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Why did we hate this?
Because it's Sonic.
Why didn't you hate this more
I don't hate the show, but I did hate the spoilers. What kind of dick posts Nine's major twist when a season JUST comes out?
Man of Action.
Not enough porn of birdie
It's likely my own fault for having high expectations, but I was disappointed when they revealed only five dimensions.

Also, the pacing was terribly long, especially in Season 3. I think the series as a whole could have been just a movie, and it wouldn't waste people's time.
What twist? That he was gonna be the Final Boss? 'cause m8, that was obvious.
Multiverse garbage
I should've figured with the amount of times Nine told Sonic not to trust him, but fuck I wanted to find out for myself.
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They turned Sonic into a whiny punk bitch that sounds like a broken record.
The worlds are way too boring for the concept of Sonic in fracture worlds. It would have been the greatest setup to the Freedom Fighter world with Sally and the old gang. Lot of missed potential but none of that could make up for the honestly garbage writing.
Also Metal Sonic that so isnt him being treated as this new thing despite "Muh canon show".
It's boring.
nope fights every episode, fuck you
I would have greatly preferred Sonic Boom season 3 over this.
Sonic is to blame for everything because of his impulses, and the show will pause to remind you of it.
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They did a multiverse Sonic show and didn't realize people like multiverse shit because they get to see different past versions of characters come back.

No one would give a shit about No Way Home if instead of Tobey and Andrew, it was pirate and jungle variants of Tom.
Low stakes fights with no weight or relevance to the actual plot, YIPPEE
Cause it's bland white bread. Sonic Boom was the better cartoon.
Has there been a hand drawn Sonic cartoon since Sonic X? I can't watch CG cartoons, they're too ugly.
because it's terribly mediocre show with a premise that wasn't used to it's highest potential, the fights are boring, literally every character is insufferable to point where shadow (a character who is literally the definition of edgelord) is the voice of reason everyone besides sonic feels like window dressing for the plot to exist, the chaos conceal was yet again, a wasted good idea with terrible writing/characterization even by kid show standards.

if they wanted a good multi-verse series they should of just pulled from the other shows/comics/games or make it feel unique instead of generic as fuck "oh this is the pirate world, this is the egg-man won world"

it's bland boring and at times very grating, go watch asoth or sonic boom, at least that had the decency to be a shitpost, though I'll give it this much at least it's not underground.
Because it wasn't just Sonic the Hedgehog, it was some weird mutiverse shit and Dr Ivo Eggman R-r-r-r-r-robotnik was replaced with some dumb council of Eggmen.
I stopped reading at Sally. She is not a Sega character.
I don't think putting the Freedom Fighters in this would have made things any better if the show was otherwise the same.
Wasted potential. If you're gonna do a multiverse story but the universe are just "same cast in a different costume and maybe an accent" what's the fucking point.
Even as someone that hates the Freedom Fighters I think they should've showed up if only because it'd mean the animators had to create some more assets instead of phoning it in as hard as they did.>>144334976
Didn't do enough with its concepts.
Plot points went seemingly nowhere.
Worlds beyond New Yoke were very empty and unexplored.
Voice acting quality was all over the place, though Ian Hanlin's Shadow makes Kirk Thornton sound like a fucking amateur.

But I did like most of the action, especially how they visualized Sonic and Shadow rolling into spin dashes as autistically specific as that is. They made clever use of Sonic's speed when they were able to, but the Shatterverses seemed design specifically to limit his movement as much as possible since that just becomes the solution to everything.
Animation was serviceable at best outside of the scenes where they clearly gave a fuck. And for those scenes, it was very well done.
The show up until the final 4 episodes ranged from mediocre to it's-kinda-good. The finale fucking tanked it hard, though.
I don't see how stressing the shows obviously low budget even further could be a good thing.
There's only ever been one good Sonic cartoon and it happens to be the one that's furthest from the games in tone and lore.
Was it a good idea to make Nine the final villain? It doesn't really feel like the show made an effort to build up to that, Nine was basically the B plot up until season 3.
this, a better idea would be to use other characters to make them stand out more.

example, vector/team chaotix would be a pirate(s) but not exist in new yoke
I think Sonic fans just had their expectations set way too high.

Regardless of Archie's autism, Sonic isn't meant to be particularly deep or meant for critical thought, anything that does reach that is largely unintentional, or a result of Ian and Evan trying to dig deep into their Archie history.
I blame Ian for most of Frontiers' narrative issues. It's not a fun game, but more than anything I hate how it portrays the characters.
I'm saying the low budget was a big problem. The show is hated because it oozes cheap and lazy.
A good writer can make a bad story better.

Sadly Ian is not a good writer.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I really liked Frontiers but I guess this explains why these threads always pretend like it doesn't exist.
No, the show is hated because it feels like it was handled by people who weren't fit to make a show. The writing is horrible, the pacing is even worse and the entire show feels like it doesn't have a point to make. The fact it looks so cheap is just salt on the wound.

Sonic Prime had good ideas, but it didn't know how to make good use of them.

Between the overworlds with tedious minigames that don't suit Sonic's gameplay to the same boost-gameplay levels that have been recycled over and over since Sonic Generations, I honestly don't think I'll ever play Frontiers ever again.
>Sonic Prime had good ideas,
I don't think it did. The only good alternate world is the first one and even that gets ruined by there suddenly being a whole eggman council rather than just being a world where Sonic never existed so Eggman won unopposed.
The idea on the outset seemed to be "why Sonic's friends need him", because things only get fixed after Sonic gets involved, but that falls apart pretty fast.
they should of just had each eggman to each world and make them themed for those worlds and then they would team up later on, that'd make more sense to have a build up for a big clash finale.
Literally anything would have been better than what Prime did, just Five unrelated Eggman from the same universe who just happened to look similar and were all evil geniuses. I don't know was brain dead enough to think that was a good idea.
The baby got too much screentime, and I hate how he was considered one of the most "threatening" villains.
The hipster weeaboo Eggman actually got a figure. I can't figure that one out.
I'm pretty sure he does Yoga.
>Hehe Le video game characturz but it'z le Seinfeld jus liek my sprite comicz XD
I take it you like Sonic, but R&S?
still better then prime.
Just spitballing but if it were me doing the show instead of Pirate World I'd do "here's a world where Sonic failed to stop Perfect Chaos so it got flooded." Instead of Jungle World do a derivative of Unleashed I guess? Something with the cracked planet.
Doing a show where the gimmick is showing why Sonic's friends need him works on a conceptual level but not when it's from such dumb shit like whatever the jungle world episodes were.
Better then Prime, my man.
speak for yourself faggot
I hated Sonic's character, they claimed this was his game canon character.
But he had to learn basic lessons like a TV-Y7 protagonist, he's very stupid.
A problem they have is writers don't know to write a flat characters anymore.
I guess it's easier to make plots if your protagonist is an impulsive child.

And the worlds they visit are boring, I wish there was more logic to them.
They only good one is a world without Sonic leads to Eggmen ruling over.
But why do other worlds don't have Eggmen, and are generic themes?
Pirate, and Jungle are so boring, people expected some cool crossovers.

But I don't know if it were to work, people say they wanted the Freedom Fighters.
They would have to model so much characters they would blow their budget.
This show was design tow reuse as much assets as possible, it can't do it justice.
Hey so I only watched the first season. How many alternate worlds were there? Was it just the same 3?
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There was only REALLY 3: New Yolk, Jungle, Ocean.
The others 2 were dead worlds: Barren Wasteland, and Ghost Green Hill.
it's also a "Sonic needs his friends" plot too, he wasn't able to solve all his problems himself, the real theme was "trust and friendship", at least that's how I saw it anyway.
>it's also a "Sonic needs his friends plot
It bothers me he needs to be taught this.
He knows the real super power of teamwork
to be fair he was sort of like that in Satam to some extent, rushing ahead without thinking is kind of his thing. (and sort of like that in Sonic X)
Fair, it depends on the version of Sonic
I'd say the worst was him acting like a kid in the live action movies. (also calling the guy dad was all kinds of creepy)

however tails talking to a regular ass dog in the knuckles series is jarring but funny when you think about it.
Peaked at New Yolk. Rest of the show is low budget or SEGA possibly breathing down the necks of everyone involved so, no fun allowed.
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same as it ever was.
>calling the guy dad was all kinds of creepy
I don't like those movies but Sonic in that continuity is an ACTUAL child.
Him calling Tom his dad and then having a found family is okay to me.
Mainline Sonic characters act like young adults with no supervision.
Only Cream has a canon parent and they recently scrubbed their ages.
Even if you ignore the "multiverse but not really a multiverse" shit.
The multiverses were shit, a generic pirate and jungle world and yet another Eggman city". What we got actually interesting universe like a genderbent universe, or a universe where everyone was evil, or Sonic could travel to the Boom Universe.
To add insult to injury, the series ending with it retconning itself out of existence, making all those hours spent watching a complete waste time.
Also they removed Rouge's tits.
>Also they removed Rouge's tits.
Sonic Prime's biggest crime
Well let's see
>the alternate worlds were just overall uninteresting
>the obvious corner cutting in animation like reusing scenes several times
>the whole "this is Canon!" thing when the story just ends up retconning itself
>Shadow does like almost nothing the entire show
>Sonic is overall written to be an idiot who apparently can't tell for a while that he's in an alternate world even if characters specifically say things that make it obvious that he isn't in an alternate world
I bet that was netflix being netflix.
Alternate universes are retarded
>but Blaze...
Blaze has been retconned to be from the future instead or someshit. Doesn't matter anymore.
>netflix being netflix.
Possibly, probably
considering big fat bat tats are being made past that yeah it's absolutely netflix being netflix
>big fat bat tats
It was the best and most obvious idea to do, but it had poor execution.
Like you said there’s really no investment in why he should care that much about le grim and the conflict was really forced when they literally could just do both

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