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same energy
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I'm a secondary. Why does he admire Cap so much? Cool trait nontheless.
I don't get DD here.
>You're a demon for sure, you kill thousands of people who are evil
>I'm a Devil, but I hold myself back? wouldn't a devil go apeshit and use his superpower to it's fullest?
he is trying to state he is worse by being better?
Jesus, I can see why most people don't like the Punisher if all his comics are this pitch black in tone.
Not always.
His old comics are just 80s action movie-tier, it's Ennishit onwards that's been grimderp.
Cap is THE guy, the biggest hero in universe, the man saved the day time again during World War 2, the super nice guy, boy scout Superman of Marvel. Most of the marvel characters grew up hearing about Captain America in school. A guy like Frank would absolutely have idolized Captain America growing up, because most American kids did.
Nice, thanks.
I'm not super well-versed in comics but I've always kind of loved Cap. Sort of wish that super nice archetype wasn't seen as cringe so much.
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Frank is at his best when he gets to do a good cleansing.
>shoot him in the arm
>now punisher can never shoot a gun again
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Ennis wrote a couple of decent Punisher stories but on the whole I don't know if I'd call it the definitive version of the character. Something feels off about it
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Here's your frank, Frank.
he's saying he could do Punisher's job better than him but doesn't because Catholic guilt original sin shit. It's written by a soiboi though so it comes across as tryhard
he's not really super nice, he's super liberal and socially conscious while holding strong patriotic stances about the constitution and the American Dream as described in the Declaration of Independence.
FINALLY! SOMEONE POSTED IT! it took way to fucking long.
Fair but I think that's something to look up to.
t. not american
My problem with Punisher comics is that after a while they're all the same. They're not bad but they get way too repetitive and Frank has a very, very small supporting cast. That's why Max and the crazier Frank comics stand out and are more endearing.
you should say "franks"
You're welcome, Frank.
Frank you very much.
That's the beauty of it. Like Cardassian justice or a McGuyver episode.

You know what the ending is, the thrill is in seeing the *HOW* of it.
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Aside from the whole "living legend" bit, Cap is the true patriot who's always willing to fight the good fight wherever it may be, helping the innocent, and putting down the bad guys if need be (though unlike Frank, Cap purely does this in war settings or if someone's immediate life is in danger. He's fine with just beating up, say, a robber or such). Cap is the idealic America that many American soldiers want, so they look up to his example, even if it's Frank who knows he can never be Cap
Don't listen to that other anon, Captain America is genuinely a nice dude.
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The Frankencastle vs. Daken fight is one of my all time favorites. Multiple issues of two freaks just murdering the shit out of each other.
Cap comes across as a self-righteous asshole a lot of the time though. Sure he's nice generally, but I wouldn't say being nice is one of his defining characteristics.
Too bad Tom Jane didn't make more movies like Dirty Laundry.
He's not nice tho. He's necessary. He's the last man standing, bearing the flag of civilization on his chest. He's not some right wing dipshit or some commie punk, he's got the weight of human potential bearing down on him
The "Bootleg Universe" was the gayest shit only the most brainrotted nerds could like
If Disney was smart they'd cut a modest check for more shorts like that to be made. Doesn't even have to be considered MCU canon or could be one of those variant universes.
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It's not cool to hate things or the people that like them.
The fan made series for Mortal Kombat was great too.

I don't think fans at large can depend on corporations to protect or produce great IP installments.

The next logical step from Netflix and all the streaming platforms is fan created content on an ongoing basis. Something like Archive Of Our Own meets YouTube with patreon/kickstarter crowd funding capacity.
Just because he isn't a bleeding-heart pushover and knows when to be no-nonsense doesn't mean he isn't nice.
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>electric based villain
>you're grounded
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Can someone post the page of Shocker making Frank eat shit from Superior Does? At job right now
Now you fucked up.
I shouldn't laugh but the degree to which is this a bad idea is hilarious to me
Frank almost certainly joined the Marines because he wanted to be like Cap. He became bitter and cynical over the years, but he still admires Cap all the same. Maybe in his heart of hearts he envies that Captain America could remain pure and optimistic while Frank has lost faith in the world.
I have vague recollections of Nuke having similar feelings, though he's willing to fight Cap. Might have been a fan thing, but I recall Nuke breaking down at some point and babbling about how he wanted to *be* Cap, but he wound up a monster.
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If he kills all mutants as well as superheroes, that makes Frank a racist!
All I remember was Jenna the Junkie.
Just goes to show that Frank will kill a bitch even after they had a character arc
Based Shocker
did he ever escape the cuck dimension?
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Not yet, but there's a currently running mini from Ennis in the Max universe.
Parents were making "home movies" with the children. Frank didn't like that.
I don’t think Ennis gets enough credit for basically saving the character with “Welcome Back, Frank” since Marvel was getting close to junking the character entirely by the late 90s. I think the MAX run by Ennis is “definitive” in the sense that story arcs like “Slavers” are a very effective middle-of-the-road interpretation of the Punisher. The larger narrative tying Frank to his military service in Vietnam is more subjective.

This is just my personal opinion, but “Valley Forge” is an excellent finale for who the Punisher is as a character. Even though it completely disrupts the normal structure of Frank killing criminals, it does an amazing job at trying to reconcile the significance of the Vietnam War with the Punisher as a symbol. You can’t replace Vietnam with Iraq or Afghanistan and get an equally effective character. Ennis also indicts Frank as a mental fuck-up and an embarrassment to the military in a way that’s way smarter and more effective than the actual clownshow that Marvel used to get rid of him for being “problematic.” A fellow Vietnam War veteran, whose dialogue is written by the very same writer who salvaged the Punisher from 90s mediocrity, brutally pointing out that Frank is just a shellshocked degenerate looking for an excuse to feel powerful feels so much more real and gut-wrenching than his resurrected wife lecturing him on why he should donate to charity. Maybe standards have just dropped way too low over the last decade, but Ennis understands the character so much better than the vast majority of people actually writing comic books these days.
It's the little things.
>bottom right panel
Now I want a variation of pic related with frank
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an anon drew this during the usagi storytime this year
Wouldn't Daredevil stun himself at best by firing guns and having super hearing?
Yes,God. He'd give himself severe hearing loss.
I guess he can just turn it off and on at will.
Truly kino, also what would happen if Punisher exited his lane
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Most of these aren't even THAT dark.
Is there a character from Marvel that makes the Punisher laugh or otherwise shoot the shit with.
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It's cool that the game is getting a home release for the first time not counting the Genesis port
No he wasn't, he hates his guts.
fought though one of the most fucked wars in history and still takes the time to help old ladies, is an earnest believer in redemption and polite to a fault

zeigeist in the marvel universe is that cap is the single most inspiring person in the setting.
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Why don't we take the AI dogshit
and move it somewhere else!
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It depends on the version, Ennis' Punisher hates him because he's a mockery of what a soldier is. they just paraded him in Vietnam like a prop and he never took part in the worst combat. Also for being army instead of marines.
He's blind, he'd be lucky if he managed to shoot the center of mass by hearing his heartbeat or breathing.
Oh, those digitized sound clips were so good. Also the game was a great one of those.
isn't that why billy butcher, his parody of the punisher in the boys, is shown to be wrong
I'd be more liable to like the Punisher if we wore a domino mask ala the Comedian or The Black Terror.
I need help finding a punisher comic I read as a kid. the cover has him with nuclear waste, and I think he was wearing a gas mask.

interior was black and white
I think you're thinking of the dressing down of Soldier Boy in The Boys.
I don't think Ennis's Punisher ever interacted with Cap outside of maybe a panel or so in Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe.
First time I saw this intro it blew my goddamn mind.
Can't remember if it was in a mexican bus terminal or El Paso air port.
Frank stories having him depicted as mentally ill or as a degenerate never made as much sense as the stories that paint him as "necessary evil". The forest fire before the regrowth of new bloom. He makes the rational, logical decision to commit illegal and immoral isolated acts in order to serve the whole, to tip the scales towards good. If he commits one act of murder against a man with a decades long career of thousands of misdemeanours and felonies - he removes from society a stain that would have been a death by a thousand papercuts, slowly dragging the fabric of the community into the gutter with one quick and clean excision.

In a city of 1,000,000 with a known criminal gang with 200 committing thousands and thousands of crimes every year - is the city best served with 200 dark souls running around unchecked to wreak havoc, or a really grisly news week and then harmony the week after with only 999,799 people in it?
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I was thinking of Punisher kills the Marvel Universe, which was a little bit like the Boys before the boys were a thing. The story is not canon, anyway, since it's superheroes fighting in central park that get Frank's family killed instead of the mob, but it's a fun read.
This scene was recreated with Oliver and Barry.

Barry thinks he has Oliver beat in a 1v1, neglects to check his surroundings and takes two arrows in his back for his trouble.
>non panFranks
>one job
The Punisher exists in a vicious circle of faggot lefty authors who hate him writing him increasingly and increasingly like a monster to own the other side with sarcasm and then retarded righty readers unironically eating up that shit to the point it keeps getting dumber and dumber and dumber.

I miss back when Frank was an actual human being with motives, but I've been an outdated oldfag reader for a long, lonnnng time.
Can you imagine the outrage if Frank killed a tyranny drag queen for grooming kids?

You know, an actual, real thing that is happening in the world?

Every rainbow faggot in the world would screech from one end of social media to the other that it was time to cancel Frank.
They already canceled Frank, probably so the scenario you’re describing wouldn’t happen.
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>unironically typing "soiboi"
"Actual real thing that is happening in the world"
okay christofag
>I miss back when Frank was an actual human being with motives, but I've been an outdated oldfag reader for a long, lonnnng time.
That's fine but it would only work for a short while, then he'd eventually see his bodycount, reflect on his family and what they'd think of him and so on. You have to give him some mental disorder to keep him murdering criminals for decades without a second thought. I think the "force of nature driven by some unseen entity" angle is kind of lame, but it works.
Been meaning to request a loud house version of this in the drawthread for a bit now.
>Ennis' Punisher hates him

Ennis's Punisher never meets him.
Don't encourage them.
>Frank pointing a gun at Cap
He would literally sooner shoot himself, what the fuck. He would accept whatever Cap's vision of the future is over his own. What the shit is this image?
Glad you could make it, Frank
>Ennis' Punisher hates him
The older I get, the more I hate Ennis, both his work and the man himself. He's one of those defeatist nihilists who gets mad whenever someone can acknowledge that existence is inherently indifferent and meaningless, but they create their own meaning and compassion despite that. Garth wants to drag down everyone else into his deep, murky swamp of cynicism, contempt, and rumination, and he gets mad when you tell him you don't want that.
That one time where someone storytimed this run and many others was such a good thread. If you haven't seen the aftermath of this you should.
but he doesn't need one
Ennis did some of the best work with Frank, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say not even he really gets Frank.
Isn't the context that Cap was infected by zombies and asked Frank to kill him?
I may be thinking of another comic tho
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a classic
Yes, there's a cannibal virus that's spreading and Cap was telling Frank to end him before he turned.
Read the thread.
Nobody cares, cap is a goofy character and it's obvious why it might rub people outside of the U.S. the wrong way.
He’s constantly surrounded by people shooting guns. If it never negatively effected him before when he had no say when it was going off why would it effect him when he knows exactly when it’s going off?
He's certainly learned to control it, when he just got his powers all the new sounds around him overwhelmed him. He had to find a way to suppress them to be able to sleep and function.
Kys, Garth
>Nobody cares
Wrong, saying that Ennis never outgrew his edgy 12-year-old phase is not an uncommon observation.
>cap is a goofy character and it's obvious why it might rub people outside of the U.S. the wrong way.
Ennis hates Captain America because he thinks the character disrespects veterans despite GIs loving the character during WW2. Ennis is a pearl-clutcher that these same veterans would call a limpwristed faggot for trying to be offended on their behalf.
So you want him to be a generic cape hero? Dude, come on. Grown ass man wanting that childish shit. He's a vigilante. Not some tights wearing superhero.
If anyone wants to know, this mini takes place after The Platoon and My War Gone By. Next after this is Born.
He's the same sort of bitchy about it that Alan Moore is when you tell him people like Rorschach.
but why, though
Superheroes killed his family.
Huge difference between Moore having an issue with mentally-ill Rorschachfags because they say stuff like Rorschach is someone they identify with on a personal level, and Ennis saying that he hates a character because their entire premise is a slight against real people. Moore doesn't hate Rorschach, he just gave him negative qualities like everyone else in Watchmen and let the readers figure out what to make of him, meanwhile Ennis hates Captain America because he feels the character is an insult to real life veterans for reasons that only he can explain.
>Tastes like chicken
yeah but half of the art was shitty
>good luck, i'm behind seven proxies
>oh shit is that a cannibal?
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this silent issue was pretty good
has punisher ever accidentally killed someone who didnt deserve it? like he makes a mistake in who gets to be 'punished' and he gets like wrong guy or something?. how does he deal with that?
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xtreme fronk
Reminder that Marvel Knights is soft canon to Ennis' MAX run. One of the MK arcs was referenced and followed up on in the MAX book.
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Discord mod and his tranny wife adopted a bunch of children. The loving parents made the children what they really are, they all became teh little gils. They made family movies together, and sold them on social media. Frank hates trans people especially children and loving LGPT families.

Frank found out about these movies, while larping on discord looking into a few cases. Frank made his own movie, Frank then posted said movie on the discord chat. MAny trans people committed suicide a few on livestream a few just recorded it. All screaming how the punisher made them do this. How he started a transgenocide and he needs to be stopped. He has already took so many brave lives. Frank then posted another video where he sawed someones head off, as children ran up to him afterwords crying hugging him thanking him saying we love you we want to grow up to be just like you "mr frank can you fix me mr frank why cant I be a boy mr frank why did mommy(male)'s friend do this to me.
Frank was not done he had one more video to finish.
He posted it on discord all that could be heard other than screaming was REMEMBER THE CHILDREN. All the skinwalkers left were beyond terrified, how could this be happening we're protected we're being enabled we're being idolied. How can such hate be winning. Many more "people" were going to die but Frank wouldn't be making anymore videos. He didnt want these people to be remembered. No one knows what happens to the rest of them.....
this is what happens when /b/tards use chatGPT
That's why he's the best Sonic character.
>Ennis' Punisher hates him
Isn't pic rel also Ennis Punisher? I seem to recall him having respect for him but maybe I'm wrong
The why does he beat up Spidey and the Xmen alot for being mislead into situations he shouldn't blame them for.
>Hmmm OCD case eh
>Welp time to piss on the floor
W-what the fuck was that sound *turns around* wait d-d-d-d-id yo-*autistic screeching*

Damn even for Frank this just mean and pety as fuck, could have at least like. Stealthed pissed on his head from the rafters hiding the darkness. As dude goes ultra autis thinking some animal pissed on him cleans it up while throwing shit at the ceiling. So Frank takes a shit on his head, then dude realizes. Wait this is human shit as frank makes an even bigger mess triggering dudes OCD into an ungodly autistic rage. Have a bit of fun fight the guy make more of a mess back off . Dudes grabing his head saying shit trying to clean, kick him in face knock more shit over. Till dude is nothing more then a froathing loon, that finally after being fucked with for a good half hour has a stroke
>Ennis hates Captain America because he feels the character is an insult to real life veterans for reasons that only he can explain.

Ennis is so based
Could Frank even fight Spidey's villains?
By the way his forearm is chained he probably can only go up and down
with the right weapons sure.
Is that actually Steve? Wasn't he on ice at the time?
Incredibly based
Didn't they make up a couple guys that wore the title while Steve was on ice?
Yeah and at least one of them was black.
That was Fraction. They never mention who that Cap was since Steve obviously would have been still frozen at the time.
>it would only work for a short while, then he'd eventually see his bodycount, reflect on his family and what they'd think of him

They wouldn't think anything because they're dead. He'd reflect on the body count for maybe half a moment and think "is the world free of evil yet? Are there still crooks and pedophiles roaming the streets? Yes?" And then keep going
>drags queens have NEVER been caught grooming
Its happened. Give any group unfettered access to children and you will find pedos. If priests will molest little kids so will your leftists idols.
Yeah, sorry, that's what I was getting at - I should've phrased the question differently.
Everyone on Epstein Island consented to be there and was 18+, anon.
Somehow this is more fucked up than the usual gore.
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I still hear Thomas Jane's voice whenever I'm reading a Punisher comic.
Nobody has even come close to bettering that VO.
One of the alternate universe comics. Frank was having a picnic with his family while the Civil War arc was going down and they were collateral damage. He decided then that superheroes should not exist.
>He's one of those defeatist nihilists who gets mad whenever someone can acknowledge that existence is inherently indifferent and meaningless, but they create their own meaning and compassion despite that. Garth wants to drag down everyone else into his deep, murky swamp of cynicism, contempt, and rumination, and he gets mad when you tell him you don't want that.
Which is why he's the perfect writer for The Punisher.
i dont understand how all those jar heads dont get this.
christo isnt even an english word faggot
That's perfect for his fanfic version of the Punisher. Character was very different before that. That's like saying doormat unfunny beta Spider-Man is the perfect version.
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Ennis' Punisher is basically just proto Bucher, isn't he?
The Frank that tears the Punisher symbol off the cop car & tears it up in front of them, telling the cops not to idolize him, they should idolize Captain America.
Yes, this one;
>"hell yea we're getting back against the punisher!"
>the mob celebrates this
>only thing they achieve is frank cleaning house.
what a stupid plan. sure he ends up exposing himself trying to kill him face to face but the only reason it was a bad idea at that point is because rawlins backed cavella up. cavella didn't plan for rawlins. what the fuck was he gonna do.
Most people dumb enough to join the infantry are either desperate or genuinely believe that they can become a ultra badass hyper solder who can kill hundreds of dudes singlehandedly.
Not to mention half of them have the mentality of teenage boys.
Why is Frank the ONLY character in comics you make this caveat for? Why don't you say Wolverine and Deadpool can't keep getting eviscerated over and over and over and over again because it would eventually drive them too insane to function? Why can't Iron Man keep gaining and losing his fortune over and over and over again because he'd eventually either give it all up forever or actually eliminate his financial obligations all together? Why can't Spider-Man just move to the West Coast because literally every single person on earth who wants him dead lives five blocks from him?

But when it comes to the Punisher, you people just immediately have to jump up and scream NUH UHHHH MUH IMMMMMMMERSION!
Even the brown gays on /pol/ think you're a faggot.
FrankenCastle was a lot more awesome than it had any right to be.
>implying the punisher isn’t childish shit
Have you guys got punish like pic related?
Never understood why the Punisher is a problem?
He quite literally started off wearing tights
Canonically the answer is usually no, because Frank's the kind of weird combination of lucky and insane to somehow not fuck it up to the point that he's one of those characters who exist in the limbo of the Penance Stare not working on him for like a half dozen reasons depending on how it works this run.
Anyone can, provided they bring the proper weaponry. There's enough sci-fi bullshit floating around in Marvel that could core Rhino.
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I thought I was going to hate it, like I hated Purgatory, but it ended up being really fun and awesome. A surprisingly solid run.
Did he at least keep the picture
Well, the one that interacted with super heroes in the marvel knights series. The rest of the issues and Max didn't really meet any super heroes at all.
Mental disorder, Wolverine clearly has rage control issues and who knows what kind of dementia after living for over 100 years, Deadpool was already a psychopath before getting super cancer. I don't think you read that post before kneejerk replying.
The shitty one, yeah. Not the cool one.
Because MAX Frank lives in a world without heroes. A world of black and gray. A true world outside your window.
That reminds me, what would Spider-Man MAX be like?
Except for Nick Fury, I guess.
SHIELD also exists in the MAX universe.
>someone storytimed this run
Is it archived?

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