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This really didn't fit in with the show. Way too mean-spirited, seemed like something from Family Guy and hurts Smiling Friend's pro-positivity and wholesome atmosphere
Retarded take
Fucking retard
Pssh, Shut up, man
Bill Bye
retards like you and the tumblrina portion of its fanbase take it too seriously, same way said retards take shitpost shows like ATHF and South Park
lol what?
>not a gif
You can't just kill off a real person you don't like in your cartoon. I'm surprised Zach was even able to do this. Imagine if not Bill Nye, it was your mother? Yeah, now you see my point. More people need to be talking about this.
ok bye *shoots*
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i read this in sam hydes voice
Context is key.... nothing about this is saying he should die. Its literally a random death. Because he was singing about Death. Thats the fucking Joke.
does he really not like Bill Nye?
I grew up with Bill Nye. :(
This is gonna be great when Bill Nye actually dies and everyone is just quoting the episode.
>Imagine if not Bill Nye, it was your mother?
My mom was a horrid human being so that'd be based
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Please, South Park has been killing real life people constantly.
Blog about it.
that yeti gets pegged in the ass hard against his will by his wife and that's why he's such a angry fuck. his wife was probably fucking bent out of shape from hearing rotten's screaming and took it out on him, but he's too much of a pussy-whipped faggot to tell her no and so he takes it out on others
Neither of the creators endorse Trump. Stop creating false dilemmas in your head, retard.
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>Pim the world we live in stresses me out dude.
>Really? Why?
>Just like never-ending constant chaos, it- it never lets up. I hate it. It's not good.
Not to mention Family Guy, American Dad... I think Simpsons have killed people that exist as well in their show, gotta double check that.
i wish the daily threads where actually funny and not the same bs meme of one joke of the recent ep over and over and over everyday.
also i just finished the whole show and s1 really peaked and the only good eps in s2 for me are gwinbly and charlie and pim vs the aliens, wich is not much to say...
my favorite part of s2 episodes was when charlie kissed pim :)
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girlfriend? yeah that is fine by me, charlie plays for two sides after all.
>Only certain posts deleted
This means either Janny is specifically picking those posts, or all of those posts are done by the one dude, which is funny.
the way he seizes up makes me laugh but also scares me it's like too real
>implying there'll be an internet for you to post that on
Can someone make a video with Professor Psychotic's monologue from the start of the episode but the audio is muffled like you're hearing it from the other side of the wall?
Call it "POV: You share a wall with Professor Psychotic"
cope, hole
wtf is wrong with you
wtf is wrong with you
nothing much, just eating ice cream.
season 2 was better then season 1 honestly
Fantastic, another Frownfag episode
smiling friends is a pretty nihilistic show idk why people think it btfos nihilists
hate bill nye so it worked for me
>You can't just kill off a real person you don't like in your cartoon

I don't get it. How can nerve gas do that to the human body?
Fuck off Bill. Its not an attack on you personally. Learn to take a joke.
what flavor
>childhood edutainment icon dies horrificly in the middle of a song explaining why death isnt something to be feared
this isnt mean spirited, you just cant divorce a joke some culture war shit because you suffer from brainrot.
He was okay. He was surfing with mr boss at the end albeit as a ghost.
>the same fucking thread
>with the same fucking first post
2 seasons in and they haven't had a single youtuber cartoon persona joke?
Spongebob already beaten them to the punch
Didn't know Bill Nye browsed 4chan
you're so right, it was indeed mean spirited, bordering on outright bullying
wouldn't be surprised if hadel and cusack both got arrested for committing disgusting hate crimes like that
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The real Doug experience
If you don't want to end up in someone's cartoon, don't go around acting like a cartoon character
This show has had gruesome deaths before. I don't see how this one is different.
Also, heaven and hell exist, so he'll just be chilling in the clouds now.
Tumblr and Twitter are the causes of the stress he's referring to.
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eh, i prefer S1, but 'cause it has some of my fav episodes overall, but the series is great in general.
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>so he'll just be chilling in the clouds now.
he's chilling in the waves
So it was a reference to when Nye's career died during the my vagina song?
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>be Charlie Dompler
>be in a loving relationship with qt redhead glasses gf
>fujoshits keep shipping you with your bro and praying death upon your girl
it's annoying yet kinda funny to see so much people overthinking this scene, when the joke is simple, anyone can die, everyone will die, but no much people will do it while singing about it. It's absurd, that's it.
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oh don't worry, these retards are in self-destruction mode now.
was this scene really necessary?
Yes, Bill is happy.
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It was kind of an Ironic way to die seeing how lighting a globe on fire and preaching like an idiot killed his career irl. See it's kind of like poetry, it rhymes.
it was strawberry. a bowl of strawberry!
lol so fucking good
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like fucking clockwork
like pottery

it breaks itself
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This is even better than I imagined
Bill Noy (the science goy) is a big boy anon. He can take it, and in fact deserves it.

What the fuck on earth
Above and beyond, well done anon.
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I'll say this is the first time I'm seeing one of these shitheads neigh the idea of two basically MIDDLE-AGED adults being in a relationship because of heccin age gap.
I can't imagine what drives this sort of retardation.
>I can't imagine what drives this sort of retardation.
It's just Cancel Culture fags looking for something to screech about.
"I don't like that ship" is all it's ever boiled down to. People will happily ship age gaps openly (remember KiGo?) but it only becomes problematic if it's a ship they despise.
he doesn't look happy
It's more of a stoicism or absurdist show.
>smiling friends is a pretty nihilistic show
It's more absurdism than nihilism.
Absurdism is a better rhetoric against nihilism than positivism.
>Charlie is 27 and has a pacemaker
Faggot opinion.
Too much Salty's does that to you
one thing I did not like about season 2 was how they started referencing/advertising/name dropping brands and other real stuff (subway, burnout revenge on the ps2, bill nye)
comparing it to season 1 I don't think there were any real life references I can recall, so it feels like when season 1 was over, adult swim told zach and michael they could mention whatever brands they want without worrying to pay a fee or facing a copyright lawsuit
>smiling friends is a pretty nihilistic show
You think? It feels really optimistic to me. Things have a way of working out, except in the alien party episode I guess.
This show is utterly atrocious. I don't know who Bill Nye is, but I'm now his biggest fan because apaprently he's hated by unfunny halfwits.
I hate this show and the scaphism-deserving spammers that can't stick to one thread it attracts, but that's just a retarded way to pick your interests.
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>Season 1
Extremely positive message, good ending with every episode, happy morals at every turn.

>Season 2

What the fuck happened. They unironically became Frowning Friends.
Only the pilot was good. These guys had exactly 15 minutes of content in them.
>Extremely positive message
False, there's a lot of death
>good ending with every episode
False, some ending are bleak, Frowning Friends and the Halloween episode.
>happy morals at every turn.
False, it's absurdism, not positivism, the show is constantly presenting positive ideas in an absurd setting, it's a parody of positive shows.
The pilot ends with their client being happy because he shot something.
The Halloween special proves Charlie's point that people are fucking insane and normal people can't enjoy a harmless holiday with them around.
Zach is obviously trying to chase off the weirdos that slipped into the fanbase. He doesn't want le heckin wholesome audience, he wants people who can understand a joke.
>Pim is 34
What in the shit?
I love my friends and I love my God and I love my country.
It was a prank and from their perspective it was either that or get locked in hell forever.
They don't though, it didn't go their way.
The alternative being? We all have to accept death, the show is actually quite nice on death. The afterlife is real and death only changed the Snowman's form.
from what i've gathered if this theory is true, it hasn't really worked thus far. Guess that means he'll lean even harder into it next season, especially after seeing fujos lose their shit over Zoey
Season premiere is just Charlie and Zoey having slow, passionate sex for 5 straight minutes.
bill nye is not my mother...
>Extremely positive message, good ending with every episode, happy morals at every turn.
I remember that positive ending where Mr Frog ate someone on live tv and got away with it.
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that but unironically
Did he ever say this or anything like this? I mean, if he did then he obviously deserves to be parodied, but I've never heard of Nye saying anything like that. This seems really pointless if they're just making up a scenario to skewer him with. The worst that can be said of him is that he's obnoxious and preachy about the planet, not that human life isn't worth anything.
So, this is the famous brain rot I've been hearing so much about lately.
arrest, douche
>filename: vex me
I still can't believe he freaking died...
GTFO eggless whore
Didn't expect them to reference the fact that he was part of the pedophilic groomer cabal in his song.
sex bad, violence good
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Of course people who don't like SF are officially faggots.
>Lily Orchard
Why does the name sound familiar
“The God Delusion” gag was 10/10
But Charlie passes the half-your-age-plus-7-years test.
The more people complain about this, the more I assume this was done to bother people who still treat watching Bill Nye in 6th Grade was the height of their scientific education and only see him as a children's presenter.
When does that happen?
When he showed the little abominations that were neither birds nor bees
I think that’s more of a Genesis 6 reference when they made the animals into chimeras.
Probably some retard who's desperate for morality points forgot that an age gap of 7 years at 18 vs an age gap at nearing 30 are two completely different things
Not that I care if 18yr olds choose to pursue 25yr olds. It's not ideal but they're adults and its their choice
>Shitty fanbase
>4cucks talking about how the shows bad now
Wow, its a real show now
wrong thread
Didn't realize Charlie was a LAW Chad
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Im not watching your video.
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Pim apologized.
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Thats better.
Wow, thanks for the heads up! I'm absolutely going to draw them fucking now.
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>This really didn't fit in with the show. Way too mean-spirited, seemed like something from Family Guy and hurts Smiling Friend's pro-positivity and wholesome atmosphere

Yeah, that song needed more vagina.
BTFO brainless bitch
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Who was this bitch?
What episode was this?
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Massage Lady in the Salty's episode
That's Pim's fantasy with Shrimpina.
(cont.) this means Pim thinks Charlie and Zoey gonna break up at some point.
do you think they actually intended that, why would pim think charlie and zoey are gonna break up? or does he think zoey will die young
Pim was riding the bulldozer
Based Latina enjoyer silver fox Charlie
That's a jump, they probably just aren't that serious
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Fantastic. Made me smile on how ironic it was.
they've said before they have a huge document with tons of retarded pedantic lore planned out so i wouldn't rule it out
Allan's silence is deafening
It's an Absurdist show. Pim has the sysiphean task of making people happy and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
Pim is older????
He raped his sister and also has famously bad opinions on almost everything.
absurdism is a branch of nihilism
Why is this getting spammed?
Absurdism and existentialism both accept the premise of nihilism (life has no inherent meaning) but reject its conclusion (therefore nothing matters).
it's the closest the show has ever gotten to something tangibly political and the kiwifags on here are still riding that high
They literally made an episode where a pants-shitting retard runs for president. The Bill Nye scene isn't political at all, people are just projecting irrelevant culture war shit from a decade ago onto it.
still plausible deniability there. maybe political was the wrong word, it's the first time the show has made fun of a public figure which appeased the stylings of the gossiper dramawhores on here
Glep's video title should've been a bunch of gibberish
>made fun of a public figure
They didn't, though. The only way you could think this is if you didn't watch the episode.
Which, I suppose, is probably true of a lot of people commenting on it. But personally, I think it's the neopuritan schizo who keeps making these threads.
>They didn't, though.
it's directly satirizing the sanitized and tone deaf approach edutainment, specifically bill nye, takes when explaining complex issues with serious ramifications in conceited and sassy little songs.
>I think it's the neopuritan schizo who keeps making these threads.
assuming everything u don't like is coming from one guy is mega retarded, there's just a lot of twitter tourists here obsessed with drama
>it's directly satirizing the sanitized and tone deaf approach edutainment, specifically bill nye, takes when explaining complex issues with serious ramifications in conceited and sassy little songs.
I thought something similar when I saw the clip, but in the context of the full episode it really feels like it's just meant to be an absurd contrast. It really doesn't feel like commentary on Bill Nye specifically.
>assuming everything u don't like is coming from one guy is mega retarded
Yeah but in this case it's the exact same thread almost every day, plus a post near the top calling the scene "mean-spirited." If it's not the schizo it's someone else trying to stir the pot.
She’s just jealous because she doesn’t have a nose or a mouth.
i have no mouth and i must rape my sister
>assuming everything u don't like is coming from one guy is mega retarded
just one problem... the neopuritanfag is too obvious. Yeah some other people don't like the show neither, but they're more logical about it. Neopuritanfag is quite easy to spot.
>in the context of the full episode it really feels like it's just meant to be an absurd contrast
it's both
>in this case it's the exact same thread almost every day
that is suspect and i think it's plausible the same guy is behind each of the bill nye threads calling it "meanspirited" every time but idk how that links back to our neopuritanfag. A more probable theory is mr enter farming input for a smiling friends video cuz "meanspirited" is his catchphrase, but most likely just a dramafag
His sister no doubt wishes that wasn't all he was missing.
Did this actually surprise anyone? Zach and Oney have ragged on “trust le science” bugmen for years now. The obvious pastiche of Rick Sanchez + Bill Nye exploding were part of the same joke

What makes it different from your usual South Park joke is that Charlie is genuinely torn up over his death.
>>144313951 is also right
>but idk how that links back to our neopuritanfag
My thought was that he was putting on a new persona and trying to make /co/ hate the show by spamming this thread, but now that I think about I genuinely don't believe he's smart enough to do that.
Zoey first appearance was after the shrimp episode wasn't it? Maybe Charlie just hadn't met her yet and Pim doesn't want his friend to die alone. It's a dumb theory, but it's mine.
did they intend to portray charlie as one of these people? they've shown him to be a bit of a trashy moron but nothing about how he mourns bill points to this
OR charlie and the massage girl were dating at the time and met through the boss getting massages or whatever but broke up before the halloween episode
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I'm proud of her.
He was portrayed more like the kind of people who fondly remember Bill Nye as a part of their childhood, but didn't hold him up like he was Carl Sagan or felt "betrayed" when he did that Netflix show.
if you're over the age of 25 you're free game in the dating field. Let alone 21 being old enough to drink alcohol in most states, or even be 18 to DIE for corpo interests.
Also a good idea.
i think it's funnier and more in character if they had just met once or twice and pim was just shipping them
Send this to cusack, he loves this shit.

You don’t actually think that at all.

You fucking faggots, all of the threads about this are chock full of b8 troll's false flagging fake outrage from Christfags pretending to be offended atheists every single goddamn day.

I have not seen a single fucking offended atheist ANYWHERE about this gag EVER. Just the Christfag schizo troll posting b8 here to 4chan nonstop every fucking day since this aired.

How fucking stupid and gullible are you people!?
neopuritanfag is an atheist who is genuinely offended
he's the only one though
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How? Because her twin sister made an appearance?

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