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Post weird art.
This isn't weird art, and Plutoes ain't going to suck your dick.
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He's never gonna stop
Just ignore him at this point
There's a problem
Nobody knows who the fuck he is
He's like some Eldritch being that only appears once in a blue moon then vanishes
His twitter is Greenwuya95 go send him hate
Its obvious that the only people that can get birchy to stop is either the mods or spencerfag herself
>Go on his Twitter
>It's all weeb shit and him lusting over fat women
What a loser
>He has more followers than me
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So what are you all doing?
Nothing much ^_^.
Fuck off
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Stay on-topic, nigger.
Was it worth destroying an entire fandom because of some artist?
Get fucking help dude
I think they should fuck off to TikTok where all the worst KS fans belong.
I don't use Tiktok so I wouldn't know
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>Using Tiktok
Gross. :(
I found out via an iceberg video, and I wish I hadn't found that out.
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The fandom is thriving, you couldn't even do that
Lmao is this drama on there?
I haven't seen the iceberg
No, Birchy, no one cares about you
The actual /co/ drama isn't talked about, although the board is mentioned.
>I talk to a few
Literally who
They should add it ^_^.
Hell no, you got your 15 minutes of fame already.
Well thanks
Fuck off
Anytime, I thought it was a nice vid since I don't hear /co/ mentioned as often outside of 4chan.
Are you a 15 year old girl?
He's a decade older than that. Hell, he's actually older than ME by a couple years.
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Those underaged Kevin Spencer fans can't stop crying about /co/ and made several cringe compilations only with Kevstar's art on tiktok
It was hilarious
Autistic people are weird like that
They will usually find a certain thing to attach to this thing being Kevstar and will completely ignore anyone getting in his way
I'm just glad the ghost archives are safe... for now.
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They used mine too, because they thought that one drawing I did was yours ^_^.
This made them cry especially hard
Oh now you start talking?
How's the mental breakdown going? Did you sperg out on twitter yet?
I've seen your art, and it lacks the kind of polish Plutote's work has.
Apparently this is his current art
Exactly what I thought, zero confidence in the linework.
Reposting a classic
This is weird like it looks good and bad at the same time
It's like he's got the basics down but is rushing through it
The coloring irks me too, you shouldn't press so hard when you fill stuff in.
Also forgot to add the line work is shit
You gotta do better Birchy
My secret to clean lineart is to abuse the pen layer.
He might be using just a pencil because I notice that you can see he didn't erase the "construction" you can still see it or he has a really shitty eraser
He can't even write
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All these cute, good references and Birchy still can't draw lol
Like I said it looks like he just rushed through it
Like he has the right idea but his execution is bad
Like if he actually sat down and mastered his linework and took his time he'd be okay
That's another mistake people make when sketching, they can't seem to make a light sketch first, then make slightly darker sketches on top of it with all the details intact.
Somebody explain to me why this ship exists
Why do you think I wanna master it ^_^.
Stop saying "like" it's more annoying than me. :(
Like like like like
Shut up
Everything about it is fucking shit, you don't need to defend yourself Birchy
Spend more time drawing than spamming
The pen tool is your friend, use it wisely.
Dumbass ^_^.
Look, if you're desperate for art advice, why don't you hop on over to /hyw/, /coc/, or /ic/?
Maybe don't draw while holding the pen in a fist
Huh I might try that. Light on construction, more weight on the final sketch. See this is what I want when I ask for advice.
I was talking moreso digital art, but yeah you really need to use your index and thumb primarily for holding a pen.
Now go practice and fuck off the board for a while
But he's desperate for attention from Kevstar, not art advice
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This kind of nonsense is just upsetting
I'm pretty sure you heard this advice a 100 times already
You're just not capable of drawing, give up, you've been at it for years and still draw like a mentally held back toddler
I'm gonna throw this out there maybe he's looking for Kevstar to be his art mentor or something
But that's WAY out there and is practically impossible
How about art advice from Kevstar? Maybe that could kill two birds with one stone.
He has like 100 drawings of her saved, maybe he should just fucking look at them and redraw them?
How does he even know what she looks like
Did he just imagine what she looked like and just rolled with it?
Drawings, like drawings posted in this thread, not drawings of her
I went and studied what Swiss women looked like and I ended up down a rabbit hole about the history of Helvetia so I could be accurate to her and judging by that face pic of hers that was posted by that asshole with the Nazz pfp I wasn't far off.
>I went and studied what Swiss women looked like
Get help. Right now.
Oh that makes sense
>I studied an entire culture so I can be more accurate of making fun of her more accurately
I don't know whether to be impressed or scared
>making fun of her
Hey I've drawn people from other cultures before, and to prevent asshole puritan Zoomers from canceling me I study the history of said cultures. If anything I'm being respectful not depicting Switzerland as some shithole. It's a very nice country where even the people in poverty are rich. Still won't excuse your food being fucking expensive.
I'm just impressed over the fact he did an entire study session so he could make fun of her more accurately
Like that's dedication
No one cares you mentally ill spammer
Yeah in hindsight I wish I never saw what she looked like. I kinda liked the mystery of it.
I'd say it's severe autism desu
Now let go and never post here again
Yeah I remember I was from that discord server where it happened I left a bit after
Oh definitely
I live for that shit
is that an acid blotter?
I wouldn't mind being here if you were nicer to me.
I do wish there was more unironic autism. Tamers is okay, but it's not genuine autism.
Nah just leave
Then I'm staying ^_^.
That's a bit of a double standard, because you're being mean to Plutotes.
You know what since no one else is gonna ask
Birchy do you like Kevstar?
He probably thinks this is flirting
Yeah and she totally doesn't respond to me in every thread and tells me to fuck off and to an hero myself. Yeah it's okay for her to do it. Maybe treat others with respect and they might give respect back. But that's not how the Internet works anymore.
I've flirted numerous times before, and that's certainly not it.
I don't know anon they might be fighting behind the scenes and it's just spread over here
Maybe this is some weird autistic thing
But then again I don't know
Yeah it's totally always her everone else on this board loves you
Maybe let go if someone hates you and not obsess over them for 3 years
Fuck I meant flirting not fighting hate autocorrect
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Maybe stop replying "fuck off" and "kill yourself" and maybe he'd stop. He might even apologize.
Then leave I understand if people don't like your art but don't take it out on others and if what your saying is true then maybe Kevstar you should not respond to him
Maybe JUST maybe it'll end this shit drama
Yeah it's totally always her and everyone else on this board loves you, right, of course
>I'm going to waste my life spamming threads all day because someone told me to kill myself :(
lmao, kill yourself
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I'll apologize when she does. I'll stop when she promises to just leave me alone. And to call of all her simps from my dms.
Or is that gonna be too difficult?
At some point, Birchy's gotta realize that "Kill yourself" is just how we say "Hello" on 4chan.
You're the one spamming shit all day looking for a fight
Now kill yourself
It gets annoying when it's repeated over and over by a bunch of Zoomers because of some dumb art I did for it. I mean you guys already drew Loona away.
To him it means "teehee obsess over me for 3 years and spam all my art for hours"
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Honestly why didn't you spam my art as a way to get back at me?
You make a good point but two wrongs don't make a right
Why would anyone ever save your fucking garbage art on their device?
No one wants to get back at you
No one cares about you
You're an annoying spammer that is obsessed with a female artist who hates you and nothing else
Then why can't she do a simple task of saying sorry. This all started because I called her a bitch and said a piece of her art was shit.
Does this picture of Shadman drawn by Butch Hartman count
No this all started because you spammed her art and she told you to stop
And now you're doing the same, 3 years later
How do I know this isn't an extremely accurate style replication like the time Antoons made something in that style?
I wouldn't even still be talking about her if retards like these didn't keep messaging me about her. Like it's driving me up the fucking wall.
>said a piece of her art was shit.
You better handle what you dish out, because I can tell it's biting you in the ass.
>She needs to say sorry because I called her a bitch
Are you serious? Fucking retard lmao
How many messages do you get about her?
Oh every other fucking day I get some Zoomer from Tiktok and Tumblr asking me about her and what I know. Like ugh.
Wow okay so I mean that doesn't excuse the spam but I kinda understand somewhat now
I thought it was her simps
People? Simping? For Birchy? Topkek.
I don't understand anything
Maybe if you don't want other people to bother you about a person don't be obsessed with them 24/7?
Like it could be that easy, just not doing anything
Yeah that too. Both sides are annoying. It's either her simps telling me to off myself or her haters asking me about her.
Honestly I'd would've forgot about her already if people would shut up about her.
What in the fuck are you gays even talking about
Are you jealous you aren't as famous? ^_^
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Real stuff. Simp stuff. Just hide the thread.
Oh so sad, I wonder why people keep bothering you about her, it's such a mystery
A little bit if I'm being honest. I mean I have more followers but she has better skills.
No point being jealous anon
Some people are just better than you
Anotoons had the flag white. He added the edit after. It was drawn by Butch. He even got John Dilworth to draw him.
He fucking did it? Now that's balls.
So did you have your sperg out? Can you fuck off again?
That guy was pretty weird you got to admit.
What Newgroundser isn't considerably fucked up in the head?
Idk you want me to keep going? At least post some art we haven't seen before.

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