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Bump if you're reading.
Since when is his daughter aged up
It's just the usual "artist doesn't know how to draw kids", he apparently drew Damian looking older also, but changed it, and he STILL looks older.
>Superboy and Jon Kent
Giving up on calling Jon Superman? They really should honestly.
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And that's it. If you liked this, support your LCS or whatever.
>Your powers are never coming back
See you in three months when everything goes back to normal.
god please tell me this is all building up to jon making some super sacrifice or something
i need this faggot fucking dead and/or gone
Since Spurrier's Flash run. Irey and Jai got aged up to 12-13 and Maxine followed suit since she and Jai are dating.
Man if nothing else Waid is really good at bringing together everyone else's work, even if that work is shoddy
That doesn't look 12-13 to me
isn't the Doom Patrol headquarters underground right now? how do you burn a bunker down
So why is Ollie a government stooge now?
He's playing the long game.
>Animal Man getting lynched

Wouldn't Waller doing this stuff in the UK not work though since it would just be viewed as Americans getting involved in local events?
>Implying the British government wouldn't just roll over and let America do whatwver
>tfw no Braniac Husbando
So is this Failsafe Failsafe or Zur-En-Arh?
>needing Terrific AND Shazam to deal with Giganta
>calling it a fight at all
Fuck off.
Did the Justice League just get OMAC'D?
NVM I'm retarded
So is this a clone, alternate reality guy or super double agent Ollie, or an absolute character assassination?
He's probably going to doublecross Waller
If it's a 'now you have gone too far, but what happened in this issue was ok' scenario, it is still retarded
Him whining about Superheros not taking his pet political issues personally or solving the “real issues”? Very in-character. He was always a self-righteous twat that way.
Everything else? Bad enough to assume it’s brainwashing/evil clone/doppelganger/whatever , it’s that stupid
Hope he dies.
Artists or colorists can't stop themselve putting make up on girls, so of course your 12 years old suddenly looks 16.
Apparently it's explained on the latest issue of Green Arrow, I think the entire Arrow senpai got bombs in their neck
This is even dumber than that time Darkseid spread anti-life by "taking over" the internet.
Somehow this needs to end with the return of Jon the SuperBOY. De-age Damian while they're at it.
Getting big Civil War vibes from this.

Thank you Anon
>De-age Damian
No because it'll be extremely funny when he ends up older than Tim "Peter Pan" Drake


I knew that there was much better name for the character out there if I could just come up with one. Queen Brainiac is just lazy, derivative, and uncreative. Like alot of DC right now.
Not really.
It would have to be no Ironman side, but rather Trask/Gyrich using hundreds of robot thors to kill/depower all 'heroes'
I'm getting mutie problems vibes from this, like Operation Zero Tolerance
>Getting big Civil War vibes from this.
This, sadly.
I'm a huge fan of Mark Waid's writing, but everything he writes now is mediocre at best. World's Finest is meh, this doesn't look good either.
cool, the JLI
Same. The Amazos are giving off major Sentinel vibes.

I’m half expecting the next chapter to show them rounding up metahumans who haven’t used their powers for anything at all and hid them.
Is that Apollo?
>surely giving a Brainiac creation full control of a powerful unchecked government entity will succeed with no consequences of note
Waller spent 20 virtual years raising her, but she raised her to be distrustful of those in power so there's an obvious turnabout that's going to happen here.
Your pour down gasoline and throw in a match.
Read his book.

You think Waller cares? She’s done black ops internationally for ages.
Me, I'm expecting them to have shots of Waller gulaging non-super vigilantes who keep protesting they're not even metahumans, just to really stomp in the hypocrisy.
So the answer is going to be Luthor right?

The Legion of Doom will be on the hit list, and they won't be tolerating this shit, so Luthor and Bats team up to same the world and coordinate a resistance to Waller's regime?
>It's another AI am bad storyline
Holy shit, between this and the Krakoa X-Men stuff they're not even being subtle about it anymore are they? What makes me laugh is, do you guys remember when they were trying to push equal rights to AI just a few years ago, like 2016ish if I remember. Didn't Marvel have an Avengers AI book lmao? Oh how the tables have turned when the writers jobs get threatened.
There's a difference between Marvel's AI as in sapient robots AI, and DC's AI, as in mass manipulation of data and reality. It's actually not a terrible idea as far as evil plans go, PR campaigns that cannot be won because one side controls the entirety of the media.
So Jon is going to become warped by Brainiac Queen into leading the fight on Waller's behalf like the leaks said. Remind me why Waller is still alive? Surely some superhero or villain has thought maybe that bitch needs to be dead?
How can someone be this fucking stupid? Talk about embarrassing.
Except that this is the DC universe, where the superheroes have museums worshipping them open to the public, and said veracity of these deepfakes can be disproven as easily as calling up your grandma in Metropolis to ask if she's okay from Superman beating her with a steel chair only to get a confused "But I've been sitting in my apartment with my cat Ms. Mopsy all day, what are you talking about" within like five minutes. There's no indication Waller actually blew up anything to "prove" the supers are revolting, she just used literal fake news to make people going Marvel citizen tier paranoid about it, and yet that somehow does the trick.
I get the difference here isn't the same as Marvel's sentient robots, but you can't deny the sudden flip from using AI as some marginalized group to now them being antagonists and the main driving point behind an evil plot like they are now.

So, are you going to actually argue a point or are you going to be a bitch baby?
She’s barraging the internet with countless fake atrocities committed by multiple different people in a very brief time frame as well as faking entire debates reaffirming the authenticity of the images and every media outlet is simultaneously hijacked to make it appear real.

Like the old Mark Twain quote goes: “ A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” The world is basically gaslighted with overwhelming force and there’s barely any time to fight back with facts due to how much and quickly the fake stuff is circulated and even traditional media is harnessed to perpetuate the lies.
Also Failsafe, an AI representation of the Batman of Zur En Arh is the main villain. This shit is about as unsubtle as you can get lol.
They Solicitations said that "THE FINAL ORIGINS OF WALLER'S SUPER HUMAN HATRED AND TRAGEDY" will be explained on the third book
Also 100% chance that this Jon kent isnt the real Jon Kent, and Jor'El Imprisoned him somewhere else, if not he is still at earth 3
You'd still have to readily believe that a boyscout like Shazam would get bored and start playing pinball with cop cars, that a group like the Teen Titans would start blowing up refugee camps for fun, and Superman would suddenly start get a hankering for baby flesh and just start chowing down for all the world to see. In other words, you'd have to believe that the saviors of the world all got a sudden case of mindworms and just started doing evil shit for no discernible reason whatsoever.

You could get away with that shit in Marvel, cause their heroes have PR issues out the ass, but something tells me it should be much harder to accomplish in a world like DC's considering just how many superheroes are crawling out of the corner. Certainly three days of misinfo feels like far too little at least for this kind of stupid plan.
My man is it really that hard to accept that Earth-3 mini didn't matter?
Do you even think that's a feasbile twist now? it's being like two years dude.
It’s not just any misinformation it’s images and footage of horrific atrocities. One after another. And multiple different sources saying it’s true.
Doesn't Luthor regularly fund anti meta human or at least anti alien PR campaigns?

A foundation of distrust is already there, Waller just kicked it into high gear.
Can this finally be the event where someone kills Waller.
This is how you spot the tourist who didnt read the entire jor'el shitshow that led /co/ into a massive rage.
Ultraman tried for a long time to break Jon into his side the moment he learned that he is superman's son, but that shit was so contrived that led to people here thinking that the Jon we got is a clone
That implies that people unquestionably place a lot of trust in the news and by extension the government. Which I'm outright skeptical of, considering even in Jon Kent's shitty book there's underground news networks run by teens who outright distrust the government.

Don't people also treat Luthor's anti-alien PR schtick like a joke due to how beyond obvious it is that he's eternally seething about Superman one-upping him and making him look stupid?
Nope, Waid's leftist faggotry is into high gear since this is Election year, and he will justify this shit in the most assinine way possible.
I hope Zazlav finally gets info of DC's finances and shut that shit down
But you know that's bullshit right? Like as in Bullshit writing that wants to take advantage of the ambiguity of real life human intelligence to justify it's own shitty logic of how that's an incredibly fragilelie that could get dismantle in second with just a signle verification of misinformation?
And this is a story where Brainiac level AI is flooding everyone’s devices with evidence of heroes killing people left and right. Skepticism kinda goes away when you are flooded with evidence and everyone you see says it’s true, including social media posts.
>that's an incredibly fragilelie that could get dismantle in second with just a signle verification of misinformation

Are you new to the internet?
There IS no 'evidence', though. It's deepfaked shit on the level of "Look, I just discovered Donald Trump's sex tape where he rapes and beheads a Thai boy hooker". If someone told me fucking Animal Man turned into a bear and started going on an eating frenzy in the Star City zoo, the first thing I'd ask is if this was a goddamn prank considering the dude's not only a superhero but a bleeding-hearted vegan.
Oh I get it, you're shitposting. But you don't need to make things and keep up dumb speculation like Amanda Waller was replaced by an Earth-3 version of herself, you could just shitpost about the dumb shit that's actually happening in the pages like everyone beliving in A.I. deepfakes about Superman eating a baby.
Georgetown? Like DC? Why are there giant tv screens everywhere
>Ultraman tried for a long time to break Jon into his side the moment he learned that he is superman's son, but that shit was so contrived that led to people here thinking that the Jon we got is a clone

The weird part is that I think it could have been executed well if put in the hands of a competent. I wouldn't have aged up Jon at all to begin with, but the Ultraman thing is a goldmine for angst that DC just refuses to capitalize on.

>Jon was tortured by someone with the same voice and face as his father for six years.
>Clark completely and utterly fails Jon in such a way that his son's innocence and childhood is stolen from him irreparably
>it's a problem that he can't simply punch away
>Clark still loves Jon but has no idea how to treat him anymore, which is why he let him go with the Legion of Super-Heroes to avoid dealing with that problem.
>it's for this same reason that Clark now focuses most of his fatherly attention on the new Super Twins, because they're the closest thing he has to the Kid Jon he lost.

And instead of focusing on that they focus on him being bisexual like it's a personality trait. It's as if the years of torture didn't really affect him at all.
That's exactly what I'm talking about man, people being dumb in real life shouldn't give way to this lazy rationalization of writing illogical actions by using the existence of gullible people in real life to justify it.
Thanks for confirming every negative thing said about the right by leftists in your effort to express your anger at leftists. It's so convenient.
Okay, how many "Opening Issue Masterstroke Attack!" crossover events have there been?

I know Secret Empire did it, I think Secret Invasion did it. Do we have any more?
Gillen ended his X-Men run by saying Hickman was wrong and AI Dominions are ultimately good. There are just individual AIs lacking enlightenment who are bad.
And you would be flooded by faked responses saying it’s true including Brainiac level deepfakes you couldn’t tell weren’t real.
Luthor is retarded now
Additional video isn't sufficient proof.
Like most "rebels", he's falling in line now that his guy is in charge.
>Ah, the noble heckin' valid tranny who totally passes and will inevitably betray Waller and side with the good guys
I'm so fucking tired.
Damn. Where you been anon?
She’s 14 and has been going on dates with Wally’s son Jai since 2023.
Read Ground Zero, she is not being depicted as noble.
You first.
The US blew up their major oil pipeline just to rub it in Putin's face and the global response was, "Nuh uh! Putin crippled his own country during a time of war because... uh... Russian man BAD." Nobody's gonna do shit to American until EVERYONE does shit to America.
The point is that the deepfakes are beyond obviously fake due to the sheer scale of evil that these superheroes are suddenly perpetuating out of nowhere, and that you'd have to be a frigging lemming to believe them instantly with no actual backing. ESPECIALLY in a world with evil doppelgangers, alternate dimensional counterparts, and just plain disguised supervillains that regularly try and fail to tarnish superhero reputations on the regular. Like, they have shit like Amazo androids and the resources of the US government and all those impounded supervillain technologies at their disposal. They don't have to deepfake shit, they could just disguise one of the Amazos as Batman or Superman and have it start pulling shit like taking out thugs with such brutality and collateral damage that it makes people question if their heroes really have turned on them. But no, they're relying on the most beyond obviously fake stories like "Shazam goes bowling with cars!" and "Superman gets taste for human flesh!" and "Wonder Woman starts snapping necks with her thighs!" that even the most willing believer should be going "Wait, WHY would goody two shoes like that be doing any of this shit" instead of instantly believing it.
Pointing out for the thousandth time that J'onn doesn't HAVE powers. That's like saying, "Human, I've taken away your superpower of opposable thumb."
Calling it now, this is gonna end up with him remembering that he's a power bottom and summoning up his power of love for that pink haired twink to undo all the brain shenanigan and save the day. Screenshot this.
Statistically speaking, I'm almost certain to see you dead in the ground first, Colgate flag.
And that's exactly what they're doing, don't be pedantic, J'onn's abilities generally count as superpowers, he's not a metahuman, but his Martian physiology naturally gives him those abilities, Waller is indeed taking those away, it is very much like taking the ability to use opposable thumbs, but to the extreme, they're taking away all powers whether they're natural, gained from an accident, or reliant on some outside item.
Read his book, he's just Ollie.
>with no actual backing

But there is back, mouth breather.
I don't the see heroes fighting each other like assholes.
Why does this feel like something that Ken Penders would draw but if he was actually good?
Yeah, that was bad. Blood Hunt seems to be much better (at least it started out good and has remained good), for Absolute Power to be good, it will have to improve a lot.
Said 'backing' are just more videos from the same un-sourced entity that are over-generously supplying suspiciously out-of-character footage of dudes like Firestorm blowing up hospitals and Blue Beetle going on a rampage in public. Aka, deepfake shit being backed by deepfake shit, which is the equivalent of being handed a corndog when you ordered a pizza and then suddenly believing it's a pizza when they give you a second corndog in return. In other words, retards like you who apparently would unquestionably believe anything the internet tells you, like you Mr. Moutrbeather anon.
Nah it is obvious that "Heroes are = LE BAD" is Waid fuming because it is election year.
This is going to be Cry for Justice 2.0 with a shitload of Prometheus
Read his title. He’s playing Waller to get in her good graces and then betray to help his friends.
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It's just a generic "heroes in front, villain/s in back" cover that they do for events
>Waid gets sick or something and Taylor has to finish the event
God, I hope I'm not in that world. That would be horrific.
Post the page/s, anon
I'm retarded so someone pls explain to me why Waller targets only heroes?
Cause she hates them and is stupid.
Sarge Steel and the Sovereign already showed that Amazon incident for months now.
Failsafe made Batman look like a controlling asshole.
Waller already had the public blaming the Beast World incident on the Titans (though she caused it)
It’s not hard to sway the public with deepfakes at this point.
You can do that with a knife or a devolving Ray or whatever. Same principle applies.
Cause metahumans scary, and they already target supervillains as it is. She's just expanding it to superheroes cause she's a paranoid bitch working under the assumption that the superheroes already are plotting to take over, so she wants to strike before they do.
Just read the last 3 issues that were storytimed here.
Because she already controls villains.
So you're saying the public are full of retards now?
Don't have the thread links, so I can't
Because every time they do a "government bad" story they send out like a few SWAT teams to take out Thanos but as soon as they hear that Superman is saving kittens from a tree they send out their weapons designed to attack and kill God from the Bible.
Dreamer is one of Jon’s besties.
She’ll break away from Waller to help Jon get his memories back and escape. But only after he’s under Waller’s control for a while.
Don't give me the hope that they'll fridge fag Jon and bring the real one back
Who would still liven Gotham after everything the Joker has done.
Who the hell would have elected Luthor as President years ago.
These guys can’t figure out that Clark looks like Superman with glasses.
I swear Mora users. 3D models for the buildings and probably characters in general I hate his art and fans are the hardest copers.
Where were these brave and raging mobs whenever the Joker would make a public appearance?
And I’m already out! this is so massively retarded. Who thought this mean spirited garbage was a good idea
Yeah, but I didn't know we had to dumb the civilians down to Marvel level in order to make this bullcrap work

Hiding like the cowardly bitches they are, relying on the fact superheroes have morals and thus theoretically are less likely to use lethal measures to defend themselves from the people trying to outright murder them under false pretenses. Which is a very Marvel civilian move.
>Mora users. 3D models
why should I care for the opinions of an ESL?
How long before the A.I.’s Failsafe and Brainiac Queen turn in Waller and the superheroes have to save her?
Would be based. They should date afterward. Failsafe x Brainiac Queen (drawn by Mora) is a kino pairing.
Are you surprised? It's the Marvel mob mentality all the way.

Also, this whole thing will be win/win situation for Waller.

If she lives, she'll be "right" because superhumans are dangerous, despite there's way dangerous villains around.

If she dies, she'll be a fake martyr.

The third option should be not make the DC civils be as assholes as the Marvel civils and have normal people actually supporting the heroes for a change, but, I don’t think they'll do that.
Funny how people thinks that radical leftist wouldn't collaborate with extremism without knowing the story of latin america.
why the fuck are they telling the spectre to run
Anon, the public ARE retards, that's not even a comic thing.
For the sake of this story, yes.
People forget that it is always easier for the retard to simply comply to the media instead of making his own research.
That's kind of the thing, since when were DC civvies the same as Marvel's eternally paranoid and suicidal ones?

At this point, that's the only thing holding this story up, so fair enough.
Pretty much exactly what I expected. Generic, basically competent summer event with nothing seriously wrong with it, except that it won't save DC.

Waller and Failsafe are getting serious X-Pac heat from me and they need to go pernanently away after this story. They are so annoying I don't want to see them fail, I want them to not exist even as a concept.
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Villains are going on a murder spree
>civilians: run, hide and cover in fear
Heroes are going on a murder spree (or so they believe)
>civilians: decide to unite and beat the crap out of them
>Ollie actually working for the government

This is completely out of character
literally commie behaviour
For what it's worth, Ollie deciding to turn on all his friends after they turned down joining his BLM rally for the tenth time in a row to save the world from Doomsday at least FEELS like the right level of petty spite and self-serving political-based toxicity for an evil Oliver Queen...
It’s been building up since Dark Crisis.
The civilians are tired of the world ending catastrophe that the heroes are always at the center for like Dark Metal, Dark Crisis, Endless Winter, Beast World, etc.

Superman’s kids were seen attacking the Blue Earth movement protestors (secretly alt universe Al Ghul.)

Failsafe has set up his new Gotham Order police state (while looking like Batman)

Sovereign has totally ruined the Amazons in the public perception.

Waller sabotaged Beast Boy to cause the Beast World event (while killing Chink) as well as her killing thousands of civilians but blaming the Titans in the public’s eyes for it.

This actually has been building up for two years now.
>utilize brainiac

>assumes she can handle it

>starts fights for petty reasons

I miss when Waller was a Chessmaster with an understandable fear. Now she's just a bitchy moron who constantly makes decisions out of spite and always gets in over her head.
Everyone who cries about superheroes upholding the status quo, is just mad as superheroes not bringing forth their version of communism.
So, for far less longer than how many times the heroes saved the world then?
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Ollie's not an anarchist, he's a limousine liberal.
So Waller is just father elijah now?

Lol what clout does Waller even have in space?
I want off Waid's mild ride. Things were better when he was off stinking it up at Marvel.
^Chunk not “chink”
Remember that Waller also made a deal with Trigon.
It helps that she had the dark side of Raven under her control (Dr Hate).
Something Trigon wanted.
World's Finest is a good nostalgia comic, but he keeps botching it when he does things in the present day. First Lazarus Planet, now this.
>interconnected through Failsafe
They already forgot that Failsafe was putting multiversal versions of Zurr in the Amazos.
This comic sucks ass, thanks for the story time OP.
>World's Finest is a good
The President of United Planets is corrupt bad guy in Green Lantern and it suits his purposes to isolate Earth while he destroys GLC and replaces it with his own stooges. Do you people even read comics? Oh right, you don’t.
i’m not reading his gay book now spoonfeed me info
>Everyone must read every single comic of all time or they're dumb for not figuring out every single angle for a crossover
You know how in a lot of big company event comics, there used to be those tiny little caption boxes that explains where a plot point originated from? It's cause of shit like this. Not everyone reads Green Lantern, asshole, so of course they're going to ask where and how someone like Amanda Waller who's notoriously distrustworthy of anyone that doesn't work under the same US umbrella is suddenly cozying up to alien organizations.
You don’t need to know more. It’s sufficiently explained in the panel. Read comics instead of insisting everything is spoonfed to you in an event story, dumb fucko.
That makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever.
>Leftie's discontent with moderates and the status quo leads him to join literal fascists

Tale as old as time.
Kill yourself you piece of shit.
Why not? Should Waller just leave Martian Manhunter with his Martian abilities because they're natural to him? Should she leave Superman with his natural Kryptonian powers?
Waller isn't after metas anon, she's after everyone.
No it's not. It doesn't explain who this bald dickwad is, what this United Planets organization is or does, or explain what they gain out of working with someone that explicitly made it her mission to come after them right after she's done cleansing the earth of superheroes. Nor does it explain the original question of "what CLOUT does Amanda Waller have" aka how is it she gained the implicit authority or resources to rope an intergalactic organization into this stupid event. We all read the comic, and the comic came up short, fucko.
So if used on Batman he would be a retard?
>being this sensitive

I don't read Green Lantern.
The Orchis involvement with AI started years before AI art became topical on social media. Stories about the danger of AI have been a thing for literally decades. And it is bad, It's not even a partisan issue that the ability to make increasingly realistic fake imagery and video footage is bad for everyone.
The event would have been better if after the superheroes had their powers stolen, the mob starts making “Bad ends” for the powerless superheroines “Sue Dibny” style.
How the FUCK did Waller manage to pull all this shit off?
To be fair, he kind of is, but that's the issue with these kind of "anti-superpowers" plot devices. You get to questions like if an Atlantean's super power would be to breathe underwater or to breathe in air above ground, or if a robot's innate gadgets would be considered a super power or not.
Amazo has been doing that to J’onn since the silver age though. So it’s not without precedent.
Realistically he should, but all smart/tech heroes are simply losing their resources it seems.
>the mob starts making “Bad ends” for the powerless superheroines “Sue Dibny” style.
What does that even mean?
We’ve seen her in panels over the last year make back room deals with aliens and characters like Trigon.

Does no one read comics anymore?
>shocked that a liberal is a government boot licker
>Why not?
Because martians don't have powers, they're simply martians. You can't in any realistic way remove their "powers" without removing their whole existence since the two are inextricably tied together.

The whole concept of "taking away everybody's powers" is fundamentally stupid because there is no plausible way to do that. The concept of "power" is vague as hell and there's way too many separate sources for them. Maybe if you were a 5-dimensional imp and could just fuck all the rules logic as you please, but I guess I missed the issue where Waller becomes one.
You know what it means.
Look at that powerless Supergrl lying helpless on the ground in >>144334949
What would random anon do to her?
People read comics. They just don't buy every single one for single panel references to plot points that may or may not pay off years later. i.e. A fan of Teen Titans will know she fucked with Beast Boy, but they won't necessarily read Green Lantern to learn about this United Planets malarkey, nor will they necessarily read Batman or Superman to know who the fuck Failsafe or Brainac Queen are and not just presume they're fuckos made for this specific event. This is why comics had reference points boxes like "As seen in Avengers issue #150" so that people would know to check up on those old issues to understand the context to certain things, or to grasp that a story that's been set up is finally paying off.

Seriously, this is fucking cape comic books 101, how does a moron like you not grasp that?
Blood Hunt's 2nd and 3rd issues are waste of time filler.
Martians have powers compared to us, the regular human.
>You can't in any realistic way remove their "powers" without removing their whole existence since the two are inextricably tied together.
Clearly the Amazo robots can, they've been doing it since forever, J'onn can't do shit anymore, he's just an ugly green alien man.
>The whole concept of "taking away everybody's powers" is fundamentally stupid because there is no plausible way to do that.
It's science fiction bullshit anon, if I HAD TO make some guess as to how the fictional power stealing robots work, is that they somehow use the template of how a basic non-powered human is and then applies that to their targets, so species with natural abilities like Kryptonians, Martians or Atlanteans become like Humans.
>The concept of "power" is vague as hell and there's way too many separate sources for them.
It's not as vague as you're making it out to be, clearly they mean abilities that you're regular average human doesn't have, a Martian having telepathy seems like he has powers to us because we don't have telepathy, it's all about perspective
Failsafe looks cool though. But I haven't read Zdarsky's Batman to hate the character either.
You get all the necessary information in this comic.
Trust me, it's better you don't then. He's like the second coming of Batkek in how they took the Batwank to absolutely unbearable levels. And that was BEFORE he had the Batman of Zurr-En-Arrh shoved into his head.
Mark Waid, most of us hate you. But if you kill this faggot Jon. You will be redeemed.
Nah. And it's still shit either way anyways.
>Scott family drawn by Mora
>it's just one panel in an event they won't partake in because they can't remember to use their powers or whatever
Waller will kill Waller
You clearly don't since people are asking why the fuck X happened.
Stop crying anon, you'll just have to accept your autism diagnosis
I can't wait to read a billion issues of Bruce and Dick getting jacked off while everybody else looks stupid without their powers
>Villains do bad things continually.
>Civilians run and cower in fear.
>Heroes are shown to be doing bad things.

>Stealing Superman's powers when they're biological.
>Stealing Aquaman's powers when they're biological.
>Stealing Wonder Woman's powers when they're biological.
>Stealing J'onn's powers when they're biological.
>Waller somehow stopped the fucking Spectre; a literal fucking God.

Art was cool, but this is the dumbest shit I've ever read.
Amazon doesn't turn off Superpowers, he duplicates them.
Fucking fake ass poser bitch trying to pretend you read comics just to defend a mediocre story fucking guess again you wannabe comic book geek I just exposed your whole asshole to the whole thread.

Failsafe is the shittiest, moist obnoxious character invented since Batkek and Zdarsky is the worst current DC writer for inventing that character-ruining trash
The only DC stuff I've read recently is House of Brainiac. I've been checked out since King was on Batman.
Factually untrue.
>People jump into an event comic
>immediately start whining when they aren’t up to date with characters and status quos and demand all the background information to be spoonfed to them immediately even though the comic already told you the basic information necessary to understand the event story

Whiny nerds do be whiny.
You do. Waller made a deal. You don’t need the details. That’s typical fanboy whining. Go read comics and shut the fuck up.
I got spoonfed yesterday in the superman thread
i'm all caught up now
Amazos have always been able to steal internalized powers.
Is it really that different from other unexplained sci-fi bullshit?
You can't have it both ways faggot. You either catch those up who aren't reading all 50 books to piece together what's going on or you deal with the fact that people have questions and don't have the time to read 50 shitty books for a nonsensical event.
Anon, it's just bad writing, you don't have to make this the hill you die on
damn she's one of those looking 18, 12 year olds uh, shes gonna ruin some lives like that.
Aren't WW's power divine given?
I assume this means he had one story that was already pushing it far but didn't go overboard then Zdarsky brought him back for another round followed by Waid in this event. Because I recall BMWL being annoying in the original Metal event but I didn't hate him or anything. He'd have been fine if contained within that story and it'd be the end of it. Then he came back and I was just exhausted and needed him gone forever.
>Who changes the tires of the Amazo robots?
>don't ask questions
>just consume
She was going to be in Jeremy Adam’s kid Justice spinoff (with Jai west, Irie west, quiz kid, fair play, Otho Kent, Osul Kent, and Spoiler), but DC didn’t green light the pitch.
Okay but who changes the tires?
We need an explanation for every little thing of how everything works in this fictional sci-fi universe apparently.
oh god, this is your FIRST foray into a funnybook?

now don't read any science fiction since .... the 30's... ur gonna blow ur mind.
If you’re interested go read the other comics. It’s pretty simple. Nitpicking everything like butthurt fanboy but refusing to read anything else just makes you look like an idiot.
>You do. Waller made a deal. You don’t need the details.

I do actually. Waller's acting like she outranks the POTUS and I really do need to know what the fuck gives her the ability to do that because from what I remember she's just some glowie manager.
Well yes actually because we're not talking about scifi shit but human behavior.
Mark Waid can't have both ways here, he can't write both a wholesome stories where people love and appreciate Superman and recognize he's a force for hood then turn around and say photo shop is enough to turn the entire world against him.

Are you Waid? You're so defensive you seem like him.
Not an incorrect assessment. Failsafe's premise was being the ultimate Anti-Batman in case he went evil, and basically just served as the ultimate counter-argument to every "Batman surely prepared for THIS potential scenario" moment a fan would have and essentially necessitated a team-up and outside the box tactics to beat. As an antagonist for a single storyline meant to counter the rise of Batwank with a far stronger dosage of it, it worked as an obstacle Batman couldn't bullshit through on his own, but ran its course well through by the time they dragged it back to serve as a vessel for Zurr Bats. He'd already worn out his welcome by that time, so he's now basically on the level of Bat Who Laughs as yet another Evil Batman But Smarter kind of character.

List which comics those are then, faggot.
She’s working with the Light.
Aka DC’s Illuminati.

(But they aren’t the supervillains like in the Young Justice cartoon. They’re actually the rich and powerful. Like the real Illuminati)
OBVIOUSLY you needed to have been reading Tom King's Wonder Woman where his supervillain OC is the secret king of america who crowned Amanda Waller the power to do so.
>Well yes actually because we're not talking about scifi shit but human behavior.
No? I was talking about the Amazo robots stealing powers.
Amazo doesn't steal powers, Amazo copies powers. He doesn't REMOVE them from the target.
That's not how Amazo works.
didn't they just turn out to be brainiac and his copis
The Light was just Brainiac dude, he bamboozled Waller.
These clearly steal powers anon, try and keep up.
Speech pattern sounds like Zur. Color bubble, too.

Is that a real thing or a joke? I seriously can't tell with the way DC is these days (no, I don't read Tom King's Wonder Woman and wouldn't even if I had a gun to my head).
Says who? These aren't old Amazo models, these are very clearly new ones specifically made to steal powers.
That's not how Amazo works though.
>These clearly steal powers anon, try and keep up.

And we're complaining it doesn't fucking make sense, try to keep up. You cannot cite historical precedent when they have never been able to do that in history.
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Is it really that hard to understand that these are new improved versions of the old Amazo?
I mean, they don't even look like buff elves.
>says who?
Past comics. If this comic wants to change how amazo works then they should be ready to explain how that changes happened and why they never happen sooner.
It doesn't. Make. SENSE.

You cannot remove "being a Martian" from a Martian without killing the Martian. Same for atlantean, kryptonian, fucking daxamite or whatever. You might as well remove "being a human" from a human and see what you end up with.
More robots. It's robots all the way down.
It sounds stupid enough to be real.
Is it really so hard for the comic to provide a legitimate reason of how they could change how amazo works?
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Your loss.
he's a double agent
I swear, this whole shit better not end with some stupid redemption shit for Waller or Waller saying something bigger is coming. All the lead ups to this story makes her incredibly unredeemable and frankly desires to be killed off.
These are new ones, that's how these Amazos work.
>it doesn't fucking make sense
It makes as much sense as the old Amazo copying powers, how did it recognize what was a "power" and what wasn't? Why didn't he copy J'onn's Martian skin? These are fictional sci-fi robots man, they can do pretty much whatever.
>Past comics.
Past comics with past versions of the Amazo robot, the old model, these are new ones that can't just copy powers, but also steal them.>>144337809
>You cannot remove "being a Martian" from a Martian without killing the Martian.
Clearly they can, now J'onn is stuck in his true form without powers, same with the rest.
If the old models could somehow detect and copy their powers, to me it makes sense that these new improved models can also steal them.
>You might as well remove "being a human" from a human and see what you end up with.
Humans have no powers silly, unless they're Metahumans too.
amazing amazo autist
I dunno, did we ever get an explanation to how the original Amazo worked? Or how the JL teleporter worked?
What it comes down to is that people are asking if inborn biological functions count as powers, such as if an atlantean suddenly wouldn't be able to breathe underwater (or conversely suddenly start choking on air) or if someone with giant wings on their back suddenly finds themselves crippled and unable to move them. That's where it starts becoming confusing, cause most people can get things like energy manipulation or super strength being considered unnatural abilities, but inborn biological functions that are arguably needed to live is where it gets confounding.
Waller has time travelers, sorcerers and supergeniuses whose work is indistinguishable from magic under her payroll. She's one of the world's foremost metahuman experts and is working with a cyborg Batman, another expert in metahuman neutralization. Is it that dar off to assume she has the resources to strip superheroes of any abilities that surpass base humanity?
>that's how these Amazos work.
How do they work then?
They have a million tires inside of them powering their every move.
they seem to power in a self efficient power dampener field.

also magic.
>did we ever get an explanation to how the original Amazo worked?
We never needed one but we do because the story has decided to change them.
Yes because now there's a plot hole of why no one else decided to do this?
That always has kinda been a confusing thing, but the way I personally see it, is that they use a regular non-meta human as a base, and then compare that to everything else.
Of course things like telepathy or gaining powers from a yellow sun or breathing underwater are natural to Martians, Kryptonians and Atlanteans, but not to Humans, so while those may not count as powers to their respective species, from a non-powered human perspective, they absolutely do count as powers.
But you understand why you can't just do that with implications alone.
Yes. Because, for starters, The Spectre is not just some supernatural entity.. He's literally a God. An actual God. Diana? She's the daughter of Zeus, another God.

Also, the biggest issue is that DC civilians have been being merc'd for eons by the likes of Luthor, Joker, Cheetah, etc, and they've always been cowards, but some fake footage that they believe to be real comes out and they want to mob any hero they see? Really?
Super bump
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>Somehow Amanda Waller turned off all the superpowers.
Unless you're thinking way too hard about it and also can't think of a way to make it sense in your head, I don't think there's a problem, most people can understand what someone means when they say "Martian Manhunter's super powers".
Obviously they're not exactly super to him, they're just as natural as us having the ability to smell, but to us, all the shit he can do definitely counts as super powers.
That makes sense, although they're really going to need an info-dump page at some point to explain that, especially since the original Amazo's thing was that he could scan the physiology and minds of other beings and then replicate them, hence why trying to copy too many at once was a historic hindrance to it. Without that, there's going to be a lot of questions with how these new ones work.
Waller has Trigon on her side though.
you guys are really overthinking this lol
Trigon is a demon. Powerful, yes, but still a demon. The Spectre is just a different class.

I imagine it'll be "See, our Amazos do just that, but also has the backing of the Bride of Brainiac so stuff lol".
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No she doesn't.
You're so fucking gay that Amazo would detect it as a super power and steal that from you.
This makes me angry for some reason.
Buddy can't catch a fucking break.
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Geez. Yes she does anon.
Have you not been reading Titans since November?
Great art, entertaining stories, that's all I ask for in capes.
He’s got a hot daughter though.
Would smash!
>meant to counter the rise of Batwank

Failsafe was never meant to counter batwank, quite the opposite. He's just the newest and most toxic layer of batwank because we're meant to believe Batman made him and can presumably just build infinite better versions of himself whenever he pleases (a notion that's totally absurd if Batman is meant to be anywhere near within human limits).
Wonder Woman and Mary Marvel have a bit of sameface on this page, but it's a very nice face
nah nigga hell no
Waller just needs a way to cut the host off from the Spectre.
I use "counter batwank" in the sense that he was meant to be the ultimate counter to Batman's plans within plans within plans, not that he's the counter to the idea of Preptime Batman beating anything. Cause he very much is the definition of the latter, a secret robot made by a hidden alternate personality that removed his memory of how to destroy it specifically to ensure nobody could stop it.
Fine we'll do this right here right now:
Is there a reason why Batman can't pump his own tires anon? What about Alfred? He's a a butler but do you think Butlers are incapable of pumping a tire?
Who was ever hang up on that?
Now, how does Amanda Waller interfere with several different species's biology? Did she just commit genocide on all water breathing humanoids? Did all psychic powers in the universe stop working? Is power ring jammer technology just really common now?
none of Taylor books are tieing into this event at all
I hate how we talk like these characters exist. They’re just drawings on paper. Also this art looks like shit. And so is the writing to match.
This is exactly what people mean when they say you can't write your way out of a paper bag.
How does this work besides just an implication? What leverage is this supposed to convey here? What reason am I supposed to believe Trigon is actually on Amanda Waller's side here?
The guys who are taking over the United Planets don't want the GLC calling on someone like Superman for help, and Waller doesn't want the heroes of Earth to call on alien friends to intervene. Mutual goals
All of this Shit started with the Knights Terrors shitshow where Everyone had nightmares about Heroes killing people.
Cute robo-waifu.
Waller gave him the Dark side of Raven that she had acquired (Dr Hate)
Plot Twist, Jon Learns that he is a Clone of the Real Jon Kent
There's a need for form in genre fiction.
Well now there's the problem that Amanda Waller could never acquire that over Trigon.
Oops I think you just correctly predicted the gameplan.
if superboy is superman's clone, jon's clone would be the supertoddler?
And now Trigon was imprisoned by that Raven, who is now ushering to summon a literal elder god in this event, and someone will die so Absolute power folds
People are hinting is Dick, seeing that there is no new nightwing comic
I am not gonna feel bad for them after how they were portrayed in their latest mini.
Good point.
So will Waller put in her own “Justice League” like Norman Osborn did with Dark Avengers?
Couldn't he or her daughter catch the power of a bug, a worm, an insect or a mole and just escape from the mob?
Alright, I'm done reading. I just fucking can't.
Lucille a qt
I could see them doing some shitty "Task Force Justice" bullshit going down
This just feels like torture porn
Literally gets away with touching the abs of her bosses’ husband right in front of her.
The rizz.
With Brainiac Queen in it too because she'll have a heel-face turn.
Isn't that what Task Force VII is? Or something along the lines of New52 Justice League of America?
I thought it was just her current suicide squad.
Wait a minute, when did Brainiac created a wife for himself? And why?
Oh fuck something about needing a Goddess to worship? It really didn't make a lot of sense from what I remember.
He had learned everything and there was a hole in his knowledge that was driving him insane and killing him. But she didn't really come across as a wife, more like a daughter to take over for him. Waid somehow misinterpreting a Williamson story.
Is that over 9000?
The few times I'm gonna defend this but to be fair how could Waller ever really know what BQ was to Brainy?
Then again how could she do any of this shit so we're right back to fuck this shitty event comic.
>we've barricaded the multiverse
>we've sealed away the timestream and the microverse
this is just silly
I think I miss Batkek.
You think Waid gave too much thinking into the ramifications of this story?
No, you don't. You'd hate him they moment DC started pushing him again.
>oh yeah we just put a "do not distrub" sign up on the door
This is retarded.
Waid sold his soul for this retarded shit…
This is too dumb even by current DC standards.
It's such a shame this will just get paved over as something Ollie was forced to do because having to deal with the ramifications of saying this would've been great.
That's fucking Ultron.
Pride Month is over faggot, time to die.
I saw where they're a 12 year old boy who was growing and learning lessons on ehat it means to be superman to an aged man who is suddenly bisexual and having a boyfriend while people claimed he is the cure for the future. Shit tragic
Waid never had integrity anon, his feud with Didio was entirely personal about not getting Superman.
Why do you think people rebel?
Turn him straight Waller!
Die faggot, die.
Like Ollie has no way of claiming moral superiority ever again with this, when push comes to shove he turns up being the first to turn inti jackboot thug.
Is this DC's Secret Empire?
I've always been confused how a robot "takes" super-power, like it's an accessory they can grab. What's to stop tech heroes from just rebuilding or recharging? Why do magic users forget magic?
Somehow even dumber.
How do comic editorials can even feasibly set up things like this, getting ALL of the writers to unanimously NOT fuck up each other and actually work together to get an event done let alone set things up in the first place.
Heroes in Crisis alone derailed several books in the making, Doomsday Clock was followed then ignored....
>make a bunch of backdoor deals with greater evil powers

So, does Waller even imagine that bad guys might not keep their word? If any decide to double cross, what's her backup plan?
the amazos i guess

I wish that's how this stories actually turn out, highlight how superheroes are the only thing stopping these setting from being cosmic horror stories.
It wasn't built up, it was a bunch of very bad writers writing very bad stories each on their own, before Mark Waid unleashed his autism, took all those separate bad stories and combined them into one massive bad story.
I mean, just telling writers to have their “the heroes public reputation is soured, so Waller takes advantage” is pretty basic.
You could apply it to any superhero story that has public damage.
Pretty simple.
Editorial used to do their job in getting all this shit to coordinate properly. Then somewhere along the way, they threw up their hands, gave up, and just play corporate tiddliewinks with creators to ensure their particular fan interpretations of characters aren't stepped on over everything else

There is none, that's the point. It's obvious the moment the capes actually bypass all her plot armor that she is fucked beyond belief
You have shit taste
It doesn't even have to make sense like in Beast World or Knoght Terrors.
In this particular case, the idea of Waller fighting the entire superhero community was set up at the start of the Dawn of DC initiative.
Heroes in Crisis more or less derailed the entire Rebirth initiative and Doomsday Clock's delays probably led to Didio or whoever deciding on another way to end it.
Is autism a superpower for Waid?
>Waller has time travelers, sorcerers and supergeniuses whose work is indistinguishable from magic under her payroll
what does she even pay them with? what would a million dollars do for a time traveler from a future where money probably doesn't exist, or worse, inflated to high hell
Joey, you son of bitch you fucking did it!
Here's to Joey the guy who shot Superman!
I think in this particular case it's just the comic book part of DC decided to get an early start of synergize with Gunn's DC by assuming she'll be a primary antagonist in it.
I am still trying to figure out how she convinced the United Planets to do anything about it.
Just pay off Chronos and Abra Kadabra, both time travelers.
No big deal.
>Space UN
>Being useless and corrupt
Why I am not surprised?
If they're useless than they shouldn't even be able to manage the green lanterns enough to keep them away from Earth.
Yeah, that too.
Remember when they brought in The Light from Young Justice and then went "it's just Brainiac, lol".
Waid's been at Marvel too long.
Or blatant Morrison hatred
You Decide.
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Worst thing is that you know that the moment any of the heroes outright expresses their weariness for being blamed for the woes of the world despite doing everything they can to help for free, they'll be dog-piled and called cowards, and the moment they're gone nobody will so much as reflect where they went wrong in treating the people who sacrificed so much of themselves to keep the weak and powerless safe from the sociopaths.
Oh yeah DC comics is in a great place right now. I can't wait to hear fucking Waid bitch about all of this 2 years from now, about how he was FORCED I TELLS YA FORCED to bring this train wreck into station.
This read like something from Marvel.
I guess he has his mother’s eyes now
Is anyone else actually tired of this same old
>Heroes gone evil, they're bad now!
>Heroes must fight other heroes!
shit that has been almost the only story anyone wants to tell for the last ten or so years?
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list of variant covers
Absolute Power #1 Cover B Jim Lee Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover C Stephen Bliss Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover D Puppeteer Lee Versus Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover E Chris Samnee Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover F Chrissie Zullo Uminga Sandbox Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover G Dan Mora Resistance Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover H John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover I Wes Craig Raised UV Foil Variant
Absolute Power #1 Cover J Daniel Sampere Variant
What is "Glamp"?
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Absolute Power #2
Absolute Power #2 Cover B Stephen Bliss Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover C Lucio Parrillo Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover D Tyler Kirkham Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover E Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover F Simone Di Meo Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover G John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover H Ben Oliver Raised UV Foil Variant
Absolute Power #2 Cover I Salvador Larroca Retailer Appreciation Card Stock Variant
THE BLOCKBUSTER EVENT LED BY SUPERSTARS MARK WAID AND DAN MORA CONTINUES! SIEGE OF THE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE! In the aftermath of Amanda Waller's total victory, the metahumans of the DC universe have been depowered, scattered to the wind, and are reeling from critical defeat across the planet. But the resistance lives on. Any heroes not rounded up by the TRINITY OF EVIL have rendezvoused at Superman's Fortress of Solitude… but even this sanctuary of peace and hope is not safe from Waller's blitzkrieg. The precog known as Dreamer has pointed Waller's weapons to the frozen tundra where our heroes lick their wounds… and the shocker general leading Waller's charge to raze the fortress to the ground will leave you breathless. It's underdog versus complete global domination in this epic second installment of the ABSOLUTE POWER saga!
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>they have absolute power
And as we all know, at the end of this arc, Waller is just going to go right back to the same old status quo of being the edgy government agent person in charge of shit the heroes don't like much but also do nothing about.
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Absolute Power #3
Absolute Power #3 Cover B Ivan Talavera Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover C Carla Cohen Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover D Mike Deodato Jr. Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover E Stephen Bliss Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover F Marc Aspinall Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover G Mikel Janín Card Stock VariantCover G Mikel Janín Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover H John Timms Connecting Card Stock Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover I Trevor Hairsine Raised UV Foil Variant
Absolute Power #3 Cover J Mark Spears Power Participation Card Stock Variant
THE LAST STAND OF PARADISE ISLAND! Our heroes are on the run following the Trinity of Evil's devastating attack on the fortress of Solitude! With Superman's headquarters in ruin and the super-powers on Planet Earth in the clutches of Amanda Waller, Failsafe, and the Brainiac Queen… is this the end of the line? No way — the resistance lives on! Using fortress technology cobbled together by Mr. Terrific and Air Wave, Earth's last hope have retreated to Themyscira, home to Wonder Woman and famously suspicious of outsiders. Can Superman, Batman, and the rest of the depowered heroes strike an alliance with these elite Amazonian fighters? All this, and a mad mayday from Barry Allen as DC's war for Absolute Power rages on!
doesn't matter, Damien already grew up, if a "real Jon" comes back, he'll be too young for the Supersons or already grown up as well, so nothing changes (except being straight (again), probably).
And there's just no catharsis for the readers, the same mob that beats up Animal Man will always be the same mob that cheers for Animal Man when he saves their lives.
so what stopping Stargirl and Allan from recharging, and Hawkman from I don't know...another Nth metal belt or something? This power stealing thing is dumb.
Mary Shazam's thighs are the star of this show
>We built a robot that overpowers the most powerful being and the second most powerful being in the multiverse.

Maybe Earth doesn't need superheroes then? Seems like those guys could roll over everything including a full on Apokolips invasion in minutes now.
A crossover writer that has no idea how anyone's powers work outside of Superman and maybe Flash. As usual...
That's one of the big downside to these "anti-super" types of plots. The citizens look less like they're fearful of their lives and more like they're sociopathic bullies who were just waiting for their chance to kill superheroes because they presume those guys won't fight back unlike sick fucks like The Joker or Metallo. Makes you wonder if the whole world isn't worth giving up on.
Doesn't seem very Ollie-ish to go join in with a secret government agency that takes the law into it's own hands and decides to hurt people preemptively.
But martians don't have superpowers, they are just evolved to be like that. How does one steal certain traits and leave others?
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>just a few years ago, like 2016ish
Missed opportunity to not have power armored or robotic characters like Steel and Red Tornado step up
Every DC event is so JLA centric
It puts a damper in the idea that superheroes are inspiring people too.
Same would go for Superman their alien physiology is what gives them powers.
I'm just chalking it to Brainiac has extensive files on alien species
The only way I can rationalize it is if there's a base standard to work off of, like if you're capable of more than what some soldier can do then zap, gone. How the fuck they do that just via some wobbly waves and not some syringe or something is beyond me.
He's being forced by having the lives of his friends and family threatened but still not a good look because readers are gonna see Ollie being a fascist first and foremost.
From now on, Joey will be known as "Bloodsport III".
Blackmailed or not, the level of vindictiveness and petty obsession with how metahumans have "failed" definitely suggests the hatred for them is real.
>Piece of tech can nullify every superpowers, even magic from gods
Hate this type of shit. Didn't like it in that one Avengers book, never will here.
What leaks?
No it's gonna be a classic double agent twist where it's revealed that ollie had to act that way to let Bruce know how out of character he was.
Doesn't wash off the innocent blood that is already on his hand in the slightest but it does give him an out for that mean shit he said which is exactly waid is hoping you fall for.
Don't worry, I'm fully prepared for it to be "He had to just ACT like a fascist prick because Waller had blackmail material on him" to be how they get around all the bullshit. I'm just saying that if this WERE a legitimately evil turn from Wally, him speaking like a mindbroken twitter addict is precisely how I'd expect him to act. Especially that "Right Side Of History" bullshit, cause not a single person I've seen say that shit with any degree of sincerity wasn't an incomparably egotistical prick, which Ollie absolutely can be when it comes to his political pet peeves.
We’ve already seen this in the Green Arrow ongoing.
Ollie play along with Waller so he can get close enough to cuck her plans
Not sure if this was addressed in other books but what the fuck is going on with supervillains during this? Are they also being drained or is it just free lunch for them all with all the supes being targeted and the fake news sowing citizen distrust?
Don't fucking remind me of that. Fuck Bendis.
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Why does this feels, reads and looks like a forgettable "things will NEVER be the same" kind Marvel event?
"The powers are gone forever, no backsies" seems like they've already lost. Yeah we know they're going to find some way to undo it, but Ollie doesn't.
Considering there's zero build-up to all of this shit in the event proper and requires what amounts to 'homework' to understand the stakes and preparation involved, it follows the typical Marvel event formula super well.
That's how Amazo has always worked; he just copies specific abilities.
After Dark Crisis.
Waller told the villains they’d get their record cleared of everything, if they killed the superheroes she order them to.

Not many villains bought it. (Due to Waller’s reputation). So they knew some serious shit was about to go down due to Waller. So a lot of them are laying low right now.

That was the supervillains. The Arkham Gotham villains, however, just got taken down a notch by Failsafe. Who made them his bitch.
To think if only Brainiac had got his waifu all of this could have been avoided.
>barely escaped an angry mob
Ollie has no choice because Waller has head bombs in Emiko, Mia, Red Canary and Arrowette right now.
Plus Waller has Roy somewhere trapped, that Ollie is trying to find where.

From Waller’s POV, Ollie is being blackmailed to do her bidding.
From Ollie’s POV, he thinks he has a Xanatos Gambit worked out to defeat her.
Maybe it was one of those BLM city-tier mobs?
>>zero build up
The homework is the build up. We’ve been seeing Waller’s plans in comics for over a year now.
It’s just that anons like you don’t read comics.
But he doesn't shut them off.
>she's not PLAYING chess!
Goddamn I am laughing
Congratulations for repeating what I just said, retard
>world's fastest man can barely escape a mob
>a hero so beloved that he has his own museum dedicated him gets 0 benefit of the doubt when he's not even doing anything hostile
This event is so stupid. I wonder how much of it is Waid and how much of it is Kaminski/Javins.
Nope, the big contenders of who are going to save the day are pretty much EVERYONE Waller made deals with. They're fucking supervillains and she's just some cunt sitting at a desk. Her Amazos can't stop an invasion from Hell, Apocalypse, Warworld, or The United Planets' Green Lantern Corps.
>I'm not going to read comics to stay up to date with character development
>why is Spider-Man stuck in arrested development

The duality of /co/mrade

Seriously though, just answer questions if people are engaging honestly.
Seeing ain't beliving, sight up is not the same as setup.
For the longest time, people assumed she's Earth-3's Waller, because that where she got dumped off during one of the previous events.
nigga really thought he could be clever when he lacks reading comprehension
>I'm not going to read comics to stay up to date with character development
>why is Spider-Man stuck in arrested development
You know, considering any of Spider-Man's gains and steps forward have been rather thoroughly negated since OMD due to authorial backtracking on shit like Parker Industries, the funny thing is that you really DON'T need to have read a Spider-Man comic since to know he's STILL stuck in arrested development, so that's a rather odd example to choose
Nobody assumed that because nobody read the earth-3 material.
>The entire event is about how a government official made deals with the most evil characters in existence to defame and kill all the Earth's Superheroes because she wants total control of the planet
>"uh... nope. Must be about how suppaheroz is bad"
>Help her up and carry her disoriented body to my place.
>Let her sleep on my bed as I sleep on the couch
>Deal with her freak out when she wakes up.
>Ask her if she's ok.
>"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this." as I hand her a bowl of eggs.
>Ask if she needs a ride home.
>Tell her to take care.
I’m surprise /co/ isn’t complaining this is woke because it has a black female villain Mary Sue.
She's the villain, that's the opposite of woke.
Waidfag, Mark Waid cant write heroes anymore without painting them as le bad, he is literally ennis by now.
How funny would it be if Waid's final legacy is killing DC?
Considering she's loyal to the US government and thus effectively the twitter equivalent of a Republican, she's pretty much the opposite of woke
Diana looking extra pretty here
I Hope so by now
They already are. In the Batman tie-in, Failsafe literally has to yell at Amazo-Woman to stop what she's doing because she's going off script. The Amazos are going to fall apart because Failsafe is the stupid "What if Batman wasn't weighted down by friendship and teamwork and killed his villains?!" version of Batman. They're all going to disagree on something and either tear each other apart or not work as a team when fucking Warworld shows up to wipe out Earth.
Lmao all these comic writers got rammed up the ahole for a little money and opportunities to write in some shit industry controlled by fags

Hope it was worth it. Now they can’t leave their cult without dying. What a sad life to live.
Man, remember the days when the Avengers assumed that the JLA were evil mind-controlling dictators because everyone in the DCU was so nice to them when they saved the day?

DC doesn't need to have these insanely cynical civvies like Marvel does.
Batman who KEKs will return from the Fortnite dimension and save everyone
He looks like the type to leave a poo stain on the seat when he gets up.
Bitch anon
That Avengers/JLA crossover was before Identity Crisis.
So much has changed in the DCU since then.
Thanks to shit like Identity Crisis.
DC has been trying to chase the whole "warts and all; this is what it would be like in the REAL world", when it's greatest strength has been the comics where you can truly hope and be happy because the day IS saved in the end.
>seeing that there is no new nightwing comic
Taylor's run is ending, not the whole book. They haven't announced the new creative team yet, is all.
then kill yourself
Calling it, the Amazos will start absorbing each others' powers Highlander-style in a bid for power
You a fictional character by her preferred pronouns. Don't apologize.
They already announced that a Titan will die in this event.
No that's in the Titans book and it's probably Wally from the looks of it since Issue #1 began with a dying Wally from the future travelling back in time to the present
>Crooks try to do a crime, Superman stops them
>Superman acts like a entitled merciful space god #89
>Superman jobs because he always underestimates normal people/puny humans as a plot device
Psychological programming.
Mercy = Bad

Let’s breed a generation of psychopaths to collapse America.
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Would you plead mercy for Hitler then? Be honest now anon
Reminds me of when the Human Torch was attacked in Civil War.

that shit is so fucking stupid it hurts
Yes, but I bet Waid pulled out Buddy for this because he thinks he's an example of a lame, harmless hero.

Which gets me thinking; Waller hasn't fucked with the Green, Red, or Grey (or any of the actual metaphysical/comic forces.) They might not be able to do anything to Failsafe, but they could definitely wreck her. She's a living being; trying to subjugate any one of them would automatically lead to her death.
I think the biggest problem with Waller is that she's a self righteous cunt that epitomizes the idea of 'causing more problems than you solve' while being almost robotically incapable of even the most basic introspection or self awareness.

Is she autistic or something?
So this means it's good and interesting.
Sadly no.

Waller is protected by James Gunn who is giving her a tv show. So she is protected.

At most, she’ll be on the run as a fugitive for a year or two before getting her old job back.
Oh boy, what kind of gimmick will they give Jon now? He went from being gay, to being blue electric and now what? He'll be a cyborg? Really wish they'd just kill him off or something.
Are you retarded?
Not getting my hopes up, but this would absolutely be the perfect time to kill him off/replace him with the Jon that people actually liked, just saying.
How long did the Blue Electric thing even last
Felt like it only appeared in Lazarus Planet and then it was gone
Amanda's suddenly my favorite character.
>New event
>Spectre jobs in issue #1 to prop up the villains

Some things never change
So we have to assume ALL media reporting was hacked similar to the Daily Planet.
So what are the news outlets of the world going to do? They know all that shit was deepfake.
Surely they’ll try to reach the public with the truth…right? Right?
You job everyday too though.
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The Day of Vengeance series was the last time he didn't job.
Spectre hasn't kicked ass in nearly 20 years.
>b-but marvel civilians....
Mercy loses its meaning when your being looked down on by a invincible alien Demi-God that can crush black holes with his bare hands. Unless your admitting lazy written Supes is just Jesus with tights. Also Superman acts and presumes he can't be killed by anything short of a omega beam from normal people, that's high end arrogance since his greatest enemy is a human.
You sound like a coward afraid of people stronger than him.
Just realized I never finished Gotham War, should I catch up on Zdarsky Bats before I read this?
Nah I like the people stronger than him and kicking his ass. Like Lobo.
No. Gotham War sucks immensely.
Oh I get, shitposting but what for?
Perhaps something in the news that your overlords told you to try and distract from?
Lol look at this nigga writing a whole damn paragraph about a cartoon. Touch grass faggot.
Was Failsafe always like seven feet tall?
After that it's just Batman beating up Zurr-Failsafe but not actually defeating him.
Not worth a read since it's just shit.
Man that shit is weird. Adams had the kids at elementary school during his run but then they got pushed to early teens as soon as Spurrier started.
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Would you glamp Animal Girl?
AIfag got triggered
You mentioned the Name of The Beast
>Waller's bots take away the power of literally Judeo-Christian God
The fuck?
Gg t.supecels
And with that, DC has lost 1/3 of its readers
She only fucks with hapa boys and other girls.
>female Brainiac
>only good for lies and fake news
Isnt this kinda very mysogenic?
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>considering the dude's not only a superhero but a bleeding-hearted vegan.
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Does Amazo actually steal powers? I thought he just copied them and could basically be a one-man Justice League.
No, Waller has never been a good person, she's just been morally gray verging on black. Her turning on superheroes isn't as big an about face as Steve Rogers joining HYDRA.
I think Amazo is copying Parasite to actually steal powers from people
Amazo doesn't steal anything.
Nah, you're right, this feels pretty hamfisted to have a depowered event. Kinda feels redundant considering the stakes and threat were already pretty high.
yeah he's white
it's just borrowing
Im fucking SICK of Dan Mora hes fucking everywhere now, who did he fuck at DC???
Mora's art is awesome why do you care?
Good or not seeing his art everywhere now gets boring variety is good, hes like Larraz at Marvel, and also his art really is not awesome, just good
If you can turn off regular abilities that by no means are super, like Atlanteans default endurance and strenght, wouldnt you be able to take Batman skills such as intellect, acrobatics and strenght from him too? This is incredibly stupid.
Why is Waller able to do this but not brainiac himself or lex luthor or several other universal threats?
Whats Waller plan the next time Darkseid invades? "oh they just sealed the multiverse and microverse" if you can seal stuff outside Earth why the JL never did? Would literally stop most of the invasions and threats
>Waller has never been a good person, she's just been morally gray verging on black.
That's racist.
Thats not a real problem. They never achieved her undercover and autistic hate for superpowers or afraid for the world.
The problem here is how Amazo-bots work and can steal and shut down powers and how to decide what is a superpower, let aloke all,the magic stuff?
How she could get so much power with a demon and space UN?
What is with the villians?
After so much fake news, impersonaters or Luther-esque blame Superman schemes, let alone the sudden sensory overkill of news why do they believe the fake news?
Why do the citizins suddenly stand up against superpowers while they saw that the heroes ditched the no-killing rule?
For Atlanteans, you just have to dehydrate them.
A Titan is not dying. The death is gonna be Trigon.
How much of Animal Man is even canon any more? Last I read of him was back in the goddamn Nu52 run? At the very least, him turning into a crazy chimera and running a free love cult across the US culminating in an orgy in the capital(?) probably isn't canon.
Anything can happen if it's necessary for the plot
>cute teen girl
>likes glamping with old men
I will now read your book.
>hes fucking everywhere now
>doing art for 2/50 of dc's books
stop being a whiny bitch

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