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why the writers so obsessed on forcing this retarded ship?
Because Milhouse is a meme.
No he isnt you newfag
Milhouse doesn't count
weren't they forcing the other retarded ship Lisa and Nelson?
Nobody likes Milhouse.
Because they want to sell the dream that nerds can find love, when we all know that isn't true.
Why are they trying to ship children in the first place? 10 and 8 year olds are not interested in romance.
>actually succeeds in getting the girl he wants and has a child with her

Milhouse achieved more than 99% of /co/mrades.
Some are, specially girls.
I like the idea that Lisa is so awful no man would want her and for her it would be Milhouse or nobody
Very early on it felt like maybe a couple times it was one of the only things keeping Lisa feeling like an actual child. Then later it sort of became like literally every other fucking relationship depicted anymroe where it's just an excuse for writers to put Lisa in a very easy, objectively superior role to the worthless pathetic guy. It was less about being funny and more just wanking her ego and the weird shit Hollywood likes to do to highground female characters over male ones.

It used to be a simple TV trope but then everyone started taking it seriously. Like Gumball where they just ripped off anyone else who already did the worthless fat dad and then made it about how the wife is genuienly suffering because all the men in the universe are certified retards.
I was
because they don't act like children, they don't think or talk like children, and they have been enough time on television to be old enough to have their own children.
The whole 'stuck in time' thing forces the writer to make these kind of weird romances and anachronic stuff.
A solution would be they make time jumps like showing an adventure of the characters as teenagers and in other episodes as children and others as adults. But that would feel even weirder.
Lilhouse is endgame.
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
They're not kids unless a gag or plot calls for it. There's an episode where Bart says to Lisa "it's weird you don't consider yourself a young person" and she says "I know, it's weird to me too." She's literally just a 30 year old feminist mouthpiece who knows almost everything on the topic. There's a lot more that doesn't make sense about Lisa as a kid and what real kids care about than just having romance episodes.
>10 and 8 year olds are not interested in romance.
LMAO even.
girls become interested in dating earlier than boys, usually at like 10 although Lisa would still be too young for that
Not that, it's more like they didn't really have any teen or young adult characters to do dating plots with. They basically admitted this.
But what happened to the girl?
Did he keep up with her?
Lisa has never acted like a real 8 year old
Hell Bart barely acts like 10 year old
i was curious about girls since kindergarten
Because most of the writers are Milhouse in real life. And they like Lisa too.
It was the least likely to go anywhere, which is fantastic for Episodic adventures. Can't resolve a plot thread if nothing has been achieved, and unresolved plot threads generate story ideas as a consequence of existing. Thus, infinite story.
How much would Milhouse like it if Lisa mooned him you know as a joke haha
When will they make the brave and powerful decision to make Milhouse a female and pair him with Bart?
Don't even have to do that, just have Bart get with Milhouse, they'd unironically have a better dynamic together than Lisa and Milhouse
Nelson would be way more exciting in bed but also a far worse and more abusive boyfriend.
They are, but only really in TV shows and stuff. And they get crushes.
The thing that makes Milhouse crushing on Lisa weird to me is that when I was 10 I NEVER had a crush on any girl younger than me. I think it's kinda weird for a 10 year old to like an 8 year old that way.
i knew some people who started dating of a sort in the 4th grade ala Bart and Jessica Lovejoy but nobody'd want anything to do with a 2nd grader, they were stupid babies and much more mentally immature than you
I think they're unironically portraying Milhouse as a predator because there's a recent episode where the family refused to let Maggie near him and Maggie looked worried when he was around
Milhouse is far too beta for that.
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Recent seasons have done the opposite. It seems like the newer and younger writers prefer Lisa x Nelson. So much so that they even did a couch gag about a fan comic series about the pairing.
The timeline has been overwritten.
poor Lisa living in denial that she gave it up to him and pretends it didn't count
I had crushes on girls as early as 7.
>that when I was 10 I NEVER had a crush on any girl younger than me. I think it's kinda weird for a 10 year old to like an 8 year old that way.
yeh but when you're 18 and 16 it be like yes, yes, yes!
They fucked up by hiring writers who write Lisa as a mary sue who can do no wrong and can never lose, so the only way they can have Lisa "lose" these days is to hammer home the idea that she's such an unlikable cunt that her only romantic option is Milhouse; a spineless beta bitch boy who will let Lisa walk all over him while having Lisa forever lust after Nelson, who has the intelligence to stay the fuck away from Lisa and her bullshit to her eternal anger and regret.
Don't they do the opposite? Pretty much always putting that ship down or showing why it'd be bad for them?
being with a girl who doesnt likes you is worse than being alone anon
aw, i love those in sauce
when i was 12 a neighbor girl who was 9 get on top of me and grind against my dick. i had to fap afterwards. she knew what she was doing.
didn't mean you wanted to fuck her or anything, at least not then (hopefully this story has a follow-up when you were 17 and 20).
That's just one of the future what-if scenarios, hell I recall an episode where Bart prevented them from getting together as Lisa would end up miserable.
Didnt they keep making jokes about how Milhouse was gay4bart during the mike scully seasons?
because there arent enough chracters in the recurring cast to ship her with
So who do they hate more? Milhouse or Lisa?
that was one episode
So sensual!
Feel blessed for having stopped watching it so early
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This is a lot more sensual, then the kiss scene with Lisa Simpson in Bart the General episode.
Worth mentioning that Lisa and Millhouse only had a daughter because in the future there is technology that allows you to decided what genes are carried into the baby and they decided that it would be better for the girl if she was 100% a clone of Lisa with nothing from Millhouse's side
Millhouse literally got cucked out of the gene pool
Haven't they teased it multiple times?
Oh yeah, I recall that kek

>hey at least you helped at parking the car!
none of them, lisa is their mouthhpiece while at milhouse case they just think making someone miserable is funny, just like squidward in current sponge bob
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Much more sensual then Billy and Mandy’s kiss.
the idea of Lisa being a flawed adult who ends up marrying someone that acts like Homer makes more sense than when they try to act like she'll be a triple nobel prize winning president scientist who ends global warming.
They should do the more realistic scenario where her intellect ends up not mattering because she becomes the trophy wife to someone like Krusty when she's like 19 while he's on the prowl for some fresh college age girls
gay farmers
No. Never.
>10 year old infatuated with an 8 year old
the writers are fucking sick
Its realistic
Easy way to trigger pedos, well played kek
I feel they force her more with nelson now, when the point was how dumb a girl finding a bully attractive. Or more specifically trying to change him when he is just bad or not going to be a good bf she wants.
I never noticed she's wearing his old vest.
They weren't.
Quite the opposite.
If I was a writer for The Simpsons, they would've been shipped!
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It at least gave us one of the funniest scenes in the series.
Because the more the series went on and writers left, and writers became directors and producers, it started to develop this thing where they just want to make a lot of the characters suffer. It's weird.
why are anons so autistically invested on fucking simpsons ships?
>why are anons so autistically invested on fucking ships?
honestly Lisa's best chemistry with a boy is with Bart
They weren't intially. In the Mirkin/Oakley/Weinstein/Scully eras (Seasons 5-14), the idea was it was a one-sided crush and Milhouse was always the butt of every joke.
But when Al Jean took over in Season 15 (when Zombie Simpsons really set in), he suddenly wrote episodes where Lisa occasionally returned Milhouse's affections.
Al Jean is such a fat beta nerd that he always rooted for Milhouse. The show got so much more reddit in that era. Thank God Based Scully came back.
Lisa is also Al Jean's favorite character. So it would make sense for him to pair them together.
like, i mean the good part about Mike Scully is that he didn't gaf about Lisa and she got the least screentime in Seasons 9-12 of the entire series
Milhouse makes a cute woman.
Okay but why does Lisa look like she needs to pee?
Because that's just a cute pose. Also, LisaMania is not over.
>that's just a cute pose
I never said it wasn't...
writers are cruel, Milhouse is considered by the fandom and anyone who cares as the "bad end" partner, while Nelson is Lisa's "canon end" boyfriend
The very first mention of Milhouse liking Lisa happened in Season 8 (unless you count the future episode from s.6)

Oakley and Weinstein messed around with the shows lore in a massive way.
>LisaMania is not over
god bless those deviants

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