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Why the heck aren't more people hyped about this? It'll be awesome!
>Gay Asian Harley not even with her usual partner
>Black Gordon
Possible trash on arrival
>an entire generation of kids grew up without a batman
>no batman cartoon in over a decade since Beware the bat
>shit like this >>144318239

Fucking monkey's paw.
How many episodes in before Bruce fucks Gordon's daughter?
>FAT asian Harley dating FAT Montoya
No thanks
Looks extremely underwhelming. Like we've seen it all before. Happy to be wrong here, but I have a feeling it'll be warmed over BTAS with nods towards more "adult" themes, and worse art direction.
Bruce timm used to be based
im looking forward to it but it does annoy me how the show drops all on the same day. also why not just air this on adult swim?
>Looks extremely underwhelming. Like we've seen it all before.
When? There are 0 Batman movies, TV shows or cartoons set in the (fictional) 1930s-1940s in the NOIR Gotham. Hell, there were like only 2 Elseworlds comics in that setting, I guess, released back in the 2000s. Even Victorian Gotham got more than that.
>Looks like shit.
>Animated like shit.
>1940's aesthetic that essentially was already done in B:TAS
>LGBTQ+ and different races... despite being the 1940's.

It's a mystery, anon. A reaaaal mystery.
Bc i already seen in
Bc i wanted this instead
I don’t think he meant the back drop sperg.
>”This Batman fella! Who the hell dresses like that?! I don’t trust him!”
>Almost every Batman thing ever
I’m going to watch it but my least favorite thing on display here is him fighting cops and being called Dracula. It’s almost as over played as seeing his parents shot in crime ally.
>Looks like shit
It doesn't, lol.
>Animated like shit
Have you watched it already to make such a bold claim?
>1940's aesthetic that essentially was already done in B:TAS
It wasn't, BTAS used Burton's "pop-goth" aesthetic instead.
>LGBTQ+ and different races... despite being the 1940's.
Oh wow, it also features a flying superhero who can defeat 40 thugs in a row without getting a scratch, and the action takes place in a non-existent city, how dare they write such an implausible story! Instead we should have gotten a TV series about a young tycoon who sits in his office, calculates profits and losses, and fucks early Hollywood actresses after the parties in his manor in New York, now that'd be realistic, now that'd be worth watching!
>BTAS used Burton's "pop-goth" aesthetic instead.
Not that anon but you're objectively, factually, way off base
I unironically would watch that.
B:TAS was Art Deco. Burton's Batman was more gothic.
B:TAS was Art Deco. This new Batman is Art Deco. And we've seen the trailer; looks like shit anon.
Hopefully people are finally sick of Batman
>watch trailer
>from team BTAS, the same show, the same animation, the same artstyle
FPBP, not even going to watch this.
I wouldn't say that, but it doesn't look at all like B:TAS, more like any DCAU thing we've gotten in the past ten years or so. I think it's because they aren't doing the black paper thing.
Even if it reminds me of Spider-verse, I'd cream myself if we got a Batman Beyond movie/series with this artstyle.
>it doesn't look at all like B:TAS,
Come on anon
Except his own comic series that debuted in the 1939.. right anon? Or the whole series in 1940? We ignore that one, right?
Ok, the architecture, but at some points I thought I was watching The Iron Giant.
>I'd cream myself if we got a Batman Beyond movie/series with this artstyle.
Why? It's fucking hideous. Spiderverse is some ugly miscarriage of flash and CG cel-shading at 10 fps. It's one of, if not the most, visually disgusting animation/design styles defecated onto a screen.

That style is bad and you should feel bad.
Yeh, everyone cares about The Cavalier.
>Animated Man Men
Yes please.
woke up garbage.
It's politically correct current year faux noir
It's on a streaming service. I wish they had had the balls to not shove modern day sensibilities into something set during the 40s.
I don't have Amazon Prime and I don't care enough about the show to pirate it.
Where are people getting that it's woke?
Maybe, but fits far better batman beyonds
Because it looks awful especially the Harley shit
It's based on a traditional playing card, anon.
The look, I mean. What Harley stuff? Harley has all but been confirmed as a lesbian nowadays and Montoya has been a lesbian for a while.
it has fat women
>40s period piece with black police comissioner and Asian psychiatrist (both of whom are white in mainstream continuity)
>boring artstyle that feels like retread of BTAS except Batman has bigger ears and everyone else is fat
>Plot sounds bog standard
>J.J. Abrams
Why should I be hyped? Literally the only thing promising about this is the villain lineup. No Joker, reimagined Harley, and a bunch of forgotten comic characters who don't usually get a chance to shine. Besides that it doesn't look great.
>It wasn't, BTAS used Burton's "pop-goth" aesthetic instead.
The Burton films, while certainly expressionistic, were pretty firmly anchored in the 40s, for the most part. Also BTAS's style is slightly different.
I want to give it a chance but agree that the animation, while a valiant effort from the design team, still looks like modern schlock like the DC animated films from the last few years. Just cheap and half baked. Also, the modern progressive sensibilities crammed into a 40s period piece, it’s a bridge too far and will detract from my enjoyment significantly. Batman TAS is my favorite TV show of all time, I watched as it aired and I still watch it regularly. I would have much preferred a faithful reboot of the original style with as many of the original creatives as possible. Also, it feels like the Harley direction is purposefully, spitefully reimagined… poor Paul Dini. I’d take Dini’s writing over Brubaker or anyone working on Caped Crusader.
Only when he had to produce good shit and his name was nothing.
In the JLU universe it was basically McDuffie keeping the Timmiverse from being considered trash.
Cause...BatmanBeyond is noones favorite anyhing and basically permanently torpdedoed the entire world.
I've long lost confidence in Timm. It's also not something I need to be good. I can live the rest of my life with BTAS being enough.
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>From Matt Reeves
Hard pass. The Batman was the worst piece of Batman media ever devised.
The short gloves don't work and it's not surprising that they switched them out for longer ones less than a year in.
Fpbp all the “modernization” ruined it for me
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Enough yapping, what obscure villains would you like to see introduced?
By this point ITT multiple people had already said why. Gay shit, black Gordon (which means likely black batgirl), fat asian Harley.
I mean it looks ok, but why is the animation and coloring so flat and lifeless? Based on the teaser poster I thought they were going for something a little more noir and stylish but it's just more of the same bland digital house style.

Personally I was hoping they'd try to replicate the Max Fleischer Superman cartoon from the 40's, or at least the classic BTAS style. Something just seems off about the animation, and the CG cars look pretty crappy. The new voice sounds good tho
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I literally couldn't give a shit. There were several gay/bi villains (Clayface, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Shriek, Kragger) in the DCAU in the past, some of them only in subtext and others in more blatant terms, so why would this be any different? As for the race swapping, this stuff has been in the DCAU for a good long time as well, just with minor characters.
>some of them only in subtext
This isn’t real. I’m so sick of you faggots imagining every other character is “-coded”
>>LGBTQ+ and different races... despite being the 1940's.

All of these things existed in the 1940s, especially in major cities up north. Was their prejudice towards them back then? Of course, but we're not looking for a realistic period piece you autistic fucks.
>being hyped about ANYTHING in 2024
Nigga i don't even eat in restaurants if it ain't no fries
>lgbtabcdefg shill melting down
>CGI cars
>Shit Batman voice
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>This isn’t real.

Prove me wrong faggot. Every single one of those characters I mentioned were explicitly called gay or bisexual by the staff behind the DCAU. What did you think Kragger's subconscious revealed by the Martian Manhunter in this scene? Use your functioning brain anon.
>OP, a market researcher, asks why no hype
>people tell them
>OP,a market researcher, starts melting down and goes into spiteful shill mode because people honestly said why they’re not hyped
The media landscape was better when shills and researchers were separate groups and the latter simply passed on what they gleaned for studio heads to act on.
Far from it, I'm trying to understand what you guys are missing when you saw the DCAU as children.
>explicitly called gay or bisexual by the staff
Lol you faggots cling to anything
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Jim Gordon, just like Jimmy Olsen, in any future adaptation is already doomed to be black forever (read as "for the next 10 years"). So, for me that's just a lost battle.

Harley, on the other hand, is the most egregious offense. Clearly, she being the most (debatably) popular female character in DC while also being white was no longer acceptable, because being gay was no longer enough to excuse her. But, even that I could forgive at this point.
What I'm absolutely tired of is they still trying to force into being a freaking solo hero/dark vigilante rather than the Joker's henchwoman (the only thing she's actually good for).
Nobody cares about your faggy headcanons
>but why is the animation and coloring so flat and lifeless?
That's DC animation for the past decade or so in a nutshell. All boring, flat and lifeless shit subcontracted to the cheapest gooks on the block. I can't recall the last DC movie I've watched that actually wowed me. Maybe Return of the Joker?
Nobody asked if you give a shit faggot. OP asked a question, they answered.
>just like Jimmy Olsen, in any future adaptation is already doomed to be black forever
fuck did they recast Jimmy?
I know.
I mean, these retards act like everything was 100% white and straight with no other races and sexualities at all.

For people who are all about inclusiveness and the like and keeping it a period piece. They know almost fuck all about that time.

But I supposed that is the plan.
Keep retards ignorant of our collective history as a nation so they can continue to tell new lies to a new generation to keep the farce going.


She's a bottle blonde jew broad. And has been since DCAU.
Jimmy Olsen will be white in the Gunnverse. It's already confirmed
Samefagging is pathetic
This faggot makes me realize just how badly we are in need for a new comics' code to stop this bullshit for another 30 or 40 years once again.
> The collective Mr Freeze episodes (+ sub zero) from the Dcau

> The Dark Knight

> Mask of the Phantasm

> Begins

> The Batman
Very Good to Great

> Under the Red Hood
Very Good to Great

> The Dark Knight Returns - Part 2
Very Good

> The Dark Knight Rises
Very Good

> BVS (ultimate cut)

> Batman (89)

> The Dark Knight Returns - Part 1

> Sub Zero (by itself)

> Batman Returns

> Batman Forever
Ok / Meh

> BVS (theatrical)
Weak to Ok / Meh

> Batman & Robin
Then there's some hope, nice.

MAWS has already doomed him
>Batman (89) not in Amazing
The rest are correct, but unfortunately your opinion must be discarded...
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The Batman was fucking awful though. I’d genuinely rather watch Batman & Robin or Batman Forever. I’m not shitposting.
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I don’t do strawpolls but the long Halloween is an offensively bad adaptation. Tim sheridan should Jump off a fucking roof after lighting himself on fire.
>> The Batman
>Very Good to Great
>> Under the Red Hood
>Very Good to Great
>> The Dark Knight Returns - Part 2
>Very Good
>> The Dark Knight Rises
>Very Good

>>The Dark Knight Returns - Part 1

These are all genuinely terrible though
>long Halloween is an offensively bad adaptation
I mean look at the line work, anatomy and silhouette right there, OP. It’s fucking awful. Add in the shitty redesigns, progressive alterations for a show set in the 40s and terrible producers and why would anyone be hyped for this?
How the fuck is Red Hood terrible?
As hot as Diana and Hippolyta (and Cheetah) look in 2009's WW, damn it, First Flight is just too entertaining, Sinestro is just a better villain.
They completely changed the story, didn’t even attempt to work in something resembling it’s iconic Tim Sale art style (as lackluster as the new frontier was at least they did somewhat try to lean into Cooke’s art) and the animation wasn’t even good enough to hide these weaknesses.

The worst part is Tim sheridan would 100 percent tell you he improved the writing because that’s just the kind of egotistical faggot that he is.
I’ll be honest anon I don’t find it even possible to convince you given you think Rises, the TDKR animation and Battinson are “very good to great”.
>as lackluster as the new frontier
Try. You won't convince me but I have no clue where you even begin thinking it's bad so I want to know where you are coming from even if I disagree. It's universally agreed to be vastly better than the comic.
I mean it was. It’s good but the comic is genuinely remarkable and the adaptation simply wasn’t even close. For fucks sake it removed the losers intro which ends up tying so much of it together later on.
With all do respect why must I “try” when you readily admit it’s fruitless? We merely disagree. Given you don’t think even dark Knight rises is a terrible movie I know damn well I won’t convince you.
Hahahahahahaha no
No I am just saying try explaining why you think it's bad.
Nta but have you even read the comic? The cartoon pales in comparison. By a wide margin. What a weird thing to get so worked up about.
NTA and The Long Halloween is among my favorites with No Man's Land.
I hated the animated movie. It's like they wanted to butcher the comic. They did the same thing to the Hush movie where Riddler starts beating Batman up physically and Tommy Elliot doesn't even have a role.
I fear for every DC animated movie that comes out because it's like they are made to butcher the original content and then the loud minority of autists screech how good they are, so the execs are like "see? We sold nothing but they liked it so it was a marketing issue!"
Trailer looks fine. I don't appreciate turning Gordon black (especially since they're clearly trying to evoke a nostalgic feel with a retro Catwoman) but it wouldn't by itself make me skip it.
I'm just kind of tired of Batman.

I think I'll watch it ten years from now when I'm no longer sick of Batman.
Not him but Rises _is_ a fucking terrible movie by any objective measure and so is Batman Begins.
>Bruce Timm
>Matt Reeves
>JJ Abrams
3 reasons right there.
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>All the crooks are white
>Most of the cops are brown (in 1940s America.)
>Fat Chink Harley who discovers Batman's identity.
>JJ Abrams
Fucking pass.
Not worse than Batman and Robin or BvS.
Also why do you love posting that pic on /tv/ all the time?
It's written by Judd Winick for starters.
Everything written by that hack is garbage.
Hard to care about the hundredth Batman cartoon. There's just so many of the-
Wait what? Shit anon, you might've sold me on this.
To me it looks fine but rather bland and uninspired. I could end up loving it though. I just don’t feel any particular push towards it yet though.

It all looks okay. I don’t mind things I’ve seen before. It’s Batman. If I wanted something different I’d watch something else. The super realistic noir vibe is just okay to look at is all.

And this idea that it’s more mature is only appealing to edge lords and people who think you have to make the kid characters mature to make them interesting. The old show is plenty interesting.
Batman Year one the film already exists. and without the potential pandering
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>Preview has a serious Batman with a gritty 40's aesthetic.
>Can't go a few seconds without showing an authority figure that's black and/or female, while the criminals are all still white.
They could have used this to have a period-accurate commentary on racism, but I guess there wouldn't be enough screen time for non-whites and the "chuds" might like seeing historical accuracy too much. Pass.

You are a shill.
>They could have used this to have a period-accurate commentary on racism
B-b-but this is f-f-fiction!!
What are you talking about?
Batman beyond is Schway
>Ed Brubaker was head writer for the first season of the series, with Greg Rucka and Marc Bernardin both writing episodes
It'll be good, I guess. At least storywise. Gotham Central by Rucka and Brubaker was great; it's one of my favorite 2000s comics, and while I'm a bit more skeptical about Bernardin and his writing, he's a huge Bat fan, so his episodes should be OK too.
>we are getting black Babs.
No, thank you.
go back to pol or tv
fucking wanker
This. Anyone REEing about it is a paid shill
Learn to read I agree, he’s the one who said it’s very good.
>skeptical about Bernardin and his writing, he's a huge Bat fan
No he isn’t. FMoB smodcast went immedaitely to shit because of him. He’s never read a comic in his life.
Also begins is the best Batman movie of all time. It’s not even debatable.
Gunn is using white Jimmy
Firefly. Killer Moth. These twow chucklefucks deserve an adaptation where they aren't a complete joke.
Zero excitement. There's been so much Batman media, there's no new ground to cover. I'm not looking forward to what will be BTAS minus any type subtlety and with gore.
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You call that 1940s? It's got way more in common with German Expressionism.
Isn't Firefly in this?

Is Dini attached to this at all?
I don't know anything about animation, but why does the character movements look so weird? It's especially noticeable in their limbs. It looks like each character is a paper cut-out the doesn't feel like they're actually in the background. Their joints move like the animators just stuck a pin in the paper and are rotating their limbs around them.
Black people and minorities existed in the 40s. Ok, fine. But would they ever have been police officers?
Would a guy ever have dressed up as a bat to fight crime? It's kinda dumb to pick and choose how far your suspension of disbelief will go.
For me it's the crummy 30's aesthetic, shit voice, and boring character designs.
And that changes the shit design how?
You know as well as I do that they completely ruined batgirl/"babs" with that rooftop hook up scene and the batman beyond bullshit.

She's 100% poison now and Timm is never allowed to touch this character. Hell, catwoman exists in this shit as a realized character as a designated fuck buddy/romantic interest.
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>They could have used this to have a period-accurate commentary on racism
if they did you'd complain it was forced woke commentary or some shit though.
Will only watch for Diedrich Bader Two-Face and classic serial killer Clayface
>It's kinda dumb to pick and choose how far your suspension of disbelief will go.
I never liked this argument. Part of the fun of fiction can be making it feel like it could actually happen. Having everything else be as realistic as possible makes it feel more possible that the one outlandish thing could happen. Some fiction is about running wild with fantasy, like superman stories, but batman has always been a bit more grounded than most heroes.

This is a special case, because even though black fat female cops aren't a huge suspension of disbelief, you know exactly why they put them there. It can never feel natural for characters to be recasted like this these days. You look at black Gordon, and you don't see Gordon. You see the decision to raceswap him.

Plus, I don't like looking at brown people and would prefer they weren't in media I otherwise enjoy.
>>Plus, I don't like looking at brown people and would prefer they weren't in media I otherwise enjoy.
okay, they don't make shows for racists. They make these shows for normal people. You need to keep that in mind. Nobody cares about your complaints. these shows aren't for you.
>Plus, I don't like looking at brown people and would prefer they weren't in media I otherwise enjoy.
You just killed your arguments with that.
Wasn't Dini responsible for that clusterfuck?
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Thread should have autosaged after this comment.
As much as it would interest me to see a 1940s style Joker, I'm glad there's no Joker in this.
>I'm glad there's no Joker in this.
Imagine thinking they haven’t added him to the final episode of the season hoping to gain traction to get a production extension?
People are kinda burnt out on Joker, I can't see that happening. Teasing a Superman, on the other hand...
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>every frame souless, stiff, dead and lifeless

Modern animation can ruin literally anything. Dead on arrival.
Yeh, I find it really funny that X-Men '97 was done on a computer, then tinkered with to make it look hand drawn.
I would, but I saw that it's a period piece.
I don't watch western period pieces anymore.
They already have a season 2 in the works.
They could’ve just added Crispus Allen (who’s a black GCPD Detective) if they wanted to have a black character in the show. At least Crispus is established. There’s no need to race swap.
That is litterally all Timm.
Guess we know why he's just the artist usually.
It's dumpy spinster dyke chink harley and no Joker because the Joker 2 is comming out and everyone, litterally everyone KNOWS it's going to be an IP killing disaster.
Wait, is it another character embargo thing? I hate those.
Even the main theme is Shit, literal modern Inception repeated DOOOOOOOOOOOON shit.
Give me this instead of that Nolan crap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPznkjlxqtM
It was more like 90% white and straight, the only acting here is by crap like you trying to gaslight people who know it didn't used to be this way, homosexuality and race mixing were straight up against the law, it was common knowledge not to go around blacks because they rape and murder, commonly understood to never allow kikes around your kids, etc.
The gross no talent kike "lady gaga" is going to ruin the character for the next 2+ generations with the wholly unneeded and entirely unwanted joker 2 musical movie.

It's going to outright murder the character. I said it before and I'll say it again. There is only one woman who could have been a good Harley Quinn and that was Brittney Murphey.
A cougar Harley being a manipulative seductress with flashes of insanity played by Tara "that pussy game is too" Strong would be good too.
I don't think so. The movie has a version of Harley Quinn.
>I'm glad there's no Joker in this.
Famous last words
Depends on if they got like a black person with actual life experience or somebody who browsers Twitter all day. There's a difference between a Spike Jones flick and modern critiques on race divides. Like being mad at le racist chuds vs being mad at authorities that perpetuate the concepts.
I want to see Mr. Camera and The Eraser.
I didn’t say otherwise, I said an extension.
Dude, quit being autistic. Come on. It ain't that fucking serious. Phoenix's Joker didn't change Joker forever.
She's Italian you fucking retard
>Phoenix's Joker
What impact has his version had at all? At least Ledger Joker had the visual.
Harley is awful in literally everything outside of B:TAS. Everything from Arkham to Margot Robbie to the comics, everything. Another shitty Harley means nothing.
>It's going to outright murder the character
And that's great.
>Everything from Arkham
She's just an eye candy in Arkham series, come on.
Phoenix Joker had a cultural impact, but did not bleed into subsequent Joker depictions. Ledger's did.
I don't know if this is another /pol/ raid ITT or not, but this series should be treated like any Elseworlds comic, but in cartoon format.
>But... Asian Harley...
And? She's still white in all the mainstream media and in comics.
>But... Black Jim Gordon... In the 1940s... This is all so woke...
He's been Black in so many comics and even the movie, so no one cares anymore. Besides, do you people hate Tim Burton and think his Batman is "woke" now too because he cast Billy D. Williams as Harvey Dent? Although I'm willing to bet most of you weren't even born back then. And, like I wrote, it's the fictional version of the 1940s, so maybe in that universe it may have been possible for a Black person to become a commissioner back then.
Anyway, I will watch this show, because I like Brubaker's works, and if it's actually bad for some reason, I won't defend it. But whining about the race swap is dumb.
>p-p-p-p-pol raid!!
Stop being schizophrenic. People simply don’t have any interest in see this disingenuous diversity shit done anymore. I can’t imagine thinking this is a rare opinion.

OP asked a question and people answered honestly. There is no sinister spin to it, you just vehemently reject reality for some reason.
There were already too many fucking alternative takes abd elseworlds of Batman and superhero media in general when the first BTAS debuted. Diet BTAS with worse art, animation, and on a fucking streaming service is not something anyone needs
>People simply don’t have any interest in see this disingenuous diversity shit done anymore.
You and 2 other schizos who see "wokeness" in every show, movie and book, are speaking on behalf of all people now?
>I call you a schizo
>you decide to rubber/glue/sticks to you me
>while still imagining this is just a few people “raiding”
Go outside anon.
This. I don’t know why they didn’t just make it a modern day show if they wanted it to be a modern day show lol. It’s worse than setting perry mason 20 years earlier than when the show debuted and injecting gay shit into it just because the original actor was gay irl. Another thing they should have just made a modern day reboot rather than rewriting history to fit modern proclivities.
outside of the character design people have complained about the main factor im not hyped for this is simply due to the trailer being a bit shit with really terrible music choice.
people would still hate it, like they hated superman vs the klan. that was the fucking klu klux klan and this board still got assmad about it being woke
Whoa there, let's not pretend that anyone gives a fuck about any current DCAU stuff.
a flying superhero is actually more plausible than a nigger cop in the 1940s
Can we just fucking get a No Man's Land show for once?
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How old are you guys?
That's Harvey Dent.
It’s not Superman smashing the clan itself that draws ire it’s the incessant obsession the media has had since 2015 with “le bigots and nazis!” just because ORANGEMANBAD. You see the same shit with Captain America in the last 8-9 years despite the fact that when the first movie was made there wasn’t a single swastika in it.

It just illicits immediate eye rolls to be so obsessed with such dated shit just to make sloppy, ham-fisted parables that are really about modern politics and discourse and painting anyone who isn’t overly progressive as a bigot.

But this is where you freak out and call me /pol/ despite the fact that I’m merely explaining the reactions to you rather than sharing my own views.
I know
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>Why the heck aren't more people hyped about this?

Because most of the iconic characters are now fat, gay and/or black. Guess it wasn't made for me.
32, and it’s cute that your zoomer ass keeps saying this shit despite the fact that 89 wasn’t set in the 30s but rather an anachronistic, amorphous time period much like TAS - only much more modern than TAS even given the technology shown and the fact that fucking prince was playing.

This show specifically decided to set itself in a time period that only makes the modernization stick out. Beyond this what is your goal here? To “y-y-you’re being awfully problematic” everyone into relenting and watching this? Grow up.
Actually I can and did skip The Batman because they made her black again. I’m sure you’ll seethe about it and I enjoy that fact.
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>Timm, no Radomski, no Dini, no Burnett, no anybody that made BTAS what it was
>uncensored, which in Timm's case means unsubtle
>autist Batman stuck in year one

I hope you know that what you’re doing is giving them more time to come up with replies for this sensible takeaway that they’ll use on normies when the show actually comes out.

That’s all this is. A market research thread to figure out what they’ll hear/read and how to effectively respond on social media.
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People latch onto that newspaper that sets the movie in the 30's, but film newspapers just use filler text since they don't expect most people to read it.
Also if you were ok with Bill Dee Williams as Harvey Dent, then you should be ok with most of this.
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>uncensored, which in Timm's case means unsubtle
Have you seen his NSFW artbooks anon? he has like 3 if nudity is in it. Well fuck this will be the only good thing about the show. Bruce Timm finally being allowed to animated NSFW stuff thats softcore. Fuck I bet this is the only reason why he signed onto this shitshow.
Srsly just search his name on sadpanda. Dude really likes drawing small chicks with a-b cups and full bush shit makes up 80% of all his NSFW stuff. I like it, think classic playboy pinup but in his BTAS style
>if I just keep repeating it it’s true!
You don’t decide what people have to be okay with
What preview are you all talking about here? Has it been released yet, like episode 0 or something? I've only watched the trailer so far.
>it’s cute that your zoomer ass keeps saying this shit
>if I just keep repeating it it’s true!
>>144326316 was my first post itt
I'd complain if that was the point of every episode instead of a rare few. But like I said "there wouldn't be enough screen time" if they actually did that, so they're sticking with the anachronisms. Because they don't care about good writing, they care about the agenda.
No, we have Firebug instead.
They are great
I own physical copies
Yesh how many pages are stuck together? Dont lie anon I myself want a copy for the bathroom, I think it would be classy

I hope he releases another one, feggut needs to stop posting only his softcore and non IP stuff. Right before he dies or something release all the good stuff for free online as a torrent.
We almost got it twice but it was turned down by one exec for being "too dark". I'd say Tucker should've pitched it a third time, but apparently WB just wanted to revive B:TAS until Timm convinced them to do otherwise.
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>you'd complain it was forced woke commentary
Yeah but forced woke commentary is still way better than lazy dishonest writing.

>suspension of disbelief
Changing the zeitgeist of a time period makes the entire setting look out of place. This also applies even for retro sci-fi like steampunk or diesel-punk. And in this case, it also makes the entire show look dishonest considering the blatant lazy politically correct approach. This makes the entire show completely unwatchable. Because every time you see a raceswapped character or a minority in a historically unaccurate role, you are not looking at an actual character. You are looking at a giant billboard saying "HEY EVERYONE WE HERE AT WARNER DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ART. WE ARE JUST PROSTITUTES FOR ESG MONEY AND WE LOVE SPREADING OUR ASS CHEEKS WHILE WE LET BLACKROCK FUCK US IN THE ASS UNTIL IT BLEEDS".
Timm has said there won’t be any other superheroes showing up. Also given Jew Jew’s involvement any Superman would be a nig. Since MAWS can’t use Batman it seems like there’s an embargo on multiple animated versions of a character right now.
I thought we left embargo bullshit in animation in the past.
>Timm has said there won’t be any other superheroes showing up.
There's Catwoman though...
Everything once old is new again, including embargoes
There was that The Batman First Knight comic series this year, but it didn't leave much of a mark.
>40s period piece with black police comissioner and Asian psychiatrist
Why do people constantly complain about this like racial anachronisms haven't been a staple of comic books since the 60s.
You think Gabe Jones was really on a super-elite squad like the Howling Commandos a decade before the US Army desegregated their units?

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