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Silly girl, no promise goes unbroken in this comic.
So she wants to go to the same place the salt lizard went?
Website comment:
>The quietest treachery.

Patreon comment:
>And y'all keep waiting for Lady Ilganyag to betray Prakhuta. Look at her calling out to him! He's her boy! And DarkSette there is her girl. Sette Frummagem? Unreliable. Talks funny. Kinda trashy. Disposable.
Man the cold lands must be the shit
>The great agib
Who? I take it this isn't just her marrow
The way she's talking suggests her species is not agib. Her species is ilganyag, and it sounds like there's only one. So ilganyags, The Ilganyag, is a species that can manipulate the first material of another senet? Am I making assumptions here?

And poor Khette. Didn't grow up as a ship-builder so she doesn't recognize a scam.
>It's mine again, yes?
Oh dear Khette, it always belonged to your soul.
It's a type of senet beast that looks like crows and controls something to do with memories, first silver. Very smart birds that lived in wandering roots and are said to have taught humans pymary.

More interestingly,
>They have gone to ground
So they are the inak now, huh. I wonder if that was a consequence of the khert rewriting reality. But that doesn't make sense, senets have their own khert. I wonder what happened to facilitate the change.
Man, I sure hope we'll get to see the server farm of reality (INB4 Cope says that's too much lorefaggotry distracting from the story)
A few days ago Ashley said on Tumblr that she's an agib. I suppose the distinction is more that she was always the biggest, strongest, or otherwise most influential agib. After all she's one of the big four senet beasts. Maybe she's the agib equivalent to the waterwoman's River?
Oh. Or maybe it's a distinction like storm boys and water women, same species with really extreme sexual dimorphism.
Or she was the prototype of the divine mandate, the queen of all agib. And it went about as well as it does in reality, which is to say she dicked over her subjects to achieve her ends
Throwing out a wild theory after their marrow was taken the agib were forced to go to the coldlands to survive. Those agib who could not travel and did not want to lie down and die became the inak.
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Here you are anon
From what we know of other senets, both that there's a big four and that some were babies, some older, small bigger or smaller, I would be entirely unsurprised if something like that was the case. We do know of one other agib though. In the scene where the black tongue leader had been killed, we see a particularly large looking crow. That's an agib. Same one is mentioned in one of the short stories too.
But how do you change an unchanging senet beast? The only hint I can possibly think of is that Ashley has mentioned that in her RP setting, future Bastion had an agib put inside of him, causing him to be immortal(?) I believe. The one we've actually seen in comic. She's mentioned this is still his actual future in her mind though I don't know if it's ever something that would happen in comic. She also said that in RP again granted wishes.

Perhaps it's not that they were transformed directly, but rather inserted into whatever creature the inak originally were, and for whatever reason they can't leave now and have shaped the consciousness and mythos of the inak into what they are today.
maybe an ilganyag is to agib(or lizard) as etalarche is to human
"Gone to ground" could just be a poetic way of saying they're dead and buried. As seems to be said more explicitly here:
I though it was referring to a specific Agib. Seems odd for the entire race to be hallowing themselves out if it is detrimental.
Well, she's said her name is Sessine, and Ilganyag is what she is - not who. We also know it means black tongue in Aldish. But I expect the name was hers even before they existed, and that they took the name from her rather than she from them. It could certainly be a title of a sort.
The two toes say explicitly when speaking with Duane that Ilganyag stole their sky and are depicted with wings and eyes that are heavily reminiscent of how the agib (including Sessine) are depicted. And the two toes call her the betrayer goddess, as well we know she is the inspiration for the trickster Tirna.
But if the wisest of them sought to convince them of some need, and if they were able to regenerate from it, as a water woman from her pearl, or an efheby from its two hearts, would they have agreed?
>That's an agib.
That was WoG'd, right? Because at least in the short story it's called a raven - big honking raven, but a raven none the less. But even then, can we be sure it's really a bona-fide agib as they were in their prime, or just a mitted remnant of their former glory, grown smaller and weaker since their fall? If lizards used to be different, why not agib?
"THEY" have gone to ground. I believe we can safely assume she doesn't mean The Great Agib is a gender nonbiney.
IIRC Ashley said something to the effect of you'd imagine it must've been an agib Auschwitz ran in the Scatterstar Cache for there to be such a big deposit of the First Silver there
No. The way she’s saying it… it’s not a species. It’s a title. Ilganyag is some kind of title.
Are we 100% sure Ilganyag isn't packing a First Silver birb penis to boot? Could still very well be a they!
That bird bitch can grow vaginas on her wings, I wouldn't trust any set up giblets without a receipt
Ye, it literally sounds like "Sessine, the Beguiler" and she must must seem to think that whatever betrayals awarded her this kenning, were worth it. Sorry other agibs, you're less important than my $SINGLE_ISSUE.
The bird lies. That is why her tongue is black. Black as the flesh of those she killed with her sweetened words. Black as the soot she weaves to give a poisoned cause to good men. Liar, liar, liar.
That is what she is. Il-gan-yag. The black tongue of LIES.
Strange how Man's guard is lowest when the liar admits guilt.
Yeah, WoG. Agib are senet beasts, senet beasts don't really change. Closest you get is some circular life cycles. So whatever happened would likely have had to be part of their own cycles, and just permanently interrupted. Or else related to their abilities. Whatever happened, two toes are just like people in that they can evolve. Senet beasts, however, are ordinarily unchanging.
My pet theory is she earned the title of black tongue for one too many false promises, lies, or acts of manipulation. Perhaps against humans, perhaps against her own kind. It may also be that the "they" who trapped her in the khert were the agib themselves. Perhaps after she took their sky.
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I know it's a Nerd Moment™ and Cope said it's specifically a reference to game debug tools, but the more I think about it, the more Kasslyne feels like a Kubernetrs cluster xD Coldlands is the server farm substrate, reality is the cluster itself, khert instantiations are the pods and the Khert itself is ArgoCI/CD working off a gitops repo Ilganyag wants to rebase the fuck out of. It really fits to a tee, especially with how Argo loves to keep keeling over if your cluster is too big and too busy : V
>agib holocaust in Sharteshane
>Khette says she hates shipbuilders
I bet Sessine sang her lullabies at night about the big mean shipbuilders who slew her uncles and aunts
>Senet beasts, however, are ordinarily unchanging.
Right, but they do by the dint of firstness of their materials being able to maintain a separate khert. Wouldn't they suddenly lose their firstness if they lost their first materials? I don't think we've ever been told that the individual khert is coterminous with the body, it could just as well be an emanation of some FM core that's big enough to assert itself over the whole senet.
>Wouldn't they suddenly lose their firstness if they lost their first materials?
Good idea. Could it be possible to extract first materials out of a senet beast without killing it?
I always assumed it was her own marrow/lactate. But it seems like it's more likely the remains of other agib. So then, what did she use her own first silver for? We know that it's the most capacious, so I assume it was put to important use.
>Wouldn't they suddenly lose their firstness if they lost their first materials?
That's an interesting question. I don't think so, because the entire senet has its own khert, and they can regenerate themselves with nutrition. Plus we know that Ilganyag has no more first silver, but she is still who she is. At worst, I would expect that to cause them to go the way of the mountain ogres and be reevaluated and destroyed, or if they kept on living, seem to be pedestrian corvids, perhaps with strange powers.

But I could also see Ashley going that route, so I'm not sure.
They were trying to do that with water women in the comic with some limited degree of success. And we know of the field spreader. We also know the agib still exert their influences through the silver in some capacity though, so to me that still points to a limited degree of separation between the two toes and the agib. I feel like they would be more successful if they were aware of that ability.
Mountain ogres were supposed to be fully first earth but Ashley wrote somewhere that they died because their khert fields weren't as big as their bodies and the big khert started turning bits of them into regular earth..
Oh. As well, WoG is first silk and first and are renewable, and if someone were suicidal enough, you could try to farm an efheby for first carbon scales. So yes, there are at least some senets where you can do this.
*First sand
>So then, what did she use her own first silver for?
The black tongue torcs for example.
But only that? Or were there any important projects beyond them?
>you could try to farm an efheby
Ayy...How hard could it be? Proper restraints, strict protocols, a deal with the government for nourishment. It'll all go tits up in time, but you might get a few years of good production out of it if you catch enough efheby.
And once they got out they have nearly endless human memories across multiple lifetimes of torture to perfect yours. If you wanna be the one to do that, go right ahead. As you know, the only way to truly incapacitate an efheby is to kill it. Societies collapse, buildings fall, people fall prey to promises of power. Eventually, something will happen that let's them break free unless they are killed. As long as you're dead before that happens, it should be fine. But would you bet your future against it?
Efhebys reset their memories and personality when you chop off their head. Just keep trimming their heads, and you'll be fine
>Ilganyag is who she is.
Because she's inside the Khert, the moment she steps out she's gonna have a bad time, which is why she's looking for the First Silver.

>if they kept on living, seem to be pedestrian corvids, perhaps with strange powers.
Which I would say describes Ballanstern's "agib" pretty well, doesn't it?

>entire senet has its own khert
Like the othe anon says >>144320466
the ogre thing seems to suggest my interpretation doesn't seem outright invalid? Internal khert is, in a way, a claim to "my body, my rules" by the senet, but when the authority to enforce that claim is gone with your first materials, you just devolve to whatever basic maker-given physics is able to support. At least I don't see how it's a wrong interpretation to have, unless there was a "personal khert is coterminous with the body, and all of it has to be first material to assert senet's rules over that".
It's your funeral. Even if the memories are forgotten, it still hunt everyone its seen down eventually once it breaks free. And it's bad enough what an efheby does when it likes you.
>Which I would say describes Ballanstern's "agib" pretty well, doesn't it?
Yes, so what happened to the ones inside the inak/that became the inak? Why are they different? Or aren't they? Is it as simple as that being some byproduct of their power to enter into bodies like that of others? I wonder how much of that future Bastion RP stuff is still canon.
>my interpretation doesn't seem outright invalid
I certainly agree that it's not, yeah. It doesn't seem that way to me but I could see something like that being the case.
>Internal khert is, in a way, a claim to "my body, my rules" by the senet, but when the authority to enforce that claim is gone with your first material
This particular part though, I believe Ashley has contradicted. Saying that while they are alive a senet's entire body has the properties of being "first". What makes first materials special is that they happen to keep their firstness after being removed from the senet beast, instead of being reevaluated like other parts would be. The exact wording and intent of those statements would matter though, because you could just carry the idea of Uaid's field spreader further to create your interpretation. I think the biggest point in my favor is that spindleworms maintain their own khert even as twins harvest their first silk, though.
Not a comment in any one thing in particular, but it still doesn't feel real that we're getting close to Book 1 ending. So much time speculating and theorizing, and here we are, almost. Obviously some secrets will be for Book 2, but I'm very excited for the coming few months.
The wait for book two is going to be agony.
Oh baby more sweet lore tidbits interspersed as shit is about to get wild.
I don't understand what Khette did to warrant Sessine promising her the First Soul.

She was rude and Jacaranda basically just carried Sette for maybe five minutes
The implication is that tittybird has been promising to give it back to her for years, while our Sette was wandering around past her expiry date.
She came back. None of the other many Settes ever did. Also, >>144320894.
Honestly I can't tell what Sette is doing in the last panel that shows her. It looks like she's climbing something from the previous panel but I'm not sure what those squiggles are.
Crusted mediocre memories.
Yeah, I’m quieter than usual because it feels like if I post my wall scratchings or w/e what’s happening might… Stop happening.
It’s the denouement, hype!
But thread activity wise, it might seem the opposite. Bamboozled at every turn, aside from the rare on the money anon, we just await the full expose
River is just a normal waterwoman who gets her brain scooped out by babies. Ash said Minnow has been like that in previous incarnations (Ocean in her case since she's not a river waterwoman)
> She came back. None of the other many Settes ever did.
That's very sweet but it's Sessine we are talking about. There aren't seem to be any reason for her to double-cross Khertte but at this point there're just too many similarities with her feathered cousins from another setting's spiritual realm.

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