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so Yay is the strongest AI around?
Until Ieph decides to introduce somebody stronger than them, sure.
Any hot moments in the webcomic?
This plotline features a goo girl getting fingered by government agents. It’s probably gonna be like three weeks or so before we get around to actually seeing her again though, and most of the exciting bits will undoubtedly happen offscreen and only be implied and left to the readers’ imaginations and smutty fanart.
I don’t think I like them having nipples. Or at least, I feel like some should have nipples and others not, same way only some of them should have cocks.
Spookybot touching themselves not touching you
Essentially. IIRC, Yay's introduction was basically "I AM the scary all-powerful AI that humanity is scared of, but revealing myself would fuck up too much of the tenuous trust humanity has in us."
It's the strongest one hiding in Easthampton. But not enough that the "Big AIs" even bothered to consult it about Moray and it found out by accident
The ones with nipples are the ones that fuck
Because of Spookybutt's ambiguous gender, I declare this image 4chan certified Safe For Work.
Yay is pretty powerful, definitely the most powerful we've seen, and yet she still somehow has an inflated sense of herself. I think the concept of more powerful AIs operating under even her nose is inconceivable to her. The iceberg has to end somewhere, but that's not necessarily Yay. To be honest Yay isn't that hard to understand. The true God AI would probably be incomprehensible to everyone with a human-like consciousness. That includes Yay.
Basically never, even when he was still willing to draw suggestive panels, he was a mediocre artist
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Remember what Heph took from us.
This. I'm literally the picture of the guy going "well... these two might have sex, so I'll keep reading" because of Sven and May.

Literally the world's most bullshit cop-out.
If I recall, the uncensored version is literally just a watermelon half over his crotch, and nude May just looks like a greased up blue Barbie doll because her chassis is supposed ro be cheap

I think there's a (small) handful of canon nudes in the strip like Elliot's cock but again, very rare and really unremarkable


Yeah, it was definitely not anything that would have made Google yell at him. 100% just Patreon baiting. And it can't be that it's the aftermath of sex; there are pages where Sven is literally fucking a gap in her thigh joint where it's VERY obvious that he's essentially fucking her standing up.
>environmental storytelling
Also I wish May stayed like this. Out of personal preference and also because her new body not only cut this plot thread short, but got her written out of the comic. Any time an AI gets a new body, it accompanies something terrible. Except Twinkslow. That was a lateral move.
>5000 pages of a barely contained sol coomer comic
just fucking HOW
May should install a womb and get impregnated.
She's officially female, jannies confirmed.
What the fuck is the official policy for this board anyway, sometimes the jannies get rid of tiddies or harder stuff posted directly and sometimes they don't, same for stuff hosted on catbox. Is it just whatever the fuck they feel like?
Kill jannies. Behead jannies. Roundhouse kick a jannie into the concrete. Slam dunk a jannie baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy jannies. Defecate in a jannies food. Launch jannies into the sun. Stir fry jannies in a wok. Toss jannies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a jannies gas tank. Judo throw jannies into a wood chipper. Twist jannies heads off. Report jannies to the IRS. Karate chop jannies in half. Curb stomp pregnant jannies. Trap jannies in quicksand. Crush jannies in the trash compactor. Liquefy jannies in a vat of acid. Eat jannies. Dissect jannies. Exterminate jannies in the gas chamber. Stomp jannie skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate jannies in the oven. Lobotomize jannies. Mandatory abortions for jannies. Grind jannie fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown jannies in fried chicken grease. Vaporize jannies with a ray gun. Kick old jannies down the stairs. Feed jannies to alligators. Slice jannies with a katana.
Second Strongest.

Gary says 'Hi'. :-)
>her new body cut this plot thread short
It didn't, though. I was VERY obvious that she got that body so she and Sven could have wild sex. Remember; the reason why she went to jail was because she was literally the "I identify as a helicopter" joke. The only reason why it got cut short was that his paypigs got upset at Sven helping out to pay for the new body because that would mean he "owned" her.
He should own her, outright
Look; I just want them to have mind blowing sex where she gasps "I LOVE YOU" during an orgasm as they both try to pretend they haven't fallen for each other.
>i'm a faggot for wanting a bitchy woman to get tamed by a dude fucking her until she loves him
The lesson from the whole thing was to never help anyone you're fucking or they'll be obligated to... keep banging with you?

If he'd have been a selfish prick he could be enjoying a human-standard number of holes now.
>Women aren't people
>Robots aren't people
>Fembots are the furthest you can get from a person
Dude you're literally shipping a hipster with a realdoll, sounds pretty gay to me.
Ah, I see; YOU'RE the faggot in this scenario.
Ah the old no u, genius
Which is a fucking stupid "lesson". If the girl I was banging needed hip replacement surgery, me paying for the lion's share of her medical bill isn't some insidious trap to keep her fucking me; I'm just helping out.

You two are arguing about the semantics of the same thing we ALL got stuck reading this comic over: whether Person A with fuck Person B.
I thought the lesson was that women (even mechanical ones) are retarded.
>But not enough that the "Big AIs" even bothered to consult it about Moray and it found out by accident
That's gotta bruise its ego.
It did. She went crying to Roko about it.

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