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Humor me for a moment /co/. Let's say you gained superpowers that are potent enough to make becoming a superhero an actualization. Would you do it? Would you truly be willing to place the needs of others before your own? If your answer is yes, just what kind of superhero do you see yourself becoming? No right or wrong answer, I just wish to know your thoughts
Like going after random street crime or going after politically powerful people?
OP here. Your call, as I said in my last post, there is no right or wrong answers.
I would make a nation and enforce my rules in it, which I believe fairer and freer than the law in many "free" countries.
With my powers, I ensure my nation is self sufficient, and I threaten the neighbor nations into providing stuff like internet access and the sorts which I could not produce myself. So like, you need to leave my nation alone, US, but also you cannot ban trade or services to it or else we have a problem.
Then I guess I invite people to live in it, and whoever breaks the rules gets banished. I guess Supes' powers would be plenty to pull it off.
I guess I would not look like a hero to the shit holes that want my help or the super nations that see mine as a threat, but the residents of my nation would easily love me since with my power set I should be able to help them do things they could not anywhere else.
Like, ah you want this satellite in orbit? There you go, easy. You want to build this thing and need the steel wiring bent to this angle? Well I start bending and you tell me when to stop.
We have Hyperion on our hands, look out
I'd destroy every major $1000000000 tech company worldwide
nope. i would only use my powers for personal gain
Superpowers are stupid. I probably have too many functioning brain cells to get the appeal of this retarded concept.
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I'd super-pound your big-brained boypussy
I'd attempt to become a hero but I'd have to start working out again and hopefully become good enough to predictively dodge bullets I guess
Really depends what my powers are. Assuming I can find a way to use them so that I don't have to work every day to cover my bills, then yes I would try and do the masked vigilante thing to try and help ordinary people in ways ordinary people cant. I'd probably use some kind of police scanner or something though, I dont think my city has enough crime to justify just randomly patrolling for it on my own.
Probably a antihero who targets serial killers and corruption rather than saving people, except i fuck up my plans most of the time
Actually, not being able to understand something is a sign that you're too stupid to grasp the concept, not the other way around.
Self-insert bullshit is a thing that only appeals to sociopathic children. Sorry if I'm too old and too non-psychotic to get it.
>Let's say you gained superpowers that are potent enough to make becoming a superhero an actualization. Would you do it?
Yes because I'd be Superman. The only superhero that could actually work in a real world setting
>claiming Superman is realistic
... God I fucking hate capeshitters so much.
At best I would probably use my powers to help my local area. The issues other places have should honestly never bother you or require your interaction. The local area you call home is where you should really only kind of give a shit about and even then other people would argue only your immediate family is all that matters.

It's a difficult call because becoming a cop and becoming a super are 2 different things. I can see myself being a cop but being a super is an impossible thought.

Idk I would probably not do it just because having a target on my head or the attention of everyone for the rest of my life is kinda gay.
That's not what I said. Superman's power set allows him to see and hear crime and accidents while they're happening. His speed allows him to get to those situations fast enough to actually do something about it. Superheroes need super villains because they wouldn't really be very effectual in real life
>superheroes need to be omniscient to function
... Again, capeshitters are abject retards.
I live in a 3rd world nation so my work as a super hero is cut out for me.
I would rather go to hiding and just use my powers in the shadows
why not a super cop?
Does it give me extra muscle mass?
If super powers became a reality then we wouldn't see superheroes overnight. There would be rigorous study on how these superpowers work and how they could be used effectively. There would be political and academic debates on the implications of these abilities and what they mean for society and the future of humanity.

Thats what would happen if superpowers became a thing. No one would become a superhero immediately.
I can barely even hold a job due to being a literal schizo. Trying to be a full time hero would be fucking hell.
Depending on the powers I'd probably just help if an opportunity arose and I saw some shit going down.
I'm not a cop and most crime isn't "obvious thugs mugging helpless old ladies in the street" kind of shit. So I'm definitely not fighting street level shit. If i had powers like Superman I'd try to do some generally helpful things for the world where possible, I'd do my best to keep it apolitical. Just things that we can all agree on. Though I would probably try to conceal my presence and my identity, just because it's easier that way. I'm definitely not a saint though and where I could figure out a way to make a profitable living off of my powers I'd definitely do that too. If I can get rich AND help people that's the best of both worlds.
>Let's say you gained superpowers that are potent enough to make becoming a superhero an actualization. Would you do it?
No, in the vast majority of scenarios it is not worth the effort to play the super hero game.
If you are trying to better the world with super powers you would be better off becoming a guinea pig or super humanitarian.
This is like that mixed race lady who says she's too smart to read books because her brain "works too fast" for her to sit and read something without getting bored so she needs television and movies.
She's even too stupid to see the irony in her admission: that she has undiagnosed ADD.
Y'know the one. Big-ass ears lady. Her.
Lmao, scififag is melting down even here.
Where else is he throwing a bitchfit?
Never seen her but I correctly assume she's black?
Of course not. The moment the authorities know about one's powers, that's when they start wanting to capture and dissect them. Better to just keep living the normie life with maybe a superpowered splurge in secret every now and then.
This lady: https://i.warosu.org/data/ck/img/0202/96/1710258305265205.webm
>she's black?
Mixed race. Part Black. She's very, very stupid.
no, I'd drop the ball
if i get something like telepathy, mind control, super intelligence, long scale precognition or something along those lines, then run for senator, get some people to reveal my powers to so they can do shit for me, do some smear campaigns, assassinate some rivals, get elected, run for president, then try and change my country for the better, make the world a better place, keep assassinating politicians and use my powers to not have it get traced back to me, the works

if i can just fly, teleport, have laser beams or super strength, go to ecuador and farm criminals, just murder the shit out of those criminal organizations, then mexico, nicaragua, learn russian and go murder russian criminals, step up my game and go to haiti and murder enough to get the government back on it's feet, murder in somalia, in the golden coast, go to china and just murder there as well, just lotsa murder all around
It depends on my powers. Physical powers would make me go after criminals that are terrorising civilians (in my city, this is the norm now). If my powers were more cerebral, I'd go after the bigger fishes to put them in jail and clean the government.
Someone like Denji from Chainsaw Man who’s doing hero work to try to fuck hot girls.
And someone like Gojo from JJK: being overpowered, mogging everyone, and showing how weak they are.
That becomes even more of a bitch and a half. Like imagine being forced to follow the rules of your precinct while having super powers. Every mistake made they have to go down harder on you because of your reputation and their need to keep up appearances. Then you have the general public shit on you just because you took a day off.

Bank robbery gone wrong? Gang warfare leading to innocents catching strays? Apartment complex catches fire with several people dying inside it? Drunk driver runs over school kids? A terrorist farts in public?

All of that shit is somehow now your fault because you have the powers. You can explain the limitations, but they dont care.
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I was actually thinking of just becoming a oneshot supervillain.
I want to fight a Superman or a Thor and make them sweat a little, then get killed off for good. Just confuse everybody
I would set up an app where for a subscription of 5 dollars per month anyone in the city can contact me for help
I’d be more anti-hero-ish, kind of like Catwoman when she fucks with organized criminal groups and steals their shit
Nudist on onlyfans, sexualizing my powers.
i would rob a bank
I would nuke Israel and become the greatest hero in all of history.
Probably abuse some it. But yeah be similar to Spidey. He is the only super hero who deals with the worst of it all and sticks to it because he knows the reality is hard for everyone too. He's grounded.
medium level telepathy is all what you need to make any big changes in the world.
Would people on here actually try to do good and try to help people and try to make the world better, or would they spitefully use their powers to settle grudges or indulge in sadistic violence?

I fear the latter.
What superpowers am I getting?
If I awoke with spider man powers, you can bet I'd try to help people, as that'd be very fulfilling to me as a person. Most of my physical limitations will be gone, and I'll have is the test of my conviction, and showing that even dirty 4chin can be good. Being a genuine superhero would be be difficult though, real life superhero attempt Phoenix Jones really just broke up fights of drunken people, then got caught selling crack like all black people.

Give me Miles' powerset so I can go invisible and reveal corruption in our society, while trying to break up crime n stuff. I don't care for superman's powers because they make things too easy, and will likely make me disconnect from the rest of humanity. Mostly megalomaniacs want his power, thinking they can solve complex issues with pure strength alone.
>Mostly megalomaniacs want his power, thinking they can solve complex issues with pure strength alone.
They can, you're just low-T.
Projecting your testosterone issues isn't removing the fact that adding invincible flying man into equation that's most likely gonna use their powers to take it out on people they perceive as "evil" won't solve the underlying issues, it'll address the symptoms.
A superpower that bends minds has a far easier and better chance of making positive changes while allowing yourself to accumulate wealth.
I want Pootie Tang's magic belt that gives him the power to whoop anybody's ass. Superman can't beat someone who's power is literally the ability to whoop anybody's ass.
>most likely gonna use their powers to take it out on people they perceive as "evil"
There are plenty of objectively evil people in the world, this is an easily observable fact. Why, some of them are ruling it.

>won't solve the underlying issues, it'll address the symptoms
Not just morally weak but also mentally. Here, I'll make it easy on you and bring up an example:
>wear a GoPro
>begin livestream
>fly out to the AIPAC headquarters
>grab president Berns Korn
>stream yourself flying into the upper atmosphere and chucking him at the moon
>fly out to Boeing HQ
>do the same with their CEO
>fly out to Congress
>grab a random congressman
>repeat the above process
>with Superman's powers it'd take mere minutes to do all this
>"I'll keep doing this every day until you stop funding endless proxy wars in the Middle East."
You'll see wars ending worldwide practically overnight.
Careful, you might break your neck from how high your horse is
>decadence of the society not dealt with
>sexually degenerate freaks not dealt with
>poisoning of the planet not dealt with
>political friction not dealt with
>but at least you. . . killed random corrupt and easily replaceable CEOs and try to enforce your dubious and bloody brand of justice
>that gets bypassed anyway because people and their corruption can be a lot more subtle than what we have now
Kek. Do you feel better after puffing up your chest like the swarthiest T50 eyes gorilla from battleboarding forums, assuming you have answers to everything through your dictatorship that'll inevitably lead you nowhere but a violent regime? At best, you'll provide normies with a false sense of security, but they won't start producing smarter people, much less morally advanced people.
If all you can appeal to is violence and "heh, this male is SOOO weak", maybe you should stop pretending to be tough to an imaginary audience and kill yourself. Certainly would be more manly than using this site, geeeeeeg
>decadence of the society not dealt with
Throw cartel bosses, drug pushers and their accomplices in the police and government at the Moon until a crackdown ensues.

>sexually degenerate freaks not dealt with
Throw faggots, trannies and their supporters into space until people lynch them on sight of their own volition.

>poisoning of the planet not dealt with
Smash into Jinping's residence and tell him you'll demolish the Three Gorges Damn unless he stops being a polluting nigger. While we're at it, tell him Western industry outsourcing is over and to stop fishing every other nation's seas dry.

>but at least you. . . killed random corrupt and easily replaceable CEOs and try to enforce your dubious and bloody brand of justice
>that gets bypassed anyway because people and their corruption can be a lot more subtle than what we have now
It's called deterrence. Criminals are gigantic cowards by and large, from the lowest mugging nigger all the way to the Bilderberg execs bleeding the planet. If you present them with an entity they cannot bribe nor send a hitman after they'll give up because the other option is getting thrown into space. If no amount of guards can ever protect them from your wrath and no amount of subtlety will keep you from noticing their activities, they'll stop. The ones that don't stop? They get to add to the mass grave on the Moon's surface.

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