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So what happened the alleged "hitpiece" article that was said to be released now?
The post warning about the article in question
It was bait, and you fell for it.
do you normally wake up and think "oh boy ill just believe everything i read today!"
That's when I knew this shit was fake
Arin has more skeletons in his closet than Zach ever had
HBomberguy is doing a video titled "How Newgrounds Ruined My Life". There might be some conection.
Seriously? Where has the cunt said this?
>Falling for bait again
Has there ever been a cartoon on /co/ that produced so many trolls and baiters? It's actually impressive.
Sonic Underground. (The ironic version.)
Anons are desperate for Smiling Friends to become the next MDE World Peace it's incredibly sad
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hahaha retard. holy shit you're actually so fucking stupid.
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a toast!
This just sounds like everything that one schizo has been ranting about since 2022.
Throwback to the rap song about doing your taxes featuring Stamper and Mark M (AKA Mr. Boss) where Arin says the N word
What the fuck does he even do now? I know people were saying 'Game Grumps is dying' as far back as 2018, but I don't think I've seen anything from the channel pop up in my feed for a few years at this point.
Pretty sure he just voice acts now.
it won't be because smiling friends is actually funny and it's just skits full of nazi dogwhistles
>implying SF is funny
>implying it's not full of dogwhistles
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Do we really need to pull out the graph again?
Because it was bait and you were the sucker for it.

It's just a comedy show on Adult Swim.
Anon nobody gives a shit about some graph or infograph some schizo made. You're the ONLY one clearly pushing this dumb ass narrative and driving /co/ to /v/ levels of bait posts, outrage posts, and other drivel.

Can you just not accept that Smiling Friends is just a comedy show? Or that stuff like "drink water and maybe get some fresh air" is GENERAL advice and not some nazi dogwhistle you keep saying it is and the only reason other adult shows are hedonisitc is because most cartooning is done with kids in mind so those that finally get to do whatever they want do the polar opposite of sweet and wholesome just to upset people?
Or that you're just a fucking mouth breathing idiot for making me type all this out praying I can club you to death with words you will NEVER read.
Homie they've uploaded daily this whole time. Your feed probably got clogged by culture war bait.
hey hey i was able to watch the show without thinking to myself every ten seconds "holy shit this is obviously a right wing DOGWHISTLE"

should I bet that you're also a spaz who thought the game awards 'orthodox rabbi bill clinton' kid was also a rightwing dogwhistle?
>watch the show because everyones been shilling it to me
>its just:
>gross out and gore like every other adult swim show
>jerky and fast animation I assume is meant to entertain animation meme obsessed children with ADHD
>characters YELLING VERY LOUDLY or getting their sentences cut off mid sen
>internet memes and pop culture references that arent as funny as the original memes themselves
>character saying or doing one thing and then the opposite happening. As if every line of this show could just be “at LEAST its not raining!”
holy shit. THIS is what zoomers are shitting their pants over and calling “brilliant absurdist humor”? It truly is over.
Guys like Chris and Zach are so terrified of being cancelled that I can see them flailing in the face of valid criticism, so I'm excited.
NTA but I still laugh at people who thought that was a secret happening when it was just some shithead rushing the state for a stupid joke.

Hell that kid doing that was more tasteful than the bum rushing at that one CS2 tournament. Where all the like gamblers or hackers or whatever got onstage to brawl?
Remove the internet memes, and you've got the Millennial equivalent; ATHF.
Why do zoom zooms like ATHF so much?
Pretty sure it set the groundwork for lots of [as] shows, including Smiling Friends.
That was Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
Zoomers don't know shit.
And you felt the need to shit on it front of us because?
>Why do zoom zooms like ATHF so much?
They don't
You know what I mean.
Smiling Friends wishes it were as witty as peak ATHF
It's coming back too, so it'll be very hard to top.
Smiling Friends is zoomer shit. Why do people like it if they aren't 16?
>coming back
nu ATHF is garbage so this doesn't excite me much
maybe they can start by reverting the animation bump
Oneyplays, that's why.
It still mogged the shit out of Smiling Fags.
I'll be honest, I only watched Smiling Friends for Allan. God he's so fucking hot.
Also for zoomers
This really is a white women show.
Yeah, my point exactly.
Why does Zach worship zoomer so much?
I'm a tranny, but you were close.
Imagine pandering to underage faggots like Gen Z. This is why I love being a millennial.
Newgroundsers are Millennials, wheras YouTubers are Zoomers. It's pretty simple.
That sucks bro, because I'm a zoomer...
It seems like we're at the point of the thread where people force rivalries and bitch about "muh zoomers".
It's like clockwork with these threads. The cheesecake spam should be here not too long.
Newgrounds is zoomers now. That's my point.
I blame Ninjamuffin 1000%, fuck him.
You mostly get cancelled when you do something that contradicts the image you built. It would be difficult to cancel either Chris or Zach because they made a career out of being absurdist edgelords, they can hide behind anything as being a joke.
The Buzzfeed Unsolved fags got canceled just for charging for content after making careers of being modest everymen, didn't even get to do something juicy for it
Newgrounds was always gay as fuck.
I'd imagine quite literally, given how homoerotic a lot of Zach's stuff is.
Point proven lol. This show needs to cater to straight men more like Shantae.
Brittney is... close enough?
It was bullshit that they pulled that screamer shit after showing her ass.
I've played enough FNAF to where I'm completely desensitized to those.
>anon finds out what bait is for the first time
>Arin throwing hos friends under the bus
>Any article giving enough of a shit about Arin to include him in the article
You lost me
Convince me it's not one or two schizos.
Maybe more if you consider bored trolls taking up the mantle.
I've seen people bored enough to imitate Sharkfag, it's not out of the question.
not according to Twitter, they're eating that shit up
Good for Millennials to pass on to the younger generation.
This, Arin knows better than to attract a cancel culture spotlight on himself. Instantly knew it was fake because of this
Those "out of context" twitter accounts are cheating. They lack the attention span to make it through an average episode
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>I'm so excited for this bullshit I just made up
>runs into thread
i hate how these retards have basically normalized calling any random assortment of clips from any show 'out of context'
just call them clips, why does everything need to be UwU so quirky heehee
aqua teen episodes are the same length as smiling friends episodes
The pacing and humor is way more subdued than Smiling Friends though
Can you explain MDE's cancelling then?
ATHF is funnier than Smiling Friends. It has a better core cast and a funnier premise, it doesn't do meta humor and doesn't rely on awkward stuttering. Frylock, Shake, Meatwad, and Carl never got old.
Why does every thread devolve into screaming about "muh zoomers"
Waiting for him to troon out any day now
And ATHF wasn't as witty as Squidbillies.
It's 2000s core
They're still active. Canceling usually only works if they vanish. The only thing that was canceled was the show.
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Nigga pls
Smiling Friends has a few sensible chuckle moments, but Carl screaming YO FRYMAN makes me lose my sides every time
They got canceled, that's what "canceled" means. It doesn't you'll never ever work again. They had to resort to a YouTube podcast and Sam Hyde's second season of his reality show bombed. MDE is dead, dude.
>a charity that improves people's lives is a right-wing dogwhistle
liberals have really gone insane
ATHF is also the most antiwhite racist show i've ever seen. Maybe that's why you like it so much?
Jesus, who wakes up and decides to dress like this? It takes effort to look that shitty.
Be a shitty person, wear shitty clothes. It's that simple.
Hope that grifting faggot kills himself fr.
Exactly, Egoraptor knows better than to stick his neck out at this point.
He knows full well that all it would take is the wrong person noticing this video for him to lose his career at this point.
He's NEVER going to make himself a target.
Fat Refund fucking SLAPS and I still listen to it regularly.
Who doesn't like ATHF? It's quintessential Adult Swim.
When you go far left enough, eventually you just think everything is a Nazi dogwhistle.
Oh, for fuck's sake...
>Starts with 14, ends with 88
Literal Hitler right there.
We're on to you, Adolf

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