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>Create Soulless Wokeslop Sequel
>It becomes the fastest animated movie to reach one billion
I-I give up...
original movie scary, familiar movie not scary
I don't care.
Sequels forever!!!
>/tv/ coping pixar made a traditional sequel that didn’t make Riley gay.
what happened to go woke go broke
Riley and the goblins in her brain are cute, though.
Wow that's an unappealing design
What exactly about Inside Out 2 is woke?
Female lead.
these are the people that said Super Mario Bros was woke because they thought Princess Peach was a girlboss and that not having her be rescued from a castle was genocide against white men
then they said it was an anti-woke film because it was all about white people the moment it hit a billion dollars
I'm pretty sure that's just /v/tardation, tendies are a subhuman species.
Riley has a black friend
Go wokebros? I don't feel so good
I wish the whole MCU didn't feel so good, then we'd have better movies coming out.
It was a meme the whole time. Turns out it was all a grift to get gullible boomers and impressionable Zoomers into buying "anti-woke" products. I fell for it for awhile, but snapped out it after the Trump Shoes and 3 dollar "Woke Tears" water bottles. The game seems so obvious now and quite frankly I feel stupid for not realizing it.

It was always just marketing scheme:
Instead of buying hats, you buy Maga caps.
Instead of buying Disney+, you buy Daily Wire+.
Instead of buying brainwashed by CNN, you get brainwashed by OANN.
Instead of watching Star Wars, you dump your money into Angel Studios.

The sad part is that it worked for tens of millions of Americans. Now they arrogantly think they've "escaped" the system, when in reality, they just handed their leash to another owner.
Go broke, get woke, ultimately CROAK.
She was clearly Bi
The beauty of popularity.
Even if it's woke chuds will not be able to say anything because they can only push their agenda when they have popular support but when the popular support is for the things they hate they slink back into the shadows like defeated wounded animals.
If you say it enough times you're bound to see a woke go broke but that's like saying the white house will blow up.
Sure it probably won't happen but if I keep saying it and it eventually does blow up well looks like I was right.
It's almost like they're doing reverse psychology without even realizing it.
And the reframing has begun.
The reason is becuase the people most mad about it are "Free Palestine" Twitter Schizos that spammed every post discussing the movie with "Boycott Disney".
So do people see colorful characters and just scream woke now?
>words words words

The trick is it didn't go woke. It's just a story about a basic white girl. Look at Wish, which was very woke.
No, they see a lead woman and scream woke. (Unless she's in skimpy clothing, then it's "empowering")
>The trick is it didn't go woke. It's just a story about a basic white girl
This. It's just a regular fucking movie.
Not even woke people like Wish, it's just a bad film.
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How much money did Disney spent promoting this film? I knew it would do well like The Last Wish, but not THIS well and I still don't even see the merch flying off the shelves minions style.
>No, they see a lead woman and scream woke
That's just autists and the mentally fucked. Pay them no mind. But if they get uppity, mock them with extreme prejudice.
>people haven't seen movie yet
>say its woke for no reason
>people see movie
>no longer say its woke
Anon, I am telling you this as a friend, not an enemy:You are being grifted.
Not to worry, my mind is an ablest dictionary.
The shilling on this board didn't help.
You progressive weirdos are always the same.

>Woke Movie: Fails
Uh... what is Woke? Checkmate, Chuds!!!

>Woke Movie: Succeeds
See! See! See! Woke movies never fail!!!

>Normal Movie: Fails
Should have been Woke!

>Normal Movie: Succeeds
It was totally Woke because... it has a woman and ...uh... it's colorful.

Inside Out 2 came out in the middle of Pride Month and featured ZERO representation for LGBTQ+ nonsense. It's a family friendly Movie released at a time when there is no competition in theaters, and all the kids are off school so families need easy activities to keep the kids quiet. Tale as old as time
Come to think of it, "The Shilling" sounds like a great Gumball episode.
plausible deniability, everyone acts awkward when they meet someone they’re a fan of
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>Not only is Riley a girl, she is a white girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes
>Riley's crush is the white kid from the previous short
>The other Riley crush is a white, videogame character
>No lesbian stuff
>No BLM stuff
>No trans rights stuff
These niggas get it.
>/co/ says movie is woke
>see movie
>its not woke

Do you people even watch cartoons?
Yeah it wasn't the progressives that were crying that this movie was woke
Wokes are actually pissed as shit that this movie is successful because something something Palestine
>>Create Soulless Wokeslop Sequel
The movie isn't bad and it doesn't have a lot of "woke" shit.
>white video game character
He’s a very animu inspired video game character, so clearly Japanese
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I watch cartoons that have traditional, fluid animation.
I didn't see anybody anywhere complain about this movie. Left, right. Gay, Normal. Nobody... because it's just an innocuous family friendly film.

If right-wing grifters even mentioned this movie I would be shocked. Link me to a video from any of those idiots like Nerdrotic, Critical Drinkler, Mauler, etc. saying the movie it woke. All those guys do is shit on Disney, so there should be a ton of videos to choose from... right?
>T-that's not true
Try again:
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I watched it for Riley. She cute. CUTE!
>No lesbian stuff
It literally suffers from millennial writing
It's more like Gen Xers from my research.
>Do you people even watch cartoons?
The people making these (literally) gay headcanons don't watch media? Perish the thought.
There were leagues more people saying that was a false flag and that the Mario movie wasn't woke. The only people sayinbit was woke were immediately shut down by the people whom watched the movie.
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Sure, an effeminated japanese man with overly exaggerated masculine features. God forbid it was a black character with the Killmonger dreads, otherwise the board would be seething harder.
Now I know you're trolling and didn't even watch the movie
>Riley's crush island has no women on it
>not her friends
>not her team captain
>not the coach
>not even an ounce of implied lesbian stuff
>she paints her hair red, but not because she has a crush on the captain, she just wants to fit in the team

Otherwise, she'd be replaying her memories differently, like her mom did with that brazilian pilot (pic related).
>You progressive weirdos are always the same.
>>Woke Movie: Fails
>Uh... what is Woke? Checkmate, Chuds!!!
>>Woke Movie: Succeeds
>See! See! See! Woke movies never fail!!!
>>Normal Movie: Fails
>Should have been Woke!
>>Normal Movie: Succeeds
>It was totally Woke because... it has a woman and ...uh... it's colorful.
It's more the other way round.
Again, look at the discourse around Mario 2023 before the movie came out and after it become popular.
Bunkerfag, barely anyone was calling Mario woke. In fact, a lot of people blamed the film's mediocre critic reception on it NOT being woke. You're trying to project revisionism. Stop it.
Nta, but her reaction when meeting Val was pretty gay, The black hooded dude in the jail holds all her conscious gay thoughts.
>Can no longer claim you are a moral inferior
>Now you are a victim
Still a narcissist wrapped up in a saviour complex. Go kys
She clearly was horny for the black girl. Did we watch the same movie? She's clearly Bi but doesn't understand what that means as an eighth grader.
He hates Disney Star Wars. You know the only people that have a problem with Star Wars since it became a female-led franchise?
Inside Out 2 will be winning Oscar award for Best Animated Feature again.
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Not what happened in the movie
Not what happened in the movie
Turns out you were wrong, OP.
People who have a problem with shitty movies? TFA was unremarkable and a nostalgia retread, TLJ was the worst film in the numbered movies, and TRoS needed you to play a fucking Fortnite event to hear one of the central plot elements.
All lf that ignores that Mauler has troon editors.
I fat-fingered "all of this"
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They did went broke

Now they're dialing back and releasing a movie about a white girl
>It doesn't get my dick hard so it's a bad design
The usual crew of YouTube critics are commonly dismissed as "right wing grifters," or some random mean-sounding strawman label. I'm simply adopting the common nomenclature of those opposed to them.

If you put two brain cells together you'd realize I'm saying the film is NOT woke as evidenced by the complete lack of criticism from said youtubers. Calm down.
I assumed the outrage with Lightyear was because it fucked up Star Command's continuity.
Is this where we pretend culture war shitposting on 4chan is always 100% sincere? The only real controversy this movie got was from pro-palestine people.
>I'm simply adopting the common nomenclature of those opposed to them.
You're validating their labels by using them without a hint of presented irony.
Some people assumed Mario was going to be more woke than it actually was.
It ended up being less woke than the original intent because Nintendo stepped in.
The English version is more woke than the Japanese version with regards to Peach's characterization and how other characters interact with her, but this could arguably be thought of as a kind of localization (as Bowser is also changed to be less comedic as a villain, which has nothing to do with the woke orthodoxy).
The movie probably did so well in part because Nintendo stepped in and did not allow western writers to go as far as they would have liked.
Inside Out 2 has some woke elements like in the treatment of anxiety, but it is not the Stunning And Brave Statement We All Need Right Now that the tumblr/twitter types wanted, nor is it the "if you do not perform irreversible surgeries on children then you are LITERALLY HITLER" that chuds feared.
It is possible for nuance to exist.
The flip flop on the reception of the most recent Zelda game, where wokies said "haha chuds look Zelda is the hero now" and the chuds said "cool Zelda is the hero now" so then wokies pivoted to "Zelda summoning items and allies to work for her reinforces a problematic view of femininity that...", was such a hilarious shitshow that it proves even having these discussions is completely impossible, because everyone is so focused on owning each other they don't even really care about the media they're supposedly arguing over.
I thought Barbie shut that meme off for good.
My entire post was dripping with irony. It's not my fault that you overreacted because you lack reading comprehension. Also, guys like Mauler can weather all manner of criticism online, he doesn't need simps like you white knighting for him.
I dont think you idiots know what woke means anymore.
Barbie is a notable exception. Its red carpet was stained with blood from flops before it.
>It's not my fault that I actually meant the opposite of what I said.
Nigger Drinker is libertarian-right and you said him in the same sentence as that obese britbong tranny-hiring Mauler. Jut accept you used bad wording and move on.
An attitude of Cultural Manifest Destiny where radical intersectionality must be imposed on all cultures and subcultures as the dominant paradigm, by authoritarian force or collectivist social enforcement if need be.
>barely anyone was calling Mario woke
They only had to lie to their audience what the movie actually was.
Kinda like what Kangaroo Jack did.
Immolate yourself.
What was woke about Barbie?

A female-oriented product that was marketed to females is not woke. They didn't swap her race, they didn't change her sexual orientation, they didn't race-swap Ken... if anything it made Ken a fun character all his own, despite the dolls never really doing anything with the character.

It's ironic that the only character that experienced growth was the straight white blond hair blue eyed guy. Only one that got any awards too.
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Peach is weird because she's shown to handle herself in plenty of games.
I think they went to far on the bitchiness though.
>What was woke about Barbie?
The intent was for the audience to understand Ken and all men as The Villains who almost inherently oppress women. The only reason the audience does not do this is because of Ryan Gosling.
So there must be some similar videos for Inside Out 2 right? ...right? Y'know, the whole premise of the OP...

I already explained exactly what my intention was, you are simply too autistic to follow.
There's no way to know whether the people that accused it of being woke earlier on were acting in good-faith or not.
Yeah there was zero culture war shit about this it's out of nowhere
He explains it better than me
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Disney confirmed for #1-3 box office 2024
Chuds devastated.
So it failed to be woke because the male lead was too likable and charismatic?

...and this is the best example people have of a woke success story?
Why is it always the same handful of outrage bloggers with you fags? It's honestly at the point where it seems like you fags watch them more than these supposed chud armies or whatever.

It's, like, yeah, you dumb fuck. If you go to some dude who's entire job is to be outrageous and try to spin everything as outraging, you're going to find crappy outrage bait about a popular movie.

Lemme put it another way why this shit seems retarded to me. You're trying to make it sound like there's a widespread belief in UFOs. I tell you rightfully that barely anyone believes inthat crap. You smuggly pull out a copy of some tabloid reading "True Pop Science" with a front page story of a boy turned into a lizard.

The problem with your shitty induction isn't that there are zero people saying that shit. Sheer probability dictates that this will exist IF YOU GO OUT AND LOOK FOR IT.
Are chuds the pro-Palestine crowd?
Trump is the true messiah of Israel, so they are solidly with the Jew no matter what.
He's posting a stolen meme. Do you really think that anon is self-aware enough to ask that?
>stolen meme
Can I see your NFT?
Can I see the original?
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I wouldn't describe myself as Pro-Palestinian, more anti-Israel
Peach was the worst part of it so they were right.
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>verification not required
Bunkertran mad
I remember how the discourse around that movie here changed from "ugh this is typical Illumination slop" to "critics are MAD CUZ IT AIN'T WOKE", "DISNEY IN SHAMBLES", "ACKHUALLY IT IS WOKE YOU FUCKING CHUDS" when it released.

The movie is mediocre shit btw, but at least it isn't the Sonic movies.
Well they should watch it, because the robot's actually useful.
The Sonic movies are a low bar, since it's just Hop with a hedgehog.
It's hilarious to me that Disney supported gays and it turned the Right against them. Then the Left turned on them for not supporting Palestine... a country where gays are executed.

It's hilarious. Any time they try to do something OTHER THAN just making a family-friendly film they get smacked. They have an automatic money printing machine and they keep trying to turn it off.
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>Heckin marvelorino movie with no-no thing blurred
Weak dick energy
Do you have any non-grifter sources? Because you know their entire moneymaking model relies on making a big stink about everything they can
Nintendo/Illumination will never make anything as horrible and unfunny as the Knuckles show.
>They have an automatic money printing machine
They have pulled 1-2 billion every single year JUST from Star Wars licensing and merch. Every year. Even years with no movie.
The money machine just never stops.
I never saw the Knuckles show, so I dodged a bullet.
Now add in all the princess licensing and merch
and the Marvel licensing and merch
There's a reason Disney stock barely budges when a movie flops.
It's barely a source of income.
It never meant anything in the first place, which was why it was so useful. You could apply it to anything the right wing didn't like and nobody could say "it doesn't mean that" because it never meant anything in the first place. Remember how Florida had to explain the word in court and couldn't actually come up with anything? That's a feature, not a bug.

Everything from black people to hurricanes can be woke or not woke, depending on what's needed at the time, isn't it wonderful?
Neither do people who use grifter these days either.
A grifter is someone who profits off political rhetoric to disguise their lack of actual talent.
The "own the libs/chuds" types.
It's woke when your smug authoritarianism becomes intolerable.
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>Leftiefag still trying this cope.
So its woke but for the other side?
Grifters are people who cater to Emotionally Compromised idiots, to profit off them. They pretend to have strong feelings and sympathies with the rubes but all they want are the monies/power.
Donald has been a famous grifter for half a century. Possibly the greatest to ever draw breath.
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It's partially that. "Woke" means that it actively preaches "progressive" values. I'm using quotes there because I don't mean the people like civil rights activitsts that modern Twitterfags want to gravestand over, I mean the "cartoons need (X) amounts of representation" types that LARP as people making a positive difference in the world.

It's funny watching modern leftists try to spin "woke" as a nothing word now that it's pretty much been poisoned beyond redemption, since they were the ones who crafted its modern usage.
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Why did you CAPITALIZE emotionally compromised?
The fact that this was a phrase championed by D list actors past their prime that are stuck doing direct to video fundamentalist christian movies rather than walking the red carpets really should've clued you into it being bullshit.
yeah man when I think of "non-bullshit" what I think of is hollywood
that's a place well known for sensible engagement with reality
>He’s a very animu inspired video game character, so clearly Japanese
Didn't you hear? To the progressive masses, Japanese people are now considered white because they don't like the last Assassin's Creed or some shit like that
Technically they did have race swaps. There were non white barbies and kens in barbieland.
Now its go woke, get yoked
>There were non white barbies and kens in barbieland.
Oreo Barbies?
And it doesn't have any brown people. What gives???
Wasn't.....that the case for the first one?
Here's your African Samurai's main theme bro.
Just saying, the best the non woke can field is Rob Schieder or Kevin Sorbo
There were always side characters, friends of Ken and Barbie, with various hues... the movie simply robbed them of their individual names and identities. Isn't that even funnier? These people had names, the movie erased them... and nobody even called it out!
Timmy literally interviewed Trump himself like a few weeks ago. You can't pretend like he's a nobody lol
And everyone else you've bullied out of the industry. Yes? What do you even think you're accomplishing?
>We got Gina Carano fired for pissing us off, and the fact that Gina Carano doesn't work all that much anymore means we don't exist (somehow?)
Whatever will Rob Scheider do against the intellectual wit of @VeganismIsFeminism?
What even is your point? It really comes across as if you will only listen to someiis a famous person says it. That's bafflingly retarded, anonymous migrant.
sex with anxiety
>Kevin Sorbo
I kneel
sex with anxiety is what will save america

>The only real controversy this movie got was from pro-palestine people
Why? Does Riley state she supports Israel or some shit?
Reread the second post you quoted. You are deliberately trying to search outrage content creators, then trying to pretend they're the norm when you fags are the more consistent audience for them; people so stupid and obsessed with them that you search them out ironically.
Even with that case the best Tim could muster is a 6/10 (assuming here). Congrats, your best example is barely giving a shit.
Disney gives money to Israel
If anything, I'm surprised the movie is not being accused of queerbaiting after all those articles theorizing Riley as non-binary came out when the trailer was released.
Makes me wonder what would have happened had the movie being the wokest shit ever.
It would still be shit, remember what happened with Wish?
>right bans books
>right bans LGBT
>right demands you have to sign up with real ID to see porn so they can track you
>right gerrymanders states to avoid losing elections
>right bans mention of climate change
>right legislature literally says that people have no rights to a fair or free election
>right backs a candidate who admits they want to be a dictator
when will the leftist authoritarianism end! biden cops are right outside my door ready to kidnap me for joking that he should be in an old folks home!
I'm surprised it's done so well. I didn't feel like there was any hype around it
What do you mean? Ever since the trailers came out, there's been nothing BUT hype on this board.
It's funny because /tv/ is pretending they never said it was woke and that it's not actually woke at all. That boards full of lying cowards
>right bans books
Now post the books they banned.
My favorite title was Flamer on the list.
that's great and all, but I'm not right wing, I'm a liberal from 2010
remember when you guys excused the charlie hebdo murders because White People Bad and everything is hate speech? yeah, turns out reasonable liberals kind of got booted out of the club by you violence-loving authoritarians
The closest thing is OP being a faggot as usual
Not to mention all the forced memes from that board that come onto this one too.
>>right bans LGBT
I can't believe that it's now legal to throw queers off buildings in Florida.
No, I meant with the people boycotting due to Palestine.
Oh, pshhhhh. They famously never work, like with Hogwarts Legacy.
>cries about free speech, when they get banned from youtube for praising a certain german leader from the 40s.
>is perfectly fine with burning books as long as it's ones they don't like

yep certainly authoritarians, can't wait for the biden raids to arrest people for posting on 4chan. it's practically a dictatorship already
Don't forget when they tried to say #walkaway was a Russian operation, unaware of the irony
People just want comfort in a time when everything is fucked up and terrible, so they prefer things they know. Nothing wrong with that.
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I said post the list of books banned you coward.
>can't wait for the biden raids to arrest people for posting on 4chan. it's practically a dictatorship already
Implying shit like this isn't happening in Britain
oh you mean the britain with the tory ruling party and the conservative prime minister? that one?
He won't, because he knows a lot of it's gooning shit
Could be worse.
Could be Canada right now.
there's 300 of them, among them are woke books like Diary of Anne Frank and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I'm sure there are some more salacious titles in there to provide talking points whenever anyone questions exactly how the state has the authority to ban books it doesn't like.
>right legislature literally says that people have no rights to a fair or free election
The fucking audacity of saying this, after refusing to enforce voter ID laws and "finding" mail in ballots at 3am.
Eat shit.
>right removes modern trendy books from curriculum for being sexually explicit.
>left removes classic books from the curriculum because they say the n word in them.
Mmm, I think removing To Kill A Mockingbird is a little more drastic then current dreck.
>can't wait for the biden raids to arrest people for posting on 4chan. it's practically a dictatorship already
You don't know about sheriff chitwood?
>Diary of Anne Frank
The version with the masturbation?
No I think thats the one written in ball point pen years before the ball point was invented.
>conservative prime minister
By britbong standards, conservative, but you know everyone here is discussing with regards to America's shift. Europe by default is more left.
>"finding" mail in ballots at 3am
found the channer with brain worms, go back to your conspiracy boards where you can justify 70+ failed lawsuits dismissed because of an objective lack of proof by trump judges. the deep state is truly all powerful.

I can't source this, the only place that seems to ban it is a WA school district, but it seems to be less of a ban and more of a removal from the required reading list.

No, all versions of it, or at least there's no exception in the law for a version without that.

And... found the nazi. It's only a matter of time on 4chan, although it could be anyone I previously answered just going mask off.
Is that Tom Selleck without a mustache
Mauler is definitely a different beast of his own, I mean who makes videos longer than the actual films
One well performing movie doesn't make up for a string of bad decisions
>it's 70s/80s disney all over again
I should've guessed.
My point is that if it's "Get woke go broke" how come the non-woke side is nothing but losers and grifters?
>where you can justify 70+ failed lawsuits dismissed because of an objective lack of proof by trump judges.
No, lack of standing. They were too cowardly to actually take the cases on merits.
>And... found the nazi.
Sorry I don't guzzle down your holocaust propaganda like the rest of em, I prefer fact over fantasy.
From the river to the sea btw.
The same reason people join the NRA, inadequacy.
>found the channer
Found the Redditard.
Maybe you missed when people were going LIVE and looking up voter registrations and finding people who were dead for years.
They've lost over 200 billion in value the last three years alone.
Hollywood is stuck up its own ideological bubble. More at 11
>streaming is le future
I think it's starting to bite them in the ass.
>And... found the nazi. It's only a matter of time on 4chan, although it
Why should anyone listen to a migrant coming onto a website to insult its userbase?
To play devil's advocate, I've been here for more than half my lifespan and I insult you niggers like everyday
This movie was horrible. I don't like the premise to begin with but now they made the emotions feel like parasites that keep growing on people's heads. And they aren't even that needed.
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It’s like funny how little of a fuck /co/ is getting out of Inside Out 2. Like this is the most going through the motions I’ve seen outta one of these. Like, it just a mid ass sequel and Pixar is just doomed to a sequel factory now. The big bad grifters don’t give a shit because The Acolyte turned out to be the big shit pile it was shaping up to be. There’s no We WIN here, just screaming about the right because that’s all there is. Hollowness.
>I've been here for more than half my lifespan
Well, 2016 was was 8 years ago.
>Found the Redditard
>Why should anyone listen to a migrant

On to ad hominem attacks I see. Nothing substantive to argue, so it's time to play the card of anyone who doesn't like me is a member of (insert group I hate here) and thus cannot have a valid point.
Thats fine about, because all those books weren’t banned at all. They were just off the curriculum and in the school libraries. Hence why I stuck with removal. I still find removing the classic books off to not be great idea, but at least they’re there.

It the double standard that riles me up.
Gaston's one of the few Barra-types I can tolerate, so it checks out.
>Finding Nemo
Let me guess, marlin's wife is actually alive and abandon her children to be a free fish woman?
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Just a single retard.
Ask Ben Shapiro.
you all don't deserve good art anymore for making this hit a billion but not supporting a kino creator like George Miller or or a kino series like Planet of the Apes
You spent a billion dollars keeping the money dumpster fire/propaganda outlet that is Hollywood burning. Congrats on wasting your own money, yeah, I know you'll just raise taxes on us to make up for it
I was thinking Nemo would have a child of his own, which would make more sense.
Most of that was from where the trailer dropped. Peach was worrying because she was looking like she was gonna be the girlboss character and… well she did, but Mario ended up doing all the big damn hero stuff in the movie. Which quelled a lot of issue people had with Peach. Over correcting Peach is really stupid regardless.
I think the Mario movie being written by TTG writers is enough to convince me that it was mid.
>It was a meme the whole time. Turns out it was all a grift...
Nah, not the whole time. It was a legitimate thing that got coopted and monetized just like everything else. The morals behind it all are timeless have nothing to do with sales resistance. One can recognize that the so-called "wokeness" is wrong without ever spending a dime on the counter-movement.
>/co/ doesn't know the creator of Mad Max, Babe, and Happy Feet
this board is fucked
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This is the future you all chose
I hope it was worth it
Enjoy the 5 more Toy Story movies, 3 more Cars movies, and the Ratatouille prequel

Disney and Pixar are dead and every dumb mother fucker you went to go see this is the reason.

I fully expect Moana 2 and the Lion King prequel movie to make just as much/

Fuck you
The thing is that Mario as a series has narratives that can be described as nonsensical and shallow all the time accurately. Even something more beefy like the RPGs barely have anything to say outside of being a string of loosely related amusing scenarios.
So a movie that is also a string of loosely related amusing scenarios ends up being... very Mario.
The licensed songs were a terrible fit, who asked for "Take on Me" to be played in THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM?
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Because this movie wasn't woke. Woke isn't, "IT HAS A BLACK PERSON" or "OH NO A LESBIAN COUPLE!". Woke is just representation meets bad writing.

Steven Universe is a faggot parade with non-stop lesbian, tranny, and non-binary representation. Yet, even for THAT show, pic related feels "woke" because it's a one-off whose design feels out of place and is randomly inserted into the group and ends up solving the problem of the episode. It's fucking awful writing. And you know it wouldn't have just been some random ginger chick that Saddie was dating, no. It has to be the most non-binary, androgynous, ambiguously brown motherfucker around.
Where were his jewish values when he supported the abolition of Roe v Wade?
It's premiering against Sonic 3, which I think might make more money.
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Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights.
Holy shit google you niger
Unironically Miyamoto himself. In a post-movie interview he said that those songs were all there as placeholders, but some of them they ended up liking better than the score the composer did for those scenes, and in those cases, they kept the original songs.
It might be the fact that Miyamoto is an old jap man who doesn't watch american cartoon shit often, so to him it was just a cool foreign song instead of "take on me"
Wishful think, but no.
Lion King and Disney have FAR more name brand power than Sonic ever does, and Shadow's whole backstory is going to repel the normies because children can't handle anything dark anymore.
Fair, I'd probably think it's cool too if I didn't understand English.
>Shadow's whole backstory is going to repel the normies because children can't handle anything dark anymore.
Say what? Dark shit is all kids like anymore. (Granted, it's analogue horror shit, but still.)
>to go woke
You'd think normies and sonicfags would be in harmony.
I remember being one of those kids who watched CN past 9, and it felt great because nobody else knew it was [as].
That's what corpos think anon, why do you think Wish had such non-threatening villain and conflict?
Puss in Boots is the only real outlier and the more time goes on the more I'm convinced it was some kind of a fluke.
Jesus christ, who offended a janny?
For all the complaints, the lion king reboot made a fuckload of money
...so everyone is right wing then? Because nobody likes Disney Star Wars.
I don't like Star Wars period, I've always been more of a Trekkie.
>I've always been more of a Trekkie.

Was your parent a Jewish architect of modern America?
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No, I just thought Lower Decks was neat.
Oh you're a modern brainwashed woke, gotcha. Lol, can't believe I thought you were an actual architect/master scion
Hey, the green one's hot.
That's nice
>On to ad hominem attacks I see
>found the channer with brain worms
Hypocrite brainrot
>tfw remembering mauler made a 10 hour response to hbomberguy's "in defense of dark souls 2" video
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>On to ad hominem attacks I see
Didn't you call someone a Nazi for saying that there was a version of Anne Frank's diary that was impossible to have been written as presented, and that was pretty much all you said to them?

In fact, your entire post is trash.
>First point: "Muh conspiracy" while jacking off the SC's deliberate mishandlings while gaslighting everyone about what happened.
>Second: Admitted sourceless claim
>Third: Relating to above
>Fourth: Ad hom

You midwit Redditards are all the same. You type retarded shit and then demand a five-point essay with bibliography to disprove you coming in here being an immature cunt, demanding you be given the disrespect you withhold from everyone.

Fuck you.
I was only joking, he actually did it? LMFAO.
>Language doesn't evolve
You shouldve already gotten used to this years ago when fucking Frozen 2 made 1.4 billion completely undeserved.
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>I knew it would do well like The Last Wish
The Last Wish didn't do well. The first movie has still made more than it.
>It's the summer holidays and parents want a movie to take their kids to
>Inside Out 2 is the only real option
>It wins by default and earns a billion dollars
is this basically what happened?
Pixar went with the "theaters only" strategy so people weren't waiting for their shit on Disney+. The results with Elemental were... iffy.
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>Watching Lower Decks for Tendi alone
>Create Soulless Wokeslop Sequel
Well there's the problem: you made a false assumption.
As I said before, every non-Cars Pixar sequel has made at least 1 billion dollars.
And Elemental had the luck of being liked in Korea/had goodish word of mouth.
what an odd thing to make up
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>It doesn't get my dick hard so it's a bad design
His loss.
If they're going to focus on sequels, they should try revisiting their shorts.
They banned the bible accidentally because of its content and then had to go “ achtually talking about masturbation and incest is fine when the bible does it so we’re unbanning it”.
Which short deserves its own full movie?
How about finishing the scrapped Christmas Tin Toy movie? I know it's just proto-Toy Story, but still.
One of the higher ups has a trans child from what I recall and so it taints the entire company for the head down.
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>achually all emotions are le important mkay
>normies ate it
the question is for how long? when will the soulless sequels age last?
Peak projecting in this post
Even funnier that he needed to respond to his own post as a cat poster to give himself credibility.
Kill yourself
>complains about "soulless" shit
>Posts AI coomer pic
NTA, but you really don't comprehend that two people can reach the same conclusion independently, do you? This isn't like some dude pretending to be hos own fanclub in the middle of a debate, this is two people with a memory linger than five seconds.
It was never true lol, it's literally just good writing vs bad writing. A movie can be woke and still have good writing, and vice versa.
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The nicest thing about your constant screeching is how you documented it, so this kind of blatant backpedaling doesn't work so well.
>it's woke, it'll go broke

Panic attacks for everybody! 100 years, panic attacks, forever!

>A villain design is unappealing.

You have to be 18 to post here.

>Inside Out 2 is the only real option

IF is still in theaters and Despicable Me 4 just came out.
>Stephen Universe out of nowhere

Get help, IC.
>kids in Europe skip school to demonstrate against racism and climate change
>the party they're most likely to vote manages to allow them to vote at age 16.
>they all vote for the nazi party and boomers were right all along that those lazy fucks just wanted to skip school and are full retard

That's just the present, OP. The world is fucking lost. Might as well just wait to join a rape gang when the world ends.
Riley is like a teen now yet her new emotion looks like a fucking Fraggle.
>brings up progressive for no reason

lmao, go outside and talk to real people.

>It might be the fact that Miyamoto is an old jap man who doesn't watch american cartoon shit often, so to him it was just a cool foreign song instead of "take on me"

In fairness, he probably had no idea about the DKC music or that DKCR exists at all.
>75% of tickets are bought by Disney slush funds to inflate the numbers for shareholders
Half the year is over before a single film does what dozens were doing for years.
the industry is dying
Yeah this is one of the few shizo things I wouldn't deny either. They can't tell me anyone still gives a shit about Star Wars, too. Star Wars is like Warhammer 40k, it has a fandom and noone else is interested.
>IF is still in theaters
oh sweetie nobody wants to watch that

>and Despicable Me 4 just came out.
It comes out on july 3, and has a good chance of earning a billy of its own
The right has been nothing but grifters and their gullible rube followers for over 6 years now.
Give me TWO right winger commenters that aren't outrage content creators. I'll wait.
>One can recognize that the so-called "wokeness" is wrong without ever spending a dime on the counter-movement.
Sure, but that just makes you a brand advertiser of "anti-woke world" rather than a customer.
>Woke is whatever I don't like and has even a sliver of leftist themes in it
>Also I hate wokeness so literally anything with a sliver of leftism is woke and thus bad.
That's not at all what anon said you butthurt leftard
Prettymuch every critic of postmodernism would like a word
>Redditspacer gaslights instead of counterargues
woke is anti straight while male propaganda. None of this was woke.
Meant to say "Pretty much"
They're desperate to get any kind of win because their media has been complete shit for the last few years, so instead of cheering for their ideas being furthered, they have to settle for taking down a strawman they've passed around on r/politics and we know a lot of these puasyfooters are from Reddit because of the recent decline in user activity in that shithole in some weird brand-worshipping recourse.
All the emotions combined create a rainbow which is obviously satanic propaganda to groom kids into having anxiety attacks
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Can you idiots PLEASE talk like normal people
10 bucks says that you're replying to a LARPing leftie. Too many checkboxes are being ticked.
Just like the left
Since fucking when
Venture Brothers has trannies and faggots out the wazoo and it's one of /co/'s favorite shows. People here jerk off Static Shock all the time.
Probably because they were entertaining shows, instead of poorly disguised spiteful political hitpieces by the showrunners.
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So what you're saying is when people say "it's woke", they don't mean it simply has a black, trans, or gay character in it but that it's poorly written and hamfisted representation.
What's actually funny about the whole Redditard strawman of "dah chuds just hate anyfing with black people" is that the Boondocks showcases both how to do racial messaging and minority-pandering and how not to do it.
Seasons 1 and 2 are entertainment first that use the writers' experiences with black culture and racism in order to paint a dark comedy out of the world, but it can only get away with that because the show does shit besides discuss regressive values and tells jokes independent or even self-critical of the minorities t wants to represent. You don't have to understand anything about black culture to think Stinkmeaner is hilarious, or the hypocrisy of Uncle Ruckus to be ridiculous and his delusion tragic.
Then season 3 comes in and drops the bag, while getting drastically more unfunny. It sucks. The comedy just sucks so when it gets up its own ass you really start to feel it drag, because at that point the show isn't made for you, it's made explicitly for a people with a certain mindset.
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>So what you're saying is
Haven't heard that shit since that one bitch lost that one debate against Jordan Peterson.
No, you had it right the first time.
/co/ says they're mad it's successful because it's woke, but they're actually mad because it doesn't push Disney or the other studios to start making actual adult animation and actually do something about Japan taking over the market.
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Japan wishes they could take over the market, it's actually Europe that's doing all the heavy lifting.
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I really wanted to like Robot Dreams but I couldnt get over how dumb the plot was. And I didnt like the ending.
Ah well, at least we got Bobbypills.
>first movie OF 2024
This is a very important qualifier.
Shes the only white kid on the hockey team.
Is she in Canada?
>In San Francisco, California
I hate California but that is accurate to real life there.
At least they didn't retcon her to be part Somali
The only other movie that will make it is Despicable me 4
You're mistake was hoping in the first place
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Is that why the American internet is littered with anime art?
I blame EVA and Sailor Moon.
Wait, did we decide if the Spiderverse movies were woke or not?
are we ignoring volition failing, bud light nearly going extinct over having a tranny on each can, victoria secret kneeling down to pressure, pride month being shilled less and less for two years in a row? on top of shows like the entirety of Disney's output? yeah they might not go broke ALWAYS but it happens enough to celebrate when it does happen
>In fairness, he probably had no idea about the DKC music or that DKCR exists at all.
DKCR was specifically kickstarted by himself and was the one to go to Retro in Texas to tell them they'd do DKCR, the Retro chief daid this 23 fucking years ago.
As for DKC music, he's aware, to the point David Wise mentioned the Jungle theme from DKC1 was originally 3 tracks and Miyamoto liked how they sounded strung together and requested it to be the "level 1 theme"
I meant 13
And not the newer shows that are actually being watched right now like Frieren and Dungeon Meshi? You do know which decade you’re in, right?
Hey, Millennials were the ones that started it. We're just finishing what they started.
Guessing it's bait, nothing about this movie was woke, which surprised me because I was expected to her to end up having a crush on the hockey girl, though perhaps Disney knew it would get a lot of backlash for having romantic implications between a 13 year old and a 17 year old.

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