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So genuine question but with the rise of main stream popularity of anime (specifically shonen ones) in the US since like 2017ish. Why hasn't any major studio over here tired to capitalize on that style? Action/adventure animes aimed at kids and teens are just so widely popular over here yet the best we've gotten in an attempt to recreate that is one Superman cartoon and a couple of a shitty adult series. I don't mean for this to be an east vs west thread nor do I even think it should be the standard for american cartoons. I'm just genuinely curious as to why it hasn't been something they've tried in mass by now.
What did you think Avatar was?
Avatar, Teen Titans and Xiaolin Showdown already did this over 15 years ago. Adventure Time getting as popular as it did showed American studios that you could do serialized stories without copying anime.
That was almost 20 years ago though. Considering how trend focused American animation is I'm surprised it hasn't been attempted again.
The Japanese animation pipeline can produce them faster and cheaper than US companies can. It'd be prohibitively expensive for any US-based studio to match the output and quality.

This isn't me complimenting Japan or saying they're better at animating, though. A lot of their speed/cost cutting is built on aggressive exploitation of animators. Just look at the shit Mappa's been up to.
Old enough to vote is what Avatar is.
Western writers think they're better than anime, they will reference it put of admiration but won't admit they have anything to learn from it.
Americans don't really consider typical action shonen to be "for kids" they see it as a teenager/young adult thing. There are different standards as to what kind of stuff kids are allowed to watch. So its hard to convince an executive that its a good idea to make a violent show for children, because the idea is inherently offensive/absurd to them. At best, you get something like Avatar. It has action and fighting, but it isn't too violent. Characters mostly dodge or just get pushed around/restrained, even when there is fire getting shot everywhere. And these kinds of shows are still less desirable to executives because they still cost more money and effort to make good animated fight choreography.
That's what the cgi He-Man cartoon tried to be
I mean isn't invincible essentially just our equivalent to a shitty shonen anime adaption though
It makes some pretty big changes so no.
Was animated in Korea.
Isn't invincible on an adult channel?
Cultural differences imo, Americans think animation is for kids or for comedy, it’s a lot easier said then done to change a bunch of boomers minds and get them to pump out serious animated shows of completely original ideas left and right, the American animation industry is also sort of dead atm with only indie animation finding success on the internet. I have no friggin clue how you could directly adapt something as autistic as capeshit comic books though honestly and even with non capeshit comics people still want to give their own twist or remake of things like with the Scott Pilgrim show so I dunno I personally think it just comes down to how the boomers who run the studios and companies see things and how differently animation and art developed in each side of the world
Atla has good sound design so you could feel the action even it wasn't that brutal.
Western is controlled by the jewish, which means very cheap
>He thinks nip shit isn't
You do know Japan falls under western sphere
No, Japan is eastern.
More like 2013, due to AOT being a massive worldwide hit.
No, only geeks and nerds were watching AOT, normie anime is something like Sazae-San and Chibi Maruko-Chan.
He's correct, though. The Jews control all of the avenues that the Japanese auto industry use to export their cars to America, so it's very easy for them to shut it down entirely. There was an incident in the late 90s where a Japanese magazine published an article questioning the holocaust, and the West Coast Jews basically walled the auto industry from exporting cars until they saw to it that the magazine was shut down.

It's also why anime is way more leery about depicting Hitler now than it was in the 90s.
>The anime that is rising in popularity is comedy, not shonen
Really? I hardly ever see purely comedy anime series getting discussed often outside of weeb communities. Meanwhile stuff like Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen were literally everywhere, you couldn't escape them.
Don’t give famicom (you)s
Uhhh they’ve tried this multiple times already with shows like teen titans, avatar, ok ko. You could also argue Amphibia and Owlhouse as well for this. Heck even samuari Jack. The problem is to networks there’s never been a massive success to them from it. They just see small dedicated fandoms.
Why would you post a bunch of old shows in relation to a discussion on which types of shows are currently rising in popularity, in the current day?
Bro, no one has heard of these anime shows for kids outside Japan/Asia. Being a weeb was heavily looked down upon but after AOT's massive success, normies were suddenly addmiting that they enjoy AOT and other popular shonenshit.
It's called Ben 10
Everything else usually gets cancelled
Stop replying to Famicom
Read >>144309370
Spy x Family?
Yeah but that's irrelevant to the discussion. We are talking about what shows are gaining popularity at the moment. Not stuff that was popular back in the day.
Dude, because of the internet everyone has heard of those shows, and they're for all ages, only geeks and nerds watched AOT, when normies when it comes to anime were watching Heidi Girl of The Alps and Anne of Green Gables.
I don't know who that is
Only for the lolis (really just Anya), nobody gives a rats ass about the rest of the IP.
Sakuga otaku, people here use his name as a "Whaaa.... Muh gated image board..." whine when all he wanted to do is make anime more normie friendly.
Local schizo, as you can see he is obsessed with shows from last century nobody cares about anymore.
Just ignore his posts
Not true, heres the gist of the guy >>144309443
It is honestly baffling that say, DC hasn't pursued a multi-cour Batman series just re-adapting all the major beats in the comics (Solo years -> Dick -> Nightwing / Jason -> Death in The Family / Knightfall -> etc etc) or a Superman series doing something similar, but I have a few reasons why.
>Western studios don't get anime
They really don't. People reference Teen Titans and Avatar, but those copy base aesthetics and not what actually makes anime something you can make a lot of, which is basing most of your techniques in cutting corners. Ask the average Japanese animator what they favourite anime are and you'll hear a lot of Dezaki, Matsumoto adaptations, Toei TV anime, stuff like that, and all of that cuts a ton of corners. The core inspiration for Gunbuster was a tennis anime where none of the background characters had faces and most shots used two or three colours for whole backgrounds, while the characters themselves were primarily composers of colours chosen to stand out from those backgrounds. What made that anime great though was the direction, how Dezaki framed each scene transformed what could've been a terrible slideshow into one of the most significant anime of its decade- that's what anime is.
Avatar and Teen Titans aren't anime. They're western animation using western animation techniques and the need for constant animation with the skin of anime.
>The desire for maturity
The cruel joke of comics is that something intended for children to read and not think too heavily about is that they are now targeting adults. This isn't Snyder's fault, it's the fault of the industry. The edgy 90s gave way to films like X-Men and Blade, and while Spider-Man maintained the initial core of comics, the MCU turned it into drama televisions on the big screen.
Animation is not pursued because that's what the companies want right now.
They are not timeless, they are just what you remember airing when you were a kid. Anyone under the age of 25 will have no fucking idea what 9/10 these are.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a timeless classic. Its bringing in new viewers 25 years after it finished airing and sells merch by the truckload to this day. THATS what success looks like. Only a small handful of internet autists remember that Swat Katz ever existed. That is not a timeless classic, its just old.
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>Tfw One Piece and Naruto are almost 30 years old
The main reason is money. It's very expensive to make an anime series, but in Japan many of the anime series are used as a way to advertise manga. So the cost is lessened if the anime is a hit and the manga sales boom off the back of it. In America toy sales used to be what was used to fund cartoons, but kids now stopped buying toys and the action cartoons of the 80s and 90s kind of died out into the 00s.
I'm surprised that there's no Robins series. We already saw how UTRH is a major hit. The Robins in particular would definitely attract the anime crowd.
>with the rise of main stream popularity of anime (specifically shonen ones) in the US since like 2017ish.
Nigga that happened in fucking 1997, Naruto and One Piece were airing on major US networks in the early 00s.
Male MCs in stories about kin-protection and overcoming obstacles to improve themselves are anathema to the western comics industry. They can't even make a Blade movie without trying to have it be about strong women teaching life lessons.
1998 with Pokemon really.
>John Kricfalusi
Why bring him up specifically? Also the rise in cable TV made cartoons viable. That on top of Vidya games and merch like T shirts and such
1997 is when it was starting to get rolling with stuff like Sailor Moon and DBZ airing on various local networks across the US, but yeah 1998 is what really blew the doors open.
>OP is talking about anime popularity in the US
>retard barges in to talk about shit nobody in the US has heard of beyond the niche otaku demographic and acts like everyone else is stupid for not knowing what Doremi is
Seriously how the fuck are people still responding to Famicom, as soon as there's a mention comparing the girl from Hamtaro to Bugs Bunny you people should fucking know it's Famicom at this point.
I’m not familiar with /co/ namefag spergs. Please enlighten me
>I don't know how normies think.
Read this >>144309443
He's a notorious /co/ schizo that's been posting here for over a decade and has an obsession with very specific cartoons and anime that normally involve production from TMS in some way. His biggest giveaway by far is his obsession with the girl from Hamtaro.
The short and simple answer is that it's not as easy as it looks and western studios are not interested in investing in high effort projects that aren't award-bait or guaranteed merchandising mega-successes.
Newfags. /co/ is utterly infested with newfags that can't see obvious schizo tells.
Another pattern is continuous attempts to deflect when people point out it's him, either by drawing attention to a counter-narrative or just straight up lying and saying he's not in the thread. You can even see it happening ITT.
>schizo image
Nobody knows who this character is.
Most anime is not far above western media in terms of writing quality only artistic quality.
>17 years and mere 4 pages of content
literal who status confirmed
>people know who this character is
>just look at her porn!
She only has four pages.
I could choose any slut from an anime as recent as last year and get triple that.
Not the case, being mainstream doesn't mean a shit ton of porn.
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Season 1 of the top girl's anime aired Summer 2023, or literally one year ago, and she has outpaced your literal who.
Also not every girl needs to have a shit ton of porn.
>hurr she's mainstream because she has tons of porn
>she has fucking nothing
>umm ackchyually being mainstream doesn't mean a shit ton of porn
lel you're refuting your own point famicom
>barely any porn
>barely any fanfiction
>no favourites on any sites that let you favourite anime characters
Genuinely I have no idea how you could delude yourself this badly.
>I don't know how normies work.
Show us proof that the normies all secretly love this character nobody has heard of.
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You linked her wiki and porn to prove a point, and the porn got debunked, so lets try the wiki.
The bottom character has not appeared in any media for over a decade by the way.
He has none, that bitch is irrelevant and all he can do is cope and seethe about it on /co/
doing it right takes an immense amount of wagecucking

japan is fine with it but you'll be hard pressed to find a team willing to put in that kind of work in the west
>More photoshoped pictures.
Laura is extremely relevant.
If execs weren't fucking retarded, "dark" and "edgy" shows would be considered MORE kid-friendly than the sanitized slop they force feed us.

Holes, Warrior Cats, and Animorphs are all unambiguously "for kids", but Ameritard execs would never let content on that level fly in a kids cartoon.
/pol/ is that way
That has never happen, Shintos control the Japanese auto industry, Jews have nothing to do with it.
have you been living in a underground enclave for 5 decades? This generation barely knows the latter 2.
They know of them, thanks to MeTV Toons.
99% of the cast in these shows look white
Execs only view action shows as vessels as to sell action figures and that shit only sells to collectors nowadays
Reminder >>144309805
>Why hasn't any major studio over here tired to capitalize on that style?
They'd have to abandon all the culture and bullshit that plagues the western animation industry
Actually hire competent artists and animators with appealing artstyles
Tell "show runners" and "writers" to fuck off and that they aren't as important as they think they are
Get art directors who actually know how to draw, not some doodler who can't do actual interesting composition
>2013 all action cartoons are killed
>demmand still exists.
>anime fills demmand
>suits who cancelled action cartoons see this popularity and buy up anime

OP is a moron.

no studio is going to do that because the money behind the studios would feel more comfortable investing in japan.
Famicom, when are you going to go through with that suicide like you promised?
Such a promise was never made.
nigger name one funny comedy anime.
I've been browsing /co/ for like 5 years and I'm still learning about more namefag schizos‚ amazing
There are a ton of them, /co/ somehow has more schizos per capita than every other hobby/media board for some reason.
Even fucking /a/ has fewer schizos.
per capita /mu/ gives this board a run for its money, in absolute numbers /co/ is probably higher though
Wew, if you only know about a certain general in /vg/
I don't consider /vg/ a real board, it exists exclusively to contain circle jerks and schizos from /v/.
Warrior cats never got the chance, they sold the film rights to China over a decade ago.
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I mean theres been a couple but they're either not popular or too expensive to keep pumping out.
1.Fat pathetic middle aged "feminist" usually with danger hair oft white women
2.Homosexuals, the entire rainbow
3.People who just detest little boys men and masulinity in general
4.The people who make cartoons hates the audience.

As long as the above are controlling the narrative and purse strings they will eternally condemn young boys to watching creeper faggot trash.

That's it.
Look at most shounen leads now. No daring asshole hero's.
They are "grass eating" everyone get along faggots for the most part. Deku is the least liked hero in his own book for fucks sake.
Worse or the loveable LOL ME SO DUMB AND GOOFY type.
No, if anything...

>1999 quality comedy cartoons die.
>2006 comedy cartoons in general die.
>Demand still exists.
>Anime fills demand.
>Suits who cancelled comedy cartoons see this popularity and makes a fool of of themselves and harms Japan in the prosses.
I hope you die in the worst way possible
Normal people strongly prefer comedy cartoons over action cartoons, simple as that.
Oh thank god, based
There should be more
every normal person is either watching the newest action anime or watching an action movie
people crave action, not shitty adult comedies with crappy sitcom framing
No they are not, they are watching Bugs Bunny and The Three Stooges, they avoid action ANYTHING like the plague.

People do not crave action.
People do however crave funny animal comedies, but because what came out during these past couple of years has been so chinzy and quarter hearted it's easy to understand why every jumped ship.
Thank god for MeTV Toons for giving the normies want they want.
Because only geeks and nerds want shitty action cartoons, normies want comedy.
They need to animate better stories
Die in the most painful way possible
People really need to understand that aestetic fucking matter
Demonslayer only got big because of it's animation
The sooner the west realizes this the better our animation industry will get
Even slice of life cgdct comedy anime have points of good animation
Bokuyaba isn't a girls' anime.
>I don't know what normal people like.
>top girl's anime

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