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The Zack Snyder posted it once, but who drew it?
Heroes don't do that ...
I DO know howeverth that that it is reference to this OG canon, but still...
They are criminals , they have always been criminals. Nothing changed.
Yeah, Snyder himself drew that. In one of the few times he was unironically based.

I wonder if DC realized how fucking idiotic this assertion was. In their eyes, heroes are shitty partners, apparently. Kinda tracks given their seething hatred for happy relationships.
i guess i'm a bad guy then
This whole debacle was stupid.
Alfred taught him well
i like how they never even mentioned catwoman in the dceu outside of this
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>I wonder if DC realized how fucking idiotic this assertion was.
It was never supposed to be a public statement, same as the "people in the DC universe do not masturbate" comment Gaiman always cries about. The real meaning isn't that the characters don't have sex, it's that they don't want the characters they put on kid's pajamas to be shown doing such things.
The older I get, the more corny I find making these characters adult comes across. They're literally on merchandise for 2 year olds.
Reminder that this whole thing was started by a writer for Harley Quinn being “told” by DC to remove an alleged scene of Batman going down on Catwoman. So it’s probably fake and just made up to get people talking.
Now you understand why I find Alias to be insufferably juvenile, then.
I thought Alias was dumb when I was like 12 and people used to post that panel of her masturbating to Johnny Storm or something.
you aren't a shitty partner for not wanting to do certain sex acts and they shouldn't be forced on anyone if they don't want to do them.
For me it's that page of Purple Man throwing a whiny tantrum about Daredevil, swearing like he's few "niggers" away from being an average kid on Xbox Live.
It's the first exposure I had to that comic and I found it, for the lack of a better term, cringe even then.
>"You aren't a shitty partner for not wanting to please your partner."
You're retarded
>They're literally on merchandise for 2 year olds.
Batman only had like 10 years of Silver Age where any of stuff inside was "acceptable" for 2 year olds

And those 10 years was in every essence alternative take on the character. Within a fairy tale setting where American police helps anonymous vigilante.
Oh and also within fairy tale setting where villains don't Really kill anyone as well
You can experiment with different and fun ways in the bed. You'd only be an asshole if you wait until the last second to say what your boundaries are.
Batman going to get throat cancer. Super throat cancer that is.
Fuck you mean "alleged"? That scene actually happened.
"2 year olds" is an exaggeration, but it was still meant for kids. could adults read them? sure. But that doesn't mean they were going out of their way to pander to seem more adult.
Treasure Island was a book meant for 8 year olds but is probably on the level of a teen or even young adult novel now. Standards change. Death or violence didn't necessarily make them meant for older audiences.
Yeah, it is better to teach kids about death and violence than about sex.
You are jewish.
That face is great. Catwoman's getting her pussy eaten so good she's checked the fuck out.
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>"won't anyone think of the children?!"-tier pearl clutching
This is the same company that had a a contest where you could call in to vote if you thought Jason Todd - a child - should live or die after being savagely beaten with a crowbar. The older I get, the more nonsensical I find that media still approaches sex as inherently bad while ultraviolence is fair game.
Also they slap Harley's face on kid's clothes too even though they had no problem with her lezzing out with Ivy on the same show the "heroes don't do that" thing came from. To that end, they're not even consistent about that argument.
>Mad Love
It sounded funnier in my head.
It is not really funny because it is fucked up how subverted by zog American golem project really is.

At least back when restrictions on superheroes killing, using guns, torture, kidnapping bad guys they also non retarded enough to make bad guys act soft and playful.
That was genuine way and straight up.
Not cucked "morality" Like now.

And because it is American pop culture it means it also affects youth worldwide.

Sick times.

Person that mutilates its own reproductive organs is fair game though, by the way.
It's okay anon, I got a chuckle.
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Extreme violence for these characters is also fucking stupid, punching and kicking, some blood, and even severed limbs is fine to a degree, but
I can't give my nephew a Batman comic unless I check it out first because it's gonna be rife with shit like this I can't give a 9 year old.
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>it's gonna be rife with shit like this I can't give a 9 year old.
They put "teen" right on the cover. At some point kids in the single digits age range stopped being the demo for mainline stories, for better or worse.
Tbh, I'd be okay with the more horror-focused Batman book, but I'd prefer if it was similar to Marvel's MAX label rather than mainline comic.
I've wondered that, too. In any case, kudos to whoever drew/commissioned the art. I would certainly hope that Bruce Wayne is a good lover and not just a schizophrenic autist.
>Everything is fake and for PR
>I am very smart and not twelve
There is no way to have an image or video removed from your own tweet with a takedown notice put in its place
>punching and kicking, some blood, and even severed limbs is fine to a degree, but
You are jewish. I already got it.

These characters weren't Aimed at sensitive pearl clutchers on what is "okay" for "9 year old", Superman and Batman were violent and lethal, and unlawful vigilantes disobeying law while at the same time working on the side of it.

THEN there was an ATTEMPT by people that DIDN'T create these characters, to sell it to pearl clutchers by pretending that punching people is 100% (while kissing is on the edge of it) safe (which is retarded and I know real life case when kid got killed, all these cartoons juveniling violence certainly didn't help to prevent dangerous situation) but also by making them into dignified helpers no longer being shot at by police or military. And at the same time with villains Also more than less playing it soft. Because they weren't completely retarded.

And fast forward we have American golem, violence and destruction is good, especially as its consequences aren't paid any damn attention at. While making love fucking act of creation is bad. With Wonder Woman now being in the role of just another superwarrior puncher instead of seducer from good side (Wonder Woman 84 is rarest exception) while Superman and Batman are violent cucks with empty threats bearing no consequences of their inaction and for peddling low test retard ideas of protecting evil people from death.

>Meanwhile at the manhating gold star lesbian's totally platonic male friend's place.
>Foreplay/birthday present.
>You are jewish.
The creators of these characters are indeed Jewish. And sold to other jews in publishing.
Sociopathic loser.
Got it.
PS. Jews are the ones who run the porn industry, push the sex while demonizing open discussion of it, and also try to sell the violence to pearl clutchers/and sell the sex and violence to kids as TOTALLY BEING YOUR OWN PERSON AND STICKING IT TO YOUR PARENTS TO PROVE HOW MUCH OF AN ADULT YOU ARE!!!
Which is just fucking stupid.
Eating pussy is a very boomer taboo. I remember hearing it used as an insult in Scarface and didn't get it.
The creators were one of them good ones. Nothing to do with majority schizophrenics and perverts.

You are jewish. Notice how you didn't even bother to write that I am wrong. And "sociopathic" in what way exactly? Your keen love just throwing out words.

P. S. The porn cries is a jewish. Attempt to make zog bots believe that there's no distinction while at the same time that there is,and that there's "good" erotic and "bad" porn meanwhile supplying more destructive tendencies all the same. And subversive lies.
Kids aren't helped when their parents are already the same perverted zogged kids already.

>ESL shitter can only speak in broken buzzwords
You're a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Bro is illiterate
It's Frank's layouts with Sienkiewics finishing
Pic related is Frank and Janson together again.
I believe Tom King commissioned both in 2017
Oral is gross, on both ends.
>it’s probably fake and just made up to get people talking.
It could've been done for this scene.
>I believe Tom King commissioned both in 2017
thing is, the OP image doesn't appear until 2021, mysteriously posted by Zack snyder with no artist credit.
I think it's possible he copied that image's style, or commissioned it himself
I always wondered, what's so evil about oral sex?
It is deviant behavior
The only non-deviant sex possible is missionary-style, under the covers, with the lights off, for the sole purpose of procreation.
Lucky bat
Eh, there can be more than one version of a thing. Hercules can be a Disney character, and he can be a violent wreck who murdered his own family. Batman can be a grim avenger of the night, and a smiling goofy eccentric who carries shark repellant.
Super heroes can enjoy a chaste kiss in stuff for general audiences, and having oblique references to more explicit stuff in the things oriented more towards teens and adults.
I'm almost certain that's Sienkiewicz inks, but I don't think he did the pencils.
Get your shots and you'll be fine
I drew that as a joke, ama
You are jewish!

Finally sane.
How are you doing? How are R-rated Rebel Moons cooking?
I'd say Frank Miller but maybe it was AI?
T. Virgin
If my gf doesn't let me play with her huge boobs and her fat soft butt and tummy and call her mommy we are through!
Bitch, nobody is begging for your rancid tongue on their snatch.
Nothing. But Batman comics or movies are not improved by showing costumed sex
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Why are w*men so rapey about this shit, it's pure hypocrisy
Zack Snyder drew it. He nows how to draw
Woah >>144311640
I wish attractive women were rapey towards me...
Learn to lift bro.
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Shenanigans Squad goes HARD.
That will sure help bro.
Why does nobody mention that dude on the right probably paid like $250 to get that picutre?
Look, batman is doing his Alf impression
This reminds me of the fact that, first of all, Harry Donenfeld who bought Superman from Siegel and Shuster started his publishing career with porn, but then also that first Shuster, then Siegel, then Swan did "not Superman" comics in which character resembling Superman has sex scene with a woman or participates in a "indecent" act.
And in case of Joe Shuster it is pretty much All the characters he ever drew before 1954 doing sex stuff. So not just Clark without glasses, Lois Lane, but also Luthor (or that other bald guy with an army of suicide belters) or even one black guy from Superman Sunday!

Jerry Siegel's the Starling was basically his original Superman (that he wrote for the last time in 1948) but with all power upgrades so that he could shapeshift and had advanced psychic abilities.

And in case of Curt Swan not only he is first guy who made Superman wear black suit as the costume that He, adult Clark Kent, fully chose himself instead of being helped by either of his parents. But even this cheeky "this is Not Superman" is similar to how in 2020 Zack Snyder "made" his Snyder Cut as "elseworld". Even though everyone knows it is really otherwise.


Heroes Do that without need of any deconstruction/parody that makes them some kind of evil villains at the same time.
Because these 3 people literally created Superman, not the people that censored those comics, those simply omitted all details.
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1954 Shuster
1983 Siegel
1995 Swan
Yeah, it was just a stupid controversy to promote the show
The problem is they don't make the distinction and the people doing these types of things don't try to make the distinction because to do so would be to admit that they are essentially making non-canon fanfiction for a tiny if not almost completely non-existant fanbase and dying if not dead comic shop market.

That Marvel and DC don't have...IP police to keep a safe sane cleaned up version of the Marvel and DC universe for the normies is mindboggling for me.
She was bitten by a rattlesnake and he's saving her life by sucking out the venom. There was a lot of venom.
And the chick on the left isn't half as fuckable as the chick on the right.
Gives off future Karen who is there to look cool but failign at it vibes.
>censoring women
Maybe they were onto something. Cause Batman eating pussy looks fucking stupid. Bruce Wayne is fine though.
That and
>Dress better. Don't wear that nerdy crap.
>Shave, or grow a beard that doesn't look like shit.
>Take regular showers
>Eat better
>Go outside
What's wrong with trout
It is sex done for pleasure, which for many sex negative cultures is seen as wrong.
Furthermore, in this context, it is sex done for pleasure for a woman where a man gets no direct stimulation. Which for cultures that revolve sex around male desire is seen as wrong .
Nothing but it belong on a plate, not in vaginas
>both probably sweaty, full of grime and dirty clothes by jumping around those buildings and whatnot
Imagine the stench...
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Smells like...discipline.
I understand that chicken is because of urine particles
But what does the trout smell stands for?
9 year old me would think this is badass. I mean, we had "Torture Simulator" flash games. Unless it's severe gore/guro, it should be fine. Exception being the Joker face thing in Nu52, I can see that being spooky.
>one black guy from Superman Sunday
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