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How can Kang even compete?
he looks like he drinks ocean water
We wuz Kangs.
Knull feels like one of those characters that would have been ignored the moment their Run ended during a time when Movies and Comics weren't so synergized
When did Immortan Joe get a symbiote?
Knull is lame.
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>Wanting "Fuck" to be the final boss of your Venomverse
That's one hill to die on, that's for sure
Sony's trashfire "universe" is the best place for Knull lol

The Venom movies are such hot garbage and they're the best ones Sony has managed
Knull was such a Batkek tier character. Maybe even worse because at least Batkek didn't irreparably fuck up the concept of Batman. Sony throwing him in as the big bad of their otherwise fairly grounded trashfire universe is a pretty funny idea though.
So Knull is the copy of Batkek, who is also a shameless copy of Judge Death.
he would've but Al Ewing is a lore autist so kept Eddie as the King in Black and because of that Carnage also has to be involved with it so he doesn't get power crept
We'll see. Ewing's final arc is coming up and I doubt a lesser writer can keep the momentum going so hopefully the "venomverse" concept collapses and the few symbiotes worth keeping can go back to being villains in Spidey books.
Thank God these movies will end.
I despise this character so fucking much
knull is kind of hot sorry
Does anyone even like this Bastard, and all of the shit Marvel did to the symbiotes background?
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Knull is fucking shit. He isn't even that powerful. Him defeating Celestials doesn't even make any sense. Whoever made this character knows nothing about Marvel. Can you imagine the implication of this Faggot coming before Oblivion? I doubt whoever made Knull even knew who Oblivion was. They would have us believe that some Human looking Guy in Human Knight armor with a Human Sword is the logical representation of the void before all things.

Fuck Knull. What a shit character.
By not being embarassingly retarded shit.

I miss marvel cosmic. It's what truly brought me into marvel and comics in general.
Wasn't it Donny Cates that made symbiote lore absolutely shit the bed? Like Bendis was bad but he didn't do embarrassing shit like time-traveling symbiotes and void gods and Venom being the savior of the multiverse.
I mean does Sony even have a crossover story they could adapt outside of Maximum Carnage (which they already did)?
It's either adapting King in Black or one of the Slott's Spider-Man events like Clone Conspiracy
sinister six?
Trying to make the symbiotes anything more than goopy alien shit that occasionally gives Spider-man and anyone else an angry powerboost was a mistake
Does Donny Cates still have brain damage and is he pretty much out of the industry at this point?
>medieval looking knight in space

it's retarded, no one cares about this uninspired horse shit
He does some indie stuff.
>time-traveling symbiotes and void gods and Venom being the savior of the multiverse.
cates only did the 2nd thing, the others are all kekwing
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You have no jokes.
frog posters ought to be lynched in public
Hopefully it'll be retconned and we can have symbiotes as villains again

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