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What was his fucking problem?
Sexual abuse
too many words apparently
The idea is that it's an eldritch representation of a rapist. Its only motives are to intrude, both in its targets' domains and their bodies, and painfully warp its victims into unrecognizable shapes.
Of course, saying "rape is bad" isn't a groundbreaking statement -- might as well tell me "fire is hot" -- but showing a representation of the aftermath and how inhuman such an act is does make for a powerful impression. Similarly, nothing wrong with a good fire safety PSA.
Life in the middle east
Our society is replete with these insane hyperboles, and you can't say anything without people thinking you're an apologist or secretly want to normalize rape.

The artwork shows the victim's body being torn up into an unrecognizable shape, her skin tented out in painful spikes and her whole body stretched into some visceral display.

If an alien came down and used this artwork to inform itself of the human emotional experience of rape, it would come to the conclusion that victims are catatonic and in a constant state of suffering ever after, and that the most merciful thing to do would be to kill them.
>the pussy game is ridiculous
>so I better get silly
I mean it gets the message of how horrifying rape is and in a unique abstract way.
Where ever he goes, he must also rape.
The problem is women think rape is empowering.
>If an alien came down and used this artwork to inform itself of the human emotional experience of rape, it would come to the conclusion that victims are catatonic and in a constant state of suffering ever after, and that the most merciful thing to do would be to kill them.
And that's why you'd tell them, "This is an abstract representation of the experience in the moment," if they can comprehend concepts like "abstract representations" and temporary-but-still-potent agony.
*feminists who have never been raped think *the victimhood of rape is empowering.
What's this from?
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Who would win between the visitatore and these guys?
What is that supposed to represent? Adopted families? In-laws?
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They're demon rapists. Comic is demonwood by Josh Simmons.
Why is modern so gay compared to creepypasta era?
>Why is modern so gay compared to creepypasta era
You mean modern horror? Cause Demonwood is from 2012 and the morning visitor is a painting from 1963.
>rape is le bad
Being spiky-shapeless and matte black usually confers a respectable power level. How are these guys different from the Crossed?
What do you mean? They can't be that old, I just saw them this year.
The painting of the same name "The Morning Visitor"
The memes of this were hilarious and how the Twitter weirdos complained made it even funnier. Edgy humor is back.
probably the largest map/territory problem in human history is the purely modern concept of 'rape', as opposed to ravaging, the older term of a woman who does not provoke a man's lust and even when not resisting is beaten or maimed by a sadistic soldier, sailor, or nobleman (but we don't talk about them). Much like today this is far more myth than reality, there is no perfect 'rape' much more than there is a perfect, platonic willow tree somewhere in the world. A map / territory issue that seems to be a genuine human blind spot, we all 'fill in the gaps' for the description and imagine the outlandish worse case scenario. However, terror was more common in the ancient world: armies need food so they campaign in summer during the harvest and march from town to town (their side or the enemy, they treated the peasants essentially the same, if you were LUCKY your alderman in a large town would literally bribe the 'friendly' army to camp somewhere else. In these scenarios girls and women were trained, if the worst comes, to just check out mentally and let the soldiers pass them around. Now these soldiers didn't just want sex, they wanted food and they KNEW the peasants were hoarding their seed for planting next year. What do they do? They torture the men. How? They rape wives and daughters in front of them, lop of the women's limbs starting with fingers after a train of perhaps hundreds of men fuck her (she is most likely dead by then, this could be a 8 year old girl, they gave no qualms because peasants are not human) even when it is absolutely clear they already got all the food available. This shit was ROUTINE. It was not considered 'rape', it was business as usual for centuries. Arguably they did worse to the peasants in elaborate tortures, but the women and children who were raped first often also got tortured in the same ways. Mass suicide before a FRIENDLY army reaches town was extremely common.
The modern era could never comprehend rape.
>And that's why you'd tell them, "This is an abstract representation of the experience in the moment," if they can comprehend concepts like "abstract representations" and temporary-but-still-potent agony.
The hypothetical is already based on them taking it as a metaphor.
I'm saying it's a wildly extreme feeling being depicted, completely out of lockstep with what it's supposed to depict, which something that's already horrendous.
>it's a wildly extreme feeling being depicted
Well... exactly. Fuck, if I woke up on a surgical table and don't remember going under for surgery, I'd probably go the fuck insane asking what all these people were doing in my body. That's the closest analogy I can come up with for rape, as a guy who as never been forcibly penetrated.
just like the romans intended
Whats up with the recent interest in rape media
memes and such tend to have resurgences. it was probably just never posted much in recent years until recently
The powers that be desire to normalize rape.
If you take this story 100% literally, it's confusing and frustrating.

Once you realize the story is allegorical, it's like "Oh shit. I get it."
in a sense it already is (rape culture is real, men work together in positions of authority to excuse rapists as well as being wary that their chattel --women, who are promised to be their slaves by society, the entire reason they put on the badge or whatever-- 'making up stories' to get out of their slavery obligations.) but the powers that be want to siphon off and control all individual economy (what we need to live, along with some surplus as insurance) by putting it all into one big fund that they can overdraw on (printing more money than exists very frequently, mostly for military industrial complex) and the way to do this is to INDIVIDUALIZE even further. No families, just single mothers with children to be indoctrinated into extreme isolation and alienation. This along with a million other plans to maximize the bottom line of all people's surplus. With a family, heaven forbid an extended family, you can invest in each other in your little group, to the power that be this is robbery. All excess money must exist in international funds which not-so-secretly also write all the laws and do the governing because elected politicians are too cowardly to do it.
I STILL have no idea what this thing is or what it's from.
It's the rape Shrike.
I don't know what a shrike is.
explain how
A cute, sadistic, bird that has hard-wired into it the impulse to impale its still living preys on thorns or wires.
Damn, well put!
It feels like it's gotta be allegorical. Like the same collection or whatever didn't shy away from showing a guy cut a hole in the bottom of someone's jaw and fuck their head. Maybe the idea is that, since he'd show that, the fact that you know he could but didn't here is a direct choice of teasing just how awful it's gonna be here, but instead it feels like instead it lends to not being 100% literal
Sounds accurate.
one should do the comic from the view of the rapist
>I'm horny
>No girl wants to fuck me
>Oh shit, this girl didn't lock her door
Always makes me laugh when men who can't even get the opposite sex to look in their direction try to understand and talk about rape
>Always makes me seethe
>men work together in positions of authority to excuse rapists
Oh fuck off, it's not just men doing that. In fact women are better at it, if a man gets raped by a woman he's laughed at, if a man tries to make a male shelter people protest.
Demonwoods the only good story josh Simmons wrote.
The amount of people who saw the original drawing and went "WOW THIS IS THE MOST INTENSE DEPICTION OF SEXUAL ASSAULT EVER AND I'M LITERALLY SHAKING AND CRYING AT HOW DEEP AND PROFOUNDLY POWERFUL IT IS. IF YOU DON'T LOOK AT THIS LIKE IT'S THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER OR EVEN DARE MAKE A JOKE ABOUT IT YOU ARE EVIL AND ALSO PROBABLY A RAPIST TOO!" just confuses me. Like it's really not as deep or crazy as people make it out to be, it just feels like the modern person is just so braindead and requires everything they look at to be straight forward and explained to them that the first time they're shown an actual abstract metaphor that they can piece together, they act like it's the most amazing thing ever.
This thread was so weirdly coy about the original so I went and reverse image searched, the only result was a twitter thread which was also really weirdly coy about its name or the original artist. After an hour I finally found it and it was really disappointing after having been so hyped for some gruesome horrific imagery by this thread and twitter.
You are right about people pissing themselves over it, there so many faggots seething about the memes
I don't get it

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