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How would you improve the show
On-screen sloppy tribadism. With pussy juice trails.
Eda is the main character.
>Get rid of Gus and Willow
>Get rid of Raine
>In fact get rid of most of those pointless episodes in Season 1 and focus more on Eda actually teaching Luz instead of constantly fucking off
>Get rid of the shapeshifter plotline that went nowhere
There, now you have a solid 7/10 cartoon
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>Focus heavily on Luz and Eda's relationship, this will be the show's core without interruption
>Hexside is less relevant
>Get rid of most of the extended main cast
>Keep Lillith. Keep Hunter. Merge Hooty and King into one character somehow
>Hunter is a potential love interest, but doesn't have to be and could stay as an ally, best-friend to Luz
>Mattholomule is still around and is my boyfriend

Easy fixes.
Big twist that Belos is, though misguided and long since fallen to witchcraft himself, basically in the right about the nature of the Boiling Isles; it is Hell and that is a bad thing (to put it very mildly; it's a terrible thing, unimaginably so).
King is the actual ultimate villain; he's the Antichrist, destined to bring about the end times and lead mankind astray when he comes of age.
Luz's adventures have been staged by a demonic conspiracy to make her a human host, caretaker, maternal figure, and ultimately sacrifice for King. Once she becomes aware of this, she has to tear herself away from the people and powers tempting her in the Boiling Isles, rejoining her family on Earth and reacquainting herself with the Catholic faith of her ancestors; she is thoroughly exorcised and it is a happy ending. She has saved the world, at least for a little while; more importantly, she has been saved herself, as have those who love her.
The whole Boiling Isles setting was an illusion crafted to feed into Luz's weakness to fantasy scenarios. Think Coraline, or Mabelland, or, hell, the second episode of this very show. That was in-universe predictive programming; they deliberately exposed Luz to a scam-within-a-scam to make sure she was really as much of a gullible idiot as they needed her to be. Witches are generally much less pretty than they look; the physical reality of what's going on in any given episode of the Owl House is that Luz is getting extremely high and writhing around and getting hurt in a grimy pit of disgusting creatures.
1. Luz isn't a lesbian

2. Amity keeps her fun personality

3. Hunter becomes emperor and fucks Amity's hot older sister.
Make Luz a boy.
Belos should have been introduced earlier to give the early episodes shape and to start the on-going story line. Even just him receiving a report of human in the BI and making a vague "now it begins" type comment would have help the show.

Absolutely none of this.
1. Luz isn't a lesbian... willingly
2. Amity keeps her fun personality, and winds up owning Luz
3. The Blight twins fuck
This would solve so many issues
[one finger on the monkey's paw curls]
Luz now decides to become a boy over the course of the show.
By not making the same thread subject about it every week
Ok. New thread topic.

Why doesn't Luz just buy a gun when on earth and use it vs Belos
>Luz transitions
>Amity breaks up with her because she's not bi
Would be pretty funny.
Now you're just taking away the selling point
You know what's funny? The fact that bisexuals are the only kind of people willing to date trannies and trannies hate them for not being monosexuals
Nobody went into episode 1 expecting lesbian spam
I don't like lesbian spam, but it's a fine cost to pay for a waifu-dense show. The real problem is just the creators' politics, and you can't fix that so easily.
Sure man whatever
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>but it's a fine cost to pay for a waifu-dense show.
>The real problem is just the creators' politics
"Waifu dense"
>Focus on the early concept of the setting being more traditional fantasy, adding a culture shock for Luz to adapt to rather than something !notmodern
>Use every idea here >>144304382 except the last thing on that list, and throw out Hexside completely
>This >>144304328 is also good
>Make Belos an antagonist with actual competence and not a whiny moron
>Actually do something with the subplot about Hunter's ghosts haunting Belos
>Give the museum guy a redemption arc; at the end of the day, he's a guy coping with childhood trauma and trying to prove something big to a community that never believe him
>Luz's mother is absent enough to warrant another straight man, which Lillith should have been but wasn't consistent enough to be effective as one
>Address Luz's likely autistic behavior
>Avoid filler episodes, for which S1 was most egregious
>Give a bit more history about whoever it was the original Hunter fell in love with
>Give Witchlings an actual weakness to balance out having a magic organ
Anything else?
id make it so that luz had to learn the things she was supposed to learn at summer camp. she would learn that she could cooperate with other people without completely having the "spark" stamped out of her.
But everyone went into episode 1 looking for the spic cunny
Too much to say honestly, but we could start by reducing the cast. It's way too fucking bloated and filled with redundant characters
>Hooty and King are both comic relief
>Gus and Willow are both Luz's school friends
>Amity and Hunter are both former antagonists who get redeemed through the power of love
>Lilith and Raine are both characters important to Eda who she has mixed relationships with
Here's what I'd
>Combine Gus and Willow since they're both underdeveloped enough that not much is lost if you keep them as separate characters.
>Season 2 spends way too much time developing Hunter who feels like a thematic retread of Amity, so also combine them (leaving us with a single love interest who is related to Belos)
>Drop Raine entirely and focus on Lilith since she gets way too little focus
>Additionally, drop all the secondaries no one cares about (Tibbles, Mattholomule, etc)
You think she was supposed to learn that at summer camp? I always assumed it was supposed to be one of those "pray the gay away" camps.
>Additionally, drop all the secondaries no one cares about (Tibbles, Mattholomule, etc)
Tibbles is obviously supposed to be a recurring shit-tier villain character, like, a Gideon from Gravity Falls type. They kind of lose the plot with him, but he's a redeemable concept.
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>>Give the museum guy a redemption arc; at the end of the day, he's a guy coping with childhood trauma and trying to prove something big to a community that never believe him
Finally somebody else appreciates Jacob Hopkins. I don't remember any of that "childhood trauma" stuff though, isn't that what they did with Rubin Chen from TGAMM? You sure you aren't mixing the two up?
That's exactly the problem, that he's too similar to Gideon in being a pig-like cartoon villain. It could've worked but it's really obvious that the writers never actually gave a shit about him. He was a network mandate like Hexside, and once they got an ounce of creative freedom they abandoned him. He's easily the most half-hearted character of the entire show
Although he has a shittier implementation than Gideon, the basic concept feels more sound.
frequent wardrobe malfunctions that leave luz and amity nude and in close physical contact together. I was promised lesbos, I want it cute.
Strike this; reverse it. Make Luz be feminine.
>the emotional throughline is firmly between Luz and Eda, their surrogate mother-daughter dynamic is the heart of the story
>cut out most of the supporting cast since they're genuine padding, trim it down
>rework Amity's entire emotional throughline into Hunter (make Hunter a girl if you want)
>make Belos and his brother being the ancestors of Eda and Lilith actually mean something (when Hunter discovers who he really is, Eda chooses to care for him as a new member of her home)
>similarly, rework Raine's emotional throughline back into Lilith
>make Belos be correct about witchcraft, but ultimately not right in how he handles the situation (Belos believes crushing authority is the cure to rampant chaos)
>have Hunter fight and defeat Belos in the end, if not at least win the ideological battle between both brothers
>make the worldbuilding more distinct, imaginative, and fantastical rather than "modern contemporary world but with sanded down fangs"
>go for "Rick and Morty but they're girls and it's fantasy" as the selling point
Belos wins.
I don't care if Belos wins. I just want Luz to lose.
Stick closer to the premise of the pilot.
Make the school and area they go to often but Luz is never a student.
Keep Amity kinda a bitch even later in the series.
They magically lobotomize Amity to make her a better love interest for Luz to manipulate her. That's why she's like that later in the show.
I know, she's still poorly written and can handle such a relationship way better.
It's below shonen trash level of writing.
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This is my headcanon for Luz's anime taste.
Owl House being Owl House, they'd be replaced by generic fictional equivalents. Any ideas?
Something like White Hearts is the easy option for Black Clover
For Fairy Tail, a clever name would be something like Eden Master or Rave Zero but since this is Owl House I'll just say Pixie Heads.
Indeed just remove all that garbage about Eda being lazy and looking for excuses to NOT teach Luz.
If you say in episode 1 that you'll teach her, you can't just slack the next 10 episodes doing nothing.
Also, for the same reason, the episodes where Eda discourages Luz from going to school, if she is going to send her to school after Luz gets annoying enough anyway.

How would I improve the show then? Fire those retarded writers and get normal ones. So much dumb back and forth that, I get it happens when you have 10 different writers, but that it shouldn't if they communicated and stopped stepping on each other's work and ideas. Actually I guess fire the director too since it was her job to oversee and prevent this
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>Agree on a tone from the beginning
If the execs insist you eat your veggies and make relateable jokes, then workshop some really good ones. "Penstagram" and "Hex Mix" ain't hitting.

>Commit to the bit with the horror
A doppelganger? An Anthony Fremont-style child god? Both cool unsettling concepts that they didn't follow through with and just turned into cute pookie enbies.

>drop Hexside
Not only does it make the B.I. too mundane but each and every character in that school is a lost opportunity for a new setpiece. Have Luz travel around to meet her friends.

>Hooty needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Whenever Hooty's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Hooty?".
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Make it Xian
Just give it a real season three.
I’d change what happened with Vee. I’d instead have Camila not believe Vee wasn’t her daughter and chase Luz away. After that I’d have Luz and Vee talk it out and Luz actually agrees and leaves to stay in the boiling isles and Vee is her replacement, on earth.
Honestly, my biggest problem was the sheer amount of times that characters just randomly decided they liked Luz because the plot demanded it. Like, i feel she should have had quite a bit more adversity. I mean, the most aggregious of these was that point where Principal Bump literally goes:

>"Well, that request goes against literally every law of our country, but because it's you! Yeah, why not?"

Bump being an ally is fine, but i think it should have been a little less contrived. I think the Multi-Class students should have been forced to remain in the shadows and maybe have it be a twist that Bump was supporting them the whole time. "You really think a bunch of students sneaking away from classes was beneath my notice? No, i always wanted to study more than just one type of magic. So, i've been blind for the sake of helping you kids."
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>hetero racemixing
Begone spix
Make Amity brown as well then
Luz is straight and marries Belos
Force Dana to listen to 10s of hours of innovative Catholic creative philosophy inspired by things like Lord of the Rings
>in b4 lgbtq lashing out at me because they know I could fix it
With how vocal people are of the problems in shows like TOH, SU, or Star Vs, it's a wonder people even remain "fans" of them. Feels more like people are fans of the idea than the actual show. Or just stick around for the shipping.
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I can't really say that it's an "improvement," but I did get to make an Owl House that was more aligned to my sensibilities.
Remove the school setting side of it
It sucks that you have a decent enough premise and then flush it down the toilet for dime a dozen school setting.
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TOH is actually very Christian but Chuds are blind to such things
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>pic related
But seriously, while I love canon Luz and X!Luz is a bitch, Amanda >>>> canon Willow
A show like this needed to a total of 4 seasons.
Trying to tell stories as deep with lore like this cannot be restricted under the "Disney branding" that Disney and every other soulless company wants characters to be. The only benefit this show had was the Disney vets for animation but imo, indies have consistently show to have not just copied the masters, but mastered them better than them at this point. Well, almost, the only pro that still hasn't been rivaled is James Baxter.

But I'm willing to sacrifice that just so a show isn't cramped into a 1 seasons format of shitty slice of life shit and 2 seasons of catch up.
>t.conservative's Owl House
More like your worldview is useless and isn't worth caring about since you're not making entertainment like Dana is.
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Most of these people are fans at all, they just wanted a different show they were "promised" by a bait and switch first episode designed explicitly to appease Disney mandate

Eda's entire character from her past reveals she's literally not a great character. She's rash, she's impulsive, she's carefree. She rather do whatever was fun instead of do what she should have. Why the fuck would she have ever been a teacher of all things that way? That's why Lillith took that role (she was originally the head principal of the school in the pilot ffs)

Most if not every complaint about the show is about not getting what was "promised" from Episode 1. There's never been a single product to ever make whatever was "promised" in the first episode stick because that's not good story telling. You're ALWAYS suppose to advert expectations to build hype for what's to come later. Every single Anime did this and no one complained. Most if not all western works also did this, it was only when "the politics" switched it became a problem.

Luz was never going to be taught how to do magic because the very idea is retarded. She just wanted early help to get the idea first, but the entire damn point of her very being is, like Eda, to do WILD magic, aka, NO RULES JUST TOOLS. She was never going to do it "by the book" so what makes you think she wanted to actually be taught how to do magic by a professional teacher? Luz wants to wing it, that's how she always worked, she's rash, she's impulsive, she's carefree. If anything, the only other way to have created this kind of character as a teacher is if they straight up ripoff Miss Frizzle 1 to 1. Be unconventional. That's literally the entire message of the show runners "politics". Go against social standards. Its clear the haters are conformists.
*aren't fans
>put a focus on the wonder of the world
>magic school be about magic instead of petty drama or magic adjacent hijinks
>have eda luz and king actually share a plot instead of constantly splitting up
>either remove gus and willow or give them "problamatic" elements to clash with luz and not be perfect friends
>remove the fucking pride pins
>establish that the world matters but isn't the end all be all
>luzlow is better then lumity
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Well put.
Go for the pilot episode for episode 1 and work the story from there (maybe modifying it so Luz's mom is also there), hire studio Trigger for the animation production, make Bob Chapek stay away from influencing anything, give it a third season
Why is Amity dress as a whore?
Have to agree, I hate how the treated Eda. She's fine, but could've been even greater is she was shown as more flawed than what the show tells.
Actually put Eda and Luz in a mentor-student relationship before jumping to a family one.
Keep King Eda's roommate and equal, not her adopted child.
Define what the different magics can do and can't.
Either get rid of Gus or rewrite him.
Make parts of Luz's titan form permanent at the end.
What's wrong with Gus? maybe on season 1, but Gus season 2 is was interesting and had a good dynamic in the group.
They were clearly struggling on writing him in and giving him something to do. It's very unbelievable how he was able to out-illusion the Coven leader despite very little build-up to his capabilities. There was nothing in the show that showed him being exceptionally capable compared to other illusion students, and then suddenly, he's OP.

As for character dynamics, he didn't really fit it until season 3/end of season 2, when Hunter became more involved. He's a decent pal for Hunter, but didn't have anything going on with Luz, Willow, or any of the other girls. No one actually saw him as a "guy," they just saw him as a "not a girl."
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I'd say S2 was doing things right, and while I enjoyed S3 had it given a proper number of episodes they would've fleshed out some characters more
Maybe Gus and Willow should have gone the Multi-Track route

There were like 9 main covens and it feels like they barely explored most of them like Oracle or Healing or Potion Making or Beast Tamer or Bard
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>Nederlandse invasie, alle flikkers gaan naar de zoutmijnen
>Belos just wants to go home
>flesh out Caleb to be an asshole for dragging his little brother into another world
>make the murder an accident while the two of them were arguing
>make all the cloning sort of a vain attempt to have him bring Caleb back with him
Luz moet GEKOLONISEERD worden.
>The show wastes 90% of season 1 and 80% of season 2.
>These shows need 4 seasons to tell their story!
If we follow the pattern, 4 seasons would be cumulatively exactly one season of content if we remove the worthless episodes, so I guess it checks out.

Or, you know, if they wanted to tell a story then quit it with the retarded worthless episodes.
Did anyone like Belos as a villain?
Post your work. Go ahead, validate having one season of "getting to the point", faggot.
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Give Eda her real love interest
Keep the premise from the first two episodes.

Luz is actually an apprentice to a lying, cheating, criminal witch. Each week Eda sends Luz on some random errand, that turns out to be some illegal thing.
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I'm just gonna say it. This nigga is cute.
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More corruption of cute girls
*In fan art
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In the show too, before he got the mustache.
>before he got the mustache.
Passable reasoning. Still could be better.
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You can't fix garbage like TOH. Disney canceling The Owl House was the only good thing that happened to this dogshit canceled show.
Well, that's the end of this thread.
Cartoons used to have underwear/butt jokes, if you had to choose one character from this show where they'd do that joke with who would it be?
Having it be Eda would be objectively funny because she’d be wearing granny panties
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>Let there be no more evil between us.
>My people shall be your people, Luz.
>My crown, your crown.
>My curse...
Owl House already ended a year ago after Disney BTFO your wokeslop cartoon, Owlshits.

Literally no one cares about your dead show and your dead thread spam, not even your page 10 necrobump cope could save this dogshit show garbage writing
End the thread already
>jobbing faggot Bitchlos doing anything other than jobbing like a pathetic cuck
Don't you have your Raine tranny self insert boot to lick? LEL
Lilith. Eda made a wedgie spell just for her annoying sister and uses it every time she starts evil monologuing
Just ignore the schizo.
This, delete Raine and make Lilith Eda's failed love interest and not her sister.
You know Dana Turdrace is a hack-shitty writer when the fans refuse to even accept the show's canon garbage writing.

We all know Owl House is shit, but this takes the cake.Cucklith could never.
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Eda is only interested in Raine tranny cock
Remove Raine
Remove Willow
Fix Belos
Add Boscha to the main team somehow while still keeping her asshole personality
A couple more seasons instead of three 40 minute specials
Drop the school shit and introduce Liz’s elf friends at the send of S1.
Have S1 focus mainly on Eda and Luz like the show advertised from its poster
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Oh look, it's that guy who save like a hundred Reada pics and tried dumping them all to "troll" the fans, but nobody cared.
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> All the suggestions that were given to improve the show are essentially saying to remove the show itself
The absolute state of the owl shitted house. It feels good to be Amphibiachad.
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Amity is straight and the main character
My unironic answer would be something like this:

>Keep Amity as an antagonist for waaaay longer. She can still fall in love with Luz in the end, but for most of the show she should be Luz's rival at Hexside. Explore her relationship with her family earlier, their expectations for her, and how she struggles to live up to the Blight name and how she feels like her status is threatened by Luz's newfound fame.
>Also related to Amity: IIRC In "Covention" Amity is shown to be Lilith's apprentice, but the show basically forgets about this afterward. I'd keep Lilith as Amity's mentor as a sort of dark mirror of Luz and Eda's relationship. Maybe with Lilith's jealousy towards her sister driving her desire to train Amity even harder and Amity's jealousy towards Luz doing the same
>Don't reform Lilith, make it so that Eda refuses to forgive her for cursing her and she stays in the Emperor's coven
>Completely ditch The Collector, he sucks and is just a shittier version of Bill Cypher. Make Belos the final threat
>Make Emperor Belos a more compelling antagonist by emphasizing his similarity to Luz, in the sense that, like Luz, he came to the Boiling Isles primarily to live out his childhood fantasies of being a witch-hunter the same way Luz came to the isles to live out a fantasy of being Azura. Belos is essentially would Luz COULD become if she refuses to grow up and move past her ideations
>On that note: change the whole message of the show. As it stands the show as written is basically a Mary Sue fanfic where Luz, a antisocial weirdo who refuses to control herself not be autistic, is endlessly rewarded for being extremely childish and for running away from her mom when Camila only wanted what was best for her. The show needed to deconstruct and criticize Luz as a character way more, because she really is very selfish and needs to learn to just fucking grow up

That's just off the top of my head
>Amity is straight
Dead show
Dead thread
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Literally canon!
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More Owl Beasts
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More Vee
Ignore him he says.
>>Give a bit more history about whoever it was the original Hunter fell in love with
Double checking, Hunter is not (based on) Belos' brother, is he? I thought Hunter was just an orphan from that realm
>Saddest page 10 necrobump by samefag
Dead show
Dead thread
I seem to recall this show wasn't actually "huge" until it went LGBT.
It was still semi-popular, but it wasn't the main cartoon at the time until the Grom episode.
Ahem...i...enjoyed the show despite the many fumbles it had.
That’s being generous anon, nobody really cared about it other than a select few in a thread most people dropped the show at that point, until the gay.
asexual lilith is invalid
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It's pure cope to hide her sister complex. Also, anything out of the animation is glorified headcanon.
Didn't someone on Twitter made a better version of the show?
How so?
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She was robbed of literally everything. The only thing she had left was the Pain Sharing Spell.
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I want to have sexual intercourse with every single character in this show except Raine
Nothing wrong about that
All these ideas suck.
I want to cum inside eda
Make it more about the setting itself and less focused on stupid side plots that go nowhere. What made s1 so interesting was when Luz was just exploring the boiling isles and finding her place there. Its what made the end credit scene in s1 so iconic.
S1 was shit
Less lesbian kid stuff, more Eda transformation to counter her curse: cat, fox, hawk, etc.
Where would she get earth money? Too young to work, parents aren't rich.
They get off on corruption, and bi's are already compromised. This whole thing's satanic.
Then why do gays hate them and they hate gays?

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