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The Joker's love interest
Prove it.
>love interest in the recent anime
>love interest in the recent preschool show
>love interest in the new movie
>not the love interest in the recent comics
I bet Harleys feel smell incredible
As always comics are the worst part of capeshit.
Not the love interest in the HBO adult cartoon.
DCbros... our future is looking BRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
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The same platform that gave Velma a 2nd season. Really makes you think...
body of a twelve year old boy
Designed by a woman too (the "Reborn!" mangaka)
Nobody cares about your fetishes, Bruce.
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Harley began in animation so it's fitting
>implying Joker gives a flying fuck about Harley

the only person he loves is Batman
"Love interest" is not a two way street. Harley loves The Joker. The Joker sure does not love Harley. Deluded women are in this thread. You will be murdered and it will be your fault.
Nobody watch that show except for twitter and /co/
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>No Ass
>Nagatsuki-san produced everyone's favorite Harley and the Joker. But that influence came from Osada-san. She had her vision of how the Joker and Harley should act and behave. So he took that vision and developed it into a project.
> I requested the characteristics I wanted for Harley from him. I watched a couple of movies that Harley Quinn was in. In some movies, Harley Quinn depended on the Joker. But in the other movies, she has fallen out with the Joker and fights with him.
>I wanted her to be an independent woman, I also wanted Harley to look cute in front of the Joker. So that's the kind of vision of Harley Quinn I requested.
Charlie and Emily are literally scissoring as we speak
pic goes hard
thats a man
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Just the way the Joker likes it
>Not the love interest in the HBO adult cartoon.
yeah but the show is basically about her relationship with ivy now
>As always comics are the worst part of capeshit.
LITERALLY THIS. And yet, you'll still have the loser fanboys act like it's the only shit that matters, and that everything else is a crime against humanity. The freaks have no self awareness and refuse to understand why people don't like their asses.
I unironically like the ending just for how stupid it is
Just what the Joker wants
Which one tops?
Who tf is Mori Calliope? What is a virtual YouTuber? Is this some AI shit?
>What is a virtual YouTuber?
A streamer/content creator who has their facial movements mapped to a 3D model which is then used to interact with their audience. Many are Japanese women who are signed with a talent agency in a system similar to the one used by the idol industry. It is extremely cringe. It is also fairly established by this point. Slowpoke.
Maybe, they look really soft for someone who fights and runs all the time >>144316767
I’m 32 anon I don’t sit on YouTube like a brain addled autistic all day long.
I can't wait for all the boycott over the DC anime having sex stuff in it.

Retardism aside, the series is quite fun. The animation and art designs are really good, and I love the little touches. Harley was obviously the focus of everything and she is a super fun character because of that. I like how they correctly portray her not being as batshit crazy as joker or other peeps. Harley is crazy because she wants to be crazy for Joker, but you can see they made her have this poker face to all the shit the Joker laughed histerically it. It's a nice touch.
Idk what this thread is on about, Harley has been on again, off again with Joker for a long time, but it’s usually one-sided at best with him because he usually doesn’t give a shit about her at all.

In the Suicide Squad Isekai anime, so far she’s been separated from Joker, and there are some hints she may have a flirty thing with the Princess character going on, so it’s possible you’ll have your bisexuality plot going on there. Even if not and they don’t go there at all, she’s not usually interacting with Joker much when they put Harley in Suicide Squad shit, that’s usually a character background thing for her. Even when she’s not lezzing out sometimes she’s either realizing she needs to break it off with him or moving on. It hasn’t been since early B:tAS that she’s mostly Joker’s sidekick, that was 30 years ago at this point and before she really became a pop culture phenomenon, and despite this board hyping Punchline to the moon and back Punchline never caught on pulling just that shtick because it’s just not very interesting at all.

As for the Joker, his iconic relationship is with Batman, not Harley.
Ngl I watched this on a whim expecting to hate it but it was self-aware and entertaining enough that I kinda fell in love with it. Plus the women are cute.
Can't tell if that's a bra or a bikini/swimsuit
Sorry anon, but both the director and the character designer straight up said that they want to ship Harley with the Joker since their designs look good together, Batman isn't on the show at all and neither is Ivy, Punchline is still used in the comics a lot, they just don't use her outside them since the writers for the dyke Harley cartoon said they hated her and the new movie is doing Harley X Joker again
It's honestly a bit surprising how sexy and sensual Harley (and all the other girls) are being in this anime. Also Waller being a retard in the ED did got me. I like how its playing into this somewhat recurring SS bit for Waller where she's so obsessed with the idea of the Squad simply because she thinks its quirky and she wants attention over it.
You shouldn't be so proud of the rock you're hiding out under. Ignorance is nothing to crow about.
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They probably want people to get used to it again for Joker 2, I mean this Harley even had a Joker plush in prison and said no man can touch her but Puddin'
>Harley is canonically bisexual and polyamorous
>Poison Ivy is fucking her side hoe in her own comic book
Would straightfags be satisfied if Harley was just taking some dick, even if it can't be Joker's since she's a bat family antihero now? Should she fuck Jason?
You say this like I didn’t just ask a question and learn something new you whiny little faggot.
The problem with the whole Harley Ivy thing is that its always been ass pulled by most non comic writers and the community as this "uwu they so cute and wuv each other so much" when HarleyIvy is one of the most stereotypically toxic lesbian pairings ever. They do not love each other and they do not give a fuck about the other when hard times come, and never have.

It's honestly just a symptom of Harley's problems as a whole, writers can't figure if they want her to stop being so murder happy and braindead or keep her being geniuenly awful and evil after she leaves Joker.

>Ironically enough

Suicide Squad 2016 had the best idea on this I feel. Making the Joker actually give a shit about Harley meant that her decisions and behavior as a character after was a lot more volatile and fun to watch. She was able to be a hero in that while also having a tangile emotional string attached to her insane ways cause in that version of the story there's an actual relationship that happened. Of course than they fucked it up with SS2 and birds of prey cause Gunn needs to be put in a concentration camp but it worked for one movie.
To be fair, Suicide Squad 2016 so far is the only Suicide Squad related property that was actually successful and one of the main reasons behind its success was Harley/Joker. Once Harley broke with the Joker, she lost her normie appeal
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Ivy's whole thing back in the 60s was that she seduced men for her own personal gain, she had no powers but she was still a scientist and could create plant monsters and shit, in the 90s cartoon (the one who started all the shipping shit with the Harley & Ivy episode) she explains that she wanted to marry a man and have a family but the experiment that mutated her and gave her plant powers destroyed her ovaries and made her infertile so she mind controlled a man and created plant monsters who looked like humans so she could have a family but the experiment didn't work out too well and the "kids" just mutated into monsters then disolved
So both Harley and Ivy began as straight then they became gay due to horny writers, I think they work better when they're away from each other, Harley X Ivy fags always bitch when Harley is nothing but the Joker's sidekick and yet that's what Ivy is now, nothing but Harley's sidekick, they can be bisexual if you want, just keep Harley and Ivy away
why did they make then anti heroes in this, it makes batman come off as just a dick
>it makes batman come off as just a dick
you just now realized this?
It's not just normie, anon mentioned it above but Harley and Joker having some semblance of actual emotional connection meant there was something more fun and dramatic to their interactions and Harley's decision to try and be a hero. You can tell the writers for this anime inspired primarily from that film.
Ivy's issues are two-fold. She's a femme fatale in an era where that's seen (by comic writers) as 'male gaze' cringe, so making her gay for Harley nullifies that aspect of her characterization. She's also an environmentalist-themed villain in an era where that topic is looked upon fondly by many, so writers tend to use her as a prop. For instance, Ivy tends to front left-coded views on the environment, not weird-ass "The Green" DC mystical shit like viewing global warming as good because it means more warm zones for plants to grow and fewer humans.
You could do a lot of stories with Ivy, which is the sad thing. Villains like Mr Freeze and Scarface are a lot more limited, but not problematic.
Good. Nature is healing.
>the character sheet has art of her naked and in intimate wear
Japan is so based.
The Harley Quinn TV Show trying to force Ivy into being a super progressive leftist twitter gal while also still wanting to genocide the entire human race was some of the most pathetic shit I've seen.
It alright, bigger would look silly in such a petite body
Batman isn't on the show
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Why is The Joker asian now?
>not weird-ass "The Green" DC mystical shit like viewing global warming as good because it means more warm zones for plants to grow and fewer humans.
But that's what makes her interesting.
He isn't.
DEI for the sake of DEI doesn't sell in japan.
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Except he is Asian now. Wit Studio literally just copied and pasted the Levi model from AOT and made him paint his entire skin white with clown face make-up. The Joker now looks like that K-pop serial killer from Dead by Daylight.
>She's a femme fatale in an era where that's seen (by comic writers) as 'male gaze' cringe, so making her gay for Harley nullifies that aspect of her characterization.
Right, and that's retarded.
Just have the femme fatale be a femme fatale, constantly changing these characters "for the times" is part of why people shit on big 2 comics.
I'm so fucking jealous (of Harley)
yeah this whole show is so weird. i regularly watch anime and i have zero interest in this, it doesn't appeal to me at all. maybe they're specifically targeting women because cute harley isn't enough for me to give this a chance when joker looks like that.
Levi isn't Asian. Mikasa was Asian on her mother's side. Her white father's the Ackerman.
If he was would he randomly just look like a regular Batman
Levi ain't asian he just has black hair and cool guy eyes
God this post reeks of reddit
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Levi is definitely half-Asian. His mother was a prostitute. She got pregnant by one of her clients, which we can definitely assume is some random Asian guy.
Harley if she teenage anime MC
>he looks like every op mc that is played straight
Oh god..
Hypocrisy should be the core of Ivy's character. She should be this super-progressive leftist - who rapes and murders her way through high society claiming environmental justice while doing nothing to directly help the environment. And that's when she's not trying to genocide humanity. And if my some miracle you manage to get her to some place without Michelin star restaurants and luxury penthouses, much less drinkable tap water, she's at best going to run off to make a garden of Eden LARP with her powers or at worst is going to massacre the poor and indigenous people enslaved to clear cut forests and dredge rivers.
Nah, fuck you troons.
Joker should be a pure sociopath who doesn't give a shit about anyone. Any attempt to make him "uwu he's not so bad actually" is 100% trash.
Harley Quinn as a character is cancer that ruined both Joker and Poison Ivy by reducing them from genuine supervillains to stock archetypes of femoid writing.
I like her design but I would have liked to have seen her have a fuller figure
I love the Harley but this Joker feels off to me. He seems too young and emo for my liking.
The eye and lip makeup hide the laugh lines and crow's feet.
Cute butt
u can see her clown cunny.
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This show's Enchantress has a better "Ivy" design than Ivy does in the Harley Quinn cartoon
love how yurifags get so seething at a straight harley they start screeching pedobait because it's animated overseas
drink the tears
>I'm stupid and old
Wow, brave of you to say this on 4chan anon.
What preschool show?
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This version of Ivy was scared of Kng Shark as he told them that he was going to eat the entire team if they didn't found more dead bodies for him to eat, he could rape her if he wanted since this version of Harley is really nerfed compared to how DC portraits her lately and she struggles during fights even after she got that magic bat
desu I feel like this helps illustrate why this design works better animated than it did with Margot in live action and in *most* of the comics, the face is being used a lot more expressively and the return to the black/red and the addition of the hoodie with the floppy bits help bring the harlequin theme back home while the heels call back to how burlesque OG Harley was and add a little touch of faux-class to the whole look that helps make her more gaudy rather than just trashy.
Levi Ackerman wasn’t Asian. Only his distant relative Mikasa was part Asian.

Levi’s whole thing is being an unstoppable manlet.
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>dude woman throwing men twice her size around with zero effort lmao
Holy cringe.
No anon Mikasas mom was the last Asian and they’d been extinct for a long time. Levi is a freak because he’s an Ackerman, who are a race of supersoldiers.
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I like Killer Croc's design
Third time she's been turned into a teen, which is weird for a character whose main motivation is her dead kids.
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>be bitter jaded boomer who can't enjoy things
>give it a go
>have the time of my life
Why the fuck can't the west do something like this? All WB made it the last decade were boring as fuck adaptations of boring as fuck stories. Then the Japs come and the washed up Harley suddenly has the energy of old, Peacemaker is cool and Clayface is funny as fuck?!
>was the last Asian
Bro doesn't even watch the anime and starts yapping his own fanfiction headcanon. Levi definitely has Asian blood in him from his father side. You can tell by how Isayama draws the Asian clan features (Mikasa and Levi).

Looks like they took inspiration from the 90s cartoon where he used to be a wrestler, Beware The Batman also did the wrestler thing with Croc
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>Holy cringe
Harley Quinn.
This bitch fails in every single thing she shows up in. When will WB get the message?
ITT: /co/ realizes why anime has been winning all this time.
Can't admit it? Maybe the Bluey thread is more your speed.
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Legit question:
How would you feel if the Joker actually was in love with Harley and would go out of his way to make sure she's safe?
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I won't care since this is it's own separated thing
She cute
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I really like this expression. Maybe because it portrays ridiculously well she is unhinged and scary (for the average people)?
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>guys love the crazy fun girl who only lives for the guy she eternally loves
>girls love the crazy violent guy who is always just a moment away from killing them
Really makes you think. Well you could say a girl like Harley might kill you and herself if you look at another girl but she still feels harmless relationship wise (at least if you like her antics). But in the case of the Joker it seems women gets off on the excitement of always being in mortal danger? I mean sure, both are hot which makes you forgive a lot but still.
We've been over this countless of times.
Women are retarded. It's that simple.
Why samefag to say the same exact thing a second time?
>not weird-ass "The Green" DC mystical shit like viewing global warming as good because it means more warm zones for plants to grow and fewer humans
That was just DC trying to ape Miyazaki/Nausicaa
stop coping. it's trashy.
Female fans don't give a fuck about that show.
That's how he was in The White Knight until he went double crazy and died.
Misread that as "the Joker loves incest"
Zoom and enhance on bottom right
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Female fans has to be gunned down by MG42 Smart Guns, women lives to ruin everything.
Same Female are also the ones shitting hard on White Knight because >pic makes them seethe for being stable and competent for once.
Harley sexo
>stable and competent
I thought /co/ hated unrealistic femoid portrayals.
>Female fans has to be gunned down by MG42 Smart Guns
If they dislike that terrible HQ HBO Max show then they've already got better taste than the actual executives at DC.
HBO Harley started OK until they shoved Ivy's shit.
I'd be fine with it enough to give it a chance to fuck up because I'm so fucking sick of modern Joker that anything different is somewhat refreshing at this point.
The last good take on "Joker" was Jerome Valeska. Just the right mix of edgy and actually funny.
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I say White Knight too because it takes on the Killing Joke too well.
Also it is a good way to show how dementia and schizophrenia are bad when left untreated for too long.
Sharks have 2 dicks
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To be fair she's really boring in White Knight since she's literally just a stable woman who kept an eye on Joker and they retconned all the crazy shit into being a separate girlfriend (who looks like nuHarley). And Joker died. So you're just left with pretty psychiatrist lady with a leftover costume.
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As far as "non-crazy Harley" goes, I enjoyed Criminal Sanity more than White Knight despite the "art" and that it's a bit too "generic police profiler TV series pitch"
Nice way to pay homage to her original design
Pondering sex with Harley.
glowing in the dark
I want to watch the joker abuse her
Based ryonachad.
This anime better up its ryona game in general, fight scenes are so milquetoast and Harley feels too invincible most of the time.
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maybe the anime isn't that bad after all
This is why I always laugh at DC's attempts to make her an anti-hero and lesbian with Ivy, the truth is Harley will never escape her origin of being the Joker's crazy gf, its ingrained into her very character and no attempts of making her a good guy will erase it.
You'd think there'd be more ryona and gore in general considering it's written by Re:Zero's author.
I don't think it's inherently a bad idea to have her character progress past her origins, as long as they're not completely stupid about it obviously.
For me, it would be similar to Dick going from Robin to Nightwing: a somewhat plausible change that you could just chalk up to being the result of time simply passing.
Harley separating from Joker only works when Joker is more lighthearted in tone.
When you Arkham Harley who's assisted Joker in torturing Jason Todd and probably making a Hannibal-tier tableau out of dead kids, then expect me to root for this character while she shows zero remorse, we have a problem.
That, too. A Harley that can be redeemed is one that would not be down with torturing Jason and would consider that her breaking point.
Conversely, you could also use that plot device to show Joker deteriorating and becoming worse, to the point that even Harley can no longer tolerate his behavior. It was all fun and games when he was a crazy clown crimelord, not so much when he becomes demonically evil and utterly unhinged.
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I can never decide if it is funny or sad (probably both) that DC pushed Wonder Woman as the female face of the brand and they failed miserably for 80 years. Not to mention she was the OG "only girl in an all man team" and writers couldn't do anything with her. Then came Harley who was instantly a nerd favorite, then became fan favorite and no1 DC gal world wide in record time. Now she even has her own all guy team where she is always in a lead role.
You see shit like this is why anime is killing comics. If this was some run of the mill cartoon Harley would have replied with something you forget in a second. Instead the writer surprises with a compliment that would instantly make anyone marry her on the spot.
I wish wonder woman was a lesbian
It can work but it kinda needs to work with and engage with the Joker baggage in a way that actually creates some kinda narrative arc for her. Ivy has nothing to do with any of this shit and basically has to have her own characterization mangled along with Harley's to just have the same fucking relationship with Harley the Joker did except she doesn't hit her. There's no real progression or catharsis or anything there.

It's why unironically most of the better ideas for her getting over the Joker have her hook up with one of the Bats or some kind of constructed or designated "Anti-Joker" who strongly contrasts him rather than just has her as some kind of annoying pet, it creates a kind of symbolic transition and creates a crude kind of poetic narrative.
Pudding chan
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It's pretty dumb a character that debuted in a cartoon for all ages has basically been gatekept to adult cartoons
Why would they not give it a 2nd season? It was the most successful scoobert cartoon in years
I haven't checked out this show yet and may give it a go sometime.
Good Harley as a main character media is far too hard to come by. I think Harleen is probably her best story since The Animated Series, but even that's basically just a fleshed-out version of Mad Love
cute cosplay
Do Japanese anime fans know who Harley is? They can probably recognise Joker and Batman but I have no idea how well known other DC characters are over there that aren't like Superman
Don't take it to personal, finding a jap that draws a nice ass is like trying to find a happy office worker in Tokyo
harley usually has a secret crush on batman (stoic chad) tho
Harley is for Joker only
harley has flipped for ivy, bruce, and some variant of batboy constantly
fans hate disloyal Harley
>Ivy into being a super progressive leftist twitter gal
>while also still wanting to genocide the entire human race
These are the same thing though
Harley is popular enough in Japan since they liked DC live action slop for some reason
I like how this Joker is too much for some people to bear, but John Doe was all fine and dandy.
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>WB do their damn best to kill Suicide Squad and Harely ip with bomb after bomb
>it's anime that will rescue them in the end
Tbf, Harley was no more popular than any other B-Teir batman villain until her massive surge in popularity via the Arkham games redesigning her. Harlequin Harley was never that big, it's why every popular version of Harley is her slut-punk aesthetic. Both Catwoman and Ivy mogged her for decades.
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I don't think it really redeems the costume any but just shows that this character works better when she's an actual cartoony nutjob and not just some sassy quirky alt bitch
At the very least they gave her Iseki powers to give her super strength. They all get one power it seems. Shark gets hyper regeneration, Clayface has earth manipulation in general, Harley has super strength. I usually cringe at this trope too but at least they made an excuse in universe.
John Doe was cool in season 1 where he was creepy and mysterious and you had no idea if he's sincere about being friendly or just playing around with you for laughs.
When he became a neurotic "uwu be my friend Bruce", he became shit.
If [insert any main superhero cartoon character] couldn't beat the average mook with ease then how could you expect people to care about them? Henchmen have no chance against named characters unless the plot demands them to be captured and this doesn't change because the character is a girl. Joker is almost always portrayed very skinny yet he can easily go toe to toe with Batman. The scene is not bad at all, the first throw is exactly what they teach to people with low muscle mass and the second one puts the entire weight of Harley on the neck so where she goes you go as well.
I'm so fed up with Harley that I don't even like this version, which is fairly inoffensive.
>he can easily go toe to toe with Batman
Bullshit, unless there are special circumstances evening the odds like Joker getting a drop on Batman or Batman being in a weakened state, Joker is almost always on the receiving end of a completely one-sided beatdown.
Joker has zero chance in a straight fight against Batman, it's not "going toe-to-toe".
Your post is funny because its so ironic.
It's a literal plotpoint that Mikasa stands out like crazy because of her looks and being the last to have
>muh nippon blood
in Paradis.
Levi is just a "normal" Ackermann, which makes him either a white guy or an Ashkenazi jew depending on who you ask.
Anime always wins
the German jews adopted German last names during 19th century, they are Germanic names
Thats not what I meant. I meant that the Eldians, which includes the Ackermanns, are subject to interpretation enough where I've seen people both say that they're supposed to be jews and that they're supposed to be Germans.
>End of S1
>They introduce Punchline as her main rival
>people both say
Don't be silly, those "people" are American kikes, Germans existed long before Jewish immigrants entered Central Europe.
Is there Christianity in AotT?
Of course not, there are not Jews either.
My guy from executive statements (ie people with more power than anyone who uses social media) we know season 2 was actually just an extension of season 1 with minor rewrites, they'd done like half of "season 2" before season 1 came out.
You know what? I bet the japs would make it work. They revived Cyberpunk2077 from utter failure, they can do anything.
Depends on the writer.
If this show is a big success do you think DC will learn anything from it about what people want from their characters and Harley specifically?
she's not even human
he can be whatever
also lesbian is a meme sexuality
Absolutely not.
The Joker has always had an obsession with Batman.
>I really wanted to be a hero, you know?
>But I--I--I. Just Can't.
I guess it just depends on if you can like a morally flexible Joker or not.
Rev up your Harley
Ask not to rev your Harley
Ask your Harley to rev you
NuHarley enjoyers BTFO
correction is needed
>Joker's love interest
That would be Batman.
I know DC wants to distance them but that's literally impossible so long as she is dressed up like his mini-me.
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I like when she's the kind of crazy you should worry about, rather than the kind of crazy that's desperate to impress you with how crazy she is.
Actual mental illness over tryhard edgelord nonsense, Harley would be a normal psychologist if she didn't develop a mental illness under the influence of the Joker, that's who she is.
Not here.
good joke
I find it funny that no matter how hard DC shills Harley/Ivy everyone still prefers Harley/Joker.
>that ahegao face.

100% Harley Quinn accept no substitutes.
I thought it was neat that they became friends back in BTAS, I like when villains interact with one another. Then came the endless flood of perverts and weirdos screaming about how they were lesbians, and now that has to be part of both characters forever because of some loud shipper retards.
I like both, but it's been too much Harley/Ivy over Harley/Joker for years now. Every piece of Harley media has been too scared to show her under Joker's abusive thumb, and just start off with her having just broken up with or recently having gotten away from him. We never get to see it.
I like seeing the journey from henchwoman to independent. It's only meaningful if we see the whole thing.
oooohhhh nnnnnoooooo, how totally terrible of DC to not promote a relationship that was shown as abusive in it's debut and is consistently portrayed as abusive in enough continuities they have to scale it back hard in continuities where they have no plans for Ivy
>how totally terrible of DC to not promote a relationship that was shown as abusive
This, but unironically.
Abusive relationships are fun.
Women love abusive relationships (in fiction)
yeah how dare insane villains not be in a perfectly healthy relationship
Are you a woman? You talk like a woman.
Lesbisisters..How could this happen to us
Cute hoodie

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