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>not even the villains like Red skull

he doesnt deserves this...
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Honestly Shmidt needs to lean in to his status as a gadfly among the villains, and the heroes too for that matter. He knows being a Nazi, aka a Villain For Real, makes him a pariah, but this gives him a fair amount of freedom to be honest with everybody about how bad they, and things, really are. Marvel has actually done this a handful of times already, like that scene where he's speaking to a crowd using essentially modern right-wing talking points. But each time Marvel backs off and immediately cuts to him doing some cartoonish villainy and/or Captain America kicking his face in.

If they wanted to make him truly effective they wouldn't pull their punches on shit like this. Skull in the modern age can work as a villain because he starts to sound plausible and you wonder if he's more right than you want to admit. Which, after all, is the path to so much evil done in the real world.
>most barbaric despot of the 20th century
But he didn't serve Mao Tsetung..?
Red Skull and Magneto have the best villain dynamic.
Why the fuck would they like Red Skull? Even other Nazi villains don't like Red Skull because the whole point of the guy is he's just the worst.
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honestly, these two should clash more often, magneto has a hatred for all non mutants however he is a survivor jew from holocaust and by for ofcourse with primitive rabid hatred for nazi scum, Is so weird to see them working together in many events imo i wouldnt mine a event with magneto fucking destroying by his hand all Hydra
Comparing real life atrocities to fictional ones feels corny
>inb4 "but they're both fictional!"
>we personally murder thousands of people and openly call for the enslavement of all mankind but at least we aren't RACIST
This will never not be funny. Comic writers genuinely consider racism/oppression to be a worse crime than mass murder. And before you point out the Holocaust, remember Hitler didn't personally execute any of them. Comic supervillains personally kill every one of their victims, even look them square in the eye whilst doing it.
>modern right-wing talking points
If Marvel had balls, Red Skull would be backing up BLM, realizing this is how he can cause actual mayhem in America at the drop of the hat.

>we Germans were being put down like Black men are!
>my Jew was YOUR WHITE MAN

Instead, they act like it is a Nazi thing to want everyone to respect the sanctity of borders, instead of it being the polar opposite of what Nazis were doing.
You're missing the point, Red Skull isn't hated by everyone just because he's a Nazi, but because he's a terrible asshole who goes out of his way to make everyone miserable and dominate them.
Holy shit!

It's Jordan Peterson!
And cunts like Green Goblin, Venom, Doctor Doom, and Thanos aren't? They're all giant arseholes who live to make everyone else's life worse, it's part of the job description of being a supervillain. Red Skull is just gigaHitler, that's his whole schitck. To be a strawman for wannabe revolutionaries to beat because they're angry they were born too late to celebrate Nazi Germany's loss in person. And nowadays he isn't even that, he's a strawman of basic bitch 21st century right wing politics with a Nazi uniform.
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red skull just hits all the high notes
in addition to that it seems like he would be somewhat more aggravating to work with than most other supervillains
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When did Red Skull went back to being decipted as a nazi? I remenber that in some part of the modern era he was just a opportunistic backstabber with no strong feelings towards anything other power, even his most recent origin book Incarnate his entire ideology was "You survive by siding with the winning side at the moment" and most comics aways state that Hydra's goal was overtaking Hitler and their own party
Skull is the only reasonable one in that page. Look at Magneto having a melty over how the Nazis treated Jews whilst in the same breath saying he does not care about humans in the slightest. He acts like a Jew from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and would be called an antisemitic stereotype if he wasn't being played against Skull.
Skull is at the end of the day politically motivated. He's in it to change the world and justifies his positions in the form of politics. Everyone else there is acting in pure self-interest like a "common criminal". Of course, it leads him to doing the same things as the rest of them, but he at least attempts to have a moral framework to work with unlike the others who just want to fuck shit up for the fun of it or to spite the superheroes they think have wronged them personally.
the reason marvel doesnt treat better skull beyond than a cartoonish big bad villain is because they dont want you to simpatize with him
You think he cares what they think? He's got ambition of godhood and conquest. You faggots are but ants to his goals.
He's a sociopathic, compulsively sadistic megalomaniacal Nazi who is physically incapable of giving a shit about anyone except himself.

Magneto was right to lock him up in a bunker.
And everyone else was wrong to not lock Magneto up right next to him. Magneto is every bit the monster Skull is. Skull just has the decency to not pretend otherwise. Magneto cries a big boo hoo every time he gets cornered and all the mutants forget his sins.
at the end of the day I think languishing with common criminals is preferable to siding yourself with political masterminds who see you as either a useful idiot or a genetic defect
but you're right in that any sympathy towards magneto only can be garnered because of red skulls presence, if he had not been there the rest would probably see more of an issue regarding working with a mutant supremacist
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>Marvel has actually done this a handful of times already, like that scene where he's speaking to a crowd using essentially modern right-wing talking points.

And the next page, THE NEXT PAGE, LITERALLY THE NEXT FUCKING PAGE, he tells those morons to put bomb jackets on and die for him. The point is to demonstrate how easy anyone with enough charisma can whip an angry, disgruntled crowd up into a frenzy and turn them into dedicated followers just by telling them what they want to hear. It's how Hitler got into power, and it's how Trump got into power.
I don't recall the part where Captain America lost a crowds attention because he has brain damage from old age and super serum side effects now, so everyone votes for Red Skull instead, who is equally as old but at least isn't combining three different sentences in one.
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>It's how Hitler got into power, and it's how Trump got into power.
Trump never sent an horde of MAGAS extremists to assault the white house nigga
Kinda hypocritical magneto has done even worse than the nazis
Red Skull with the power of mega charisma over here, damn

No wonder everyone is so jelly

Superheroes can't whip anyone into a frenzy apparently.
Thank you for demonstrating how easy it is for a would-be dictator to brainwash people into becoming fanatics.
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Janny can ban me if he likes, but I cannot resist the urge to not reply to this, you're begging for it.
>Thank you for demonstrating how easy it is for a would-be dictator to brainwash people into becoming fanatics.
I thought that was the whole point of Magneto?
>no bro the orange hitler is totally gonna get rid of the democracy this time if he wins bro project 2025 bro this time for real trust me
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>It's how Hitler got into power, and it's how Trump got into power.
So close.
I remember when they made him look like fucking Jordan Peterson. Jordan is a harmless crank, he's nowhere close to the Red Skull.
I mean, that would make him too real. Look at the political dynamic right now, if the Red Skull marched with the left, they would cheer everything he did because he would oppose a Jewish state and Israel.
Hell, the Muslims would love him. The Palestinians have a history of being no-shit Nazis.
It's funny, but Magneto has actually killed more people than the Red Skull.
That is the most retarded story telling I have ever seen in my life.
>muh charisma
Kill yourself
>making Nazi into pills addicted Zionist
joe quesada was a HUGE MISTAKE

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