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Is Pig Latin! still coming out? I heard anon got in touch with Cartoon Network executives, but haven't heard any updates in a while.
The wiki if anybody wants to get caught up
this is so sad
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I think it has potential.
I don't know what that is, sorry.
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There's a wiki >>144320681, but it's out of date. Pig Latin! is a cartoon /co/ was making together. It's about a pig (Pig) living in Ancient Rome. He goes on adventures and gets into trouble.

Other characters:
Roman Senator and Pig's best friend. Tries to keep him out of trouble. Bisexual.
Pig's Latino cousin. He calls himself Baconator ironically.
Pig's love interest (waifubait)
>Catto the Elder and Kitto the Younger
Two scientists that invent things for Pig. Like in one episode he goes to the moon on a rocket they make.
Pig is straight. Just to make that clear.
>Pig is straight. Just to make that clear.
why is this information important
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Because we don't want people thinking Pig and Horsey are lovers or anything like that. Pig is 100% hetero.
is this a mental illness? i don't understand
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that's kitto the younger, retard
Horsey is a degenerate Roman senator, has orgies and things like that. But that doesn't mean Pig is some kind of fairy. He's a straight family man (he lives with his parents in a Roman apartment, they own a pizza shop).
episode ideas
>baconator gets an ipad
>pig creampies his own butthole
>horsey gets stranded on an island and falls in love with a coconut or something
feel free to add more
you seem really fixated on this very minor aspect of the character
"He does NOT have sex with men, ever, even though his best friend does" is not a normal statement anyone would make unless they were hiding something.
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There's the space episode too
If it's so minor, we don't need to debate it anymore, right? Some people are straight, other people are gay. Pig is straight.

Moving on...
>Cleobatra forces Pig to have sex with Horsey at gunpoint
i'm saying that the lady doth protest too much (you are the lady in this situation)
>AI slop
>fandom wiki
>the same two admin accounts writing every page
I guess some idea guy is having fun playing pretend with his half baked concept. What is the goal here? To get other people to make stuff for you?
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Pig is a tough, blue-collar kinda guy, but he also cares about his friends and lovers.
That shouldn't be an episode, but if you write fanfiction of it make sure Pig is on top. Even if he reluctantly did this, he would be gentle.
Just drop it, okay?
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The Christmas episode will be good. Should end with a lesson about giving.
The AI art is controversial I know, but it's mostly placeholders. Concept art.
pig is coming out alright
>What is the goal here?
To make a cartoon with /co/. Someone from Cartoon Network posted in an old thread, said it looked good. So it's worth a shot.
>To get other people to make stuff for you?
Whoever wants to contribute can.
Don't try to pitch a cartoon until you can draw actual pictures.
Or else fuck back off to your containment thread and masturbate with your fellow talentless AIcels
You don't have to be mean anon, we're just trying to sort out the main ideas before we get to any drawing stage.
>Someone from Cartoon Network posted in an old thread
How do you know he really worked for Cartoon Network?
There wasn't like 100% proof, but he was pretty convincing.
Chariot race. Maybe combine it with the ipad episode, like Pig and Baconator are fighting over the ipad and need to settle it with a race.

Then it turns out the race is to the death by law, and they need to work together to get out of it alive.
it really doesn't take much to convince you does it
>Porcus Caesar is putting on the race, Pig is racing against his cousin Baconator to settle a fight over the last slice of pizza. The whole Colosseum is watching. There's also going to be an emotional episode where Pig takes a life for the first time there.
I'd watch it.
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Characters need to be a mix of original sitcom type characters and riffs on historical figures.
Pig's dad should be a grizzled war vet.
What convinced you? Did he post an employee ID with the name blurred?
Besides chariot races and orgies, what other Roman hijinks can they get into?
It's so easy to tell when shit is AI.
Some of these are obvious, but if you told me >>144320928 or >>144320735 was hand drawn I'd believe it
Yeah, I guess that's pretty good.
He'd probably just steal the pitch for himself, though.

I think it's funny that it keeps drawing Bojack Horseman.
ookslay agay opay's a aggotfay
>I think it's funny that it keeps drawing Bojack Horseman.
It's like that's the only cartoon horse the AI knows. Whatever, Horsey can be Bojack's cousin or something.
I doubt most people recognize it as AI. The only reason you're saying that it's obvious is because you were primed for it by posts like >>144320841.
BoJack Horseman!
>monkey noises
Personally I figured out it was AI when I saw >>144320730, which was way too detailed for an obscure /co/ project that seems to only have one guy that actually cares about it.
Looking closely, I can see the birds are all fucked up in the OP image as well, and of course the characters are in a different art style in every image while somehow still looking like bland clip art.

But the thing is that AI is actually pretty good at generating bland concept art. This is pretty much the perfect use case for the tech.
Raphael Bob-Waksberg, creator of Bojack here. This cartoon looks super funny. I'm willing to help produce it if time allows.
>This is pretty much the perfect use case for the tech.
Agreed. That's why I think it's fine to use it for quickly share concepts. It's like a prototype, the final cartoon will have normal human art.
I love your show but why did you include that really bad episode about gun control
Frankly, I fought against that episode (NRA member, believe it or not - can't talk about it outside of sites like 4chan without getting canceled). One of the writers' dad died from gun violence, so he was being a bitch about it and finally I gave in.
looks familiar, bet we could figure out who it was
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What do you all think of the main villain/rival character? Used to be Pig's friend in school, grew up and became a bigwig in the Roman army/navy and now he's a huge asshole. He and Pig will fight over Cleobatra.
The Roaming Romans should be a running gag
>Catto the Elder and Kitto the Younger
My sides delenda est.
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The wiki has a more consistent looking Cleobatra. Not sure if she's sexy enough though?
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>ancient rome
>christmas episode
I don't like this. It's way too human.
Nice feet tho
Footfaggotry is a mental illness.
Yeah it's kinda ugly, trying to come up with a new one now
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a bit cuter
it's better for sure but it looks inconsistent with the other characters
i suspect there just isn't as much data in the training set for anthro cartoon bats so it's not going to do very good with this character
Tell me with a straight face this wouldn't be better than New Norm
>i suspect there just isn't as much data in the training set for anthro cartoon bats so it's not going to do very good with this character
Yeah, Cleobatra might be fucked for now until we get an artist or better AI. She won't be in the show as much as the other characters anyway. She's mostly there to be Pig's love interest.

>Grecian Tern
Runs a Greek restaurant that serves Pig Latin's favourite food (Gyros)
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>goofy ass birdman with a greek accent
>hangout spot for pig and horsey
>makes gyros and shares gossip with the boys
>funny voice, does weird bird shit like swallow whole fishes
I love it, it's in the show.
How can I get wiki permission?
OinkerTheElder, right?

Added you
>Giant monstrous fly with a single compound eye

>A Centaur with a bulls head
Sounds badass. Those would be cool for monster of the week episodes.
The Erymanthian Boar needs to be Pig Latin's ancestor

>Julius Fleasar
A Giant bipedal flea dressed in Roman Emperor grab, He's Pig Latin and Horsey's boss
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Saturnaelius episode

Pig Latin's favourite food should be Gypos (a Gyro variant that only Grecian Tern makes)
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A bit disturbing, but they can be afraid of their boss so it kinda works.

He looks like a Dragon Quest enemy

The Styren
>A Pig Mermaid who is Pig Latin's love interest (if you think he needs one)
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Gypos, I like it. It'll be his specialty. Pig and Horsey love them. Baconator is skeptical and refuses to eat one at first, but by the end of the episode he loves them.

If the show gets big we can make it into a real product too.
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Pig is already banging Cleobatra, but we can have a love triangle episode.
>A giant autonomous statue with the face of a Star Nosed Mole
anons... that's a racial slur...
Cleocatra makes way more sense than Cleobatra
One last character

The Chadiator
>The Chad Meme in Gladiator garb
>Has οὐχ on his chest armour
damn ai fucking sucks at making centaurs, keeps giving me horses with vaguely human faces
That'd be sweet. The Molossus can fight Talonos (bird version of Talos) in one episode, an Ancient Roman giant mech battle. Maybe Horsey is tricked into piloting the Talanos and it goes out of control or something.
Yeah, but catgirls are kinda played out. A batgirl sticks out way more.
B is literally just a voiced P so it's a more elegant pun.
>The Man in Gauze (The Man in Gauze) with sheep features
Nice. Surprised nobody has made a gladiator chad meme yet outside of this.
So like are the gods also animals or what? Do other Roman figures have animal names? Octopustavius? Bark Anthony? Pompelican? Armadillominius?
There's a Porc Antony at least, see >>144321065

Yes (as long as you can make a pun out of it)

>Zeus but a uddered Holstein Friesian
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The gods are all animals too
Would be great for a Cleobatra episode.

>Horse ruler of the underworld
Why a bat? I mean I get the obvious pun but still why? It's not clever.
Going to bed, I'll update the wiki with new characters tomorrow. Good work so far /co/.
A bat and pig together is clever. Think Charlotte's Web.
bats are cute to be fair
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Hey guys. Cartoon Network guy from the previous thread here. Not an exec actually but I do have some pull. Once it's more of a sure thing I'll share my identity.

Just want to say - love the new ideas in this thread! Especially the latest characters. I'm working on my boss to get it into production. Haven't gotten through to him yet, but "my aim is getting better" ;)
If Dan Harmon got fucking Krapopolis made, this should be an easy sell.
Neptuna. God of the sea.
This. Doesn't need to be Christmas persay, can make it Romany with the similar holiday.
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I for one would like to see some mythologicap figures making appearances in flashbacks like an animal version of the Trojan war and the Aenid or something which would lead to funny adventures.
> before we get to any drawing stage.
If you’re tapping out of the drawing process already at the idea stage, you’re fucked. This is supposed to be the most fun part of the process and you can’t even be arsed to pick up a pencil?
which animal is Jesus?

Smellen of Troy the Skunk?
even if you get a pitch ready without actual art who is going to draw the series art for you? design is almost as important as writing and frankly, the writing isnt too good
Apegamemmnon, Hawktor of Troy, Odordysseus the Skunk, etc.
It was obvious from the first it was AI you autistic dope. You don't have a plot, you don't have any ideas, you're just playing with toys. The computers that power AI are sucking up more energy than bitcoin, you're melting the ice caps to play with a fucking toy that's turning out absolute slop. We can't stop you but we can tell you to go to your fucking containment thread
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Bawkchilles looks badass. Yeah, some flashback episodes with older history or myths would be fun. I can imagine it bring framed as a story Pig's dad is telling . Pig and Baconator get into an argument, dad sits them down and tells a story about Bawkchilles to teach them a lesson. During the story you'd hear the dad narrating, but also Pig and Baconator chiming in. Gradually they go from scoffing to getting into the story, so interested they stop caring about their fight. By the end they realize the story had a moral related to their conflict.

Horsey can say something during the story, and Pig will be like "you're not even here!" Then it like flashes to the room and Horsey reveals he was stuck in a cabinet or something.
>don't have a plot
It's a sitcom in Ancient Rome with animals. There's no huge overarching plot. At least not at first, the lore will come together in later seasons. The lore is actually pretty deep, which if I had to guess is why Alex Hirsch is interested (let's be real, it's him in that photo).
>you don't have any ideas
Have you even been reading the thread? People are throwing out ideas left and right. You could contribute too, instead of getting salty about the AI concept art.
This is a collaborative project, so any drawfags are free to come up with better designs. AI is just quick for getting the ideas and general look across.
Pig Latin! will stick the landing too, rather than building up to a rushed ending like Gravity Falls.
I can imagine it being one of those episodes where the dad gets more and more confused and the story goes off the rails and that's where the humor comes in
It's even lower effort than that slop
There are no ideas, it's just a bunch of tired cliches being fed to a slop machine
I disagree, but the effort comes from all of us, so what would that say about /co/?
Proompting isn't effort
>tired cliches
It's more than that. Baconator is deeper than he seems for example. His wife died in a tragic accident, one reason he's kind of bitter towards Pig and his best bud relationship with Horsey.

But the character's still care about one another underneath it all. The show is (partially) about family.
Then draw something.
Don't draw and people who can draw probably wouldn't waste time on drawing for trAInnies.
>don't draw
Lol then stop bitching about pigbros
This is a board for comics and cartoons, not AIslop. You fags have a perpetual general on every damn board, stay there.
Pig Latin! is a cartoon in development.
It's only AIslop, stay on your containment general until you get the actual cartoon part retard
Pig should be voiced by Dan Castellaneta. I imagine Horsey sounds British, should get Ringo Starr or someone who can do a similar voice (think the duck brothers in Courage).
Obviously Baconator is going to be someone like Danny Trejo.
This kind of negativity is why /co/ can never finish a project.
What project? It's a bunch of lazy idea guys masturbating with AIslop. You can't even put any effort in the ideas, it's all half-formed cliches/tropes and not a single remotely original concept.
>What project?
The one Cartoon Network is currently considering.
>You can't even put any effort in the ideas, it's all half-formed cliches/tropes and not a single remotely original concept.
There has never been a show about animal people in Ancient Rome. As mentioned, there's extensive lore that you'd know about if you follow these threads. Individually it might seem cliche, but once it comes together it's something more. When you finally learn Baconator's full backstory, you will feel ashamed of your words and deeds.
Nigger it's just a bunch of animal puns, there is no story or setting.
>he doesn't know
OP is 007
>0 drive to actually develop anything
>0 good ideas in the first place
>7 days until he gets evicted
Know what? How many cocks your mom sucked? Tard.
this is the cartoon that saves the industry
Pig's dad should be Alex Hirsch. He's already interested in producing the project, so I'm sure he can voice a couple characters.
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Testing some theme song ideas

First one is best I think
That last song goes hard
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Black Cleobatra is the way to go
needs more villains, or at least a newman character that pig hates
Porc Antony is basically that
you guys could even be bothered to bring out MS Paint and draw the characters as stick figures?
that's too much effort for a proompter
im almost tempted to do it out of pity
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>It's a Pig and Horsey fight German Barbarians episode
Nice work. I think this is the one, right balance of cute and bat.
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Page updated, well done.
It's a start, but Pig needs to look manlier. He's a tough blue collar pig.
not too tough though, he's still a friendly guy
look at >>144320677 >>144320697 >>144320774, gives a good idea
Instead of complaining, you could've been making real art like >>144325842. Now your complaint is void.
One piece of actual art is a sea of slop doesn't somehow redeem the slop
two pieces >>144326118
The "slop" is quick concept art to give people a general idea. AI is a stepping stone, not the final work.
I don't get why some people complain about the AI art so much. Hirsch doesn't seem to care, and he hates AI art.
What "general idea" though? That you took a bunch of generic cartoon sitcom tropes and animal puns and put it into a blender to shit out the most generic thing possible?
General idea of how the characters look - Pig isn't a monstrous boar or anything like that.
>That you took a bunch of generic cartoon sitcom tropes and animal puns and put it into a blender to shit out the most generic thing possible
Anything can be "generic" if you reduce it that way. Pig Latin! has underlying lore and deep relationships between the characters. It's also unique for being set in Ancient Rome, so lots of jokes and stories revolve around that.
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>That you took a bunch of generic cartoon sitcom tropes and animal puns and put it into a blender to shit out the most generic thing possible
So the joke is that you're pretending to be retarded?
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It's not a joke. It seems a bit generic at first but it's deeper than it looks.
Where the hell is the depth you keep talking about?
Baconator's tragic past for example.
i doubt he even knows "baconator" isn't his real name
A sentence long blurb isn't depth
You have to follow the threads instead of just jumping in and complaining people don't spoonfeed you.
There's going to be riddles and mysteries hidden throughout the show. After a few seasons it will move away from the generic sitcom plots and focus more on continuity.
This thread reeks of samefag.
>go into the ai slop thread expecting one poster to be replying to himself and anons calling him out
>no, people are actually interested in the idea and a couple of actual artfags showed up to draw shit for this fake cartoon with no substance

>It's a Pig and Horsey fight German Barbearians episode

It's weirdly charming despite the generic premise. I'm a sucker for ancient history too, so corny puns like "Catto the Elder" amuse me.
He works in a pizza shop, it's not like he's a construction worker
my favorite sloppa
Pigs eat slop, it works.
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fund it
Media with talking pigs is pretty kino. I'm on board with this
>cartoon /co/ was making together

lol, lmao even
I don't have much faith in /co/ ever finishing a project either, but perhaps this is the one.

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