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Is he right?
Form an opinion of your own OP.
>just make disposable characters that will be used once for a very short time
Xwitter threads should be punishable by death
I don't think so no, maybe I agree with the sentiment of "make shit and don't get overly invested in making one single thing work" but there's no reason why that same mentality can't be brought to an animatic or pilot. Also feels like the animation equivalent of "Just walk into the office building and give em' a firm handshake" this guy cut his teeth in animation almost 30 fucking years ago, what the fuck does he know about establishing yourself as an independent animator in CURRENT YEAR. Don't discount him entirely but also realize the world he came up in is dead and his current output is built on that leisure.
Vickers did nothing but animatics, yet he seems to be doing fine.
Will you have your social media history canvassed for problematic opinions afterwards
digital tools have made it easier than eve to do whole animation production than ever before. studios use it as an excue to get lazier, but all it means is that you can acheive what was ahceivable with a small team decades ago alone, or what a big team acheive with a small team.
didnt you rape your niece
Emails until you keep your garbage to yourself boil

The industry will be punished for trying to prevent meaningful discussions by encouraging profane gay idiots who cycle through the same few responses, like yourself
Pig Latin bros need to read this. Make it a film.
has anyone ever figured out who in the fuck guy is talking about when he mentions boil?
Honestly, yes. It is better to create a short story that is well written and animated and can stand on its own than make a pilot pitch #8673955.

The former will have more longevity and a better chance at winning awards.
You can't eat integrity.
>The industry will be punished for trying to prevent meaningful discussions by encouraging profane gay idiots
Yeah, the promotion of Ren and Stimpy destroyed western animation. It's insane that such a blatantly gay cartoon was greenlit
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>It's insane that such a blatantly gay cartoon was greenlit
History has a habit of repeating itself.
He's talking about the film festival route. I've never even tried it because you have to pay to be featured in most and a lot don't let you post your films online.
>Is he right?
No, he wants his cake and eat it too. He's basically saying, "I know we had to fire you from this job for being a filthy white male, but please... Please... Continue animating for us, okay~?"
Psh, it's not like normies will know what the hell PTP is.
Yes. I look up old Newgrounders from time to time, pretty obscure one I remembered, he went on to make this:

Pay it your full attention. It's powerful. It's moving. It's not even hosted on Vimeo. This should have millions of views.

And FWIW the guy is successful: he teaches animation now and his website has a long list of companies he's worked for.
Hows that gonna pay the bills
100% right. Ralph Bakshi puts it better than I ever could.

It has never been easier or more accessible for amateurs & hobbyists to make their own animated short films. If you're talking yourselves out of it because "There's no money in that" or "There's no point in a one-off story", I'm sorry but you simply don't want it bad enough.
It's not a yes or no question. People who are unemployed at a little busy worrying about how they're going to pay the bills to sit down and enjoy the luxury of full creative freedom. Especially since unemployed artists either fall into the realm of someone with a huge amount of college debt, or someone with a family (or both).

I also don't think every artist or even every animator is meant to do well in all fields of animation pipeline. This was a mentality I disagreed with in college. I understand that the professors WANT you to experience every aspect so you know what goes into it, but specialty goes a long way. Some people exceed at animation, but suck at backgrounds, or exceed at color theory but suck at character design. I don't think everyone in the animation field should force themselves to make a short film, I think they should examine their skillset and see the best way to tell a story. Maybe it's an animatic, or a comic, or a weird experimental webcomic like Homestuck. To say that something like Becky Prim is less fulfilling just because it's not animated feels close-minded. I get you can't submit an animatic to a film festival circuit, but those circuits are also fucking difficult to get into and EXPENSIVE. Why the fuck would you ask someone who is unemployed to enter the film festival circuit? That makes zero sense.

I made two films in college and tried to get into the circuit-- it was a struggle. My film wasn't good so it was often rejected, and the places it DID get accepted to were very small. One festival was so tiny, I was the only creator of their film who showed up and they asked if I was interested in doing a QnA to an audience of like, twelve people. That didn't make me feel fulfilled, it made me feel awkward. Maybe if I was an artist with more pull, a circuit would've felt better; but not everyone can be a Bill Plympton. I would be much prouder of myself if I was the maker of Becky Prim instead of whatever the fuck I did.
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-open creator program
-start creating
-get support from crowdfunding and/or sell merchandize
and you can keep all the rights to your stuff this way too. it's like people were mindbroken to think they need an entire team to create something, despite the web being full of cartoons made by one to a few people since forever. it's easier than ever to create cartoons, it's easier than ever to get money from Patreon or youtube subscription or merchandize.
My strengths are linework, color, and shading, but I sadly lack construction in anything I draw.

ignore this guy hes an actual schizo
you should have been aborted and of course he isn't right. If anyone could do it they would have. The only reason most can is because they have skill to be frugal or they have the money to waste. You want free entertainment while also declaring you don't want someone to be given fair compensation?
Does that mean I side with these "poor animators" though? Fuck no. They signed up with those shitty companies they complained about after people warned them for years they were shitty companies. I am glad the animation industry is becoming like the art world. Beautiful once but now it's just money. Nothing more than money, no matter how you paint up your reasonings to keep supporting it.
>I also don't think every artist or even every animator is meant to do well in all fields of animation pipeline. This was a mentality I disagreed with in college.

Same here. I love boarding and writing but cleaning up/coloring animation just felt like pulling teeth. But all my teachers kept insisting everyone has to make a film for their senior project except for one who told me to just make a comic. Was infinitely happier with my project.
>bro if you’re unemployed just make a whole fucking short film
I get the sentiment but what the fuck kind of advice is this? A short film is a serious investment of time and money if you actually want it to be good and get attention. If I’m unemployed I’m gonna need a fucking job, not a new project that will take all my time and bring me closer to financial ruin.
Even if you’re able to make something that costs no money, the sheer amount of time it’s gonna take to make it is a huge commitment.
Making a “pilot” or a “pitch” also takes time and effort but at least with that you can gradually build up interest and a fan base with monetary support instead of hunkering down and making something only 50 people will see.
I do this all the time anyway. Maybe I should make a film.
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Sure! Let me pull about $80K out of my ass to fund it.

All while I also need to pay for rent and food, and somehow manage the full time job that is making my film!
Hey anon! Can't afford a car? Just build one! It's easy, plenty of people have built cars in the past. The internet gives you all the tools necessary to build your own car, all it takes is time.
Let me be frank. If you fancy yourself as a creative and push yourself as one, you'll have the capacity to do that. It may not be a 10/10, it may not be something worth reusing or continuing, but it may be a stepping stone for you creating a great character whether it's taking that character concept and evolving or deriving it, or at least knowing you don't want to make that character again. I know idea droughts and writers blocks are very real things, and we all can't just spawn a good idea we want to latch to on a whim, but are you going to let that stop you before you've even begun?
I've been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence making artists feel like their work won't be appreciated because it will just be taken and regurgitated. I'm not going to tell you that you can simply dismiss that without a care in the world, but what I want you to know is the fact you create means you are that captain at the wheel. You are the driving force and controller of what art the public sees and absorbs. Even if a robot copies off you, you have single handedly influenced art and culture to the degree that your ideas are repeated on an automatic level, recognized as worth sharing and passing on. It's like that "Faith +1" episode of South Park. If you're concerned with your art getting out there and making a difference, you can't be caught up in the glory and money (if there even is much of that). You chose to draw and animate when you could have become an engineer, an entrepreneur, or some other career that has higher business prospects and steady income. You chose it out of passion. And if you want to cash in and make money from this? Let it build your portfolio, the single most important resume builder for an artist (yes, aside from connections).
I want you to show me who you are, show yourself who you are. Be you, do what you do, the ideas will come and you will grow from it. Remember Bob's realization.
what they want is a guarenteed paycheck and to not have to hastle with marketing. what they think is that those things arent worth anything let alone the rights to your art.

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