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What obscure /co/ characters do you like?
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How obscure are we going?
Ban-Luck, agent of G.R.A.M.P.A., was introduced in Slott's Mighty Avengers 15 years ago. According to Marvel Fandom she appeared in six issues of that series and never again after that.
And I basically just like how she looks. Very cute design.
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There's a shit ton of DC and Marvel villains that I like, ranging from serious threats to guys who just want to earn a buck. Take 8-Ball for example; he's just a scientist with a gambling problem that decided to turn his pool obsession into a villain theme. He's got exploding billiard balls, a cue stick that repels shit away with significant force, and a flying rack ship.

His villain career isn't the best, but it's neat that he's now rolling with Moon Knight's Midnight Mission
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Forever and always
She’s very cute
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Fauna Faust, daughter of Felix Faust and sister of Sebastian Faust. Evil hippieish lesbian sorceress who appeared in a couple of issues of the '90s Outsiders series. Got brought back for a Raven series from a few years ago and killed off. The bit of her personality is enjoyable and her design is honestly great.
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I personally find the rabbit in this animated short to be very cute.

Shame Snakes don't have asses
Aphrodite IX is a favorite
Chance is my boy and I generally like when he shows up in a story. He's the definition of a good filler villain.

I'd say Moon Knight has definitely upgraded him some from Z-list but we'll see if people continue to use him and/or the hero turn sticks once MacKay is done.
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The White Dragon (the Spider-Man foe, not the DC white supremacist guy). I like his wacky ass early costume
He shoots flames out of his nostrils, that's some good shit right there
>writer visits a gimmick strip joint
>next day:"Oh boy, do I have an idea for a villainess!"
I wish they created more characters that way. Kids nowadays probably don't even know striptease with a python was a thing. Dang animal protection laws.
How could they not? Never seen Bladerunner? Kids these days...
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too much clothes
I used to be able to say Devil Dinosaur...now look at him.
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Legitimately a WOAT redesign.
If Spider-Man wasn't so stuck to the good guy role, he'd have a circus older woman for a wife.
A few, actually. Part of me wants to see something done with them new, but the rest knows not to wish on that Monkey's Paw.
>Prez Rickards
Only lasted for 4 issues before getting canned. Issue 1 is fantastic, 2 is silly, 3 is surprisingly poignant at the end, and I honestly can't remember 4. Got a Vertigo Visions, an issue of Sandman, and a modern reinterpertation by the guy that did the Flintstones comic.
>Brother Power
Lasted 2 issues before getting canceled because the Editor didn't like that the hippies in the story were portrayed as dumb kids instead of communist subversives. Got a Vertigo Visions, and an appearance in an issue of Moore's Swamp Thing.
Jack Cole of Elastic Man fame did a Spirit ripoff. Admittedly I haven't read any of his old stuff, just a backup story in some Young Animal imprint book, but I love his shtick, a locally famous news announcer with a distinct voice solving crime at night and trying to hide his identity when every man, woman, and child in the city can identify him with their eyes closed.
Ok you’ve sold me on this guy I love him
Had this cover as a kid solely because I liked how he looked
love me some heart shaped cleavage holes
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too bat the tron bonne metal panty look never took off.
too bad she doesn't fucking exist anymore, thanks Disney
It's an awful design and you're never going to see them again since Disney transferred them from Marvel to Disney proper.
Brother Power also got a Brave and the Bold issue written by J. Michael Straczynski.

.t only other guy on this site who has actually read Brother Power's appearances
Any of them.
artist's name? Kaare?
Marcie Cooper version of Harlequin. Was only in Infinity Inc.

She's a super cunt who blackmailed Obsidian and attempted to honeypot him but kinda failed at it and then pretended to be his sister to try to fuck him
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Surprised she never appeared again. i thought the 90s Harlequin who tried to fuck Alan but was fucked by him instead was her, but the wiki says otherwise
>nooooo muh wheel shoes muh hair streak :((((
Dumb mousecuck
The Vamp/The Animus is a delightfully retarded concept.
>I am sexy femme fatale
>My power is to turn into...a giant brained cave man that shoots psychic blasts but also just bashes shit with a club made of crystal

The fact that someone said "that's not worth keeping, kill her off" and that NO ONE has said "wait, lets permanently resurrect her and have some fun with this shit" is just baffling
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Probably a step above obscure but I've always loved Stingray just for his sleek Golden Age style design atypical of the Bronze Age. Not surprising because he was apparently designed by Bill Everett.
Would be interesting to see how she'd interact with the Harlequin's Son character that got retconned into the new canon
Yeah the 90s Harlequin was just a oneshot character. If they changed her outfit some to make it less coom obsessed and edgy she might could be a filler Injustice Society member.

>she tries to seduce him too only to find out Michael is also gay
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Always liked how he swoops in and saves the day at the last minute and yet nobody seems to to give him credit for it
I liked that he understood the corporate bullshit of the modern day and tried to stop it. Would like love to see a mini where he took on a caricature of Purdue pharma and burned it to the ground.
They weren't originally supposed to be the same character, it was a later writer who thought it would be funny.
Fair enough, but they are the same character now, and that's what's important.
In your pic, yes

skin coloured nightie?
I was so confused looking at this at first because he looks so much like Hawk.
Yep, the last person to use her/him/them was Joe Kelly who made it into a big transphobia joke.
>Joe Kelly who made it into a big transphobia joke.

Oh ffs.
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It was white but the coloring in Infinity was sometimes not the best.
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I wonder if these guys are related
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>Infinity Inc
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This goes on for both issues where Vamp appears.
wasted potential
Your initial phrasing had me thinking the joke was more cringe than this. This isn't bad. All this is is "wow, you're hot...oh no, you're gross now".
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There's cringier jokes.
Major Victory's suit is sweet.

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