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Does anyone actually like this ship or is it only fans of the most unfunny /co/ creator repeating a stupid joke?
It's the latter, but prepare to hear a lot of people denying it and saying it's the former.
What the hell is that yellow thing next to Sonic ?
I have no idea, he's unrecognizable without his mustache lip.
I have no idea on who these characters are but hey they look cute together so I guess I ship them.
I can understand not knowing who Bartleby is, but you gotta be trolling if you have no idea who Sonic is.
I'm not a gamer that's why
Fair enough, although there IS a bunch of Sonic shows.
Its a bunch of unfunny shitposters who don't know when a joke isn't funny anymore
I think even Tamers himself gave up, which is why it's loreshit now.
Maybe he should make an episode where he buys a fucking ad for once.
No he should do a episode where he and Bartleby kills OP and everyone in this thread including (you)
No offense, but that sounds like an extremely unfunny Flashgitz parody.
That's Bartleby Montclair of Dresden, the richest, sexiest, and most powerful man in the world.
I like this guy better https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU4bULXvmxvHH1TVED1bPiw
I find it odd how I was one of the few people who realized SammyClassicSonicFan was just a parody of this guy.
It's literally all one guy. For every type of ship in tamers thread it's one really autistic guy obsessed for each
Explains the webm spam, but I guess Autism's the norm on this board.
Surprised that nobody doxed this guy yet.
It'll only be a matter of time before we see what's underneath the cardboard.
Don't we already knows where he lives?
He can't be retarded enough to take a picture of his own house for a background... right?
I think he flim himself in front of a church near his house one time one time so yes he is that retarded anon
I mean hey, at least he's playing up the Catholic bit.
Please let it be this thread as I fucking hate this retard
That would actually be funnier than anything Tamers has ever made.
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Why? What has he ever done to you?
Someone should make a request on the Sharty
He hasn't bought an ad once. At least the fucking Dolan Show had ads.
Make unfunny videos
Sonic fans are so weird. The worse something Sonic-related is, the more it attracts autists. Like flies attracted to shit.
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But he doesn't even watch the bible!
It'd probably be the only good thing the sharty has ever done. I'd forgive them for shilling ongezellig if they actually did it.
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He doesn't need to buy an ad, because he has an organic fanbase.

So what? You want to fuck up his life because you don't like his videos?
>organic fanbase
Yeah, and Ongezellig has an organic fanbase. Your point?
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Do the creators of Ongezellig need to buy an add too?
No, because Ongezellig is fucking dead.
Mind starting a thread for me as I can't deal with as I can't deal with all the retards there.
It should be easy, all I gotta do is mention that there's farting and rape.
Okay send me a link when you make it.
If a doxing happens tonight I might actually kill myself
And back when it wasn't, why would it have needed to?
Because /qa/ doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
I can't even send the fucking link because 4chan thinks it's spam, fuck my life.
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Picrel doesn't seem like the appropriate response. I was talking about /qa/, not /sssr/.
Found it on my own thank you
Anytime, and now we wait ;)
Dunno about shipping, but he was one of the few genuinely likeable characters in the show.
He was, it's just that nobody cared and he didn't make a fuss about it. Plus Tamers has Kiwi Farms' admiration so anyone that made an effort to go out of the way to fuck with him would probably just also get doxed.
>tranny makes fart porn
>some sonicfag makes fart porn
Farting into a webcam and preying on children is no-effort degeneracy. Animating a sonic fart porn fan series for 10 years requires disipline.
discipline even
Yes. A man unable to master his desires can never impose his will upon the world, nor does he deserve the admiration of others.
They both sound like the same types of degeneracy to me.
Now that Tamers is probably going to quit the internet and delete his channel what was your favorite Tamers episode? Mine is Doctor Robotnik had has enough
/sssr/ has that archive still, his stuff will never be lost to time.
>also ft. woman
bait or retarded?
What? It's Mario Teh Fucking Plumber, one of the oldest trolls out there.
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show me the degeneracy you dingus
I know that I am just sad that the ride is now over.
You just did, though?
Excuse me? You think that someone being non-white is "trolling"? Are you a racist? Are you seriously coming to /co/ and posting racism? Is this entire website fucking compromised by you pieces of shit? When and where did you racist fucks come from? Is this because it's an election year?
It's been over a decade, some things just gotta end.
When did I ever say that? He's infamous for being a classic sonic fag.
You think Tamers is going to explain how he did it?
How he did what, make his videos? It's probably piss easy if you know what you're doing in VEGAS Pro.
No I meant a video like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=HPJEnOE6i14
>Quit the internet
Tamers has said multiple times that he's animating sonic 4 life. He'd sooner just stop engaging with the comments section and silently release videos than quit. He was doing it long before shartyfaggots existed.
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Wait, what happened?
Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my behalf, but I'd like to think Tamers is an alt of Cory.
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Did you seriously try to turn a mobile link into a non-mobile one by setting 4chan to desktop mode on your phone?

Considering how he now have a thread on the Sharty 'm 99% sure we saw the end of SU
He has a Sharty thread now
I literally couldn't care less, and you should care less yourselves.
Shut up retard. You're as bad as people who post Twitter screencaps or Reddit screencaps. Don't drag your shit-covered boots through /co/.
Why else does Aleena exist?
You know that the Sharty doesn't mess around right
They kinda fumbled with Zone, so I don't know about that.
Shut up, retard. Literally just close the tab, do a 360, and walk away. If it wasn't for GR15 I would use an image and post a timestamp showing how little Tamers cares. Why do you care more than him? You some kind of neurotic? Are you a woman?
They still dug deeper than they should had with him
I doubt it'd be anything damning, he seems like the type who knows how to separate fiction from reality.
Yeah I was kinda overreacting I just feel like the magic will be lost now.
Nobody not currently aware of the sharty gives two fucks about it.
No offense, but the magic got lost on me as soon as people started spamming webms. Had I gotten into the series on my own, I'd probably have a better impression of it.
Good news is that nobody posted in the Sharty thread yet
The "magic" wouldn't have been "lost" if you didn't browse that trash website. You did it to yourself. Then you came here, shat all over, had a pity party, and tried to make other people depressed. You're actual garbage, and the fact you don't even realize how you're spreading despair like a disease is disheartening because nothing anyone types here will get you to change your behavior.
I actually was here first than I went to the sharty and found a thread was indeed made. Also the whole reason I got into Tamers was because of the fact that a certain another youtuber who made Sonic videos got doxed the previous year I already mentioned him in the thread by the way.
Ohhhhhhh, MarioTehPlumber got doxxed? God, that felt like years ago.
Cool, what does that have to do with anything? All you've done is intentionally set yourself up for sadness and then, instead of ignoring it because YOU CAN IGNORE STUPID SHIT, you keep dwelling on it. Just stop, dude. Why are you harming yourself? Why do you continually give power to people you don't like? Do you also go to /pol/ threads and lament the end of civilization? Do you go to /v/ threads and complain about how games aren't good anymore? Do you go to /x/ and whine about how the ethereal realm is plagued by reptilians?
NTA, but Gumball also knows a thing or two about reptilians.
I did stop you the one who is keeping this conversation going not me.
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What the fuck is this thread
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What a dogshit thread. Imagine being so obsessed about a ship that you'd try to dox some literal who over it. You are what tamers12345 larps as. TamerGODs won. BARDONICgods won.
I have no idea on who this Tamers guy is but as a big Mariotehplumber fan there is no way John ain't behind this channel.
John... Egbert?
why do you keep talking about some no-name loser no one knows about
No the guy who is behind mariotehplumber is named John and considering his history it is very likely that this channel is one of his personas
I remember making online personas often too when I was younger, too bad it kinda fucked up any opportunity for me to make consistent shit.
yeah he 100% paints his arms and hands white for the bit you muppet
Sonic for Hire >
What the fuck do you mean MTP is white
It's good, but you know it doesn't cater to coomers.
i don't know who that is and i don't care to know who that is but since i know you're carlos or carlos adjacent everyone you reference besides tamers is brown
Who the fuck is Carlos?
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A cockroach.
you are carlos
>no im not
yes you are
>prove it
im not reducing myself to your level
I literally have no idea who you or Carlos are
This is every thing I hate about Tamers threads rolled up into one thread
stop posting
i dont care about your favorite ironic youtuber that got doxxed
i dont care that youre trying to deflect that youre so asspained that 4chan and that russian website that homosexual sleetgo shipper uses hates you
i dont care that you went to that one website to get him doxxed because you can only find companionship among wojakposting scum
i know who you are
i know its you
and the only reason im posting this is because i want everyone else to know youre you because everyone else is way stupider then i am
I'm OP and everyone needs to shut the fuck up.

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