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Hello, handsome.
hey hey heey
I feel horny
>10 years ago, even 5 years ago
>everyone universally understands this is creepy as fuck, autistic at best, unhinged at worst
>actively seen as one of the strangest parts of the "weird part of Youtube"

>zoomers unironically think this is cute and awesome and sympathize with the creator and want to fuck the robot

Ramen noodle hair ass sons of bitches I'll make you fuck trees if you don't leave my old internet culture alone with your analog spoopy horror shit
What is this?
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I always thought it was "hello phantom" and was some esoteric, deep lyric about inner demons or a fleeting experience with a lover.
In the early 2000s some autistic man obsessed with robot waifus made a robot and also to show her capability made some music videos about her. Some guy took one of the videos and uploaded it on youtube and it was pretty weird because the music and the artificial voice, and also edited it and never gave an explanation of the videos. So for most people it was just some creepy doll moving in weird ways.
Anyway, the creator of the robot waifu died, and the video went viral because there were no explanations of what the fuck was that.
Nowdays after the truth is known by everyone, some people with too much nostalgia try to make good memories out of it, with fanarts and tributes
>Nowdays after the truth is known by everyone
What's the truth?
In dunno if the truth was really very far off from what people were expecting. Creepy lonely guy makes creepy interactive dolls.
shut up normalfag
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I think more people are willing to joke about it since the intention behind the original video is revealed to actually be pretty innocent and not the deranged work of a serial killer.
Pic related on the other hand is creepy as shit and the official explanation behind it barely offers any solace.
Are you implying she isn't creepy or are you claiming you let another group take ownership of such a generic word?
I'm saying the guy who made it isn't creepy
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What is that?
>woah this guy must be a serial killer
You retards can't handle someone having a weird hobby that doesn't affect anyone?
I've seen the I feel fantastic video but not the one you posted. What's the story behind that?
I remember there were theories about cults and subliminal messages.
it was just a guy with some fetishes.
i am a zoomer and this video scared the shit out of me when i was a kid
Back when internet horror didn't come with hours of decoding shit and going through social media accounts
Man I thought that's what it was like a decade ago, I never heard the cult angle. My mind went to
>This guy made his own girlfriend
The doll itself is creepy pervert stuff even without this serial killer angle. That's pretty much the exact angle Smiling Friends takes with it.
i dream of the day more robots like her populate this earth
It was basically early hardware version of Hatsune Miku.
Stop using desuarchive schizo your meme sucks
Zoomers are unhinged zoophiles
>I'll make you fuck trees if you don't leave my old internet culture alone with your analog spoopy horror shit
That sounds like an encouragement
The murder rumors must have happened somewhere in the middle, I always thought this was just some dude's personal project.
Always liked that the windows are taped up.
Which either means he knows this is weird, or is worried people are gonna steal his ideas.
>/co/ bad creepy pasta enthusiasts
It seems more like the product of loneliness than perversion. If it was pure perversion it's likely have more overt erotic features. Not to say all people had the same taste, but in general boomers would show eroticism through big, full breasts, long hair, skimpy clothes. If he was making a sex bot it very likely would've been more obvious.
There's an almost sorrowful attempt at making her delicate and pretty. I think that's part of what makes it captivating. If it was an obvious sex thing it would be more funny, this is more strangely sad and etheral.
The only interesting theory I ever heard was it was based on his wife and the random cut to some bushes outside was where she was buried or something. Obviously no proof but who cares.
Shut up man the robot is cute.
different anon but its an art project called dining room or there is nothing
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does /x/ still talk about creepypastas i havent been there in years
Agamemnon Counterpart
I want a sexy dryad to rip me apart
>>zoomers unironically think this is cute and awesome and sympathize with the creator and want to fuck the robot
The former part of what you said is fair but people have been running with the "le modern day Pygmalion" for well over a decade at this point
Hello me, meet the real me and my misfit's way of life
A dark, black past is my most valued possession
Hindsight is always 20-20
But looking back, it's still a bit fuzzy
Speak of mutually assured destruction?
Nice story, tell it to Reader's Digest!
i liked the song
>Anyway, the creator of the robot waifu died
Really? I could've sworn ScareTheatre had a phone call with him just a couple years ago.
hiiii x3
le bump
This is the only shit that still freaks me out.
you must be misremembering it with a different interview because afaik he never got in contact with him

Was designed to play in an endless loop.
Is that Arcueid from Turkeyhandle
Am I glad that thing is dead
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shes from vampire the masquerade actually
Ha hut ahh hut
i used to be freaked out by it but for some reason its kinda funny to me now
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>Hello, handsome.
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analog horror for xillennials
>a picture of Lovecraft is supposed to be scary
Whatever happened to that thing?
This never freaked me out because I wasn't a zoomie and immediately recognized Andross. It's like putting KATZ in your sp00py video.
>we could've had a breakthrough in robotics
>we could've made robowaifus real
>creator buried his project out of shame and never picked it up because the internet bullied him until his passion died
We really do live in the worst fucking timeline.
only a year left at least according to the sun
/x/ is just full of incoherent nonsense anymore. Even the succubus threads are gibberish.
At least the doll makes me consider the context of its creation, which my mind could take to some weird places. Ignoring the silly serial killer theory stuff, the doll seems like it was made in earnest, so it really makes me wonder what was going on in the creator's mind, or how he perceived things.
Analog horror just makes me think of a guy who wants attention on YouTube trying to consciously make images look spooky through editing. It's not a window into another person's mental state.
It's that old chestnut ot a place full of people pretending to be retarded will be filled with actual retards thinking they're in good company. Only replace retards with schizos.
fucked up
She's only programmed to be very nice
But she's as cold as ice
Whenever I get too near
She tells me that she likes me very much
But when I try to touch
She makes it all too clear
atleast its better than true crime dogshit that more or less also took over youtube horror..ugh

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