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We are going on a feel trip.
Literally me
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xeno sexo
My brother who has ADHD would be remorseless making fun of this woman.
Where is more so I can annoy him saying that's literally him.
You could swap out 'ADHD' for 'autism' here and it would still work. They use the 'alien from a different planet' metaphor all the time.
A lot of this is subjective and hard to say for certain

>you X more than others
>I have...le trouble concentrating
>This makes me a total heckin alien!!!!
Meanwhile, in all my decades of life, i have not met a single person who i can truly relate to, and i'm pretty sure a lot of other people on this site haven't either.

This girl doesn't deserve to call herself an alien.
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Once again going to argue most of this shit is so normal
I'm training in mental health and trying to avoid working with children/teens as much as possible. I have a friend who's a teacher and apparently there's no end to the TikTok diagnosis thing.

If kids relate to something, do a little bit of research, then speak to their doctor and get the ball rolling, great. But that's not what's happening. They don't just learn about diagnoses, they find invented ones, then decide that's the condition they have.
>careful, I'm about to self medicate
>spends 10 bucks on idle game
>eats 3 pound hamburger
>life is hard.
>a real woman
No you were punished for not adhering to gender norms. You were to higher standards of behaviour *because* you were a girl
Wearing make-up makes you more of a fraud.
Doesn't that environment mean that you should go into that so you can tell those little brats they are ruining their lives with half-baked information that will lead them to making excuses?
>Verification not required
ADHD person here
I WISH I had autism. You fucking autists are lucky with your hyperfocus and interests, you can actually be successful at something if you find your fixation.

I'll just lay in bed or staring out the windows for hours because my mind won't let me do a damn thing but worry and procrastinate.
And that's where I'd need to make an ethical referral because I just can't work with kids. Phew.

Junkies and criminals, here I come.
Better start applying for nerual link trials.
>I wish I had autism
You know real autism is actually extremely dysfunctional right? It's not uwu special interests or savantism or whatever tik tok has told you autism is like. Real fucking autism means you are dependant for the rest of your life
>t. autist
>my words were missing random letters
oh shi-
Have you considered getting a vaccination for measles?
I don't want to be low functioning no
But by comparison high functioning autists like the silicon valley STEM nerd types seem to have a pretty good leg up over ADHDs like me.
We're constantly considered lazy or spazzes
When I've tried ritalin (or even just speed) I could focus on one thing but yep it could be watching paint dry. I get it to an extent.

What's stopping you from mapping it out in a routine? That's a common ADHD thing, could some structure (or even an 'accountability partner', basically someone to manage you just a little) push you? Into doing something. Doing nothing like that sounds like a form of fixation as much as losing yourself in ____.
>take responsibility for my actions? hmm i need a medical explanation for being an asshole hmmmm
My main job is writing so it requires different focuses, depending on the task. Its easy to put it into concrete numbers, i.e. "I need to write x amount of words an hour and y amount a day." but actually sticking to that for weeks on end and following a routine is incredibly difficult.

I do surf the internet alot as fixation but its low-dopamine cycling. Like posting on /co/ or checking notifications 50 times a day.
This got really bad in my 30s. As a teen I was the STEM type anon is describing: learning C and JavaScript and blahblah. Socially awkward but special interests that would surely make me win at life.

Then all the negative stuff got me and I became a shut-in and dropped out academia and social stuff entirely. Unemployable, couldn't hold down a job because it was so draining. Now I've forgotten how to write, I find reading difficult, I bump into things more, my memory is going. The other day I had 'a fall'. I didn't just trip over, it was a fall. I could die and it would take weeks for someone to find me: I don't even know who. But it's not like I'm an elderly person who needs 'looking after', I'm high-functioning, ha ha ;_;
This. All she needs is a good hard fucking.
>everyone told me I was so gifted despite me forgetting my name on the paper and seemingly bad at spelling!
>this person's being an asshole? perhaps some medical diagnosis fits their symptoms hmmmm
And I say this as someone who isn't a huge fan of the diagnostic model (power-threat meaning framework is getting there).
It doesn't make you rainman retard, it just makes you annoying to talk to. Emotionally bleed out when shit everyone else does easily that you can't do at all and you feel frustrated and useless. You're just normal enough to realize how you're fucked up but it takes such an effort to act functional over shit you should be able to blow off or not register why you pissed off somebody until you get it an hour too late. You don't get medicated. You learn coping skills or you fail. And it's always your fault and you never forget it. Because you're just normal enough to pass till the mask slips. Everyone and their mother has ADHD/ADD, it's the most over diagnosed shit in the world. People don't think you're lazy or retarded anymore. But autism makes everyone think you should be Mr Spock or Rainman but for like 90% of us retards it doesn't. It just makes us irrational dumbasses who sperg for silly reasons to everyone else.
t. High Functioning
>low funtioning
Isn't real autism. Combining Aspergers and autism was a mistake

>adhd has meds
>no drug for autism
Something to consider
As a guy with ADD I hate people who say they have ADHD. You aren't more special because you have energy and are forgetful, you just drink more sugars and rile yourself easier.
Just chill the fuck out and try to move through life and you'll be fine instead of giving in to every little emotional misstep.
She's not wrong about alot of these symptoms, but she's going about it in a really faggy way.
>>no drug for autism
Diazepam was like a fucking superpower. I was still autistic and annoying but the social anxiety was gone.

MDMA works in a similar way but I think it actually makes you 'less autistic'. Very broadly autistic people are more systemizing and less empathizing - not psychopaths or unsympathetic, but actual empathy is more of a challenge. MDMA just turns that on.

Since it's on a spectrum I honestly believe there could be an actual cure, maybe with a line drawn somewhere. It's cute to push for neurodivergence and say "there is no 'cure'...", but there are autistic folks who would take an autism-be-gone pill in a heartbeat.
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You don't know the half of it. And no, I don't mean MAKING the stuff.
>I focus on things I enjoy (totally not normal btw)
>I avoid doing things I don't want to do (very UNnormal)
>social anxiety (people will look at me funny) stops me from spouting out every thought I have (as social contract intends)
>sometimes smell and sounds bother me (I know neurological normies are NEVER bothered any stimuli)
>omg my bread got moldy
>probably pms
>as an adult you have to set your own itinerary and enforce it yourself unlike childhood which is strictly regulated in school. Its a skill every young adult learns
>if no human could keep a cool head in a high stakes situation none of us would have evolved past chimps
>sometimes? I am? Bored?
Both should be reprimanded for doing that shit retard
Most autistic people are obsessed with like, Sonic action figures or making lists of random 80's PBS episodes that feature feet, useless stuff. The rainman stereotype has been disproven thoroughly, and autistic people that are incapable of speech or any real functioning completely outnumbers aspergers by a huge degree.
Wow guess I have adhd then!
It annoys me because if this ADHD girl is capable of learning to draw and getting THIS many pages done alone, she is far more functional and capable than any non-ADHD person on this site or most normies for that matter.
Turn off internet. Go for a brisk jog . Move your journal/laptop whatever to a library. Throw your phone in a locker.
You have carbon monoxide poisoning
>Move your journal/laptop whatever to a library.
I do to librarys/malls/cafes to work but I still get distracted easily because they're super noisy and also I get horny fetish thoughts often.
Oh god lmao, feel the fetish thoughts most of mine is about rubber or fat bitches though
>be me ADHD goblin child
>get prescribed stimulants
>helps with school as long as I don't have to do homework
>cave in to societal peer pressure and ditch the stimulants at 18
>get fat cuz I'm not used to life without the stimulant's appetite suppression
>nearly fail out of college
>continue getting fat
>realise life was way better on stimulants
>now obese
>got high blood pressure form being a fatass
>doc won't prescribe stimulants to people with hbp cuz it can raise your bp

I've lost 30 pounds dieting so far but I have so long to go. Felt like a real catch-22 for a while tho.
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>power threat framework
Redpill me on this?
>Move your journal/laptop whatever to a library.

50/50 for me, i either get zoned in and work for hours or just get overstimulated and foggy.
I doubt it, I have an alarm.

Probably just bed bugs.

I also have a really hard time sticking to a routine, especially if I set it myself and there's no actual consequences to breaking it. For me personally it helped a lot when I had a friend/colleague hold me responsible for vague weekly goals. Even if they just shoot me a discord message every Friday asking me to see what I wrote.
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>I WISH I had autism. You fucking autists are lucky with your hyperfocus and interests, you can actually be successful at something if you find your fixation.
Go fuck yourself. I wish I could remember someone's name for more than fifteen minutes. You know how much of "success" basically depends on strong network connections, i.e. remembering who people goddamn are? People like your coworkers and boss? A fuckload. At best I come off like an arrogant asshole who doesn't care to remember people, not someone who just fucking forgets them the second they're not in my working memory whether I like it or not.
I always thought I was misdiagnosed with ADD but maybe they were right
>most of mine is about rubber or fat bitches though
Extremely based
wanna chat about them?
Been on adderall most my life, thank god I would have been a complete failure in every area. Stopped takeing them at work for 3 days because i ran out and started jerking off at work and yelling at the top of my lungs. Thank you hitler for inventing meth
I will act if there's a strict painful consequence to me. But "Not getting a reward" is not a consequence my brain registers, so missing hundreds of dollars or being absent something positive does not pressure me to work harder.
Hyperfocusing and having interests aren't always accessible, let alone good. Some autists are taught that their interests are out of reach or "wrong" (this can be furry porn or a certain episode of Thomas the Tank engine, but it can also be medicine, an obsolete technology, anything they can't easily afford to do). Even if they change over time, there's still ADHD-like dysfunction. That hyperfocus can actually turn on itself and force you to have painful thoughts and relive bad memories over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over no matter how hard you try you can't make them stop over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and

It's really obvious if you have ADHD.

- Is your mind racing a million miles a minute at all times?
- Do you have trouble starting tasks, but once you do, you can hyperfocus on them for days ignoring sleep/food?

If yes, you have ADHD. Normal peoples' brains do not behave like this.
>I wish I could remember someone's name for more than fifteen minutes
That doesn't have anything to do with autism.
Most autists have exuberant memories and don't suffer with remembering people's names. Or atleast there's no known symptom of bad memory in an autism diagonsis.
>Even if they change over time, there's still ADHD-like dysfunction. That hyperfocus can actually turn on itself and force you to have painful thoughts and relive bad memories over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over no matter how hard you try you can't make them stop over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
Maybe people these days are just overstimulated and that's made them dumb? I doubt someone addicted to minecraft or browser checking would have the same mindset 2000 years ago or without media overload.
CPTSD I guess, but that, OCD and autism share compulsive traits.
Furfaggot, actual faggot, despite also loving human and monster (scary) girl too. Also love all the sliding degree of fat fucks and most of the autism fetishes apply. Just warning before the commencement of horny
I don't remember coworker's names and I have attention deficit disorder what now faggot
I don't think they're quite the same.
If you have to touch a doorknob 50 times out of fear or wash a toilet seat a dozen you're not autistic, you're OCD.
Have you got all your vitamins? People don't just... fall
Low attention span =/= ADHD. Dumbness =/= ADHD either, since it happens across all IQ ranges. It's caused by low dopamine levels making your brain's neurons to fire excessively. It's not something you can acquire by watching Tiktok. If you're intellectually gifted you can usually work around it and mask ADHD symptoms, but they don't go away.
see? Take your fucking meds and you'll be fine.
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I am a bi fatfag, so I like chubby ladies but the occasional fat boy is nice. TF, hypnosis and WG is huge for me and latex/rubber gives me instant fetish brainworms. Furries are okay. Do you like slob or musk? What's your idea architect scenario?
I don't know what to tell ya, man.

Oh wait the autism I know exactly what to fucking tell ya
It'll ruffle a few ADHD feathers for sure.

It's hard to tl;dr and it really needs de-academia-fying. Basically the diagnostic model is pretty dated, based on the concept of disease. Historically useful since having an 'illness' and a 'diagnosable condition' helps with insurance and so on, a doctor can pull out a manual and find an appropriate path of treatment.

Of course this breaks down because everyone is unique, there are cultural differences, etc. A caveman with lung cancer had lung cancer just as someone today does. Whereas we're still arguing whether 'internet addiction disorder' or something should be a condition.

But the general idea of classifying these things is still useful, so the PTMF. It's all about how Power has operated in your life, what Threats stem from it, what Meaning you've made of those, and what threat responses you developed. Basically your 'story'. Who hurt you. How did you deal with it. How's it affecting you.

The idea is from there we can start clustering everything according to the basic outline, using it to inform policy/treatment/etc. and it'll all come from unique experiences that work across all cultures and account for different results (e.g. not everyone who is a little ____ish has [disorder], not everyone who experienced [event] has trauma).

More 'philosophical' than 'pragmatic' really, but we'll see where it leads.
There's still a compulsory, obsessive quality. It's just directed in different ways.
With autism, it's an obsession borne out of stimulation and interest. While in OCD it's typically an obsession borne out of anxiety and paranoia/discomfort.

The difference is that people on the spectrum ENJOY their obsessions more-so than OCD sufferers.
This article says autistic children suffer remembering people's faces, not names. It's still bad but the issue is a little different. Informationally their memory is strong except when it comes to people/social cues, including recalling faces.
I think ADHD turned me into a distrustful asocial freak
Too many wrong assumptions in a row and now I have no one that I actually trust
> For children with autism, the ability to retain non-social memories was predicted by connections in a network centered on the hippocampus — a small structure deep inside the brain that is known to regulate memory.
>But face memory in kids with autism was predicted by a separate set of connections centered on the posterior cingulate cortex, a key region of the brain’s default mode network, which has roles in social cognition and distinguishing oneself from other people.
Oh okay we're on the same page then. Love rubber and drones.
Occasionally hits right but belches are peak.
Hot on guys making girls fucking stupid over their dick.
Ideal? Tube stuffing with machines is hot. So is hypno forcing them to pack on pounds. Unconsciously wg by just eating bad over time is peak too. Usually has to be like something unintentional or unwanted though to hit that hot taboo area.
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And when some asshole comes up to you in the hallway and starts making conversation like you know each other, because in fact you goddamn do, what good does it do you to know the name of your coworker if you can't remember it's them?
Not always. Autistics tend to have a problem with preservation. They can hyperfocus on problems, and even their interests can become compulsory obsessions. That's where a lot of the repetitive habits come from.
But you haven't lost those memories if you're faceblind? If they TELL you the name or someone else says "Darren?" to them, doesn't all the knowing-each-other come flooding back?

What about other stuff? Voice, personality, what they're talking about, other physical details (mole on eyebrow)?
I used to have OCD(i was like 12) would have to count to 4 then 1 then 1 the look at 4 familey members then more one more. Did this anytime something bad happend or good. Had to lock in memories this way or they would go away or something. I dont get people who wash thiers habds and shit JUST STOP DOING IT. Mine was connected to sucking in spit in my mouth and blinking I would do both everytime I counted. There would be entire days where I wouldn't unconsciously swallow my spit. When i said goodbye to people to make sure they wouldnt die or something I would click my feet and elbows toegther and count too. It took me like 15 minutes a night to finally go to bed after couting touching my face and closeong my eyes. I started to lean off one day when i saw on the news a pack of n bombs beat up an autistic kid and drugged him. I decided that was so evil I spitted and swallowed like 36 times (mega slaiva swallow= 4 +1 +1 x 4 +1 +1) and it was uphill from thier. It was a living nightmare though and I despise and people who are (OMG SO MUCH OCD I LIKE NEED TO WASH MY HANDS OMGGGG) I has helped me though any time I think I can't do stuff or feel like a piece of shit i remember i got over a debilitating ilness all by my self like a big boy. Thank you random black kids for being my light in darkness and abuseing a downie i am ethereally greatful.
what does it mean when you actually enjoy doing this? I actively listen to other peoples conversations, love to smell, like associating things, etc
Sorry to interrupt your fetish discussion here but I'm a recently decloseted bi and I was wondering if having a weird ratio of sexes I'm attracted to is the norm. Like I feel like 70% of the people I'm attracted to are women and 30% men. Is that common? I don't have any faggot friends irl yet so I haven't done a survey or nothin' yet.
>haha benis :-DDD
That just sounds like generalized anxiety.
>You are failing at the task at hand.
>I am now very sad and this is bad.
That's pretty much the same for me. I am mostly attracted to woman, men get an exception but it's not as general or all-encompassing. Like I could look at any plain or weird woman and be attracted, but I'm only really interested in a very specific, rare subset of guys. It's almost like males are more of a fetish to me? Weird way to put it, but your experience definitely matches mine as far as I feel.
It's just hunter brain. You are anatomically identical to homos from 300k ago, but you can't chase animals like you were wired to anymore. Autism unless it's extreme isn't a "disease" either. We would never have trains, or airplanes, or semiconductors without our army of precious autists obsessing passionately over a single component for 40 years of their life, nor would we have any Renaissance greats.

[Spoiler] It's very normal. I even have weeks where the ratio changes and one suddenly seems way hotter.[/Spoiler]
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>If they TELL you the name or someone else says "Darren?" to them, doesn't all the knowing-each-other come flooding back?
Yes, but it's not like they're wearing fucking name tags, and it's not exactly socially acceptable to constantly be asking everyone to introduce themselves. Plus imagine shit like your boss's boss strolling through one day, or someone you worked with in the past. Recognizing distant connections are the majority of career networking.

>What about other stuff? Voice, personality, what they're talking about, other physical details (mole on eyebrow)?
It's not as simple as a "nope, fuck if I know," more like a hurdle that needs to be actively overcome the first time I interact with someone in a while. It's like, you ever have someone come up to you in a hallway who clearly knows who you are but you have no fucking clue who they might be? That's what it's like with almost everyone.
A lot of autistics have co-morbid anxiety, depression or both. There are a couple articles about preservation in particular. Like this one.

Another links repetitive thought patterns in ASD with depression, but it can also stem from a combination of those and rejection sensitivity.

Part of the problem is that autists have faulty dopamine and serotonin reuptake, different functioning in parts of the brain like the basal ganglia, even different patterns of white and gray matter development.
wtf formatting. im high as shit
It's the capital s
You can hit ctrl s to do it quickly btw
>We would never have trains, or airplanes, or semiconductors without our army of precious autists obsessing passionately over a single component for 40 years of their life, nor would we have any Renaissance greats.
Actually most of these were made through extensive field research and group projects in the sciences, which required working with other people and collaborating ideas, testing experiments together and comparing information. Without sociality the steam engine or first von Neumann architecture machines would've died in some autists basement.
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thanks bro
that happened with me and a girl that went up to me who's father was diagnosed with cancer, she knew my mom battled it, along with my name. I'm pretty sure she MUST have been related to me because I must never have seen her on college campus before, but I had no idea how she was related, because wouldn't I know about her dad being diagnosed with cancer??? Thankfully I was able to deliver the advice and encouragement she wanted/needed without making it obvious I didn't know her name. Hopefully.
Yeah it always sucks when that happens, thankfully usually I can remember after the first awkward "I forgot your name entirely" because then I remember that horribly embarrassing interaction whenever they are around!
[Spoiler] not that guy but 100000% feels like I have a gay fedish instead of actually being real. [/spoiler]
Right, but you're missing the nuance here. Autists do get general anxiety and depression but OCD is VERY specific in how it presents itself. Go watch Howie Mandel interviews where he talks about being terrified to even touch a doorknob and find me a comparable person with aspergers who experiences the same thing.
Lazy, dumb lardasses wanting more is peak...
Holy fail
Thanks for the info. I guess I might also be pan cuz I've been attracted to trans individuals before? Idk bi is simpler and I like the colors better.
>You fucking autists are lucky with your hyperfocus and interests, you can actually be successful at something if you find your fixation.
I have been extremely underweight because there are only two foods I can eat and struggle with comprehending basic english at times. I fixate on shit that's absolutely impossible to find a career in unless I get super lucky.
Don't believe anyone who has been diagnosed as an adult that they are autistic, chances are they went doctor shopping and are running from accepting their faults.
One of the weirdest things for me as a bi fag is I have AGP fantasies where I get turned into a girl and get to be boy-crazy and attracted to men, which the fetish warps into something better feeling than natural bi attraction or whatever gay fetish I have currently
I'm just going to give you a little life cheat to save you the stress
All these labels are madeup and kind of meaningless, if you try to look too hard for definitions you'll find them squishy and never really fitting a person perfectly. Like there doesn't really need to be a separate sexuality for 'Cis Male' vs 'Trans Male' but then having to call a Fat Male or Male in latex crossdressing a fetish or whatever. Just like what you like and don't worry about it too much
Are you a native english speaker?
No spoilers needed your a troon. Get help.
Thanks but I already knew that when I cross-dressed and looked at TG porn as a kid.
I think we're just talking about different concepts. The point is sometimes the brain fixates on things. Whether it's CPTSD, OCD or autism, that focus can have different causes and outcomes, but the concept of hyperfocusing on problems exists.
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>young girls especially will be reprimanded for unladylike behavior
>offscreen: how young boys are given ADHD meds if they go over 10dB
This is such a childish mentality, she admits she overreacts to things like a small child would but refuses to take accountability for this behavior. In what world are people supposed to pander to immaturity because they’re “ADHD” or whatever buzzword is trendy for bad parenting. All I know is that this is the one right here, this is the gold medal winner of the victim olympics.
Because if you just apply the word "Hyperfocusing" to everything you get different behaviors and phenomenons that aren't really relevant to each other. Someone thirsting in a desert may as well be Hyperfocusing on water at that point because the brain is fixated on thirst.

Again Hyperfocusing on the general, abstract and broad is very different then the type of 'focusing' that we're talking about with OCD.
I swear Ouran and Ranma gave me a fetish for genderblending women. Unfortunately most women like that irl are lesbians.
That's a network of similarly minded spergs though, and later generations of spergs who will choose to pick up the torch of previous dedicated autists. This is a phenomenon which we still see today, especially online. Although they're min-maxing social vs analytical ability, they are still capable of exchanging ideas with others that appreciate their interests. We just need to direct them back into engineering spaceships instead of intricate sonic wiki entries. They are our greatest resource and we are failing them.
This chick has a fixation on adhd to the point it's fucking weird, is this some kind of coping mechanism?
I think everyone needs to tour a mental ward once in their life to see what real mental illness looks like
>This chick has a fixation on adhd to the point it's fucking weird, is this some kind of coping mechanism?
No it's an ADHD thing, they latch on to every quirk like it defines their personality. Giver her a year and she'll be super into gardening or photography or some shit instead.
It’s the effects of being coddled her whole life and living in a twitter echo chamber, it’s like she needs a reason to justify her cringe ass behavior while avoiding the consequences. Bet shes a member of the alphabet crew too, these things tend to go together. This generation will never get respect as long as they tolerate faggotry of this level.
Going through this at work with my only coworker being a narcissistic scumbag piece of shit that’s always riding me for little shit and has a steel trap of a brain for minor transgressions.
This a long winded explanation for why she's a shitty roommate?
Its literally just the mechanics of ADHD. I swear you can tell people that there's research, specific symptoms, and brain scans proving all this shit and they'll still go, "Hur dur why r u so lazy?"
Like, there's fifty pages detailing how ADHD works with illustrations. What part aren't you getting?
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what is wrong with the muppets
>coomer thinks he has autism instead of porn addiction
>horny fetish thoughts
Just kys
Are these the same scientists who “proved” there’s more than 2 genders? You’re scientifically lazy, how bout that. Now go clean your fucking room.
>normal people
You have fallen hook and sinker for a pharmaceutical marketing algorithm that coddles your ego
Funny how the solution for so many modern problems always comes down to a lifelong med subscription, haha
Anon, there's clearly a difference between neurodivergents and neurotypicals. People are not all the same.
Man my ADHD ruined my life and this comic is fucking shit
Haha i feel you anon. I'm too fat to get meds strong enough to work and need to lose like 50 pounds to be able to get the good stuff but fuck the only time i managed to lose that much weight in my life i already had the good meds so i could go to the gym and stick to my diet.
It sounds interesting. I've been pretty disillusioned with a lot of the psychiatric diagnoses as the system of labeling disorders on vague, differing and widely varied symptoms (like adhd) seems flawed. Things like schizophrenia and bipolar are consistent enough and treated decently with meds but things like anxiety, depression, bpd, adhd etc have poorly understood root causes with regards to brain chemistry
>oh its low dopamine!
They're all low dopamine. This is like saying a cold is caused by sneezing when sneezing is the symptom. Low dopamine is a symptom not a cause.
There's really only ever been one or two people I've met who were so obviously adhd and needed meds. Frankly, if a person can "mask" you don't have the same thing these "true adhds" have. That's not to say they aren't also suffering, I just genuinely don't think they're experiencing the same thing.
>You feel like you're playing life on the highest difficulty
She's not a child laborer in a Congolese cobalt mine who's parents were killed by rebels so I'd say she's on easy mode. Medium at best.
>rejection sensitive disorder
>I was totally trying and I do care it just looks like I don't! My effort is overshadowed by my disability symptoms!
Oh I know the narcs will love using this one
Did someone call you lazy today anon and that's why you are unloading all these pictures of this specific person's comic knowledge about ADHD?
(I actually have no idea what the OP is supposed to get out of this)
You guys realize people can be smart, artistic, dedicated, and obsessive without also being autistic right? Like these are traits lots of people have
Because it's extremely self centered and self justifying and relies on your believing that some of us have brains just "wired differently" when there's not really evidence that we are "wired" according to any strict pattern A or B or whatever. Saying you have an invisible disability so you can't clean your room to /co/ of all places is hilarious.
I hate that this all describes me almost perfectly
Just give me some Adderall for the love of Christ
As a kid you were told you're special and now the doctor says so too!
I do this too. Can I has Ritalin now?
>woman writes about depression
Legitimate question, what do you do when you know there's something "off" but you don't know if it's adhd, depression, ocd, etc. Can a psych do a general mental health screening for that sort of thing? My doctor always makes it seem like I'm supposed to already know what's wrong.
Yeah I do, but they will be a footnote in comparison to the autist that will spend their entire adult life focusing on a single species of bug, or a particular part of a car transmission, or lovingly shaving a marble statue, or endlessly categorizing blurry pictures of stars. Autists have been humanity's long term secret weapon once we got language. This is coming from an "ADHD" spaz.
Head into an actual asylum sometime and tell the people there that none of them are neurologically any different. But hey it's modern medical science and brain research vs a random anon on the internet.
Wow, even genetic failures are inventing narratives to feel superior to other people. Your brain is fucked, and this is your coping mechanism. Einstein wasn’t autistic and feynman was socially gifted, yet they contributed to the most abstract areas in physics. Keep telling yourself that autists built the modern world, in reality you retards are a burden on your families and live off welfare. Some contributions, huh?
Big difference between muh adhd waaaa and actual schizos who have conversations with God on a daily basis
Hey goofball, maybe you have adhd yourself considering you didn't read all of that. I'm not an autist, I just recognize their dedication.
>only autists can dedicate their life to one subject
sure, sure
Usually it tends to be something of no value to anyone, like OPs obsession with ADHD. Implying all geniuses are autistic is foolish, it's a very self destructive disease. Every autist I've met acts like they're superior to others to cope with their inability to hold a basic conversation with people, it's not quirky or cute, but, dare I say, retarded. They could hyperfocus on quantum mechanics but they can't choose what flavor of autism they have. Garden variety autism has made great contributions to the sonic fandom, but not so much when it comes to mankind...
Every single person I know diagnosed with adhd uses it as an excuse for acting like a faggot, I don't believe it's real anymore and you should stop pretending like it is.
Preach. I feel like I've been a good five years behind my peers my entire life. After a bunch of false starts I've finally found a job where I feel comfortable. Turns out our quality control guy is also high functioning, but the guy's somehow got a wife and like ten kids.
Lmao ok. If they can't cure the tism I hope they cure the social ineptitude
What an annoying fucking cunt.
I'm undiagnosing myself. I've decided I'm normal now
You managed to turn my argument backwards. I mentioned sonic lore obsession already lmao. At no point did I say "all autists are savants." But they are our most powerful engineering resource when properly focused. Unfortunately a large proportion of them are toiling in the e621 mines
They'll never consider charisma as anything other than a dump stat my man. Not efficient enough
ADHD is fake.
And possibly gay.
>Every autist I've met
So, 0 people? Online and your mom's friends don't count.
You're a retarded shutin only able to cope by going on brainless takes on /co/ so any value your analysis has on mental conditions has negative value.
Jesus fuck, this reads like something from "helping mentally retarded"
As someone who was diagnosed this year, thanks for posting, OP
Cool, now you also have an excuse to be a fucking failure.
there are so many comics like this about girls growing up different I'm starting to wonder if maybe they aren't different at all
I struck a nerve there, eh? Lots of projection in this post, sorry you're lifes a failure but don't take it out on me, I'm doing pretty well thank you very much. Back to the e621 mines with you.
>I have a problem.
>I know I have this problem
>Somehow, It is your responsibility to tip-toe around it.
>So asshurt they cannot refute basic facts
I get it, you live for this and this is all you have.
But it doesn't make your retarded pickme takes accurate.
What facts? You just threw a virtual tantrum.
But do keep samefagging and lowering the discourse with your mental assrot.
Don't even bother rushing to edit your (you)'s and retract either.
>hurr durr I'm not a pathetic fag whose only interactions are /co/ and (you) tendies to help my feefees
Schizoanon pls
spotted the sperg
Reading through all this make me think that beating women wasn't entirely unreasonable.
Nice dubs, but I don't care enough for that. Yes I am just that cool
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Yeah i feel this one
And there's the kicker
mah man
i actually show up to things early all the time because i used to be so bad with this as a kid
I got good and bad news
seems like a genuinely insufferable person to be around
I bet she never truly considers the impact her behavior has on others
>I know that I have trouble with remembering shit
>You know what I'm going to do?
>That's right! I'm going to NOT set a reminder and miss the fucking meeting!
this but unironically
I've been in relationship with such a person and you'll have to either be around a perma-sad cunt or become a part-time babysitter and part-time snotrag.
>I don't like doing things I don't like, I like doing things that I like!
>When I was a kid, I've acted like a kid!
>Sometimes I'm excited, sometimes I'm calm.
>Aren't I a special fucking snowflake?!
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how much do you wanna bet she's a turbo normie with tons of friends, gets invited out often and has had multiple boyfriends?
I miss the 80s, when kids who were a little fidgety or a little sensitive or a little shy or a little mopey or whatever were allowed to just be themselves instead of counselors branding everyone who falls more than half a standard deviation outside of normal with a mental disease.
Women LOVE to find a little quirk in their psyche and milk it for all it's worth for coming up with excuses for their shitty behaviour.
aka pickme girl syndrome
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>i'm a fragile overly emotional asshole, but its not my fault cause i have the ADHD meme disorder
People like her will be the first to accuse somebody of "trying to make everything about myself"
>You must constantly dance around me and spend exorbitant amounts of energy accommodating my needs.
>Oh, and it will be your fault when I do something wrong!
It's like dealing with a particularly temperamental and poorly-trained dog, really.
Ironically my ADHD prevented me from reading all her garishly colored garbage
this behavior is extremely inconsiderate and destructive and you're a huge faggot for defending it
ADHD isnt even real, the guy who came up with it originally said so
I think she might actually just be a vulnerable Narcissist
Does she have any redeeming qualities?
Besides that.
You're sexist.
And probably a racist too.
>I actually have no idea what the OP is supposed to get out of this
Guaranteed replies.
Your mom gay, and you’re dad lesbian.
>there's fifty pages detailing how ADHD works with illustrations
No, there's 50 pages of shitty excuses (a single shitty excuse, even) for her shitty behaviour.
Yeah, there's overlap with them. Those with ADHD are often on the autism spectrum as well (not the same vice versa). Alien works because the social dysfunction ADHD causes is pretty much the same as autism. You often can't relate to peers, people don't understand your struggles because the symptoms are often exacerbated forms of issues normal people face ("yea, I sometimes have a hard time doing work too, that isn't ADHD!" and "okay, I hate making eye contact and get nervous during interviews too, that isn't autism!") and as a result they feel alienated and have to mask their condition since they don't expect anyone else to really understand it.
She takes meds. She has posts about absolutely failing to meet any functional work schedule without them and frequently goes on long breaks, followed by periods where she dishes them out like a marathon, which is to be expected.

ADHD doesn't really mean the inability to ever do anything ever (aside from extreme cases, similar to extreme autism essentially being mental retardation). But it does mean being unable to "will" yourself into focusing at a moment's notice. Your focus will most likely take a direction of its own, you'll learn useless skills in depth (like drawing) and neglect important shit (like work, which I'm pretty sure she got fired from to do this). It's not a lack of fucus, because ADHD actually get hyper fixated and focus so intensely on things that they will neglect basic needs like food and water. It's just the inability to guide that focus or being able to stop it once it's started honing in on something.

Most people here who are unable to do anything most likely have some form of anhedonia as a symptom of their depression. Or they have some crippling Internet addiction or something. In any case, it's usually something that can be resolved somehow, but with ADHD you just kinda live with it. Meds can help but often come with their own can of worms like extremely high libido, lack of appetite to the point where eating a handful of blueberries feels like enough to tackle the day, and overconfidence that will lead you to make the worst decisions possible.
>She takes meds. She has posts about absolutely failing to meet any functional work schedule without them
Poor planing skills
>But it does mean being unable to "will" yourself into focusing at a moment's notice
Result of being coddled as a child
>but with ADHD you just kinda live with it.
Everyone kinda lives with this, she's just making excuses for being a piece of shit for those around her
"Autism spectrum" is such a bullshit term.
Oh yeah, lets equate those borderline-vegetables with kids who need a couple of stern talking-to's and stuff them with fucking meth.
Alot of these comics just seem like things normies go through, like being shy, awkward and nervous around people. Social anxiety? I dunno.

Sometimes I think I have a mild cae of the ADD/ADHD/autismo, but then it might just be that Im stupid and lazy.
>poor planning skills

Congrats! That's literally part of the diagnosis. And it's a pre-frontal cortex issue that you can actually map out with CAT scans. If it makes you feel better, think of it more as a lower cap than most other people. To an extent they can learn organizational skills, but it caps out below the average. Or, more often the case, they have a different system of organization that makes sense in their head but is an absolute nightmare to others. They'll know that they have their spatula in the fucking oven instead of the drawer. Why? Who fucking knows, but if you ask them where it is they'll know it's there.

>Result of being coddled

I have no clue what her upbringing was like and neither do you. Sounds kinda projecty.

>she's making excuses

She seems to be in a pretty long term relationship and is pretty successful. Most if the time people with ADHD get told they're making excuses when they're actually taking responsibility for their actions but are trying to explain that they're not going to be able to "fix" them in a way you'd expect. So if you want them to not forget what they walked into the kitchen for all the time, that's not something they can control...but they can tell you why that's the case and try their best to avoid it.
>Congrats! That's literally part of the diagnosis.
>I have ADHD - so I have poor planning ability, I have poor planning ability - so I have ADHD
Part if bullshit, you mean.
>And it's a pre-frontal cortex issue that you can actually map out with CAT scans.
Of course it does, they don't exercise it.
>I have no clue what her upbringing was like and neither do you. Sounds kinda projecty.
It's in her fucking doodles, you retard.
>She seems to be in a pretty long term relationship and is pretty successful.
Oh, so a simp enabling womens bullshit for a slither of puccy or some shitty burger company providing her with adult daycare is something out of the ordinary, ok.
>it caps out below the average
Of course it does, she makes her simp do it for her
>makes sense in their head but is a bsolute nightmare to others
If your system is shitty and does not work, it is your fault for not improving it
>they're not going to fix themselve>noy something they can control
No shit, why would they bother with all those enablers around them
You are also gay and retarded. But that's ok, we're all like that here.
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>wah i suck at paying attention
>wah people treat me like I’m a girl

Who the fuck cares, you’re not unique for this. Everyone else had these struggles and got over it.

I think she’s just retarded.
Should I ask for more Focalin /co/?
neuroticism is on the rise
>Meds can help but often come with their own can of worms like extremely high libido
Well here's your answer.
She better put out better than a Moroccan on a bazaar day and succ harder than a hoover to it worth all her bullshit.
She probably doesn't, and her "high libido" is creaming her panties over random chads
Granted im not THAT adhd, but its enough that ive been told its obvious i have it. It took me until my early 20s to learn how to actually get anything done, but these days i dont even need any meds (which do suck for the record). Just put your energy into doing your actual work and keep checking the time. If you let yourself get distracted from your distractions then habitually checking your clock is enough to get most of your work done just fine.

The anxiety i have no idea about, i think that might be an unrelated issue
People always sniff me out and assume I’m on the spectrum.
"normie beats sperg, sociopath beats normie" is actually as real as it gets
Sperg, if clever and experienced enough, will always see through sociopat's frauds.
One of my friends in HS had been on ampheds for ADHD since he was like 10 and it definitely ruined his life. Flash forward to us being 26 and he's got no friends, no bitches, no skills, and no job.
>I focus so much on my own dopamine fixes I dont consider other people's needs
>uwu so please be nice to me?
Ha same. Who cares though?
I feel the moment you diagnose yourself you have given up on yourself and its just a downward spiral from there.
This is like dogisaga, but gay
Finally someone asking the questions that really matter.
Why are women like this? I have a ADHD diagnosis too but it's more like the world is set to .75 speed and you constantly hop between things to focus on to deal with it. Makes focusing hard as fuck until you start hyper fixating.
Halo effect.
Every issue you have is a problem you must overcome.
Every issue they have, is a quirk everybody else must accommodate.
Terrible art.
These pages are continued here
Fuck off reddit

It's a failure of your discipline to get distracted, which is very easy to do because shit is boring and that's why it happens to everyone but Hallelujah holy shit it is simply up to you to look at the fucking screen and listen. Half the panels in this comic outright address the little excuses she's coming up with to avoid working and breaking her work into individually actionable problems. It's so goddamn fucking frustrating to watch people acknowledge the issue over and over and then excuse themselves in any other language than, "I know what I have to do but I don't feel like doing it and would rather put it off". That's the beginning and end of it I hate you stupid alien
>implying most kids' responses to getting the gifted praise is to put in more effort rather than coast by until their latent intelligence can't carry them any further

And I doubt this bitch was any different
Cause ADHD is a whole damn spectrum. You can have some, you can have only one, you could have all of them. Fuck, you can have none of these problems because you spend your entire time screaming and banging your head against the wall.
People keep telling women they're oppressed while ignoring how hard men actually have it
Only the trannies know the truth
Does explain my high school experiences. I know I'm an autist, but I never had those kinds of episodes. This girl however, she was slamming cabinets in the back of the classroom, looking for soap. When the teacher offered the soap on her desk, she screamed "I don't care" and ran out of the classroom. Wondered what that was all about until this day. Guess it's a girl-exclusive sympton of autism?
I've read through the entire thing and aren't those things pretty much normal?
I've always assumed that everyone just learns to cope and work around it.
Nope. Anon, you have ADHD.
O-oh. That would explain some things, I guess.
having *both* is a whole new level of torture. I have OCD on top of all of that and it means I live in a constant state of panic. I can't get anything done and I take such a high dose of meds that it's probably killing me

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