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Why do people think South Park is like this when almost every episode has a discernable stance?
Depends on the writer
Trey writes basically every episode though.
Anon was probably thinking of the first 4 seasons, which had writers other than Trey.
Criticizing both sides /= not having a stance
I think the only stance SP has these days is that Randy is funny. (Even though he's not.)
I'm angry about South Park because it doesn't even focus on the kids anymore, what the fuck?
This is genuinely how they think, leftists are the only side that goes after centrists.
It's complicated, because you tend to have right-leaning people who label themselves "centrist" as a way of not pissing people off.
Eh personally I'm centrist and the only reason I'm going with trump is because he is the less decayed of the two geezers
>south park are
ESL moment
The right tends to jump to the conclusion that they are on their side. You end up agreeing one one or two points, and the next thing you know, you get them going on about killing Jews and niggers like you are hanging out in a Klan meeting.
Do you mean for naught?
I just hope it's over so we can have a younger president for once. (Even if it won't be for the next 4 or 8 years)
Same here, I believe it's wrong to have old people like biden or trump in office when they clearly don't need to be but instead a facility that can help them deal with their degradation from old age
The way I see it, the best approach is to vote for who has the best next in line choice, since neither of them are going to survive another full term.
I think the supreme court is proof that we REALLY need an age cap, seriously.
In a facility*
You know I wonder what'd be the reaction if one of them just keeled over dead in the middle of a speech or something. Just had a stroke or something and fell down.
why is xer tongue purple
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Do Americans not understand the concept of centre-left and centre-right?
Do they actually think a centrist is someone who just picks whatever the "middle" position of left and right is of any given issue and not just someone who has a mixture of both left-wing and right-wing positions and might even slightly lean one way or the other?
Such people do exist, just look at Tim Pool.
Matt and Trey used to be pretty insufferable fence sitters but have since realized that apathy is bad mmkay

That changed quite a while ago, now.
Americans don't know what right and left mean at all. They think left means democrat and right means republican. They have been completely broken by first-past-the-post.
south park isn't always one thing
usually the stance is sitting on the right side of the middle, but nearly half as often it's on the left side of the middle. Sometimes it gleefully swallows leftist thinking while trying to be in the middle, and in general it accepts the existence of the right as a decent default if you're going to pick something.
But it ALWAYS says that having and expressing strong opinions is fuckin gay. Because it is. If you really want to make a change, you have to let go of looking cool. There's nothing cool about sticking your neck out, no matter what the public schools try to say about all their civil rights heroes. You can't be doing it with the goal of self-promotion in mind.
That is how the center works here
Except they're always on the left, but they believe themselves to be directly in the middle of the two extremes, by design. because that's what they're told
it's funny how close this is to right, while missing it completely. The issue these days is they're both the left. Because someone forgot to strictly control the nomination debates and not let the media companies profiting from the airing have control of the events.
It's CNN, what else did you expect?
sometimes there are more than two sides.
Most of the people who make this criticism haven't actually watched a lot of South Park (or if they did it was ages ago so they don't have clear memory) and base their judgement of the show on the teenage/young adult fans who act cringe.
I was just calling anyone who cares a faggot. Just because two kike comedians like/dislike your stance doesnt validate/invalidate it. Especially when South Park is basically just Bluey for 14 year olds and Redditors.
South Park just "is" for better or worse, even during the downfall seasons you still have stuff like T&P doing commentary on transwomen in sports. Episodes having super short development time compounds that.
Hold out for his running mate. There is a very good chance that the VP will be president in a year or two of either one of these fellers.
The writers for Southpark have a just as cringeworthy political view as their fans.
>Dude pissing everyone off will totally win us the next election!!!
>One more voting cycle and the country is saved!!!
The idea that nobody should give a shit and just be centrist and smoke dudeweed is as stupid as shilling for MIGACons or [BLU] team, and if anyone actually cares, which they shouldnt, South Park likes the Dems far more than they do Republicans.
South Park and the Joe Rogan experience have pretty much the same take on everything.
I'm sorry to be a buzzkill, but didn't people want to HANG him?
>The idea that nobody should give a shit and just be centrist and smoke dudeweed
This isn't really something expressed in many South Park episodes at all.
What you said would be true... if Tegridy Farms didn't exist.
Tegridy Farms isn't exactly presented as positive. Even early on it had Randy committing acts of terror against people growing their own home weed.
Cartmans right
In that sense, I think it's less a critique on weed, and moreso a critique on shutting down other competitors.
equivalent things have happened before and in those circumstances all the delegates just go to the convention and hash out a new candidate among available options.
>they're both the left
nobody else in the world would ever thing two very obviously conservative parties are in any way of the left
Because modern american politics has long since devolved into a team sporting event where literally everything and anything you can conceivably do say or think is a point towards one of exactly two teams that you must be in support of at all times, and doing anything that suggests that you either are acting a manner outside of the stereotypically expected behavior of your perceived team or don't associate with one of the two accepted teams means that you are simply obfuscating your allegiance or are ignorant of the proper means to act as a member of your team.

So conservatives are confused about South Park occasionally exhibiting "liberal" opinions and Leftists are confused by South Park's occasional support of "conservative" opinions.
He's not his Veep.anymore
>Walking by a Trump Supporter house
>Big piece of black tape over the bottom half of his sign
Most of Trump's supporters could not give less than half a shit who his Veep is, and Trump himself pretty clearly doesn't care that much either. All the short listers seem absolutely terrible to boot. Who's getting wet for Doug Burnam or Marco Rubio? Honestly Nikki Hayley fucked herself by holding out so long, he definitely would've scooped her up for the "Respectable Conservative" and Chick vote.
>leftists are the only side that goes after centrists.
That's absolutely not the case.
Both rightards and leftards hate centrists with a passion.
>because you tend to have right-leaning people who label themselves "centrist" as a way of not pissing people off.
How do you differentiate a right leaning person pretending to be a centrist from a centrist with specific right adjacent views?
They hate but in different ways.
Rightoids call centrists fence-sitters, leftoids call centrists rightoids-in-disguise.
How consistently Right their views are and if they're not using it as a means of saying Right Leaning but not Republican.
By being an American who doesn't know what a centrist is and thinks that a centrist with specific right adjacent views doesn't exist.
>Do Americans not understand the concept of centre-left and centre-right?
I don't think anybody does anymore.
I keep hearing literally everybody described as "far right" apparently Adolf Hitler, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Jordon Peterson, JK Rowling, and Bernie Sanders are all equally far right because lazy people divide the world into "far right" and an increasingly small subset of leftists.
You'd think the term "far right" would imply a spectrum of political belief but alas apparently not.
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Wingnuts out here still denying the existence of horseshoe theory when places like Russia exist
You don't because of the extremism in American politics either side will just label a centrist as secretly being on the opposing side because they view politics as a sliding scale of good and bad. If you're not completely on their side you must be bad
No anon you don’t get it
Even though Matt n Trey are zionist jews who cry victim at le antisemitism every episode through kyle, even though their 2nd episode is about how kids should be taught to accept homos as beautiful and natural years before that was cool among hollywood, even though they later did an episode about how trannies are great and are victimised by people mocking their bathroom demands, even though Cartman is the strawman for every conservative convention they dislike;
they made an episode once about how transgender surgery is a scam, so they’re alt right.
It does when you don't ever suggest a correct path instead of jerking off status quo
It's spelled 'center' ESL-kun.
trey are mostly libertarian of "do whatever you want as long as you don't get involved in my personal life"
this will put you in both extremes of the spectrum pretty fast, as neither red or blue really believes in live and let live.

this hasn't really changed desu, they just became more karmic on what should happen to assholes
I don't think they ever say that having an opinion is bad or anything, just the absurdity of the world where sometimes the opinions of the "two" major sides is equally silly.
I don't always agree with it, but I'd rather have that than a constant purity spiral where you aren't a "real" leftist/rightie.
It's a major cope from the Left. South Park has been consistently center-libertarian for its entire run. However, the Left can't admit that being in the center isn't the same as not having an opinion, so they come up with blatant lies like this.
Note that this behavior isn't unique to the Left; the Right would be doing it if they had the cultural clout that the Left currently does. Both sides despise the center and desperately need to portray it as cringe, bad, or stupid, because they rely on the false Left-Right dichotomy to trick people into becoming extremists; however, the side that's currently out of power will court the center until they get their power back.
Actual Reddit take
Stone Toss is the only example I actually know of a far-right person pretending to be center-right.
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>Having a strong opinion about anything is super fucking gay
>Having a strong opinion that's not mine and is the result of spook tactics
Yeah that's pretty fucking gay.
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>trey are mostly libertarian of "do whatever you want as long as you don't get involved in my personal life"
Funny thing about that.
>Do Americans not understand
They do not.
Berniebabies and Trumpchuds are mad about people with brain, nothing new here.
Horsehoe theory is bullshit. What people mean by it is just authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Once a states begin leaning heavily into those their methods start looking a lot alike. Because there comes a point where you can only enforce your will through propaganda and the truncheon. The ideologies being enforced remain completely different. It's like saying Formula 1 and drag racing are the same because both have cars that go fast.
I'm a centrist because I like grilling.
If I were a centrist, I'd still pick the vegetable over the dictator
They literally don't because they don't have a left. They have a conservative party that permits people to be queer and they have a more conservative party that doesn't. Both are happily dismantling the regulatory state and outsourcing manufacturing to Asia
Libertarians were a mistake.
What a colossal retard you are
Both parties are right wing
They literally had to tack on Cartman saying that complaining about a bad thing is just as bad as doing it at the end of the Panderverse because shitting on woke garbage was too strong of a position for them to take.
Its because they haven't watched the show in years and are going off of memory
>Do Americans not understand the concept of not being a frothing at the mouth extremist on every issue
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I don't think it's a good idea to care too much about anything.

When's the last time you just soaked in a hot bath without a care in the world?
Enjoyed a nice hot chocolate while in a comfy blanket?
Listened to the rain outside?
Having breakfast at that nice cafe?
Even just going for a walk after a sun shower?
Just relax for a bit, it's good for you.
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I think South Park are be agree with my thought.
Because they don't realise that youcancriticise both sides while still having a stance favouring one. It's called being thorough and having attention to detail, something most viewers don't have.
Finish in the Bach, never Debussy.
>What people mean by it is just authoritarianism and totalitarianism
Although extremists do often not value democracy, I'd argue people point out horseshoe theory usually before that degree of polarization, and the term usually refers more to the unity of populists and polemists.
>They have a conservative party that permits people to be queer and they have a more conservative party that doesn't. Both are happily dismantling the regulatory state and outsourcing manufacturing to Asia
You really have a retarded definition of conservative.
I never got this concept that I hear foreigners spew that "there is no left wing in America" because if anything there's barely a right because the modern right is just the left thirty years ago. You think the right from the 2000s would be okay with a guy on Fox being a gay man who plans to have a surrogate child no now the only person who cares about that shit is Matt Walsh
>season 1 cartman accent
But extreme leftoid and rightoid brainrotters are indeed super fucking gay, especially considering they can't conceive of the possibility that you can hate what they have to say without being an extreme at all
I don’t give a fuck about its messages and political standing. I just want the show to be funny again!
Not until they kill off Randy, which would be SP at its best.

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