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>The youtube poop is 8 minutes of mindless colorful video effects with 0 clever jokes.
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>Implying to hate Imaperson
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Wait, didn't I see a thread that's exactly like this but with a wojak a while ago?
I don't think a YouTube poop has ever made me crack a smile.

if you don't find this funny, then there's no hope for you.
Ok the Puppet Pal part and Spongebob watching porn got me.
based AwfulFawful non-enjoyer
>>The youtube poop is 8 minutes of mindless colorful video effects with 0 clever jokes.
>/co/ was right. I'm not funny anymore.
That callback to Spongebob's Terrorist Threat to Destroy Christmas is so great.
>Youtube Poop collab
>video becomes a slog due to the editor dragging scenes out just so that all the submissions get played
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>youtube poops without slurs
Remember, the funniest YTPs tend to be 5 minutes MAX.
thesteamlord is really bad about this
imo if your collab runs longer than the source material you need to trim it down
I'm referring more to AB on DVD's Disney Sing-Along collabs. They would be so much better if they only kept the best material. Otherwise, it just kills the pacing.
you are like baby. observe.
The door jokes going on forever are a running gag in these collabs.
the door jokes are fine, the problem is everything else.
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>It's a YTPMV
>The samples are cut so short that it just sounds like a generic chiptune remix
My personal favorite
>"Learn this, grade-schoolers"
>*mouth noises*
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>youtube poops
>everybody complains that its shit
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>Youtube Poop video is just random clips with no funny jokes are humor
um bros you can't post that on /co/?
>2013 YTPers don't reference the colorful horse show for 1 minute challenge
I'm so stupid
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>DurhamRockerz deleted his account
still hurts bros
>average /co/user when the YTP isn't constant slurs and sex jokes
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It's funny. When I was a teen I thought YTPs with tons of effects and lots of sentence mixing were signs of higher quality, but today the simple straightforward ones like this give me the most laughs. I can quote the entire opening from memory.

the best king of YTP collab is when it's a bunch of segments chopped up and stitched together to fit the scene like some guy trying to make a Mega human using multiple corpses
bonus points for when a repeated joke comes they just play two parts at the same time
Thinking of the ice King and Simon made me smile, that's all it managed before I got bored.
Whats the /co/nsensus on Fawful these days?
I don't usually watch these but Where's the Caveman was very funny so I watched all of Skooks and it's actually not too shabby. Granted, I'm guessing it's a standout example and not representative of the worthless shlock that makes up most of it.
Somehow Dinner Blaster remains King
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gjsAZqrBeE been really enjoying the SPIGOTTAN style of ytp in its utter derangement but very few people can really capture it. KrazedDonut's 'ytp cleveland' comes the closest I feel https://archive.org/details/ytp-cleveland-208p-30
hasn't he been some deranged fetish artist for the last few years and not made a YTP in a very long time
Fuck if I know. No really notable content since Deliver Us 2. I don't like how he detransitioned and broke up with AtronachsAura to triple down on /pol/ behavior.
I might hate trannies, but relapses are even worse. Especially when that old behavior was being a disgusting brapfag.
We sure Spigottan isn't using a bot program to make these poops? I remember Waltman13 making an example of what those look like, and these vids are pretty similar.
Deliver Us is overrated as BALLS
He made this last year
He was also made "I'm out of the /pol/ pipe line" vid last year really the issue is that he deletes content super often now.
it alright
I thought I was the only one who noticed this... Like, if you're going to make a ytpmv, why use sound clips that are 1 millisecond long? You might as well just use a generic music making sofware at that point.

real and straight. YTPs are supposed to be politically incorrect and non-mainstream.
YouTube poops need a comeback
When you watch a lot of YTPs, you start to appreciate the good ones a lot more. It's actually quite hard to be funny for 8 minutes.
>youtube poop is 8 minutes of mindless colorful video effects with 0 clever jokes.

What kind of retard watches a youtube poop expecting there to be clever jokes?
I've seen ytps that were more like sitcom episodes and some jokes can build up for 5 minutes or more. Unreasonably funny when done with purpose..
I'm so glad Krobo came back bros...
It would be acceptable if they weren't also autotuned
Still the only YTP series I've ever seen with more actual jokes than dumb horseshit. The guy even put them into a nice compilation for easy viewing.

Fawful hid that apology video, though, so it feels insincere. Really, after displaying such a huge backslide, it's next to impossible to believe Fawful's truly sorry or that they'll ever recover to the stability they had making Deliver Us.
>huge backslide

this poster is a liberal.
>no new Geibuchan YTP for 5 more years
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>YTP with an obscure source
>only has a couple hundred views
>is fucking hilarious
You’d think with a video style like this that the more obscure content would be more alluring.
>This can't wait a month!
"You spin me round" was never funny.
How about DaThings? I like most of their work but I don’t love anything from them, even setting aside idpol.
You need to learn a lesson:
Good shit is unknown or hidden by Youtube for age restriction. Garbage using words like "unalive" is rewarded. Although these days I can't believe people watch some of that shit, everyone buys subscriptions.

Hilarious shit like Obscurest Vinyl is known for a single video but the rest is ignored, since the age restriction hid the channel's content.
Thank you whoever introduced me to obscure Finnish YTPs
>the ytp tries to be le deep and thought provoking
safe, politically correct, moneymaxxer.

I hated this before it was cool. Never enjoyed AwfulFawfulTheFalafel
>tries to have a "serious" story in between the usual ytp jokes
I'm looking at you mobrosstudios.
They're made and enjoyed by them same midwits that thought dadaist art was le deep when it was really just shitposting before shitposting
I fondly remember miss that KotH/Aqua Teen crossover YTP that seems to have vanished from everywhere.
>but you already have a male chastity device
>actual jokes than dumb horseshit.
no its not its a bunch of shit and over used memes
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>mashed bandicoot
>skellington's revenge
>the rosen venture
>literally anything hourofpoop makes
and that's not even getting into more abstract gag based shit like krobo or iteachvader
I love this one
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>Russian YTP is much more funnier than YTP because of the richness of the Russian language and the opportunity to assemble a rich wordmix jokes more often than relying on three cussing words and earrape/simple video-editing jokes
I liked AwfulFawful when they were a woman, and hate them as a man. Therefore I've decided to revoke Fawful's pronouns. This isn't being a SJW, it's doing what I feel.
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>ytp is just 8 minutes of very slow, tame jokes
>1 million+ views for no reason
as someone who makes ytps on occasion this pisses me off
At not point was he ever a woman.
guess your ytps are so shit if you aren't getting a million. try making funny thumbnails I guess
im pretty sure my account is already shadowbanned because my comments never apprear if i reply to someone on youtube
Didn't he say that he drank the Kool-aid and decided he was both trans, nazi, and conservative at the same time before proceeding to not be a transsexual and a nazi in some video? I swear to God I remember hearing about this two years ago but I can't for the life of me find that video. It sounded like he was genuinely mentally ill as he was explaining it, too.
Of course, it was unlisted.
Very meandering...
Why are there people who want to be Russian
>Brapfag who spends too much time on the internet is mentally ill
I wasn't surprised one bit when I found out he was fucked in the head
I remember finding him attractive.
Lost interest when he trooned out.
That's what we in the medical business call "methane poisoning"

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