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What the fuck was this movie about?
being a jew
hanukkah, but with adam sandler's shitty sense of humor added onto it
Jon Lovitz wiping his ass with a hook
The Jewish version of A Christmas Carol.
Finding a hair in your matzoball soup and getting it for free
Black GNC.
Eight crazy nights OP you fucking retard. Holy fuck its the title
>"buy one get one free"
>i dont get it
>"a store where you can buy one item and get another free"
>wow what store is that
>"it could be here"
>i dont get it
it was about 90 minutes too long.

This movie has almost nothing to do with hanukah. It was an Adamn Sandler x-mas movie with very nice animation, and no other redeeming aspects.
There's a genuine phenomenon of "Christmas Envy" in the American Jewish community, particularly among entertainers. Christmas is a Christian holiday that has taken on secular characteristics, non Christians still happily gather around a tree, exchange gifts, and warn children to behave or else Santa will not reward them. It's a fun holiday that a lot of people have positive feelings about, and the "Christmas movie" has become an American cultural staple. "It's a Wonderful Life" isn't an exclusively Christian film, but it is a widely praised Christmas story.
The trick is... Jews can't really celebrate it. A lot of Jewish identity is wrapped up in *not* being Christian (or Muslim).
So there's this big celebration once a year that Jews are de facto excluded from, even if they are more than welcome to participate (and many do!).
A lot of Jewish kids grow up feeling a little envious and resentful as a result. So you have Jewish comedians who want to take the piss out of "the Christmas Movie", by making Santa a drunk, a tyrant, a serial killer, etc, and Christmas a consumer holiday invented by coca cola*.
Sandler's take is a little more positive. Instead, he's simply chosen to celebrate Jewish identity by telling stories and making movies about Hanukkah. I think this is a much more positive step than stuff like "Santa Inc".
*This myth is actually false. There's a lot of examples of Santa wearing a goofy red outfit before Coke, and Christmas was always an extremely important holiday after Easter.
>There's a genuine phenomenon of "Christmas Envy"
They dont need to do that
an asshole learning how to be a good person by an old man that's mistreated by the world yet is still positive
If jews control the media why aren't there more hanukkah specials
Didn't Christmas originate as a Pagan holiday? That probably might explain why it had secular takes.
About half of us do Xmas. It's a food, present, and decorations holiday.
Last year, I made chicken adobo and pancit, and baked from frozen eggrolls. Watched from Xmas specials, and got my dad a fishing knife.

>/co/ resident Jew
They don't make money
Hanukkah only appeals to jews, nobody else celebrates it or has a passing interest in it
turns out, if only 2% of the population of the country want to see your movie, it's going to be a massive flop
and jews hate losing money more than anything
This phenomenon exacerbates what >>144319260 goes into, so the Jews instead create anti-Christmas movies, so that way at least the atheists can still throw shekels at them, which gives them way more money than a pro-Hanukkah movie
A Filipino? Yeah, you must've heard Sha la la alot. lol
Pretty sure he heard "It's the Nutshack" instead.
The reality is that we don't control the media. This isn't the 30s Hollywood studio system, and even that newspaper and radio magnates held all real media power.

There's few Jewish holiday specials because Jewish holidays are literal 'holy days'. They're not that fun. The lore is dry historical and non-historic biblical stuff. No magical elves in the north pole or magical corn for the flying reindeer. Instead, you get to wave a citrus fruit about, blow a cow horn, and starve/dehydrate for 26 hours.
While there are fun aspects, but just like all holidays (Jewish and gentile) those aspects are directed as kids. The only fun holiday from an adult view is Purim, and that fun is almost entirely for people in their early 20s with money and flexible work hours. When you're an adult, holidays aren't fun. They're time consuming, expensive, and stressful.

>/co/ resident Jew
Not a clue. I'm Canadian. I'd like to take a trip to the Philippines one day, but thats one day has been coming and going for 4 years now. I youtubed some recipes.
I do like we get Passover Coke around that time. It's a Jewish tradition that we can get behind.
Adam Sandler money laundering again
yellow coke is low-level Israeli beginner jazz. If you want the real deal good stuff, you have to get Cel-ray. Dr.Browns blows all of it out of the water. That, and slivovitz. It'll put hair on your chest, and strip the lining out of your stomach.
That would be the Grown Ups films, now THOSE were money laundering. Wish I could trick a bunch of execs into filming my vacations.
A) Chanukkah
B) not letting a shitty past make you a shitty person. Hence the character of Whitey. Life's been shitting on him for decades longer than Adam Sandler's character (well that's his character too but you know what I mean. the one drawn like him but with the Jackie Chan Adventures treatment), but he doesn't let him get him down. And then not-Adam manages to be the one thing that DOES get him down, and he realizes he's being a Steve Polychronopolous and he should stop, because the hot girl liked him all along.
which is pretty stupid when christianity is judaism with an expansion pack.
the wedge driven between it is a catholic invention, and should be seen as one. all protestants and jews should be chums. We might disagree on some shit, but we sure as hell get along better than the remaining abrahamic fellas. Hell, even Sandler's other movie "You Don't Mess With the Zohan" gave a little hope for peace with murderous Palestinians, so it shouldn't be that tough. Would have been nice to have had a little more of that in this movie, but it wasn't the focus, so I get it.
seriously i've been telling people this for years
entertainment was another ghetto jews were put into, and like every other time they get shoved into the dirt and find a gold coin buried in it, they blossomed. because that's what god does. Entertainment was reviled, seen as the lowest-class nasty thing you could do, made you a pariah. and they turned it into a goldmine. even after movies were accepted, you had jews writing comic books because they couldn't write for "Respectable" media. and THAT blew up into a goldmine. It's a message you're supposed to meet with awe and recognition of whose god is real, not jealousy.
and THESE days? there hasn't been a more antisemitic media in the entire history of media being a thing. they hate jews, they hate christians, they fuckin love muslims. and they're not shy about showing it.
oh wait is that because of that thing some rabbis said about corn not being acceptable on passover because it's not wheat? that was pretty silly, but that's a problem all religions can share. You're always gonna have guys making up new stuff.
holy shit i wanna dry some Dr. Brown's someday, i've heard good things.
And homemade cheesecake. I can do one peice a month, and my system is glued shut.
The big problem is that most people think Jewish food is either that awful Sabra hummus, or cold bagels. Israeli food is slop. If you want good Jewish food, you have to do an old fashioned Ashki deli. Garlic pickles. Pastrami on real rye (most rye is just wheat with mollasses), and toasted bagels with egg salad laden with dill and purple onion, not white.
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israeli food can be super delicious, but let's be real, the better it is, the more pan-mediterranean it is, until it's functionally identical to arab or greek food. But it is true the best 'jew chow' is stuff picked up in europe. Good lord, kugel changed how i look at noodles. and thanks to latkes, I don't know that I'll ever bother with hash browns again.
I'm trying to think if any /co/ property has ever really showed off the culinary side of these things...
By the way if you're having troubles with the outbox, just have some dried fruit. You know what goes great with dried fruit in it? yeah it's kugel again. And it doesn't have to be raisins, you can put fuckin diced up dried apricots in that shit.
GNC of Spades
I wrote the /co/ latke recipe, and have a cream cheese kugel recipe. One day I'll post it.
Another thing, pot roast made with cola, onion soup mix, and cocktail sauce. I use royal crown because my grandmother used it. It doesn't have to be brisket. Any beef cut will do. I learned her secret : don't put the veggies in the sauce as it bakes. Pile all carrots, onion, celery, and potatoes on top of the beef in a pyramid. Close the lid, and those veggies will steam, dry, and change into this amazing firm bread texture. If they hit the sauce, they go soft.
I just had an idea ! Ground beef instead of a whole cut in the sauce. Can I turn ground beef into Ashki Sloppy Yakubs?
I won't lie, I like the stealth /ck/ discussion.
channukah is literally only celebrated b/c jews felt left out in december, so yeah

i lack a proper response but that soda sounds potentially amazing. is this a jew thing somehow? i will open my mind for this treat
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Ancient martial arts
it's a blantant cooking discussion. Fuck adam sandler. Here's my bagel spread:
- 1/4 a packet of cream cheese
- 1/4th the volume of that packet in real butter
microwave 10 seconds, enough to soften, and beat it as a paste.
Add garlic powder, dry parsely, dry dill, and black pepper. Let to sit a minute as the spices and herbs hydrate.
Split and toast a bagel. Using sliced roma tomatoes and red onion, made a sandwhich. Serve while a garlic heavy pickle.
If you need to, you can take garlic cloves, hit them with a knife/cleaver flat, and cut them in two. This frees the oil inside just as if you crushed them, but with less mess. Add to regular store brand pickles, and sit for a week. No such thing as too much garlic. Eat the garlic.
I love garlic noodles, so I'll try this out sometime.
it's an older Jewish-owned brand famous in NYC delis. If you have one of those hipster soda shops nearby, they probably have it. The nickname is 'New York champagne'.
If you're a wine drinker, Mogen David concord with a splash of sprite or Dr. Pepper is a nice cocktail. If you drink it straight, your pancreas will disolve.
Being a kike and Sandler making more money with his movie scams.
Protestants are becoming more judaized by the minute. Many of them already go to church on Saturdays (like the 7th Day Adventists), get circumcised, observe Old Testament laws, and even reject the Trinity. Give them some time and they’ll also drop the Virgin Birth.
What a waste of traditional animation skills.
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I always liked the Rugrats Passover episode.
It was only as an adult I realized how unusual it was for Tommy to have a Jewish grandfather, because I had one too.
"Jews for Jesus" and related groups are literally just Protestants who self-identify as Jews. They follow Old Testament laws, or at least try to, while still adhering to a Protestant theology.

To his credit, Adam Sandler learned something about Hollywood that most people in the industry don't: it's not the actors who make the real money, it's the studios. I hate most of his movies, but I can't help but respect the hustle.
elder abuse
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>american slave "protestants"
>same as other protestants
Two streets
Lets unpack the product of this movie a little
>Adam Sandler realised that there are not many Hanukkah movies, so he steps in
>Completely ignores any meaning or mythos the holiday has, reinforcing the stereotype that jews don't have religion or values, they at best have traditions that they are lukewarm about
>Fills it with consumerism and low denominator humor, reinforcing the stereotype that jewish motivation aways lie in personal gain
About eight crazy nights.
If jews don't control the media then start developing a beanmouth pro Palestinian show pitch. Share it on X and tag AD's and Producers.

Not hating, just please prove this
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>oy vey the goyim MADE me go into the most exploitative and profitable sectors possible
>we just wanted to do manual labor but they made us go into banking and film production
>there hasn't been a more antisemitic media in the entire history of media being a thing
Jews literally own and control the media
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I've been seeing it show up in a lot more stuff the last couple of years.
Also this.
Doc Browns soda is good, first had it at Katz Deli in New York.
To be fair, ancient peasants had no way of knowing that entertainment would go from "perform for crowds of 20 in exchange for scraps and then move to the next town" to "perform once a year for a camera and make millions, never having to leave the comfort of your mansion town" in just a few dozen lifespans.
>the wedge driven between it is a catholic invention
kikes making money off of usury and exploitation is not a “catholic invention”
The point being no one “forced” jews to go into banking or entertainment. They could’ve easily worked the land for nobles like the rest of the peasants and they would’ve still been allowed to practice their religion. In fact many medieval jews did this and integrated into European society, hence why modern European jews are white and stopped speaking Hebrew about 1,500 years ago. However, many more jews went into money lending and market speculation because Christians were barred from these things by their religion and jews had no problem ripping of gentiles whom they thought were subhuman.
>which is pretty stupid when christianity is judaism with an expansion pack
Technically all the abrahamic religions are just Pagan expansion packs.
Read the bible or a history book before posting greentext + retarded reactions like that
Based. Jewish delis are amazing.

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