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So is this comic dead? Is Malcolm that uninteresting?
If you know who Malcolm Dragon is, than you already know what's up with Savage Dragon.
Stop feigning ignorance, just dump all your folders of his crazy wife and Mickey Mouse.
It basically became a porn comic parody, it sucks even as a porn to be honest.
Dragon used to look pretty cool. Why does he look like a darkie now? His green doesn't even pop anymore.
I'll these as a yes.
It lives on in shock value and shock value alone. Current arc/shock shit is Larsen using now public domain Mickey Mouse as a sex pervert trying to fuck Malcolm's GF.
IIRC Nu-Savage Dragon is OG Dragon's kid with a black stripper/super heroine who was part of Freak Force.
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fucking yikes.
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Can't blame him for doing it.
and now the kid has 1/3 black 1/3 asian 1/3 alien kids
The book is still coming out regularly, and the current plot line is Mickey Mouse sexually assaulted Malcom's wife, Maxine.

(also the little red alien dude swapped minds with the husband of Malcom's sister without her knowledge, solely to fuck her brains out, because Erik really enjoys using rape as a plot device I guess)
Is this commentary about Disney raping Marvel?
uh whut
What the fuck
I just never read it
No it's a commentary on Erik Larsen being a crazy person
Why exactly did this happen? Was it because they knew nobody was actively following Image's properties anymore so they just decided to go full on balls to the wall with it?
Didn't this book go woke? I recall it going political at some point a few years back.
only because the main cast is now full-on pansexual, polyamorous and everything you can think of.
Is Horridus still dead?
It's like Tarot. Just a vehicle for the writers fetish and if sells enough to justify it's own space then all the better.
It's been woke for years on end now, Larson even had a pro-Biden cover ffs.
She's died twice so far. First death was when OG Horridus' universe exploded, the second one died due to Covid to make a silly political statement.
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Based if true
He's black. So every girl he beds gets blacked.
Malcolm Dragon.
He's ushered in the polycule in comics, by having a foursome and getting three baby mamas simultaneously as a result.
a trendsetter.
He's the hero we need and the one we deserve.
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The comic was always horny. It had nudity and sex all over it but not actual porn. At some point Larsen just crossed that line.
The guy's named Malcolm and constantly sports some huge big lips that were never there with the original Dragon.
How much more obvious can you get?
No shit. His mom's black.
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That's too smart for Erik
>> tfw when Dragon's grandaughters become semen demons like their mother when they get older
Truthfully, I have a feeling that Larsen will do that once they are of age.
Oldest daughter will probably fuck that Tiger guy too.

It's important to note the two daughters are actually the Asian wife's. While the boys have different mothers.
IIRC he wants to at least go 300 issues because that's what Cerebus set
He might go even further to beat out Gold Digger
Dragon was so fucking awesome, dude. He was a blue-blooded cop, no-nonsense, his rogue gallery was a bunch of retards who shot shit from their hands and he fucked every single hot female character that ever appeared.

It's a woke cuck fetish ridden piece of shit.
If it makes you feel any better, Larsen's original original version of Dragon from Megaton #3 is in the comic now.
Larson probably just realized that, since Savage Dragon is such a niche comic at this point, he can get away with just doing porn. To be fair, I don't recall actually seeing Dragon Dick; you mostly just see breasts and pussy. And sperm. A TON of sperm.

Larsen fell off during his stint as the President / Publisher of Image. Dragon started missing ship dates like it was the founding days of Image again, and he went hardcore into Facebook/Twitter politics and pants shitting. When issues would ship the art wasn't up to where he used to be, and eventually the book succumbed to Larsen's inability to keep his personal bullshit out of his comics. I still get a chuckle out of a bitter boomer that made stacks of cash in the speculator market of the 90's shitposting while buying properties in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the USA.

Fuck contemporary Larsen. Don't even step to Fred Perry's Gold Digger run you brain broken moron. Looking back I'd say Dragon started to fall off for me at about issue 186. Which isn't a terrible run.
This guy might be the most deranged in the whole industry. Shame, 90s dragon was always worth picking up at the time. Another sorry bastard is Ty Templeton of old Batman Adventures fame, who hates the founding fathers, wants mount Rushmore bulldozed, and shit talks Teddy Roosevelt of all people
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He greened them!
That's some certified grade A omegacringe right there
There is a difference between cheesecake and tounge in cheeks to pure porn satire.
He impregnated all of three of them too. That’s why he has 4 kids.
It’s always amusing how /co/ on one hand whines about everyone being stuck up prudes when comics aren’t just softcore porns with fight scenes and how comics would automatically sell better if they just pandered to horny men, but then turn and endlessly bitch about Savage Dragon featuring plenty of fucking now
Because it's people upset at Larsen over him not supporting Comicsgate or Trump or something
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If you've ever read Larsen's Supreme run, you know something deeply vital in his brain broke a long time ago.
Anon, I...
There's a porn variant with dragon dick

As a former reader, I could roll with Larsen's political activism when he was producing a quality comic. Unfortunately it reached a point where the quality dropped off, about the time of the Emperor Kurr story the ride was getting wobbly. I dropped out shortly after because Larsen was spending more time on Facebook and Twitter than working on his comic, again - I previously enjoyed his casual beefs with peers like Peter David and his pro-creator opinions.

Dragon just devolved into a sloppy mess around 2011-2012. Long before the internet man-children got ass mad at the Big Two.
Is there anything more pathetic.
Man what a dick. At least Fred gives the people what they want keeps bullshit politics out of his work. And that guy served in the army. What's Larsen's excuse?
I just got into reading the first 3 issues of SD cus I picked them up at a shop. Was looking at later covers on eBay and couldn't believe there's legit coomer cover variants.
Read this >>144322367 and get back to your ShareBlue buddies so you can all get a clue.
Both Trump and Biden suck but this is embarrassing.
Wtf she's 20?
They all were 20, they were classmates. Except the blonde, who is Malcolm Dragon’s step sister.
Oh, that's not the real savage dragon?
That’s his son Malcolm who took over the title 8 years ago or so.
That’s his son Malcolm.
The sex form those 3 girls resulted in 3 kids. But Malcolm only married the Asian one, who in turn took in the other 2 kids. He then got his Asian wife pregnant again.
So now he has 2 sons and 2 daughters.
So the original Savage Dragon is a grandfather.
Mount Rushmore kind of sucks though? Politics aside, have you seen the thing? I hit it on a road trip because it was on the way and my god it was disappointing. I know the Dakotas have to hang their hat on something — corn palace ain’t doing them favors either— but shit. Crazy horse is still unfinished and it kicks Rushmore’s ass.
What is OG Savage Dragon doing now? Also that's kinda pathetic.

It's always weird when some creative person has kids or his kids get older and her does like a whole new persona for his work. Like a director who makes horror movies oddly doing kids films.
Original Dragon is dead, has an alternate named Paul
He’s dead and having an orgy with hot women in heaven. I’m not kidding. Actually I think he came back to life.
The original Dragon, Kurr, died.
Once his evil past before he got amnesia was revolved, there wasn’t much more to do with the character.
>hates the founding fathers
To each his own. It's fine not to worship them; they all did stupid stuff.

>wants Mount Rushmore bulldozed
I was specifically blasted out of the sacred land of a native people who are still around. I can see someone considering that disrespectful

>shit talks Teddy Roosevelt
Okay, he's a fucking idiot, then. How could a Batman writer hate a guy who was practically Batman in real life?
No, Erik just like to shit on people or companies he dislikes.
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Larsen is the coom master we deserve.
I'm so proud of Kras for this.
Larsen should have let them do a whole mini-series.
There’s still time.
Post THAT page.
You know the one.
cover is jim davis tier
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He saved the world and then exploded because get got a transfusion of his son's blood; which can practically regen you from death, but will make you explode if you don't take a neutralizing medicine within a set amount of time.
you guys really need to stop going on twitter to piss yourselves off
What, one of the SEVERAL pages of Malcom's wife being propelled off his cock when he cums and her landing upside-down so she can gargle the liters of semen pouring out of her pussy into her mouth as she passes out from pleasure?
>. Another sorry bastard is Ty Templeton of old Batman Adventures fame, who hates the founding fathers, wants mount Rushmore bulldozed, and shit talks Teddy Roosevelt of all people
What did he say and where did he say it, so I can look this up myself and not go off your account?
Does the guy even fight supervillains or monsters anymore? From the sounds of it he only deals with political strawmen and corporate mascots in-between all the awkwardly drawn sex
He's constantly still fighting monsters. Literally only two issues since the Vote for Biden cover have lacked some monster getting it ass beat in and that's one where his daughter essentially gets her own Hobbs and the one where they move to San Francisco.

Picrel is from the most current issue.
No. The one when he’s fucking Maxine plus his step sister.
>didn't this book go Woke

Litterally the book has an illegal alien mutant join a police force to help curb super villain terrorism and then beats the shit out of a racist cop making references to the Rodney King trials

It's ALWAYS been woke
No, no. He means the kind of woke that he sees when he goes onto the Leftist portion of Twitter to make himself mad.
After the entire explicit Hentai shit Larson did where Savage Dragon unleaded a barrel inside his waifu.
Followed by the shitshow massacre after it, people quit reading this comic for good.
This comic will only die when Erik Larsen dies.
Literally a comic book artist's dream.
Savage Dragon is basically exactly what Image set out to do in the first place: a creator owner comic that does whatever the fuck the creator wants to do for as long as he wants to do it.
No the last issue makes it pretty clear this a MeToo/Sex worker rights story. Mickey goes full Weinstien and pulls the "Do you know who I am" routine while Maxine sees a therapist or something that explains to her, even if she's been in a viral porn no one has the right to touch her against her will.
Yeah I read Savage Dragon.
I think him hiring Krash for that cover really shows what Larsen's line of thinking is. Larsen always says he likes all kinds of comics and art, so I think seeing how the rule34 scene exploded in the 2000s was fascinating to him and he wanted to attempt to do stuff in that hyper sexualized style.
Why is his dick out?
Are the fish men gonna gang rape Malcolm?
I kinda wonder, given his own interest in Public Domain stuff, if Larsen will declare it PD when he goes or retires. It would honestly be pretty cool of him and it would allow people to use the parts they like and feel Larsen mishandled, like Horridus, officially.
Erik Larsen is a man of culture and a fan of the dumpster alley.
Wait a sec, but that's his sister!
You forgot the part where 4chan's new favorite comic book character shows up at the end.
I'm waning on Public Domain when this is best people can do with it, I saw an Experian ad use Mickey (animated by AI, of course) to shill their app.
When Disney fights copyright laws in the Supreme Court when Trump is president they're just going to hand over one issue of Savage Dragon as evidence as why to strike down PD and win
I'm not a corporate guy but tearing down other's work especially without actually deconstructing it like this is just creatively bankrupt
I wish that happened for Body Bags
Is there anything more wish full fillmenty than having sex with your girlfroend, your ex and your step sister all at once and leaving them all satisfied?
It’s including your girlfriends’s MILF Asian mom for a fivesome.
And seeing how she later goes for Malcolm’s brother. It could have happened.
Most of the best PD work comes decades, if not a whole century afterwards because people are so far removed from the original context of consuming it as a specific product BY someone. If you think about it with Disney stuff, all the Euro comics and Barks/Rosa's Duck Comics were doing their own thing and ought to be considered their own unique interpretations of the characters. Everyone has already been making their own versions of these characters; they just don't have to hide them as "fan art" anymore.
Literally the only good shit that came out of this era of Savage Dragon.
Didn't knew Fred was a leftoid retard like Larsen. At least his porn is good till this day.

The fucked up part is that I'm certain Maxine would have no issues fucking her own mother. Shes such a sex freak.
He's an old school otaku. Of course he's leftist.
Yeah. There was that issue Malcolm lost his legs and was in the hostile heal.
Maxine was so horny that she started to fill up her mother and brother-in-law and asked if they could do it.
Kevin told her to stop, but we never got a reaction from Mei besides a gasp.
She’d probably be done for it too.
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This Maxine is fucking disgusting. Seriously. Not even hot... like Angel.
This guy's got some serious lungs on him to stuff all that into his introduction
The one thing I’m shocked Larsen DIDN’T do.
Was when Angel, Jennifer and Alex were stuck in the Barbarian dimension and they met alternate universe Malcom.
It seemed Larsen was going to show another foursome but between all of them.
But he never did.
I was so disappointed.
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The original Dragon was such a chad.
Teddy Roosevelt deserved shit for defending the sand creek massacre and then there was his actions related to that massacre in Philippines
Does Larsen write for Brazzers.
You just know Malcom’s daughters Amy and Maddy are going to grow up to be just like mom.
I don't know Perry's politics, but it amazes me you guys are surprised how many guys in comics lean left. Do you think the right was particularly supportive of comic artists who wanted to draw violent action and cheesecake in the 80's and 90's? There's a reason so many people have a chip on their shoulder about the American right wing. Years of saying art isn't a real job or cutting art programs and the like.
Do you think someone who liked anime as a grown man in the 90's was someone the American right wing would accept with open arms?
It's just paradoxical for someone to claim to be against the system and at the same time lick the stablishment. I just can't see comic book art as something the liberals would endorse.

Anime on the other hand, back in nipon, is probably something more in line with their version of conservatism.
I'll be honest. I hate how he draws adult angel. He exaggerated proportions in a way that just goes nothing for me. Like I recognize she's meant to be. A skinny busty girl but it's not really working. I also don't like her costume. I really didn't like it on her mom but I especially don't like it on her. I wish she had iterated on the original "battle girl" look she had. Would be let her be her own thing.
Either that or penthouse forum.
Art and creativity aren't inherently leftist or rightoid and only a complete retard would think they are.
Not really. Anime is sexualized as fuck, and beyond the ironic memes of Shinzo Abe trying to save Japan's declining birth rate, Japan is conservative as shit when it comes to anything they perceive as vaguely pornographic. It's also a lot easier to sell stories making fun of the outrageously corrupt and geriatric government there than it is to make one that's pro-nationalist, cause I want to say one of the last serious attempts was that one shitty isekai called GATE which was basically a giant love letter to the JSDF
How much will you be willing to bet larson includes the idea of a regenerating hymen so they lose their virginity every time they have sex
>I just can't see comic book art as something the liberals would endorse.
And you can see conservatives do so? Also lol at you not thinking conservatives are half the establishment.
Let me guess, you only became aware of politics within the last 7 years?
This comic is the main reason why, “just read western comics outside of the big two, bro” is a garbage argument. Savage Dragon, Spawn, and Image as a whole is nothing but sewage.
They aren't, but the American right wing has been infamously hostile to artists and things outside the norm for decades.
Conversely, modern left movements have pushed a lot of people right.
They tend to protect their own culture a lot more than the west. Anime is basically the easiest channel for them to celebrate it. That a type of conservatism, no?
Disney caved on public domain shit with Mickey; They got so much hate (and rightfully so) the last time they tried to fuck with public domain, that they decided it wasn't worth the PR nightmare to fight to keep Mickey out of the public domain and that was BEFORE they went full woke anti-life abomination on society. Their "solution" was to quasi-redesign Mickey back to his first appearance look and commission a near decade long internet exclusive cartoon series to milk as much money as they could out of Mickey's early design before the Mouse fell into public domain and cut their losses. .
I just don't like WEF and Soros my boy.
Man, Superpatriot lookin' kinda diff errrnt
Not exactly what happened.

Larsen used his founder status at Image plus his stint as President running Image to basically put Savage Dragon in the yearly Image FCBD special to promote Savage Dragon, who's sales had pretty much tanked and hovered around barely selling 5,000-10,000 copies month by the early 2000s (hence why copies of Savage Dragon post-#100 tend to be super pricey as far as low print run means back issues tend to go for $50-100 a piece if you can even find them online or in stores). This pissed the fuck off the hipster scum Valentino cultivated to work at Image, angering them that their rejected movie/tv show pitches weren't getting featured in the coveted FCBD special instead.

Faced with a backlash and not wanting to lose the hipster scum demo who flocked to Image after DC fucked up Vertigo to make it unattractive to creator owned projects, Larsen decided to go full porno with Savage Dragon purely to try and boost sales and get people talking about the book. Which didn't quite work out as people complained about how perverted the book was, where the hell was the real Savage Dragon, why did Larsen kill off the creepy as fuck orange colored spikey abomination woman from Freak Force why is the new Savage Dragon dating an Asian woman who looks like jailbait.
>That a type of conservatism, no?
Not really. Liberals can be proud of their cultures, too.
Its just a side effect of how politics changes over time. Using anime as an example. If in the 90s/2000s you heard someone was trying to censor an anime for sensitive American viewers, you'd assume it was some conservative evangelical "won't someone think of the kids" person. Nowadays if you hear about censorship your knee jerk is to assume it's some whining snowflake that's all triggered by how horny an anime is. Both of those existed back then and they exist now but the difference is how their political party is seen. In the 90s and 2000s the line were about free love, free the nipple, push the boundaries until we hit the #me too era. While conservatives tended to be "get this degenerate shit out of here, sex is sacred, read your bible." A lotta people who change their political leanings didnt change their political ideals so much as those parties gradually changed around them.
>when Trump is president
>Anime on the other hand, back in nipon, is probably something more in line with their version of conservatism.

Why is it always complete morons who understand nothing about politics think they understand anything about art and their politics?
Boobs=conservative now.
Please remember you're talking to guys who were born in 2002 these days.
You're right.
True, but the right, especially these days, hates art and thinks it’s a luxury that’s not worth pay for and keeps crying about there being too many leftists in the industry even though the right has spent nearly fifty years demonising the idea of choosing the arts as a profession.
I just don't like commies and liberal degeneracy fren
Echoes of a better time.
>A lotta people who change their political leanings didnt change their political ideals so much as those parties gradually changed around them.

More like a certain demographic is completely narcissistic coomers and only supported liberal freedom of expression when to them it just meant easier access to tits, etc. The second the conversation turned to women controlling their own sexuality, etc. these people checked out and got increasingly angry because it meant you couldn’t just expect everything to be hyper sexualised entertainment aimed at horny dudes.

And conservatives are still completely insane anti-sex, pro-censorship, etc. They have banned statue of David from schools because it’s considered too pornographic. They think anime is satanic. They lose their minds when Lizzo isn’t thin and wears skimpy clothes. They made apps that erase tattoos and put women in more skin hiding clothes. They’ve essentially banned access to pornhub in certain states because they want government ID verification to be used to access porn sites.
And since the comic characters are aging in real time, how long before they’re 18?
So what is the political leaning of someone who don't want or like political activism in their comics and the man-faced aberrations that keep popping up in comics and games nowadays?
A middle liberal
^a moderate liberal
Barring any time skips I think we still got a good 8-10 years before they're legal. To be fair Larson has done a decent job of strictly adhering to a consistent timeline. Outside of certain skips that at most move forward a year or 2.
Coomer boomer mindset liberal
I will never be a liberal.
You already are thinking like one
I want Maxine to sit on my face.
Then stop describing your political ideologies as such. >>144326464
What if I like all of this and still don't like woke politics, NGO's and mass illegal imigrations?
Then why are you in a Savage Dragon thread?
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So I can remember the good old days when he was Bruce Willis and Bruce Willis wasn't with dementia...
Savage Dragon has always been woke you zoomer.
Black girlfriend. Open sex relationships.
Freaks fighting for their rights.
Illegal immigrant hero is the protagonist.
Looks like you’ve finally realized this in your old age.
>Black girlfriend. Open sex relationships.
It was hot. And he wasn't fucking his own sister... or in a open-marriage-relationship with a disgusting freak that spit cum into his own mouth.
Serious question.
Did Eric Larsen base Malcolm and Angel off of his own children?
Are the 4 kids going around now based on his grandchildren?
Sorry, but both of those things are antithetical to conservative values. They are woke and always have been. You can't pick and chose; it's all of nothing.
probably not, but his wife is an asian woman for what it's worth.
IIRC the Asian news anchor you see in Image comics early on is named after his wife's friend, but modeled after her.
Does his wife read his comic where the main love interest is an incredibly horny insatiable nymphomaniac Asian girl cuz I could see that rubbing her the wrong way
She was actually his "editor" early on(she didn't actually edit, he just needed a credit and gave her one)
Occasionally she'd ask not to be credited due to the content of the issue, so I'm guessing she's aware
The Angel he fucked isn't really his sister; she's the alternate reality version of his step-sister from a world where they never interacted. Plus, the open relationship is stopped literally when they had the foursome. Malcolm put his foot down and he married Maxine after finding out she was pregnant. They haven't had sex with anyone else since then (not on purpose anyway; I think Maxine got raped to death by a monster once and that's why they aren't fucking every second of the day like they used )

Aside from getting insanely horny when she can't fuck Malcolm, she's super faithful to him; as is he to her.
Not. They stop having sex with his ex, that black chick.
But Malcolm, Max and Angel continued to have a scheduled monthly threesome.
Up until Angel got married (they continued to have threesomes while Angel was engaged).
But no one knows currently that Mr Glum switched brains with Angel’s husband.
So the evil Mr Glum has been raping Angel (through deception) for months now.
You're half right. Malcolm and Angel are from the same universe. They both fled their home dimension into dimension X right as that version of earth was destroyed. They got separated and Angel made it to the current universe with the help of she-dragon. They later went back and got Malcolm. That said they aren't related at all. Malcolm is the son of dragon and rapture. Angel is the daughter of Jennifer and her unnamed dead ex husband. And since dragon wasnt aware of Malcolm until he was 8 and then they were in dimmension x for even more years so they weren't really socialized as siblings until they were teens. So it isnt unreasonable for them to find each other attractive.
Also I feel like they had at least ONE more threesome before the incident but I might be nisremembering. I know Maxine went down on Angel right before her wedding though.
Yeah they continued to have scheduled threesomes. We saw two on panel.
Man...it sounds so hot in concept but I don't like how larson draws sex scenes so I can't even get off to it.
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I mean I can't say I agree with beloved film icon Mickey Mouse but to be fair Maxine is notoriously promiscuous. She's constantly getting in people's personal space, walking around with no underwear, fingering herself constantly, and shouting to everyone on earth about how much she wants to fuck. Mickey isnt wrong but why doesn't the comic treat her like a sex pest?
I’m sure that’s what Mickey’s lawyers will argue
Wow this really tells me that Larsen is really against rape and actually a good person, it totally makes up for the fact that he wrote some of the weirdest shit about a dwarf demon or whatever grooming some chick.
>it totally makes up for the fact that he wrote some of the weirdest shit about a dwarf demon or whatever grooming some chick.
But those were the actions of a villain, so you would be correct except Larsen has nothing to make up for.
nice to see /co/mblr defending rape culture. who are you gonna side with next? alan moore? garth ennis? disgusting alt-righter.
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posting that just means you took the bait, you know.
Honestly I hate that Dragon and Alex were always being teased but never became official. Like yeah now Paul and her are an item but that's not the original Dragon.
But that's the original Dragon, he predated Image Dragon
That's isn't woke, that's American.

I think does he mean that Dragon starts saying trans rights and that Juneteenth is important because corporations need to capitalize on it.
I guess I should say, that's not the original Dragon to this Continuity. Image Dragon had a lot more story with Alex than Paul did.
Once something is in public domain there's no rules for politeness or whatever you're thinking of. Somebody wants to make cartoons of Mickey jacking off in front of a ln elementary school with a speech bubble that says "Buy X product!!" Is perfectly fine under the first amendment, as it should be.
Based Mickey. This is why Disney needed to lose copyright decades ago.
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I just know this guy exists thanks to the LCBH ToyBiz line kek.
I'm not the guy he was baiting, and also I only consider bait to be taken if someone tries to reply earnestly without understanding that it was bait at all.
I do have the suspicion your reply to me was also bait, but so it goes.
Are they gonna beat up Mickey? I'm honestly curious.
I just read the newest issue and did not realize it involved Maxine running around naked wearing only a pink girly backpack. You know your comic is dead when that doesn't even come up.
Damn; and here I thought i wasn't speed reading. It's a bit funny to me that what would have been the dream life of any hot-blooded man born in the second half of the 20th Century (married to a wife who loves to fuck and having a hot side chick that you BOTH fuck) is being decried as evil and amoral.
I assume what's going to happen is that Minnie or Pete will show up to beat the piss out of him or save them from the lawsuit Mickey will put on them when Malcolm punches him through a wall.
It's weird. Savage Dragon is so not bothered in the slightest by this situation, he's been busy fighting giant monsters, which in Savage Dragon is treated more like a job instead of altruistic calling like other superheroes.
Maxine, his wife, is clearly distressed,
but she still went to a pride event just wearing a backpack and boots, which is the point Larsen is trying to make, but it's done so tastlessly
Savage Dragon reads like a right wing parody of a left wing comic, but it's sincere. Probably the most sincere and pure comic on the stands
>did not realize it involved Maxine running around naked wearing only a pink girly backpack.
It's funny how 20 years ago this is the kind of stuff Fin Heads were BEGGING Erik in the letters pages to draw in the comic and he regularly flatly refused them because he wanted his book to be taken seriously.
Considering they did make a Savage Dragon kid's cartoon show that aired along side the Mortal Kombat animated series, I guess that was the right call...
Shame tho, woulda been interesting to see this stuff back then when the art was much tighter...
>It's a bit funny to me that what would have been the dream life of any hot-blooded man born in the second half of the 20th Century (married to a wife who loves to fuck and having a hot side chick that you BOTH fuck) is being decried as evil and amoral.
Only because Malcolm is half green.
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The comic had a lot of fan service. It was always right there but never went over that line. But then they do and the art is worse and the writing is haphazard. So frustrating.
That massive backboob, dear lord.
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Learning Savage Dragon lore today was an unexpected treat

No idea of Perry's politics. Dude just produces work non stop. Hard to guess even given Perry is a veteran, and he still just focuses on pumping out GD and other comics when he's not making GD. Dude is a paragon of the industry.
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God Rita was so sexy. Fucking 6 1/2 foot tall with massive tits. But god she's so inconsistently drawn.
You two realize that /co/ is more than one person, right? Multiple people can have multiple, mutually-exclusive, opinions.
Savage Dragon did a Mars Attacks crossover where one of the main characters gets raped by a Martian, and later gives birth to a half-Martian baby who becomes a prominent villain.
With the level of endless whining about lack of sex in comics this book should be hailed as the saviour of industry. There is no consistency.
/co/ complained about New 52 Starfire being dumb, only caring about sex, wearing the skimpiest outfit she's ever worn, and having the memory of a goldfish. Then when Rebirth happened and she got a less revealing costume they complained about that. Anons want a specific level of coom and can be very fickle about it. Which is annoying because they'll make dozens of threads and fill them up complaining about one and then the other. As for Larsen, /co/'s problem with him is how he went overboard on the sex and his politics not aligning with some anons.
I'm starting to suspect some of those complaints were from people who write those clickbait articles who come here and try to make it seem like people agree with them
>/co/'s problem with him is how he went overboard on the sex
The real problem is how unserious the sex is. The bunch so mad that dropped Savage Dragon just want Erik to be some Dave Sim Frank Miller drunken whore-hating crank. Half a dozen big-titted bimbos in this book have been brutally murdered and no one bats an eye but as soon as Horridus bites it they lose their minds.
The /co/ that was mad about nu52 Starfire actually read the New Teen Titans and knew that was all character assassination. The /co/ reading DC Rebirth were crying about gays destroying comics and used any woman putting on more clothes as a smoking gun.
Because Horridus' death was hilariously bad. Imagine if a supporting character in an 80s comic canonically died in an anti-drug PSA.
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Women and gays unironically destroyed comics.
No, feminists and militant gays ruined comics.
I've never seen anything to indicate Fred leans left. If anything, possibly the opposite, or just a centrist. Most importantly though. is we can largely only speculate, because Fred smartly keeps that shit to himself.
S-she died?
She isn't in the comic anymore. I guess Erik felt the comic needed more room for SD's harem and gimp-children.
No I think she's still around
Maybe Larsen doesn't into oldge gigatit grannies? Rita's probably retirement age by now...

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