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It really do be that way.

and why should women listen to you, a man?
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Unusually based first post
Women don't use them, only babies and men do.
Because woman require affirmation from man, just as men require affirmation from women. If this wasn't the case, they wouldn't keep blaming everyone but themselves for only being valuable physically. Incels will always incel. Man or woman.
Good thing we have fictional characters and AI women with huge boobs instead of adding to the problem with real women, then.
i'm a transbian you bigot
Implants are reductions always look worse and have an extremely high chance of leaving permanent scarring, that's not a male take it's an aesthetic take unless you're some kind of weirdo that likes scarring
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God I find faceless womens hot
I love big boobs
im tired of twitterfags reposting their ocs and “ship dynamic” doodles here thinking it’s somehow related to comics or cartoons
its not. fuck off >>/ic/
>Drinks milk
>Produces milk
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Me on the left
It's most likely a retarded coomer who tried to make a big boobs thread
90% of this board, yes.
Western game devs be like.
90s Japanese devs, too.
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Reminder that breast size has nothing to do with actual milk production, and is entirely cosmetic.
This but with bellies.
Child rearing requires cushioning.
That only makes sense if your name is Herbert.
What of her shirt said:

Huge boobs hate having ME.
Boobs are just asses without assholes.
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Bro, what?
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I take it you're unaware of Square Enix's... lewd beginnings?
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>Girl is wearing a really cool necklace
>Is also wearing a low-cut top
>Want to say something but suddenly start to worry about it looking like I was looking at her cleavage even though she probably wouldn't care
>End up saying nothing
Big breast causing back pain is a total myth. Obesity causes back pain. The overwhelming majority of these women aren't teenagers who're getting big breast all of a sudden. They're grown as women who've lived with their breasts for most of their life or close to it. They gain weight that causes discomfort, and their breasts to grow so then they blame their breasts instead of their overall bodyweight, and Jewish doctors sign off on this myth.

I remember seeing an episode of Two & A Half Men about a woman getting breast reduction, however this woman was not overweight or obese which is unrealistic. It's a deliberate psyop. This is the same show that had an episode promoting transgenderism before it was cool, and they hired an attractive male guest start to play a FtM transgender instead of depicting what a real transgender looks like.

There's literally a TikTok trend with a song and everything that promotes women and teenage girls to cut their breasts off. Our society is literally under attack.

>Comics & Cartoons?
This entire thread is off-topic.
Haven't people heard the saying
>Lift with your legs, not your back
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>Find a big titty girl that posts on TikTok
>Already fucking huge made massive in appearance thanks to her small frame
>Find out that by the time I found her she had already gotten breast reduction because she turned out to be a 16 year old girl getting stalked by Coomers online
>Breasts look fucking weird now

Coomers need to understand their bullshit runs the risk of ruining it for everyone else
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I agree with implants and the like, but for a lot of cases boobs beyond a certain size are just making their lives harder for social and practical reasons.
There just aren't many upsides to huge boobs for a woman, they get in the way and clothes that fit cost more, sometimes they have to get them custom tailored if they don't want to look like shit, physical activities can get painful even with the best sport bras they can find, they turn into an extra swamp ass during summer and even with good hygiene the sweat turn the undersides into a sorefest.
And then there's other people who make their lives harder because big boobs are synonyms with dumb whores
The upsides are pretty much just it looking good and making guys horny, but they can also do that with more manageable tits anyway (if they're not completely botched by a shit surgeon) and some big boobs are fucking ugly to look at

source: I've been with a few big tiddy ladies and seeing this was a weird learning experience.
Good large bras are expensive as fuck man, and women don't see tits like we do anyway, they're just lumps of fats for a lot of them
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>she turned out to be a 16 year old girl
where the hell are their her parents?
it's a tiktok teen.
You know they don't understand or give a shit about what their kids get up to online
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You can't just say that and not give us a name
Somewhere letting their daughters disgust of her own breasts fester so much that she got a massive breast size reduction
This was in Europe btw, so she was probably already an adult in their eyes or something

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These are just far too large. Probably hurts just to walk.
Hentai set the standard for incorrect anatomy.
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both good
Man I wish I was good enough to make fun booba art. Art done relatively quickly to make someone's day better.
Imagine you're drawing cartoon eyeballs, but on the chest area. That's how it works.
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Back pain is just an excuse for insurance reasons. Women are just conformists and nothing make you stick out more then a huge pair of tits
What do men use them for?
I do not think a woman made this image, and nor do I think you are a woman.
This is why men are evil, why not get with a woman that does love their big boobs?
If free will is only for man than it's not really free will now is it?
reminds me of sk
i should watch her stream more
They're an erogenous zone on a sexual partner, we use them to help her feel good.
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first thing i thought of
I stopped talking to my mom after I found out she had breast-reduction surgery when she was 18 because she hated getting fondled and oggled by guys. My own daughters have started blooming early and I've been doing my due diligence to make sure they feel happy with who they are, and teaching them to manipulate coomers into giving them free stuff while making flat-chested Stacies seethe non-stop when they start making rude comments. (One of my daughters even made me dinner after I told her that, when a sticc Stacy starts commenting on her boobs, to just stare, smile, hold her hands in front of her lap, and squeeze her arms together to make her breasts more prominent, and watch the sticc Stacy have a frothing meltdown over it.)
Coomer Hands
You sure talk about your kids in a... suspicious way.
>My own daughters have started blooming early and I've been doing my due diligence to make sure they feel happy with who they are
This is the only good part of that post.
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women don't like fake allies, especially men.
A woman didn't make OPs image either

Frankly I'm not surprised, a lot of titty artists these days seem to have a fetish for the inconvenience brought on by huge breasts, especially the one who draw them in a more naturalistic style complete with sag and veins
I am Strongly and genuinely invested in titty monster women's right to exist.

Gay term for gay retards.
If only it was drawn by a tranny, then she'd have a throbbing cock to go along with her breasts.
>titty artists these days
it's a variation of "men want one thing and it's disgusting". women hate beta orbiters.
I personally like it whenever trannies make porn, because they have the best of both worlds.
You don't speak for women.
I’m not trans in the slightest but I would love to get top surgery and have my boobs removed entirely. They hurt and they look uneven and I don’t want to ever have babies. End it all bros
I know you aren't a woman, and you don't get to say who is or isn't a woman.

Anon, this is part of the self hatred, and hatred of femininity and being attractive to the opposite sex demoralization and control portion of western feminism.

Men WANT to get with women who love having massive cans a great natural ass slim body fluffy and soft body wide hips thick lips beautul eyes youthful looks cougar looks(oh god why is my dick so hard looking at that abnormally hot silver haired grandmother) that butch lesbian did something cute as fuck and is embarassed she's going to get the dick if I have to move heaven and earth is proud of her head game and how good her ridiculous pussy game

>Hypocritical feminist type that was LITTERALLY created by a pedo who loved getting footjobs from little girls on the lolita express.

Because women who are happy with big tits and what it means are attacked by self hating/jealous perverts and queer women who want some but they aren't emotionally weak and easy to manipulate so they do the dyke version of "negging" by telling them that men only see them as sex objects/men are beasts/you're trash etc etc.

I'm serious.
Go find some big tit porn that has happy women who are glad they have big tits and look at the comment section. Ignore the bots and paid demoralization people.
It'd be even more based if big breasts were a "side-effect" of going on HRT.
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women are always the villains of these type of dumbass comics. men are allowed to prefer big boobs but women are demonized for having standards. only more patriarchy bullshit.

>t.Depop agenda hoping to turn a few of you idiots
nobody gives a shit what women like
Actually I'm MTF, so I plan on getting a breast EXPANSION.
I have no idea what this means
Ah yes, the two sides of the "We care about women" coin
>Male feminists trying to hide the fact that they're sex pests
>Cryptofascists who use women as a smokescreen for their agenda
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Just make it wholesome
You also got the third side, which is just trannies.
It should be a crime to be a guy who doesn't like boobs and have a busty gf/wive.
I'm a researcher studying 4chan and the habits of its denizens, the 4channers. After years of extensive review, I can only conclude that "trannies" is just code for "anyone that I disagree with".
Not really, I'm just a tranny myself who knows what it's like to be a man beforehand, but a woman now.
It should also be a crime to be a woman who loves huge dicks and be married to a wealthy, small-dicked dude. If you can find a rich one, then that's great, but bestial women with bestial cravings should live bestial lifestyles and not threaten to cheat on their supporter.
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fixed your fix
Lol, best one in thread
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BASED and BE pilled.
Just exercise and eat less.
>self hating/jealous perverts

Idk, it seem they literally get off on the idea of a woman having breasts so large they cause her physical agony
Love your natural titties, be they big or small
Breast reduction is always considered cosmetic surgery. Even if you have one breast reduced due to cancer and you want to reduce the other to make them even, it's still considered cosmetic, and not covered by insurance as far as I'm aware. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I can understand it, I literally can't sleep except on my stomach. If I was a woman and I had to choose between having big boobs and sleeping ever I would chop em off
Never let facts get in the way of good manufactured outrage.
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Shillbuds is more like it, can they fucking stop with the doll already?
>Having originality and individuality is "a crime"
Why yes, be 1IQ like everyone else following "the trend" like an ant colony.
The fact that you think it's a two sided issue is the source of the problem, but I'm not sure you're even honest about that.
>/co/ tries not to mention cuckoldry for ten seconds [IMPOSSIBLE]
Sucks that you don't like your body anon, I hope things get better.
>imagine a world where men had the tits, and women were all flat chested and attracted to mens fat tits

Truly horrifying. We're lucky that women have the tits.
the other sides of the issue don't have to insist they care about women, they just do.
who said anyone here cared? that's a fictional woman.
>bloomed in 6th grade, had F cups in high school
>after having my kids I'm not a GG cup

I've never had back pain nor have I ever been self conscious about my breasts besides knowing when to cover them up. I actually genuinely don't understand women who hate themselves like that. Most of my girlfriends in high school had at least a C cup too so it's not like I can blame it all on jealous flatties either. I don't get it, the whole thing.
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You can get insurance to cover reduction if your breasts are big enough and you're not overweight, that second part is why you hear alot of women getting rejected cus you know, most chicks with big tits are fat.
nice blogpost, fag.
the people screaming about
If you just like fat tits own it, but don't pretend it's for the sake of ethics lmao
if your gonna talk about your tits post them with a timestamp you stupid bitch
I personally don't give a shit about any of the politics. I like tits and I'm tired of trannies and women trying to turn every fictional woman into an ironing board.
just draw whatever tits you want and stop letting retards on the internet live in your head, dummy
how does that stop them from lopping the tits off of women in the rest of media?
come on now
Trannies are the ones who love big tits.
Getting massive bolt-ons is one of the first things they do to make themselves "superior" to real women.
alright, have fun shitposting, sugar.
if that makes you feel better.
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I would literally break up with her the very next day with no remorse
It can very easily be both.
probably should've kept the airbags in place until after she hit the wall.
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>im tired of looking like a caricature

This is your brain on modern media
Post tits? If you can't, you're not female, and thus women don't like you, a fake ally, therefore men have no reason to listen to your opinions on women either.
it's a tragedy
Flat chests are mediocre and bigger chests get more attention for a reason. As long as that's the case small bitches will always be and feel inadequate. It's like being a short dude.
>Implying women don't use them to masterbate
I hereby award you the only based tranny award.
I cannot imagine Drakken fucking or in horny scenarios. Bro is too much of a classic mad scientist so I'm just imagining he's thinking "why?"
This is /co/, right?
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Is it weird that i love huge boobs and flat chests, but dont like small or medium boobs?
Flat chests are "controversial" becuase alot of faggots think it makes you gay to want a women with little to no boobs. Outside that ur good.
Never happened. Stop making excuses for your seething autism of fantasies that literally don't affect you.
what fantasies are those, exactly? cutting off women's tits? You sick fuck.
Nobody does, but men and women can fall in love, anon. It's always a possibility worth pursuing.
why is it never "reply to this post or you dad will die in his sleep tonight?"
[spoiled]replace boobs with belly
They don't have fathers.
I knew those were always nigger tier memes.
If you don't like your body you should be able to get surgery to change it, simple as.
Can you fucking believe that after I had surgery to fix my eyes people were saying it was a mistake because "I looked better with glasses"
Like bitch I couldn't fucking see something three feet from me I wasn't going to enjoy that either way.
no thanks
hi again, Birchy
explains a lot of the behavior on this board
non-prescription glasses, if it's that important for their fantasies. Congrats on your sucessful surgery.
my ex gf wants a breast reduction not because they hurt but because she can't shop for bras, not because they are like huge huge but because she can't get the size she wants at stores so she cant just go shopping with her friends
People seriously need to accept individualism; I do not exist to pander to YOU. Fuck off and die if you're so damn entitled to have every fucking body please your worldview.

Sorry people did that to you anon, hope you're doing well now.
Like, you hate them because you're lazy and don't exercise your back muscles and chest muscles. Then you can carry yourself prim and proper, chest out and all that.
Piss off
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Your gf sound like she's very smart with a good sense of priorities
I normally don't take the bait but what's the point of being an ally? It just means a life of walking on eggshells from then on in order to remain "one of the good ones", and holding your tongue whenever the entire rest of your demographic gets shittalked by bitchy assholes that feel justified because they're "just venting" and higher on the progressive oppression ladder.
generally speaking you believe something is right and support the cause, and stay away from pointless drama if you aren't a retard. If someone is a cunt to me for no reason I cut them out, I don't give a fuck about who.
I'm getting a height reduction, I'm tired of banging my head on everything and tweaking my back by hunching
5' 7'' is a good sweetspot, which is my height.
You're not up to date on the meta. Now if you like flat chicks it's because you're secretly a pedo. Aka Australian Rules.
Did we agreed on what "huge" boobs are?
"Huge" boobs are just circular boobs because some artists are kinda lazy.
me and my wife
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>t. anon's wife
Bras are a meme, you don't need them.
Depends. There's real life huge, comic huge, cartoon huge, and anime huge. And the standard for huge gets progressively larger in that order.
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Maybe not always, but huge tits need something to hold them in place if you're doing physical activities. Ever seen a busty woman run or just walk fast? It can end up pulling on the skin until it hurts and even for calmer things they wobble all over the place and get in the way.
As far as I know the "bras make your tits sag/braless make your tits sag" is still unresolved, so it's not like you shouldn't get them if you can find one that don't fit like shit and dig into your shoulders
Nah fuck them.
I supposed something like this
which is the only time when a reduction is acceptable
>t.paid depopulation "person"

Tell us all how bringing children into the world is bad, circumcision is good, homosexuality is awesome and transexuality is hecken valid and we shoudl be happy they are forcefeeding elementrally schoolers perverse gender ideolgy as well as puberty blockers!
How many women do physical activities?
>uhm, jogging, gym
They do that to attract men. Like, maybe 0.2% of women actually do physical activities for the fun of it.
>physical activities for the fun of it.
This is a thing?
It's something men do. Men feel good when they use their muscles and tire them out, and they feel good when they compete with other men.
3x bigger than 'large'
Yes. Improving blood flow to your extremities generally improves the sensation of 'feeling good'
>I'm tired of these jokes about my giant boobs the first such incident occurred...
>Woman immediately proves anon right
>shopping for undergarments
Do women really?
Golden Girl
Have you not heard of surrogate children?
What does that have to do with anything?
It means homosexuals CAN have kids, it's not "depopulation." (And besides, do we need ANOTHER billion people on the planet?)
Another billion white ones yes. Asia and Africa don't.
That's why I don't ally for women shit.
We all descended from Africa, though?
exercise is stupid. Everybody knows they feel pain when they exert themselves. This is your body telling you to stop doing it because it is bad for you.
But they don't.
Dykes rape men with deception, fags do much the same. And both rape and gaslight children and young teens to spread the homo and trans mind poison.

Don't disagree. I have enough written scholar articles, media and open to see social media and 4chan posts to disagree.

They don't reproduce hardly. If at all.
Satan trips confirm trying to get us to not lift
Ok fine black ones then, just note now not even blacks in western nations can have them explicitly thanks to your post.
Awesome sexy art style
Why should men care what women think?
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Because if they don't, they're not getting any pussy.
When was the last time listening to a woman got you any pussy?
I sadly don't talk to many women, but listening has gotten me dick though.
Further proof that listening is for faggots
I talk to women, but they're all online. I can't help that the only people who have anything in common with me IRL are dudes.
Oh shit.
We all know that's a fucking lie.
50 shades of grey and basically all wordporn in grocery stores and made it to theatres says your'e full of shit.

And you know
Pussy is cheap to buy and women who just need to be fucked hard, like a whore, and left raw and exhausted are everywhere.

The fuck do any of us need to listen to the handful of future single barren debtslaves most of which are ran through/some flavor of queer/cunty/or just unattractive?
Sex is good, but it means nothing if you aren't actually invested romantically. If you're just paying to have sex, you might as well pay to masturbate.
A 20/10 vaguely legal thicc woman in any costume I want, who I can go balls deep in for an hour and get world class head from is an experience I'll remember for a life time.
I mean no foreplay or oral so I can fit, she's experienced with larger men and I can hammer fuck her as hard as I need till I bust as many times or as hard as I want.

NSA sex with horny mid women and the occasional dyke is easy but isn't oft that great.

Trying to get an easy lay from a mid chick at work or in the wild doesn't compare. And it's hella dangerous now.
>You should listen to women
>Source? Let me guess, yourself.
>No I'm gay lol
This is not helping cuh.
Yep I'm thinking men who want to impose more restrictions on womens autonomy for their own good won this one yet again.
I'm actually Bi.
Where's the third party female/crowd attacking and bullying her for having large breasts forcing her to get breast surgery
Where is the butt version
>Back pain is just an excuse for insurance reasons.
Nigga it's real
>oh jeez
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That's just fucking rough
Implants are disgusting.
Huge saggy breasts are hot.
Small breasts are hot.
Flat chests are hot

Simple as.
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>have several injuries that prevent me from going hard in the paint
>still do what I can because it's fun and gives a natural high
it's better than sex.
I fucking hate exercise. I've been going to the gym for almost two years now. I was told by everyone that I'd love it after a few months and get like a good feeling when it's done. I still fucking hate it every time and every time I mention it the same people just say "oh well you probably haven't done it enough".

Kill yourself.

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