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This series is fucking great
reporting in for fabok art
Yeah the art and the designs are amazing.
nice try Johnsfag nobody cares about your not!Fallout slop
This is a different series completely unrelated to Geiger.

It's okay I guess
I'm not gonna read it though
Your last thread died for a reason. Your books are shit, Geoff.
I think it's the best of Ghost Machine so far. Redcoat is a close second, though. Geiger is losing me, however
I'm still liking Geiger but Rook really is good.
Yeah, Geoff can write crowd-pleasing comics. It's not high art, but I've actually enjoyed his Image imprint so far (though I like Redcoat best.)
totally agree.
I've loved it all. I'm especially looking forward to the Rocketfellers.
sorry, nobody cares about your not!animorphs slop Johnsfag
>Meaningless post whose only purpose is an attempt to shut down discussion

Yep, it's nu-/co/ time.
>>Meaningless post whose only purpose is an attempt to shut down shilling
weird, a wouldn't call shutting down shills meaningless
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What discussion? I only see vague opinions that they liked his comics. They even dont say why they like it.
Pure shill thread.
>fantastic art
>interesting world/world building
>great designs
>likable characters
There, now please fuck off back to a Rippaverse thread, faggot
>fantastic art
Nah, just regular DC house style slop, by washed DC artists
>interesting world/world building
What if fallout, but superheroes is not interesting. And setting the animorphs in space with gay power ranger helmets isn't good worldbuilding either
>great designs
See above
>likable characters
They are all the same characters of gruff badass that pretends not to care but actually really does. Same boring post apocalyptic stuff
> There, now please fuck off back to a Rippaverse thread, faggot
Haha, lmao, nobody here gives a shit about Crowdfunding slop, stop deflecting Johnshill
thanks for the bump though
thanks for exposing urself as a shill, Johnshill
I loved seeing glimpses of all the other wardens in the last issue. I'm really excited to see what happens next.
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man I wish I could get paid for saying things like I enjoy fabok's art
probably just some weird furry, just let him have his weird autistic fit and ignore him
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I do agree that some of them are cool looking
sexo dire wolf
they all look fucking cool, the boar/pig guy looks fucking barbaric as fuck
>captcha WH0G
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All the helmet designs are sick and I think my favorite one goes to the raven one but the goat one is also my 2hd favorite to pick as well.
Man just looking at these has me really excited for future issues.
i think we all share some kind of autism that makes tech/animal masks seem amazing
idk i just love the style, kind of like zoids
>he thinks they turn into animals
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Valid opinion but rather weak argument. Thats what Marvel says about all their current comics or what Greg Land says about his work.
Bitch I didn't ask for your opinion, you claimed no one said what they liked about the book so I told you what I liked about the book so you'd shut the fuck up.
I would love to see any reader in the last 20 years claim anything drawn by Land was great
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I think his art is ok. But he looked like AI before AI art was invented!
the ironing is delicious
>board patrolling
Is there anything that could possibly be any more faggy? Like goddamn guy get a hobby not even the mods get paid to give a shit
>about board patrolling
>not some retarded faggot that will let hacks violate the integrity of the board
its called board culture, learn about it newfaggot. A more accurate term would be gatekeeping guerrilla marketers.
>blah blah blah fake concern trolling
doubt you'll grow up unfortunately
you can kill yourself instead
>good thing he dies in issue 1
Good thing someone else is using his helmet now
>all those grammar issues
Son you need to worry more about focusing on summer school than people talking about comics they like that you don’t
>integrity of the board
Goddamn just when I think you’ve hit the bottom of faggotry you just keep right on digging
>i called them animorphs because i knew they didn't transform
>if i act hostile maybe he won't notice my mistake
What're we in for it here?
nope, but you should start looking at applications because your going to be out of a job when Ghost Machine returns to the grave
yeah, exactly no characters just shitty helmets for retards to gawk at like power rangers
you definitely need a better line of work, your not convincing anyone with ur shctick
Where did I say they transformed retard, get your retarded power animals slop out of here
more below average Johnslop, propped up by marketers. Different flavors of post apocalyptic capeshit that comes togethre just like the MCU!
>Different flavors of post apocalyptic capeshit that comes togethre just like the MCU!
Rook Exodus is set in a completely different universe that has nothing to do with Geiger, Junkyard Joe, or Redcoat. You don't even know anything about the series you're trashing.
Did Johns kick your dog or something anon? Are you a Kylefag? Bendis? Snyderfag? You’re exerting a lot of energy on this gay shill conspiracy…Rook Exodus is a comic book, someone wanted to discuss it on a comic book board…you’re losing your shit over this and spamming the thread claiming “board integrity” when there’s countless Twitterfag or outrage bait threads currently in the catalog. This just seems personal, talk to us anon.
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> only 3 of the 4 Johnslop titles come together like the mcu, my favorite post-apocalypse power ranger slop is actually in a whole new continuity of lame brown boringness
Its a bitch for an even shittier MCU and all your marketing can't drown it out
He ruined GL, TT, JL through shit like Infinite Crisis and Flashpoint, but that doesn't matter now. He is a hack writer and I have noted multiple times people shitting up this board with threads where no organic discussion is had and people just vaguely comment about this slop. No real discussion just marketers hoping to bait people into reading, his cinematic universe pitch
>threads where no organic discussion is had and people just vaguely comment about this slop
Tbf you derailed this thread pretty quick. But what would you prefer? “Why is manga outselling western comics”? “How do we save western comics”? “Why does marvel/dc suck nowadays”? “Is (some Twitter faggot) right?” complete with Twitter screenshot? Rippaverse? “Paul cucks Spider-Man again”? There’s a lot worse threads going right now but this is the thread you’ve decided to take a stand in. If you don’t like Johns that’s fine. I’m not a huge fan of what he did with the Titans either and think the Superboy retcon is pretty gay. But you’re just beyond a faggot. You don’t even know the basic details of the book but you’re here shitting on it because you’ve got just such an unreasonable hate boner for Johns. If you’re really, truly concerned about “board integrity” your best course of action would be to kill yourself.
>dude, everything is shit is my entire personality... im so cool...

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