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Hey /co/ don't forget about me.
Sorry pops, smiling friends took your place as the new quirky show.

You're just forgotten boomer trash now.
My dad was just telling me about this show after I showed him Smiling Friends
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*forgotten millennial trash
I will always have fond memories of watching season 1, and the first half of season 2. But beyond that the show turned into forgettable mediocrity. Haven't even sat down and watched the new season, not really a priority.
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The seasons that follow each have their highlights and I'll still defend Season 3 as a whole but yeah Rick and Morty isn't what it used to be and I wouldn't blame anyone for abandoning it
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>tfw you become Jerry forreal

I will say that every season after 2 has at least two decent and funny episodes that are worth watching. Just a shame this show ended up getting up it's own ass, and made every character into a bitter fuck. Only decent character I like now is Jerry, as he's basically season 1 & 2 Morty now.
Can't stand the voice changes
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I'm fine with them so far. Rick's VA feels a little strained at times but it's whatever. I'm sure the voices will be better once the new guys aren't dubbing over Roiland's records anymore

Jerry is happier than rick will ever be.
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It's Dan's fault for losing sight of the perfect balance between comedy & character drama that made people initially fall in love with the show and also Justin's fault for being too much of a pushover and not having greater say in new writing hires. All the OG writers left after season 3 so anyone who joined after that couldn't only go so far with capturing the same vibe while working under Dan's thumb
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It's both their faults for selling out so hard. Why did they agree to make 70 episodes all in one go if they were already having production issues that early on in the show's run?
You act like the original production team fucking off isn't standard industry practice. It wasn't Dan swinging his dick around because he has a big head, it was Dan picking up the dumpster fire of production because its also his name on the show and they just sold 70 episodes only for Justin to immediately fuck off to do ketamine, beat up his girlfriend, and try to score with highschool girls.
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You're right maybe I don't give Harmon enough credit. It is commendable how he managed to keep the veil up for this long before fans knew the production was barely hanging on by a thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6ZlcdPtifM&t=111s
grass tastes bad
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How anticlimactic...

that would imply i actually thought about it.
i didnt.
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We can all agree they could have done more to save the show, and ask some of the original writers to come back
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>How anticlimactic...
That Was The Point .
At least you can find solace knowing /co/ genuinely loved this show during its peak, even if they won't admit it now. Meanwhile with Smiling Friends the reception is more like "Eh, it's alright I guess".
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What kind of Smiling Friends reception have you been frequenting? People won't shut up about it
The /co/ kind. Sure, it's praised outside of 4chan but here people are harsher on it, and I'm not even talking about the neopuritan schizo.
>next season won't release until 2025
Already forgotten.
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It's been fascinating to see Smiling Friends steal Rick and Morty's thunder these last few years. Even funnier that fucking Family Guy is viewed more fondly than Rick and Morty these days
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People would literally forget about the show even when we started getting new seasons annually. The Space Beth reveal left no impact, and I don't recall Rickmurai Jack keeping discussion going after maybe two weeks. The most attention Rick and Morty's gotten lately was when the new voices were about to be revealed.
late or early?
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probably late, they'll use the shit anime as an excuse for the longer wait time
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need her fr
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>curly haired Morty
It's rare but always a pleasure when you see it depicted as such
I hope it comes out at the same time as GTA 6
forget who?
Reagan is sooooo sexy
the show went from hero to zero in the eyes of the public since the allegations
Get your shit together. Get your shit together and put it all in a little box.
>Even funnier that fucking Family Guy is viewed more fondly than Rick and Morty these days
A lot of that is definitely contrarianism from twittards who when a creator is convicted of something serious they have to go history revisionist mode and pretend they never liked it to begin with. that's also why they latched onto smiling friends.
Yeah but it wasn’t good. Here’s the trick to writing it dosent matter if it’s obvious as long as it’s written well.
What’s up with that guys eyes on the right?
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if you were suddenly given full control as the show currently stands how would you fix it anons ?
>bring Roiland back
>force him to be in the writing room and for him and Dan to make up
>if they can't make up (they wont), both will be effectively fired
>fire both of them
>rebrand as bushworld adventures for the remainder of the episode contract like what ATHF did in the later seasons
Kill the current version of the family.
The show now follows another Rick and Morty with season 1 characterization, except in this universe the characters are prone to character development so they always stay the same.

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