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>Captain America (Sam Wilson)
>Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
>Black Panther (Shuri)
>Captain Marvel
>Ms. Marvel
>Doctor Strange
>America Chavez
>Kate Bishop

>list of fucking store-brand derivatives
Another franchise made great by a white cast, torn down by diversity hires
Most of these are White, or are at least played by White actors.
Only based one is Strange.
Only watching to see Kang get folded by ANTS again
no wong no watch
Avengers was supposed to be a 7 members team.
avengers for the mcu just turned into any crossover movie except for civil war ig
It can also be a quartet
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Looks bloated as fuck
If Waldron (guy who shat out Dr. Strange 2's redone script) is actually writing this, then expect it to be at best a complete fucking disaster.
Civil War was already a crossover movie
They had one fucking job.
thats what i meant its not an avengers flick
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Took him 5 fucking movies to actually become Spider-Man, also played by a total faggot
One of their last truly good characters and they cucked him in Troon-Hulk
>Blacktain Americoon
Shitskinned Spook who Sympathizes with Selfish Supremacists
>Birdfag 2.0
Literal who
>Black Pander with boobs
She was annoying in the first Black Panther movie and then she just became a flat Mary Sue in the second one
She'll ruin the movie by just being there
Cucked and ruined by his abysmal 3rd outing
Does anyone actually care about her?
Annoying and horribly recast dyke who I wanted to for what little of Commiemania I actually saw
Singlehandedly destroyed any hope anyone ever had for future Marvel. 2 failed abortions of "films" and she didn't even do anything in Endgame when she was promoted as the big savior lmfao.
>Dumb nigger who sympathizes with enslaving genocidal bimbos. She's played by a hot actress at least but the "Black girl magic" cringe somehow managed to turn me off from ever enjoying her in anything else forever.
>Princess Pajeet
Failed show. Starred in one of the most forgettable capeshit movies to date. Flat character. Next capeshitter.
>Doctor Strange
>Cucked and ruined by his abysmal 2nd outing though his character has unfortunately been going down the drain since Endgame
Pretty funny at times and has probably the only good friendship in the entire MCU with Strange but also cucked horribly now due to starring in Troon-Hulk
Nothing character played by an evil cunt who dresses her son up in drag
>Border Jumper
Her whole character is autistic screeching and the whole thing could do a lot better without that constant ringing in my eardrums
Cucked beyond belief despite his initial attempts at characterization
>Never liked the insufferable cunt. Still don't. She has no other character aside from that.
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The biggest failure of the entire MCU. What started out as one of Marvel's most popular characters and saving graces is now less popular than the fucking talking clock from Loki. The one movie that managed to get his character right was the 08 Incredible Hulk and that one was buried so hard by the corporate media that there hasn't been another Hulk film or source material accurate portrayal of the character since. He has been character raped and assassinated beyond what should be possible and is a living reminder of the existential failure of this entire franchise.
Everything wrong with this franchise made into a show that was so shitty, so obnoxious, so downright negligent that even Disney refused to renew it.
Ironically one of the least butchered characters and the only one left from the original team with any sense of dignity left, but that isn't saying much when all of his teammates have had their characters raped to no end by Faggay and every other queer who have all completely derailed what was once a profitable juggernaut of the industry. His D+ show was just passable but compared to all the other capeshit shows on that platform, we may as well consider it a masterpiece.
>Kate Bishop
Nowhere near as annoying as all the other used up cunts on this list but still has her own select few irritating and stuck up moments. Her large breasts save her from being lumped in with the other bitches here though.
Iron Fist but as a chink and with somehow shittier writing
Let it be known that casting Awkwafina for anything at all should be immediately regarded as financial suicide
Troon Loki with even stronger Mary Sue energy
>Cucked down bitch who only managed to barely be saved at the end by turning him into a plot device over salvaging what's left of his degraded character (there isn't any). Should've stayed dead in IW.
No one asked.
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Wasn't Moon Knight supposed to be in this?
Guess it's better than watching Oscar Isaac make a complete fucking ass of himself trying to save something that's being derailed by its own creators.
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" >>144329040 "
- strongest capeshitter
God, Moon Knight was my biggest disappointment.
I can't believe they actually managed to fuck up a concept as simple as 'schizophrenic Batman mixed with Indiana Jones' and make it boring old slop.
>no Bucky
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Disney back at it again.
>Black Panther (Shuri)

I thought she was done because the actress is an antivaxer?
>Cucked and ruined by his abysmal 3rd outing
How, the 3rd movie was bad but Ant-Man himself was one of the few good things about it, he literally did nothing wrong in the entire film.
Her actress is retiring, actually not sure if she even cares anymore.
Recasting Cassie was a mistake and she for sure was annoying, her acting was probably kneecapped by all the blue screen but something's off about her.
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>Annoying and horribly recast dyke who I wanted to for what little of Commiemania I actually saw
Who I wanted to sock
Man, I'm getting dumber by just remaining on this board for too long
>How, the 3rd movie was bad but Ant-Man himself was one of the few good things about it
Not sure how being the butt of every joke, being unable to rekindle a relationship with your spoiled daughter, being pissed upon by your retarded family who you should've let die, and literally nothing changing at the end from where you were at the beginning of the flop can at all be seen as "good," but you do you man.
>Her actress is retiring, actually not sure if she even cares anymore
Clearly not given she's just chosen to adopt the "cunt with the cramps" attitude that so many of the other bimbos have used throughout this failed abortion of a franchise to pretend like they have any semblance of "character" (specifically Pepper, Gamora, Valkyrie, Peggy Carter, Troon-Hulk, Portman's character in the Thor films, Wanda, and Black Widow on her final outing)
>Recasting Cassie was a mistake and she for sure was annoying, her acting was probably kneecapped by all the blue screen but something's off about her
She's a thousand times less professional and an equal amount more insufferable than every other actor around her, including woman beater Jon Majors. For the 30 seconds her actress from Endgame was on screen in that movie, she conveyed more genuine emotion than the recast did for the whole 2 hours. She also can't act in front of clearly fake sets to save her fuckin life and her acting often doesn't even fit the tone of whatever scene she's in (like she'll act like she's trying to hold in a laugh for serious scenes but she'll sound completely bleak and monotone for "funny" scenes).
I cannot seriously stress enough how retarded it was for Sam to have taken the role over the guy who was actually set for a redemption arc
bitches would have stayed too, if only to see more of Sebastian Stan. the female fans Disney desperately wanted were sidelined when half the mantles were recast from hot guys to women and chinlets.
I thought the actress was leaving the MCU?
I see that more as a problem of the characters that surrround him rather than a problem with the character himself and how the plot is written. Scott does rekindle his relationship with Cassie but the movie happens so fast and is more interested in wasting time hyping up Kang and showcasing how weird the CGI realm is than with characters dynamics, so it ends up feeling meaningless. I also think he feels less like a buttmonkey compared to say, the second one, here he has scenes that showcase his innate heroism and how his love for his loved ones will make him accomplish great things, like the scene with the multiple Ant-Men where even the one Scott that's just a normal guy still joins the cause thanks to his love for Cassie, of course he doesn't outright accomplish this because the movie forgets Wasp exists so they give her something to do and helps him. Or how he's also shown to be willing to sacrifice himself to save his family, proving once again that he is a true hero and the things said about him at the start were wrong, but then once again Wasp remembers she's part of the movie and helps at last second. And nothing really changes at the end because he was sorta right since the start? See the movie tries to paint him in the wrong because he's not being a superhero anymore but not really? Since he even says he's enjoying the downtime but will go back to being an Avenger whenever he's needed and that's what he does here, his worries here come from involving Cassie into the crazy superhero life which is a logical concern but once Kang goes full murdermaniac he goes serious business. So the movie ends up painting him as a reasonable man with the patience of a saint that his family love to shit on for no discernible reason whatsoever. This is probably the result of an undercooked/butchered character arc.
I've been saying for years that capeshit is only for women and children
Women will pay to see buff in shape men wearing tight spandex and showing off their biceps for 2 and a half hours and little kids don't really care about anything that isn't just the exact kind of flashy spectacle that makes up capeshit
Took her long enough.

Scott's character basically regressed where he was at the beginning of the 3rd film and really didn't change in a meaningful way at the end, aside from his miscast daughter being less of a cunt and his family not being as retarded, even though neither should've been the case to begin with. It really would've helped the movie if maybe Janet or Hank sacrificed themselves to stop Kang. We would've felt like something of note actually occurred which would've given the movie more of a reason to actually exist and Kang probably wouldn't be seen as the pathetic joke that he is if someone actually had to do to try and stop him. They would've killed 2 birds with one stone but instead they just let Loveness and the Dick & Shorty writers fuck the script into oblivion until it was an unrecognizable mess that made even the most bland of Marvel's safe and inoffensive slop look like fucking
Inglourious Basterds.
zooey deschanel i have the perfect role for you
>Clearly not given she's just chosen to adopt the "cunt with the cramps" attitude that so many of the other bimbos have used throughout this failed abortion of a franchise to pretend like they have any semblance of "character" (specifically Pepper, Gamora, Valkyrie, Peggy Carter, Troon-Hulk, Portman's character in the Thor films, Wanda, and Black Widow on her final outing)
Funnilly enough Evangiline Lilly has been very open about how she's not a big fan of being the "straight woman" and how many MCU heroines are portrayed that way because women present more varied personalities IRL and would like to be more funny and lighthearted, she said all this in the BTS of Quantumania btw lol
She looks older than Evangeline
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Bet she misses her days on Lost lol
She said like the exact same shit about her role in the Hobbit movies. Lady sounds like a nightmare to work with.
>Funnilly enough Evangiline Lilly has been very open about how she's not a big fan of being the "straight woman" and how many MCU heroines are portrayed that way because women present more varied personalities IRL and would like to be more funny and lighthearted, she said all this in the BTS of Quantumania btw lol
Marvel continues to let Disney shoot it in the foot lol.
she is very gorgeous to me
So you attend a lot of pride ralleys, huh?
That's a lot of shit
At least 10 of those characters are from shows
Pfizer released the lab reports on what it actually does due to a judges order. It's everything every person who was against the RNA therapy and nanotech and whatever horrifying single celled thing injection said it was and worse.

Japan ministry of medicine is openly denouncing the "vaxxx', offering sincere apologies to all of the people damaged, worst of all sterilized, by this injection.

Anon, I know you people are paid to shill "antivaxxxer am bad" and "safe and effective" but it's over.
We're even seeing open discussion of how vaccines do indeed cause autism and some were indeed designed to do that.
Yeah, Scott didn't experience a meaningful change at the end, he started the movie as a genunine heroic person that's enjoying his downtime and went back to being just that end, with maybe some Kang PTSD but ehh, who knows if they follow up on that. Like you said the problem is that nothing of note really happens, Kang appears but he's an one-dimensional bad guy that they must stop and they do just that. The more I think about it the Kang angle might be the weakest link of the movie, he's so disconnected to everything else and the movie doesn't bother to make him connect with the Ant-Man cast other than making him seem threatening (and maybe having an affair with Janet), that it might have been safer to do a street level movie that deals with the consequences of the snap and how it affected the characters and the environment, have them fight other superpowered mooks that started to appear after snap. The Quantum Realm and making them part of some microscopic war sounds neat on paper but is so disconnected to them, the characters have so much baggage from a sudden change to their status quo, sending them to another world is almost a distraction. But they could also fumble that idea because this is current MCU we are talking about.
>Japan ministry of medicine is openly denouncing the "vaxxx', offering sincere apologies to all of the people damaged, worst of all sterilized, by this injection.

I just checked this out; you appear to be completely full of shit
>ANOTHER marvel team-up movie without x-men or F4 characters
defend this, MCUcks
No Elizabeth Olsen. Not interesred.
should make one that says DC fans when they shit in the street or work in the scam call center. or anime fans when they die of morbid obesity.
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Is Wanda dead?
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Found it
Currently but it's obvious she can return. Though Lizzie herself seems to be checked out of MCU entirely (probably just a strategy for more money).
Notice how Wanda isn't included, and yet she's practically the most popular female character.
I haven't liked any of the disney Spider-man products. Not the comics, not the cartoons, and not the movies. I just don't see the appeal for people.
From Netflix series or a new one?
>Captain America (Sam Wilson)
I wonder why Falcon is just an unimportant identity that can be tossed aside. If Captain America is a more important identity because of what Steve made it, then shouldn't he want someone who can make their own identity important to be his legacy? American Falcon isn't even a terrible cape name.
>Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
>Black Panther (Shuri)
Did she have a debut yet?
Not a draw, are they? I liked the first movie, but I don't think it was a big hit.
>Captain Marvel
>Ms. Marvel
If I remember right their... movie/show(?) didn't do well. Did it seem like the writers took in criticism or were the fans the problem?
>Doctor Strange
>America Chavez
Not cool
Not retired?
She had fans?
>Kate Bishop
I thought Kate WAS Hawkeye now?
Didn't he get buried because China hated the actor?
Avengers have been a org since the 90s with the jackets/pass cards
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Based Japs
>literally zero good characters
Way too many cut it down to 10 like in Endgame.
>Captain America
>Captain Marvel (with a personality this time)
>Spider-Man (more confident and mature)
>Savage Hulk
>She-Hulk (but as a fun flirt and not whatever the show was)
>Moon Knight
>Redeemed Wanda
If I never see this version of Moon Knight, it would still be too soon
1) Never hire the Dick and Shorty faggots to begin with
2) Scrap the entire Kang plot line and Kang as a character
3) Never recast Cassie and keep the actress from Endgame
4) Make it more of a street tier family film like you said about Cassie not wanting her dad to be Ant-Man ever again because of the unnecessary strain it put on their relationship and their time together and have her want Scott to just permanently retire as Ant-Man, only realizing through Scott's actions later on that he was trying to inspire her and appear more as the loving father to her, that she already knew he was, which is finally what leads Cassie to adopt her Stature identity to help her dad at the end, leading to him sort of passing on the torch to her as he fulfills his promise to her and Scott and Hope go into early retirement with a baby/Cassie's half sibling on the way, basically have it complete what was supposed to be Marvel's father-daughter trilogy in the most fitting way possible without having all the filler and stupid shit that was all cramped into the actual 3rd flop we got
5) Don't have the family be unnecessary cunts to Scott for literally zero reason
6) Since it's more of a street level film, have other street level heroes like Spider-Man, Daredevil, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight make cameos or even several minute long scenes in it, maybe Clint and Scott having an emotional talk about the attempts to inspire their kids that they've both made throughout each of their lives, even if it has inadvertently distanced them from the kids they love more than they would've liked. Or maybe a scene of Matt Murdock defending and winning legal cases for some of Scott's neighbors who may have lost their homes or even family members because of the snap, etc.

Just make it make sense. Don't have it be utter shit like it was.
Cut out the genocidal sokovian cunt for both Hawkeyes
And no one, even the most die hard capeshitter, is going to accept Troon-Hulk so soon after the abomination of that show, replace Troon-Hulk with Bucky since he's actually had more to offer to the franchise as a whole
No don't bring them in
They already horribly miscast the F4, don't let them molest the X-Men too.
You read shitty american articles and censored google search results.
They already butchered her character beyond any form of moral redemption or salvageability thanks to Wandavision and Dr. Strange 2. There's no need to puppeteer that corpse around any longer.
are they still running with doom or are they still doing Kang?
>>Captain Marvel (with a personality this time)
But anon, she DOES have a personality: It's Brie Larson, i.e. condescending, hateful bitch.
Doom will probably be saved for when they can actually get their shit together
I've heard they might recast Kang
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Why couldn't they just use Marvel's actual badass space hero from the start
>Secret War
>No Beyonder
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Pretty sure they're following the shitty 2015 secret war event instead of the actual one
It's a shame we'll never get to see Jim Shooter's expy get adapted to the big screen because the kikes at Disney are too afraid to allow it
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Or even the actual Captain Marvel.
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>anime fans when they die of morbid obesity
A capeshitter like you shouldn't be talking
They really thought they could just turn her into a villain and kill her and get away with it. The MCU going into a downward spiral immediately afterwards may just be a coincidence but it's a fully deserved one.
I'm still baffled how they butchered She-Hulk.
They had one character who fits MCU perfectly, the character where humor and action are ingrained into it (inb4 retards clamoring for Slottshit court crap) and they screwed it all up.
They appear to have been more interested in using that show to take shots at their perceived critics and enemies than in actually making a She-Hulk show.
I remember when the leaks were posted claiming Intelligencia are a group of incels and my first thought was "haha, this is an outragebait shitpost, there's no way this shit is actually real". That was back when I had a smallest measure of faith in MCU.
>anime fans when they die of morbid obesity.
Animefag look like lanklet faggot
Comicfag is the one who look like obesity neckbeard
like harley quinn or ttg

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