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Perfect for baiting on /co/.
Those kids ain't right
why did they butcher the original pride flag anyway? it used to look clean and straight not sexually forward before and now it's as mutilated as the privates of the tumor on the left
why the brown and black anyways? race has nothing to do with pride whatsoever
why does iceman have that giant feet? O.o
i only recognize Iceman and America Chavez
Lmao me too.
Since when is D-Man a faggot?
To be more inclusive. Its the same reason that there is a black National Anthem. Someone decided that the American mentality of equality is exclusively a white people thing.
>Since when is D-Man a faggot?
For at least 20 years.
Im more disgusted by the feet than the fags 2beehonest
Because it's a progressive flag and part of being a progressive is never leaving well enough alone. It's like that old Jim Shooter analogy that he was great at polishing rusted cars but he would keep going even after he was done to the point of wearing a hole into the hood.

So the progressives will always come to a point of general consensus but then keep going to the point no one reasonable could support their views. It's what Paul said about gnostics in 2 Timothy 3:7 but it applies to these nerds too.
and let's be real, that's the only reason anyone is on /co/ anymore anyways
good artists don't want to draw gay shit
Where did this happen?
D-Man is not handsome this cover is deceitful.
It's really old. I don't remember exacly when, but it was around when he was getting some recognition and being developed as a character. Soon after we discoverd he was a homeless bum.
Where the fuck have you been?
D-Men was outed 10 years ago.
He is handsome since the Captain Marvel comic drawn by Kris Anka. Now he's a super model.
Wait, this shit at the left is Dazzler? Since when she is homo?
I realized this too. The gay specials always have the most bottom of the barrel art
That's horrific
>2018's lockjaw miniseries was 10-20 years ago
Dang, time flies.
She's not, the artist is just a huge Dazzler fan

And included her in this as a Queer Icon
Dazzler is gay?
I really don't care about homeless super-heroes.
She’s not.
Her son Shatterstar is though.
She’s just an ally.
I really like PAD writing but
>Her son Shatterstar is though.
This will never not be stupid
As reader repellent 11/10
This remark is meant to therapitize people no longer being interested in even the MCU and make you feel you’re in control of your relationship to the board
"The revolution doesn't end at your comfort zone" is a way I've heard it phrased
who is that whole ass black man on the bottom right, as well as the dude wearing spectrums costume?
outrage bait / 10
Where is Hulkling? Doesn't he tear apart Wiccan's asshole with his green shape shifting cock and leave him farting cum bubbles? Doesn't he talk to other couples about sticking their dicks into the hole shit comes out of and frost coating their turds? Why isn't he here? He is committed to fruitless relationships, after all.
The truth is "the revolution doesn't end." Which is to say, the revolution doesn't start.
What is it about this art that makes it gay? Like even I didn't know who these characters were and the flag wasn't in the background, this drawing would come across as obnoxiously queer. Why is that?
They are not doing super heroic poses or acting aggressively as if they are on their way to fight a villain.

All this just standing around and smiling, without being dynamic, is queer.
The hair, eyes and lips are all very gay. The men look attractive to other men, the women are attractive to no one. Like gays and lesbians in real life!
Why? Just why?
I wish they would add the Palestine flag to it too.
Turn it into a victim card flag.
Imagine larping as a Jesus freak on this fucking website.
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10/10. The cover should give you an idea of the content and I know everything I need to from this image.
Every Night I Pray For A Cleansing Rain /10
10/10 just for Tempo
>no Gwen
what is this erasure?
God I hate Anka.
Yeah, it's an infinite game really
Hulkling is in his new form since April. The guy wearing Monica Rambeau’s outfit.
That’s Hulkling’s current Kree look.
Dazzler is stealing valor. Also it doesn’t line up right for a cover.
mentally ill for having the desire, objectively immoral for doing the act.
That's Northstar

It was a good lie, some people might have even fallen for it
But the name of the image in OP is "Marvel Pride 2022"
Trash/complete radioactive waste.
It's not even worth wasting the Kilowatt hours to shred this thing and line a hamster cage.

Fuck Marvel. Especially fuck DISNEY. Into the goddamn DIRT.
And sadly, Northstar.
my desire to commit hate crimes grows further still, every day. I'm going to wind up ex-patriating to escape said *ALLEGED* hate crimes. they're not hate crimes. Faggots of all ilk deserve physical removal from the human equation.
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> my desire to commit hate crimes grows further still, every day. I'm going to wind up ex-patriating to escape said *ALLEGED* hate crimes. they're not hate crimes. Faggots of all ilk deserve physical removal from the human equation.
God willing, he finds some autocracy that will give him a reassuring boot on his neck.
Better yet if they restrict his internet access. Then he might finally find peace.
Because people accused philadelphia pride (some local organization) of being racist and having all white leadership. They responded by putting the black and brown stripes on their gay flag, then still shutting down anyway amid further racism allegations. Retards liked the flag though, so variations began to pop up. The one that stuck is the progress flag, which some fag copyrighted and profits off to this day. Companies love it because it lets them virtue signal the entire world but only have to buy one flag/sticker. Its entirely a marketing device sold by a hack based on deflections by racists.
The type of cover that "90s comics are bad" people would eat right up out of contrarianism.
You know its not the issue that they're all faggots. Its the fact that faggots can't design an iconic superhero to save their lives. Some bootleg Superman rip off has more personality than any of these characters.
The primary issue is that being gay is like the central theme and part of their personality, when it should be treated as mundane background information.
I think it's possible to have an LGBT character work, but it shouldn't be demonstrative and gimmicky.
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Its okay to be wrong anon
You're right, the issue is they're faggots also.
1. the coloring is just awful, it's soft and flat and the color contrasts are all off just terrible, looks like a complete amateur did it

2. got a lot of who?'s here, although based on the horrible northstar design i might know them but can't recognize them

3. nico's design is ok, shame on the artist for dumbing down her cool staff

4. northstar is unacceptable, the hair is the wrong color, northstar was a dignified gay and would never ware peach lipstick and a 5 o clock shadow, the haircut is pushing it too, and his costume has no ab definition but super round tits? embarassing 0/10

5. the drag queen at the bottom, whoever she is, has a terrible color scheme, none of those colors go well with that skin color

6. d-man and america have terrifyingly soulless eyes

7. i think the first time this artist ever drew tits it was dazzler over there, holy shit, tell me without telling me you've never looked at boobs before

all in all it's pretty bad, it feels embarrassing, cause it's trying to be hip and sexy but everything just looks so bland and lifeless
like, whatever your gender or sexuality, is there anyone in that group that you would want to fuck? have those lifeless doll eyes stare into yours? gross
Its shaped like it though
>Rate this cover
You can literally tell by the watermark that this isn't a cover

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