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Fun fact: Avatar the last airbender is very popular in China due to how it is based on Asian culture but also because of how it portrays the Japanese/Chinese conflict of the early 1900s with the Earth nation very clearly being China and the Fire nation very clearly being japan. Likewise Avatar is not nearly as popular in Japan due to the same reason.

Source: I have lived in both China and Japan for the last 6 years.
I thought it was because Japan Nick was a cable channel in a nation that gets much of television programming from antenna.
>Source: I have lived in both China and Japan for the last 6 years.
You must be really long
the irony is they were dead right about the fire nation needing to spread its advancements to the world. Just.. not at the barrel of a gun- er, fire. They had to learn, just as Japan did, that BUSINESS is the way to go. Instead of forcing your ways on people, you charge them money to buy your ways because they work better and more efficiently.
anon you just gave me a giggle
and now i'm remembering "Homestar vs Other Little Girl" where she sings "You can never live in two places, cuz there's only one of you"
I actually watched a video on this discussing on how because it's too "asian-like" actual asians dont really care for it. Same sort of feeling we get when we hear japanese do engrish or have christian/american characters in animu
that's because they make us ugly. we still like the personalities
avatar does kinda depict asian noses in a way i'm frankly flabbergasted isn't considered racist. it's not appealing. but everything else about the art is, and they do give people the non-asian eyelid shape so whatever
Avatar characters are much more attractive than you nasty chinks
If that were even slightly true there would be 101 avatar ripoffs and lifted ideas from the series littering every piece of free cartoon media from china on youtube.

It's not.
And....are you ACTUALLY FUCKING TELLING ME that a kid that's the fucking dali lama and the fire nation/china is seen as a good interpretation?

Oh, youre' going to have to show me something.
>Oh yeah, Guns are totally gonna change a world where people can bicycle kick steel apart and tanks exist.
>the fire nation/china
It's Japan. The Earth Kingdom is China.
I can't believe you guys even try to undermine well written fanfiction. They literally spend the first dozen or so chapters having the Fire Nation being skeptical that the "fire sticks" would even be relevant with Azula having to shove it down their throats
>the fire nation/china
Japan is the fire nation dough
>earth nation being china
>fire nation being Japan

should water nation be Thai/Filipinos/ Cambodians types? what should air nations be? fuckin Koreans?
Water nation is inuits and Air is tibet
The problem isn't that they would be 'skeptical', the problem is that it wouldn't work.
Want an ATLA game changer? Mobile Artillery, THAT would change a lot. It get over the 'they are superhumans beyond normal gun's capabilities to put down' while outranging most bending (Earth Bender playing catapult with boulders outrange basically any infantry gun).
Hell, guns run into the hard counter of water bending, bullets suck at hitting through water walls by nature.
It also get over the one weakness the Fire Nation's own already potent 'artillery' has: Being stationary.
What percentage of the Fire Nation population do you believe are Firebenders?
Also, you didn't actually read this fic, they adapted cannons as well.
I said mobile artillery, cannons are shittier than what the Fire Nation already has.
Nah. Though the fic does have the privateers impressed at their metal ships
Who knows? Airbenders were 100% benders. Earth Benders are a vital part of the massive cities in the Earth Kingdom like Omashu, that are probably populated in the millions or hundreds of thousands. Fire Benders are vital to how Fire Nation tech works and they can field a WW2 level armada, lose all of it and shrug it off as a minor easily replaced loss.
Could have as high as 50% or even have them be the majority.
Hell, republic city imply Non-benders are the minority.
Yes. Try and reproduce what the fire nation's artillery does in the show with cannons, you're gonna be disappointed.
Republic City suggests that bender's are becoming increasingly oppressive of the non-bender population which is why Amon is able to capitalize on anti-bender sentiment and stir it up. That doesn't suggest a similar ratio of benders to non-benders but rather that the circumstances of the times and perhaps the legislation was advantageous to benders
>Republic City suggests that bender's are becoming increasingly oppressive of the non-bender population which is why Amon is able to capitalize on anti-bender sentiment and stir it up.
Which is retarded because we're directly shown the opposite.
I thought was because Japan has anime so they don't need faux anime
Nta, but this is kind of like pointing out that the Free Folk's deer bone bows could shoot 700 feet up and kill someone on the wall in Game of Thrones (in the book anyway). People don't think mathematically very well. The writers probably just wrote, "fireballs go up and nearly hit Appa. Big scary," and they didn't mentally think about how far up that would be. They probably didn't mean them to be post-industrial AA guns.
>but this is kind of like pointing out that the Free Folk's deer bone bows could shoot 700 feet up and kill someone on the wall in Game of Thrones (in the book anyway)
Awful exemple because they are openly super powerful and used to hunt giant fucking monsters.
Like the superhuman-ness is on purpose, it's like when Jon just casually rip a spear from the ground with one hand while three grown ass men failed to do the same together and with both hands in the background.
>They probably didn't mean them to be post-industrial AA guns.
I mean we can't know that unless we ask them but it doesn't change that a massive plot point (the blockade actually cucking Appa) is reliant on it so we have to take it at face value.
Would explain how they killed all the Air Bisons too
>asian noses
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
>the fic does have the privateers impressed at their metal ships
Are you actually citing the character’s reactions in the fic as a source for the fic’s quality?
Nah it's because Japan has actually decent anime to watch instead of mediocre slop like avatar.
Ive gone on westaboo Japanese forums and it just seems a lot of Japs didnt watch Avatar because they didnt like that Aang was bald lol
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Fun Fact: The reason dogs like squeaky toys is because it reminds them of the sounds prey animals make when caught.
Their noses look fine, you self-hating banana
They have something against bald Tibetan monk children?
The Chinese love Kung Fu Panda as well, they like it when people genuinely try to use their ideas or culture to tell a story, I actually think it’s cool personally, I wish we could find more ways to bond over
>You must be really long

well, there are lots of longs in china probably.
Did they miss the whole part of ba sing se destroying their regime propaganda or were those episodes banned there?
>Source: I have lived in both China and Japan for the last 6 years.
How does that work? If I move to Germany for 6 years will I magically gain their opinion and thoughts on hello kitty?
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What do you mean? It's important that People of China see the evils of Nationalist Monarchism, instead of country ruled by its people.
The monarch was merely a puppet
Of Fascists and the Bourgeoise, yes, that's usually the course of things.
Maybe he’s stretchy
>Avatar the last airbender is very popular in China
I knew this as a kid I didn’t realize people found it hard to realize
It literally has it's own professional Chinese dub as one of the few languages it is translated into
what? the noses never stood out to me as being racialized in any way.
The fuck are you talking about? I love seeing foreigners depict us. It’s usually hilarious but also fascinating. I’m sure they feel the same way about seeing themselves in american media.
Incorrect, historically it's always done via the barrel of a gun. It's possible to do it through trade, but manifest destiny and all it influenced came about during industrialization for a reason. Most likely scenario is exceptionalism and nationalism unless subjected or squashed either by members of said nation or another nation.
Guns would fold most of ATLA, the trouble is benders + guns also folds just regular guns. Earth bending simply for being able to provide cover becomes the best bending in the show, fire makes using housing as cover impossible.

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