behind the counter.

Mallard Fillmore: Oh yeah, and we have this. Obviously I’m biased (big ol’ socialist feminist queerified elite-head sushi-liker that I am) but even Mallard’s recent apolitical grammar pedantry failed to please. And I’m nothing if not a pedant-phile! Whatever you can say about this one, though, at least it’s a step above State of the Union, and maybe Bruce Tinsley will get another DUI and I can enjoy a schadensnicker at his strips about how you have to liquor up the eggnog before it’s any good.

>Steph moved a lot, I've noticed from all these storytimes. States, somewhere in the South, then Japan, then somewhere else. I THINK this is the move to Wisconsin where she's based to this day?
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061 – Ensign Chekup

Although reasonably well-informed, Piper’s not actually a medical doctor. She was just the only one concerned enough to keep the sickbay in operation. It’s rarely used, as Ben almost never gets sick (Piper never does) and most of the rest of the crew has either been robotic or prone to instant death rather than disease or wounds.

>Steph generally keeps her politics and personal shit out of her webcomics(could you tell she was a woman before I stopped saying 'the author' and started saying 'Stephanie'), but she's always been Pro-Vax. Well that and pro-civil unions
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062 – Hypno-Lolly

Freeze-dried snaffets are popular for aspiring medics to practice on, so it’s not so strange Scatchi’s insides would look familiar. (A brace of snaffets also makes handy raw material for the fun and creepy art of whimsical taxidermy! Why not put one in waistcoat, or seat four around a table, playing cards glued to their dessicated paws?)

>Piper is one of the few fictional characters I fully trust with that sort of technology. She's heckin wholesome by space brain parasite standards.
Wait, I think I just caught a very obvious cameo.
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063 – Scatchback

Since I ragged on Mallard Fillmore the other day, I feel it’s only fair that I give credit where credit’s due and say that I actually found yesterday’s installment kind of funny. And not funny in the sense that the author bragging about how he biked more than those lousy hippy Greens did was only funny when you knew he’d racked up two D.U.I.s, but genuinely amusing. Let’s all clap our right wings together for the smug little pantless reporter that finally did it. That’ll do, duck.

>Asking that question in the one comic where she's providing descriptions for every page kinda stacks the deck and even then it takes a bit. Good authorship on that front
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064 – The Naked Time

It’s the real cast of Intragalactic!
The real Piper Kaufman, a New York graphic designer whose interests include muppets and gay marriage, so available evidence indicates she’s awesome and I hope I don’t screw Google up too much for her.
The real Benjamin Glee (almost) at benjaminglee.com.
The real Scatchi, Japanese auto enthusiast.
The real Axl. Believed to have evolved in response to comic’s existence.

That one I knew about prior, and is also so obvious anyone who could get it would get it. Not even worth pointing out.

Though I have to wonder, is that Honeo's original skeleton or is that just how short human skeletons look in this verse? (Honeo is adopted, he's not Hellborn, Death just liked him)
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065 – Reverse Malpractice

Links to some great webcomics have been added to the right sidebar. When you’re finished with Intragalactic, why not give these a try?

>Let's see, there's her prior two, Muertitos and Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy. Then other peoples webcomics: Witchprickers, Guttersnipe, Murry Purry Fresh and Furry, Head Doctor Productions, Between Failures, Gastrophobia, Wonderella, Hark! A Vagrant, Girly, IWKBLPFOS, and Forbez. Never read any of those other ones)
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066 – Look, Alien Rat Boobs!

Remember all the elaborate backgrounds in the early strips? Yeah, I got lazy. On the plus side, the close-up here provides a better view of Piper’s raw facial sores.
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067 – Eye-Lights for Children

I didn’t realize when I was drawing this that a Terminator movie would be in theaters when it came out, which goes to show you how much I care about Terminator, I guess. But there you go! It’s topical! And I’m given to understand that the new movie includes Christian Bale flipping his shit at a lighting technician, assuming they kept that in the final cut, so it might be worth seeing.

>That last couple of pages really transcribes her voice well. You been reading in that Chipetted Natasha voice?
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068 – Scatchi’s Very Own Room

Super awesome! Reader Mike Hungerford provides these instructions for making your own CVS-0008 ice cream freighter paper model.

Instructional PDF

After you’ve built it, the final step is to fill the hold with teensy weensy microscopic ice cream bars.

>https://web.archive.org/web/20090617061917/http://users.sdccu.net/chthulhu2/models/glee/CVS-0008.pdf I wanna see this. Someone with a good printer take the step
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069 – Quadptych

When speaking to herself, Scatchi uses the Snaffet language, so she doesn’t have a translator-generated accent.
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070 – The Simichanga

That’s a pretty good amount of meat from one monkey. I think he’s been cutting it with frijoles to stretch it out.
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071 – Inevitably…

I’ve linked to posts of his before but this is as good a time as any to point you to Agouti-Rex’s livejournal. A very talented writer, and the creator of the Witchprickers comic, available through the rectangle to your right. You might enjoy this entertaining post about Menage a 3, which is apparently very bad. It’s sort of harem comic about breasts, mostly. I’d never heard of it before, but I guess it’s popular? And I think we can all agree that slathering one’s weird sexual obsessions all over one’s webcomic is totally lame, which is why, of course, you will never see even a hint of such a thing on a classy webcomic like this one.

Anyway, I got curious and went and read Menage a 3 myself. Surprisingly, I did not hate it, although you won’t be seeing it over there on the right anytime soon. Cute art goes a long way with me, I guess. Also a few of the strips made me laugh, and if you make me laugh sometimes, you can basically get away with shallowly sexist douchebaggery and uncomfortable, icky jokes about sexual assault the rest of the time. Why yes, I AM also a fan of the Seth MacFarlane shows.

Back on the subject of Agouti-Rex, here is a selection of some his best posts! Let’s see how much traffic I can send his way! Will I defeat the comments section of Pharyngula?
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072 – Chim-Chim’s Revenge

Oh, Scatchi, yours is an ironic comeuppance.

>Oh you broke Piper...you monsters
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073 – ESOPHO, So Good

Look, I stole Wonderella‘s title format! Plus, puns are really easy when you’re just making up words. This ends the epic story of Scatchi’s doctor’s appointment – coming up, more SCIENCE, followed by the Intragalactic special summer fun story!
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Science! – Fishy the Fish Sprite

Other uses for fish:

- Carve them into small, festive hats, as the Dutch do.
- Organize a game of basketfish.
- Cook and eat them.
- Breed them for the ability to “walk” through the weeds and detritus of the shallow waters. Over millions of years, select for characteristics amenable to survival out of the water for longer and longer periods. Gradually coax them to develop into a fully amphibious form, and encourage them to colonize the land, diversifying into a wide variety of saurians, avians, and therapods.
- Lew Zealand cosplay.
Clearly snaffets have a different definition for "crapulence" than 104-year-old billionaires.
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End of Chapter 05 - Scratchi's Checkup

Reverse Bizarro Mirror Alternates

Your evil parallel-universe opposite can’t be your opposite in every way, of course, otherwise they would all be upside-down and inside-out, and food would eat them. So everyone’s evil opposite has one element reversed. Why not amuse yourself trying to figure them out? Some are more obvious than others. There might be more than one plausible choice, but the “official” answers will come on Monday as the Intragalactic SUMMER SPECTACULAR kicks off!

>Ok, taking a short break, Got pizza to consume
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Chapter 06 - Summer In Space

074 – It’s Summertime In Space!

As I expected might happen, I got some guesses on the nature of the mirror universe characters which were much more interesting than the “official” answers. But here are the real ones anyway.
Mirror Poid is self-serving and competent, rather than helpful and incompetent.
Mirror Axl has his intelligence reversed, and Mirror Rusty is female instead of male. (Those were pretty obvious.)
Mirror Scatchi is low-intelligence animal creature in the position of a full crew member, the reverse of Scatchi’s situation. (Assuming “child” and “animal” to be interchangeable, which is fair, I think. This one was still pretty unclear, though, wasn’t it?)
Mirror Benjamin has a cursed life instead of a charmed one, and has become a humorless battle-scarred mercenary.
And Mirror Piper has a sociopathic lack of guilt rather than a neurotic overabundance of it. Although I like the guess I received better — that she kills parasitic worms and eats their brains.

(Extra: Since doing this story, I discovered that the show Lexx has a whole season with the same “twin desert and ocean planets” setting. Whoopsie! And I only intended to rip off Super Mario Galaxy.)

>less a hard break and more 'sporadic pages for a bit'
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075 – Under The Sea

Today I got to see the video “Work Smart”, as part of some dingus way up the chain of command’s initiative to improve worker performance. This takes the form of mandatory weekly classes on how the store is like your family. Your family that can fire you!

“Work Smart” is about a woman carrying a bag of bagels through a mall and lecturing us on how we can be “Work Smart” and get ahead by using little tricks they may not teach you in the manual – secret techniques like being on time and having a can-do attitude.

I think there’s only one thing that could motivate me more than that video, and that’s the upcoming module on “The S.M.I.L.E. System”. Nothing fans the flames of excellence like deciding what you want the acronym to be and then making up words to fit it after the fact, like a comic-book terrorist group. Presumably it’s the Super-Malevolent Impish League of Evil, and its purpose is to kill Wolverine.
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076 – Directive Rita

“Rita”, of course, was one of the new letters added to Ancient Greek in the 4000s when humanity started running out of cool-sounding Greek letters to give to directives, codes, devices, types of radiation, and paradoxes. Rita, along with Ota, Tu, Phu, Klonoa, and Thi, were proposed for common usage by Dr. Cornelius O’Donald O’Dell in his landmark paper, “On Beyond The Omega Contingency”.
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077 – Der Verwandlung Mit Ein Schwing

Go-go boots are always in style.
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078 – Vitamin “D”, for “Doin’ It”

When I was a kid I really liked the soundtrack to Grease from my parents’ CD collection, without actually understanding many of the songs. Greased Lightnin’, okay, some guys are building a car and there’s some other stuff in there I couldn’t quite figure out. Years later, at a karaoke place, I was delighted to discover that the lyrics are absolutely fucking filthy.
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079 – Intraplanetary Wormhole

This is … not the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, but easily in the top hundred most amazing things I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen The Chipmunk Adventure and any number of Japanese variety shows. Anyone can come up with a random statement, but it takes something special to wrap it in six layers of passion and fire it out of your lungs like you’ve got an electric toothbrush lodged in the pleasure center of your brain:

Rita Pavone serenades unidentified cartoon potato (1977).

Let’s all thank the Internet for containing all the video ever shot of anything ever, enabling us to develop instant and powerful crushes on people who are now either elderly or dead. (See also: Eartha Kitt)
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080 – Killer Instinct

Of course, the organism on Benjamin’s head is an itinerant Chaponite, a sac-shaped green creature that drifts about, perching on top of greedy or lustful creatures and waving its antenna to gather the Q-rays generated by these emotions. The first Chaponite specimen was captured by the US military as far back as the 1950′s — though of course, its nature was not understood until much later, after it had completed its long reproductive cycle and its pupated young burst unexpectedly from its host’s eye sockets. Right in the middle of a date, no less!
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081 – Benjamin’s Brain

By 7985, modern brainologists have moved far beyond today’s antiquated models of how the mind works. They understand that the brain can be divided into several large, distinct regions, each governing a particular thing you think about a lot.

>I see Ben went to the Anarchy Sister school of brain hemispheres
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082 – There’s Gold In That Thar Sky

New fanart in the gallery today, a pair from Edgeling and one from Jarrah James of TransStellar. Go look!
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083 – Sarah, Plain and Dead

For she IS the Kwisatz Haderach!
>Rita Pavone serenades unidentified cartoon potato (1977).
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084 – The Magic of Children

Space kids can be so space cruel! But wow, Piper has kind of an idealized image of childhood, doesn’t she?
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085 – Quite a Pickle Is In Scatchi

And suddenly things went sour.
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086 – Airhole

This is possible due to the composition of the shovel. It’s made of an Averium alloy, a miracle material which facilitates doing stuff like you see in cartoons, but, like, for reals.
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087 – Deep Below The Surface Of The Sky

The embalming process for monarch on Axl’s homeworld involves having one’s hair styled like Elvis.

Because he was “The King”. GET IT? IT’S SO CLEVER.
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088 – Lobster Wrap

Here’s something I found amusing:

My First Dictionary.

But then, I am a sucker for anything that upends the dank, squatting basalt monolith of children’s basic-words dictionaries to poke around in the squirming carpet of grubs beneath.

New plot starts on Monday. There’s a big galaxy out there full of unexplored planets and wrongs to be righted, which can only mean one thing – it’s time to spend days on end playing Film Noir Detectives on the Fauxlodeck!

End of Chapter 06 - Summer in Space

>Now I need an actual break
(Two of the best arcs of the whole story are coming up soon, Zelda Questione and Ivy, so stay tuned!)
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Chapter 07 - Zelda Questione

089 – The Legend of Zelda

Despite the 1948 setting, some details of the slang and setting may be more reminiscent of the 30′s, or 50′s. But remember, this is 7985 — I bet you couldn’t run around in 4040 BCE and avoid any accidental mention of the styles and trends of 4030 BCE. Why, your cover would be blown in a moment! Go ahead and try it if you’re so smart!
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090 – Homme Fatale

Things I learned about cigarettes while working at the store:

-A lot of the more famous brands (Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields, Phillip Morris) are a lot less popular than I would have guessed, and aren’t even carried. Of course I was very familiar with Camel because of all those news stories growing up about how they were trying to corrupt me with cartoons, but apparently hardly anyone buys them. Mostly people buy whatever’s cheapest. Maybe my data is skewed because the store is in the poorest part of town?

-You can get FLAVORED cigarettes. This blew my mind. Cigarettes come in grape, cherry and peach flavors! Seriously! Technically, these are cigarillos, not cigarettes, but both suffixes mean “small”. Unless cigarettes are supposed to be girls?

-They’re expensive as hell. Don’t smoke, kids! It will seriously cut into your beer fund.
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091 – Routine #9

“Routine #9″ is pretty obscure, but trust me, this is a good example of it.
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092 – Clue Clue Land

But the victim is the most important part, honey, they couldn’t have the murder mystery without you!
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093 – Wino Comatosinki

Hey, look at that up there, you can write an email now. I’m not sure why I didn’t have that up before, actually, I think I just forgot. Anyway, go ahead and do it, if you’ve got anything to say!

>That email no longer works.
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094 – Homme Metale

It’s Rusty, but of course the character he’s playing is a human being. Eddie just looks like some kind of robot because he’s from South America.

>Beep Boop Boy, I'm from South America.
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095 – Dizzy Tomato

Caught in mid-accusation! Oh no!
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096 – Eddie And Veronica

Aww, this comic is the cutest: Sister Claire. I will use my powers of influence to send it literally fives of new readers!
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097 – Racismariffic

If I had a million dollars, I would get a really cool car, and trick it out with those hopping lifts and one of those sound systems where the inside of the car becomes a deafening chamber of death. Then I would put on ear protection, turn the volume and bass up as high as they could go, and drive around playing a selection of the least hardcore rap songs ever created.

My playlist:

The PokeRap
Amish Paradise (or White And Nerdy? Maybe both.)
Don’t Copy That Floppy
The Legend of Zelda Rap
The theme to the dubbed version of One Piece
That version of “Drop It Like It’s Hot” that has the Kirby music dubbed in

Come up with your own!
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098 – Zelda Slowly Walks A Few Steps

This is some shadowy and dramatic nothing going on.
Although I prefer to think of it as a combining of Japanese “moment-to-moment”-style panel transitions with the proud American tradition of filling your “action” comics with gigantic walls of text*, bringing bother together in a deliciously cosmopolitan melange. And isn’t that what we want from our sci-fi/detective/weird kink/comedy comics?

*The difference between Japanese fighting comics and American fighting comics is that in the Japanese comics the characters deliver a page of dialogue between every punch, and in the American ones they throw a punch and deliver a page of dialogue simultaneously.
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099 – The Asipoleon

Hey look, she found another part for Axl after all!
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100 – Dragon’s Lair

What a clever bit of misdirection. It seems like it will be a little while longer before Piper appears. How will our heroine handle this villainess?

Next Monday: GOLDFISH!
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101 – Predations

Remember to always come prepared for a role-playing session – know who you are, who the other person is, and what is and is not okay. A safeword wouldn’t have been a bad idea in this case, either.
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102 – An Improvident Observation

My perception of improv comedy was forever tainted by a very, very bad group that opened for “Weird Al” Yankovic some years ago. And this is not even fair because what they did wasn’t even improv, but some weird routine where they lined up and went through this obviously rehearsed bit about the current California gubernatorial election, one word each. And it was just about the most pathetic and doomed-to-fail form of humor ever – political humor that goes out of its way not to offend.


At least they formed a nice solid floor so that I knew I’d never see another opening act as bad. Even the guy who started off with a bit about Tourette’s Syndrome and then peppered his act with a sort of groaning, yowling dolphin yelp as a running gag was funnier.
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103 – Pin-up’ed

The book Widgey Q. Butterfluff (coming out sometime next year) now has its very own huggable squishable info page. Go check out a small preview of some stuff that didn’t end up in the final version!
I always wanted to do something like that with the theme to Where in the World in Carmen Sandiego?.
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Widgey Q. Butterfluff

It’s the story of a cuddly little lump of fluff that lives in a stump, and the friends who tolerate her. And the villain who wants to eat her. Also, the sun. It’s 128 pages (plus some extra stuff) costs $9.95 and is available now! You can order it from SLG’s website or from Amazon, or from a comic or bookstore in your area!
For (sporadic) updates on this and future projects, write to s…@g…l.com and ask to be added to the Widgey mailing list.
Now, please enjoy this one and two-thirds page preview featuring material that didn’t actually make it into the book!

>Alright alright tiny detour. I'm trying to find this, someone said it was archived somewhere, but I couldn't get the link to work. This look fun to anyone?
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104 – Myra the Waitress, Her Arms Wide

It’s easy to create holo-objects, but somewhat harder to get rid of real objects, so the computer has some trouble with Piper’s head. In the past they’ve had her play roles ranging from “Alien Queen” to “Marge Simpson looking straight up at something” in order to make space for it, but in this case the subtraction buffer just had to do its best with what it got.

>Piper has been the second most consistently popular character in these threads of ours, only behind Cheesecake. People love her
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105 – Somewhere That’s Green

Another new fanart today, from Edgeling: Invisible Benjamin. It’s Benjamin dressed in her stealth-ops chameleon suit, the one I totally forgot she had when I started drawing the upcoming story arc about stealth ops. Oh well. Maybe it’s at the cleaners.
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106 – Join The Fauxlodeck Fun Club Today!

Hello to everyone who picked up one of those little flyers at DragonCon! Information on the upcoming book Widgey Q. Butterfluff can be found here. Also, why not stick around and read through a completely unrelated webcomic?
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107 – Miss Busted

They locked her in there with the rats! How awful!

(Get this address from a flyer at Dragoncon? The book page is right here.)
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108 – The Real Killer

What a shocking twist!

Once again, here’s the book page for anyone just now tuning in!
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109 – Sagen Sie “Kase”!

Hitler’s pretty easy to draw. I guess if you want to be an easy caricature, the way to go is to affect an odd mustache and then be so evil nobody else will ever want to imitate it.
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110 – Program Complete

Little King’s Story for the Wii … it’s what Overlord: Dark Legend should have been, gameplay wise. You’re the cute little king of a charming little forest kingdom, and you take your adorable little cuddletroops across the border into dreamy lands of cake and parties. Then you make unprovoked assaults on their monachs, take their lands for their own, build a cute widdle princess harem, and loot every last gold bar and turnip in their treasuries. Most importantly, it takes more than eight hours to get through the game. This was a big problem with “Don’t Tell Me It’s Already” Overlord.
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111 – Cruise Control

That’s it for this storyline. From here on Intragalactic will be on break again for a bit, but stay tuned! There’s some great guest art coming up, followed by a special presentation.
Tasty Hamburger

This deep-fried, special-sauce-laden guest page comes thanks to (the very very NSFW) Mamabliss!

>First one in a LONG while not in HQ on the main archive. Maybe the Mamabliss fans have it
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Thumbday My Prints

Today’s special guest strip comes from Krepta of The Hungry Reader. While it hasn’t been updated in some time, the archives are a worthwhile read – go check it out!
The History of Ice Cream

A guest page collaboration by Krepta and Myld Concussion!

>Another LQ. Some of the guest art is missing from the HQ archive, some isn't. Heck, that Chameleon Suit was Steph's art...
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Yellow Peril

The final guest strip. Next week will be something a little bit different!

>See sometimes I get the obscure reference, I know the Jap Octopus...which is sometimes a Russki Octopus in different art...
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Pepper Penwell, Girl Detective 1

Here’s a little five page comic I did a while ago, featuring a character I’d like to do more with sometime! This one will be running over the next couple of weeks. After that the comic will be on break for a couple of months while I focus on some commission work and other projects, but I’ll try to have the odd illustration now and again to keep things lively.


>Also yeah. LQ again. I do get why this isn't in the archive tho
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Pepper Penwell, Girl Detective 2
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Pepper Penwell, Girl Detective 3

She doesn’t really do a lot of “detecting” in this one, to be honest.
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Pepper Penwell, Girl Detective 4
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Pepper Penwell, Girl Detective 5

That’s it from Pepper for now! And now begins a bit of a pause in our publishing schedule. I’ll try to have some little extra pictures and stuff up just so the front page isn’t the last page of an unrelated comic for the next one and two thirds months.
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The Pep Squad

Space Football! It’s like regular spaceball, except you play it with your feet. And back at the Academy, Piper was on the cheer squad for the school team, the Fightin’ Atheists. And Benjamin, who was too young to cheerlead, got to play the mascot, a pine marten. (This mascot was chosen because the pine marten is nature’s atheist, and also because the giant foam Christopher Hitchens was scaring small children.)

There will have been much innovation in sport over the next 4000 years, and actual balls are no longer used. Instead, the “ball” is a cube made out of a randomly chosen material. It’s also legal to redraw boundary lines to your advantage, so long as you aren’t caught doing it, which is why a veteran groundskeeper like Rusty is a must, and forms an unofficial 12th position. The other positions consists of three Kickers, four Runners, an Oaf, two Wallflowers, and a Goalie. In 7881, after a long string of 0-0 ties caused by granite or lead play cubes being too slow and easy to intercept, the Gronman Amendment was added to the rule book. This rule requires all Goalies to be at least seven months pregnant at time of play, so there is a lot of turnover in this position throughout the year. Several other amendments were added in the 7930s, specifically barring dogs, chimps, pigs, and pairs of small children on each others’ shoulders from the field.

>Hey finally one in the HQ archive
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Enjoy the Halloweeny goodness, all November long! And since not too many people might think to look for it otherwise, there is in fact a Muertitos Halloween 2009 picture, too!

>And another missing one.
>And Muertitos was never heard from again
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Boxing Ben

There’s always time to set one’s galaxy-saving duties aside for a while and win a few boxing championships. And when you’re done, you’ll have a mean hook ready and waiting for those space villains!

Hey, guess what? Widgey Q. Butterfluff is now available for preorder! This book was a blast to draw and everyone I’ve showed it to has agreed it’s just as fun to read. It also makes an excellent gift for any post February-10th occasion, be it a belated Groundhog’s Day or Canadian Christmas.

(Edit: just noticed the February 10th given on the page is 2009, not 2010, so it might actually be out in January after all.)

>HQ from here on out
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Chapter 08 - Twelve Days of Joelmas

112 – Spaceguin on a Snow Day

Welcome to the “December and the last bit of November” holiday season, which officially starts when you see Santa appear at the end of the parade.
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113 – Two Pals a’Talkin

Replicator technology is a tricky thing. It’s very convenient, but the system is so delicate and prone to breaking down that you just can’t rely on it. So in the future, if they ever need something specific and can’t get it, it’s probably because that darn replicator is broken again!
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114 – Three Pestries Bakink

Okay. What the fuck is up with this “circus clown” bullshit? The snowman is PARSON BROWN, people. PARSON MOTHERFUCKING BROWN. You’re turning a beautiful song about pretending to get married by a snowman into some kind of messed-up clown snuff fantasy. Can’t Bill O’Reilly or one of the other members of the U.S. Strategic Bloviater Reserve call a boycott until this travesty is put right?

(Update: It has been pointed out to me that the “circus clown” verse is merely the second verse of the original song. Okay, I can get behind that – who doesn’t want to spend their honeymoon at the circus “having fun” with a clown, after all? – but this merely shifts the responsibility to whoever lopped off the first verse in whatever cover version it is that plays at the grocery store. Shame on you! You’ll be sharing a circle in Christmas Hell with the people who put out the “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaanta Claus is comin’ to town” version of THAT song.)
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115 – Fornication’s a Nick-Creatin’

Naked Mole Rat Weird Fun Facts:

- Naked mole rats are eusocial colony animals, like bees. They’re one of only a couple kinds of mammals with this social structure.
- Naked mole rats are the only cold-blooded mammal.
- Naked mole rats are the longest-lived rodent.
- Naked mole rats are immune to certain kinds of pain (from acid, for instance).
- Naked mole rats live on gigantic underground tubers. They eat the insides and hollow them out, slowly, giving them time to grow back so they can feed on them indefinitely. Naked mole rat:potato::eagle:Prometheus, for you SAT takers out there.
- Naked mole rats don’t actually talk with a Bart Simpson voice. That’s just a bit of Disney razzle-dazzle!

>What is it with Steph and Moles and Mole Adjacents
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116 – Five Bars of Gold-Pressed Wealthium


Guess what, you can now visit Benjamin Glee’s Twitter account and read all the exciting things she says between now and whenever the novelty wears off!

>https://x.com/BenjaminGlee/ daaaaaamn it still up
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117 – Six Muppeteers Manipulating

Hey, now you can go right to Ben’s tweets via a little Twitter icon just to the right. Unless you’re reading this several years in the future, in which case, younglings, “Twitter” is that thing that ‘The Born Loser’ and ‘The Wizard of Id’ in your local newspaper just now started making jokes about. That thing your grandparents talk about sometimes, from the beforetimes. Before the great sun fell from the sky and the metal-skin raiders came, and a handful of water became more valuable than all this accursed gold… the gold which carries the blistering death. Can you believe humankind of old used to prize this worthless metal! You can’t even make a spearhead to fight the raiders with this. Soft! Useless! Man grew decadent, hypnotized by the Twitter while the politicians and the warmongers rattled their sabres and brought the Great Sun which burned the world. Look, look here, my child, at this twisted and pustule-ridden turnip I have wrung from the soil with a simple iron hoe. This! This is life! This is reality! Not the Twitter-dream of the ancient fools.

Of course the preceding was just a little flight of fancy. There won’t really be newspapers in the future!

>Fuck is that us? Are we the future
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118 – Seven Eyes a-Crawling

I’m sure someone has noticed that the Deadly Bees really don’t belong here, being a Mike episode. Apparently some small details of history have become slightly garbled. Perceptive readers also may notice that I probably shouldn’t have tried to draw Trumpy from memory, but I’m sure they’ll give me the “a-ok” sign anyway!
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119 – Eight Cakes a-Existing

Just got word today that my second graphic novel, Pepper Penwell and the Land Creature of Monster Lake, has been accepted for publication! I’m super-duper stoked! Unfortunately this will mean more hiatuses in Intragalactic‘s future – but it won’t be for a little while, as the art for the next story, “Infiltration”, is nearly finished.

And if you don’t want to wait until that comes out, please don’t forget that you can still preorder Widgey Q. Butterfluff!
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120 – Nine-Month Subscription

Busy busy busy busy busy busy, I am a busy little space-beaver.

>The trains are on collision course and I can't do anything to stop it. Hurry up with that time travel lads we gotta put out this burnout
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121 – Ten Years Ago (Plus One Year)

So, eleven years ago. Kind of too bad I didn’t make this one the eleventh page instead of the tenth, huh?
>I wonder if this is a reference to when Steph got her start? FSR got started in 1998 with the old version before the redraw...nah, Swamp Opposum(which is completely lost) is from even earlier, maybe as far back as 1995
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122 – Eleven; Piper’s Not In This One

Probably gonna be a couple weeks off after this story ends… since the next one isn’t done yet and I want to make sure it doesn’t get stuck in the middle. Pepper is going to be keeping me pretty busy for a while, but I’ll try to make some time to finish Intragalactic‘s next arc up one of these days.

>I can't....
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123 – Twelve Bits of Blitzen

And with that, Joelmas draws to an end the way all good holidays should, with a mixture of perverted self-indulgence and violent wildlife-eradicating explosions. Let us close with that immortal final line from Tiny Tim – “Why does God need a starship?”

New strips in a couple weeks (probably)!

End of Chapter 08: Twelve Days of Joelmas

>Also, you'd think that Ice Cream being invented 200 years late would cause continuity problems for the Steph-Verse United theory since it clearly existed in Muertitos and FSR which are set in the presentish. But don't worry! The simple explanation is that James/Jennifer/JohnnyHobo Brighttower done fucked up the timeline and gotten ice-cream replaced by Egg Canola Shakes. This is when it gets re-invented.
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124 – The First Layer of the Onion

This page probably holds the record for the biggest lead time, having been completed back in August. So enjoy that retro-Naughties flavor! You know, for the nostalgia value. Will there be Naughties nostalgia? That would be kinda hard to pull off. Dude, we’re having a Naughties party! BYOB in tiny little containers separated into a Ziploc bag, and then we’re gonna watch crappy Simpsons episodes until the party ends due to bank foreclosure! Whee!
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125 – Tiny and Less Tiny

I thought that a lot of my comics were a bit too talky and text-heavy, and so part of the impetus for this storyline was to do a few dialogue-free strips. (It goes back to being talky later on, though.)

>Oh no...it's starting
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126 – They’re Holding The B Button

In my day, the B button was round and red. Now it’s a trigger! How the world has changed.

If you’re looking for something to read, why not check out Worlds, a serial novel about the unseen places in our world, written by a talented friend of mine?
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127 – I’m Gonna Go Be Awesome Around This Corner Now

Links added to the sidebar for Between Failures, Murry Purry Fresh and Furry, and Guttersnipe.
They’re about, respectively, people working crappy jobs, animals working crappy jobs, and jobless starving orphan children, and each is a bucket of delight, so go read them!

The side thing is starting to poke down really low, so I don’t know how many people actually see it. I need to figure out how to put some stuff under the comic, too, to give people a reason to go down there.
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128 – I Spy Some Butts

Hey looks, it’s Officers Spears and Samu of the Sexy Young Police Force! It’s also the very loosely managed police force (they don’t advertise that part), leaving them free to work as mercenaries much of the time. Hey, as long as the people they’re shooting are criminals, or potential criminals, they’re doing their job, right?

For anyone who follows Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy, while I’ve been paying even less attention to it than usual because of Project Pepper, there will probably be a new one in the next few days, so check in soon.

>Forgot to mention, Chapter 09 - Operation Stealthy Eagle

>As Steph said, she forgot the Chameolon suit existed
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129 – Axl’s Contribution

Today we’ve got a new picture in the fan gallery, courtesy of Agouti-Rex!
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130 – The Craytrix

I got Megaman 9 the other day (way late to that party, I know). Hey, I remember when you actually had to work to get through a level instead of it being like a little tour you just walk though, and now those days are here again! Or rather, they were like a year and a half ago when it came out. I was going to say ‘now we need Capcom to make a Ducktales 2′, but I looked it up first and holy whonkers! There was one! Was it any good?
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131 – The Laser Hall

I don’t know why they always leave enough space in these for someone to either jump through it or ooze through sensuously. I’d put all my laser-maker-thingies in one spot in the middle of the hall forming a grid of one-inch squares.
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132 – Nine Chickweed Lame

I think this one takes place inside a Virtual Boy.
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133 – Acro Circus

Yeah, her back is a little fragiler than it used to be, but Benjamin can still jump and flip and avoid things and all the usual space-hero business when she needs to.
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134 – Body Stockings vs Skins

I wonder if I’m the only person who likes Startropics II? Yeah, it’s frustrating when Mikey jumps diagonally into space or falls off a platform or loses two-thirds of his health to multiple hits from a low-level rat, but there’s something charming about the way it blends sort-of-like-Zeldaness with kind-of-like-an-RPGness-but-not-really with humor-except-not-that-funny. I think I just talked myself out of liking it. You know what was a good game? River City Ransom.

I do enjoy Startropics II for all the little touches, all the little things that say ‘this could have been a really enduring franchise if the gameplay didn’t suck’. Traveling to different times, fighting cactus golems, baby mummies, and Yum Yum, drinking the Red Eye sarsparilla…

Plus there’s Cleopatra. She can horf down an entire large pizza in twenty seconds. And she is a knockout!
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135 – Closet Fight

I got the first actual printed, physical volume of Widgey in the mail today! It was super exciting! It’s still not officially out yet for a bit, but getting closer!
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136 – Aren’t You A Little Nude For A Stormtrooper?

The Enstant models would probably survive better if they were more observant. Sure, the Enstant Corporation may boast “The Light That Burns Half As Bright AND Half As Long!”, but even they may be rethinking that slogan after last year’s dismal performance record. Thirteen product recalls by companies relying heavily on Enstant Enspectors. Three major studio productions shut down due to the complete inability of Enstant Engenues to learn lines longs than half a sentence. A rare species of ant wipes out by Enstant Ensectivores. The ridiculousness of trying to market Enstant Ensectivores in the first place, a decision the Enstant Corporation blamed on its in-house Enstant Ennovators. And then there was a whole “selling unprogrammed clone matter as ‘Enstant Mashed Potatos’” scandal. It’s no wonder consumers are flocking in droves to Sunny Select Soldiers and other superior and less expensive store brands.
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137 – Awww

I found a typo in Widgey the other day… it’s not like it’s that serious, but it annoyed me that I never noticed it during all the other times I’d looked at the page, back when it would have done some good. It bothered me enough that I had a dream where I got to go to the publisher and make some last-minute corrections. Then I woke up and it was too late again! Disappointing! Also I bet the SLG offices aren’t really inside a multicolored planetoid filled with stalactite chambers and ridable platforms drifting down lava rivers. Also disappointing! But I’ve never been there so I choose to believe that really is what it looks like.

>Did any anons here ever work with SLG?

>Also what happened to them? They existed way back in 2004 when Steph pitched Flying Suit Reiko to them
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138 – The Really Big Door

Yay, the other day I actually figured out who the killer was in a Kindaichi Case Files before it was revealed. Usually I have no idea beyond ‘one of the people who hasn’t been murdered yet’. In this case part of the solution was actually hidden in the obligatory wacky high-school sexual tension shenanigans that appear in every volume. Slick!
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139 – Rezdezvous With Destiny

Why, I ask you, can I not play Legend of Kyrandia and Day of the Tentacle on my Windows 7-style computer? I may know absolutely nothing about how computer programming works but the least those lazy game makers could have included how to play it on a system from fifteen years in the future in the instructions, you know?

(Update: A thank you to the people who wrote me about ScummVM! It works like magic! Once again, I’ve managed to solve a problem by bitching about it into the howling Intervoid. Hooray!)
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140 – Nooooooooo

And that dinner looked so good, too!
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141 – Lincoln Likes To Watch

And that’s that! I wish I could say there would be a new story starting next week, but unfortunately with Pepper Penwell only about halfway completed, there probably won’t be any more Intragalactic for a little while, at least not steady-like. I’ll have some standalone drawings now and again, though, and maybe some single-page bits to keep things going.
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Driveway Bath

This really ought to have music with it. Just imagine either “Pour Some Sugar On Me” or “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go”, to taste.

UPDATE: Hey everyone! Widgey Q. Butterfluff is here at last! You can order direct from SLG, or from SLG’s Amazon store, via the link to the right. Apparently Amazon cancelled some long-standing preorders just as the book was finally arriving from the printer (thanks a heap Amazon) – if you got an e-mail from them about this you’ll have to re-order (you won’t have been charged for the first one). Sorry for the inconvenience! The book should be out in stores in a couple of weeks.
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142 – One More Two Borg, Please

The first of a number of sporadic standalones while I work on Pepper. (And by the way did I mention you can totally buy Widgey Q. Butterfluff now? So please, you know, do, and everything.

A wowtastic new piece of fanart today, from JT of Between Failures! Super thanks!

I’ve been reading Afterschool Charisma recently. It’s quite interesting – take the premise of Clone High (almost exactly, down to some of the same historical figures featuring prominently), but make it a way more serious mystery thriller sort of thing. Looking at the two series together is a good study in how the same idea can go in totally different directions. The character design choices are radically different too. Clone Hight made most of the minor characters look like what they looked like when they were famous, even though they were supposed to be teenagers. Afterschool Charisma is nothing but bishoujou and -nen. All of them, up and including Cute Teenage Bishy Hitler, are pretty much interchangeable except for the hair. It’s about the only complaint I have about the series so far, really.
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143 – Eucalactus

I got Bioshock 2 recently. I’m actually really hopeless with FPSs so I’m playing it on easy… I just wanted it because the setting and story is so cool, and because you get to take care of cute and creepy little corpse-eating zombie girls. It’s fun!

Widgey is supposed to be released into stores today, so if you have a local comic book shop, go and see if they have it! It would also be really super neat if anybody could get a picture of one on the shelf and send it to me, since I live in a comic-shop-less hole right now and probably won’t get to see that here.
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144 – An Ark of Wax

The Big Bang went on vacation and Billy (age 5) filled in with a few planets.

Here is a great fanart by Holden Crick of lots of characters I’ve done, from the very early Flying-Suit Reiko all the way up to the oh-so-current and oh-so-purchasable Widgey Q. Butterfluff. It’s so cool! Super big thanks!
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>Holden is apparently one of the few who have actually met Steph. Also holy crap Collage art? This i gotta see I was looking for some of this stuff to celebrate her retirement.

>Found it archived. Here it is. Cool. I see Steph doing the Cheesecake pose, Reiko's being...Loonaticed...good to see Lafcadio hasn't kicked the habit
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45th Annual Ceasefire Accord

Every year, the leaders of Earth’s two major powers gather on the central Eurasian warp veldt to negotiate a permanent end to territorial disputes. In accordance with the Ricardo Conventions, the new border is painted on the ground in cheery red paint, and both leaders agree to stay on their own sides. This is followed by tea and tiny cakes, and then the traditional dash back to their respective bunkers before the drying of the paint signals the annual Resumefire.

Empress-General Oku of the Afro-Irish Empire
President Barry Scroffles of the People’s Democratic Equal Republic of the Free Non-Censoring Pleasant United Countries Where Everyone is Happy
Fana, head of Martinian Bummer Minimization Council, acting as arbiter

New strips will be starting before too long, stay tuned for more info! And remember you can still get Widgey!
I'm starting to get tired. This damn comic as I've said before is cursed to me, it takes longer per page than any other by a factor of two.

But, we've only got two arcs to go. One of which, the next one, is the longest single arc is any Steph work outside of Creamy Beamy(which is formatted uniquely from all the others so that isn't a fair comparison), is easily the best one of this story, and may be a strong contender for best chapter/arc/issue in any Steph work(fighting alongside stuff like Octopus Rex or The Heterosexual Agenda)

So I'm asking how many people are here and up for another hour or so. Who's up for "Ivy"
No response means I’m probably not motivated to do it. I’ll watch for a lil bit longer though.

(And in Creamy Beamy terms, newest issue at this point was X having his ‘Come to Jesus Moment’, and everyone who hasn’t read that comic is reading this statement wrong)

I'd be up for it, but if you're feeling tired go rest.
Is there a mega or a google drive with all of Steph's web comics, OP? Really appreciate all these story times, just want to have a copy of everything to archive.
Nothing complete, but I’ll gather what I have when I’m done. I’ve got a uniquely complete set and even it’s missing stuff.

If I’m not resumed in 5 it’s over. Keep it alive overnight.
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Chapter 10 - Ivy

145 – Scatchi Birthday To You

I don’t know what day Scatchi’s real birthday is, and she probably doesn’t either, so why not just tell them it’s some day convenient for her? It’s not like they’re going to have the right number of candles on the cake anyway.

This story doesn’t have as much of a buffer as previous ones have had, so I can’t guarantee that there won’t end up being delays if I run out of strips, but I don’t think it’s too likely.

>Ya'll owe me a big one for this. This thread better live another good 24 hours.
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146 – Unwantisphere

I found a comic at the library – I won’t say the title, because this isn’t all complimentary and I assume other comic creators google their books too – which caught my interest. It was Christian manga, which I picked up because I assumed it was going to be something hilarious like Hairy Polarity (and I don’t much care if I offend the Hairy Polarity folks). What I got was, well, it wasn’t GOOD exactly, but surprisingly non-horrible, with a lot more subtlety than I usually see in these things (bearing in mind that I’m a snotty atheist whose exposure to Christian fiction is mostly in the form of Jack Chick and B.C.) The Christian characters aren’t perfect, the non-religious main character actually grows as a person without instantly converting (although it’s a series, and guess what happens in the last couple of books?), and the obligatory visit from the witch-like Secular Humanist Boogeyteacher only takes up one page.
The artwork was pure How To Draw Manga: Characters And Nothing Else, so the people are generic but competent and everything else is voids and filters and flat, geometric houses, but I’m the last person who needs to be complaining about anyone else’s shittily-drawn architecture so let’s move on. I get onto this weird obsessive squirrel hunts over things that aren’t objectively very good (example: Total Drama Island), and I think it’s because there’s something about a promising but deeply flawed work that’s more compelling even than pure out and out quality. Maybe it’s that it demands criticism and improvement, and thus more involvement that something that can only be experienced through passive enjoyment, or maybe it’s that through a work’s flaws, we get more of a feel for the artist as an individual?
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147 – Nice Day To Start Agaaaain

Recently someone at work lent me the first novel in The Bartimaeus Trilogy and I enjoyed it so much that I had to get the other two as quickly as possible. It’s very cinematic – it’s the sort of thing that (along with Artemis Fowl) I would love to see movies for. But with The Chronicles of Narnia and His Dark Materials franchises both crashing and burning before they even had a chance to get to preachy parts, maybe Hollywood is done beating the young-adult-fantasy-novel thestral that Harry Potter kicked off?

>I've been thinking of a different storytime style, and this would be specifically for Muertitos and Flying Suit Reiko in the future as they're the only two it works for
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148 – My Little Bishony

Some really amazing fanarts today – Piper and Benjamin (naked boobies alert), both by Toby. These are really beautiful and stylish! Thanks a huge bunch!

>Specifically doing issue by issue threads, twice daily. This would really only work for those two as they're long enough to make it work (Dystopia isn't) and has many short issues(GPCB doesn't)

>For those two it would be twice daily so I could finish before they left the site
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149 – It’s a Major Award

Three new pictures by Edgeling have been added to the fanart gallery. They’ve actually been around for a while, but he was so prolific I kind of lost track of what was up and what wasn’t, so it’s been fixed now!
Defiance is Fruitless
Pine Marten Mascot Benjamin
Benjamin and Piper’s Fauxlodeck Family
They’re kind of specific but if you go through the archives, you’ll see what they refer to!

>How many days does a thread stay in 'closed/archived, but on 4chan proper' anyway
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150 – Femail

You can always rely on a Silver Age comic to serve up a heaping plate of totally nuts. Case in point, Wonder Woman issue #111, “The Robot Wonder Woman”. Wonder Wonder is tricked into agreeing to a showdown with a potential robotic replacement invented by “Dr. Menace” , on the condition that she’ll go back to Paradise Island if she loses. Then Dr. Menace reveals the terms of the contest – a test to see who can stay awake the longest. Twenty-three days later, in the center of a stadium filled with enthusiastic onlookers, Wonder Woman finally nods off and Dr. Menace has the robot steal all the ticket money. The story raises some interesting questions, such as, 1) they were able to fill a stadium with people willing to pay money to watch Wonder Woman fighting sleep? For three weeks? And 2), sure was lucky that there was no actual crime of the sort that would require a superhero for the better part of a month, wasn’t it?

The very next issue, “Wonder Girl In: The Chest of Monsters”, contains this neat little quote about science:

“Science SEEMS to work like magic sometimes, Bonnie! But the difference is that science has an explanation for its ‘magic’!”

That’s actually kind of pithy and spot-on, even if it is coming up in the context of ‘since cold causes metal to contract, absolute zero causes metal objects to become microscopic’. At least they were trying, Hera bless ‘em.

>How would you describe Benjamin Glee?
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151 – The Great Benjini and Screwy

Still better than Jeff Dunham though.

Speaking of weird Silver Age stuff, here is a comic recommendation for you! When SLG was having a sale, I got Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures, it’s really good! It perfectly captures the feel of crazy old comics where giant monsters are stomping on everything. The titular character is a journalist who’s trying to prove the existence of giant monsters, of which there are several dozen apparently attacking major cities and destroying the army at all times. My favorites were Spoosh, the Giant Who Likes to Grab Airplanes, and Aahblaah, the Creature Who Defied All Science … By Punching! If that’s your thing you should definitely get it (if you’re already gotten your copy of Widgey, of course)!

I found something really fun at the library too, I will tell you all about that next time!
>Also what happened to them?
I don't know what happened behind the scenes but around 2011 they did a major rebrand and tried diversifying their business into an art gallery and music label, then a few years later they were dead. They still exist as a zombie company but it's pretty much just Dan keeping the lights on by himself.
I'd speculate that it might've partially been due to how closely tied their branding was to the whole 'Goth' aesthetic in the '90s and '00s. When that died a lot of their business dried up.
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152 – TNG

Wow, here is a good comic I found: Rapunzel’s Revenge. It’s an expanded retelling of the Rapunzel story which takes place in a kind of fairy tale Old West setting. In this version of the story, in order to keep from going crazy from boredom in the tower, Rapunzel teaches herself to do rope tricks with her braids, so that by the time she gets out she’s become an elite hair-based cowgirl superhero. She meets up with Jack and his Chekhov’s Bean and Chekhov’s Goose, and they have adventures trying to defeat the witch and rescue Rapunzel’s biological mother. It’s really exciting and beautifully drawn and it even has the best thing any fantasy book can ever have, a map! Be sure to read it if you get the chance!
>>144307240 (Me)
A similar thing happened with Dancing Ferret around the same time. Overnight they went from the biggest name in Goth music to dead.
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153 – The Seahorse Boys of Aquus 4

Hola! It’s time to take another look at the wonderful world of Silver Age Wonder Woman. But today we’re not looking at the comic itself, but at one of the many educational supplements used as filler. So you’ll just have to wait until another day for the rundown on that one story where Wonder Woman ate the world’s largest pizza for charity.

Like most comics of the day, Wonder Woman had its share of extra comics teaching us that music’s not just for sissies and that Superman doesn’t like it when you don’t place your bike properly in the bike rack, but it also had something unique – text-only pages with information about women’s history! Very progressive, eh? Well, let’s take a look at some of this important information. Today’s excerpts are all about


“From crude drawings found in caves and from the tools that have been found by archaeologists, it is possible to piece together some idea of how pre-historic women lived.”

Also they filled in some of blanks by consulting famed archaeologist Johnny Hart. So what do we know about prehistoric women?

“But often, when animals threatened, the men remained home, armed with their clubs and crude axes to drive off the early wolves and other beasts, while their wives huddled in a corner of the cave.”

They were wimps! Thanks for the heads up, science! We know this, of course, from examining the femurs of cro-magnon females, which tended to display striations associated with lifelong terrified huddling.

“It was about this that the women began complaining about the caves they had to live in. It was too cramped, and almost impossible to keep clean.”

And their husbands were always sneaking off behind the cave for a Winston break.

“Prehistoric women really came into their own when some anonymous genius in the year 75,000 B.C. discovered that he could start a fire by rubbing two sticks together
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154 – The Famous Half-Pendant of Ancient Canada

This famous half-pendant was forged by the Zeox Civilization, mightiest empire central Canada has ever known, in the fiery belly of Hoodoo Mountain. Of course, the one Ivy is crushing is merely a replica, which can be easily purchased in any major city’s Little Zeox district.

Steph published Penwell on April 5th 2011...how long
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155 – Rash Actions

Via The Comics Curmudgeon, here’s a column about a Scandinavian collection of NSFW Beetle Bailey cartoons drawn by Mort Walker himself. WOW. (Incidentally, I have seen him in person and yes, he is quite a horndog). Varning for snusk!
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156 – 32-Inch High-Definition Uvula

Wow, this is just about perfectly done. No one can say that Pixar’s marketing department is lying down on the job when it comes to screwing with the archaeologists of the future. (Warning – some pretty major Toy Story 3 spoilers in the comments.)

>It's a Lots-O-Huggin bear ad
Pretty much immediately after. In January 2012 their lead editor left. They published a grand total of two books that year, then nothing but reprints and weird political comics put out by one of Dan's friends since. They officially stopped accepting new solicitations in 2016.
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157 – The Roboticist

A new Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy today, for those who follow that. (I will get it wrapped up eventually, I promise! – and yes, this storyline will be the last one in its current form, but there might be a new GPCB series at some point.)
you're lucky I even responded to this
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158 – I Was A Teenage Me

Currently reading: big pile of dirt-cheap Archie Comics Double Digests. As they’re mostly reprints from the company’s entire 60-something-year history, you get a pretty schizophrenic reading experience, as a story featuring Archie learning extreme sports from his friend “Rad Chad” leads directly into one where he’s in a bow tie and Betty and Veronica are in dresses. (Also in the extreme retro division – stories labeled “Josie and the Pussycats” which are clearly from the pre-Pussycat “She’s Josie” era. You’re not fooling anyone but your intended audience, Archie Comics!)

And what do we find in a copy of Jughead’s Double Digest? An ad for Sabrina comics “for you Magna fans out there!” This is from 2005. Archie Comics keeps the spirit of lightly-researched mid-nineties print newspaper Lifestyle sections alive into the 21st century!

>I already knew Steph was a Jughead fan after those podcasts, but cool to see

>Oh for fucks sake, I was exagerrating last week with the 'punished Steph' narrative. Getting an SLG deal like Vasqeuz had was Steph's goal from the start. She made a Reiko pitch for them in 2003! Widgey started work in 2008 and Penwell in 2009. The burnout from making them destroyed Creamy Beamy and would ultimately drag down IntraGalactic. And for what? The company goes belly up like 6 months later? For fucks sake....
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159 – Muff Meatmaze

Random quotes from DC Showcase Presents: Justice League of America

“That glowing meteor… turning us all into TREES!”

“One of my PARACHUTE ARROWS can save him — but I’ve got to get closer for a good shot, even if it means going UNDER THIS LADDER and defying BAD LUCK!”

“While we don’t have a permanent chairman– when it comes to cleaning time, we all agree WONDER WOMAN is boss!”

“Seconds later, the FASTEST MAN ALIVE begins whirling his arms around and around like the blades of a super-fan… faster and faster… ‘I’m setting up a COLD WAVE in this room… to freeze the water solid..’”

“I-I can’t stop doing this JIG!”
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160 – Feel Like Making War

I’m not sure which Bennie’s hoping for. She just likes to be prepared.

They may dream big, but neither has a particularly glamorous career. Muff gets punched into walls a lot and Bennie spends a lot of time on her hands and knees cleaning up ensign splatter. But you and I know that everything’s going to work out fine in the end!
>Which design do you prefer, Ensign Ben or Captain Glee
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161 – Gentle Peals

So hey check it out, this is pretty funky fresh! Widgey got a mention on BoingBoing. Super neato! Big thanks to Chris of AetherCo for telling them about it!
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162 – Plip

Nothing could possibly be above me. Oh, hm, what’s that? A good rule of thumb is… if it’s drool, you’re the first victim, if it’s blood, you’re the second victim. If it’s something else, all bets are off. (Can we have a horror movie where this happens with mashed potatoes?)
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163 – Hyaaaaa

Special thanks to Chris Lowrance who created Dungeons and Dragons rules for Piper’s parasite. Neato! Although this isn’t completely canonical, it is actually pretty close to my idea of how they work.
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164 – The Showroom

Some of these robots look a little dangerous for household use, but fortunately most of them ended up being safely sold to the military, where they’ll be blowing up other robots on wasteland moons throughout the Outer Rim.
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165 – Squidgem Huggafish Wacerates Woo

The original release of Squidgem Huggafish was later named one of the year’s least safe dolls, along with My Gestating Baby (the baby doll that arrives in ingestible pill form and work on dinosaur-sponge principals), Pacific Northwest Vampire Wrestlin’ Buddies (solid chunks of hyper-breakable glass), and Slashy: The Reincarnated Serial Killer Doll who Really Comes To Life (the buttons on his overalls presented a choking hazard).

>Between this and No-Boom I think Steph was in Oregon for a bit before ending up in Wisconsin.
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166 – They Didn’t

Whoopsie, this one’s up a bit late. Sorry about that, just forgot to line it up yesterday!
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167 – Benjiclone

Wow, Archie Comics really spiffed up its website. (For the tiny fringe population who has never been to the Archie Comics website, it used to look like some circa-1998 Geocities page) Also, it looks like a recent issue of Veronica has her saluting the President on the cover and pledging to help with his job creation efforts. Between that and the introduction of the Archieverse’s first gay character in that title, it makes me curious if the Veronica audience skews especially liberal for some reason. That’s kind of counterintuitive (although, I like Veronica best, so there’s one anecdotal data point!). The Lodges are billionaires, but given the occasional stories where Mr. Lodge does things like decide to turn the wetlands he was going to build a mall on into a wildlife refuge instead, maybe he’s more of the socially conscious Warren Buffett type? This interpretation would make Veronica the urban, coastal yin to Betty’s midwest, red-state, occasional-Al Hartley-mouthpiece yang. And whoever the Archie universe’s equivalent of Rush Limbaugh is, he’d be perpetually railing against “the Hiram Lodge-funded media”.

I’m pretty sure the Cabots vote straight Republican, though.

>What do you want to bet he also used that condom she tossed in the trash
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168 – Gross, Cute, Gross, Cute

My publisher is looking for donations to help with some legal expenses – they have always been super nice to me, and put my book out, so I want to help them! I would like to ask those of you who can spare a couple of dollars to please consider going here and using the donate button at the bottom. These are the people who made my dream come true, so it would make me really happy if I could be of assistance to them! They’re also having a sale to raise money, so if you don’t want to donate, you can buy books and use the coupon code ‘legald’ at checkout to get 10% off. I recommend Doris Danger Giant Monster Adventures and (duh) Widgey Q. Butterfluff and there’s some really neat books you can get for only the cost of shipping if you look through the catalog, so I hope you’ll go check it out if you can!

Come back Monday when this space returns to being about reviews of the four-part Archie Marries Jughead miniseries, or whatever.

>Yeah when your publisher asks for cash that's a bad sign
>Looks like Robot Doctor here went to the Henry Emily school of upgrading your robot daughter. Except with more pulsating flesh
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169 – Unique

If I ever get an internet law named after me, I would like it to be this one: The Wikipedia article for any particular movie/TV episode that includes content that brushes on someone’s fetish WILL be written by people with that fetish, since they’re the ones with the most interest. (And trust me, all you normal people out there: EVERYTHING touches on some fetish or other.) Obviously this holds true less for really popular things, i.e., the page for Inception is probably relatively free of the writing of hardcore top fetishes (a.k.a. spinners, spinnees, and begomaniacs), but the less well known something is, the more likely it is that it’s only known today by a handful of people to whom it is the absolute holy grail of everything. I’m talking to YOU, person who was obviously typing that Gumby episode summary with one hand.
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170 – A Birthday Girl Scorned

Should be a new Creamy Beamy today for those who read that. I’m gonna try to wrap it up fairly quickly – the original version of the story had about a zillion extra threads to tie together at the end, but (as you can tell by the posting frequency) I pretty much ran out of steam on it, and I’d rather just end the story with some closure and a definite ending. That doesn’t preclude GPCB coming back someday in a more polished form, though.

And now it’s


So, Archie’s Weird Mysteries. This was an animated show that aired about ten years ago which can be summed up as ‘Archie’s X-Files‘, but the weird thing about these Weird Mysteries is that this show was actually made to fill the FCC requirement for stations to air a certain number of hours per week of educational programming. So the show was usually buried between infomercials at odd hours to guarantee no kid would ever see it, because TV stations are spiteful bastards like that. Also, it wasn’t even educational, except for tacking on a strained moral that kinda-sorta followed from the events of the show, which puts it in the same scholarly class as the dub of Sailor Moon. For instance, if you break your word and are late for a date, your girlfriend might be turned into a vampire. It’s the “Snow Goons are bad news” school of moralizing.
>Firstly, Creamy Beamy was robbed. There was going to be so much more to the ending
>Secondly...yeah in that podcast she talked about the Veronica episode. They knew
>Steph's Law is now a thing. U WILL use that term. It's the least we can do.
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171 – Virtu-Closet

So they finally got around to this. Yeah, it’s ridiculously expensive and you still need a runway and can only legally take off from the airport. But hey, future!
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172 – Swiss Army Girl

Although svelte overall, Ivy has trouble getting long pants that fit her because of those big ol’ Megaman shins she’s sporting. They can’t be easily modified because they contain secondary information storage, and her programming won’t allow her to give up on knowing 15,000 languages just to be able to fit into latest trends in socks and legwarmers.

>Glee, no, bad, we aren't pulling a Tsugumi's mom here, what is it with that
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173 – Giblicious

And now for more about Archie. If you don’t care about Archie, well, there’s a new Creamy Beamy today too. We’re into the home stretch now.

Misterkitty.org, in their Stupid Comics section (highly amusing – go check it out!) notes a shocking instance of textual alteration in a Betty and Veronica double digest. Well, if you have a pile of those digests, you’ll start to notice that they do that all the time, and the weird thing is it’s always in those same strange, blocky letters that look nothing like the original font, so it’s really obvious. Sometimes you can guess what the original must have been (Archie talks about DVDs while carrying a pile of what are probably records – Betty’s babysitting for a girl whose parents are doing some “last minute Chanukkah shopping”) but other times it’s just baffling. Why? And why is it always so clumsily done?
In at least one instance, not only is “I’ll call Cheryl Blossom” changed into “I’ll call Ginger Lopez”, but the panel itself is redrawn, in a style jarringly different from the original, to feature Ginger. Was our mystery censor called upon to perform this task as well?
I like Cheryl Blossom (she’s like the Super Saiyan form of Veronica) so I don’t cotton to this Ginger-washing of her legacy. Fortunately, she’s back now and apparently participating in a “Battle of the BFFs”, along with Ginger and the others. So that’s all right then.
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174 – Roblush

Aww, it’s that special time in every girl’s life when she first develops a crush on one of her mother’s cabana boys while said mother sleeps off a 15,000-calorie lunch in the hot tub. Insert joking reference to current reality show featuring hilariously trashy family of the moment here! (I’m sure there must be at least one like this.)

>Glee's one of those girls who goes full fat celebrity when she has the opportunity
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175 – Upending The Cookie Sheet

It’s Harvey Awards time! And since I’m now an industry professional by the slimmest of margins, I got to vote on them! Unfortunately I hadn’t heard of most of the nominees, probably because very few Archie comics from the mid-nineties were nominated this year. I did get to vote for Foxtrot for best syndicated strip, though. And for best webcomic? It’s gotta be Hark! A Vagrant!, come on! If PVP wins, I’m totally moving to Canada for reals this time, or at least putting a big “DON’T BLAME ME, I VOTED FOR BEATON” bumper sticker up somewhere.
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176 – Sinister Sinatra

So, I actually finished that Christian manga series that I talked about waaaay back on June 2nd, at the beginning of this storyline. Wow, this one has been going on for a while, huh?

Anyway, I was curious to see how it would play out. Will the main character leave behind her wild, hedonistic life of implied sexual debauchery and drug use that we never actually see, and become a Christian? The answer is a big ‘a-DUH’, but at least her personality doesn’t reverse completely. In fact, the moral of the last book is “just because you’re a Christian doesn’t mean you have to wear drab, floor-length dresses and rinse your blue hair* back to being Mouse-Brown #5.”

The artwork take a HUGE leap forward in the later books and actually becomes somewhat stylish, with real backgrounds, unlike the lazy gradients I try to get away with these days. Yeah, there’s still some questionable stuff, like the reappearance of the Strawfeminist Boogeyteacher to rant about ‘oppressed womyn!’ (has any actual feminist ever used that spelling, or is it one of those things like ‘vertically challenged’ that were satire from the get-go?) and the ninth book’s “Hey teenagers! Throw away your condoms!” moral, but somehow I just can’t help but find it charming. Possibly because it’s up against competition like Psalty The Singing Songbook. I guess basically all you have to do to win my approval is show up after I’ve seen something horrible and be kind of cute and not that bad, which leads me to believe I should be on the Nobel Peace Prize committee. Ba-zing!
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177 – Fetch Me My Princess Bathrobe

I’m not sure where this room is in the ship – they have a lot of rooms that don’t serve any apparent purpose (having a crew of seven people on a ship that’s a couple of kilometers long will do that for you.) There’s a small living area and a whole lot of ice cream storage, and the bridge… I think the rest is taken up with theaters and topiary gardens and what-not.

>Ok she's letting herself go just a wee bit
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178 – To Exploitation!

Rusty looks way too tall sitting up in that last panel. Just imagine he has roborrhoids and has to sit on a rubber donut, I guess.
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179 – The Goddess Euphoria

She’s not crazy, she just happens to have one of those personalities that’s a teeny-tiny bit susceptible to declaring herself a god and going full Nero.

>and I need greentexts
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180 – Wilting Ivy

Great new fanart today (the first featuring Ivy!) from a longtime reader. Thanks a bunch!

>Goddamn it Nero and Ramses tier in one day? What's next?
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181 – Mission Inadvisable

I was actually mildly interested in this when I first heard about it. Then I saw the trailer and guess what? It’s another one of those “movies that came out this year — the movie!” dealies, craftily not calling itself Vampire Movie in an effort to lure me in to a bounty of pointless skits based on the trailers of Toy Story 3 and Inception and whatever else is currently or recently in theaters. Because god knows there’s not enough silly stuff in Twilight to just do a parody of that.

One of the other trailers for it contained blurbs from “Ivana Tinkle” and “Hugh Jass”. You know everybody hated it when they have to get their rave reviews from crank calls to Moe’s. But as terrible as they are right now, though, the ongoing crop of spoof movies is going to be very interesting in forty or fifty years, when they’ll function as a kind of pop-cultural time capsule. We’ll be able to watch them and see a cross-section of everything that was part of the pop culture in the year that it was born, from the things that went on to be treasured classics to the detritus that was forgotten after its opening weekend. I guess in the long run, they’re a good thing (and it’s not as if anyone is making me go see them, anyway).

But here’s something better to watch: The Big Girl, a beautifully animated student film. As you can probably guess from the title, I have ulterior motives for liking this one, but seriously, it’s awesome for everyone. Gorgeous blending of stop-motion and drawn animation, starring a kick-ass heroine.
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182 – Medusoid XIII

China, being enormous both in area and in population, is a lot more diverse than the Western world sometimes gives it credit for. For instance, while a hardworking animator is busy making a rocking cartoon about an adorable little butterball who can kick your ass, someone in another part of the country is making this, which poses to the asses of the world not the danger of being kicked, but only the danger of being laughed off. Seriously. It’s pretty funny.

>It's bootleg Batman
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183 – Like A Rock


I watched this one for research purposes since I’ve been on quite a Nancy Drew kick while working on Pepper Penwell. You know what? It’s actually suprisingly good. Bonita Granville’s Nancy may be a little clumsier and ditzier than the modern (and somewhat cardboardy) incarnation, but she’s also brave, assertive and quick-witted. She gets herself in plenty of trouble, but she’s tough and proactive about getting out of it, too.

This version of Nancy’s not a perfect feminist icon — there’s more than a whiff of ‘lookit what this dizzy dame is putting her poor long-suffering boyfriend through’ about the film — but considering it’s from friggin’ 1939 and it still manages to have an active heroine and even pass the Bechdel test, it’s not bad.

Plus, it’d be worth it for Killer Parkins – the 12-year-old Jughatted hoodlum with a penchant for slipping into a Donald Duck impression – and the out-of-nowhere all-public-domain musical number, even without the main plot.

Like everything else ever, it is now on Youtube. Let’s watch, shall we?

(Edit: The movie can be watched all in one piece here, which might be more convenient – thank you very much to the reader who sent this link!)
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184 – Needle in a Spacestack

It’s been asked a few times whether Ivy is a permanent addition and the answer is, yes she is! She hasn’t been added to the cast page due to a variety of factors of which the most prominent is laziness. She’ll be on there eventually though.
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185 – Postponed Postpartum Period

If anyone’s heading to Dragoncon this weekend, check out the freebie table, there will be fliers there to advertise Widgey and Pepper, so pick one up if you’d like! A big thanks to Jennifer for putting them out for me!

(P.S. since I’ve been so into Nancy Drew lately, today’s H!aV was fucking delightful).
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186 – Turkey Club

Luckily for Benjamin, her golden armor is an elastic rubber-gold alloy built to accommodate the full-figured pleasure goddess on the go. Also lucky she had that turkey leg – which was kept in a case labeled with “Break Glass in Case of Simultaneous War and Delusions of Godhood”, and had a smaller turkey leg hanging next to it. I didn’t draw that stuff because it’s already getting kind of long.
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187 – Why Doesn’t God Need A Starship?

Reader Beware – you’re in for a scare!

So my latest weird little crush on a vast bloc of extruded youth ephermera is, you guessed it, Goosebumps, the horror series for kids. I never got that into them when I was young – I was actually a bit scared to read them because of the spooky covers and the fact that I was a very very wimpy child. So you can imagine the anticlimax when I ran across a few of them recently (as well as summaries and commentary for many, many more, thanks to the wonderful Blogger Beware) and discovered that they really weren’t scary at all. For the most part they were simply youth adventure or fantasy novels up until the last page, at which point the happy ending would be undermined by a crazy twist where someone randomly turns out to have been a werewolf the whole time and eats the protagonist — or something equally bizarre.

They’re enjoyable little nuggets of crazy, though, due to being short and falling squarely in the “MST3K Habitable Zone” – that area on the quality graph where enough interesting things are happening that it’s not boring, but it’s goofy enough that it’s impossible to take it seriously. (Sort of a hard concept to get across, made harder by the fact that due to the level of movies they got stuck with many classic MST3K episodes, such as Manos: The Hands of Fate, actually far fall outside the zone on the “crappy” side. Maybe the “Rifftrax Habitable Zone” would work better?)
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188 – Stone Tools

It’s really hard to remember to keep putting that little cartoon-Roman leaf crown thing on Ben. Also, the Turkey Leg of War… although I’m pretty sure she’s taken that off by now and eaten it. It takes energy to be on the march, after all.

>For some reason, from here on out it's all small images like you'd get from just viewing the site or the wayback. Not on the archive. I dunno why. Add that to the lost pile
Steph was the one that released the HQ archive. At the time she said the small ones are ones she'd lost the original files for.
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189 – Pklim

Surprisingly, one of the ten most common paragraphs in Qvan. It’s an unusual planet. Still, kudos to our worm-of-all-trades for her cosmopolitan vocabulary.

Since I haven’t linked to it in a while, I wanted to share my friend’s Etsy shop – she makes some fun and funky bead jewelry, it’d be great for a gift for someone, or for yourself! If jewelry is your thing, check it out, I would be very happy if I could direct a little business her way.
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190 – In the Cage of the Jellyfish

I like the monster here but what I wasn’t too happy about was the way the panel order flows – I tried getting a little funky with it and I don’t know if it reads in a natural way. That’s hard to judge when you’re the one making it.

>Ah piss. That also explains some of the guest art missing(though not all of it oddly enough).

>Not sure why the Chameleon suit and Non-Sneak Preview one is missing though, both Steph
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191 – Curvy Doom

I guess this wasn’t a problem for the Medusa of old because there was only one of her. Medusa wasn’t immune to the sight of herself, hence the ol’ mirror trick. But the snakes in her hair must have been able to look at each other all right, otherwise they would have been caught for sure at some point. Maybe isn’t because snakes aren’t very visual animals. It’s possible they would have turned to stone if they sniffed each other with their tongues or something, so they probably had to keep them in their mouths. It would make it hard to eat, but probably Medusa didn’t feed them much anyway, since they don’t have back halves and she’d just end up with her head filled with dead mice.

UPDATE: A couple of people have written in to let me know that Medusa had sisters, Stheno and Euryale. There’s really no excuse for me not knowing that, since that’s how it is in One Piece too. However, Medusa was the only one who could be killed. Also, she didn’t turn to stone from seeing her own reflection, although I’m sure I saw that somewhere (basilisks, maybe?) — she just got beheaded. Parts of my mythological knowledge come from sort of dubious sources, so the heads-up is appreciated!

>Glad she spoke up, Gorgans are a whole species
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192 – Just Like Kicking A Bicycle

She really likes her jump kicks, does our Benjamin.
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193 – Deep Benpact

Once this story wraps up (which won’t be very much longer) there will be another break for a bit. Too many projects going on all at once – but I’ll try to at least put up some more standalone stuff in the meanwhile.
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194 – Scatchi 9-1-1

Aww, it’s the end of Girly. Along with Penny Arcade, Girly is one of the major inspirational example of artwork going from “adequate” to “godlike” over the course of about a decade. I just hope this means there’s going to be more Dr. Voluptua comics, now…

…so in that last comic, uh, who’s pregnant, anyway?
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195 – The Worm Has Turned

What a cute fanart was received from the person who sent the previous one of Ivy. It’s a quick one, but full of personality!
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196 – Carving Control

New GPCB today for those following it. Nothing too amazing – just wrapping things up.

>That was the last one fyi
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197 – Classic Benjamin Lite

Hey, looks like SLG is having an one-day sale through tomorrow (Sept. 30). If anybody out there was planning on buying Widgey but hadn’t gotten around to it, here’s a great chance to get it at a reduced price! Check around the rest of the store too, because there is some really nice stuff (including some comics you only have to pay shipping on, super good deal!)
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198 – My First Blaster

It’s the end of a very long storyline (a little over a quarter of the entire comic! Yeesh!) and time for Intragalactic to take a little break. The strip buffer is totally gone and there’s a lot of other projects demanding attention — some art-for-pay, some tattoo-design-for-not-pay (but I want to do a good job because, y’know, that’s permanent, yo) and some other stuff. I’ll try to have a few standalone strips now and again, and I may have some fan strips coming along one of these days. Thanks for reading, everyone, and seeya at the next update!
Homework Help

Piper (age 15) helps Ben (age 10) with some kind of futuristic geometry homework. This is right after Benjamin came to the Academy as an unusually young junior cadet. Her education before this was pretty lax, so it was a big shock and she had a hard time keeping grades up — not that it was very high on her list of priorities anyway.

HEY LOOK! You can now preorder Pepper Penwell and the Land Creature of Monster Lake. It’s a comedy detective adventure and I bet you will just love it. There were some problems with preorders for Widgey being automatically cancelled when the the printing was delayed – so if that happens (I don’t think it will) don’t panic! Thank you in advance to everyone who orders!

>no big here either
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Today we have a special guest comic from Chris Lowrance of Let’s Make Believe. If you’re interested in D&D or RPGs in general be sure to visit – there’s a lot of unique monster ideas, some of which I got to illustrate, and eventually there will be some journals about our D&D campaign. (Currently, I am playing a Level 2 gnome druid named Spucky Conkerbucket.) Thanks very much for this cool comic!

In other news, WOW SO COOL! There is a trailer on Youtube for Pepper Penwell! Go check it out right away! And it seems as though the price has been reduced on Amazon for preorders, so if you’re planning on getting it, now would be a good time!
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Happy Mid-November!

Costumes from the following comics (some of which are NSFW):

Scatchi as Lil’ Ragamuffin
Benjamin as Wonderella
Poid as God
Axl as Ivan
Ivy as Skadi
Rusty as Filby
Piper as Doctor Voluptua

The next story will begin sometime in January and will tell the untold – UNTIL NOW – story of Benjamin’s hardscrabble childhood growing up in a nebula of discarded DVDs, her short career as a pod race hustler, and her first days at the venerable Starfreeze Academy of Ice Cream! Watch for it!

As always, please remember you can pre-order your copy of Pepper Penwell using the handy link to your right, and a little bit up.
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Young Rusty Chronicles

A little bit (a very little bit) of Rusty’s history.

Hey guess what, I got an interview up on SLG’s web site. Wow! Go check it out please, everybody.

Edit: new pages will start on January 1st and will be released each Saturday from then on. This should allow me to release them steadily, while still developing other projects.

>This one DOES have HQ
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Chapter 11 - Beginjamin

199 – Beginjamin

And we’re back! New comics will appear each Saturday. Let’s all enjoy the story of Benjamin’s early years.

And just in time, another Edgeling picture. This one is of Ivy and wow, it is a really great capture! I especially love her nose. It’s almost annoying when other people are so much better at drawing my own characters than I am.

It’s a bit late, but recently a friend introduced me to Heavy Rain for the PS3 and I was just fascinated by it. It’s really less a game and more like an interactive choose-your-own-adventure movie, but unlike other examples of the genre it’s quite engaging. She’s done some amazing fanfiction for it, check it out if you’re a fan of the game.

>https://web.archive.org/web/20130515145723/http://www.slgcomic.com/Salt-of-the-Earth--An-Interview-with-Steph-Cherrywell_b_24.html There's that interview
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200 – The Slime Farmer

More of chibi-Ben. Those pink streaks in her hair are natural – she dyes it nowadays.
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201 – The Smog My Destination

(Update: Amazon is listing Pepper Penwell as being out now. Let’s hope the preorders go smoothly this time. If anyone hears anything from Amazon about it, please let me know!)

So they changed the zodiac all around today, apparently. I love when they arbitrarily screw with stuff like that, because it makes the future even more futurey when there are lots of little changes, the sort of things that you could imagine making up for your science-fiction novel set in the world just around the corner. And the new sign is a dude fighting a snake! It’s so metal! Congratulations, everyone who gets the snake-fighter-god-guy!

(Yeah, I know it’s been around for a long time and there’s actually two zodiacs and blah blah whatever. I’ll just be either an Aries or a Pisces depending on which stats I need at the time. Go Ophiuchus!)
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202 – The Legend of Great-Goppy Nam-Nam

>I'm gonna assume based on Ben's psychotic ice cream rant and the fact Earth and Humanity live in crumbling slums that something horrible happened in the 4 or 5 millenium between Dystopia and Intragalactic(and the 5 or 6 millenium between this and the rest of the works)
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203 – Wellingtonfordham
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204 – They’re All Human

They just look like that because of the pollution caused by melting DVDs has increased mutation rates in Ben’s hometown to Oblongs-like levels. Ben herself has been protected her entire life by a thick layer of urchin filth.

Pepper is supposed to be coming out soon, but I’m rather out of the loop on the production end of things. If anyone out there spots it in the wild, let me know!
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205 – Shinobi Bloodslice
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206 – Dirty
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207 – The Scum Trade

So why is Pepper late? Apparently it arrived on time from the printers in Indonesia and then got horked by customs agents who went over it checking to see if someone was hiding drugs in it. Which is probably the sort of thing Pepper herself would approve of, so it’s kind of weirdly appropriate? And the good news it apparently they released it after not finding any hidden panels in the cardboard boxes so it should in fact be on the way fairly soon, for you patient souls with Amazon preorders.
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208 – The Missing Piece

In case you missed it last week: Pepper update! The books, which actually have a much more interesting life than I do, have been released from their customs holding cell cleared of all suspicion with involvement in Indonesian drug smuggling. (Or whatever they were looking for – it was weird.) They ought to be working their way through Amazon and the comic shop system any time now. Thanks for your patience, everyone!
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209 – I, Pod

Hey everyone! Pepper Penwell is totally available right now at last! Are you a bad enough dude to buy one for your very own?

>Not according to Amazon, but maybe the SLG website shipped them then?
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Penwell Family Tree

I’m skipping right over the pod race itself to bring you this EXTRA SPECIAL PEPPER BONUS! This was done for Pepper Penwell, but it didn’t make it into the final lineup for the book. It’s too bad, because I really liked how it came out! So here it is, everybody!
By the way, for all your tropers out there, there are TvTropes pages for Pepper (and for Widgey), but so far no examples! Won’t someone give ‘em some love?

(A big thanks to whoever’s been adding to the Intragalactic page! But I’m sure you can all think of more to add to this, too!)

>Oh yeah we should probably archive those too.
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210 – Moses

Pepper hit the comic shops this Wednesday, so if you have a local comic shop and they are cool and buy good things, they might have it! If you didn’t just get it on Amazon for some reason.

>i dunno then
the fuck is "gunge"
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211 – Princivention

This May I will be at Balticon where (if we make the deadline) there will be a new book collaboration coming out that I did the illustrations for. More information when it’s closer. If you are going, come say hi!
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212 – The Academy
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213 – Cadet Benjamin

That’s it for a little while – I’ve got some other projects which prevent me from giving as much attention to Intragalactic as I’d like. I’ll keep you posted when they’re closer to finished!

Thanks to Apolaustika for doing a nice write-up of Pepper and Widgey!

Here is a blog about waiting tables in Las Vegas that uses a picture of Piper in the header (with permission). It seems that a lot of restaurant patrons in Las Vegas are total buttheads. Las Vegas is just like my job!
Posted on April 15, 2011 at 6:49 pm in Comic as part of Chapter 11 - Beginjamin « volume. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed.

>This is, conventionally...the end....
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Opening Research

Hey, it’s topical. Wheatly kind of reminded me of Poid. Oh hi, super bad perspective on the blocks in back.

A couple of new fanarts added today – Scatchi and Ivy by Brian of Shifter, and another one by Edgeling that I didn’t get around to putting up until now even though it is AMAZING. Thank you both for the art!
Posted on April 22, 2011 at 6:14 pm in Comic. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed.

A beautiful guest comic by the amazing Mamabliss! Super thanks!
Am I the only one that finds Mamabliss's handwriting absolutely illegible?
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Pepper Penwell and the Lost Treasure of Captain Squeaks

Here’s a piece I’m working on for the SLG gallery show in August. (The theme was tikis and/or tropical drinks.)

>Damn still committed to SLG...living the dream Steph...living the dream
>God the fucking luck on this woman...cursed I tell you. No wonder this comic takes 12 hours to get 4 hours of progress, I'm feeling Steph's pain in every page...I'm feeling the burnout.
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Doris Danger for ComicCon Souvenir Book

This was a piece I submitted for the ComicCon Souvenir Book under the category of SLG’s 25th Anniversary, and apparently it made it in! That was good news, although I wish they would have told me beforehand so that I could have told anyone who was going to be on the lookout for it. If you still have your book, check it out, won’t you? Doris Danger is a delightful spoof of crazy Kirby-esque Silver Age comics about giant monsters, I recommend it a bunch!

You’ll also watch to be sure to order your copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, a relatively faithful (but condensed into the interesting stuff) version of the classic withhunter’s manual from days of yore. Anyone who enjoyed Widgey and Pepper will definitely enjoy this! And it even has an illustration by me in it!
>In prior years I didn't have the full context of her prior attempts to get with SLG in 2003-2004 or the fact the company was mere months away from keeling over. God this feels tragic
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Yeah, I’m not updating this too much anymore, huh? But here’s something that deserves to be seen: a really awesome picture of Widgey, by Moody Ferret. SUPER CUTE

>That prior one was from July 2011.
>Now it's Summer 2012.
>Just read the dead fucking tone here. It's over...
>March 2012
>And according to that little note actually drawn February 2012
Yeah this to me feels like cope. Shit would have been collapsing at this point. Imagine how that feels. She's been looking up to SLG published works her whole life, got into webcomics in the mid 90s, after getting good took 8 months off her usual to work on a FSR revival to pitch to SLG, didn't work, back to normal with Muertitos and GPCB, then IntraGalactic when Muertitos ends...then they want a Graphic Novel. Then they want 2! Creamy Beamy gets left to rot, Intragalactic stalls out, but she's made it! She's published! She's doing stuff for her new company!
>And then they're gone. She's burned herself out for years to get in, within a year, it's over.
>Fucking leaves for 3 years just to recover from burnout, and honestly I expect to recover mental health wise.
I don't have a problem with it but I know multiple people who do
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A Sensible Girl 1

I’m gonna put this (and maybe some others of these) up here, but it’s just a test for now.
Posted on October 23, 2014 at 9:13 am in Comic as part of Part 1 « volume. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed.

>This was the last ever post on the website.
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Found this in the HQ files amongst a few others. Will post as I chat...

So yeah. That was all she wrote. April 2011, Penwell is fully finished, Creamy Beamy was abandoned in all, but official status, Intragalactic staggered. It's effectively the end of an era(At the very least 'Era 3' if you wanna pick it apart super finely, but honestly moreso the entire 'classic' Steph era).

Between the horrific burnout, Creamy Beamy staggering to collapse, two novels, IntraGalactic, and then SLG(which Steph has openly been seeking to work with since 2003 and probably privately since she was 18, which was in 1999) collapsing under her right after she finally got in...that was that. I assume the rest of 2011 was spent on SLG internal stuff trying to curry favor or pitch ideas before that all fell apart. In 2012-2013(when I first saw her art myself, actually) she did the occasional DA post, but that was it. Compared to the absurd output prior, even outside of webcomics(Porkydex, tons of fanart 2005 and earlier, WMage, Dueling Chefs), she was basically dead online. I wouldn't be surprised if the SLG shutdown mixed with Burnout caused some depression.

Stephanie did eventually come back in 2014 on Patreon, her very first comic there is the one above, it was briefly on IntraGalactic as a test. She posted on Patreon for a decade before retiring last week in June 2024.

But it was NEVER the same. Single page artwork, single page comics, maybe a few multi page comics. A handful that got like, 10-15 pages, and 3 that managed to cross the Dystopia length threshold. Sensible Girl got to 69, Uninvited Ghosts(which ended a week ago) got to 76. Nothing. Nothing compared to what we once had. And that was over the course of 2 years for the former and 4 years for the latter. Dystopia got 68 pages in 4 months. FSR did it in 3.

I just don't think she had the heart in her to commit after everything that happened 2008-2011. Some spirit in her effectively died in those days. We just didn'tknow it
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(Oh and there was one other Patreon comic that got to 110 pages, but it was commissioned and thus won't be released free with the other stuff).

I haven't read her later stuff as closely, but fundementally IntraGalactic, Widgey Q Butterfluff, and Peppermint Penwell were the last of Steph's honest to god full fledged comics. It was just minis after 2011.

(My own personal view of the eras is....
Era 0: Pre-2000 stuff that's mostly lost
Era 1A: Flying Suit Reiko, Porkydex, Muertitos 1-3
Era 1B: Itazura Hakase, Muertitos 4-6, Dystopia.
Era 2A: Muertitos Genesis, Creamy Beamy, all the colored art from 2004(last year of significant fanart output)
Era 2B: Creamy Beamy Arc 3, IntraGalactic, Widgey Q Butterfluff, Peppermint Penwell.

Era 3A: Patreon works 2014-2019, mostly colored, similar style to prior. A Sensible Girl.

Era 3B: Patreon works 2019-2024. Increasingly minimalist and low color art style, drop in output significant (Uninvited Ghosts).

She got broken by the SLG Disaster and Burnout, quit for a bit, returned, art quality may have been the best ever, but the writing was gone. By Era 3B the art was notably getting more minimalist and the output dropped, I'm guessing the age issue and menopause and crap was catching up around this time.

Now she's gone.

A lot of people wonder what could have been(especially in regards to 2008-2011, most people are happy with how Reiko and Muertitos concluded). What if Creamy Beamy ended properly and got the sequel series? What if Intragalactic had a full length run? What if that Burnout never happened and we got an extra 5 years of webcomic Steph.

We'll never know. In prior years I expressed hope that maybe someday, she would return. It's over now. She left last weekend.

Goodnight guys. Keep this thread up..for her. People ought to read this. I'll dig up scraps in the morning. It's been 13 hours....
So... this is like, fetish art, right?
>fat gain
>forced feeding
>mind control
>implied masturbation
No a fetish in a sexual context means you need it, require it, to be satisfied. By your own admission there’s a ton of different things so not a fetish.

Now a comic full of kinks, a kinky comic? Yes. Very yes.

Also what Loli? Piper’s like 30(just has a brain worm is all) and Scratchi is both hairy and talks like a grizzled Russian Grandmother on helium.
By that logic Totally Spies was totally innocent.
>what Loli?
How far in are you?
By the way I do want to make sure I'm not misunderstood: I'm not saying the comic is bad, just that it seems like it was made solely to satisfy certain fetishes to me.
I mean, some episodes were.
Fetish is like one specific focused thing, this is more like “Story about characters doing stuff that just so happens to have a lot of kinky and casually horny things happen to happen along the way”. Fanservice
Made to? This was made to tell sci-fi parody plots, Steph’s liked Futurama since it came out and Star Trek since forever.

Happen to? Yes. Honestly there’s fan service for everyone. Plenty of conventionally attractive guys and gals…well besides the skin tone I guess
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>some episodes were
>Fetish is like one specific focused thing
If you have five pages, each with a focus on a different fetish, the entire thing is still fetish art.
Yeah, just like Totally Spies was made to parody the concept of spies within a high school setting.
There's loads of fan service, I agree. Most in the form of fetishes.
You can't just draw a massive futa cock on a girl and say
>it's not fetish art! don't you see the boobs?!
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When is she becomes giantess or shrinks?
As a webcomic aficionado.

>chubby bitch with a black bob cut
You have my attention.
hhueheueheuehehe why am I not surprised
aw goddammit it was voreshit the whole time wasn't it, they almost had me fooled
no, this is one of their cleaner lettering jobs. some of the pages they've done for their own stuff over the years is damn near hieroglyphic
I can't decide which I like more, Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy or this one. I think I liked IntraGalatic better, mainly due to its side characters.
I've seen enough to know this is a kink page, and an overly specific one at that. don't know why boxing is so popular as a weird old internet fetish but there you go
And yet still no giantess stuff

No reward for a real zigga
Hmm. What an interesting little comic. A bit weird but interesting none the less.
>Which design do you prefer, Ensign Ben or Captain Glee
I enjoy the progression from one to the other.
Smashing is an inevitability regardless of her weight, honestly.
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Honestly Steph’s style of humor was pretty consistent from beginning to end.

This strip is from 98, redrawn in 2000, all 3 of the jokes still feel like ones she’d do a decade later. Style is all there.
I have always wanted to make that but I don't have any good quality card for it
Has this artist realized yet they should draw funny porn strips instead of these cheesecake dad joke strips
They did. It was a change for the worse IMO.

Also, Dad Jokes? Cheesecake? If you those go read the previous two comics Muertitos and Creamy Beamy.

Might I suggest The Death/Hulamutt Hour on the comedy/casually horny side

Ah, he's supposed to be an axotyl. Can't be a webcomic with a reference to those things.
This comic is horny, has obvious fetishes, and even has the occasional tit but is there actual porn for it?

I think this guy has a fetish.
Just one?
>gonna do the character files

Captain Benjamin Glee
Noble captain of the mighty Neopolitan-class freighter “CVS-0008″ – long may its hallowed name ring in song and story! Benjamin’s interests include giving the enemies of Earth a good fisticuffing around the sense organs, seducing multi-hued space boys, and signing her publicity headshots.
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Science Officer Piper Kaufman
An expert in xenobiology, especially parasites. One day, she got a little too close and her brain was gruesomely devoured by a newly-hatched alien worm which commandeered her body to survive. The resulting entity has a huge guilt complex as a result, not to mention crippling body image issues. Piper also doubles as the ship’s doctor.
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Chief Engineer Rusty

An age-scarred veteran of over four hundred distinct wars, Rusty has spent the bulk of the last few centuries repairing pipes and wiring and finding what’s making that damn noise. Over 90% of the material in his body was originally shrapnel that was easier to hammer in than pull out.
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Acting Navigator Axl

A lyrical child of Mother Water, Axl drifts through this life on an ethereal bed of clouds and pixie shavings, sending his musical emanations hither and yon throughout the universe. Primary function: the captain’s boy toy.
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Morale Officer Poid
A handy device advertised as being able to execute any task, the extent of Poid’s abilities are as of yet unknown, but due to its chipper nature it was placed in the position of Morale Officer. So far it’s won acclaim for always having a metaphorical shoulder to cry on, and for the shareware copy of Grandma Poid’s Scrumptious Homemade Brownies on its harddrive. The secret ingredient is the application of heat!
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A mysterious stowaway who claims to be a lost orphan. Adopted by Rusty, whose grasp on organic biology is loose enough that he doesn’t find it odd that the “little girl” in his charge has a full bosom and hips, and displays pictures of several generations of descendants on her dresser.
>change for the worse
point me where I need to go to see for myself
isn't Benjamin a guy's name
That's actually disgusting not funny
If a 24 1/2-th-century male drill sergeant can be named after Emily Dickenson, an 80th-century female ice cream delivery captain can be named Benjamin.
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Some official art of Future Benjamin. This is from 2015 I think.
>no bob cut
Also this one from the same era
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Here's the website header
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Now onto some of the fanart I've found, or at least the ones tasteful enough to post.
at last, some real fucking food
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ok that's enough fanart for now.

BTW, at the end of last weeks thread we found someone named ShivasThong has the missing Flying Suit Reiko pages. Not sure if contact has been made
I decided to delude myself into thinking it was a Benjamin Briggs reference
We’ve found this. 3 people on BBWchan tried to contact, YouTube blocks links so I don’t think anyone’s gotten through
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Here's the little button that was on the side to take you to the sales page for WQB
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And here's the Peppermint Penwell button.

There was still one new original copy in stock as recently as last year, but it's all gone now
I've heard people say there's a scan archive of them online somewhere? I've never seen it. But I am curious. Penwell especially was the last full work of this type Steph ever did.

If they can be found I'd gladly storytime them later this year
Seeing if I can scrap togther some more fanart to cap off another successful storytime.

For context, at some point after this-

And before this

Flying Suit Reiko dot com went down. We don't know exactly when(though I'm guessing near the end of that range, maybe shortly after 213), but that's when FSR, Old Muertitos, and Dystopia went down along with a bunch of old art from 2000-2004.

IntraGalactic's website went down in May 2020.

The DA went down last week.
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Oooh, nice and official.

I know she kept doing stuff until...last week, but the 'good old' Stephanie died in April 2011. That's when Penwell came out. That's when FSR's website with her oldest works went down. That's when IntraGalactic ended.
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>Found some one page comics of the era on the site. Lot's of text. Like triple the limit. Sorry

I have both of these books but I don't want to mess them up scanning them.

Which board is the BBW-ch thread on? I've looked and cant find it

Here. You looking to give it to Shiva or you just want to chat once this thread dies?
This is so cringe.
Thanks OP
Bit more kink than usually go for, but characters were fun.
Good work saving this from entropy.
I just want to see where else we are on archiving stuff
Thx OP
I'm probably asking this because I am a perv who is used to all kind of weird shit but, is this comic really that kinky? Yeah, the main character is horny as fuck and it's obvious that the author has a thing for chubby/fat girls, but besides that, most of the comic is just wacky sci-fi.
Now Gorgeous Princess Creamy Beamy... that's one hell of a kinky comic.
cute chubby girl
2008 a time ago
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Good thread OP.

Remember to Vote for Cheesecake this September

That's kind of stupid, isn't it? The doctor is just a zombie being used by the maggot on her head. Slitting her throat won't do anything and give her more reason to have the gremlin arrested.
Huh, so the moons is covered in grass and cows now? That's cool.
For all intents and purposes the parasite just replaced her brain so if something happens to the body it still dies
I’m starting to suspect this is a barely disguised situation, but I’m enjoying the comic too much to care
Honestly how subtle they are depends on the comic. They’re all probably tame enough that if you enjoy the humor and writing you’ll be fine, that’s the intent, but some lean more fanservice than others.

Flying Suit Reiko has the most nudity and like, standard anime tier stuff(Ranma was a big influence for the slice of life side and you can tell), GPCB has the most blatant author’s kink stuff, mainly in the middle arc with you know who. Intragalactic and Dystopia are generally more focused on the genre parody and less kinky, but they still do their thing.

Muertitos is hard to put in a bucket because some arcs are completely PG like ironically the one with the serial killer or No Boom, and on the other hand you have Spears of Heaven which is literally just a WG Story that also rips on celebrity culture. And everything in-between, like Death/Hulamutt Hour which basically takes the Totally Spies approach
It’s funny that even Stephanie at her absolute most unhinged horny power, when she’s in her mid 20s and we’re getting stuff like Spears of Heaven and Vs Gratuitous Bathing, it would still probably qualify as being more plot driven and humor focused than 95% of erotic material in that genre. It’s fucking funny. It tells jokes. The fact people who aren’t into anime tiddies or fat girls or all the minor kinks thrown in still read and enjoy most of her works is why Steph was such a fucking legend and why I miss her.

There’s a scene in Muertitos which is basically a big boob cow girl transformation backstory and it takes advantage of your expectations to tell one of the funniest fucking jokes I’ve read in a webcomic.

(Also, I have seen a couple pages of Widgey. Style wise think Arc 3 of Creamy Beamy meets the first Arc of Intragalactic. It’s a fun one)
> why Steph was such a fucking legend and why I miss her.
Did she come down with a bad case of dead
retired and nuked all content.
Dead is more honorable
to be fair this wasn't like other artists who periodically nuke. This is just outright retirement after decades of web presence. It's sad though and I wish she didn't do it.
Got badly burned out and then fucked over by SLG, spent 3 years making shit for them to secure a contract(which had been her dream since the early 2000s, she had tried once prior in 2003) which lead to her two webcomics being neglected, only for SLG to completely fucking collapse within 6 months.

Then after a couple years of quiet she came back, money was an issue, it was more profitable to do single page porn commissions and short 10 page horny comics than tell full stories. She was saving up to do a full text adventure game when the money was there, and she got close, but the one two punch of the Adpocalypse, Subscribe Star Fiasco, and then the Pandemic ended that.

Then age set in. Stephanie was born April 8th 1980(yes that’s public info). She was in high school when Reiko started, in her early 20s during the failed first deal, 25 when Creamy Beamy started, 28-31 during the SLG shitfest, 39 when the Patreon lost half its money, and is 44 now. Menopause and hormones and shit happened, she’s not in that game anymore.

She’s been a Librarian for nearly a decade. She’s going into doing children’s books. Having 29 fucking years of kink art on google is a bad look, SLG doesn’t mind, but Scholastic does. She gave her fans 3 months notice for the DA and 6 months notice for the Patreon, 3 of which are free. This isn’t Ultrahand just running away and nuking everything over Twitter drama, this is coordinated. There’s a lot of respect involved
The internet she rose up in doesn’t really exist anymore, does it? Corporations moved in, everyone felt the ad money pinch, after gamergate everyone got political to a fault, small forums got gobbled up by Reddit, Skype killed the chat room and Discord killed the Skype. It’s fucking claustrophobic. She probably would have gotten cancelled if she had kept going the way she had been 1998-2011 so publically, which is funny since Steph leans left.(I mean no duh, but she kept it out of her comedic horny comics. Worst you’ll get is the occasional joke against 80s satanic panic era stuff or one line supporting Civil Unions).

She’s working in a library in a small town in Wisconsin, she’s persuing art in new forms, I’m happy for her. Given how these stories tend to end that’s about the best outcome I’ve heard of. I’ll miss her works, especially from the 1999-2011 golden age, but I’m glad she made it out ok.
I talked to her on patreon and she said she still has the pen-and-paper muertitos comics in a binder. I asked if she'd ever put them up and she said she was embarrassed of them but didn't rule it out
>civil unions

Honestly that one joke in Creamy Beamy really just sells the different vibes of the day online. It’s a quick gag, after mass fish murder and scribbling outside the lines and before Soviet Olympic Team Corruption, but yeah at the time that wasn’t a thing where she lived. Two states had civil unions, one had gay marriage, and gay sex had been decriminalized a year and a half later. Completely different climate online regarding that shit. My mom’s Bi and from that era, nothing like the 20 somethings you see nowadays.

And even back then Steph still poked fun at there being too many goddamn new letters in the acronym or her objectifying women for the horny on the regular.
If we’re talking jokes and age, there’s a gag in Muertitos where one of the girls plans to go into Flash, become a new grounds star, and walk amongst the all time greats like “Germaine” and “Marzipan.”

Both Neurotically Yours and Homestar Runner are still on.
Ultrahand was not wrapped tight, took criticism very poorly, had weak excuses for story concepts and generally got attention for latching onto TLH fandom until we realized he was Black Guy Artist With Fat White Girl Fetish #3275 but not much backing it up. All we did was push him over the edge by doing edits of his last harem concept.

Yeah my wife did that for about 10 years and now she teaches speds. If you, er, she wants to hide her past from Scholastic drop the wiggle lines, they're a huge fetish art tell often associated with furries.

>Getting old
I was born in 1967. You I mean she's nowhere near old yet.
Oh shit its still up. Between this and Creamy I’ve been eating! Thanks. If it’s somehow still up tomorrow I’ll do the last of the fan art. Next up is Muertitos, which is the longest of anything she ever did, like 590 pages discounting the character files and the old paper drawn run, closer to 740 with them.

I’m considering new formats with that one. Like one thread for every ‘major’ issue, twice daily, for like a week. Massively reduces the daily strain.

If I ever do Flying Suit Reiko again I’d probably handle it that way too. It massively underperformed this year and I suspect the long length + rough looking early issues + my mismanagment caused it.
>lost her mother in a giant rat trap
How brutal.
Fuck, Marry, Kill.

IntraGalactic girls edition.

Who do you pick Anon
There’s a descriptive on the nd page, but essentially the entity is 95% Piper. The parasite is built for hijacking animals and kind of mindfucks itself if it tries to attach to something sentient. Basically the maggot got corrupted by all of Pipers brain crap and now it’s her, except there’s vague instinct memories of being the worm that attacked Piper which causes all the anxiety. That and she’s self conscious about the worm on her skull.

The worm at this point can’t detach, it mindfucked itself, it’s Piper, it can’t go it alone. Piper’s body would die without the brain and the worm is too interdependent on it to live without the body.

So yes. Scratchi is a perfectly normal earth child and does not need to be examined any further.

Glee, Piper, Scratchi.

Ivy is adopt
Fuck Benjamin, marry Scatchi, euthanize Piper.
>euthanize Piper

Pity this comic didn't get more time, I enjoyed it.

Nice of you to regularly storytime these comics.
Wormy girl!
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Why is the line different?

Was it censored when Steph released the HD scans or is this a ‘changed at the last minute on the website to be better and this original is from before’

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